1 he yagton pree frbss trdbsday january 28 hs2 i ra g r he does hot boast or give offense he has a wealth- ot oommoij sense he keepa ws eyes on all nlsfrjendsj heyjhds tout newer condescends hehoways ha a grdlousaff he ptajsthetaineand plays it fair he speaks with pleasant voloe and low he shuns all ostentatious snow he uvea without thought or gain he will not gossip orcomplaln he la considerate towards he weak- he- does jiot adulation seek he taiowspreelsely what to say he scatters sunshine on the way t he tries todo the best he can he is an ideal gentleman r grenviue kleber lilenu hints beclpes fornew and norel- dishes i household ideas ana sun w- by betty barclay r those7surehise dishes it is the little surprise dish tnatsaves the day time andtime again a dish so unusuall thatriests rmembej4t jen the rest ot the meal has been forgotten hereire two that any woman may try porcupine appye 3 smalt sweet gherkins- 8 strips dried beef 8 toothpicks gutter i large red apple boll sweet gherktosjln dried beef cut in inch- wide strips rwttlr scss6rs and fasten each with a toothpick browhln ovm 1h a frying pa t serve stick jli m mt aai ml m1 mt 11 ml m m lat another short story legitimate by r walter wek3hx 3v ivi vwiwyv wfwviwiwt jrrepated sweet gherkins into anapple by means of the toothpicks economical chicken salad without chicken 2 cugs cold roast pork diced 1 cups celery finely cut cup dill pickle chopjied teaspoon salt atayonnaise lettuce oomblneporkiccleryand pickle add seasonings and sufficient mayonnaise to v moisten serve oh crisp lettuce garnish with additional mayonnaise mocha cream cake 1 cup milk 1 cup light cream 2 tablespoons coffee junket 2 tablespoons chocolate junket mix the two- kinds of junket arid add to the mixture of milk and cream which has beenararmedto a little more than v iukewarm 125 degrees p not hot and remove from stove stir briskly not more than one minute pour at once into individual dessert glasses let stand in warm- room until firm about 10 minutes chill and serve some lemon tasties lemons in the pantry are good for more than lemonade or lemon meringue pie try these recipes and you will agree with me 1emon icing enough tor one threelayer cake v4 teaspoon grated lemon rind 2 cups powdered sugar cup melted butter 3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 13 tablespoons water v4 teaspoon grated lemon rind mix all togetherstirrlng till creamy spread at once- lemon tapioca v serves 68 13 cup quickcooking tapioca 3 cups bo w teaspoon salt rind 1 lemon i cup sugar y cup lemort juice 2 egg whites combine thefirsrtbur ingredients and cook tiu to 30 minutes remove lemon rind and add sugar and lemon juice beat egg whites stiff fold them lightly in chill thoroughly and sejveln sherbet glasses lemond curdj or cheese makes 1 pint or 3 glasses 6 eggs 2 cups sugar cup lomon juice cup butter beat eggs well add other ingredients cook over hot water until thick pour into sterilized glasses use tor filling for tarts or cakes or as a spread for toast or hot biscuits eorge jamteson and leonard erry intimate friends were jtwo rotagjmeln offices of a large manufacturing firm in he city of colesborough both received good salaries and had saved a little money a groip of men mostly young jiad- formed a private company for deal- inglh ieal estate mortgages and ftftr securities george asldleonard were in vited to join them after giving tne matter due consideration they accept ed each investing one thousand dollars seven per cent interest was guaranteed with the possibility ofa goodbonusber sides t- i dont just lke some of those men in thaf- company the way they talk- about business and the methods tney seeinto cgunteriance appear to me pret ty- jqose declared george one day to his friend- people are often better than their talk those fellows are answered leon- ardarelessly stili out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaiicth they seem quite familiar with queer business was georges re v t- iji- all right we will get his signature a few days after the paperswere presented wli georges name jottachdd and ths transaction completed these de tails were given -to- tli chief hvthe com munication the next morning brie of the dally papers appeared with a column headed lri large type george jamleson impjl- eated george sawitonnls way to the office and he- knew his face must be pale and hlshands trembled- as he gat down at his desk he tried- hard actas usual biit he felt himself under a terribile constraint at noon he went to the manager and said you have heard the report pon- chrrilng xam- entirely innocent buttffieldt due to the business thati should be- relieved of my duties until l am proved so stay where you are well tell yoii whan we- wantyou to go was the de cided reply leonard met george the same day and said j3kkre both in old jellow but you are ten times farther than i f1 dont know where you are an swered george with decision im not in ltat pll george jairiiesori i its too lateb lie youtsstayout frankbau told nfe 70u authenticated those papers arid its there in black and white he saw it himself jones- told him he gave yofi five hundrpd dollars for your signature tmd that he made a big haiilf6r the company ive always had a susplclom- you were a ittle too good to be whole some sneered leonard t- jbnest through that nig deal it merryweather arid are going to close upmills brothers cat- esby said george a f er ously weeks later i expected they wouldttnough i pro tected against it replied his friend why protest inquired the other it was a perfectly legituriate deal wouujwt me hv that way demanded george- never old fellow never r- it was a shabby transaction i would nt do it myself continued georgel imight squirm over it a bit but it is different when a lot are acting to gether wasleonards palliating remark some months later q leonards room evidently greatly annoy- edrhesaid as he yat down- len that infamous piece of business those men have put through bother m i have just had quite a rowwith whitlocic over it well what did he say he told me i was foolish to let my conscience troutsie me about a thing like that- t feel like saying something like that myself said leonard you do well i told him squatety and ill tell you the same its doubt ful if the thing is evten legal it is cer tainly a very shady a really dishonest transaction and im not going to stand- fortt come come loeorg do be rash i o think it over i did not think r was joining a get- rlchquickatanycost club the men are absolutely unscrupulous theyll stop at nothing my interest in the business is for sale jones will buy it replied leonard coolly ill close the deal with him to-irior- row then answertdgeorge tni going to stay right here i dont haveto dp as they do they are driving the car and man aging the brakes and if they go inro the ditch you go with them declar ed george earnestly oh no ill stand on the running boardand be ready to jump persian balm imparts a rare charm and distinction to the woman who uses it fragrant as a flower dellclously cool to the skin- it always results in com plexions delightfully young and lovely indispensable to every dainty woman as grave charges of malfeasance arid their office and papers were seized by the its hard to land on your feet going forty or fifty miles an hour prefer to stay off altogether i dont believe in playing with fire i always think of those verses i learned long ago can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned can one go upon hot coals and his feetnot be burned it makes a difference if you have thicksoled boots george meanwhle the firm with which george and leonard were engaged had prospered greatly a branch was being established in a neighboring city two ble men were needed as managers why not take a couple of our own men here and promote them there arc jamleson arid perry firstclass and welltried men perfectly capable of do ing this work i would move to give them a chance said one of the direc tors the suggestion was discussed and passed only waiting the approval and signature- of the general manager who wai absent but who would doubtless sanction it before this could be done the whqlo city was thrown into great excitement by the arrest of jones and whitlock on a powder base for oilytextured skins or as a beautifying lotion it is unrivalled tones and stimulates the skin recom mended also to soften and make the hands flawlessly white cqst of producing iiav the annual report of the dominion iicid husbandman e srmopklrus b s a ml s phd contains an interesting reference to the cost of producing hay 1930 at the central experimental farm ottawa the yield was 414 per acre to i produce this crop a total ex penditure of 2g88 was necessary this brought the cost of the hay to 643 the crop was valued at 4243 leaving a profit of 1555 per acre considered as v return on manual labor the total pay- aeirt op this item would be at th0 centa per acre for production and howevcn had the crop been there would have been a labor cost of 298 per ton police this was accompanied by the pubicatlon of the names of all those connected with the company including those of jamleson and perry the di rectors hastened to cancel their action regarding the two young men two days afterward the chief of police of colesharough received a letter from two parties in the distant townof bar ton stating that they had recently in vested several thousand dollars in a speculative schema promoted by whit lock and that this was done on authori zation and endorsement of george jam leson whom they had known and in whom they- had cotifidence we dont know you or any of the men associated with you the only man we know lncolesborough is george jamic- sonlv g jamleson is in our company he answered if george jamleson w endorse t papers we wiu invest george was nonplussed for a moment he had- always imagined- that leonard trusted him z rlzj iyouea s chap certainly i used to think you hoij6stts tnecore but money talks georggmoriejrwihs i deny it all replied george i vigor- pauline alkenr daughter of one of the most highly respected citizens of coles- borough who was a brotherinlaw of the chief of police was a very close friend of george jamleson to a small party one evening she invited george as usual he promptly asked to be ex cused ishe assured him of her confi dence in him for the sake of the others who will- be there i cannot go was georges reply come tonight then arid we might talk it all over alone v im very sorry pauline to haye you mixed up with jamleson said mr aiken after george had taken his de- parture xjeorge jamleson is innocent arid hes not going to be arrested flashed panl- lrie but you sfc powerless said mr aiken ill see uncle joe this very night seizing her hat which happened to be in the hall she darted out of the door the chief responded himself to the bell youre not going to arrest george jamleson cried pauline why what have you to say about it asked her uncle with a- quiet smile pauline told hlmof tier absolute con- fldence in- the boy of their long talk jisr diary robs parqfjhar sfrtiayrisra andiipft lricludelng ne wentto ttirshliems house forsupper tonlte ony we was invited for dinner and when dinner was about mi over why mi nugged me on the arm and sed to iriewear s yure sallld fork hunny 1 gess ma is u getting near- sited becuir there itrwas rite in plane site enny ways i hbd et tall myl sallid and when we got home i had a 3ttry spoon also i saterday well i am here all alone now rpa and ant emmy went out c i to wunkel hen and ma red in the paper that they had 1q0 newdresses downat the store to sell cheap and i gess she went downto try them on mebby sunday ipa and mr glllem was wlt- utaganii tawking today and mr glllem sed topth dorit it aggrevatejxou- when yure wife all -ways- gets the last wirdond pa replyed and sed weil i dont mind heir gitting fee last wird so much oney finds better quaijty in farm production the markets for canadas agricul tural products for thi ftiturewourd seem to depend upon quality as well as quan tity of production observes dr j h grlsdale federal deputy minister of agriculture canadian producer are evidently becoming more and more con scious of this situation bonding their efforts toward the improvement of the quality of jtheir products jmariy of our agricultural products going overseas com mand a premium n uje srjilaia and other markets dr orisdale also goulta out that prices for all agricultural staples are how on anexport market hasls anil that whllefthese are- probably not quite 60 satisfactory asthey lght be produc tion is dealniteiy expafidlrig and the farmer knows exactly where he stands relative to prices thatels tosayvcjubadlaji prices are world prices arid are not likely to be seriously affected bkanj corislsteritcreaseinvproductibri it takes her so long to get toltunost genrelly r a hard time- gettlng use to radio stuff- she never new intul today but whut the red net wlrk was police force over inrushla teusday the dr has sugested to lin crauchthathe better give up smpkeing cigarets and start smoketag a pipe and liri says the theery may lie all rigabut it is- pffle hard to bum pipes off of hif-u- trends wensday mr glllem says hjte custom ers arnt paying there bills he says hs woodent mind that so mutch but ltseem like they wont even wlrry about there- bills that evening did he ask you to come here certainly not love is blind pauline not always duty isuty pauline are you obliged to proceed at orice i know lies innocent ive heard you say how you depended on a womans intuition but you are only a v youngster he replied yoii know i had mytwerineth birth day three weeks ago i am a woman as her great dark eyes flashed the chief felt he intensity of their pene tration as never before shewas a woman indeed promise rrie that you will have an interview with him yourself tomorrow before any action is taken demand pahiirie he promised the next day in the chiefs office george stoutly affirmed that he had had no connection with the company for a long time and had signed no documents for them whatsoever recently what do yousay to these signatur es demanded me chief not mine george answered unhcsl- tatlngy looking a little cldser he continued ive surely written my name of ten enough to spell it correctly and not leave out ani the- chief had riot observed this good said he you may go for the present whitlock had forged the signatures the preliminary trial of jones and whitlock before the police magistrate speedily folowed and- all who had been connected with- them werehcldlas- wit nesses gearge was able to show that he had completely severed all business relations with the company many months before why did you withdraw asked the magistrate the business was not satisfactory to me did you consider it dishonest it may not haje been at that time in the- eyes of the aw but i could not approve of it it troubled ycur conscience the magistrate questioned persistently yes i did trot think it really fair and square v i wish there were more consciences like yours mr jamleson your courrb is entirely vindicated with leonard the matter was quite different while there was no evidence to implicate him directly in wrohgdoi lng he had been oosely associated with those who were guilty and while he had at first protested against some of their actions and stood as an obstruction in the stream of evil he had finally been swept away by the current and silently became a partner in much- of a doubt ful character to sayoie least under thursday little hazle comus says there dr ds a swindeler becuz he is try tag to collectinoney for her little slater and her fokes swore that her little sister waslirunjrthereby te stbrfc every careful and observant mother knows when her child suffers from worms she also knows that if some remedy be not speedily- applied much hanri will result to the infant an ex cellent preparation for this purpose is millers worm powders they drive worms from the system and set up stimulating and soothing effects so that the childs progress thereafter is painless and satisfying pressure- of public opinion he resigned hispositisri andleft the city georges reputation was greatly en hanced young jamiesorr also left the city it was to charge of his firms new branch with a largely increased sal ary keep your stock frerfromblerrash with douglas egyptian liniment re moves inflammation quickly relieves bruises srorairisswelllrigs contractiprisof cords stiffness of joints and sore muscles on tue circumstances the two young maidens weretalking over affairs of the heart betty askectlmaisler do you jn tend to accept eric that all deperlasori circumstances retty slowly replied what circumstances asked ficr cbmpahlor why his of course maisle laughed the other r for iridigestipn whenypur stomach feels bad when stomach acids- gas sourness nausea or aftereating pains make younilserame just a llttlejalsuratcd magnesia tablets or powder rwill- bring safe and instant relief it neutralizes the acids that have upset your stomach and permits normal painless- dlgeslori or its cost is nothing druggists eveiheresslitith thjs guarantee its daily use- means real stomach coinfort r f business directory medical dk jtamcnivbr ehyileimi n smteoa office and reeidence comer avenue and elgin street boots ig phone no 22 p o bm n haroldnasrtfarmer m x- barrirter soueltor nouury pnbue conreyiuicer etc peeryman block aoton ont jjoney lent on mortgages hours 930 a m to- 500 p mi saturdays1200 oclock 7 kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor noury tabu offices t main street south georgetown phone- ia z appointments in actonon riquert dental aj buchanandptjrs-t- a denial snrgeon office in leishman block hours 9 a m until 6 p m jtrentapi by appointment g for extraction closed all day wednesday- plinne14 peareg d d s t d s dental sargeon successor to late dr j m bell phone 29 mill street actoa i miscellaneous francis nijnan bookbinder account books of aubnds order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly an4 promptly doner wyndham street guelplvon over w store jkuestic superheterodyne complete 5 tubes modulated circuit watchmaker j h jeweller jordan georgetown expert repairs prompt service we have for years been doing repair for other jewellers across canada so are quite capable of doing yours the home of bett glasses not how cheap lewtiood we operate the only lens surface grinding machinery in this district i the savage optical establishment r blht at the post office savagebbilding gdelph m toue control sprayshield and pentode tubes made in canada five tubes actually do the work of seven in this radio the new spray- shield tubcs are selfshielding thus eliminating the usual metal shield cans this radio gives definitely superior sensitivity range and reproduction come in and inspect it today you cannot buy a belter small radio at any price phone 76 for sole by dtalbox corner mill and main streets -v- u fashions for the smart woman review i- tt avlk w5 ml m 54 53 y y makiv this tunic frocic- fqk about 1259 the tunic frock is always important foraiurikum wear this model wtth its riiltlltrimmeil collar and- novel silcilricy is a typcal example of wbai tin- smatt- woman wttiear this seas n il- lnr sieves argavhered to tin- 1 odfuyshaped toffs wnile tlic skirt is attached toa bodice lining ii subscriptions lot taken at the jlift