4atvite m b x- -aa- 2 auiis hfe wad of waste with wmchp tfre pm byron norton bad toeea ptjusli tfieserh tag the ijrasfpnttiiinbcr three puinper was stained and blacky antfery vrjr esmeilli73hethrw it stridgnt iutojaines magees facet james wiped the dlrtahdlccikea the wad of waste oat of the way hehlritl jilni he did iot speak k thifother b was contemptuous you jmow what youare7 wantme to tell you yfeli youre yellow a dirty yellow dog he laughed unpleasafltly- fl youre not youll pome out behind the engine house and settle tins thing once and for all by now was arriving at james busy n the opposite aide of ypie engine smiled theres nothing to iettle is there we cant fight about nothing- like a plr of kids rr a moment byron stared at the other bayhls lips curling his eyes slightly jihying- trali ypul get hurt so you cant go to prayer meeting jtamesjhd not reply j youd better run along home tp your mother the tall young fireman on the other side of the pumper glanced up sharply i well leave my mother out of this he said coldly von allrlght byron norton turn ed away with a gesture of disgust tit x were your mother rd be ashamed of it too- a3 the other man walked away james burned hotly as he felt the cold glances of the other fireman working around him when die looked up he found captain dunnigan regarding him quiz- grtcally- z v come up to my office said the cap- lain and james followed the man up ithe stairway silently they went into the little room and captain rmnnlgan closed the door now what is it he asked what do you mean countered james j you know this trouble between you iihd norton it isnt my way to inter- fere between the men here at number three butthls is hanging oh too long its causing too much talk whats the matter james shook his head i dont know norton doesnt seem to like me no reiison so far as i can see i heard- something about a fight captain dunnlgans hard eyes demand ed an answer he wants me to fight him i re- jfused- jraia r no sir but there was notning to light about no captain dunnlgans half smile was sardonic there seems to be a difference of opinion and a difference of opinion in number three engine i house is sufficient grounds for a fight thats the way we settle things here p ycud better fight him no sir i cant do that then im sorry but i think i shall 3iavt to ask to have you transferred or discharged here at number three v we can respect a man who takes a heating but we cant respect a coward tin hot a coward declared james his eyes flashed angrily and i wpuldnt take a beating 1 was on the boring team in highschool i could jeat norton captain dunhigan opened his mouth to reply but the answer was cut short tythe clang of a gong in the outer room instantly both men were but of the door and sliding down the poles a moment later clinging to the steps of the pumper they were on their way to the fire siren screeching bell clang ing the pumper roared down the street followed closely by the slowermoving hookanaladder truck james however was only half con scious of all this his mind while he drew on his rubber coat and boots and- ills heavy leather helmet was busy he was thinking of byron norton who now on the high drivers seat was piloting the racing truck through traffic their relations since the day two months be- fore when he had become a member of the fire department and had been as- signed to number three engine houset the toughest crew in town had not been very harmonious the differences had started the first night james had spent in the dormitory- byron coming upstairs late had dis covered james kneeling beside his bed whats the matter the older man had demanded lost a collar button or some thing i was praying james had answered rising and arranging his trousers over the tops of the boots which stood ready hefide the foot of his bed byron had hooted with decision and the others in the dormitory aroused by the uproar had joined in the laugh ter roughly goodhumored and chaf- fine james had said nothing at tho time he was sure that later the men v vfotikrcome to accept hls custoiris and that he would be allowed to do as he leav he had been partly rignt bat for byron nortons delight in starting something as he had today the mat ter would have been dropped s young norton had fstarted some- thing so often that james had begun to feel certain contempt- in the whole platoons attitude toward him he won dered if it might not be better to resign from the department to give it up he blt his up no he could not run away y iirey partment huildlng f rom the windows- of which smpka was pouring end for a little while james was busy as the youngest nozzleroan of number three company he was assigned jto play his stream- on- thf joof of anj adjoining building to teep sparks from igniting the niflahunahleinaterli others el abie company wjr sent inside lie build ing more companies already- on the ground or arriving one after another- were ijburmgwater through the windows james in his small role had plenty to do and little time- for thinking the work became mechanical how ever- as he became accustomed to it and he had mpre time to watch the progress of the efforts of the depart ment from his point of vantage he cctld see everything he rather pitied those ordinary citizens who had to re main beyond the fire lines stretched by the police suddenly as he was looking up r at the burning building he saw a daiiifigure appear- in a window sharp ly outlined ihthe glare 6tthe roving searchlight beam liopkl he cried to captain dunnlgan who was near him theres some one up there fifth floor near the comer the window was dark now and thpy waited tor a momentaintil the white beamf light swung back its norton the captain said quietly he barked an order and a half dozen members of his platoon leaped tojift the safety net from- the side of the hookandladder in a moment tfieyhad spread it and were holding its- ci rim captain raised his megaphone and shouted jump he cried jump the dark figure inthe window far above did not move it was a long jump a dangerous jump in the semi- darkness but not impossible the fire men were accustomed to such jumps and the white canvas of the safety net would stand out a white disc against the black pavement a clear distinct target the firemen formipg the circle around the net hotting it stood with faces upturned watching and waiting for it might be necessary for them to move slightly to one side or the other to catch the body hurtling down through space they wereon the alert but the man did not jump the searchlight had tiies its beam upon the window and it wps plain that byron norton still was there he moved oddly as though try ing to signal come on jump cap- tain uunmgan roared tnrougn rfls trumpet quick faintly little more than a whisper in the steady throbbing roar of the engines and the hiss of water upon the fire came a small answering cry drifting feebly down i cant the cry was agonized it struck terror into its hear ers in the centre of the spot of light nortons face was small and pale al most ghastly a cloud of thick smoke rolled from ths window and blotted out the white face the firemen looked at one an other for an indecisive moment cap tain dunnlgans face seemed strangely drawn and wan something pretty wrong thetcaptaih kept muttering norton must be hurt assistant chief came up man from the steps the stairway was on flrev it was- impossible to go- farther there must be another stairway perhaps at the rear again he was cut off a solid wall of flame cut the hattway in halves the heat was unbearable his dripping clothing waasteammg the er nortorrvmly mumbled- his answer yas posed portions of his face and neck and wrists raw and blistering james ran to the window and looked out it was dark on that side above the alley but above him against he paie sky he could see the dim outline of a ladder of coursefthere would be such a ladder leading oyer the side of the roof he measured the distance to the lowest rung he- could just reach umpl from tho w bill if he missed it was four stories down to the pavemeioj fie did not sjiojij to debate the queshonthe was afraid des perately afraid that if he hesitated his resolution would fail hhn ecumbedout on the sill and jump- norton had left the roomi thathe was in the rlght place he knew by- thefact that the searchlight beam did not waver from its mark walking across the room he saw norton crouching under a table burt asked james incoherent cpme on aeve got to get out df this methodically janes began to look for something to which he could fasten the ropes end there was a- steam pipe yvhi would serve the pur- pqpe- byrdhhad not moved coming james aked again n aw book far undrtha tabie james leaned down to helpriilra i got a rope he explained- tvell go dowiithe outside t dont touch me itellyou pht touch me the other boy screamed iieb mealone his joice hoarse with jthe ed intothe air 1there was- a long pas- smoke broke in a staill ahriek two men faced each -other- in the smoke- fiued dimlylighted room norton rushedjp as though to over power him with sheer force- of weight the younger boy taking the blows oh bis arms and feeling slow and uwkward in the heavy clothing moved away feinted advanced retreated again nortons fists threshed out- wildly come on challenged james come on norton came and janiesgot- in his first blow a short right which landed under nortons ribs he heard the little breathless grunt that followed alt most at theraajsie instant norton jot past the others lowered guard and hi3 ktg fig wkhv sage- of time7perhaps a tentbkf a secpndthen his fjngers- clutched the lr lie drew tinnself upivhand over hand por a moment he rested he felt wealp and sick then laboriously he made his way- to the wlndow above and half climbed half fell inside dawn the hall he ran toward thedoor he guessed must lead into the- room in which byron norton had last been seen there was fire ahead of him the wails even the floor glowed red and the door still was ten fefet away a door framed in yellow flames james drew back there was only one chance he took it at d run he gatheredspeed and leaped through the fire hurling his body hard against thelin james stomach door something cracked jand gave way he crashed through the splintered panels of the flimsy door and sprawled on the floor he regained his reet the room was light and the smoke was not so dense but that he could make out his surroundings the searchlight from the street below cast an odd ghojaoy light over the interior for a moment he thought that byron but byron its me jimmy magee twnt you undcrstahd no matter whats happened its all jdgrit nowv go away dohttouch pap i know what yiu- want you want to push me in the fire but you cant you cant james was puzzled had norton suf fered a blow on the head that had put hjm out of his mind or was theman crazy there was ho time for wonder ing qulcklyand without warning james overturned the table byron arose to his feet his back against the wall while james unwinding a length of rope from his waist advanced byron waited and was encouraged a3 he drew close the others right fist shot out and landed a staggering blow normally unpre pared as boy was such a blow would have been damaging but the rope colls brokeits force he backed away and byron followed fists and feet moving unexpectedly james found himself involved in azbox- ing match but a boxing match such as he had never dreameduf umghj- less participated in without gloves clad in heavy coats and boots and helmets te lcotlapsed v james felt himself slipping his senses reeled the room whirled giddily before him anji his opponent seemed to be turning pver andpyfi bewilderlngly he tooka grip tm hlrnself and kept his feet to go down now meant cer tain death both of them would be burned- he struggled against the diz ziness and jiausea which threatened to xtyercome lilin- iiwardly silently h6 prayed again he move into the attack his left list shot out norton caught it on his shoulder bufcyenas flesh thudded against flesh james right followed his liift in the simple ohetwohehad leam- eln his high school boxing class nor ton staggered and slumped to the floor- james was beside him fastening the end of the rope under nortons shouldersr time was short now woefully short but it was only a moments work to get nor ton to the window and to loop the rope around- the steam pipe slowly he a the uncoifscious man paying- out the rope hand over hand at last there was a slackening and then a jerk the men below were carrying byron norton to ah ambulance he was safe a- moment later james slid toward the ground he fell the last ten feet but eager hands dragged him to safety as the rope fell about him foupweii by a shower of bricks the building had wheres byron he gasped and some qhe pointed to a police am bulancenear the fire lines r oyer there hesnot hurt much walking a little unsteadily james hurried to tho black automobile- an am bulance surgeon ln a white suit was standing over tjnrtn opj vijn asked the boy hes all right now byron norton raised himself on one elbow and- grinned- a little sheepishly he turned to the doctor id like to talk to jimmy alone he said and the doctor went away whehthey were aloriet lookedat james for a longmoment without speak i ingr you wont tell anybody he begr h4r thanks nortons eyes filled with tears i guess he saidr got tho marks to prov it too havent i say that must have been- some punch you gave me he attempted to laugh ryou know he added i thought you might amount to something it you got over tliaetprayer busineaj james smiled there was agrayei in that straight right hedechireil james shobk his head f aever live it down bryan went oru i mean the fact that i was so scared i was crazy s that was all theie was t9l ybii seetjlmmy ho hesitated uncertainly i was tryihgvto putup a big wuffbut ive hadmyap -plication- in for along time to- be trans ferred- to the alarm-telegraph- -depart- ment row i wont say anything promised the boy the otbers you were hurt excellent for croupy children when a child is suffering with croup it- is a good plan to use dr thomas ecleotrlo oilriireduces the- inflammation and loosens the phlegm giving speedy relief to the- little sufferer it is equally reli able- for sore throat- anclchest earache rheumatic riains puts bruises- and sprains- r thomas eeteotrlc oil is regarded by many thousands as an in dispensable of the family rneaiblno chest charitable j- wife at desk- ive beenaskedlrfor a reference ipr our last maid ive said she- is lazy unpunqtual- andimpertihent now can 1 add ansrthlng invher favor husbandyou might say that she got a good appetite and sleeps wu j cades ky optometrist will visit acton on monday february 1 anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vision o headache should not miss the opportuntty-rbf- consultlng this eyesight specialist appolntpientsjnay ie made with mr a t brown drujjglst constrpration free office doom 9 a m tin 4 pi m trapped up there he questioned cuft ly bettor get him out detail some body to go in for him f captain dunnlgan shook his head and lode two men instead of one cant risk it you mean youll let that man die up there alone alone exccalnred captain dunnl gan isnt that better than to let him die with somebody else you send a man hp there if you want to but i wouldnt be responsible james standing close by saw the in flexible determination of his captain the indecision of the assistant thief whom he did net know his mind was made up hurriedly as though half afraid that he might change his mind he turn ed his nozzle over to somebody eue and prese himse to the captain ill gp he volunteered give me a rope about a hundred and fifty feet and dpuss me with water a minute later the boy was ready to art his clothing underneath his rub ber coat wis soaked and dripping with water the long rope was coiled about his waist captain dunnigan wrung his hand good luck he said and his voice wasthusky v do your best but dont take too much risk i want you to com i back james looked up the bare side of the buidlng the searchlight still played- back and forth but as the breeze carried away the smoke for a moment he saw that the face at the window had disap peared without another word he ran inside and found the stairway for tha elevator had of cpurse long since ceas ed to run two steps at a time he rari up into the smoke which floated down-to- meet him a wet handkerchief filtered the air so that he wa3 able to breathe at the third floor the smoke was so ithick that he had totecthis way through ue hall and cling to the ban ister to avoid becoming lost again he ascended at the fourth toor tile smoke was tinged with red and as he started up the next flight of stairs scartet and yellow tongues of flame licked out new issue 25000000 vince 5 and 6 debentures 5000000 s20000000 noncallable 6 issue dated february 1 19 5a issue dated february 1 1932 due february 1 1935 due february 1 1947 principal arid halfyearly interest february 1 and august 1 payable in lawful money of canada at the office of the provincial treasurer in the city of toronto or in the cities of montreal ottawa winnipeg vancouver halifajtor saint john nb at the holders option debentures of the 1935 rhafurity will be payable at the principal office of the bank of nova scotia in each of the abovementioned cities and will be issued in the denomination of 1000 and debentures of the 1947 maturity will be payableat the princjpalpffjcepf the bank of montreal in the abovementioned cities and will be issued in denom- inations of 1000 and 500 provision will be made for registration as to principal legal opinion e g long kc toronto these debentures are direct obligations of the province of ontario and are payable principal andinterest out of the consolidated revenue fund of the province the proceeds of this issue will be applied in the funding of temporary borrowings for hydroelectric power development arid transmission highways construction and other purposes the province of ontario is the wealthiest and most populous province in the dominion of canada abundance of water powers excellent railroad and highway transportation facilities and a plentiful supply of- raw materials havefostereda steady expansion both industrially and commercially ontario leads in mineral production arid in the volume of manufactured- products it ranks firsfin value of field crops and second in the value of forest products -x- -v- we offer these debentures it as arid vyhen issued and accepted by us and subject to approval of counsel it is expected that debentures ijn interim form will be ready for delivery about february 11932 price j for the 1935 maturity ioo and accrued interest to yield 6o0 1 for the 1947 maturity 96 and accrued interest to yield 590 banji of montreal a e ames co limited wood gundy company limited the bank of nova scotia dominiqn securities corporation limited mcleod young weir co limited the canadian bank of commerce ifry mills spence co limited bell gouinlock co limited the itoyul bank of canada imperial bank of canada ilie bank of toronto ris dominion bank hanson bros incorporated cuehrun murray c limited gauuiiier- company limited rttylsexhritiesjcorporation limited r a daly co limited harris forbes company limited the national city company limied matthews company f w kerr co drury co nesbitt thomson company limited w cjpitfield company dynient anderson company r c ii burgess co limited flemming denton co w l mckinnon co j l graham company midland securities corporation limited aird macleod company w a mackenzie co limited v c hughson and sons limited griflis fatfclough norsworthy limited stewart scully company limited milner ross securities corporation macrae hi company ii k bain company ltd greene robertson k f maclaren and gpmpanyjmited brouse mitchell company saith co limited d j mcdouguld co ii c monk company jl l goad co limited maclaren fletelier company mnlwrv 71 h7 m statements herein have heen exceote4 by us as accurate but are in no event to be construed as representalioni by ua l