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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1932, p. 1

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w tr u- v fifiyseventh yearno 37 mntittil meeting aetgnonfarier of the school bfrard iwo teachera were reportnilfr pupils to be warned against damaging boulevards v at the meeting of the school board on tuesday eyenlng trustees lira b m wilson j p scanpw and drbuclnanan were present and chairman j m mc- donald presided abetter from the bed jacket coal gave iotauans on- coal a the mines th secretary was instr t order a small car from the mines to meet present needs a letter from miss odbert enclosed a- doctors certificate and stated that she was in and would not be able to return toher hiuesuntll march 14 trie secr- tary was instructed to secure a supply tnarh f mim ortherts department for the- three days in the event that miss polster was unable to be in charge of her room- the secretary 1 was also authorized to secure a supply teacher to carry on ijie work thethird repdrtof the finance oom- mlttee recommended payment of the fol lowing accounts acton public utilities commission light 527 mrs a 0 deforest sanitary work rirrz 3680 the geo mi hendryco ltd towels 1t sr tylers transport express 50 jame3 363 dominion pf canada insurance co bond 500 h l mcdon ins nrem- him- the report was adopted 5400 1267 the property commftteegave a report of the conditions at the school propert the pipes had been repainted com plaints had been made of the pupils run ning over jmulevards on their way to and from school the secretary was asked to write a letter to the principals of the schools asking that they bring this to the pupils- attention upon resolution the chairman of the board was requested to confer with the attendance officer regarding the non- attendance of a pupil budget expected in couple of weeks predicted that wui be prior to easter week to allow for brief easter becess 3 various itemsof- loical interest st patrick bance a st patrick dance is scheduled for friday march 18 in the town hall acton jack armstrong and his melody sereruvders will supply themuslc the proceeds of the event are to be used for the funds of the belief committee- there will be old and modern dancest county treasurer hutc resigns hm pettit clerarid treasurer xrs salary niif 2200per aanunimilton wants county jjraht of 300 for their fajjther towns will expect the same a correction in fee obltuaryhottc of the late john johnston of milwaukee which appeared last week a couple of inad vertent jnaccuracles appeared the name of mrs eliza jane nash of tor onto should- have been mrs elisa jane hoble the name of another daughter mrsi annie carson of vancouver b c wasomltu these errors and hasten to correct them t womens institute meeting- the monthly meeting ot the womens institute was held last thursdayafter- noon at thehome of mrs g r agnew- the iopentog selection was the maple leaf and the roll call was answered with an tftish joker an interesting feature was an apron demonstration mrs salt contrlbuteda piano solo and mrs fred denny a paper on the in- stttutcodeiv a quartette selection was ccou w agraht qf36o towards trie support of 77047 lverrtytbtorfalstermrshzjaccutcllr eon mrs hall and miss laura hall and the meeting closed with the mizpah benediction high school uterary society the meeting of the literary society of theacton continuation school was held on friday march 4 to the parish hall the meeting opened with a chprus from ftrst form which was followed by the chairmans address the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and other business attended to the pro- gramme which was put on by flrsc form was as follows violin solo bod- erick byder nwuth organ selection leonard recitation grace report agricultural representative was received t jresoluiion to minister of education is endorsed by fbee press special correspondent gaitoh county council met in the courtbobm miitbn an tuesday mem bers present weiemesjjrsjavehewson campbeli ilain morden hall peer barber b currle harris with the walen beeyepeadhead to the chair minutes of the last meettog were read and confirmed and- communications were also read jmrkdwin harrop addressed the coun cil on dehalf of the milton agricultural society and asked that the council make the milton county fair mr harrous appeal opened upconslderable discussion for and agatost county fairs mr currle it is my opinion that when people begin to- jose interest that is the time for small fairs to disband mayor syer pointed out to the council that as milton fair pays out consider ably more in prize money it is only fair that their grant should also be more than that of other fairs mr hewson-r- although i do not see that milton should have any extensive yet it seems only righlrthat trie county town should have a bigger grant than other small faits- mr cneave itbw ifiuch georgetown wants but i know george town will thlnlr f nrp pntitjp tothp same as milton the matter- was finally left to the discretion of the finance committee moved bymrtcampbell seconded by mr morden- whereas at a regular meet- lng of this council on the 27th ot lantz a selection f romi the first form trio selectionsfrom regular studlest which included a recitation the scare crow jean lambert mimetic exercises first form girls character drawing kathleen huard selections from the kitchen orchestra tumbling exercises first form boys closing chorus in which the critic miss smith gave many help- january last the- report of the finance committee recommending the acceptance of the resignation of david hutcheon county treasurer was adopted the same to take effect on april 1 1932 and whereas the said david hutcheon now requests that the resignation be accepted thehonbr roll s fry for february pupils of acton public school who stood highest in past months examinations fourth book norman braida404 elriia bradda 391 marjorie dayidson 379 irene darby 376 vera coxe 355 bert orewsnn 355 tobat 5007 isss ar j gurryt 36 prominent business man and proprietor of a garage and radio business- on colborne istreet gakylue dted late friday ajternpon last from pleural pneumonia- following an attacly qf influenza he wasborn in hajjiilfen son of mr and mrs dward gurry and started in business in oakviile in x925 he was a member of the botary club anttst andrewsb c church besides his widow formerly marjorie johnson of keswick three children lorene leon ard and dorothy two brothers stewart and edward of vahoouver and- throe sisters mrs n w cdmerofhamilton one to california and one in buffalo survive j m zbennett3inclpal senior third annie holmes 394 bill nicolak 360 uerlen thompson 352 lillian fields 351 mary young 351 freda atkinson 3 t 50o d polster teacher junior tthird jack hollingr 425 wulialean weaver 412- oddiress weaver m02i william hall 382 ina dawkins 374 mary levers 373 total 500 v vt 7m oxr teacher senior second binp braida489 jack sweeney 482 gubertbolnphi 8t wiod478r fred holland- 476 francis papillon 475 douglas smith 473 total 600 1 andersonrreacher junior second mae boney 422 dorothy king 426 margaret scriven 407 annie molozzle 391 doris blltcn 386- mariebrunnelle 380 total500 be it therefore resolved that the said recommendatifth re mr hutchohs re slgnatipn be arid the same is hereby accepted be it resolved that the resigns tion be and the same is hereby accepted as of tu date be it resolved further that the thanks of the council are dji the solo was taken by prances kelly t0 mr hutcheon for the able manner in which he has uniformly performed his current expectations that the budget will he presented- curing good friday ful criticisms after which first form duties as treasurer of this county for was congraulated on the success of jjjineteen years and that the members of their programme- the meeting closed 1 council beg to assure him that on with the singing tof the national an- j jeavtag the- position which he has so them v satisfactorily filled he carries with him the regard and good wifehes of all who had week were strengthened by statements j ifr- and mrs t j speight georgetown injured in motor accident seven persons were injured- whenjtwo made to the houseof commons by premier bennett and hon e n bhodes minister of finance occasion to- transact official business with him carried in the report of the education com- mittee a letter was reaenrom lincdlh cars collided headon near derry west mrrbhodesstated that he hoped thej miles souffi of brampt6n shortly county on education asking the support budgt wbuld be down before easter before iioon on sunday which faus on march 27 this statement cautious as it was bolncided perfectly with strong rumqrs ottawa that thr inance department h making every el- fortto have the budget ready by that date few there doubt that the budget will be any later thawmarch 24the day before good friday premier bennett indicated that the easter recess this year would be from march 24 the thursday preceding good friday until march 29 the day after easter monday this will be one of the shortest easter recesses in recent years the shortness of the recess was taken as an indication that the government might plan bo present the budget on thursday march 24 then adjourn the house for easter and take up the debate when sit tings resume on march 29 the popularity of mr bennetts sug gestion of a short easter recess was in dicated by the loud applause which greeted it from liberals as well as con servatives western members some of whom must have a threeweeks holiday if they are to have any time at all at homejkre particularly enthusiastic about the short recess as they would rather be in the house working toward proroga tion than hanging around the capital with not enough time to get home ami yet nothing to do while they remain there the accident i of the county in a resolution to be sen occurredfhen e trought inglewcort to the minister of education asking the parkedhis car at the side of no 10 1 admittance age for school children be highway to see another car which had raised from 5 to- 6 years arid that it be turned over in the ditch mr and mrs j not compulsory for children to remain h g heatley and their son allah ojf at schoalafter the age ot 14 brampton occupants of the car suffer- in discussing this letter from lincoln ed from shock when it skidded and turrw county members of the council pointed ed over t j speight of georgetown i out lhe financial advantage to the county wasdrmngsoutbndptttnwsbrafesjir this resnluingere adopted and when he neared the trought car skid- passed it was finally decided that the ding and crashing headon info a car resolution from lincoln county be en- driven by clarejnce elliott albert stjreet f dorsed and forwarded to the minister of oshawa mr spelghtsustairlect three j education broken ribs and chest injuries and his wife facial lacerations and shock the latter was taken to peel memorial hos pital other injured persons in elliotts car were mcs jna gold- dearborn avenue oshawa fractured right arm and severe facial injuries mrs h t elliott albert street oehawa facul lacerations h t elliott and harry elliott his son lacerations- clarence elliott driver cuts to eyetand head r- burlington fees again troublesome once more the question of fees wis brought before the burlington council beeve harris reported that the- finance committee had interviewed the police magistrate in regard to the resolution i o d e concert tragically concluded the concert under the auspices of the junior i o- d e in the town hall lass thursday evening was climaxed accounts passed by finance commii- tee were as follows special communications 129655 old age pensions 116434 county buildings 52956 education 1620 printing 18503 finance 134518 agriculture 1530 465302 a bylaw was passed appointing mr h m pettit for the combined office of county clerk and- treasurer to take effect from and after the passing and signing of the bylaw it vyas further most tragically when miss hazel mason agreed that a salary of 2200 per annum suffered a heart attack and expired a few j be paid to mr pettit retrogressive from moments after being removed from the january 1 1932 platform the programme was of all local talent and waapatronized by the citizens to splendid numbers at the time of the regrettable happening about half the numbers had- been given and chairman j m mcdonald j p asked the audience to quietly disperse the sudden death cf miss mason cast a gloom over the entire community that has been hard to dispel the missus passed two weeks ago to the effect that j mason have always been generous in the magistrate woujd henceforth be their assistance on all local programme required to pay over all fees monthly i and always their numbers were among to the town treasurer however the j thp most appreciated items it is doubt- magistrate to view of the fact that he j ful if any local musicians have appeared serves for the township of nelson as i on half as many acton programmes- well as the town thought that he was j with greater acceptance than have the representative for the county submit entitled to reato fees for township ca ys i misjes mason and no programme seehicd ed his annual report to the council i he as well as 25c costs dn each highway complete without a musical number from j particularly asked that members of the traffic case because of the extra work them in this instance like others they council call uponnim in his office ana entailed in repottog such to toronto j were giving- of their- ialent freely ln for themselves some of the -develop- authorltles if such fees were net allow- assisting the i o d e to raising relief ments carried out by his department ed him the magistrate felt he shouli i funds it was touching indeed that the he spoke- in ho uncertain terms of the a bylaw was passed appointing john a mccallum and arthur mayes as care takers of the county buildings and for their services they shall be paldthe sum cf 200 per annum which sum shall be divided equally between the said caretak ers bylaw to come into force on and after the first day of march 1932 in he matter of grants to the agri cultural societies in the county it was decided that the matter be left to he finance committee to bring in a report howard sheppard was appointed as tiusteefor burlington high school for the years 19323334 mr gahaeme ikirstlnc agricultural have more salary asa way out it was hands which had so many times giv6n suggested that the magistrate transfer all music from the piano at the town ihall tcwnship cases to the township hall at should falter whl c playing there and nelaon where he would be entitled to mileage and other fees the committee that miss hazel mason expired there and would no more take her place at expressed the opinion that the magistrate these local concerts it is a blow from should await the pleasure of the council which the community will not soon re- tor any salary increase cover success of the contesting association also or thd highly satisfactory result of goln out to different barns in the county donning a pair of- overalls and carrying rut a practical demonstration with the farmers ovn seed mill and often leav ing it in better shape than when it came from the factory other phases of his a w macmillan teacher first class- lien chu 254 lois dawkins 252 polly porty 251 tom atkinson 250 alberta qhu 240 leonard lambert 239 total 320 i- m barhbuftteacher innrtb i jlntff a j gubby oakviile john- glbbons adton the death occurred on satttrffiyr march 5of mr john j gibbons at the home on the third line esqueslng the late mr glfibons was born at the gib bons homestead about miles south of acton on the second line and with the oxcepilonof two or three y ears has spent all his life in acton and vicinity he was married bo sarah kennedy oh- april 5 1883 at- georgetownchurch by fiev father mcdonald mrglbbons was inhis 77th year and is survived by ills wife two daughters anne at- home mrs hugh campbell of acton oneson upsepht of georgetowrrthree grand children mrs gerald rmerner acton helen and therese campbell and one eau the funeral was held from st josephs church acton to dublin- cemetery on monday morning atnlneoclockiwlth bevfatbcrmci officiating bishop wabne word has been received of the death in newyorkontuesdayel bishop-f- w warne a retired missionary of the american episcopal methodist church to india bishop warne was born near balllnafad and as a young man met mlss margueretta jefferls daughter of bev t m jefferls who died in oakviile to 1922 while in hta mis ypar t first class evelyn kentner 208 beatrice woods 201- jlmmle scott 200 lome masters 187 jean barker 184 183 total 265 senior primer florence salt 175 olga dyriw 167 sammy brunnelle 166 vera lands- borough 153 fern fryer 152 margaret somerville -148- v total 215 were married fiftytwo years ago and that year the minister volunteered to go to india as a missionary after some years he was created a bishop and was doris weave- j in charge of a number of missionary fields of india at intervals the bishop returned to the united states for con- f srences and never faileds to come to oakviile and visit with his father-tn-law- and family miss martha jefferls of oakviile is a sisterlnlaw the remains m a odbert teacher have bcen p m a vault in new york later on they will be interred in the junior trimary class family plot in balhnafad cemetery a class margaret smith kenneth i oakviile star fryer orvel allan emela marcak mar jcjry nelson t b lamb b classwinniej3awklns marshall chadue hubble han roy lambert ernest close m r moore premier bennett praiset weeklyjsfewseapers guest at meeting of executive of the canadian weekly newspaper association ottawa march 3 you haveirtaatttr very real contribution to the national wellbeing and- it must be some satis faction to you to know you played an appreciable- part in the success of the national service loan premier b b bennett told directors of the canadian weekly newspaper association at a dtor ner here to-nlghtt- you must all realize the premier satdr tluveyou are vital factors in deter mining the attitude of mind of the people among whom you live you aire in a sense public characters and if ypu have a sense ol the seriousness of our prob lems today i am quite certain you will all unite with me for the purpose of developing our country and jyfeservtob our place aniong the nations of ttie world j the- dinner given by s j dorhan alameda tsask dispatch president of the association followed a business session of the directors at which the detail of all operations was reviewed by board members it was decided to hold the next convention in port arthur ot the end of july the association showed a membership of 404 for 1931 a slight increase over 1930 with funds available for all ex penditures mall empire adam stewart kitchener adairk stewart a former esteemed resident of acton passed away at his heme 48 betzner avenue kitchener rather suddenly on saturday evening although to declining health mr stewart had been out for his usual walk that evening and came to and seated himself in his accustomed chair when mrs- stewarts attention was called to him a few moments later it lags found that he was breathing his last and passed away very peacefully for over twenty- five years mr and mrs stewart were jmghlljjqnioprinl georgetown won frbmctoii rbyso smith trophy for juniors at arena last night acton juniors were defeated by the georgetown outfit at the arena here last flight b a score of- 5p and thesodre just about taducates the game tlifi locals playing their first game of the season against the neighboring town hoys were no match georgetown was in the o- h a juhl6r groupthls year arid showed the result of their experience in their team play and greater speed thi locals boys have nothing to be down- hearted about but they need a lotpf practise and coaching to come along they are game and have the ability but it needsjdevelopicg georgetown are a much dettero jjevljped team o itost of peorgetpwn was the refere triecfowd was small onlys about 150 but the juniors need encouragement and manager greer is sticking with them to see that they are looked after bltchle scored the first goal with the first period about half through it was- a shot from the corner that looked easy to handle the same lad got the second counter when he worked the rubber right through for a nice tally the period ended 20 for georgetown and- on the playthe visitors were the better team in the second period ward let- one- go fro centre lee that looked as if ltwould have missed entirely if byrne had let it go play roughened up a bit and both teams drew penalties georgetown had the best of this argument again and acton was still off the tally sheet with a score of 30 at its close thelocal3 hard to-get- a score to the third frame but wright had a good team in front ol him and on only about three occasions was acton able to break through- their defence succewful pupil miss perle mctmlliany the iweivjjjiimfv old daughter tof mr ind jijnia o- a sullan najbagaweyai has cce4 passed with honors her primayjv piano- forte examinatioa at the-totontd-igon- servatory of music held in febroary she is a pupil of miss a mcbean of morrlston of the net and shot direct at the goalie another long one that byrne didnt even seem to look at bulged the twine for a count of 4- the final goal was a hie one worked right through and byrne hadnt a chance to save the return g is scheduled for georgetown on friday night- and the youngsters deserve encouragement the play is not as fast or exciting as the intermediate brand but is mighty fine developing ground if woods had been able tobe in the lineup it would have made the game more evenly contested it is to be hoped the juniors can get a few more games to bring them into shape and put a team in the o h a next year there was no quarreling or flghttog to the acton game it is to be hoped the same will characterize the game on- friday night the line-up- was georgetown wright goal hall and dewhurst defence w- bltchle centre chapman left wing ward r4gatwingv k blchardson w luchardson mcjlally and bradley subs v wright sub goalie acton byrne goal kowalski and marzo defence dawkins centre lawson left wing anderson right wing mooney gibbons l marzo mcgeachle subs tostrgeorgetown referee the young womens auxiliary wil hold a tea in knox presbyterian church on wednesday afternoon and evening march 16 freewill dffertag real irish shamrock far st pat- ricks day at 15c a pot at woodhalls phone 31r6 s highly respected residents of acton twenty years ago they removed to kitch ener but have been frequent visitors to the home town at the home of their i daughter mrs c w mason mr stewart was to his seventythird year- he is survived by his widow and one son harold kitchener and one daugh ter- mrs hubert smith toronto one stepson mr jos boyd of toronto and a stepdaughter mrs c w mason acton who remain to revere the memory of this loving husband and kind father to all of these the sympathy of this community goes out in their bekeavc- ment mr stewart was a member of the trinity united churchln kitchener and the funeral on tuesday afternoon was copduoted by his pastor bey mr spence deceased was a member of the order of sons of scotland which was quite a flourishing organization in acton a couple of decades age interment was made to the family plot in falrview cemetery acton wlthbev mr ipooie of the united church here assisting in ithe service at the grave the floral tributes included a wreath from mr and mrs jos boyd and family a pillow from the family and floral sprays from mr adaaa bauer kitchener and the gumey family of fergus robert- bt gibbons to have reached the remarkable age of ninetyone years and enjoy a fair measure of health to within av couple of days cl his death was the experience of the late robert s gibbons who pass ed away early monday morning at the home of his daughter mrs w- d fricky 24 soraurerfavenue toronto until the- last twelve years mr gibbons had been a resident of this district- born on the homestead f churchill he spent his early years on the home farm about fifty years ago he removed to- acton hockey items oakviile sure are sailing along easy in the o h a into the third round with onjyj three games acton was the tiall that the treasurer be authorized to pay the department of agriculture a grant of 500tcarr1ed the council adjourned a eqctp m to meet at the call of the warden work were interestingly and ably dealt with- by mr klrsttoe including the in estimable advantage to the young people in their junior development moved by mr currle seconded by mr he p mts qlbbona etajojed the esteem and respect of its citizens twelve years ago his beloved partner was called home and shortly after mr only team to take them on for two games port dover got cold feet after a 122 defeat and defaulted their second game anactonian who witnessed the kitch enerstratford intermediate game camo home with a greater appreciation of the acton team and their exhibition of hockey compared especially with kitch ener oakviile defeated simcoe by 51 in an exhibition game to simcoe- on tuesday and oakvllles star winger allen was not on the lineup either r now oakviile are matched against port dalbpuse tonight in hamilton there are just twelve teams left in the intermediate race now its getting narrowed down erin srianirocks won the second round of the n h l by 82anol defeated durham 31 to the flm game of the third round why jiyta get erin hpckjy team down for an exhibition game jn actcn- after they win the northern league there la no jinx about the juniors they just need practise and encour agement why not a few exhibition games even if 7 the gate receipts are small the benefit game for n injured member of the intermediate team has not been- arranged yet the ice may not last better hurry i i y a liseleoiigof j jnews jttms- p o m belief committee meet to-nlght- a iheetlnb- ofuie acton belief odnx- mlttee wut be held in the bouncil oham- ber this eynhvttoursday atflwtitl j oclock the ccantfemaeverytwp weeks and this la eeyene for their regiar meeting jjipumvii who can possibly he there should be in atteadancec wm wss bam fire ta trafalgar fire said- tot have been c isy cow upsetting a lantern destroyed the bank barn- with contents including eight bead of cattle pnemvjatdvlws farm fourth-line- trafalgartijwnslbfe the milton fire brigade answered a tele- phche call the damage is estimated at 9000 and insurance 3600 tanaley driver injured j c jarvisof llhsley was injured and his- -car- was badly xliunaged when j- he ran into the rear oi a truclc on0s by the milne coal and supply co and driven- bymiiitsy green the accident happened on brant street burlingtofi when the truck was slowtog down jforaiii iterseotionr- st patricks snpjier and entertainment a st patricks supper and entertain- ment will- be held on march 17 by hs eaclrtimeeyfalledirnhdiihetamiersfiadle ai of th u church a toot supper will be served from 6 until 8 oclock a aplendja pro- gramme to therrohurch auditorium at eight oclock the admission wil be only 25c for adults apd 16c for children issa probe oakvme store bobbmt police- are conducting on intensive in vestlgation into the weekend robbery of j b byers drug store oakylllei when cocaine and morphine to the value of 50 were stolen dope addicts vjeruht doubtedly the offenders chief kerr thinks as the money to the till was untouched and other valuable goods were left it is believed admission to the store was gained via the coal chute m em significant informauon a toade publication- points oik r that acecairig-tobradstreets-repkjrt-fcelbsor- 95 per cent bf all business fajlutes w t honadyertisers one does not hesitate a v mtouteaboutinsuilng of business but how about the business itself the successful business man is the one who goes after business the failure is the one who sits around and waits for business to come to him macomb toi t hfflrald i m fair directors- meet- t an enthusiastic meeting of the direc tors qf acton fall fair was held in the council chamber yesterday afternoon vlrpprmlrient ft t ttamahftnf and bww digc8teb 3 well said the judge since you have no counsel i shall have to assign you lawyer to dysfend you ti i if youdont mind your honor the meek prisoner who had been accused a gibbons broke up the old borne in acton bigamy repuedvtdjmther have a couple continued on page five policemen tary f io wright gave a very interesting review of the fairs association conven- tion notice was also received from the provincial department that owing xtp curtailment in grants the wewortp competition prize money for thta year would not be forthcoming this com- petition will therefore notbi held this year the various committees were p- pointed for the year and the next meet- tag wp be held in jmay j v ti talk onindla the regular weekly meeting of he young- peoples league of the united churchnwas held on monday evening and wasvi charge of theilssiohflnr j committee with mr arthur mckeown in the chair rev- mr ffole led- to jjfm prayer after which the scripture iessori 7 was read by mr will johnston jevvtssf minutes of the last- two meetings tweie tti read and approved vljt e bafaiigie an interesting address on thdla mrf harrop resided to ihdla for a number of v yesxs sidta fainuwwinhtb customs in that country consequently iris talk was educational an thoroughly enjoyetl at the close a vote of thanks was tendered the speaker by iw- mr poole and seconded by mr n f moore i v-v- serious rioitdrtfott- fcvtm an- tafnriaied inch of 3junvv7iw employed a girl daetitxiibmlllmthii wind stormed the ford motox swm river rouge jplant monday afttrnoon tti j be repulsed by tiiejbkimms four of tbelr number weru1ett1iajivh were wounded hafry tmilwll 0m the bord serviceailutatjllii jwbjrtlme clllnsw york grapher was toundedin 1 net ipiptly- islijbjjci out of the jiitiitifeqsffiff said tlbje- 38 jinufclw 4ctowei6r itv- n i rosn v u-

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