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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1932, p. 2

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v f i fa v i the hombqf lj arfcm 3te jjrwiii member canadian weakly newspaper association member ontario- quebec ihhston c w h a -ss- mlllstrcet acton ontario the subscription price is ssao per yssr is adtsnee poawau charged additional to obeea to ftjjsm statea th date tor which nbscrtptjoas ra paid u indicated on ths address isbsl adverteinu kates for imall aadmal- fied adyertiacmenta and in other columns the rsttt at head of column- ptoi play ad crtising rate on- application g a dills editor and proprietor telephones- xditorial and lutamoavt m fdrxfo in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread annuncementj l week that a plan r hi is- e was under way to place a thousan4familiestonqn tario farms as a relief measure the cost will be toorrrethreewaysrby thedominionand rrostincial governments and the municipalities a very in teresting programme if workable the past week we have had an experience which has been the experience of others- we understand and it brfngi out the point will those seeking relief go to the farms while the present reliejf is available do the biggest noises actually want to work in response to an advertisement for a boy who was willing to work for his board and clothes we received inquiry from a hajf dozen or more farmers most of the farmers r v i t r j- b 5tat couple of days last week were willing to go farther and pay a reasonable wage if the boy was willing to work and make good we heardpf a local man who offered to bunch of the unemployed about town a job on farms at fifteen dollars per month and board only ti be turned down with the answer that tfiey would not go to the farm true there is plenty in tjjis land of canada for all to eat commodity prices for the necessities of life are so reasonable that the farmer has little return m money for the article he sells we have found any amount of farmers grilling to share from the stock of provisions they have raised andv help feed the needy but we have too often found the supposedly needy unwilling to make any effort to in turn work for their living in brantford twentyfive men came back from the relief camps of northern ontario dissatisfied every one of them were known in that city as na- goods aird they were greeted with a flat refusal of further assistance in oshawa we read a number of the unemployed are preparing to refuse to work in the parks in return for food rationed out by the relief depot in brampton a notice in the town clerks office requests unemployed who are willing to work on farms to register and so far very few have registered now is the time for the weeding out process in winter months work is not as available as now the farmers have every prospect of a bountiful harvest to gainer and they need assistance to every man should be given the opportunity for an honest exist ence hy honest effort just why those willing to work should garner the harvest and feed the drones cannot be understood the busy bee has its own way of dealing with the drones in the hive its methods may be a trifle severe in application to human nature but it would appear that a modification of this example of the busy bee was due in the hive of industry hundreds of workers are making sacri fices many times greater than hundreds of drones without a word of complaint it is regrettable that the workers should suffer any reflection from those unwilling to work the idleness and shiftlessness of some individuals in every community is going to make of them an unenviable example the sym pathy story is getting threadbare the bluff is about to be called and it will be thewise rnan who refuses no offer of honest employment 1 i i british columbias output of canned salmon in the fiveyear period 19271931 adveraged 1540744 cases annually- despite the fact that market condi- vtions resulted in the 1931 output being much below nqrmal production fn 192731 was only 2000 caarkbelp the average for the preceding five jreara j i in i v rjvti v- s3 j il ii ii i wjt i i 1- tersoiw unlaiowii the convenient lapses of memory loss of docu ments camouflage etc that has characterized the ihvestigatiorr- into- the aird payments have far from settled the matter in tne public minat the declaration by mr slaght counsel for the op position charges that the payment of 50000 was a gratuitous gift of public money to a political pro moter doesnt lessen the population of the valley of political humiliation a further statement of mr slaghts reads there was no legal excuse for depleting the public treasury in this way for some years he was living on the gratuity of his father and there is no evidence he ever earned a fee even of 500 previously in his career the investigation has been characterized by nothing- but evasion it would seem to the average individual canadas production of minerals in addition to leading the world in nickel produc tion in 1931 canada occupied an important position in the production of lead copper zinc and aluminum cfringcirzarcjrifflr rnpnrt just issued- i the production of lead the dominion stood fourth with a total output of 142605 tons the united states leading the world with 411336 tons the total world production was 1 544406 tons the world produc ton nf nnpper in tq3l was ioitrfi tons the rriief producers being united states 524631 tons chile 248014 africa british belgian etc 169332 canada 145632 world production of zinc in 1931 was 1116273 tons united states leading with 30038 tons belgium 152662 poland 143960 canada 118232 aluminum world production was 225681 metric tons united states led with 80500 tons canada 29500 germany 25000 and france 24000 fanners to visit ottawa a monster delegation of farmers will descend on ottawa on july 16 to present to the government the farmers needs in the present circumstances the railways have offered a low excursion fare of 450 from toronto which is less than onefourth of the regular fara every sectionof the-rural-communi- ties shouldrjerepresenfed1nthisdelegation it would seem that here was the time for the farmers to make a strong appeal the clubsshouldsee that their best representative is there if he cannot afford the trip this is the opportunity to send him and assist with his or her expenses the farmers are plodding through difficult times and this delega tion will be scrutinized for strength by every other branch of industry the farmers should place their needs before the government for consideration and undoubtedly the government heads will be pleased to hear the viewpoint of rural canada the u f o issponsering theeven and this is b of many- items that will demonstrate the need of an organiza tion to represent the farmers editorial notes it is quite evident that actonians see no particular thrill in going up in the air the group of aero planes ready for business m acton one day last week had only a couple of patrons some toronto dailies seem to be lending every assistance to help defeat the prohibition law in the united states it is doubtful if such canadian as sistance will really have much effect guelph city council may cease activities for the summer months and have a vacation if a city can run itself for three months irseems unnecessary to have the added expense for the other nine months here is one reason why the government needs money there are 63285 persons receiving old age pensions in canada of whom 39925 are in ontario the total cost in canada last year was twentysix million dollars of which seventeen millions were paid in qntarior powassan news to some economy means driving last years model to others it is a question of a chuck roast or a piece of salt pork we dont like to think of misery these fine summer days but we cant get away from it the problem still stands and seems no nearer solution there is another winter ahead the strawberries are on the market and soon the raspberries will be also none should go to waste if every housewife would plan to do down half a dozen jars of each fruit extra this year there would be a fine stock ready against next winters demands simcoe reformer j it is possible to overdo this talk about depres sion recently we are told by the st mar journal the natives of an african village were so impressed with stories of bad times in tne united states that they topk up a relief collection to be sent to new york to assist the gothamites as he wages in that part of africa are onlyfour cents a day a dollar is a lot of money but these natives who were christians got together the sum of three dollars and twentyseven cents of this amount the sum of seventeen cents was subscribed by a widow who wejnt without foodrto help starving new rk chronicles of xiinger farm written bftkewly or ifce fjjoe rrtm b awendounejp oubkkl enthusiasm sometimes has painful re suits i have been digging again this time a border about twenty jeet long and five feet wide at its widest point dug to the hot sun while partner was clipping edges a job at which i am no good at all every once in a while port ner would tell me to stop or that i was crazy at somethin lik that but i kept on diggjbag th sun got hotter and hotter and still t went on digging did feel a trifle warm but i didnt mind whdn i saw how nicely i was progressing with my work and then on the second day the border was done i turned the last spadeful and then i began to think about myself and realized i was tired dirty and hot but after retiring to the house for necessary ablutions i was soon coo a re t-teast- foratimer but alasjl forgot the effect of cold water on unburnj arms and neck and now well i shall not have the chance to forgetlt for the net few days worse yejt partner has ijn excellent opportun lty of baying i told you so but come to think of it he didnt elme sovtte only told me to quit never a word about sunburn of course i mlghthave known without being told but somehow one never does realize these things until the knowledge is driven painfully home this afternoon we went to town there were nice looking berries in the stores i asked the price and then came home and picked wild ones i not very good trade perhaps and it maybe theres a bit of scotch in my makeup for it certainly goes against the grain to buy what can be picked in the bush tor nothing to buy what one mlghtpick savors of wanton waste and then see how much pleasure there is in actually picking the fruit you get a nice walk over hard knobbley ground your fingers take on a beautiful carmine hue there may come a bit of a kink in your back and you develop a thirst thats intense making qualities of good oldfashioned water or adams ale as we used to call it in england you formacloseracqualntancewiththe seasons latest hatch or batch whichever it is of mosquitoes then when you get home healthily tired of course you can subside into the nearest chair or on to the lawn and carefully go over the berries you have been at such pains to pick as you hull them and pick grass and insects out from among them you begin to wonder where all the lovely big ones are that you picked with such joyl at last the berres find a place on the tea table and you dole them out carefully surreptitiously keeping back a jtery small di for yourself wh you try to hide behind the teapomrfngtiara phnalla you have to do this in case there should not be enough to go round everyone sayshow lovely the berries are such a delicious flavor qt course they would all they have to do is eat them we have a man working for us now probably until after haying and he tells me that mint is a splendid thing to keep away mosquitoes and how do you use it i inquired just anywhere on your clothing was the answer really now thats quite an ideai i am beginning to see some sense in the new vogue for mesh stockings and gloves and crochet berets etc etc with mesh apparel we can stick lttle sprigs of mint on arms and ankles head and chest we might even form an antlmosqulto league and if it became popular an executive might be formed to run the thing and one more opportunity afford ed to employ high salaried officials well i have sprung that idea so now i hope all my friends and neighbors are prepared to see me deckedont in mint sprigs lke an indian in feathers and full war paint we shipped another pair of veal calves todajr tomorrow we shall know the worst the pain of parting was some- what mitigated by our excitement in watching a windmill aeroplane which came flying low over the house just after the calves had gone it was the queerest looking jhlng with one small pair of wings and the top like a huge electric fan revolving slow enough for one to see it quite distinctly no doubt i have given you a queer description but not being familiar with aeronattlc terms i can only describe it as it appeared to me i like to cull little bits from the papers and magazines that j readwhere is a little bit i got out of the canadian countryman this week were never broke nor quite bereft as long as we have courage left dont you think that is a fine little piece i do i love to come across anything like that it is just that kind of sentiment that helped to win the war and brought our pioneer forefathers through troubles and trials of which we know so little it pthe senti ment of people who have more back bone than wishbone i dont think partner has it yet so i am juat saving it to spring on him after he gets the cheque for the veal calves we ship ped many mothers have reason to bless mother graves worm exterminator be cause it has relieved the little ones of suffering and made them healthy probably well art i can tell youre a married man all right no holes in your socks any more no one of the first things my wtf taught me was how to darn em am erican legion weekly v vegetable cookery juproperlyjegoljed vegetables are needful to health a wise cook once said tht the vegetables make the meal many an otherwise excellent meal is spoiled by tne way uih venlabl a cooked and served few articled of- food are more easily cooked yet none are- more- easily ruined care and the ob- servance of simple rules ensure success most important of all is that vege tables must be served the instant they are cooked and the test of the meal timed accordingly undercooking leaves hem unappetizing tvercooked deprives them of their goodness and wonderful health giving salts it is an oldfashioned maxim that vegetables whichgrow in the light above ground nuist be cooked in the light that is with the lid off spinach is the only exception vegetables which grow in the dark roots must be cook ed in the dark that 4s ith thettd on- the most nourishing part of root vegetables usually lies close under the skin therefore they should be peeled as thinly as possible if it is necessary to peel them at all young root vege tables should be plunged into boiling water and old should be put in cold water and gently brough1pothe dou green vegetables should be washed in salted water left to soak until required for cooking thoroughly drained and then plunged into boiling water to cook a pinch of bicarbonate of soda keeps f vfgrttjme ipypn and a few drops of vinegar prevent white vegetables from turning black never use washing soda all vegetables should be drained thor oughly before serving and the valuable water to which they have been cfoked should be used for soup sauce or gravy watcbxess railway system the lack of watches in soviet pockets is partially blamed by the transport union for recent railway disasters says a message from moscow wrecks occur trains are late and the transportation system suffers from lack of coordina tion when employees cannot determine whether they are operating their trains according to the timetable the com missariat of transport tried the experi ment of issuing watches to men as they went onduty and havlngthem turned in at the close of work so they would be available for the next shift this proved unsatisfactory chiefl because the watches were not given sufficient care now the union has called on the com- missarant of supply to speed up the out put of watches so that all railway men may have them listii tie 40 anniversary mi sa1amtea for 40 years salada lias given the finest quality in tea present prices are the lowest in 15 years then jump the late lord balfour who as 1b well known was a confirmed bachelor was once sitting in the- drawing room of a friend who was happily married before them on the hearthrug were a cat and dog lying together kamfht frtpnrt why do people s of a catandadog life see how happy these are lord balfour paused for a moment smiled and then said tie them to gether inrt off the old pad rastus dart baby am a puftet image ob his daddy ttkita jhe suah am he am a teglar carbon copy w l pebilous primkose path hard work never killed anybody said the fattier thafs just the trouble dad return ed the son i want to engage in some thing that has the spice- of danger in it give yourself a good break at breakfast shredded heat upjallgalbgwjghfnent and roughage in pleas ant digestible form madm in canadm with canadian whmat the canadian shredded wheat company ltd vvincs i the tan coma up the unf ae chum the moon i ea jtckl he i prafec the umt thing tn toutn thoft carrojtt all umecuallly no holiday for quality day in day out all die year ions ajriatcrrtquajhy pwtonna tt vital part in the great canoo system this makes every carroll price of double value to you you dontmerely get food at loir cost you get the best of everything for less money and thats real economy carroll s beaver mmccd chicken tin 17c libby potted meats 3 tins 25c i fancy large prunes 3 lbs 25c choice pitted l dates 2 lbs 25c special australian choice quality peaches halves y occ lsoz for os3 squat tins mm ivi w r limited carrolls breakfast bacon lb 16c carrolls ham bologna lb 16c lobbys corned beef tin 16c crossed fish sardines tin 16c -bctai- good quai corn ity sb each aylmer choice golden bantam corn 3 no 2 tins plain pttiue chateau m cat ilb pkg mclarens assarted punch btl 25c crosse a blackwetla fruit cup drinks btl 0c hires root or cincer beer extract btl 29c kkovah lemonade crystals l n 22c lifebuoy soap special christies new fruit fluff biscuits ib 25 hgcrso cream cheese 2 plcst- 25c orrolls rich old cheese lb 21c h p not butter nef 29c kh lemon butter i6wr23c 2 cak 15 babo cleaner 2 tins 27c f pearl naphtha soap 10 bars 35c sunlight soap 3 17c hit fly sprays 33c tanglefoot j fly papers 6 or 10c wilsons f fly pds3pkg25c rinso pfe 21 lux ke el 23 aylmer brand tomatoes 3 tins 20c aytrner sifted peas tin 18e ayhoar golden ouofity first economy issnys small sunkist oranges per dozen large sunkist oranges per dozen 20c 45c lemons per dozen 6 new potat6es tbs for mill street phone 158 v je- vt j hi

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