i v v vv fv j l fiftyseventh year no 8 acton ontario thursday march 17-1932- eight homeprint pagesfive cent auditors report is received and reviewed by the council changes are suggested in acuiding arena statement and the method f accounting not satisfactory must secure someone to care for fire truck arid apparatus councillors will allow concessions only on personal appearance before regular meetings of coimcfl lll tii a the meeting of the council on v mtbhday evening pouneiildrs oowje jones and mcarthur were present and reeve barber presided v the matter of adjusting the wages oj the rink secretary was up for discus- ataii alixce he was hot working at full time ifc wdecldedjuport at 1 00 per night for tjie past week mr george benton jr requested per- mission to remove a tree on his property oh mill street the tree had 116811 made unshapely by the telephone co and was iao longer an ornament and kept the building damp council agreed to- in vestigate and give a decision on the matter l v the sixth report of thejlnance com mittee recommenced payment of the following accounts john wlfflamswrwctfrrn 50 the municipal world supplies 88 acton public utilities commis- aion services 18042 bell telep co services 132 jas b adamson rink secretary 700 22405 the reportwas adopted a letter frohi mr w mlddleton was referred to the council from the public jwlittlps qimmlsston regarding the breaking of a valve- of jthe water system- at his resident w the are pressure was applied i moved by e jones seconded by w d mcarthur that the public utilities com mission be authorized to deal with the complaint by wm mlddleton in regard to his valve being destroyed by high water pressure put on during fire pro- tectton test and if they see fit to lnstal a new valve for mr mlddleton carried movedby e jones seconded by w d mcarthur that any person requesting the use of our public park for other purpdsesuthan what they were intended for or anyone desiring the removal of a tree or trees on or along our public streets or any other changes must come in pe t the council when the council is jfrfreguiar session to get per- missioulany persons violating ithese rules will be dealt with accordingly carried the council deplored the condition the park had been put in by drawing ice over the ground while soft and felt that this condition must be stopped the auditors report was received from- messrs- rutherford- williamson co along with a letter outlining their rstosnnehatnish rtoiuhecouiielliln the manner of accounting constructive criticism of various departments was given andmethods of improvementwere suggested the auditors- report was reviewed by the councillors and it was decided to go over ithe report before haying the usual number of copies printed jieieartmentprnatonalifence called attention to the leaksn the roof in their quarters at the arena the matter was left in the hands of th first annual meeting acton branch of canadian legion review first year- work and elect as obioers lor thp year news of acton and the district v f y p o meeting the u f y p p will hold their next meeting on friday evening april 1 in stead of wednesdast evening march 23 reeve to be attended to a letter from the border cities star was ordered to be filed the communi cation suggested advertising actons features for tourists the matter of securing a supply of coal for the pump house was delegated to councillor mcarthur ashead of the fire and light committee- fire chief mcdonald was present re garding the securing of an attendant for the are truck the officers of the com mission who were members of the brigade had found it impossible to at tend to that duty the decision on this matter was left over until the next meeting for a settlement the first r annual meeting of acton branch of the canadian legion was held last friday evening at the club rooms on frederick street the reports of tie years activities were most gratifying and showed remarkable growth of thfe-organ- lzatlon which was just formed a year ago i the auditors report- presented by comrades e harrop and f j roney showed the branch to be in sound finan cial condition the auditors found all thebooks and vouche in hon and in their statement t occasion to commend secretary wrlgnt on his efficiency and attention todetails secretary f l wright gave a compre hensive review of the acton branch from ltsihceptionayearago itiuicvstarted put with eigijiaiembers and now the roll was over flftymembers the report reviewed the eyentaittt had been held by the branch during the year arid it would seem that it has been very active it also took occasion to point out the co operation that had been given the organ ization by the various societies of the community andthe citizens and theac complishhfents that had been possible through this hep so generously given the election of officers for the coming year resulted as follows immediate past president w gould presidentj m mcdonald j p first vicepresldentb o arnold second vicepresident f day j p hon chaplain rev h l bennie m a- secretarytreasurer f l wright auditors f salt and e harrop sergeant at arms j j cooney d c m executive committee e harrop f j roney f salt c thompson sick committee j p scarrow j gifcr bons w- eccleshall house committee w j gould j loutltt j j cooney l atkinson- musical committe f salt w coles j braida refreshment committee b bayllss e harrop c thompson e ttobinson signs of spring the- local baseball officials have re ceived word of organization meeting fora baseball groupitp be held hi milton on saturday march 26 at three oclock it is expected that two groups will be orgahizedjn the county with a playoff for county honors acton will likely enter a team again this year as all the boys of last years lineup are available again water was all right a7sample or the wateranalyzea after the water from tlie chloinatlon plant had been turned into the mains reported it in class a and free from bacteria there was no report on the color or smell so it was apparently all right for human consumption if you shut your eyes and esquesirig township council meeting passes usiial accounts applica- tions for road superintend ent to be received again- the esqueslhg township council met at stewarttown oh monday pursuant to adjournment deputy reeve w p appelberand councillors l l mullin n r roblnsbhttnd g- wesley murray present with reeve george currie in the chair the minutes of the last meeting were read andoonflrmed the treasurer was by motions author ized to pay the followins accounts l w dann charity account 100 thos mcbrfue 2 bags potatoes for charity jas jwilson 2 cords wood for charity harry robertson charity account w nesbltt charity account l m bennett charity account g fallow charity account to february 16 heldyournos and it l to learn there will be no danger xt typhoid as a result of the test the sample was tested by the ontario de partment of health u f w o meetjne the u f w o held their monthly meeting at the home of mrs r l david son on monday march the meeting opened with singing the the maple leaf followed by thelprds prayer after the business part of the programme tkcrdllowlngjnumbers were given read ing st patrick toy mrs mceacherh monologue mrs blshdp paper on st patrlqk which wasprepared by mrs somerville afid read by mrs orval johnston the meeting closed with the mizpah prayer after which the ladies enjoyed a st patricks lunch a con- testonst patrick was wonbymrs j j stewart and mrs mccutcheon 80 1400 aqo 1564 2 nelson co charity account 775 2300 200 79 j public utilities 1 commission- transfer of 800 was made from water- works department to the general account of the corporation ameetlngpt-the-public-utilltles-com- mlsslon was held on monday afternooq with commissioners king and reeve barber and chairman r j kerr present the- matter- of rearranglng a power account- was left over to be settled at the regular meeting 1500 350 90 2155 6167 lad was recaptured grant miller who escaped from the minilco industrial school on monday march 7 was taken into custody mondaj afternoon last at the shack of norman logan on the mountain north of geotge- tiwn- logan who had sheltered the boy during the past week said that he did not know that miller had escaped from the school but thought that he was a transient passing through the neighbor hood- provided food and shelter for the sake of the boys company the arrest was effected by chief w g marshall provincial constable t h owens and an off icer from the scfipol miller madejio attemprafreslstahce or flight when the offioerspproachedthetinycottage local boys try wrestling k c lindsay 2 sheep killed and 2 sheep injured by dogs thos anderson valuator bell telephone account acton public utilities commis sion jcrescent street lights 3 months j h- smith 1 cord wood for council chamber j sanfordrepalrs at township j sanford a count to date jm moore account to date globe indemnity premium oh policy to may 18 1932 385 i m bennett registration fees for 1931 1975 moved by g wesley murray seconded by n r robinson that the treasurer pay george currie and w g appelbe expenses to good roads convention 1000 each george currie and l l mullin expenses interviewing depart ment of highways 500 each carriad moved by g wesley murray seconded by w- g appelbe that owing to an errorlrr advertising for a road superin tendent the clerk be instructed to ad- vertfae for applications again at a salary of 87500 per year carried moved by l l mullin seconded by n r robinson that the treasurer pay leroy jdale balance 6h 1931 account 2158 carried moved by n r robinson seconded by l l mullin that this council do now adjourn to meet on march 24 at 7 p m carried various items of local interest an omission in theobltuary item of the late adam stewart published- last weekthe follow ing were omiued from the llstofflolar tributes mr anil mrs sinclair mr and mrs blevins mrs leslie mrand mr ramsden and family miss hi boydjand mr and mrs main v r r puslihch township ofticers- officers for the year wereappolnted afa meeting of pusllnch township council jthe new officials are weed inspector hector mccalg tax collec tor john a cockburnt pound keepers n the junior hockeyists have tfie limelight in this week s events ia peter patterson marshall ferguson jos brockell wm tabbert crastor scoh a scott peter richardson wm m moorep j evans j a mcallister j stewart fence viewers robert mur ray george mogill m p lynch wt j little d c campbell m byrnes p a 992 pattarapn m ferguspn alex mclean sheep valuators john tolton m fer- guson h h h c ma alex tawse p c mclean game in georgetown resulted in a scoreless draw z the juniors show marked improvement in second encounter byrne in goal gtot em all this time defeated muton on tuesday night by score of 64 seme likely youngsters on the lineup 0r0 in final trophy event th hookey fans of both acton and georgeown were given a big surprise on friday jiight last when- they learned that the acton kids had shut out the georgetown juniors right in their own back yard after georgetown secured a five goal lead in the first game it seemed just a matter of how many goals they could score but the localboys decided they were going tovjshut them out and that they did in a very efficient manner the score was 00 acten didnt score either but that was no surprise as no- body expected tfiem- tor although theiy certainly gave wrlghf the opposlriggoal- keeper plenty of anxious moments and deserved about three goalsi if it hatj been a three game series instead of goals to count on the- round it would seem likely that the p a smith trophy would be changing handshistrearr the game opened up very fast left wing chapman right wing ward subsk richardson w richardson mo- nally and bradley acton goal byrne defence e marzo and r kowulskl centre w waterhouse left wing d dawklns right wingr anderson subs h mqbney marzo b gibbons h xawson referee joe kentner acton m halton and peel jersey breeders peter dick georgetown was elected bot teams p 8 hockey president of peel and haltori jersey breedgi-s- at the annual meeting ih brampton on- saturday other officers elected were d o bull j m dolson james steen honorary presidents hunter amott huttbnvlle 1st vice- president edxard harrop milton 2nc vicepresident robt segsworth bramp- tah secretarytreasurer wats wlg- gins- caledon frank chapmahrmais ton r j i graham georgetown ward ruddell milton hugh black milton and cyril clark britannia directors r w wade director of ontario livestock branch was the chief speaker an interesting group canada exports more the gelph mercury glves informatjon regarding the wrestling training of a couple of acton boys who to great britain increase of more than two millions in value during p month sdt million jobll essl estimat fax the united states jo starvation however exists emertency fund is sought the secretary was upon motion in structed to pay the following accounts hydro accounts bell telephone co services 450 f mccutcheon freight 594 jas symon supplies 435 alwynston jr ltd supplies llh6 canadian national railway pre paid express 1 175 rose oheafn ltd supplies 245 workmens compensation board assessment 11342 association municipal electrical utilities members fees 500 mcdonald electric supply co supplies 676 line to cable assessorles supplied 969 canadian general electric co supplies 5637 canadian general electric co supplies- 1764 j c matthews postage ioqol georgetown lumber co supplies 75 king mceachern truck repairs ncrthern electric co supplies h h wilson inspecting metres national batteries ltd supplies 960 749 2250 560 have gone in for the sport jack adams has a couple of pupils from acton with whom he works out at the city hall auditorium eacli day when he gives joe veroni his training these two boys peter kuhtey who weights 190 and rudy kowalski 18b lookrllke comers they- were brought to the guelph man by a molozzi who to the stepfather of kowal ski both boys are somewhat green but they are willing workers and tear right into the practise bouts with plenty cf vim their teacher is working hard to bring them along and they are gradu ally showing sighs of the coaching i successor to late ii p moore named mr h b christie of the editorial staff of thcbrantford expositor has been appointed by the executive com mittee of the general council of the united churqh of canada to the board of publications to- fill the vacancy on the board occasion by the death of the late judge hhpj mjjbre at the annual meeting of the board jjwchair a remarkable increase is phone subscribers of the acton george town brampton and milton exchanges canadasdomectlcoxports to grea or t belleteimow-rjornp- met at shown in britain during the month of february says a staiemont issued by the depart ment of trade and commerce in febru- ary193l7thevalue of the export wai 8201000 and although price changes have tended to make the a 29507 waterworks accounts hydro department power and heating at spring 4643 hydro department february operations t she million persons in the united stated are unemployed but virtually no starvation exists senator hiram bing ham republican connecticut told the senate yesterday his estimate was based on reports from governors of most of the 48 states and on other advices the shrvey was introduced as part of binghams opposition to the proposed 123000000 emergency road building appropriation which he believes would apportion the money unfairly among the the matter of arrears were checked states he cited a typical instance ffind the various cases were dealt with wherein the allotment to pennsylvania moved by l o king seconded by would represent 526 per unemployed george barber that the secretary be in- man and h097 d utah r i structed to transfer 800 from water- blngham insists that the western agrl- works accounts to the general account cultural 1 states have not been as hard carried f j 7 hit by the depression as the large eas- a letter from mr mlddleton claimed h- ern industrial centres 31 the only case of starvation among the unemployed was reported tsy governor plnchot of pennsylvania bingham said he added however that he considered pirichocb estimate of 1000000 unem ployed in pennsylvania alche as being itoo high a -i- politeness- is like an air cushion there may be nothing in it but it ewes the jolts wonderfully- hat the valve on his service at his residence had been destroyed when the fire pressure had- been applied he en quired if the commission would re- unburse- him for this damage the mat ter was referred to e council for con sideration be alike the ivoungster who when asked hdw lje learned to skate so jjvell replied wjy getting iia every tlmt i fell down man rev s d chown d d ll p vi rpf to wrlt le of sym pathy to the relatives of deceased of ficers rev j m duncan d d former editor of sunday school publications mr h pmoore acton ontario the former chairman of the bpard and the late book steward rev sw fallis d d funeral of the late bishop warne the funeral of the late bishop warne of new york was held to balllnafad cemetery on wednesday af ternon upon arrival of the 228 p m tralh from toronto at actoh the remains were con veyed to the cemetery at ballinafad in which community bishop warne was bem and spent his boyhood days the pallbearers were messrs geo roszel h fisher j h penny jhn smith e beswlck and robert kerr mr and mrs h fisher and mr j fisher of toronto accmpanied th remains from toronto tc the graveside but mrs warne was unable to come to the funeral an only brother of bishop warn7 mr pirrirt warne of vancouver b cl remains blshcp warne was an uncle of mr robt warne of actoh and mr f w warne of guelph who are the only relatives remaining in this vicinity bishop warne was ordained in india in 1900 and re mained in this position until his retire ment in 1928 of increase less pronounced thin it actually was yet the export of febru ary 1932 was 10238000 an increase of over 2000000 in valuer this is in line with the general trend of canadian trade which is towards in creasing business relations with the countries of- the british empire the increase in exports to great bri tain is pretty well all along the line of canadian- products says the report agricultural and vegetable products in creased by over a quarter of a million in the month to 4966000 wheat being a prime factor cheese flsh and meats also showed encouraging increases the export of wood almost doubled and in february was 833000 copper and nickel made substantial gains the former being 70 i february 1931 an 509000 in february 1932 iron and citizens band from the old hall in the hill block a groupv of portraits of odd- fellows of forty years or so ago were unearthed they are in remarkably good condition and have been on view in the free press window the past week and have been the centre of much interest they have all been identified by some oi the residents with two exceptions the one unnamed nianwasa g tr operat- or at jthe local station and the other in- dividual has hot been recognized by any one yet those who have been named are robt watson adam winlow thos smythe jos allen james nicklln isaac fancls james mclam as far as is known nearly all of them have passed away the photos will be turned over to the local order of oddfellows when re- rmvpri frnm tht fnrr pnrsg wlnrinw with the georgetown boys dldnt seem to be play ing a defensive game but tried to add as jriany goals as they could however carney byrne rose to the occasion and certainly deserved a shutout the actnn boys were outplaying the georgetown lads in every department and haroldmooney the kid centre player could outskate any of the georgetown team including the tamousabunny ward all the outflt played an improved game and had georgetown almost skated oft their feet the georgetown fans almost had heart- failure when three acton men broke away with only wright to beat but anderson shot from the wing and the puck went over the top of the net then- chapman for the neighboring boys broke during the roving operation of xcton butt jceeeanthis timeaterhouselbutthe telephone meeting at stewarttown alargelyattendeilmeetingofthe rural its prodijcts held their own fairly well and are a valuable export to the mother land being 284000 stewarttown on monday to discuss the attitude of the bell company on the request of the subscribers for a reduc tion in the rates present rates are approximately 198fl per year the farmers in view of present times think that the rates should be reduced to 15 and a committee composed of a g m bruyns george nurse and peter dick all of the georgetown district approached the comrianiytyasklrig that the reduction be made their request was refused and mondays meeting was for the pur pose of further organization in the event that no reduction is made after a further petition has been presented the intention of 90 per cent of the rural subscribers of these exchanges is to have their phones removed the names of w clark acton and a service milton were added to the committee which will next approach the telephone company the esquesing township council has taken no official actlonin the jnatter and is standing aloof from the move ment r local goalie left his cage and smothered what looked like a sure goal the period was very clean and w richardson and ritchie of georgetown drew the only penalties for tripping the second period opened with the same fast hockey and started to roughen up a bit but referee joe kentner kept them in hand both teams had numer ous shots jm the goal but neither side could put the rubber heel in the cage many heavy body- checks were handed out and lawson who was changed from centre to defence played a much im proved game pewhurst of georgetown- dreiw a penalty for an illegal bodycheck but his absenee didnt affect the george town team much ward and ritchie broke away with only the defence to beat but kowalski intercepted the pas and- acton 6vmnjton4 the greer puckchasers finally got in the win column when they beat the milton junicms on tuesday night in an exhlbl- tion tilt- a pretty small crowd saw the game but everyone there declare they saw a good game it did not start offt a very stiff pace and- was not quite as fast as the georgetown game but the boys putup a good exhibition and are rounding into aprett team milton broke- into the score sheet first when pryde poked a loosepuck past byrne after a scramble til front of the acton net this woke the acton boys up and bill waterhouse broke up a milton play ax centre ice passed todawkins on left oving who shot a hot one at bundy n the milton cage the puck hit his pads and bounded out but bob anderson was right on the spot and banged in the re- bound to tie the score this finished the scoring in this period and it ended jjotn teams also received one penalty each t the middle twenty started- off a lot faster and ackh rah in fourgoals just as the puck was faced ott ax centre ice anderson got it passed to waterhouse who beat bundy with a cleancut shot from the wing dawklns made the next rush but again his shot- hit the goal- broke up a dangerous rush byrne had many anxious moments in goal rwice the- puck slipped through his pads and stopped right on thegoal line but marzo rushed in on t both occasions and sennped it out and when another shot hit the post the goal umpire flashed on the light but- he put- it right out again dawkins and waterhouse then broke away with only ward on the defence to beat but he got in the road utthnpnrlr null lpiirprt it furm in front reformatory inmate killed james fitzgerald an inmate of thu ontario reformatory at guelph was working with the gang on the excava hon for the lake which is being dug out in the reformatory grounds earth is removed in heavy trucks on rails drawn by horses and- it is customary for a number of the inmates to assist hi starting them in motion fitzgerald and another man where pushing at the side of one of the trucks when a pin came out allowing the heavy meal receptacle of the car to swing over pin ning fitzgerald against the embankment the truck was in motion and he was rolled between the body of the truck and the embankment sustaining terrible internal injuries he died shortly after the evening meal digester grandma oh jenny darling i am surprised arent you going to give your brother part- pi sour apple 7 jenny no grannie eve did that and shes been ciiticlseid ever since of the goal as dawkins was getting back into his position he accidentally bumped into ohe of the georgetown players and ward skated up to him ida fight almost started but both men were penalized just as the period e in this chukker dewhurst k richardson- and ward of georgetown and lawson marzo and dawkins of acton drew penalties the last twenty minutes started right in where the second left off and was pretty rough marzo the acton defence man stopped one of wards long shots with his eye but continued in the game the body checking was starting to get heavy now and chapman of george town drew a penalty acton then raided the georgetown citadel but couldnt get therubber past wright 7 justasjjhjvjoji rubber in the cage for his second colmter the kid line then came on and they started the ganging act around the milton net and missed some glorious chances but j marzo made a fine rush from centre ice after receiving a pass from mooney and stickhandled his way through the whole milton team to put acton two up this line could only score one goal although they had several royal chances but luck favored the milton team anderson waterhouse and dawkins came on again and anderson accounted for one of the strangest goals ever seen scored here he shot the puck from centre ice and itappeared as if it was going right over the screen at the end of the rink however one of the milton defence men got his- head in the way and the flying pellet lifted his hat m right off and after some twcbng settled in the- goal behihd the bewildered goal keeper the intruder epped to the ice ouflie was unhurt beyond a bad fright before the period was over milton suc- ceeded in getting another one past byrne and it ended with the score 5r2 the third period started off fast but pill waterhouse got hurt on the muscle of ms- leg above the knee and fiad to retire from the game this broke up the first forward line and harry lawson powers to relief embarrassed municipalities power to 1 declate a moratorium in the case of a municipality which is in default of payment of its bonds is given the newly created ontario municipal boaratunder the provisions 6f a bill introduced in the legislature yesterday by attorneygeneral price which merges the ontario railway and municipal board and bureau of municipal affairs into the one body special jurisdiction is conferred on the ontario municipal board under the new bill the board is commissioned to render advice upon any municipal matter in respect of which its opinion is desired it is empowered to scrutinize the debentures issues of any municipality and most important of all it may declare a moratorium when a municipality is in default or mayfefe become in default rind thus prevent sult3 against the municipality x the board may lnqulie into the affairs upoii the request of the municipality itself or of 20 per cent of its creditors in the event of a municipality defaulting the bdardnmay set up a committee of five supervisors two of them nominated by the municipality two to represent the credltrs and a fifth independent person who will be chairman thaaupervlsor will take charge of all flnanclsy aspects of the municipality who plays better on defence had toske waterhouses place the play was pretty even in this period and milton notched two goals but anderson came back and scored his third goal of the evening to give acton a two goal lead he should have had another one as his shpt from the wing hit the inside of the set and bounced out again the- red light flash ed but referee salmon did not allow the goal the first jine seems stronger than the second although the youngsters have more teamnplay and combination the milton team showed the lack of practise and did not have the speed of the locals russ salmon was the referee the hockey notes event arranged for tomorrow man came back gibbons of acton drew a trip to the cooler with both sides at full strength again ritchie for george town made a solo rush and e marzo on the defence gave him a very stiff body check knocking him to the ice this enraged ritchie and he made a swipe at marzo with his stick and missed so he rose up arid jumped on marzos back intending to start the annua free- forall but the big defence man paid no attention to him and ritchie the same boy who started the fight with woods last year drew a major penalty for his trouble ward also drew two penal ties in this period and waterhouse and gibbons also had a trip to the bull pen the acton team as a whole played a very much improved game the first line of waterhouse andersonand daw kins proved the strongest waterhouse is a very hard man to get past at centre having a very dangerous poke check he was well assisted on the wings by dawkins and anderson the kid line of mooney marzoand gibbons runs the regulars a very owe second this is marzos arid mooneys fltstyear in junior hockey both boys being but fifteen years old the three defence men marro kowalski and lawson were very hard to get past while byrne in goaf 1 was abso lutely unbeatable the lineups were georgetown goal wright defence hall and dewhurst centre w r ritchie night when the local fans will have a chance to see gouney mcgowantwho is cduntebtas one of the fastest centre men in the o h a in action along with louch and hayhoe should be a real game acton intermediates are up against real material when they meet that front line oakville has ousted another team from the running port dalhousie was put out by a 20 score onmonday nighty and the lads from the soutji end of the county accomplished this feat with out the assistance of moore and allan the shoe factory have beeri havlig some real hectic battles at the arena the past week we havent found out yet whloh team ed sweeney has picked to win th6 championship the juniors showed that they only need the practise and experience to make them a real team they are getting the games the past week f the weather has been the real hockey brand plenty of snap and splendid ice the past week have been all any fan could desire many of the rural fans take ft real kick out of seeing the toronto teams get a trimming occasionally the 00m- concluded on page eight v 9 is