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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1932, p. 4

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j paottpohr- the actotm free press v thursday inarch 24 1931 -r- neighborhood news interesting ifeins jconcernulg- other centres and conununitles irt which many bff our readers are interested everton l-mr- and mrs jpredljmtocutcjjeonoad family of acton spent sunday at the home of the laltters parents mr and mrsr- johnccttcheon mr and mrs elmer awrey of ouelph and eons visited at the home of the latter parents mr and mrs w tlsher- v wood 1lind-mm- john lambert and family actom ipent sunday witji mr and imrs t mack and family mr and mrs ci heidi i of quelphand mr and mrs murray spent sunday at cot heads several cases otflu and measles are in and around ffievtnsge school- at no 1 is closed till after easter on account of sickness the erin and ouelph mail man dldut get uirough oin tuesday on account of the storm on monday night it was the worst storm of the winter mriavd r returned on limehouse mr and mrs stowe mrsa orat and boys of toronto called ori friends on sunday afternoon mr mrs johnson welco an igtan the regular monthly mooting of the oannoolcburrr womens institute was held at the home of mrs w poster on wed nesday evening march 18 tho moot ing was welt attended in the obsehbe of the president mrarij a russell occupied the cliair tho meettajj opened with prayer the roil was then called after whichjje minutes of the last meeting were read arid adopted after the business wasdtsosed of the pre sentation for jwrraiid mrs wm foster and family followed saturday inight from kitchener having been learning the b tr miss ada cuixie is having her house repaired ospringe a very large crowd assembled at the school on tbufsdiyevenw march 17 it beingthe final concejthror the season of the literary society the president tors p p robertson occupied the chair jmdfwjoaiowingrograinmtt5ras given speech on st patrick miss nelus webb speech on ottawa the capital city miss ruth robertson essay on marjprie pickthaw mrs d burrows song mr len edy music mr oscar locker dialogue way dawn east recitation dorothy mckenzle song the school children speech on our flag russell struthere selection- qspringe mixed quartette guitar sblormi madlll debate resolved tjiat life was better sixty years ago than at the present affirmative messrs john allan and russell martinf negative- klesdames h castleman and r hlndley solo mr e faux recitation alvhv struthers solo mr t d mccutcheon irish story mr clayton cooke duett misses jean robertson and beatrice vanndrmau the- judges of the debate were miss jennie to veil mrs d modougall and mr win mckenzle and gave their decision in favor of the negative other assistant postmaster on sunday evening mr and mrs e b vanatter ot ifluelrih spent the weekend here on their way to penton falls where mr ivanatter has arranged for a business jthesnow blockade madf rirlvlngjapoof that only a- few of our people were able to attend the funeral of the late major grant on wednesday he will be greatly missed for his interest in and ready sympathy with all who were lhtrouhle a v ballinafad missbessie blnnle of toronto spent the weekend at ber home here mrs james kirkwood who has been bedfast trie list fed weeks lsjmproving slowly missmyrtleatlenoftorontonormal school spent the weekend at her borne here t mr- arnold f moeneryms able to be around again after bis illness mr blake vannatterrtsf-torontorspent- sunday at his hotaehere i mrs alfred soper received the sad news last week of the death of her sisterinlaw mrs johnmocallum at sault ste mafc michigan on march 13 erin eden mills georgetown mr and mrs james prn a family of barrle arespending a week witlh friends in town and vicinity mr and mrs calvin miller of tor onto weekend i visitors with mr and mrs i m bennett miss dsa bessey left last week for toronto where she entered the train ing schcoi for nurses at grace hospital mrsttrsplghtwtio in the auto accident a week ago is lm- provtngfslowly rn brampton hospital mr speight is also improving and is able to be around the house a little each day mr h g meir of windsor was in tpwn onfrlday and called on a number of old friends he- was returning ijome from a business trip tocjttawa he is looking fine and prosperlngin the border citvi v ijthe womens institute met at mro gwdon mcphails home on wednesday afternoon at 230 as usual the open- ing exercises and business took sonic time the roll call was supposed to be answered by a potato r very few of the members took their part in respect to cooking the tubers to the best advant age for healthsrsake then followed a varied programme after whicha dainty lunch was served by the ladies in charge mr john mcalplne has ben very ill with flu followed by serious complica tions we are pleased to report that his condition is much improved and- he- is resting quietly today i we are sorry to report the sudden ill ness and death of mrs nathan mckersio on monday morning the 22nd of the present month mr and mrs n s marshall accom panied by mr and mrs j marshall spent sunday with friends in guelph mr j glendennlng is 111 with the prevalent epidemic we are sorry to report that mis jean sanders has been quite rill miss e benham r n of brampton spent sunday ather home nere pan thursday evening lost a number of local hockey fans followed the sham rocks to rjurham to witness the final game of the elimination between these teams tathe n h l the death took place on saturday of davidson wilkinson gibson of bramp ton in his seventyseventh year a native of erin township he was a member of- the united church and a liberal in politics went ah operation for appendicitis at the guelph general hospjtal wfrre pleased to report thatshe is making satisfactory gain towards recovery for four years pastor of the alton united church and north erin rev w m lee tende his rpglgnntlvn t accept another charge he will continue to minister in his present charge until june 1 when bis resignation- takes effect we are sorry to report that rev a 0 w foreman b a has been ill with an attack of influenza the services on the local rclrcult were cancelled last sunday exodpt in erin- where members of the congregation worshipped advocate the benefit ov the doubt somo young ppplo do not sconi to loallzo that it is a greater misfortune to bo decelvod into thinking others worjo- than they are than to foso some material advantage by beilovlngthom bettor than thay are the suspicious arb moroto bo pitied than any othor class in the world for one- who euspoots ovorybody of un- klndness ls4n as sorry oplight as if every mans band was really against him if you orr either way trust too much instead of suspecting too much glvo the benefui olhcdoufit for unjust sus picion cankers the spirit while trust even though mletialfon warms the soul that entertains it romance 6f battlefield k a sword iaken- from anuwan iflfllcea boron von lersrier j in 1814 has been returned to hat gentleman by wing- commander marlx d s o who re ceived it wingqommander marix had landed at yores when he heard that a squadron of uhlans were holding a chateau about two miles away and thai- they had two british prisoners with them he set out for the chateau with six- marines the germanscttme out mrs frank robinson recentl unde hred some shots and fled he chased i twoqfthem andthemarjaeyshoirdowir the horses marix covered the officer with his revolver and the german surrendered and gave him his sword he saw that the officers horse was struggling iii agony and was about to kht it when ho thniljvit- fhn nnrm there are few things moro annoying than a phalr or a tablewilch rocks about because one of the iogsls slightly shorter than the otherv tjtematter may bo remodled in this way melt some sealing wax and spread a layer of this over the bottom of the leg if the flrat layer does no right matters add niore scaling wax until the shortleg is the same length as the others v qakville rockwood ijast thursday afternoon the womens association of the united church held a successful st patricks tea in the sun day school room the tea tables were city councillor j j gibbons has the sym- pathy ot many mendblrrtbwrj o to the death of his father mr john j gibbons an old and esteemed resident of acton formany years who passed away on march 5 r the firemen were called out yesterday to college view when a are occurred in the chimney at mr harry hales home it was soon extinguished with little or no damage to property herald jbtjrungton mf ali mia el hall haw ref ed home from florida john page of stratford v- v gici spent the weekend with his parents here skating at the rink tonight the first of the season the efforts of the flre men to secure lee have at last material ized- mr and mrs gowland of smlthvlllc called on mrs jarvls locust street on sunday last theocal boys who have beerwsjinng in the northern camps for the past several weeks returned homa last iweek patrick j obrien who was in trouble heje a couple of years ago was sentenced to three months in toronto police court on thursday last on a charge of obtain ing a car with an ns f cheque the four days old infant daughter of mr and mrs fred maycock 58 locust street was found dead in bed this wednesday morning at 7 the ba was all right at one oclock but appvrhtly jpassed away during the night mr and mrs g h- arrived home from englltnd pn monday morning after a most enjoyable visit with relatives in the old land they were passengers on the liner montcalm and there was con siderable excitement un board when it was known that she would travel out of her course to effect the rescue of the crew of the derelict salvage boat rein deer which had struck a reef the recreation committee of the flrd brigade will sponsor box lacrosse here this season the games will be played la the skating rink and an effort will pi made to form a county league com- posed of oakvuie milton georgetown and burllngtoii delegates were ted to attend the annual meeting j association at toronto on good te decorated ta honorofthe patronsaint and bouquets of flowers were a welcome sight to all present- a varied pro gramme of music solos readings and recitatknsrwas enjoyed by the hsrge number present during the afternoon on sunday evening services at the presbyterian church were well attended to hear mr mllroy momaster univer sity student deliver his subject the bad young man he held the close attentlon-jof- nil present selections hy the childrens choir- some 18 voices mr macklnder ahd hlstiaughter have just returned from a 6000mile motor trip from delaware fco indiana reeve w hmorden has bon confined t6htsied for a few daywlth flu but is again up andaroiieat about thirty members of court tra falgar no 109 i o f motored to toronto on saturday evening to attend thel o f ball which was held in the royal york hotel 7 it was a decided shock- to the many- friends of tilly moore to learn that he had been removed to the toronto general hospital suffering from pneu monia just a week ago tohight tilly turned in his usual fine game on the defence line when oakvllle beat port dalhousle in hamilton on the ice he broke up many a dangerous threat and in the dressing room he was in splendid would like to do this himself the uhlan gave his word of ihonor that he would make ho use of the revolver other than to shoot his horse and he returned it immediately afterward marlx then gave him back his sword arriving in ypres von- lorsner once mttre surrender ed hjs iword and wmgcommander marlx premised that if he came througlj the war alive he would endeavor to return it- now after 17 years this promise has been redeemed when marlx heard that hlsold enemy was alive and working in a berlin bank morij details please r a british parliamentary candldato wii greatly annoyed by an interrupter evtry fpw minutesiho latter would lyoll llar llarl if our friend said tho speaker wiil please give y hln name instead of his profession- wo ishall all be pleased to miikc his acqualntianco the un8tead chair life insurance policies to nult your need family income ohlld thrift re tirement income pension b endowment for protection in vestment business apd savings a request for information place you under no obligation fredericji l wright bfipi iwint lire 1 imperial life assurance company aoton ontabio i j flowers for easter fc sprays and spraying are three essential there which enter into the successful use cremuclv en and thel pffhe weekend at m ii j v victoria avenue was a credit to their leader mrs chas s garner i the concertuiald of the rckwopd boy scoutiort monday evening was pretty wejfttended despite the in clement weather as was announced oil the posters that members of guelph fire department were to give exhibitions of wrestling during the programme they did not get down for the occasion but members of guelph boy scouts gave splendid grymhastlc exercises which werp enjoys the shanfavboysofl station ckcr gave splendid musical selections during the programme a dotaate of much interest mas listened to the subject being resolved that thi present provincial government- of on tario has lost the confidence- of the people the affirmative side was taken by d d gray and wm mcnabb the negative side ably contested r dr k b waller- and r f mcwuuams- dur ing the debate both- sides won consider able applause and after the judges report was given out by the chairman rev w j taylor the affirmative- won- by a narrow- mdrgin according to counts on manner and delivery before the visiting artists of the programme left for their homes they wore treated to refreshments mr jas hall suffered- a severe injury to his shoulder as a result of a fall on the sidewalk lost friday morning master louis edwards young son of mr and mrs w j edwards who was thrown out of a rig last month in a runaway is able to get around again mr and mrs jos dlrby have moved into the house recently vacated by mr and mrs this alexander mr and mrs wm flewelllng moved to gjiplph oh monday during the past year they have been living on valley road james lynch attcftded the fufieral of the 1atc- frank welsh in arthur on saturday and is remaining for a few days visit withmr- and mrs wm pulnn r- miss kathleen lynch 6f giielph spent sunday at her home here mr johnston hewart of suncoe was home for the week tend rat present indications it looks like a wintry easter season spirits on the way home he complained of feeling cold ahd 12 hours later was on his way to the hospital he is now im proving nicely record rev e o seymour rev a hall and w s savage attended the haltoh pres bytery meeting in burlington on tues day alex porter and john mcpherson attended the funeral of mrs jos e cjuillngaprth at sixteen chtirch yester day afternoon influenza claimed another victim on wednesday in the person of mrs norman lawfence of boyne who had been sick for less than a week ahd expjred quite suddenly just s0prg away star milton miss clara tnorneqn about a dozen members of lynwood camp w o w milton paid a visit to excelsior camp toronto oh tuesday evening last mr- and mrs t h robb and son mervin also jack hamilton of mlltorv motored to pittsburgh pa where they spent two weeks with mrs wilfred fisher and friend returning horne on saturday evening last many telephones in the mt nemo district are still out of commlssfqn as a r factors of sprays in the control of crop diseases in thp first place one must know the disease to be controlled some plant diseases for instance citfwn gall and wilts cannot be prevented by spraying practices and time money and energy may be wasted if this is not realized in certain diseases one application of spray material gives satisfactory control as in peach leaf curl while in others repeated applications at intervals in the season are necessary 1 e apple scab dif ferent diseases require different control measures and it is onty by knowing them that proper treatments can be appjled the second factor is a knowledge of the materials and strengths to be used serious injury may be caused if im proper materials are applied or if care is not taken to make up proper strengths there are numerous spray materials under various trade names but before usingrthem f armersshould lcnpwwheth- er they have been tried out by the ex- peamehtatstatlons7 and ir rso -arevtlrey- recommended experimenting with new materials is sometimes very expensive for individual growers and cautl this regard is advisable the third factor is that of timeliness anc thoroughness of application sprays are effective by preventing infection and they can dnlyddthjs ty being applied before possible periods oflnfeetlon thd rlications trjusbibe thorough -as- the spores or seeds of disease fungi are ex- easterdtilies bud and bloom badi 20c cineraria each r 25c daffodilg per p g cut daffodils per dozen lc tulips per dozen 45c order now for eastei a h bishop son phone 54 acton ontario 44j444i44j44444444 this weeks specials i at p at t e r s o n s f smoked and cured meats side bacon bjjlece lb 15c smoked cottage rolls whole or half per lb lo pickled cottage rolls whole or half per lb 15c swifts premium smoked hams pork cuts fresh hams whole or half lb 15o butts of pork per lb 14c lserj fiesh s po k mcto le- beef cuts choice rib roasts lb 16c 17c thick rib roasts lb 14c 15c choice shoulder roasts per lb 14e and 15c tremely minute ana are capkble oflre comingestablished onvery small areas of susceptible host parts failure to cover all parts of the host plant there fore may result in disease developing in spite of spray practices oddities among monuments ih lsp fvio kfpm vqrs pay storm which lsprovlng a groat inconvenience to the residents over two months with- p out a telephone is a real hardship jrev j w auclns is we are- sorry to say still confined to his bed througn illness his many friends hope ho will soon recover the numerous friends of mrs jack hannant nee ellen clement- who has ibeen seriously 111 at guelph general hospital will be pleased to learn that she is doing nicely and is on the way to recovery that many young fellows in toronto are abusing the generosity of pooplc m the towns bctwecin liere and the city came to light in the course of an in vestigation- made by some c p r dstcs tlves wwdlsipvcred that toronto- young men jump c p r trains and doubtless the trains of the c n r njnnlng in other directions andgettlng off at the outlying towns beg their meals for a day and sometimes niofe while they are picking up all the cash thoy can with a hard luck story going back tp toronto they visit the theatres and see the hookey games as long as the iriomy lasts champion very busy hallo is that dr- smiths surgesy yes id like to speak to tho doctor hes busy just now an hour passed hallo doctor smith r no this is his surgery but hes busy another hour passed hallo i want to talk to docbtf smith hes busy busy what keeps him so busy hes playing- golf the world is full of monuments- strange curious and imysteribus ugly as wellas beautiful bad men seagulls dogs- gluttons even lcchrt t1r in the world have all been perpetuated to pposterlty by extra ordinary monuments stark and gruesome upon a jagged mountainside in theklondyke is carved a skull a memorial of the daysof the great gold rush is this in nome over 30 years ago a man known as soapy smith or alternately twrfgun ran a gambling saloon oh an elaborate scale where all games were played for all stakes smith was a tyrannical desperado and ruled over kls establishment with an iron hand and two guns just when all the feverish excitement was dying down and disappointed gold seekers were turning thetf faces towards the east once more smith died in a fight with a government agent who cornered him as a warning to others of his type the arctic- brotherhood had a leerfrg skull carved on an alaskan mountainside it is 25 feet high by nine feet wide with mlsstag teeth and is a- horrifying spec tacle in the worldrenowned salt lake ciy is a monument erected to seagulls in the forties when the early settlers of utah were having a- very difficult struggle for existence a plague of crickets settled on their land and started dcvourlngthelr crops 1 flocks and flocks of seagulls came to the rescue artd without any ado they swooped down upopi the swarm of crickets and mado veryjshiort work of them the monument is built in the firm ot a longgrahlte shaft 15 fet in height on which- ore perched two gilded sea- gullsat the hosa ite a pool of fresh running water providing a sanctuary for the feathered friends o the city when they wish to bathe or refresh themselves cash specials lard tbs for 7 shortening lb pails for catsup homemade large bottles for 18c 38c 25c pmters we deliver promptly phone 178 ispligtoua b v mtsb snurd ffllntrrti nf ganada bww minister bev o l toatt bd paraonagfr willow street iiuo a nu the- minister the easter hope subject 1300 npon sundajeschool and blbla class v 70o p mi- the minister bubject seeking the livlpgmong the ojead spec ea the choir everybody weloomb rwibjjlfriam knox church acton bev bx benntb m a buamw mhsewuow street easter sunday march 27 1100 athi- the easteir message 230 p m sabbath school bible classes the lesson from easter 700 p m the minister sobject should he have risen from the grave special easter music by the choir note the sacrament fof the lords supper on sunday april 3 always welcome rton saptibt clntrrl ber w j hamilton faatar parsonage mill street 1100 a m the mi j215 p mvtj3undy school 700 p m the minlster- monday- 800 p m b y p everybody welcome tjncca88ified small advertisements reduced prices under this head file charge is lc per word with a tnimlmnm of 25c cash vasitf extra if booked also 10c extra if apply box no care of this office fob sale good potatoes- 3 bags for 100apply r l davidson phone 96r22 fqrsale j nine pigs eight weeks old e robinson lot 21 concession 6 nassagaweya lost truck chains between guelph and speyslde please notify r airdrie r r no 3 milton lost a loggmg chain on either mill or main streets acton finder kindly leave at n free press office for sale 40 cord dry hardwood 50 cords mix ed wood also cedar posts piled out fpr truck a n norrish j lot 23 concession 2 nassagaweya fob-rent- twpunfurnished rooms- second floo 860 permphth electric light water and heat in winter o possession april 1 apply dominion inn or h s holmes auction sale under instructions from the nassa gaweya farm loan association there will be sold by public auction on thurs- dayj march 31 1932 the farm stock and implements at lot 12 concessloiri nassagaweya mile south of moffat termacasll r j kerr auctioneer atai specials ft -jm- card of thanks mr and mrs geo soinerville are deeply appreciative of the many tkind- nesses shown and the sympathy express ed during the time of their bereavement wdien their dear little boy was called home t many klhdnesses-have- helped much in this time of sorrow side bacon sliced per lb 2 pickles 8 oz for orange marmalade 40 ozfbr jam 40 oz for pineapple marmalade for fresh pineapples for purity rlour 24s for i 5c 25c 23c 33 33c 25c 83c 10 4 p g soap bars for ammonia packets for soda wafers for delijx jelly powders for chocolate cakes pectb7 lemons per dozen 6keefes- stone ginger for saturday special eggs fresh firsts- hle per dozen 39c 25c 9c 25c 19c 25c 10c card of thanks for the many kindnesses shown and the sympathy expressed at the time of the passing of our dear mfttherrtmrs william gibbons the family are indeed grateful these little neighborly deeds 6f helpfulness and friendly words of sym- patny are greatly eherimlma mul re- membered chain j wjones red white stores phone 6 acton ont wien the advertisements be your guide jj results r rrom want ads newlpw price on wint ads for cash orders effective next week thjs frib press will inaugurate a new plan for want ad insertions all ad vertisements of 25 words or under will be inserted for 25c if cash accompanies the adveftisement if the amount is oharged it win be sscjlsoloc rtdi u vtaim pm iiraiaiij jepues tothecimwidj evbnljk mi- give a henefit jer uu itbxe- im j i v

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