v jat miim hum thb actdtm pttiffprpss f n 5 1 ftljrartan jfarplrrfin aabllaw inr tanalar ai aetea oatwla xotbchhtioj utimui bar ih la aaaaea ualtao stalaa hc atdtlaal glaala tepfaa 0 both bill ant 1w awauwrjpmmbtt when ekanae ol r advertising ratmon tppheatlon ind ta glvm in various taluinn iittdlni i althoutktrtry prcsuton will h taum u ttold rror th pits rrtm sctspts idwtlslnk in iii cnluntni aaiti undirttsnatna init h ui not bf luhls fir nr rror in sty advert amient luiblubtd nsraunqar unufi proof of atich idrjibmtnt lijeqiiaittd in writing by mwartutr tnd ctturntd la th frit riii buiintii inly slnid by tha sdrtruitt and with mch rror fimi ca duly i ft auch ailvertuammt imiiorlal and qnll-ica- kema o anior nit lsrraitw ty jhuit heal qltetlon notlcr ntliled thli week to tlioie who hud hydro wifofhmterthntrtlledumlerthe plntmlvocbtedj by the ontario commlialon nlmply ante that main- tennncwotmlie lientera will bo dlicnntlntted at the ftlmo these liditteni were liwtnllcd it was understood that the payment each month inltueinjljitiiiwnnt3 for maintenance and yet mo intimation of reduction la dlven in the notice of course it la well knnwn wluitpreolnltiituil the action of the locnl commission a bill ffom thttdu tnrlo hydro commission wiis received for the wist of tho ttilpmont thnr wiis intherd4auiiblnr nud uu expected wo wonder if tillter municipalities who nro myocntlii that consumers adopt the plan nrc beitik billetfnow for cihjj22jcjyurwill the diiiruc come nlonn inter thu question wns discussed lit satisfactory nnawor by hydro thoao who hnve ftteiwasa iiistnluulnrciiiskiiijjjincslions it is n mutter thitt requires nn answer from the hydro nnd an o plnnntloi policy j v mwrt of n playsround judging from tho numhir of american license plates one sees on cars these days our neighbors find a great deal of pleasure touring and visiting n canada this is especially true on rhc lughwnys in the northern part of the province tho lure of the beauties of nature in this part of ontnno nrc seem tngly very attractive for vacationing americans but no matter how many of them chose to como hero for ijolidays it would seem that ontario can provide ample accommodation highways are sometimes crowded getting to the camping ground but off the highways and on the by ways on the little roads that lead to lakeside there are plenty of places with little or no crowd places where real rest can be secured it woufd seem that ontario is abounding with just such rest places no wonder american visitors are returning each year in greater numbers to vacation m this land we sometimes wonder if we who live in its midst of this plnyground nppreci ate the facilities that visitors come so fur to enjoy do new rates come with the change in advertlocmcnla are bond wnttlr ip your home how tin km i pin ss jir any other newspnper js read possibly the ipnin headlines on the front pnge nrc hist sennned but his n pretty snfo thing to sny thnt wotnui renders will turn very enrly to the advertisements of locnl firms which advertise fnsbioli items fulfil prices mid other offerings re iii ted intimately to curicnt needs nnd desires fveiy womnh knows whnt she wnuts iuit pcrjinps in the precise forth 01 color or variety 01 iitniiiici ett tottounday school lesson fob diiniiav jdiv uth aufj kjjcdoiiacim a ijcadkii oolitnn lyxt vwaft will olvti dtrniivtli until litn pkipir imniin 30 ii fiiuuin ivxl kxiuilm 3 hi in jo- is jl i arum intj lie liur hurrtianil plmriuiha court bxpimtunii i 1 mil holll nnnt 1110 3 13111 miwift anrliw to tmvi ffiirtsl llbl via- naln rerrpllnl 1ly thn iliirfwrt llmrnjlmli inil- m i tyty toulrt a promua for vnr f a u wily tor vry want lrnttli lor hirjr tiiinian wnalfnmiv itl ood alvna m a liihian hflli tr islfl x i bvnp tllla inarvnlmhly lulrr rinajiiiuir tyfxv doe nt mutlcw ui wrriiomin mom rntui lajirn to n4enmaa laak ml himli mngnltoilti with a llimli of hln olrl ntuvnh ur fiinxminti htrtmjl lt throw fljin wholn ihbitf oviitwmrd 1 f r- mtyn virtually hnd wiinftonn itliw itny oin- an 1ty doll t opt lllf ihln rifnnitl il lovviirluill unitwill mill lorta llllu li jtmitly kllulfrft nunllitil i if al miuifn h id lhyoi tiorii irimrrvril mid itiilnwl lor thin om rnlwilon in fiftt mid lio inimimi intl will uu thwnrl 1ml n tvlni ly itpiinlnn il ptim fiilt um1 known tuii liiunmi hrnrt mill linn rmmft iuiui lli nrridii it miwuh llloijf eiiml wlu iliitf im roil ui kiwi- lllifi tltn tlcliirr tint oliniuttiimit i iiiiiiiiuj tnllowfililp rtirt iimtitliuim jrlnllifr lilh tnollinr aaron to htm in lain wnk 111 inftuml 4iu iqilrlt into tiolh vn it itli lllfrniwrr of tooiienillvtr nt vilh kiii i fallow oiihamiui in climln mrvl in ii reraignlusl iirlndliln wlilili wn in will t rellm mlwr i r mark 1 ijtike fll ti tconrludwl on ihon unvrnl lui fmirisi pliaranli lliln in tin- tiual mnliot unci miirniik inr hln mnl i ink in recent hydro convention we failedno rend on ztz t iz sv am jaltjivuli in llclirnw whirl oml lvrn lilm lu rlfy 1 hiiniliiiin rovlri- tlm otthn imtnrt- of thft binnlut ilrliitf thn liluliartt and iimmt nmjeatui evnr vmn lumfetl lt iniinwrkl till ttrrfiimh the ititiin hn rtvraltnt lltnuwlf m nvn kuril rittiiut of ivlly rttriipnu iiomn tuteot jtf ilta elinrwtrr uul ntirllmilra j tint of jrhoviili rrvtiotii nn tlio one huriinl tuichanuuia mtir rmtjtutiit n ctllly insnll tho uiilvfrma wlu u and wnn mid ver nhnll bo wlthmii vurlublennnn nrltlicr jahariow of turning jiu 17 ihchiultotrt nil brupcatlmui itiin tmiim lum rtiniuiud a inrdiorlnl to jflm thr iukic r aurn on whtch rmli ttin ikhh nl tllo witrld mimitn wiui to dtvfnr to thr jmirtun ttuttl am wihi miul npittiulfl to bli wim ihr rem mint ciih of ihtlr fiilhirn uu cloil of aliritluun of im w itiul of jiuiil hutliinty wimi thf riml ululliutt to 1m mrcvutitl in llilri new r vi but ccrtnhily in tho main nuukis of htr dcsirt or thnmuh thtir mtr inmi need this applies to clothes hnts shoes food ittms l ta i k rity mild xl nomplltti tor thttn ii in btuty prlpmntiurts and nianx huns pcrtnijnn to hiiiiihiib hi vjy twnu m home furnimiik and so women nre ctcrnnlly on he ww ilnt tlmt tim ivimmi wnteh for mformntion nnd for tcmplnrion i hev i llwl llwl l011 wl nr ottitftlii r r a i liiuiuroi not wfiuld fiuhl it 1 lilti null are swiftly perceptive of the ndyc tisement winch toth rrn in the course of his rending recently the editor of the smiths falls record news came across nn interesting article relating to railway tics and learn ed that the wooden cross tie under railroad tracks is believed to be one kind of industrial equipment for which a satisfactory substitute never has been developed during the past 50 yjars more than 2500 patents on other kinds of jics have been issued but none of them has been adopted during the week we travelled on a road that had formerly been a railroad and was now used to reach a camping ground years after the old lumber railway has been abandoned this road with the ties covered over with qarth is being utilized or the more recent method of travel in motor cars we doubt if railway ties will be used extensively in road construction and we could netfosmtoiccrely advocate their use for such after ridmgver that two miles of railroad right of way but withonftsose old ties that stretch in many places could not be travelled tt look as if railway ties are things of lasting usefulness present nnd propose the things of their desire or need and obviously it is those retailers who ndver tise to thtm who stand the best chimcc of their custom l it is the sninc in the ense of men i ew iiieu buy impulsively when they leave home each dny for their plnce of employment it is not just to get rid of their money whnt they buy is mninly something whose purchase hns been plnnncd clothes or other forms of nppnrel hardware items motoring sundries shaving nnd other bathroom needs plants books and so on men liko women have been reading the nd vcrtiscmcnts in lino wth thetr ripening desires nnd intentions and of course they go in largest numbers to those retailers who have been informing them and soliciting their custom all of us instinctively go where rhc light is not where the darkness is advertisements are light so they attract the buyers to those stores which they illumine the way to get business is to nsk for it tun the truth of this stntcment be successfully disputed and here 15 another equally true stntcment the public buys from those who invite its custom editorial notes th thel e worst of n holday is the first dnj after it or v tlfi glorious twcltth on monday had weather that was typical of that day each year highways on the week end would lead one to the belief that sunday was ngjn day at home a recent issue of the- fun- phiss contained six hundred and eighty names of folks in and around acton cana adian nalrna7 exhibition postercoming into prominence arc reminders that summer will soon bo over lo till in lift itihil lo trunl in thi 4t vilif intnrrlty rmilri tint nit mnit hi- tltijmlr to 6uifwtji tlulr wiakiiiiw r nliiimlli irf th 4 mi ii i will h willi thy mouth 4 10 12 wi im vrry lnv nllvn in flthllrtu x cujhh for mill tloliitf tilt will of oott jfhuvnh hud promlwtl moncn llln jrn once nnd tuunirrd lrtm flr 1 1 luul outlined n pliin of action for hlni ituil even put the wordn in lu mouth which he should ftprak ch 3 10 22 but trniiffoly enough mumm hung back lie brought furwnrd a variety of excunen they will not believe me he object in reply ood gave him unlmpeochnfcle credential trie power to perform mlr aclrji 4 10 but mobmjitill trie to evade the rvaporuitbljlty i tun not elo quent- even when inspired v loe he nays right here we touch the crux of the whole reason for hli hesitations and rvosluiu mouth was ntlll itkiklng at him self lie had not yet realised time tjn matter wnn ood n tnunprlsr and he himself mrrrly uic instrument thnniffh which ood worked uln npuarant hum ii ity was mlnkd with much pride nntl btlf will 1u luid trlid nce the role of deliverer und the mi mory of tils fnllurt still rnii vied tills u u very common mistake mucji of our nrnse ff i mule quacy in ufi with its attendant fret and strain would go did we but live in the realization that in all our work for him ii is ood who la working through n zech 4 0 moms seemed to think that the success of the whole undertak ing depended on his personal frualuica tlonsf ood meets his silly excuse with n gentle reproof i wllf be with thy mouth note that he does not promise to make moses eloquent what he dors assure him is the word of power 1 1 cor 3 i 4 this is a great promise all christian leaders may nnd strength in it ood makes no mistakes he never calls but what he empowers laj3or 12 0 and when he calls it is our busl a mx jonrx kjjdi 0051 imci0 dm jjdt 9 10ft ilip ftvi umam cutiatot muf mlrfrmouttfalm loire fnr avoiblmfl urvf wm nit 5ummf bl homr f fwl marichu a- chiha frt mil fllam 200 yam- irjojl im hoflh chi ma tfftadnt u va- fitt lavr im0u5h klmf xn com m amd yboom im 6sftve ieo mit rmiah rrftt arri t f deflwr t im it1 iri mb wap 4 wigrpim tol pfampcrif fit r aimirntav t flit r i omvfraiaiir4ff u tftmiltcri i rfr ft wa4 hafipiro rtr popular ontario holiday new to otxy he has- an answer for suinnier hf in ontario is cen tred an far aa ponalblo around its miny thousands of lakes ranic- infr n nlzo from the groat inland seas that mark the southern boundary to mail unnamed hike in the northern hinterland h inhlni mwlrumlnk and hoatirjc are th1 rhli f pantlmen with kojxi tcunla rltfln nnd lilklnp aa load ink bind sports search for a perfect holiday i oap nd trench illver ur cut lll this hatmaktw bmtottntmjitotwfictlea otlhrs typ of camps like those mi french hirer and evll gap near kenora o popular their location not car from the city yet inj nnapoired heavily woorfed jkp country klvcs them undisputed adran tagen l- the anadlan pacific railway chalet budmilow camps at lt1 s holiday resort fish in it is exorl lent for musklea creai north era pike la re and small nourh baas trout and otbr m ruh the camps havr their iwn modern faiiule nrludioic bouses tvumptop plant and rrt uic light planu if you expect to sell you must advertise- r test airway spanning atlantic b rtween sfoiiiiilldimj anfl ireland m an unique population batinutor upon the wall in the entrance hall of the do minion bureau of statistics ottawa is a curious little lnstrumentuhich records the estimated popula tion of the dominion of canada every three or four minuter colored lights indicate the progress made from hour to hour in building up the population they turn off ami op automatically and as thty ppear and disappear the totals accumulate the most 0fus light is orange in iolor for when it tlickjon it indicates that achild has been born onin average there are 045 babies born in canada cery day one iifvcr two murines and fourteen seconds alongside thf oxauge bulb is a red light whih shows thata jcath has taken place the average death rate in the dominion e 288 caui dy or ono every five minutes when the green light shows up it means that an immigrant in all like lihood full o hope and confidence has arrivjltuput up a brave battle for success in the newland then are 12 of them every day on the average at this there were 44 000 trailers registered in canada during limb an increase of more than seven thousand over hh5 i time but there ari 66 persons who lravc the country daily akhown by theycllow light by addinon nd subtraction the estimated increase or- decrease in population can be atnved at at prescntthcre is an estimated increase of one person every three minutes and twenty eight seconds which is shown by a white siht at the census takeipw 10j1 the population ofj canada was 10376786 and the estimated increase since then is abow 85300q a ten per cent increase in the price of the isms automobiles is predicted price inereases seem to be the popular trend in most everything sunday s storm again shows that a multitude ot things may happen to crops hfttvconiseed time and harvest many a held of grain of good promise is badlv tlattened i preliminary figures for fho indicate thai the production of lhcmicals and allied products in can ada was valued at 125 702 725 a gain of six cent over the previous year per we might have used these editorial columns this week to dilate on fishing with that important oc cupation occupying a good share of the week would have been an easier subie than any ottyer but we 11 iut our jam in some other col cck i othei the minimum of power interruptions on the local lydro is appreciated by all when orfe of the big irknstormers id the substation was put out of com miksion with lightning users of electrical power w3a inccmveniertced for less than a half hour until a temporary change was made and few conceived of the damage that had becnulone tbuc two tlant brluah and americ an nylng ixnu took oft lmultancous olfhta east and wct to auntf the rwt that 1u- rnntuallr tltoomh tmtno 3 or first rcuajr eaimnercla alnray eamlna p aim matl acreai tuc kojlb atlanue tha boat an tha mlnl cajkhna or unpen air t0pl with lu aklpper oapt a a tvt cockbon and the auonky cjlpvcnp tcicwi rnrwfouodlaad arrltuls aatcljt al ill de- tuuuon tornc jrclaad after 135 houfa nsrtaf proccedlna tnancan to 8outhatiu- whoae cotnmaoder on the flight sraa oapt harold e orar plouel 1jo aide the clipper anlp left hot otarooj i mjmes tpr tha veatward ctu caam down aaxatjr at b mat taklat apcamtmatali x hoora lotaaar ota rla uip rtoah thare it anoved lo- hmm york b war of muoxraal canada attar jpac- olar um 2000ijulm of ipaan qir nat ot taau f tba wbasfa tba awo mennai ntaa trakt roua win oparatv t