psiifips- aa taaarteittemai55a 4 t 30 j932 theiactofo free press t jje 3firw ffoaijjjfirt tonj dead mans gulch by marianne c oauss t7 ivof very long after mickey temple 11 went away tljere came one of m 5 those wild giisty atternoons very common in ltihe rookies during the spring the blast tore aboui the mountain cabin he had abandoned and atjfrened- the clods in those fields he left half plowed his slater martha would plow this year under her blue cotton dress and old sweater the heart of the tall good- looking girl surged angrily as she struggled to operate the corn crusher eihands bled tor the machi old and needed oiling so much that jnuch of the power of her strong young arms was lost in friction the iron protested squeaklly in very much the tone employed by members of the hsuse- hold when they were asked to do ony work now and then thererwas a growl of discontent from its dusty throat like mickeys surly grumbling it was im possible martha reflected to get any thing done without a quarrel her brother especially was always grumbling about the state of affairs rmaybe she refleqted resentfully he had thought she enjoyed her hard- work en the farm since fatheitdledt- perhaps lie thought she liked to give up college and everything else j the younger sisters came out while martha fed the stock say martha piped the curlyhairedi twin i saw that dog of brothers way over by dead mans gulch the indignant color mounted in the elder girls face it was about ivan ivanovitch that she and mickey had their last quarrel the morning of the day he went pway forever he had paid price which she thought was too high for the russian wolf hound and she lad refused to allow the animal to come into the dooryard evidently it had not considered the place homelike either for it bad gone away martha answered her younger sister sharply if ivan comes around here ill shopt him the other twin lifted sweet grave yes tdo you hate ivan marfa why of course not rebuked the curlyhaired one she hates mickey for goto oba- thats why shed kill his dog the tall sister turned a startled face i dont hate mickey- what put that st your head eva you acted- like it when he was home well i certainly- do not hate mickey 1 only only disapprove of his actions running off and leaving mewjth the spring plowing id shoot that dog be cause hes likely to kill sheep and weht softly down the kitchen stairs she opened the door and stood listening into the night little crackling sounds- ln the bushes greeted her- ears and a dying puff of wind- blew into her eyes some sweetsmelling petals from the wild cherrytrees now into the square of light on the ground whining and trying to lick her shoes came the hulking figure of the russian wolf hound the girl screamed half in terror half in expectation and the dog whimpered ivan ivan ivan- o asshe pronouncedhis name- mickeys dog sprang up to lay his paws on her breast wheres mickey ivan find mickey a whine of distress was the answer oh you bad dog not to flndj mic key ivan leaped about her excitedly shall i go with you ivan shall we find mickey the dog bounded against martha again almost throwing her to the ground as she turned toward the house to call one of the twins to ac company her the dog thought she was not going and started away without further delay then the girl ran after him she hurried across the ash heap where old tin cans and rubbish were thrown there was a little crash as she stepped on a thin piece of wood whittled into a shape like the sounding board of a violin martha breathed hard but did not stop for ivan had leaped the fence and was off like a bullet toward the hightrail moonlight here made the path look as though it were covered with snow a weed which had just burstfinto bloom lifted ghostly white candle of buds in the middle of the trail the rough shoes of the walker made a loud scufflihg sound but the great dog slipped along ns quietly as a shadow the glrr entered the dark grove where the ground was slippery with pine needles ivan was not tobe seen anywhere to the left a fairly wellbeaten trail led toward tihe peak which gleamed in its enowp above her the other way the ground shelved abruptly and a path which soon lost itself among the rocks wound down- ward toward dead mans gulch j martha stood trembling not knowing which way to go most likely mickey had tried to climb the peak she whistled and called and the great dog finally returned to her two bobcats flashed spitting at her out of sight ivan dashed after them and it- was some time before she could get him to return npw he led her to a little arroyo where it was very dark and there was a drip and tinkle of water here he stop ped suddenly whimpering he was standing beside something in the black shadow of a fallen tree tne glrfsr heart throbbed until her breath came gasp ingly she felt for matches but could find none could she bear to put- out her hand in the dark what would it touch she cried out huskily when it fell on something cold ivans noser he was pointing out a hard stiff object which martha now drew into the light it was the coil- of rope mickey had carried that day when he went out to look for stray cattle go on ivan find mickey at this command the big dog scrambled up into the moonlight where he stood in tall grass marlposas and the painted cup growing around hip find mic key she repeated the dog scrambled over a difficult slope covered with loose rock on the left of which was a thorny grove of wild fruit trees suddenly martha following saw opening before her a black and jagged defile and know she stood on the verge of dead mans gulch the chasm was almost impenetrable to the sight except that far below through a gash in the rock moonlight slanted on the dead tops of aspen trees which way now ivan begged martha the dog merely leaped about her or whimpered shr at the e of the cliff she peered dver the edge mickey mickey no answer came far away she heard the call of a moun tain lion- there was nothing to do to but tomorrow the gulch must be- searched a bit of gravel disturbed by her foot went over the edge and came to test on a ledge not far below she had not known there were any ledges she paused again listening to the tapping she bad heard before then suddenly a great idea came to her mickey was at times subject to a kind of quinsy r which used to take his voice in a flash she had turned back to the brink of dead mans gulch she leaned far over and shouted oh mickey are you on a ledge three taps for yes are you hurt after pausing a moment and receiving no answer she called again walt im climbing down toyou bhe swung herself carefully to the bough of a cedar for a moment martha found herself hanging poised above a black chasm then her body spun around as her foot searched for the trunk of the tree in at moment she had crawled down the tree far enough to set lgr foot carefully jprir jutting rock she made her way to the place frqmwhich the choking sound was again coming mickey lay thejre unable to move oh mickey mfceey sobbed the sister youve been here two days with only bburned biscuits to eat i was more interested in quantity than quality you gave me a heap of em martha the boys head fell back he was trying to laugh he had faint ed the glri rubbed his face with snow until he returned to consciousness then she left him to get men who could lift the helpless boy to the top by means of ropes and stretchers when martha had seen to this she rushed home to have beef tea prepared and blankets warmed mickey was too exhausted to talk when he first arrived home but later he and his sister had a good long chat to gether ive been thinking mart the former said youve had ft pretty hard i think our house has been like a bum machine weve lest a lot of our power in friction scrapping im hateful too youve been the best sister in al berta and i was wondering sis if- we all pulled together couldnt you go to college you might start right soon now go a terni stay home awhile and do extension work iand you could take violin in town brother and sistqr beamed and the tift between them was closed forever martha graduated at the normal a few years later with honors and a teachers certificate mickey took his lessons and joined an orchestra in town the younger girls carried out their plans too and the farm seemed to improve every year t dont see how you folks manage envjpusly commented a neighbor boy at our house were always driven to death on account of that lazy jacob i scold him all the time top mickey and martha listening grin ned together biologically tested fish oils in poultry feeding fish liver and body oils are the most efficient practical sources of vitamins a normal bone formation respectively for poultry in addition the complete ab sence or serious depletion of the former from the ration of growing or mature ayitaminosis- which may have serious resultsdd will causeloss of health and production and finally death similarly avftaminosis d causes tickets in young chicks with consequent cessation of de velopment and death and in matur fowl less 7ften attekeltlc condition cessation of production and depletion of the skele- tonal structure the importance of these vitamins tq normal well being and pro ductivity of poultry will he readily ap preciated particuarly to view of the demands made upon utility poultry to day it is essential therefore that an adequate source of these vitamins be supplied the vitamin a and d content of fish oils varies greatly according to the season of the year the type of food available to the fish from which the oil comes and the care given to the oil in handling and refining the only accur ate method of determining the vitamin content of these oils at the present time is through the biological test which con sists in determining the ability of a re presentative sampleof any oil to- support normal growth and bone development at certain levels of feeding to young rats or preferably to chicks since these oils represent the most expensive ingredient of the ration although fed only in small amounts it may be poor economy to buy oils of uncertain vitamin content if bio logically tested poultry oils are available if biologically tested oils are not used it is recommended that oil be obtained from one or other of the reputable manu facturers of poultry oils who produce a consistently high grade product maybe theyre five day weekers a teacher gave the following problem tocher pupils if a wonfan gathers five eggs a day how many eggs would she gather ln week after studying f6r a few minutes william with a puzzled brow inquired teacher do hens lay on sundays feeling the wonder of it all by arthur b rhinow did you ever stop to think by edson r watte shawnee oklahoma amelia earhart was expected to arrive in about half an hour the police were and d which are essential to growth and clearing the plaza before the old city hall of- new york- and captains were stationing their men at strategic places to control the crowds while professional announcers tested the amplifiers birds brings about a condition known as f the crowd is notcas big as on former similar occasions a man remarked to me subsequently i learned that it compared very well with the former re ceptions but for the time being i was in clined to agree with mynew acquaintr ance i- they are getting usidtb these wen comes to celebrities i said yesv he nodded they are getting used to it even a solo flight across the atlantic our curiosity is always on the alert for something now the more we have the more we want wltn that we separated the poljce becoming vory active ii bur direction but his last words- lireered lie more we have he more we want- he did not refer tc tht amass ing r wealth bin to awe criming for ever iiew sensations if the new thrills fail to arrive we become bored with the city that amounts to something is the city that makes better business for local concerns its chief industry it issaidjthat in ancient china and even in parts of modern china the head of the family only pays the family phys ician so ion as the household remains ip good health when illness prevails or when a patient dies there is no payment not a bad idea carrying the gospel of your city into new fields as well as reviving interest iri your old ones is what this newspaper is doing when the countrywas faced with the first chill winds of the economy wave itwas applying the brakes to the wheels of trade it is going to take plenty of newspaper advertising to get them into motion again every day we hear over the radio some silvertongued orator telling us in ring- ing tones about this and that method of saving our country when lie lias ejjhausted all the words in his vocabu lary to describe all the sins being com mitted by the opposition party against j4 vgl tne more wo have the more we warn because vi never reaily have it when the first aeroplane flew over our heads we stood still and stared it was amazing if then we had only taken the time to ponder the miracle until w exclaimed how wonderful are the works of man and in the next breath prayerfulljy how wonderful are thy works o god we would have taken a long s t overcoming the mor bid and shallow curiosity that is always eager to skip from thrill to thrill that would have deepened our cap- actiy of appreciation and enabled our hearts to meet the next marvel wiltli god the country he turns to his stock fairy tales and skillfully using thick layers of blarney exquisitely renders a picture of his side of the question they make the mistake of not realizing that those who listen to these talks are hu man they have ears and minds and they do not forget the near past and present the man that likes everybody is us- ually the man thalj everybody likes opportunities for great savings are found in the advertising columns of this newspaper not mitch loss there were two browns in the village both fishermen one lost his- wife and the other lost his boat at about the some time the vicars wife called as she supposed on the widower but really- on the brown whose boat was lost s im sorry to hear of your great loss she said oh it aint much matter was the reply she wasnt up to much indeed said the surprised lady yes continued brown she was a rickety old thing i offered her go my mate but he wouldnt have nor tvec had niy eye on old tom ross for some time the childs words rankledin marthas mind all day the older girl thought of a time when mickey had wanted to make himself a violin and she threw the wood and other materials into the heap in the evening when the three went into the kitchen darkness was ijs beginning to fall martha jememberijd her brothers dislike of burned meat if some of the bacon was burned she used to help him to that because she disliked finicky people mrs temple was looking ill tonight fretting about her son she refused to believe ho- had run away from them despite the note martha had found tucked away- under the few rough elotlws in his trunk saying that the family lived like cats and dogs and he was sick of it bessie the lame sister had thought of an explanation 1 do believe jmickey wrote dint notemonths as-i- hut be- cause he covrldnt think about running away he stayed on 1 am afraid some thing dreadful has happened to him the- oiricr sister could scarcely listen to this fantastic explanation when bessie and mother hnd worked them selves up to believe that mickey had met some terrlblo fate she sniffed and turned restlessly in her chair i dare say a hawk picked him up cut in the hills or the cat got him around the barn well never- see htm again l she exclaimed sarcastically anyhevv not till he getshungry a silence fell ori the household martha could hear the wind which was hurling balls of last years tumble weed at a furious rate across a clearing the wasckatchan river looked like blood in the sunset far- away wound the wild trail toward the peak along which one descended to dead mans gulch high this this this or this on this path the pine trees fought the wind martha stole to the window and looked uneasily toward the gulch once up yonder a tourist had fallen into a crevice and nobody ever knew what became of him the girl watched till the sunset faded once the blowing shadow or a tree de ceived her into believing she saw a boyish figure coming alcng the path 11k going to bed i have to be up at four she said after a time martha fell asleep but she dreamed of mickey she had burn- ed the bacon and he had gone away hungry she was sorry then and went up and down the mountain hunting him in vain she awoke suddenly and sat up in bed from her window she couidsee the peak gleaming white under the r the wind ha gone down hid there was intense stillness over the world the collie had waked her bark ing indignantly as if there waslan in truder ataut suddenly the yapping ceased as the animal dived under the barn for shelter the girl rose hurried into her clothes you ave 42 on this wonderful new electric ironcr and prcsser irons everything from lace to bed sheets presses clothes like an expert cleaning house with furnace deal you get it for half price vou save 5750 on this magic coal blower forced draft allows you to save 50co on coal bills and bet ther mostat controlled heat set it and forget it you k this blower for half price with furnace deal you save s6750on one of the gnesf washed ever made porcelain tub ero large soft wringer silent direct power a gem in color and beauty get it for half price with this furnace deal regular price 8500 with furnace 4250 regular price h500 with furnace 5750 regular price 13500 with furnace 6750 you sdvc 124 on this snowbird electric refricerator interior of beautiful snowy fiorcclain extra large capacity quick reezing control wonderfully quiet realize your wish tor an electric refrigerator now get one for half price with this furnace deal regular price 24800 with furnace 12400 jle jt when ordered with this or gilson furnace order your furnace now from gilson and get a beautiful snowbird electric refrigerator or a wonderful new electric ironer and presser or a high grade electric washer i or a fuel savingblower at half price any one of these at half price with a gilson furnace this is a time when straight thinking pays this offer carries no profit for us but it allows us to keep more skilled workmen employed ready to handle business which is now definitely increasing monthhymonth meanwhile you can take advantage of our special offer and secure some much desired comforts for your home at half price while buying the furnace you will ultimately need at the lowest prices in our history no strings to this offer this is the gilson magic warm air beating plant it is first ra dustless furnace because it is made from electrically welded steel a solid steel surface without joints prevents the smallest speck of dutt from getting into your rooms sfecond it is a fuel saving furnace because it radiates beat ii times faster than an ordinary furnace and special grates assure maximum combustion this is onfc of the furnaces we arc nowfeaturing in our special offer call your nearest gilson dealer not one cent has been added to the prices of our furnaces for this offcr the refrigerators ironcrs washers and blowers are from regular stock first class and fiilly guaranteed phone our dealer below 6r go and see him this is an opportunity in a thousand for everyone who needs a new furnace easiest terms arranged satisfaction guaranteed by the gilson mfg co ltd guelph x ontario frank mooney acton ontario this is one of the gilson allcast and semi- cost warm air heating plants it is a favorite with many homcowncrs and builders next to the gilson magic allsteel furnace this is one of the most efficient heating plants ever made it givts volumes of clean warm air with a uniformly low fuc consumption this is one of the most efficient heating plants ever made v a 7 i