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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1932, p. 2

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ll tt l facuc two j ffib acton free press thursday mamoh 10 i93ar i if the houe of sljp arton jffre jra member canadian weekly newspaper lasaadattan member opurioqttebeo dltislon c w k a r the acton free fress la gauahfed erery thursday evening at the freeereaa baijding wy street actsn ontario th s price la xr per year in advance m charge additional tb offices fa the united state- the date to which pubacnptlon w paid i lndicatedon the addreta ubek advertising rates ror small unclassi fied- advertisements and in other columns the rates will be found at- head pf cplamn dis play advertising rates on application 1 g a dillsve4itotand proprietor telephones editorial and business omce residence- tj still the fact sttould also be borne in mjnd by these officials- that the water ojfthe mains is used by 2000 people f drinkin pur daily wherea the water is used about three or four times a year to quench conflagrations wei -understand- that during the iri- spectblsest lasfeerthe water from the alixiiraty chlorination plant- was turned into- the mains for a halfjhoijkto satisfy his acquir with a-purnp- ing 5ulyoladkyateirterworks plant it was understood at the installation that this jvater would riot be turned tire mains except wi case of bjb mergency the inspectors visit was- ho- emergency the smeu of the tfaterin certain sections of the town after this demonstration was to say the least very obnoxious arid the color of- the water labelled it as unfit for human consumption if an epidemic of typheidis avoided it is simply so much good fortune and can certainlynptbevattributedtoiany qgre exer cised in keeping the water of the system uncon tamiiiated- acton has always been- justly proud of the splendid springwater that has been in its mun- icipal system the citizens have come to rely on the water jjf being safe the putting of water intojthe mains without notice that is unfit for consump i more taccidehfain industry i the accidents reported pfhe workmens com- ppnsntin rnnrri during the mo fe num- toered023 as compared wittl 366rduting7january7 and 3924 during february a yar ago there were 27 fatal accidents as against 19 in january and 25 in february lastyear thebene a f fe ary amounted to 40403 k30 33625865 of which was for compensation and 6777265 for medical aid and for january 1932 the total benefits awarded amounted to 45353064 of which 36362134 was for compensation and j8903fjjjriiiedical32dr whenqjfeed reigns j the kidnapping of the tweritymonthold son of i colandjwxs lindbeighjias stirred the hearts of everyone and drawn out the sympathy of not only the people of this continent but of other lands for the bereaved parents other children ihaye been ab ducted and held for ransom in the republic to the south the kidnapipng of the lindbergh habe would appear however to be a challenge from the under world to those entrusted with law enforcement and the protectipn of law abiding citizens none can blame the anxious father and motherfprusing every conceivable means of having the babe returned any parents worthy of the name would dotikewase but it will be rather poor praise for any land toallow the perpetrators of the crime to go free from punish ment and secure the unds demanded for the return of the chifd if such a thing happens it would seem that no child is safe in this land of the free in england if is said- that the crime of kidnapping for ransom is un itis tobe hoped that- canada- will follow the example of the mother country rather than our neighbor when rht greed for money becomes uppermost in individuals ro the extent thatthey will separatechiidrerrf rom thc parents to appease the lust it would seem that man hood or womanhood had dropped to its lowest level in its search for wealth n no noncontributory dole the statement by premier bennett that canadi will never adopt a noncontributory dole scheme as longas he is in power will commend itself to all citizens who have the welfare of the- dominion at heart this expression was given to a delegation iff unemployed who waited upon the government recent ly while some form of unemployment insurance may be advisable it is clear that in the interests of promotion of thrift in a young nation this insurance should becorftributed to by those whom it will bene fit while some citizens practice thrift at all times and prepare for adverse times is no reason why these individuals should be taxed to assist those who may have squandered their substance in times of plenty- canada cannot afford a dole system but it can pro mote a scheme of unemployment insurance that would have those who would enjoy its privileges con tributing toward its upkeep the provincial work mens compensation plan has proven a benefit to employers as well as employees the fundsare paid by the employers and coming as anannuat assess ment are not burdensome a similar provision for the workmen with the amount deducted from the pav envelope wouldseem small but would soon provide sufficient to care for the lean periods that apparently come periodically such a fund would tend also to make an independent selfrespecting manhood that a form of dole could never do 7 fire protection not paramount while it is very necessary that fire underwriters tests be carried iput periodically and it is an ac- jcnov4giaclbwwactoris vaterwbrkslsysjteni is p wrybjfintinl partaftljtcrfighting equipment chronicles of ingrhrarm written speobuly for the viptxtbmjit gwendoline p claiike the time has come- the- walrus said 7totafcor many things 1 of shbes aiid shlpsaad sealing wax of- cabbages and kings r- lewis carroll tion- was therefore arather serious undertaking it d0iie around tn use- but sh mi strike while the iran is ho to delay is to be- hoped no serious results will develop but rp fatal- isnt that the way we all feel just now even thouglrour thoughts may not tu7l to cabbages and kings yet certainly at this time of the year we are tempted tp think of so very many thlhgs and we are fired with enthusiasm to- get after the jobs we know need doing there is- a restlessness anwge shall we call it which will not bbdehied expression the farmer pokes around in ills driving shed hr bsrn although the- chances are he dbes not accomplish very much but the germ of industry begins to grow- and it may rejult in mjrsteripus hammerings or the unusual sight o machinery being overhauled and thoroughly oiled if ftie housewife- is wise she- will watch for these signs of superflous energy in her spoiise and choosing a favorable opportunity she will wlth the greatest diplomacy mention a few jobs which need to be but she must is telescope that points downwards some time ago there was brought out a novel tornj of astronomical telescope de- kignod to redder aniateur astronomy at- who are not willing to face thjhardships incident to observa tion with the ordinary instrument twitn this fornioftelecppo the obterv- brliblvrini jspmtortablo room and looks downward to observe any- object even though it lje directly over his head the jclrciesand hahdvf heels for pointing the instrumentate all cohcentrlcwith the tube arid located near the eye so that the observer heednever move jrom his seat jolsurvexthe whole sky would be the part of wisdom for those in authority to nowas every woman knows there are refuse a similar test for inspection only or to make of husbandsinfact husband arrangements so that a test- can be made without polluting the systeiiu h study should bp looked upon as entirely separate from any other form of psychol ogy fortunately the orthodox woman is called upon to deal with only one kind of husband at a time so there is really no excuse for her not understanding her own- particular mans temperament and tantrums a little observation will soon reveal ito every wife the- best time and occasion upon which she may safely appeal to friend husband for assistance for instance it isnt diplomatic to sug gest having the livingroom carpet taken out for- a beating just after your good man has com back from the mill and dont ask him to take a turn at the wa nia when he has j machine no my deductions are made because during the course of my married life i have made a study of signs and sounds which enable me to forbear from needless questioning for instance the other day j went down to the barn to help separate and i noticed that part ners erstwhile cheerful disposition had evidently lecelved a jolt sometimes to inquire the cause of trouble only adds fuel to flresso instead of using my tongue i used my eyes and what did i seev just a milky white poofta the ditch behind the cows and in the separator room a dented milk pailastrlktag in- stance of everyplcture tells a story had i needed it instead of that we had breakfast and i chatted pleasantly of natters that had nothing whatever to do with farming if you want help choose your time and yqu will find your husband the most wjlllng and delightful of men i editorial notes wg5 th bt1grict3iconfusiqn to look forward to will be the daylight saving- timfc johnph amous bandmaster and-com- pqser isidead but the stirring marches which he has left behind him will rejhain for many a year as a memorial to genius jc the fergus news persists in its assertion that burlington put acton out of the0 h a run ning credit where credit is due brother templin it was oakville that turned the trick this year now the fine motor cars of the yearare on parade befdre the public and it is said thatnever before have the manufacturers been so lavish in the treat ment of their product to induce the- public to buy a writer in the shelburne economist makes the following observation that seems very apt in any community funny isnt it how much cfuieter a man keeps about money he loses by trusting a stranger than he does about the money he loses by trusting someone in his own community finished fixing the outside pump after wrestling for hours withplpes and rods and suction caps n bthese two in stances are not taken from life as i have neither livingroom carpet nor washin y an important industry the total value of all theproducts of the lumber industry of canadajn 1930 according to a report just issued by the canadian government bureau of statis tics was 121 142985 a decrease pf 176 per cent compared with ttie value of the output in the previous year there were 3257 lumber mills- in operation throughout canada in flfeyear under review which gaveremploymentw435jlpersonstakirigtb5saat millsas a separateindustry it ranks fifthamong the important industries of canada its gross production is now exceeded by that of the pulp and paper in- dwstry7ourandgtistmillsslaughteringandtneat packing establishments and the central electric stations with regard tr the net value of production sawmilling comes second only- to the pulp and- paper jndustrywttita net total of 48186223 in 1930 the sawmilling industry comes first among canadian in dustries with regard to total number of employees second with regard to wage distribution and third with regard tp capital investment lumber produced in canada is drawn from different parts of a tbrested area that covers a total area of 1151454 square miles efvwhich about- 173 per cent carries mature mer chantable timber 97 p5r cent carries immature but thnt wfts 0cc upon which i nevertheless merchantable forest products and 4s2- alpuid naturally avoid asking assistance per cent consists of accessible young growth which which eventually be merchantable the remaining 248 per cent is ipficessible-tht- unprofitable under present conditions v the total volume of standing timber has been estimated at 224304 million cubic feet capable of being corivertectinto 424637 minion board feet of lumber and 1121993000 cords of pulp- wood ties poles and similar forest products the eastern provinces are estimated to contain about 41 per cent the prairie provinces 25 per cent and britishcolumbia 34 per cent of this total volume a mirror pivoted is placed in front jjf the object glass a steel piano wire runs around a wheel on the axis of lhlsmlrror andraound a drum on the hand wheel at the eye end by rotating this mirror different declinationsjare reflected in the telescope by lotatlni the whole telescope including the mirror frame any angle maytbe brought into the field theto is a stoiall region around the- pole that is not visible with this form of telescope but it contains few objects of interest- at harvard observatory a telescop was devised by getrlsh some years ago the instrument constructed on this pcin- dple has it issaid thoroughly demoh- ntraied its usefulness- the mirror being silvered on the front surface very little light is lost by reflection so little in fact is the loss of light that without some means pf measurement ho one cruld detect the loss fexcept in cases where trie observer wants to go to the very 11m t of the power of his glass- m separating doifcle stars the results obtained wlh this instrumeiunaresaid tobe in every way as satisfactory as when the tele- scopcpojnted directly at the sky toottjache and neuralgia are instantly relieved with dbuglas egyptian lirilment a quick sure remedy also recommend ed for burns sprains sores- arid inflam mation like cjjres like diner to waiter with black eye why dont you apply a piece of steak to it waiter it was a lump o steak the gentleman threw at me everywhere i look these days i find signs which may safely be taken as pre liminary to spring crows cawcaw their way from field to field and in the bare branches of the trees the starlings ari both numerous and noisy yesterday the children brought home pussywillows frcm the creek and today 1 received a large order for setting eggi the jiens are beginning to get cross when disturbed in their nest partner is thinking out a new kind of chicken coop and the chil- dren have got out marbles allies an n skipping rope all of wfichafe infallible signs of approaching sprjng to say nothing of the endless things i want to do around the house as well as outside hilt lan thp nifhwiiry pnprgytvi y out my ambitions in tfact i am tired- dead tird the kind of tiredness which is far worse before i start a job than when i have finished it yes i knov there is another name for that complaint just plain laziness but you see when i want to be kind to myself i call it spring lethargy it really sounds much nicer molly is still rending the air with noisy coughing but otherwise has re covered from her attack of flu the young fellow is still at school very glad to think that he had measles two or three years ago but since molly has had them twice and i remember my sister had scarlet fever three times i aimron- derlng whether it- is ever safe to consider oneself immune from any of these an noying complaints when i have finished this screed i o going to get- back to my boot the education of a princess by marie grand duchess of russia it is a most en thralling book there is not a dull pape in it it is at once amusing enlightening and altogether heart breaking and of course it is authentic j bright pupil teacher now tell me the name of the insect whichls first a tank and then an aeroplane r pupil its the caterpillar which changes into a butterfly bread and as benson 8 golden syrup a nourishi and delicious food that builds healthy bodies particularly re- fommonhprl far growing children by expert dietitians an economy food that thewhole family will enjoy send lie for canadas prix recipe 30 practical hometetd recipe tftcxnatvi limited montreal a nil m m av m g quality rrst economy always cheer jjpi things cost less at carrolls limited johnsons wax ppritlktin 48 b rawoerries aylmer regular price 25c 1 no 2 squat tin 2t mushrooms 5rwmwwmmmmmmmimmwmwmwlilmmwmmwwmw naturci bet choice- quality tomatoes- mclaren crisp queen olives 19oz crackle jar 21 c frankf ocdtedi peas 2 no 2 rim 1 5c jfclarenv assorted jellies powdrf 4 ptgs 23 f thatj splendid canadian weekly newspaper thy simcoe refarmer liastseen selected as the best news paper on thecontinent by one of americas most eminent journalists prof john h casey head of absorbed into the tissues leaving- no the school of journalism university of oklahoma stlckness this is the first time a canadian weekly newspaper has ocqupied such a high rating and thefree prfs joins in extending congratulations the publisher p george pearce persian balm the unrivalled tare requisites essential to every dainty woman imparts rare charm and beauty to the complexion softens and beau tifies the slflh taakes hands vlawesily white cools and refreshes kclieves loughness ideal for true femine dls- tlndin delicately fragrant swiftly persian balm invariably creates a subtle elegance and charm anxious mother and isjny boy really trying teacher very special monarch sweet mixed pickles 34oz iar keen english mustard tfnl4 24c 48c carrolls rolled oats ift 6 21c heinxor ctarks beans s3 urges tin j c french canadian pea soup 2 tins 9 acadia boneless codfish ipoundpkg jc iund jl eagle brand milk condensed mjr n 9 specui t lib lin 45 carrotrs fine teas vx 39c 70c carrolls fine coffees grwndv 33c 39c 45c special liqutce allsorts ssr b 25c special del monte asparagus 3 lib tins 1 carrolls breakfast bacon special h o ammonia p 5c for suds in a jiffy jiff large pkg i9c shop at cahroll ajyp save dm m m carrolls limited mwmummwjwiujmjrrm extra large navel k oranges per dozen owc medium navel c oranges per dozen trijv small oranges per dpzen 33c jt 5 seedless grape fruit small for 3 seedless grape pruit large for 25c 21c rlemons special per dozen spinach fn per lb 6 ontario apples tbs good cookers 23c 10c mill street phone 158 eton lim viii jaoivftl ili2uffij tvji j v rut skti rjiusm 5ssibsbbwsjj1fr7

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