page sec the act01frbeh vivt thursday april 38 1933 five years ol i wish that i was kitty- cause she doesht make a noise my haanftsayb she thinks im yjrorse thaw half a dozen boys i scamper up and down the stairs and race along the hall it seems i never canbe still for any time at-all- id like to change with kitty h a little girl could choose for slie can run about all day because she wears fur shoes florence e westacott enulpiits recipes lor new and novel dishes household ideas and 8ntestiona m- by betty barclay butterscotch and chews there is a certain something about good homemade candy that puts it in a class by itself the family neighbors friends guestseven the outoftowners to whom- you mail lt all llkelt here are two recipes that will please you molasses cocoanut chews lfcap corn syrup cup molasses tablespoon vinegar 1 fnhlespn butter 1 can cocpanut southern style combine syrup molasses vinegar and nutter and boll until a small amount of syrup becomes brittle in cold water 240 degrees p add cocoanut shape into small balls lnch in diameter makes 28 chews cocoanut butterscotch 2 i cups powdered sugar 4 tablespoons butter 1 can i cocoanut southern style put sugar in iron skillet and place over low flame stirring constantly until sugar is melted and strawcolored add butter and cocoanut pour into- slightly greased pan 8x8x2 inches mark into squares while warm and cut when cold spanish salad serves 6 2 large tomatoes 2 green peppers 2 oranges 1 tablespoon minced onion cut each tomato into 3 slices take seeds from green peppers and cut each bhe into 3 rings peel oranges and cut in small pieces on each salad plate arrange tomato slice topped with pepper slng pill centre of ring with orange add minced onion to french dressing pour over salad breads for breakfast vary your breakfast breads and bis- cults and delight your family and guests the following recipes are novel and best of all they callfor sugar natures quick energy food which will fortify the body ggbltnni tbp rawness of some finrlng mornings ft- i pinwheel biscuits 2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder vi teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons shortening cup milk a cup raisins chopped teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons sugar mix arid sift flour baking powder salt and two tablespoons sugar cut in the shortening add the milk toss on a floured board roll to one-quarter- inch thickness mix the raisins cinnariich and two tablespoons sugar sprinkle over the dough roll like a jelly roll slice off pieces about threequarters oi an inchthick place on a buttered pan bake in- a quick oven- about ten or fifteen minutes sally lunn i cupmilk little lonely hpuse across a dreary weedinfested field a little lonely house stands in its place its paint is weatherstained the sashes 1 gape like perkedout yes upon its valaat fale where once a garden fair in plenty smiled tall weeds now choke the long-un- tended loam where orice an orchard bloomed in per fumed pride one tree leers grim a gnarled rheumatic gnome in quiet dreams the little lonely house beholds sweet fages every homey thing where now the plaster falls on dust- grimed floors and bats- hold carnivals and cob webs cling j in wistful dreams will spicy kitchen scents pervade the mouldy murk of eerie room in happy dreams will laughter mothers song be heard where now mice scuttle through the gloom acton such are the changes that occur ni a- few years but jou dont want me to sermonize and ill go on and in this weeks budget give you the llmehouse of that day and generation then as t ri6wtameri6use wash0t9d for its lime works and stand quarries the property was first owned by the hull and meredith families about 1840 mr clendennlng purchased the land and saw mill nd named the place fountain green in 185j the post office was established and john newton esq ap pointed postmaster which position he etalned fora number of years it was at that time that the place took the oxijmelumjse the first lime kilns were jbuilt by two separate companies messrs bescoby wotthlngton and- lindsay farquhar each firm erected kilns and manufac tured limb- on a large scale in 1357 messrs gowdy moore purchased the works owned by mr bescoby and mr farquhar bought out mr lindsay messrs cowdy moore had six kilns a water lime mill and a saw mill the farquhar millsi in- 18t7 consisted of four kilns in 1850 mr john newton built a mill which during the building of the g tr ground all the water lime psed in the construction of the road in 1862 he put in new machinery and started a woollen mill he also ribroll roofing colored or plains for houses barns sheds garages council standard or acorn quality easy and quick to lay permanent proof against fire free estimates gladly sent send measurements makers of preston steel truss barns gal- v lfdhed nails daublcmcsh metal lath ventilator rolln fold gedoorstml kinds sheet metal building material eastern dream on dear little house your glory past who knows but dreams may crown your quest at last i susie- e 011 qnelph st prcsonont factories at montreal and toronto nimimiimiiiiimnutmmmuttiyuhmmiiuiiillul proud to show visitors our n- 1 egg u cup water lukewarm 1 1 cake yeast 2 tablespoons butter lli teaspoons salt m cup sugar 1 2 cups flour scald the milk add the sugar salt and butter allow the mixture to cool soften the yeast in the water when the milk is lukewarm addthe jyca3t the beaten egg and the flour to it pour the batter into a buttered pan and allow it to rise to double its bulk sprinkle the top with sugar and cinna mon bake in- a moderately hot oven tear rather than cut in pieces for serv ing lower tea cost kvi the reduction 1 of 10c a pound in the price of red rose tea as announced in this paper a few days ago has been made possible by lower costs in the primary markets- of- india ceylon arid london and also by the depreciation of the pound sterling the reduction was not made sooner as it had been expected that an addi tional tax mlgtyt have been madofon tea when the budget came down but as soon as ij was found there was nd duty jprjccs were reduced this reduction applies to the grocers present stock as the comparly absorbs the less 1 1 as a vermicide an excellent prepar- vattoii is mother graves worm extci- wttalor li has saved the lives of count- iliiiiewlaren r mffi continuing from the old historical- atlas on the acton of 1873 where we left off in the previous budget we- will conclude actons business data jnthl3 instalment at that time a large quantity of hops were grown in this neighborhood james matthews had six acres that hadtjeen set out nine years previously and the average yield was about 700 pounds to the acre one year it went to 1400 pounds to the acre during the picking season 60 to 100 hands were employed sidney smith also had three acres and john henderson the same area mr matthews also had made quite a spec ialty in onions and celery and one year had planted five acres of onions and raised an averager of 500 bushels to the acre they brought 80c per bushel- christie henderson co had juit succeeded in 1873 the late arm of c j syrricn in the glasgow house and uieywerespeeifledasextensivodi in dry goods mlllinetry boots andshoei this store had been established abcut twenty previously in 1855 t this same flrtil were also proprietors of- valuable lime stone and and free stone quarries in the southern part of nassagaweya township the properly j consisted- of 200 acres and was thn considered valuable and in later yqprs it has proved that it was a very valuable property thert there were messrs secord bros who carried on what was described as one of the most extensive grocery and 1 hardware stores in the county the principal other storcs- hi acton at thai time were kept by c p hill mrs i secord m scott j w mann geo ycman mrs mcniir and jackson mcnabb j b coates had a stave and barrel factory charles cameron had a pork- packing establishment doing a good business qallowajr bros carried on n bakery and dr morrow a drug store there were two livery stables run by r adams and joseph allanr the medical profession was represent ed bydrs mcoarvin lowrey and mor row and at tht time no lawyer had settled in b village v there were several hotels the prlii- clpal one being conducted by mr r agnew arid last of all it reads in actons summary fhat there is a very wall conducted newspaper called tire fbep i press published by joseph hacking esq it is independent in pclitlcs and is well supnorttdhyallpftrtles there yotthavc thp acton as- it was summarized back ir 1875 flftysevrn years ago are the business execu tives that were prominent of thatay few of their descendants yet remain in r 4 you like to know hat the foods you eat are made under sanitary conditions thats why we are always delighted to people see llwhexe kelloggs corn flakes are made we have thousands of visi tors every year whotake horrie with them a picture of sunlit kitchens gleaming machinery employees in fresh white uni forms of cleanliness and care for quality if you ever come to london ontario we hope youll stop and see us youll know then why w k kellogg makes this uncondi tional guarantee if you dont think kelloggs the best and freshest corn flakes you ever tasted return he empty rjed- andgreen package and we 1 will cheerfully refund your money operated a saw xfob in 1b72 messrs melkle ncwtoh co commenoed the manufacture of mineral or nreprobf paint in- 1874 james newton becamo solo proprietor of this planttthese pain tswererusadtot paint ing cars roofs and machinery the capacity of the- mill was about 500 tons per year jiri newton had samples of the paint at the centennial exhibition for which he obtained the bronze medal the amountof goods shipped from the llmehouse station during the year 1870 was 4130 tons principally lime arid lumber at a cost of 5004 th business directory of this thriv- ing hamlet at t time coiriprlsed b haslett dry goods etc john newton postmaster gowdy moore lime works jamesi farquhar llrrie works james newton manuf acturerof paint andjonn miller llmehouse inn v there now i think this is about all the space- i am allotted for one week next time well take up- esquesing town ship and from the on go to such villages as- stewarttowri glehwllliams hornby ballinafad sliver creek arid ashgrove persian balm tones and stimulates the skin fragrant as a flower cool as morning dw safeguards and beautifies the most delicatelytextured skin onwn pi mvlnnp nf ovrpiiltp rharms adds a subtle finish to the daintiest woman invaluable pr sbftenirig the hands and making them flawlessly white cool arid refreshing daintily fragrant dehghtful to use- choosen unhesitating ly by all women who care for feminine distinction the crafty angler fish the angler flsh is as remarkable in his method of living as he is ugly and he is ugly without doubt his broad lumpy head has a mouth that is like- a cavern and teeth- that slope backwards so that any flsh that once passes the portals of those awful jaws never has a chance of coming forth again the ordinary angler squirms on the bottom of a shallow shore among the rocks and seaweeds opens his mouth wide ready for business and drops his rod and line this rod and line con sists of a spiny sort of projection from his uppermost fin that extends into a thin string and at the end of this string is a knd of tiny tassel that is the lure now the angler begins to fish the rod and line projecting forward and the lure just ahead of his- jaws an inquisitive flsh comes nosing round wondering whatever that bobbing tassel might be it touches the lure ever so gently and then the big gates of the anglers jaws snap together and the inqusltive stranger has gone inside out- of the wet some anglers can swallow small cod and thps o nn n rnucu by fisijermen in many localities deep down ta midocean from a quarter to threequarters of a mile beneath the surfale there are tiny anglers that adopt a strange device it is dark in those ocean depths so the angler is fitted by nature with a lamp he lights his lamp just a glow at thotop qf jtils head or end of his line of course when to the surprise of the other flsh somebody lights up iii those dim deeps all the others come round to see what is this wonder they draw nearer the crafty angler watching the while then when the crowd is gaping and gazing in astonishment the angler sweeps as many of the slghtscns as he can into his hungry maw outstanding res 74440rsepower 6cyunder engine mhorsepower straight engine longer wheelbase mew streamline styling j- roomier and more comfortable fisher bodies soundproofed bo co r ride regulator and doubleaction hydraulic shock absorbers free wheeling with the improved syncromesh v transmission silent toi nd gear engine decarbonizer full automatic choke oil jemperature regulator pressure lubricated i piston pins jdowndraft carburetion produced in cmnsdm for 1932 a great new eight and a larger with new appeals in style comfort and performance msm 03113 j n oneill son georgetown ontario old5mobile 6 8 did vou ever stop to think by edson r walte shawnee oklahoma sun rain or snow they are all the same to ojibway farm fence because of two things ojibway wire and ojibway construction 2 william southern jr editor of the independence mo examiner says did it ever occur to you that ad vertising is npt printed iri a newspaper for the benefit of the publisher on ac- cqntoffrieiidslilptaordcrjohelpthe paper along but because the advertise- meht would pay the advertiser froma business starrapolnt did it ever occur to you that annjd- vertisement- was not a commodity at all but a service not long ago an advertiser who oper ates a big store told one of our solicit ors that he would never run a line in our paper if it were not for his friend ship for the solicitor that merchant should not run advertisements at all if that is his reason for spending the money a great many seem to consider an- advertisement as a commodity some thing rsold by the inch and that one inchis worth the same as another inch one inch in a real newspaper which gives service is worth many times the same amount of space in a free circular advertising s not a commodity at all and cannot be intclllgentlybought by the pound or by the foot or by the inch advertising isra service not acommoj- lty a small ad in your home town paper to sell a used automobile is worth as much as if it were printed in a large city paper with a hundred times the circulation if this advertisement in a- small commodity paper will sell the automobile that is all the same adver tisement could possibly do printed in fne big paper if in your circulation or three thousand one man is found who buys the product advertised the ad vertisement isworth just lis much as if j it had beenprintcu in a paper with fi hundred thousand circulation t advertising is not a commodity but i a service advertisements are not paid for to help out the newspaper but pei cause the advertiser hopes that it will bring good business to his doors made of copper bearing jfinsinsuiai steel wir copper and steel blended into a rustresisting wire that wears far longer than ordinary steel wire pure zinc is bonded to every ojibway wire by our special zinc insulating process a further insurance against rust in both stiff stay and hinge joint ojibway fence the horizontal and upright wires are so join ed that moisture cannot be held thus preventing rusting of wires at intersecting points all wires fuiil gauge every roll fuu length h zissiiuulatfd sign is your assurance of 100 satisfaction ask for our guarantee of service it is worth as much as your fence only the best fencing can carry so cbmplete a guarantee zinc insulated fences see your nearest dealer or writers direct mills and head of f ice ojibway essex co ont business directory medical dr j a mcnlven physician and surgeon office and residence corner bowar avenue and elgin street legal phone no 22 p o box 33 harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary public conv etc- pebryblin block act9n ont monby lnt on mortgages hours 930 a m to 500 p rn saturdays 1200 oclock georgetown main street s kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public offices acton over t seynucks cafe for- appointments phone acton 65 ar georgetown 88 office 1 hours acton tuesday ana thursday 115 p m to 530 p m even- ihgs orrreqiiesf dental a j buchanan p p s t dental sdrgeoh office in lelshman block hours 9 a m until 6 p m evenings by appointment gas for extractions closed all day wednesday phone 143 p w pearen p d s l d s dental sorgepn successor to late dr j m bell phone 29 mu1 street acton miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly and tione wyndham street guelph ont v over williams store watchmaker jeweller- j h jordan georgetown expert repairs prompt service we have for years been doing repairs for other jewellers across canada- so are quite capable of doing yours new frames make your glasses lighter and smarter for spring 1 people who wear glasses would change their frames oftener if they realized how it smartened their appearance these new style frames in coral and white gold are priced as row as 4 the hew style frames will be fitted to your own lenses while you wait better results with savage glasses a d savage optometrists specialists savage building guelph phone 1091w new business printed salsmanship will attract new business to take the place of the old that you are losing get pur prices on printing the acton free press mi ij- smmimmmm