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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1932, p. 6

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m apw fi t59v kit fir swv ismi factoo thursday awkjst 4 ipsa s t thk qbkatk8t thino greatest thing jaugoar- olpwds alurmll continent on wtogs of light tos not the greatest thing that men can hear a voice ring round the world or to the deptfi below ttenot the greatest thing that men can crush with a dswa 6t man the people of nation abd leave wreckage scattered oer he world the greatest thing- la god has deigned to tell the oecrets of the air to nv thata hexonfldes earths hidden power and puts it into- human hands the greatest thing is that he trusts to man to make ft cholee putting wlthm his reach both good and evil the jfower to slaughter and the ipower to save the power to read the 6tars or stain himself with blood the greatest thing is that he trusts and waits knowing his own who follow him will take unto themselves iiifes greatest things nina welles tlbbot i menu hints recipes for new and novel dishes household ideu and suggestions by betty barclay beverages fob special oocas- ions on special occasions special bever ages are in order each hostess wants to feel that she is serving something un usual even though she is willing to ad mit that it may not be entirely new here are three recipes that may be used at bridge parties weddings for im portant gusets or upon any special occasion each calls fpr liberal quanti ses of sugar a quick energy food that peps up the body wonderjiuly on a hot day ctoft punch beat 2oups currant jelly to a fruthr add 1 pint boiling water and li- cup sugar cook gently until the jelly and sugar dissolve set aside to cool and when cold add the juice of 2 lemons dilute with cold water pour into glasses with crushed ice and garnish with slices of cucumber peel cut very thin grape juice lemonade 4 lemons i 1 pint grape juice li pints water 1 cup sugar mlxjemon juice with other lngredl- entalturn into pitcher half filled with ice and stir thoroughly let stanotteir minutes before serving ginger sorbet p candled ginger 2 quarts water 2 cups sugar juice of 4 oranges crushed tceor ice water chop the ginger fine add it to the water and sugar and boll for fifteen min utes cool and- add water to make ten cups liquid add the fruit juices and serve in glasses half filled with crushed ice or diluted with ice water fruit juices for cold weather use by anne schuyler put up fruit juices now for use next whiter ifor beverages gelatin desserts pudding sauces or sherbets their flavor will be appreciated in the cold weather months as will also the quickenergy value of the sugar which is used so lib erally in preserving them try these recipes this year and they will be favor ites with you always blueberry juice add sufficient cold water to the ber ries to allow them to float simmer them slowly until they lose their shape strain off the juice and heat to each quart add one cup sugar boll for five minutes skim seal in hot clean bottles or jars rhubarb jujtce rhubarb juice is particularly valuable fxr fmlt bevfrrages anilar- coroblalng with other fruit juices to lend tartness to jellies it is also good for jellied des serts and puddings sauces it may be prepared from the stalks that have be come too tough to cook in other ways cut the rhubarb in small pieces add just enough water to cover and simmer until very soft strain the juice through a jelly bag to each quart of juice add two cups sugar heat until the sugar is dissolved skim bring to the boiling point seal in clean hot jars or bottles exile am afar from the land of my birth i dwelling t in lovely new england mong vermonts green hills but though it is fair yet my hearts ever turning to my own nativeland vta canadian still mount tom and mount peg lift their green crests to heaven the wild ottauqueechee forests foaming between but id ratbgrbe back in the township of erin the land that i only see now in my dreams there close to our homestead a clear spring is welling mp cool cresses border the banks of the rill through the oedars at twilight the flreflies are flitting a killdeer is calling oer lonely churchill idly the youth lolled in an easy chair and listened to the tlcktock of the old grandfathers clock he enjoyed the oscillatin swing of the pendulum and unconsciously hummed the tune of a light air to the rhythm gently he drifted into a lullaby and before long the i dreamed that id passed through swelllngsofjqrdarl but even in heaven before the white throne i still felt a restlessness still felt a yearning a longing for faces and places of home and i dreamed that the master did say to me daaghlur by the river ol water of lifeis a grove by cedars and maples a cool stream is flowing on its banks grow the flowers which in childhood you loved violets hepatlcas rue and white ihles will greet you as through heavens meadows you rove and theres friends from erin the township of erin r your own native erin the land that you love w occasionally i receive letters through the editor from my friends and one that came a week or so ago contained the above poem and was accompanied by a letter which follows it opens up a- new held of endeavor for this column of mine and i will be glad to publish any in formation that readers may send in regarding any questions asked ill just act as umpire in this game and will be glad to arrange for publishing the ques tions and answers and find aut how many there are who can supply the information 1 if there arc any others with questions they would like to submit in thesame way i will be glad to carry on this feature it rather appeals to me and im not just sure of my own answers uritll ive done a little searching through some of my old documents well heres the poor mans friend put ujp small bottles that are easily portable and sold for a very small sum dr thomas bclectric oil possesses power in concen trated form its- cheapness and the varied uses to which it can be put make it the poor mans friend no dealers stock is complete without it the penalty lfe lii m ss the manager of a large drapery store was interrupted by the entry of an ag itated assistant weve just caught a woman who has been shoplifting said the assistant what has she taken asked tne manager we caught her with one hundred yards of elastic r ttoen tell her shes in for a long rsr rinaovd all callouses and enlargements egyptian remedy ijs i the letter acton july 21 103 the old man of the clock tower free press acton dear sir r can anyone give information about these days of half a century ago is there anyone who can remember when miss pollard kept aprtvatosohool in acton where did she conduct her school and who were some of her pupils the school closed about the time my own school days began i remember the pupils saying of one small damsel aw she thinks shes a whole lot bettern the rest of us cause she list to go to miss pollards private school how many can remember a small log house surrounded by lilac trees which stood on the right hand side of the second line just below acton- it was called the old maids house why i am enclosing a poem which you may use in the columns of the old man or the clock tower it you consider it worth the space actonian it was destroyed by a area couple of yean ago it is recorded ttaat malcolm campbell kept the first store d post office hi william campbells bouse in 184 then there was haltonville which was theaa and to this day is better known as sodom and george black bunt the first house there in 1845 this placeat one time had a blacksmith shop store hotel and shoe shop brookyllle- had its beginning in 1852 when thomas eosterbroofc built a store there andrew kerr was the first hotel- keeper the town hall which is stui the township hall for nassagaweya was built in 1875 for anumbber of years the agricultural society held their ex hibition here charles king was the originator of moffatt when in 1843 he built himself a sliop on thjetsouth corner of lot 16 second concession it was in 1860 that hiram wallace started the shoe making business- there and mr wallace is sttll living although he has passed the cen tury mark it seems that darbyville dates back to 1837 when john taylor buuttte first dwelling house there and tb 1838 ed ward and robert darby opened a wagon makers arid blacksmith shop knatchbull aljfj owes its beginning to the opening of a blacksmith and wagon shop started in 1860 7 by william stephenson and john edwards it was here the famous stephenson plow was first made its small wonder that these two lat ter places dwindled away when the need for such shops was no more then along came the rural mail delivery for the farmers and the need for many of the post off ices was gone and today many of the younger generation do not know these places imustrceasefor this week find nbwjusinflbrant ail effective disinfectant tor poultry houses developed at the dominion ex perimental station lehnoxvllle quebec and one wlttchlflptctagentlrelybtis factory for washing poultry equipment antf houses is made up as follows dissolve threequarters of a pound of concentrated lye in as small a quantity of water as possible it will be necessary to do this several hours before ltis required as the lye should be cold when used to this add one and onehalf quarts of raw linseed oil slowly stirring meanwhile keep stirring until a smooth liquid soap is produced then gradually add one gallon of commercial creosol stirring constantly until the fluid is a clear dark brown use onehalf cup of the mixture to a gallon of water 7t ticktock by arthur b rhlnow he yielded to the drowsy feeling noiselessly the- door of the clock open ed and out stepped a wlse old gnome who approached the dreamer there were years on his face and wings on his feet i am the spirit of the clock the stranger announced my name is time you were charmed by- the tlcktock it made you sing your feet kept time and your spirit danced until you drifted into the lullaby -but- my clock is not there- to enter tain every tick marks the passing of time every tock reminds us that an other second has gone youth is enthral led by the rhythms of life morning and bird- evening winter day and hlfht summer but life is mor0 than a swing to the tight and a swing to the left time goes on i never stop and sometimes i fly the ticktock is an echo of the beat of your heart that too sings melodies but they are melodies of the meaning of life and life eternal listen to them and you will understand the clock every minute counts every hour is hungry for something to fill it with good every heartbeat reminds us that we are but pilgrims upon this earth some day a voice within our very own and yet more than our own will stop us and say what have you done and your time give an account ol your stewardship trees that- own themselves there are two trees in the united states that own themselvies and the ground on which they stand the first is an oak at athens georgia it form erly stood on the land of mr w h jackson a man keenly interested in trees he demonstrated his interest by deeding this particular tree to itself in the following words i w h jackson of the county of clarke state of georgia of the one and this oak tree of the county of clarkerof theother partrwltness that the said w h jackson for and in con sideration of the great affection which he bears said tree and his desire to see it protected has conveyed and by these presents docs convey unto the said tree entire possession of itself and the land within eight feet of it on all sides there is a sycamore at coney creek kentucky that was given a deed to itself and thirtysix feet of ground by alice spencer lloyd the deed being recorded in knott county kentucky this tree is protected from the ax and assured life until ujhes of old age in the following appreciative words the said tree is conveyed- in con sideration of the value of itself as a resting place for the weary under the shade of said tree and the said tree and the said terra firms are to belong to themselves absolutely and to each other fpr all the purposes for which nature and god intended them among which is the purpose of the soil to nur ture and feed the tree and that of the tree to shade wgrace and beautify the said terra flrma now to get back to nassagaweya and its villages as they were written about m 1880 or course oampbellvule was as it is now the most important centre and we are all aware that it derived its name from john campbell who was the first settler there in- 1832 the saw mill that was built there was the first start of rthe village it was in 1848 that a mr priest opened a tavern in oampbellvule and ttete was always an hotel there until im oneaided arguments mrs pecke we have been married a year now and we never have quarreled if a difference of opinion arises and i am right henry gives in immediately ms beck and if- he is right mrs pecke oh that hasnt happen ed yet housebroken we congratulated a lady on her silver wedding anniversary for living twenty- five years with the same man 3utliejsmojlt8eamen when i first got hold of him- she replied ru r i 1 1 how to lose elections yes ald theoandlnterm going among the farmers today to a pumpkin show or jackass show or something of tbat sort not that i care for pilmpklris ortjackassebttiu i wan to showrthe people that i am one of them bearing his burden doctor yes it is some chronic evil which mas deprived you of health and happiness patient speak softly shes in the next room jl cadesky opxdmetbist v will vtsit acton on monday august 8th anyonesuffering from eyestrain defective vision or headache should not miss the opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist appointments may be made with mr a t brown druggist consultation free office hours 9 a m till 4 p m he did wilham wrigley jr who was 70 years old was a successful merchant he convinced not only the united states that it was proper and beneficial to chew gum but he spread his ideas throughout the world despite the ridicule he had to over- comitleliiatte thmost successful baseball teams finan cially in the country setting record after record for attendance he gave the pliil- osophy of his salesmanship several years ago in these words tell em quick and tell eiitof renr ybtfi must have a good product in the first plaerahdrsomethmgljiatieqp want for its easier to row downstream than up explain to folks plainly and sincerely what you have to sell do it in as few words as possible and keep everlastingly com ing at them plan advertising advertising is pretty much like run- youve got to keep on once you stop stoking the fire goes out its strange that some peoples imagination cant compass this fact ning arfurnaee shovelling coal into wrigley kept shovelling coal vhatevehic did wh it was the i chandising of his gum the promotion of catalina island oraiizona real estate pro perties the establishment of tjie chicago cubs jn the hearts of baseball f ahs the sat isfaction of his greatest personal ambifichi a world series pennant or philan thropy h success of the late william wrigley jr was attained through consistent and persistent newspaper a business directory medical lmjlavmjn physician and sngeoa office and residence comer avenue and elgin street legal phone no 22 tpo boat it harold nash farmer m a barrister solicitor notary pabue conveyaneeir etc perryman blqck acton out money lent on mortgages hours 930 a m to 800 p m saturdays 1200 oclock kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pnblto offices acton over t seynucks cafe georgetown main streets 5ec por appointments phone acton georgetown- 88 office hours -r- acton tuesday and thursday 115 pm to 530 p m kren- lngs on request dental a j buchanan d d 8 dental surgeon office in t irishman block hours 9 a m until 0 p m by appufaitrorttt gas for krtrafttnn clpjsedall day wednesday phone 48 p w pearen d d s l d dental sargeon successor to late dr 3 1c beb phone 29 mm street aete miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder account books of all kinds made to l carefully bound promptly done wyndham street coyer williams ruling neatly and onelph otrt- store jeweller j h jorttan georgetown expert repairs prompt serrlca we have for years been doing repairs for other jewellers across canada se are quite capable of doing yours xyljpiicalco 110 wyndham street guelph collections a bouquet from brampton client ypurservices have been greatly appreciated results extremely gratifying cant stress my thanks too highly june 10 1932 we cari help you with youwcol- lection troubles too kelly aiken the reliable collectors orangeville ontario our 25th anniversary celebration a great success we are continuing our anniver sary discount until the end of the month we are pleased that so many of our older patrons were able to take advant of this un- usual oner ana celebrate with us our 25th anniversary onethntd off until july 30th a a savage registered optometrist by government examination savage building7 phone 1091w insurance fire car casualty etc e harrop bepresootatlve gore distriot mtttoal norwich union canadian irrrktjjbtjranoh eaooanor to the jm t itr j iji kennedy t is m

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