ptvffi v it v utmmm i ri r ityijtxvrtfpwvwriiit mill i ill i iiimiihiri the acton free press he made me etraleht op teararovuia eky me mult ma mat with mljhty rooj and harjpuy he ew me frol tw irlnd and i make muilc eweet am met and thta sou know mr unut nl tto dally itm the pluwapralao a laeaon here perheneae learn our neat to rear our fees upturn to be a toll and atand erect and not he email ant not abject jmaj x oodl onmelat us be abtrw the and jutt like a tree john bt mafee chronicles of twenty years ago tke imk the free- pre of ttmraosr july ltth 1917 butter retailed here yesterday at 34c mra h moore has an tniftuh rhoaodesjdran tree in btoom which has twenty oustersnof flowers in full bloom the niembers okacton l o u parad ed to st ajbans church for divine ser vice on sunday the rector rev c h jt smith ma preached an able ser- kul r 3sy the end of the present year toronto u1 have pent five million dollar on of the ww mr 4 iaoette wilson auperlntcndent of agricultural societies was presented a the friend of the farmer with a vllaljadd eoony oane by ontario wperfr djeif at ontario agrlcumursi cjoueg the oanadtarr house of commons e1u by a major jty of s at meeting of the board of nduoa- tloit thbtwltnatlon of miss black and jjn uontleth were accepted tmi nitt pans haa received a letter poirl-owtal-o- x kenney avxjr and h ieon ttothm serrio tn bsbtpt mrs win bogle died last wedneaday tp at the home of her aonlnlaw mr alex bell waaagaweya at the aire of 74 yearn two dairy owmoum hsllo frteiida neighbors and erluca areat hayinc- weather ftre haidflf ikttt a we have tojand a half morn loads in the barn iltvw week and i see by my farm diary that tnishlme last year we were thrown haying- that la first cuttihe this year we shall think ourselves lucky if we get through at air but things rnlsht ibe worse prom ray diary i also learn that july 8th 10m the thermometer registered 104 degrees and hovered around there for the bext few days do yoi remember that week hr when it is wet and bold reel better about it if ww just r those- sweltering- days bode in ow which would you rather have treme heat orextreme wet weather i believe i raised jthot- question last year now we havwatnc chance- of comparing the two summgypr as farttt i caviwmetnber i said we preferred excessive moisture to excessive heat and we are still of that opinion rain aertataly hinders the work trethendously there may he a rood deal of hay that win never be at to be brotiffht in tout at least wc know that t 99 sufteruw and that therti isima will be plenty of wator in the wells isnt that a lot to be thankful for sometimes the jaln can do- one artfttoit- turn if it chooses its time wisely this week for instance i hod just not my strawberries for canning when it started to rain- there wasnt a thing partner could do outside so like a good samari tan he sat himself down in the kitchen on a plantation a certain workman igvcd ease and ashing when he wasnt fishing he was loailnjr one rwht there was heavy rain and the- next availing all the low places on the plattrjrwece flooded two feet deep- pasiua the workmans cabin the owner found his and hulled berries son washed dishes mil seated in an easy chair ashing in of oourse was sway picking a p of muddy water here henry you osc and ouldnt get home and sd you tjldtoot of tahe rsln i had lots of helnr n ha an- y dom without the rsln i should have had all the work to do myself moat of jhe strawbenies i canned but with some of them i made janv and if any of you my friends ore making jam jelly let me suggest that you watch the market for a new product for sealing jams vnd jellies whica can be used ln- ste of melted p and is far more easy and simple to ut4ooks like cellapjiivjjc but i think it must be trest- ed in some special way because i tried to use cellophane in the some way and it dldnt work right at all of course maybe you like messing around with meltad parrafln 1 dont in foot i hardly ever use it oencrallx 1 do as my scientists mother always used to do before these- win borden a warps new ways of sealing jam came on the market that is cut discs of grease attend nebraska cimvenlianj proof paper dip in vtnesar and place f a eelallnn j an top of the jam after it is cold oriel i before coverink with the lid contribution of sefence to the dairy industry were recotrnlsed at the recent annua conwntlon of the american dairy science association in lincoln nebraska when w a wenoworth of the borden company presented the bor den awards for meritorious research in 6tey science to pr tore a roge a dr c v huflrnart tlw winners of the awards each received ilodo and a gold medal oeortngtbe head of oall borden the father of dairy research on tk tbnir american continent winners of the awards aere named by a committee of dairy scientists dr rogera was selected for his work t dairy irianiifocttirlng methods andort rtun- mon for his contributions to the science of dairy production dr rogers has been connected with my mothers day was never fastened down until it was quite cold mould will collect of course but settles on uip of the paper and can be lifted off with the paper in fact i have a dim recol leotion that it was rotoonsldered good jam unless it did mould of course woukln t lltf to back th notion a more than i would like to support some of the other ideas that wrre prevalentrtn those days i remember for instance that cobwebs placed over a wound were supposed to be a fine thing to arrest blcedins we understand through the prow and by the radio that there la a movement on foot in manitoba to provtdejroiruiig facluuea for young people to become skilled wurkmen in certain fields af labor that is about the most sensible the bureau of dairy industry united and progressive scheme we have heard states depsjftmpnt of agriculture for f for a lorn time not only ls1tnur- the past 3fl years and u mked for many inr skuled labor sot the fuiure but it tn discoveries hla atudtes of nuuwda o providing work for younc iieople of the cheese manufacture paved the way forjprew day and not only work but the american production of bwtn and selfreapect that pwa with it la there roquefort cheese he lias also shown anything man deadly to youth than the dairy lndusto how to moke con- feel they are vrowins u in a world th rentrated sour milk producta thus tn- doesnt need them because there are creasing the uowe for surplus skimmed enouah obs to go round now a few milk i forsurhled peipie are beginning to realltt- dr hufttnons work at mioiusun state ifhat tn a few years there u youis to be oollegr has been cjuefly ooooerned with 1 v shorta4ie of skilled wtirkers unlftta the diet of oowal this lias biuugltfbout sometruns is done about it and aome- fundsmental cninces in feeding ipcac- appvently u being done youth ucsa and has shown daintiven h to uj provided with wirk and with it ssduc che oustjof milk producuoni cut the nope uiat there b a future down the feedlnv of groin and inofease them the use of bjmnsgrown crops repntuy ub hope the ides will spread and he has been studyinc arthritis ifrwwi sudieiuoh scheme be adliptrdssf 6i- ond ftnds htjpncieuo of vitamin d rtarkvj ves it will ixart nwneyuf course in feada during the aniroals erly we 1 quwnuiwnt sclvcnuw 4uwy drr jrq mar be any aue of this disease thear e tiirm not so worthy as chlabut stu be suggest may havr foe l anioetlh young people ut bearing on the stud of arthrttu in lhr homeiwill agree with me that we human beings n better afhird to pay a lltue extra ur j as the borden aaarda are- rtveii fori ulu e oon afford ui are our nerttbrtous reaporrh by dairy avlentlsui tjus mtrls and buys dnri almlcly ui xbrth america canadian are etlslble to receive them tcterl oniuulian dalj ihrough life restless and discontented lajlntf thwprijihr of- purpose wltopi omf thw uwsj work to develop tlielr natural talents and to follow- their ambitions can pas vbthem-v- irmncav made in ourron system appear to be a bt direction we who illghftolwolareom tempted to iwonder is allahls educattorr worth while what is store for them- after they get through school manitoba u answering the question for thmt prpvlncertwhot fihi the future in store for pie youth of ontario we would like to know n wajrww accidents and compensation there were 3fr7 acddenu reported to the workmens compensation board during the month of june this being thehlghest number during any month since november of 1030 when there were 7000 ondaasa more than the number reported during may of this year the beneats awarded amounted to 50844858 or wnlch 40808470 was fdr compensation and 10070382 for medical w this brings the total beneflts awarded duhngtthe halfr ye en june soth to 30863680 as compared with 2- 72221100 during the corresponding period of 1036 the accidents reported during the first sis months numbered 31231- as compar ed with 27845 during the same period lost year too handy boas said henry im ashln weil dont you know there are no ash there yes i know chat but this ere place is so handy fiunday well klos how ore you en- joyen yore vocoshen mtoe are ano xob4snfewdmw 4um oonslsten of ion mone gardeniohe and etc a about the tjome unkel hen leaves it all to me he dont waht to inter fear monday busterses skool teecher called on blfsterses ma this a m t got to talken about blisters his ma ost the teecher isent blisters unqeky orlg- enal si the teecher sed yes he are a speshelley in speuen tuesday oot a good 1 on pa this evnlng he art me if i cood name the t wonders of the world i sed i cood name l of same st he sed witch st i setd ypuhen you were my bu7tretoflrjsr lookt like hes- was thtnken of thcmbir stories he has told me wednesday oot to monkeyen with a bumbel bee today 4c it stangme but it turned out usefle as when pa ost me do i no what are velosetey i repllde se sed sure it is what you et awayfroro v bumbel bee with thursday ma thot she heered a burff- eler last nlje a sedta pa wake up i hecr some bodyjmeekthg thru the hall pa sed what mme are it at ma twd 3 thirty st pa sed well tt alnt trie tneiras i never cum in that late went to sleep agen prlday ajogot jtinda chummle with pa after the supper hr si ost him do he lovener still ijdont no sed pa try it on w st i will see ma seamed to be mad st i xpect pa ottent of sed that rim- mark his deplodasey needs fepares st rcbudlng saturdn well lomorro are the forth of july ai l am to be careful st no blow off a nrypfr 3c ye wj dont worrie much as mutch jot jiie likely hood of getting out of arc trackers st bums st etc befour tlieselebrashen cums end be enrcfle aboot that i am soyen to me atrlpyriy that i will be coree v pjuumsvw 17mc0mto i hsky tiioit you have 17 tninion dollarsand ariother man has one dollar ww you bit your vast fortuneuagataat his ions dollar that you oon toj base ball into the air and their catch it as it falu of course you wonfr the odds are all out of proportion to the risk perhaps you think nobody in his right mind would take such a chanoe if so you are wrong- thousands of upper cnuy sane motorists nnd pedestrtans do it not once but ma tmes each d only they wager years against minutes actuaries tell us thntan average adult of 35 has 17 million minues yet to hve every time he takes a chanoe in traffic to save one miqute he wagers all his remul hi pgyearswhen vyougamble lh traffic you bet your life the best in surance in the world for those who drive and walk lsrtry courtesy every day all theway why is a wet blanket like a train because it is usually seen upon a line take bomb op the jaiaxcel01it0ejivinot do you ever btiyasweepsiajees ticket you dont always expect to lose do you but you know ybu might do you fver take an ocoasfonal ohance in traffic either walking or driving you never expect to lose do you but you mlght for youave eleven tjntell mi hkely tobe killed or injured in ojt automobile ac cident this year as the holder of a swecp- atakas tlcjtet is to win even asmrtjt prise you are thirty two times as likely to lose your nfe as the holder of n irwjfrp- stakes ticket is to win a majok ptise when you gamble in lotteries your make is- a few dollars at most but when you gsurrble in traffic you bet your life whethervyouypu ore a motorist or- n pedestrian try courtesy all the time and take sonic of the chance out of living what sort of ash would a parrot like to catch a perch r sausalliles- tosh same follows lui moody girl but it depend on what mood theyre in look at it auction lasts 64 years sales of rare books and manuscripts amassed by sir thomas phuilppa a said tlwuj imfjirw iiajmnvfbister eotjlarjd have es- stobusbed a record in auctioneering fifty ago sothebys began selling sections of the vast stare whose owner died in 187 the sale has been resum ed andtwlu probably go an for another 30 or 40 years iscreeirivctress tosses jbridstbouquetv n ty thtt uo m happy mary plcxford america sweetheart vf ihe acreon is shown abovali as she toaaed her brldai oouquet following uu simple outdoor erernorues which united her in marriage o ctiorka buddy rogera aniriicaa boy friend the 43yearold arteen artreaa and the m-yeur- oid acuir orchestra leader were married at the hollywuod honw of mr and mrs umla ughtoki the nrwlyweoji left on a honeymoon trip to llswau aboard thr some bvl caftytn7 jeaiielte maejrutld and ckm- raymond motion picture stars on their honeymoon rmmuvfmlmtwmm 1ui mmm m wtm 11 a retail store regards itself as being a puhlie servant therefore it is wholly fit- j ting that rt should try to be the best and most eager servant possible a retail store which hides itself from those whom it wants to employ it becomes under-cm- ployydramd so its sales decline the public inclines in largest num bers toward those stores which seek its at tention and custom it takes the adver tising store at its own valuation it likes to do business with those who manifest to serve it it likes to buy at those stores which hac to renew their stocks freiicitlv advertising communicating ts just news and information about ones store aiidserviee iis just a form of talking it is those who talk who are listened to silent stores lose out to stores which camr on conversations in the form of news paper advertisements with those whose custom they want anv retailer who wants to get more customers for the replacement of cus tomcrs who become lost to him and for the 1 1 expansion oi his business can surely get them hv nuikiiig his store important in their eves and lv putting in his advertise ments the kind of information which will help huverscome to decisions our newspapers advertising depart ment is ever willing to help retailers pre- pare the right kind of advertisements free assisjaiic of rhhirse fflm ss v- acieniusu attended the dairv ooneiui1 and drlegatea wre tu prenrrit frm australia ne ajajid and- ihaith afrtna on r muggs and skeetes ixtniavt kkmkmtaors tree atp has not dimmed the memory k ailct pr of the beat known of circujr ajephanu while jm was beliw iran- j ported with two eirphants of circus on railway train between tknuvaa anl 7 wuuln mev2kand ah cam io- apot aha rn a a ta- aax ah- had raacnad out ami her trunk and taabm atrw leuunc toaanl the ralu tn trae rrwt u t and u car ml th rath naoeauy a tnc train ttv apot mm ra raa 1 aaiiaiiil 11a u help aha aarnm uumbi fanaard har trunk arlaad a ue trunk and tv oar anr dralrd ia savaw6gsthe aakjaigecl cf thewet side orioles s 0j the kuaklp his tfeajm is alu b9mqeo up frcrw 4jh gp jljlg im juplgs too nthe wmtts to vs ttosmvfe- t 3 a- i liciuki vcu didmt tell wim curteaa was crippled by tsfchiaawtd a tbo did vv phavte to nl to csooc a come oki watcj4 me valfsi tvhs bauusams simgle hamdeb xt by wally bishop i xav sorry but weee qocked hjp boatwe ristofthe seasom so vcu coxrr smom upji tttuyws aos tspqcs r 1 a w y j