lssbsffsbvi9llkffiwk rtyk k fvy fyf ojll4 v vj i ffififfivlh fl ijiwiflr fyk ttp y ia v j r t w v li v ivffib tt theacton free press obj telephone bell had rung at mast two minutes before the slatternly ghl who waa clearing the table lnthe long narrow boarding house dining rbomv took the trouble to answer it when she had done so she merely screamed up the stairs some- bodyon the phone jor miss cressweu a second floor girl took up die cry say tell iheodtfra cressweu that shes wanted on the pnohe then the fchird floor girl j whose room was at the head of the stairs ran across the hall and thumped on theodoras door fphone theo better hurry ifrov wouldnt that jar you theo iora asked her reflection in toe mirror it was characteristic of the change which bad been taitog place in her the jast two years that she frequently re- articles under the couch and threw the rest into the closet she decided that hex easter hat was- decorative and laid tit on the couch with her jrork basket the worn rug was in need of a7 thorough sweeping but as that was out of the question in the time at her disposal she swept the worse of the litter under the couch with a clothes brush after a hasty dusting she looked about her more complacently there unless ray vis itor is very sharpeyed she wont have any excusft for thinking that mother didnt do liar duty by me sle hay not quite understood her feeling of satisfaction up- to this time but all at once the explanation came to her why im doing something for m6therand i had supposedit was too late only theodora herself knew the sorted to cheap slang even wfiehcoff versing with herself why couldnt- whoever wants me have rung tenmln- utea ago she slipped on her bath robe fr ran downstaira after two flights her interrogative hello was rather breathless the xolce that returned her greeting was unfamiliar but had a pleasaut eagerness about it hello is this mrs cressweu theodora was consciousot a distinct shock she could not rally her ideas sufficiently to reply at once then she stammered a little as she asked w- who did you want to speak to to birs theodora cressweu isnt this mrs cressweu oh i see youre the daughter may x speak to your mother theodora felt limp and weak twice her lips parted to answer and twice her voice failed her with the third effortjie succeeded in saying my mother hasttee ds nearly two lyearsi a little cry came over the wire not of apology nor of sympathy but elo quent of grief and loss theodora had no idea who was- speaking but her heart warmed to the woman whet had evident ly lovedher jnother veryjdearly dti x am so distressed the voice was saying i- cant tell you how grieved x am rm afraid ive rnadeitvery jjlrd lor you- on thats au right t want to see you i stopped in the city over htghfirt brdel to call oh your mother will you be at home this even- to r i theodora hesitated she had been dressing to go out with some of the other girls in the boarding house and to an swer that she had an engagement would be quite easy- there had been a sin cerity in the httle involuntary cry bow- ever that had influenced her m than ahe triad realized- sh neara nerse mother in return lor what she dutfor me- theodora was on her feet suddenly wait wait- her voice was choked and tremulous as she hurried on you dont know what youre saying you dont know me l t knowjou are your mothers daugh ter sjes bh r wasnt always a goodj daughter was selfish always thinking about what i watted and sometimes i spoke so lmpatiehtly when we didnt agree id give anything if i coif id live oyer jhe last year or two that mother was here so i could do things for her and show her that i cared i thought td have years and years you know i wonder mused miss herbert- re flectively i the girl did not stop to ask her rnean- tag i say you dont know me why before you caihe here tonight i washed off the roug and powder id put on to goiout with the girls you may think this room looks quite neat but that isnt real i tucked things out of-alght- when i jjfhew you were oomlngi i swept the dust under the couch miss herbert listened carefuuy why did you do ah that because because weu ithought if you saw me au made up or if you saw this roonrall d youd thlnk my mother hadnt brought the evening biel by barbara b brooks gony that tlioihthadcoflttherr nigwrjnrrprtgirf thafsthewaytjeopledoi after night she had laid awake her hands clenched recalling every impat ient word she had spdkeh every incon- siderato act she had committed and other i aying5s be jome then j31 be outinaboutlanhour theodora hung up the receiver mid made her way up the stairs stopping to teu the girls that she was going to have a caller and could not accompany them once inside- her own room she turned the key with an instinctive desire to shut everybody out she asked if she could speak to mother just as though she were alive oh if i could only have atria yeai ru au her she threw herself upon the littered couch and burstinto4earsnoneknewherwell enough to dream of the torment she bad endured since her mothers death not only because of the loss but also be cause the girl was sure her mother had died without knowing how dearly her daughter loved her with the realiza tion bid come- the heartbreaking thought thapnow it wast too late ever to show it the paroxysinof weeping passed quickly and theodora sat up drawing her hand across her wet eyes i mustnt cry that woman said shed be here in an hour wbydldriteu ner td beyfaome i suppose i look uke a fright now she crossed the ipom and stared at herself ta the mirror she had not ex- longlng for a cnance to show sn was not so ungrateful as she had- seemed the cauer came a little after eight a trim welldressed woman stlu linden forty who introduced herself as miss herbert at once she noticed the pic- tureof theodoras mother bnthe watt of her room and she stood before it studying it earnestly it looks very much like the mrs cressweu i knew older of course but after all very little changed youre like your mol think oh do you think so exclaimed ths girl vry thankful that she had scrub bed her face in anticipation of this visit when miss herbert again seated her- self she said quietly teu me something about yourself when you were younger your mother thought you would like to be a teacher you gave up that idea it seems theodora felt her ups trembling that casual question had touched one of the big disappointments of her life i was just getting ready to take a kindergarten course when father died it was the thing x always wanted to do there wasnt money enough for my schooling arid so mother gave up housekeeping and took a position we came here to blame the mothers for everything andyou wanted to defend yours against myposslble mtejudgment then dont you see that it -lsnt- too late for you to do something for your mother the are died out of theodoras eyes i thought of that and thats only abeginnirig noth ing you could have given your mother would have meant so much to her as the supper hour a magnet drawing home i the ones who have the need of food and rest au women know this hour of day is 7 best grace nou croweu ths supper hour it is the time of a iuu in- the wheelsonndustry i the doing of toyway shops in offices where the business of nations is trans acted in the homely plowing 61 rich jsoll by those who stay their work and make their way across fields at the sound of the supper beu everyone is ready for tood and rest pood always has and always will mean wotkfpt someone t it usually is the hpusewixe h she aoes not jparticularly enjoy cuunary djitles she may feel jthsre is never a lull in her work and especially during the supper hour perhaps the reason for a womans work never being done is lack of organization itdi jnsre a restful qiiiet and thor oughly enjoyable supper hour work must be organized so that there wiu be few diflicultles in the foodand in- the serv ing a worried nervous- wife who gives alibis for a wilted salad and a scorched- roast or who is always nagging her children is a poor conversationalist for- thoman wljp has been in business wrangles all durin the day jle n good food and comforting words tbis means home cooperation and necessar ily entails lorethought on the part of the housewife whm intp afternoon hours are to be r- easteb rabbttsi that which you can give her now more than anything else she wanted yoil to be a fine brave woman as she herself was serving god and helping others the girl sat very stul when she was small her ambition had been to grow up like her mother- nowas she realized how rapldlyshe had deteriorated in the last two years the idea seemed almost grotesquely impossible theres a bridge between the two worlds theodora a bridge that love and helpfulness alone can span you can stiu do something for your mother and she can stul do something for you it is your mother not i who is giving you this chance the other stared incredulously you mean you mean youre ready to do it after what ive told you au the more ready if anything i like your frankness story 2 gatitttky 3 theodora crossed the room with one long step dropped on her knees by miss uve because it wasnt avery expensive- chair and with her head in the lap of this newfound friend she wept it seemed to ber that with those tears all the bitterness and recklessness know that eggs are used at easter time to symdplizethe- way in whlqh jesus came alive from the sealed tomb as the chicken conies out alive from the lifeless looking egg the reason that rabbits are associated with easter however is not so plain our pagan ancestors beliefed that the hare be longed to the moon now easter has always been a movable feast it does not come on the some day of the month but on the flrssundaiy after the first j fuirmoon after march twentyfirst since the hare was the sign of the moon it came to be associated with the easter feast inmany parts of europe children used to be told thaf if they were good and pbedlent during- the year a white harej would come the night before easter and bide colored eggs for- them this was a curious twisting of the idea of the hare being the sign of the moon which governed- the dsteif feaster v rabbits and hares ire so much allke- that it is not surprising that in places where there are no hares the people talked about an easter rabbit now we are so useotoseelhg them on picture cards and in candy cotton- and papier- mache that we seldom stop to think that we havethese bunnies because the hare was the pagan sign of the moon eleanor hammond lglfl6 jacka place miss herbert nodded the last line i had from your mother had this ad dress of course an my plans where chang ed i got a position in a department store i suppose im lucky to have it only its so different froin the work i wanted to do theaflpra x won aggerated the defects of her personal appearance her eyes reddened by tears looked strange and unnatural under the artificial whiteness of her forehead not long before she jhad complacently re- gnrrtwl tiwr rou cheeks and start ltngly red lips but now as she thought of facing the stranger who had known her mother she was suddenly pahlc- rtricken she rushed to the wash stand curtained off from the rest of tjietrpom and scrubbed her face till it smarted then as she slipped into the uttle frock that she generally wore in the evening she looked discontentedly about her quarters what a looking place shell think mother didnt bring me up well the room deserved the worst theo- dora could say- about it the slatternly waitress who also acted as chamber maid did uttle more on a morning than shove the couch back into the corner and smooth the rumpled bed clothes a pair of shoes stood in the middle of the room and over by the v door were some subbers the dress worn to the on the othen was pued the laundry ths room was seldom in order but at present it was worse than usual because the in habitant was getting ready for easter her hat half trimmed was in a mil- uhors box- that occupied a prominent position on the floor with something of the same- panic that had animated her when she washed hr face thedora attacked the dlsorder- jjf room she shoved a number of ever told you osthe jreat s she did jrifiwhenjwatayojgwpman a few years older than you i know ive heard her speak of you because i remember your name perfect ly but i cant remember what she said about ypui j then iu teu you i was an orphan half through college when the trust company which had charge of my uttle fortune went bankrupt i was just be ginning my jun y and iknewj your mother- slightly i went to her in great-dlstress-to-teu-her-of-the-collapso- of my hopes of course i expected to leave couege t once and i wondered when she asked me not to take any steps till i had seen her again the next day she cametome rand offered me a home with her if i could manage the other expenses she and your father had not been married long and he did not have a- large salary but they were ready to sacrifice in order to help out a young woman without the sflghest claim on them after- i began to earn some- thlng j paid v mo for my bo during those two years the greater share of my debt has never been paid however- theodoras eyes had moistened that was just uke niojeher7 m was i suppose you vonder that when i was so indebtedto hefptwo years should pass before i knew of her death you must remember that i havent sei her sinc before you were born ft first we used to write to each ojher several times a yearbut -of- lateweve only sent eaeh other a christmas card with a line or two written across it dont think though that this made any difference in our friendship there was silence for a moment theodora took up the artificial flowers intended for her hat fumbled with them and laid them down what a pretty color said miss her bert yxcartigeta lots cheaper if i trim it myself eastfer i that means a groat deal doest iti theodora stared why ini not going to have much new i i didnt mean that the new clothes are only a symbol of a new beginning its the now life that easter stands for stofe that day was over one chair and f she waited but as the girl did not an went on would you uke to take that kindergarden swer she even now course whats the use of talking about it the girls f aco became white i cant im hot so sure im doing very well how theres a normal sclwl in the city where i live with an exceuent kindergarten course and i have a uttle apartment where you could sjay this la iny chance to do something for your were drained fromher heart miss her bert made no attempt to check her but sat quietly stroking her hair thateaster theodora went to church in a sange city and thejmuslc thrlued her as no music had ever done before meantrmore lor her than au the sermons hehadeyerheards inewnessofufel the words seemed to express exactly- the change hi herself she was theo dora cressweu arid yet such a different girl from the one of a few weeks before she had new purposes new alms and hew happiness- too she -wondered-iif- over the bridge of which miss herbert had spoken where love and helpfulness crossed and reorossed had come that joy thatiflooded her heart it seemed- to her that this was her first real vnxter persian balm quickly relieves chap ping wlndbum and all roughness caused by weather conditions keeps the com plexion clear and lovely completely absorbed by gentle rubbing never leaves undesirable stickiness stimulates the skin makes it soft smooth and flawless preserves and enhances natur al beauty soothes refreshes and in vigorates makes hands soft and flaw lessly white imparts that subtle charm so essential to true elegance attached but not belonging by arthur w rinhow a womahhadsuffered a slight stroke of paralysis i the tracks did it leave her jame i asked the daughter just her right arm she replied it stiu seems to have life but it feels as though it did not belong to her anarm attached to the body and yet feeling as though it did not belong to the body i dp nat know how weu this lay description may square itself with medical science but it is striking and certainly suggestive so many are attaohed and still do not belong officers of churches spend at least a few nights of worry every year in revising the list of members they find the names of men and women who are nominally affiliated with the church im trying to get readjfiorb show no sign of vital interest some members are as dead as artificial limbs and this is true of any other organize atlons your religion is your most precious possession for what you beli6ve influ ences you life more than what you know or hold in worldly goods but to have religion you must give your life to it the man who is only attached to his lord and does not really belong to him pays court to a dead religion and ex poses himself to contempt sometimes a ihightty movement sweeps the country enlisting the enthusiasm of thousands who remain ardent support ers until the cause calls for sacrifice tien the pretty sleeve is stripped off disclosing a numb and lifeless arm sacrifice is the sign of- life spen away from- the home there should be some previous preparation for the evening meal or meals should be plan ned so that they can be prepared quickly a quickly prepared dinner tomato juice cocktail bukedwhite fish spencermethbdy stuffed baked potatoes mixtd green salad whole wheat bread bufcter baked apples filled with raisins cheese caffeinefree coffee milk the above mea is notjonly easy to prepare but it is easyr to digest it wiu not disturb sleep during the night this meal may aslo be eaten by children with some restrictions for especiauy young children in preparing this meal the h sh6uld first devote her time- to the potatoes and apples making them ready for the oven next the fish can be pre pared it must not be put into the oven uhtu fifteen to twenty najfmtes before serving time however thdable should then be set and serving dishes laid out some to be warmed and some to be chil led if all the vegetables are crisp and cold it wiu take no time at au to make the salad it is best mixed at the last minute or even at the table the cream pitcher- may be filled and placed in jthe refrigerator the lemon- suced and the butter cut the apples wiu be done before the potatoes remove them and place on the top of the oven or in the warming oven baked apples should be served either very hot or very cold not luke warm as there is not sufficient time to chiutneniiorjhismeai be kept hot when the potatoes are almo done heat some milk and butter for mashing potatoes remove potatoes from oven increase the heat and put in the fish the same temperature oven may be used to brown the potatoes after they have been sfiiffed whue the fish is cooking the last minute touches can be put on the meal of course this isronly one meal ahd there are hundreds of occasions but with forethought au women can know the su h bethe bestrof ther day fish spencer method cut fish into serving pieces dip in salted milk using 1 tablespoon of salt for eachcup of rhllk- evaporated muk may be used dip into finely ground or rolled corn flakes arrange on well oiled baking sheet and sprinkle liberally wtih oil bake in a very hot oven 500 degrees f for about ten minutes a jmany people u in australia are- tired of hearing the- laughing jackass or kookaburra but a laugh from jhe bird he was cutting the long grass in rookwood cemetery near haberfield when he heard a laugh and looked up as he did so the kookaburra flew straight toward him so swiftly that lie jumped to one f not till then did he notice the blacksnakeltfiinafoof of him the bird seized the snake flew with it to a height and dropped it again and again it carried it up high and let it fau to the ground tfll at last the snake was dead then the kookaburra started its meal for snake is just the sort of thing a kookaburra fancies easier to handle th new oldsmobile nd embody such features as free w ling ride regulator syncromesh transmission silent second gear produced in canada j nqneill son georgetown ontario listen to general- motors broadc of all maple leaf etockey teams home games fromcfrb ckol or cfca at 900 p m t- the dependable oldsmobile free press ads will sell your goods let us convineeou t sense knocked into him the man was in the hospital after his i fear i can be of very uttle assist ance to you he was comfortably assured by the doctor im a veterinary sur geon 1 v ah exclaimed the victim youre justthe man for my case i was a jack ass for attempting to cross the track ahead of that train bladder weakness relieved overnight writer tells of great remedy that gives quick certain reuef invites all to try it while serious if neglected it is now ordinarily an easy matter to quickly re lieve bladder weakness and irritation pains in the back and down through groins frequent dally annoyance and troublesome nights by the pleasant home use of dr southworths ora- tabs which any good druggist can furnish in sealed packages containing a tenday supply on guarantee of money back on first box purchased if not well pleased with results no matter how stubborn troublesome or how long standing your case may be iyou can easily prove the value of dr southworths uratabs in a few days time and ycu are invited to- dp so without slightest risk of cost unless pleased wrh results start the test of t uratahs today and jook for improve- ment inside of 24 hours ask your drug gist- i are you among those who say- 1 never read advertisements o say i never read advertisements would be much like saying i never use soap or i never read newspapers or no one can teach ine anything or i know everything ii m any goo d tvrywispers6nsrseemtp that all advertisements are just the vainglorious braggings of those who publish them designed to part fools and their moaey the truth is that most advertisements are incitements to their readersto do or be or buy or- use something fortheirimrhediate or prospec tive advantage advertisers to be successful and to live long have to offer something of value or of desire something really waritedor rreeded- t p advertisers to livelong must not cheat the expectations or confidence of tjjose who buy- what uey afferorproposer r here are some questions to be answered byjthose who say i never read advertisements 1 what alarm clock would you buy if you heeded one 2 what camera would youhtry for your own use or cogive to a son or tlaughter 3 what motor car possesses your favor tc w face cream or shaving soap or creany or tooth paste did you use today r 5 what laundry soap or flakes is in your kitchen right how 6 does the breakfast bacon which you like best have a brand name 7 tjhe watch on your wrist what name does it bear 8 your shoes who made them 9 your life insurance policy what company issued it 10 the ginger ale which you serve to guests what brand is it 11 r the tea which you huy regularlyrwhat brand- is it 12 the soap and bake beans and the tomatjo catsup now on your pantry sheives what brands are they you see whether or nptyou consciously or habitually read advertisements you buy by preference what advertisements have recommended io your confidence and what experience has proven to be satisfactory the things which we dont buy and which have a sickisfh life are those which are npt advertised and which try to ride into public favor oh the backs of welladvertised products it is to ones d1scredw to say h never read advertisiets this advt is sponsored by the fcn rind tan weekly newspapers asmekuon i- m n mitti j i 4r