vvv 7 v r yv v sv j v v ij j pivjf fis rv v r v- thursday 31 1932 ts p the home of t member csosdinn weekly newspaper association member ontario- quebec division c w n a the actcmtpfiee press it publjshed erery thursday evening at the free- preas boildinii mill street acton onurio the subscription- price is 300 per year in advance poatase ta charged additional to offices in the united states the date to which subscriptions are paid la indicated on the address label advertising rstesior small unclaaats fied advertisements and in other columns the rates will be found at head of column dis play advertising rates 6n application g a dills editor and proprietor telephones- editorial i and business onace residence i 4 haltori speaks we have been favoned with a copy qf a speech made by the halton member in the provincial house last week it appearsthat this speech was made at a late hour and therefore not published in the daily papers the item is quite a lengthy one as all speeches usually are hilt mr blakelqck lef t no stone unturned in his condemnation of the high taxes and the farmers low prices his criticism was fair and seemed constructivend well backed by statistical facts mr blakelock also touched on thehydro issueand condemned the government for its failure to act he also called to mind the preelection promises of the djyninlongpvernment regardingunemployment thir position of the rural and city dweller in regard to road taxation was clearly set out by the speajjer and haltons position was ably presented the member for this county putu p a very 1 ogicalad dresson th is-occa- sipn and the subject was one of vital importance to mk7brakej6cksconstituericy v it anriot gbjtitlnue it dqesnft require any moses to prophesy that the present system of relief as praptised by mun icipalities and governments cannot continue the governments have given notice that all accounts not contracted for before the end of this month wilunot be contributed to by the bodiv- t casual observer who has watched -the- frantic grasp ing of governments to raise taxation andfunds by ay means it is clearly to be seen that the pocket- book is empty there is rtot one of these- schemes of morhexst allowances old age pensionsor relief that- ijave not been commejrulible and yet they are not feasible tjiey have been tried ahd in each instanceit ha- added increased taxation until the pyramiding of all ofthejtt have brought to the man who pays his way arid endeavors to maintain his independence a burden of taxation which he cannot meet the effort to increase this taxation at the sessiohof the provincial parliament brought such a storm pf protest that some of the levies had td be discarded governments to meet these demands have been putting themselves in awkward positions umayseem harsh and it may seem at the moment impossible to many but the sooner a realization comes to each of us that we must makeoevery offort to chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free press by gwenboijtnep clabke su pp0 r t o ursel vesi n depen deirtly wstiiowttheassisc arice of the public pocketbook and we come to living within our means the sooner conditions will come back to normal optimistic the monthly business summary of the bank of montreal carries an optimistic note of the- immedi ate fu of b when it s early river navigation is promised and ocean steamers are scheduled- to arrive at the port of montreal with the first fortnight efthe coming month pros pects are fair for export trade- on march 11 the stock of wtheat in canada 185057000- bushels was but 2850000 bushels less than at approximately the same date last year and a better european demand exists for coarse grains than then livestock ship ments promise to be larger fhan last spring con siderable- space being already booked and additional accommodation forcattle is called for manufac- turing industries are in much the same state as in recent weeks textile mills being fairly active as well as boot ancl sljoe factories iron and steel works quiet automobile factories less busy than a year ago as well as tire and rubber industries retail trade generally lack briskness butter prices have this month risen rapidly commodity prices in general remain at exceptionally low levels wheat copper raw sugar rubber cotton foodstuffs iron luriiber all still scraping thjbottom the canadian when tstabed this weeks thonl41e it wt to reniarlcj e6hpmenion of a green christmas and tu white easter but now its a different story the white is only in patches everywlhere else is mud and water at least it is so tn the country howquloklyoneseason foilows- anbtoeirjust a shorirt while ago we were joyously rememberhigtheblrth ol qhrist now baster iswlth is once again bring- ing with it its quota of snow and re joicing in a broad sense we hardly need a calendarconsciouily or uncoil- sclously we measure time toy seasons we speak of things as happening before christmas or after easier near thanks giving time or remembrance day and jhe farmer of course dds to the list the seasons of seeding haying arid har vest how often do you hear of i farmer speak of anything as happening- in may doesnt he always say rpund about seeding time after christmas is pasfeyeryone real- izes a new year has begun and that there is all kinds of work ahead bui the thought crimes jolcweli there is plenty af time between now and easter and there is top as far as days and weeks are counted but i never knew any other so advertising depression i by richard s bond once upon a tlrhe was a mer chant m ah ordinary town who greeted old man depression with a grin instead of a frown while other merchants flred clerks damped the old stove down with a mlxr ture of pea coal and sand and trans ferred money from the local bank to a yalejni jhqlbaakbedroom closet this extraordinary chap his local editor they say we having a depression bilir lie said guess id better advertise a bit more and take advantage of it the editor thanked providence for a time during the year when so many hindrances can crop up to impede ones progress they are more effectual ttoan a speed cop to a motorist not only that the earlytjartfrof the yeiir-seems-to-be- uie ebbtide of our physical wellbeing if there is anything to be had in the way of illness from christmas to easter seems a favorite time for having it i remember so well my mother used to dreadfebruary and ithink there must be ma who feel the same way but iheank strong enough to- stand tftie shock hiding his closelybitten nai lie leaned forward in his qhtir tci avoid falling when he awdkened i mean lt bill continued thlseirtra- ordinjiry rnerchant heres copy for an ad twice as lftrge as usual see that it gets preferred position will you and as everything was then preferred position this ad apeared below the latest hews ftoin chiiia frorif above the choice comic strip and alongside the editors own version of a local scandai now- the peculiar thing about this is thjdeopie read the ad and dropped dovfllftp buy the goods money came out of sooks pndthe menohant plaped it back iht6 the locaj bank where it belonged this same merchant found it unneces sary to discharge an ld clerkrbgeause of his increased business and as soon as the clerk realized his job was safe darned if he didnt go out and buy a vadio and a new lawn mower the merchant sold so much bacon- and canned beans that he was forced to turn in a bigger order than ever when his- favorite travelling salesman dropped in on rvv n great war grfeal pestilence ai great depress 4 all within twehty years could there thank goodness there is always spring and good weather ahead of us even it there were nothi else to hinder jvhen a cold spell comes it always takes up no end of time to keep the home fires burning the wood box is no sooner full than its empty again and if it so happens that the man of the house has not got all his winter wood split then the chopping block gives him every opportunity of doing his physical jerks the fanner does not need to stand at an open window and do his daily dozen according to radio insfruc- tions not he there are all kinds of jbs ready to keep him in good condition and by the time he has tfut most of barn yard out on the held he is just about readyfora rest pure this winter we have been experiment ing with coke inffiet3ueiec heater friday of course the travelling salesman kept his job while the canners of beans and the packers of bacon got thejdea tlhings were clearing up a bit the bean canners even hired a few extra men to be sure they were ready for boom times next week this extraordinary merchant increased his space again so much thaf the editor gave his old pants to the local street cleaner arid blew himself to a new blue serge that looked like a million dollars worth of good time queer old world this is if we had several thousands of these extraordinary merchants in ordinary towns why there wouldnt be any depression anywhere lhea more gruelling test f l yet life insurance stands invincible during that whole period it paid every obligation promptly and fully asit has ever sincethe doiniiiion was formed 4 the sun life assurance company of canada itself paid to policyholders and beneficiaries in cash during these periods the war 19141918 i v the flu 1919 v t the depression 19301931 over 226600sf it has paid to its policyholders and beneficiaries since forma tion nearly 600000000 in pro li insur- new construction materials shingles covered with aluminum glazed brick tn various colors and wail paper made of glass i arice is valuable m adver sity it is indispensable the protection of your honie tie security of- yourbusiness the com fort of your old age de pend first on adequate life insurance have you enough consult a sun life man sun life assurance company of canada hoped to be forgotten heayfheb bill designed to appropriate the bequest from millar estate to the provincial treasury via the university proved just how unpopular such an action was the late mr millar in his will undoubtedly made many peculiar provisions and among them was this bequest to the toronto woman bearing ttthehargest family fn theterryearperiodollowing his death the wisdom of such a bequest is ques tionable but the provincial government certainly showed pretty poor judgment in their endeavor to take that which was dearly not meant for them funds may be- desperately required to carry on gov ernmental work but surely they can be supplied without appropriation from moneys clearly designat ed for other purposes if the bill had been allowed to go through a precedent would have been estab lished in which no estate was safe from a govern ment which found itself in dire need of funds ft is well dropped and doubtless the provtncialj3v- eminent hopes the incident will be soon- forgotten dollar in terms of new yor funds lias appreciated butrphdearrhowi wishquebecs were v 1 made with ashpans that could be emptl- of late helped by a continued favorable balance of external trade new borrowings by provinces and muriicipalitiesareallbeingmadein canada and although interest rates are relatively high- the suc- cessof these flotations affords striking evidence of the finan r o the eountry eqjtobim nojtes nowthe hockey season has gone and for the fan we have the inbetween season when baseball and iaiosse are on the horizon 1z will mr ferguson tell the provincial govefti- jnenltogoaheadaudjetthehydrobeinvestigatedh thats what mostjeolks are wondering as to the out- comeof the visitrnome- the beautiful shade trees about iown are gradu ally deminishing arid no effort is made for replace ment by those who- so ruthlessly remove these monarchsthat have taken years to develop ed from the cellar like some of the modern fireplaces be as careful as you will one touch of the ashpan and away goes the dust all over the room i we are being very ffugal wlttvour trees partner never cuts down a good healthy treethe only k w use for fuel have either died a natural death or been blown down sometimes i wonder if farm peoplerealize what they are doing whfin thby feujoiucah5eto jud justin of peel county celebrated hi fc 7 it will come as good news to the masses that the nuisance tax on amusements of twentyfive cents and under is not to be enforced tittaxes must be raised let them be collected where there are funds to meet the assessment s they both splashed like many another thoroughfare mill street had the usual overdose of surface water on it on sunday that was gradually being carried off by the drains unless the motorist was careful and drove at a moderate speed water was splashed over to the sidewalks and onto pedestrians during the afternoon a nice green- sports model of one of- the popular makes of cars passed thrpugh on he high way the clothes of the individual at the wheel would designate him as a gentleman his fair comi panion was bedeckebv4n a fine fur coat and-surround- ed by luxurious furs and the whole outfit bespoke of the couple being blessed with plenty of this earths goods they drove down the street rapidly and did not appear tobe concerned of just how far the water flew from the wheels of their car they splashed the car following had a body of one color and abpx of -another- the driver smoked a corn cob pipe it tqo was of the open variety but could not be termed a sports model but rather a the homecoding of mr ferguson seems to be decapitated affair the muffler wasnt there and the t welcomed by some as a possibility of home staying j but- then how would loridon get along without can adas representative who has just nicely got fitted to the new position its not fair to as him to be taking all the burdens of all countries wheriothers seemingly fail- j z seventyrfifth birthdaylast weelc announcement fs made this week of a new appointment for the office no time lost in filling the vacancy in this instance it another example of u s smartsmanship has apparently been unearthed in the outboard motor boat races when an english competitor was tricked into starting ahead of the gun winning isnt everything but how you win is paramount felled a beautiful living tree yettt is done year after yeai on so many farms some farmers wtjtswlp their land al- most nude of trees and think it more economical than paying out money for a little coal to supplement the wood supply money we know is hard to get but so are trees supposing we do put in young trees how long will it be before they servetnyrtisefu7 value of a fullgrown tree can hardly be estim ated it may happen that a spreading oak or a stately elmlsdacidadliiintba way when a field is being worked but sometimes that same field will probably be used for pasture then think of the comfort a shade tree will be to thirsting flytormented cows trees like so many othergood things in life we are apt to take too much for granted when we are used to them we fail to appreciate them but if like partner and i you had lived on the pralfet and looked over your a morning newspaper heading on monday inform ed all that jailbreaking bandifshoots defective ir b c four times now just where will the xray locate those bullptsoriathisa new surgical abbrevia- tion the key of which the public are not in posses sion engine roftred his companion was neitherdfaif nor handsome men arent supposed to be one wouli j say the two outfits were the directoppositesin make- upri ryjft to many pt the pedestrians they were very jblillljjey bothspashefv cuijairi fijkjjs ivy7ti 360 acres of land without your eyes once resting on a tree if you had stooked day after day in a shadeless held with the blazing sun overhead or hoed in the garden with thei hot soil burning your feet or seen your cows and horses stand ing beside a barn or any other building for what shade it might afford then the chances are when next you lived again in a district where there were trees real trees you would appreciate them at their true worth a tree is something we cannot make poems are made by fools like me but only god can make a tree f our twin calves are doing splendidly although they still have rather a jack rabbity look in fact they not only look the part they act it too yesterday when partner was doing chores he f nit a rush of- air and aplop and there was one of the twins in the hay after jump ing right over the top of his pen perhaps they would not appear so small if it were not for their cousin patrick 7the giant calf that was born t on the seventeenth of old ireland sometimes i try to carry on a conversation with partner at the barn hut have to give it up as hopeless impossible to make one self heard vith the hungry voices of the calves and the bawling of the bereaved mothers e vc r y td c a v how can i male my gro dollars boy more wbat are tke kuy add means thugs we eat ar so important i nam b the best nor health depends upon it these are thoughts of ihrtfty fnalisn bornelcecperst ways to economize are eagerly souchl here b the way shop at carrolls where only first quality foods are stocked and sold for less than inferior lines look over todays bargains write oat yoar cder now savebyshoppmreaiwlyarcaifoll quality first the longestterm security is a non- recallabte railroad bond lssuoa in 1885 and due to mature in 3361- a perlofl of 476 yeava when called the in terest paid will be about 19 times larger than the principal of 450000000 or approximately 950000000 special rperrins auorted fancy chocolates 2 35c classcos raspberry or strawberry jam 32c special quick quaker premium package special premier finest japan rice19 economy always carrolls sliced wrapped bacon lb 16c ingersoll cream cheese 2 pkgs 25c carroll own blend coffee lbt45c carroht golden tip tea pkg 35c rowntrees olde english cocoa tin 23c ven dry gincer ale contents of fibtl3qc k special pajbnolnre 34ox ymx super su i bu 2 15 i special palmouv soap beads 3 h 15 entluh floor wax poliflor 45 llb tin maclarens pure peanut 29 valley mist choice blueberries no 2 tin j q aybner choice ontario strawberries no 2 scjuat tin 25 special aylmer brand choice no 2 tins special easifirst or domestic lib pkg 10 i green valley tender peas steve 4 2no2 tin 15c aylmer tiny sweet k peas sieve 2 no 2 tin 18c ubbv pork and beans 2 new 30oz tins 23 c darks cooked spaghetti 1 tin 10c del monte extra choice peaches dried 2 lbs- 29c lynn valley dessert pears 2 no 2 tins 25c essex sweet white- corn 4 no 2 tins 25c specials patrico kipper s n a cks 3il4 special clover leaf sockeye salmon lib tin gilletts flaked lye t 14c carrolls own cleanser o tin 5 nugget shoe polish 2 23c i firm ripe tomatoes special per lb 2 head lettuce heads for 2 new- carrots bunches for 20c 19c life bananas 3 mis- for large navel oranges per dozen medium navel oranges per dqzen- lemons per dozen 25c 60c 45c 23c scotch kippers per paakage small navel prangpc per doien v 03c 3grapetruiv seedles for 21c a v 4 m 1 s 4 p wpwisf mits wmui hfe phone 158 zhizzyj r t ti iix j twi2iabesbsllsnvm