it-iiva-iv- jgtafig xtszmmwms j p fe5 4cktwo theagton free press v ir thursday febkuartt j25 1932 k- i gv k the home of v 0 j member canadian weekly newspaper aaaocution- member qntarioquebec division c w n a the acton free jress j pnbiiahed ejrery thutaday evening t the free i preaa boildjng mill street acton ontario the subscription utaday evening t the free inc nee uional to offices in the price is sioo per year ta adrance poataie is charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid is indicated on the address label advlbrtising rates for amall unclaasi- fied advertisements and in othijr columns the ratea will be found at head of column dis- play advertising rates o application g a diixs editor and proprietory telephones- editorial and buaineas offlce residence m j one way out toronto evening newspapers carried 23 solid pages from two department- stores one dayrecently one stor6 used seven pages in each paperi the other used 16 in each of twp papers the stores were crowded neither the volume of the advertising nor the crowds in the stores suggested depression al though some of the prices did what net profit was made on the enormous business turnover enjoyed following jhia massed advertising attack is a business secret but both stdres jrflve as well earned reputa tion riot only for gotfdmexchandisingmethods but but for business judgrnent and it mttybe assumed that they have not gone ill for such extensive adver tising simply to put the newsprint industry on its feet nor even to support the hospital that is the chief beneficiary of one of the newspapers capable department store executives find that depression makes more and riqt less advertising desirable financial post r j- a strapping needed 1 one sometimes wondersawherersome individuals store the atom of grey matter they are supposed to be endowed withr and whyvit is aot used for some good instead of conjuring up means of committing foolish depredations- on- sundaysqmepersbn or pefssns on mischief bententered the arena and opened the water hydrant used for flooding the ice surface it was left running and when discovered several inches of water covered the ice and a hole chronicles of ginger farm written specially for v the free press by gwendoline p clakb this is friday rny holiday night the children are away to the barn pre sumably helping with the milking fund chores but when they come up they will probably have far more to tell me about the fun they had in the hay than ths work they did perhaps that is the secret of contentment to be able to comblrja work and pleasure it comes natural to child but it is a habit which requires cultivation if we would continue it in our more mature years and it is surely a habit worth cultivating just think of some of your own work days and remember the i difference tempera merit has made to your work upon oc- caslbh did you- ever find work progress very satisfactorily when you were in dulging in the bluest ofblue monday- moods i am quite sure i have never hadany success on those occasions but ijhank goodness there are others there are the treading ori air daystirhes when you do your work asinging have jfesfymmtte j did tcov evetf stop to think by edson ri waite shawnee oklahoma ypuever realized that singing is the that if you read the ads today you- jvih find some exceptional bargains you wiu find- efficient and courteous service at the stores that advertise these merchants will make shopping both a profit- and a pfgssujce for you tljey sayit with value in their ads you cart make your money buy the best game by buying from tkem it will always pay you to availyoursell of the opportunities offered in the ad vertising columns time enough for- them blow to agriculture gertie did you thtpk that i wpuldf were the farmers duti your way nafcv marry you without any arguments hit by the storm 4 yeilh thought they came were they filling station- receipts later v tweet mrs greene at tweet rfi r her first footpl tpvl fe toff 50 per cent and life insurance husband you aceusemo of ckfrava- involuntary expression of a soul at peace with the wprld2 can you make- yourself fiwry daj ay ia a bargain day for the shoppers who read the ads before they sng when you are not happy yes of p course you can if you put your will bn- i hihdttit but it is hard work isnt it a good starter sometimes yoft have seen the car that glided off so smoothly trig morning of the holiday stranded by the roadside by ten oclock while the unhappy driver lay on his back juid struggled to remedy the difficulties this perspiring individual did jrtffthink of the cars good start indeed he would probably have preferred that it had not started at all rather thantohavecarriedhim fiftymiles from home aiidl then stopped some people pride themselves on being very good starters they are always the first to be 3fkei irrterestedrn anyinnovation ine etttmrsrasm is always called out by thatwhich is new and untried this same enthusiasm however is as easily quenched as fired these people have an astonishing way of petering out losing interest it is worth nothing to start well unless you can hold out to theend tvas made to the ground where the stream had fallen but you know it is really worth on the surface it took the officers seven or eight hours endeavoring to repair the damage done the weather hasbeen handicap enough this season and with a game scheduled for monday night when some revenue was possibieit is hard to conceiveof the thought in the individuals mind- when the prank was committed surely it was not the young people who are responsible for this act as the arena was built for their amusement that same day or evening some one with a like mentality applied matches to the thermometer that is placed on the free press building for our own and the publics convenience and destroyed the instrument it wilf not be a costly article to replace but just what was gained by breaking the instrument it is too bad an example cannot be made of such foolish individuals and if the pranks continue it is tabe hoped the persons can he taken to court and a godd application of the old- time strap applied to impress the culprit with the error of his ways tile effort there is something queer about j singing quite apart from varying degrees of harmony and discord in fact it might almost be called a paradox we sing if we are happy and we are happyif we slng just try ltforce yourself to sing when you are in the mood to feel there is nothing left worth llving-for- sing just sing and before long you will find that in spite of yourself there comes a rift in the clouds we dont need to be hilarious happiness is often set to a minor key the modern economist the modern ecohomist as described by dr j f- booth commissioner of agricultural economics at ottawa is a very practical man he studies the details of intenrmii and external trade irhe tariff and its effects on business taxation and how the money is spent banking and inpnetary matters rail rates and transportation problems price trends and their delation to the gold supply and many simharsubjects injome instances the other day icame across mendevote their attention mainly to the this little piece in a book i thought it stud of particular economic questions oh isnt jt awf ill why they gance when did i ever buy anything will- kill that poor boy underneath that was useless r f daughter dont toe silly mother ite wife why theres that bre extlh- dcesnt mind it hes unconscious by guisher you bought a year ago we have thlstime snewr used itonce y the happy way to thrir jbarty firsl my what a blustering time our statesmen are t putting up for us in the legislative halls these days was there eyera time when the countrys business needed more and received as- little attention as at the present moment down at ottawa mr bennett and and mr kingare settling their differences and calling gametohejla when one and the same individual must needs be sports writer as well as editor of a journal it is nexttp impossible to keep the trainof thought f r u n unninjintothevariouschannels whether they coi flict or not consequently each year the sports creepin to theeditorial utterairces whenerrthusitri funshighinhiisiieldof activ pdrtrre thirdteat we have followed the acton team through their on- very true and very beautiful in some minds sadness is nearer akin to happiness than is joy perhaps be cause the heart has been so wrung and torn with sorrow that joy seems a mock ery and the keynote of rejoicing will not start the tune in some wedry souls it requires rather the minclr key of sweet sadness to bring forth true melody m k a few weeks agoi went to ta funeral and in the dining room where i sat there were two litle canaries each in a separate ca one flew a in his as for example the subject of banking where it belongs a lady once sent the ms of a book she had written to dr johnson asking him for his cpinion of it and mention ing that she had several other irons in the fire put this with the other irons was johnsons reply two biscuits with milk make a completesatisfying meal made in canada with canadian wheat the canadian shreddedwheat company ltd counters that have each year landed them at the head pftheirgroupr eaehyearthis team has- notstarted any too brilliantly but each season they finish un with an unconquerable spirit that is conirnendiblr it was our good fortune to be in the acton dressi i each other names while the business of the country i rooms the night of- the game in elora there was no goal lead and acton was playing on the other teams rink where they had been defeated before th vt rngp frnm pprrh tf ppivb nnri miulp m sound the other flew- less wildly and during the service he was singing sing ingall the time as i listened to the sweet little- songster i thought of thj days to come of the loneliness and sor row that my friends were called upon to face and it seemed to be a beautiful thing that this little song- bird would seems to be set aside mr hepburn gets under the skin6f premier henry in the provincial house by long range shooting and the head of the government j season it was actually unwise to mention a possibil ity of defeat it wasntiallowed to be spokeni about and the outcome of the encounter is well known actonmay wfll feel prou of its hrtckey rn tives who have each year carried the acton colors- far into the higher places in the hockey world they can be depended upon to give of their best until the l game and the last chance of victory atrthis sing to them each day sing his song or cheerfulness and hupu so sweet yei- so persistent that it would be almost impossible for them not to take heed sing why yes to be sure we shalj- better- endure if the hearts full of song all day long goes on at some length to show what insignificarr individuals mr herburnand all his associates are as compared- withrthe-gpvernmerrt-in-pwcr- sucely there are issues that need adjustment and sup-r- vision rather than these partytdlfferences small wonder that an exasperated electorate grasps at any- thjrffereri ns n wayjout trie dile dne individual aptly put it thus if a despised yellow dog was to run for office by any name other than grit or tory his election would be assured v rather bluntly put we will admit but quite a bit of truth packed into that- ordinary phraseology too the countrys problems are apparently not being solved by parliaments only in so much as the- parties are being benefitted or their interests furthered 1 a test it would appear that the smouldering fires of war that have been a menace for some time have t broken out into open conflict just how far the rest ofthe world will be involved- in the affair remjua to be seen when nations continue to get ready the implements of war and distrust of each other is rampant but- on the surface is apparently healed over by treaties and pacts there is bound to be a test of strength sooner or later it was hoped that the last conflict wasa war to endwarsj but two nations who participated little are bound not to see the lessons and have plunged into a settlement of their disputes by might many othexjiations who suffered much in the last great war are still strug gling under its burdenof debt and will be tardy about joining in another conflict the japanese election was an overwhelming victory for the war party- apparentiy they have the mandate of their people no matter under what circumstances the verdict was secured possibly a political victory will be as satis factory as a battlewon and without a doubt fewer innocents will suffer it is to be hoped that the forthcoming-session- of the league of fijattohs will be able toarrange satisfactory terms of settlement liftoff willend hostilities it will be a realtest of the lnc of this institution writing on monday it cannot be prophesied how- far the acton intermediate hockey team will go to- ward the highest honors bufievery fan who follows their games knows that when they are put out of the running it will not he op lack of effort or persever ance we hope they will win the o h a cham pionship this year and they will be worthy holders of such an honor acton is proud of their yictories and proud of their conduct in the sport- we only express the feelings of all citizens when we say congratulations boys and good luck in further en counters this- has been another hectic week- far us every minute of each day taken up and yet nothing much accomplishei partners wounded finger is beginning to heal but still hinders him considerably but in case we might be getting along tso fast oneof our7horses had to get sick anl we have been late to bed every night because partner did not want to ieavethchcrsr any longer than he could- help t cooking stove lias been in use- all the time for cooking great pots of boied oats and a big kettle of water for drinking purposes it has kept me busy ci even find a space to boil a tea kette editorial notes university officials salaries will be reduced and tuition fees will be increased everyone seemsrttr be joining in the struggle to malteboth ends meet nina moore jamiesjon sees no sense in horse rac ing at the country fairs we think it was a former shah of persia on the occasion of a visit toengland being asked why he did not go to see the running of the derby replied to the effect that hehad always for course it might have helped matters fortunately i get my washing done be fore the horse decided to get sick other wise i might have been dabbling things out yet the horse i might-add- ha now recovered at least he has reached the convalescent stage and does not any lrnger require the services of a night nurse one afternoon this week i went to town and besides going to about six different places with farm produce which had been ordered i had a piece of the cream sep aratcr to get soldered also a call to make it was the first call i had made since christmas so i guess it sort of went to- my head the only reason i took time this weekwasheeause the friend upon whjm i called was a shutin that night when partner went out to milk he was back again to the house inside of five minutes did you get the separator piece fixed he inquired did i sure i did buti forgot to bring it home thee was nothing fo4tbut partner to get on with the milking while i walk ed to town after the repair i wouldnt like anybody else to say to me the things i said to myswf as i trudged wearily along over the hard rough ground a three mle walk at the end of the day is hardly the pcasanfest form of recreation special prin mince pie sandwich bis c u i ts regularly 25c lb pound c pineapple tid bits no 2 tin f primes new sweet tender j pounds j qc special mccormicks jersey cream sod a biscuits 2 s- pk known one horse could run faster than another but it was a matter of extreme unconcern to him which one it was rfarmers sun the mail and empire says i william jibbs mcadoo leading american politician proposes that the profits of bootleggers shall betaed up to 100 per cent it mightbe more sensible fof the gpvern- ment to incorporate the- bootleggers into the civil service and then regulate the price of their wares as it sawfit the mail and empire has always been a staunch supporter and advocate of tfie ontario liquor control act had i started singing but since i wis on the open- road i did not want the lea to get abroad that i possessed hats in my befry it is bad enough to havi them there without letting everyone know about it 17c aylirier red pitted chertas a 2 tin fo aylmer greengage plums libbys roscdilc sliced peaettes dtl monte dried peaches -2- 3 5c del monte dried apricots pound 05c aylmer golden apricots 2 no 2 tins green valley tender peas clarks canadian pork beans aylmer sweetened grapefruit no 2 tin foc aylmer delicious fruit salad no 2 tin 94 sieve 4 no 2 v no 2 tins 15c 19c natures jest choice quality tomatoes 2 ayhner choice golden bantam corn no 2 tins no 2 tin 15c 9 keens english mustard nn 14 24c 48c lady stalin in command mistress you will cut and roll the lawn weed the gravel path pull some chrysanthemums plant all those rose bushes clean out the greenhouse and ste to the heating apparatus and new oardcncr excuse me madam but is this a days work or a flveyar plan large navel oranges 4q special per dozen tsc medium navel oranges per dozen small navel oranges qa- special per dozen ouc 45c marmalade oranges special per doen lemons special per dozen 38c 23c gelery large frosh head head lettuce large firm heads ripe tomatoes per it t 7rrr7v 2 25c we 20c mill street phone 158 aeton ow jv- mxifjga tf tiefch- 1 tftttee343tdfiais ismikh milhsgehku v t