mild v the aqton free jkm8 liirk vi wwniwuyjotirtwtriwy v sift acton jjif jfe famlshee rii tlmrtaay at aaleattarl advutimng hatisoa saalleatlea sea laa -i-uiafmr-i- la verlaaseetusaa j nw aar aaaiflaeiwwtawka a eraol of 068 egvariuaiaaih t wale mhumu lar fit ir aaun iba edysf llssrj is raeiifsteaje wtllle ay tie free ve aaaleeu sillsr eed i cast it eaj frraf ee eoted is aet eefractea ay w j r1v it lwsy tn iroiisstoi lha tatlt east at sued adaartlstmsat as ine wjj b he aetea error baar m tha whale ipse ecaobud bi surh kdvarllmiatat 0 aplop duts liar tukrlknss- sdltwisl aaildallaoi ofllr ktfclsa- f edttdrjl iiiglhe hearing ofjin appeal at qsgoodc tintl well your lordship its this way suppose- yob arc driving itown town and they wont let you bring the car into fho office obviously you mutt find some place to leave it of course there aro garagea for the pur- poabbut liowwlll the old boat iccu a hecom- ing coat at un tan if you put it indoors so you begin to lootmiround for eight or n i no inches of unoccupied curb apace you drlvo slowly up this street and slowly down that street llirtf n dozen timos yiiju stop only tu find the unocupicd space which you spotted isnt birr enough or that some body else has bedtcn you to it you scrape the tenders of enrs that are already parked lock bumpers with a couple of trucks get bawled out by assorted traffic cops and then finally spy a nice wideopen ilio prcneme of yic sprinkled wood on space zip you b al whntho a lire plug so nmeis wu be i you movo on again finally after two or three an uvnwui of inner allegiance to tha chxi hours you drive backhome leave the chariot in rronf piiaranh diked and defied of the house and catch street car that your lord ship is parking wtmlsor star 424781 uvthe threemonth period inj938 co tions from tariffs excise duties and excise taxes in creased 15724000 from 57856318 last year to 7356716 this year the biggest increase was in excise taxes 10425972 income tax collections took a big jump and now stand as the heaviest in canadian history in the quarterperwcollectiqns were 8ij38659 this year and 6813762 in 1936 an increase of 15603896 work or gouungty the other morning two apparently healthy young men called at a brampton residence asking for money to pay for a breakfast they were told they would have no difficulty in getting work on a farm if they would acc they wouldnt do farm work and proceeded on their beggingmission the barrie examiner points to like conditions in the county of simcoc despitethe seriousness pf the farm labor situation says that paper with farmers in this district unable to secure help for haying and har vesting for love or money trarisienfs are still walk ing the streets pf the town going from door to door seeking the inevitable handout it is a situation that has aroused many citizens to protest vigorously against thepractice and a virtual boycott of these goodfornothings is planned in sorne quarters mr page sitncoes district representative asked about the success of transients state that about one- third of the transients accept the jobs but nevonshow up atthe farms then they are prepared to go from door to door and if asked if they have tried to get a job say iheyliave tried generally speaking tran sients will not tay at a job more than three weeks or a month and some farmers wont have them at any price others are wilfing to hire them if they appear respectable and willing to do a reasonable amount of work brampton conservator how to kill xoui town always cultivate the idea that ypii can do better in some otner town denounce ypur merchants because they are try ing to make a living here glory in the downfall of any man who has dene much to improve youtown town get all you can out of the town and the mer chants bucspend your money somewhere else f jell th merchants that you can buy elsewhere chjjaper you probably cant but charge them with being extortionists anyway always believe everything that peddlers and specialty agents tell youaod kuy from them you could no doubt do bertenrryour own stores but dont ever ever do that atrarg pan town tell bin the next place call your merchants and the place where you live as the meanest on earth- am foutua bmtamktibillly lailt week the voter lltto for aeton for the year were luueav clerk parmer has endeavored to make it as nearly rorreov at potilble but in compiling a llttofnamesof thai rte thereare bound to be mis take if you really eherlth your franchise you ahould ee that your name it properly entered in the list when election day roll along next december it will be too late to have any error or omissions corrected the tlnjelitndwy and the resronslblllty la that of the individual voter no one c be blamed but your self governing bodlenfe charged with a lot of reipotldbilitieasbut individuals alto havodutlca and are too often prono to blame mistakes on others that art their own what parking u vhat lajarklttg asked an ontario justico ditr- ttlb 8unpay bchooit lessorr ro aunldav svtr ink oop pnapajlm a pkpfc oowen taxt tna hint uiy q lu ehoatn lhae to bo wvpaepla it pouwaauilv daut 71 j lauaon taiuvbxodui 13 ji3 tlma kjisiuo imiuiaybaypl kxaltlod i qo inimui ita paaaovaa ai-m- tlia hour foltmraali tallvaranoa hart oorno aamlad4n ooaluai thajr wara raahy lo t1arjailjm n liuunl nihfca they warn through tha ooraon of mnaati ututaruiadlrectaovarumwil of jahovaji who waa to ba loailar anrt oulda m tholr journay buooaaanapnulad onl impltell faith injohoyah anrt j al- anluta obadlanon anil onrormlty in ilia command- it fmiiaratlva tliat ba- fora mulue forth this fartba burnad into thalr conaolounaaa and that by uma aat of mlamn oonjaoratlon tlux flimily avow aao uniia paopla thalr raadlneaa and inuntlon to ulwy wn- durfin-hrnviiiuin- for this waa mania tii tha liutltutkm of tha paaiovar faajj ooda nat of daalll had trnna fortli in all buypl tha iratborn of avery luiuaa- luild iviij mafkifor dnatmctlon cl ii 401 hut to ilia lvnnant peoplft jalio- vull olmnod il u woy at aftlvatlim fritm tho unlviiraal tionalty of laatll which uirnataiiml va 3131 ituiao who ahrl- tnntt lhrnunlvp dwhlnd lint arinrlil iiiimki of lll alntn loml witrn unit ko ono wjialfforrwl lo ulxty lh dlrrcllorw of monea irtxtdlnnco wia purrly voluntary more celebration among the numerous duties which sexm to evolve upon a newspaper editor one pf the past week was exporta increase canadian exports increased 52067000 in the first quarter ot the- fiscal year opening april isj it was reported by thedepartment or national revenue exoornotalled272491318 as compared to 220 to ljte the annual canvass among business places collect for acton fall fair it so happens that thvcditor is president this year and custom designates this as one of the fifties and at that it wnsa rather enjoy able task as most evecyone hereis appreciative of thc standing of acton fair and witling to do all possible to make it a greater success this isall preliminary criticism that was reeciv ed was not against the fajr in a number of busi ncfts places the regret was expressed that acton had not nad many special daysof cejebratiori- this year in reviewing jicyejujtiejaidocsocnijgjne cause for regret here other years have usually seen many splendid celebrations lasting from one to three days while 1937 has laatced these days there isno need to let l38fall behind in this respect we like th celebrations in which all the organizations of th an ivliliiicf of rimiixct for ills authority 13 a proof of fulth in luabuvliuf lur- itiiip mid xwrr montovir on a purily rnrtnl feiuit let vn 434bt it wouift hrltflllon llmlr ftciuic of hrparallon to god iconaucruilon and uilr fltlll n-ia- cent iiutlouul conacloiwiiciw would qulclcriiod by tlulr comrnnn danger lhflr commun ancrlflce and their common de liverance nartljr to blaka as uvmtm of an of ah jwiejrjatil 4wmmr u b ahour i laraahla waa ufa from tha dattrnwuta itnflm unlaw ha tut nrlnhlad ma dowpnau fva w all av tlia blond of ohrul rhiiat ba apruiblad on tha llnula of r haart if wa wnuldslunt mthaiwiampmjai whlali ha haa -fiut- ahatad ohrtotaavm ally ihnaa iv it miiat ham afilarumaialltiia aanl 111m vaatrabtiriaallu 11m larataliatl i-t- evimvka in nm 14 miii otung lit surp4t raj in nllwar towifnatlvb ahm in mnuwajf avon mngimmi ui i thmmimtrfr ii f m1tkrm tmi ft iruikjm w uj 1u w14 tjt m wuwpt him tmrmfmtty i3iprnffi qilmlumfor wih ot a u lfw i p- pliirrt to my jmwrt y tlia lyuv of llvlnc fnlmi lht wiftirohrit mumuw hfwd7 jliat u ll ulf 0i1 tmka t itrisaur i irao 0 34 tltia j itv 1 4 i lhr u on 3 fl firtmima ft u w lik hve nwmwm ut out ftuylrif of our jjiovr liiifjufl wuptwt iruifi- uft4wi hy- chrul u m iliumftim m thn ilfy in wiiuji l tirtryiii atmnuiifuirmlmu ni irtptu llu mnpuwy whti la miuu m uavvir fr itlxm m iu it wwld imvm immti iwm intfraultulitir katmi fhuf iwurt tlie frnmrvitr tmt imii it lttrrm r inffrkuhutlfi wium wn nqtr ui iorit ftiprw itwrfrn 11 iw but fat i ft uu itmamt likttuwu grtum ml uw vmlt tnujr tit ttwt tmirmiut am mu nit 4hmr utj- ttwt il wajr j our um tmih ththsm nnftvtiinumv mknhk utikimmf ut uwir uttvir tln teun ir ot twtrim ung in pwvikty aifpn uihr rpuium t livy cfmmlvu laorvi mia av rwiftr f ilv offllr twmra f iharir ratine that luffmb mim thyf jn and malty fat in uk cilkam mi1kt b milkat wliat u ko rrvam mij iwtrl yfn conmuirrmjtln rlirfermr of opinion ha elatil a to what inffrtullknui fiihitiuit- rul lc crtttjfn hirtrvr th mmttfir la miw jirttlrd iri crum it manufacture mckulnif aojn atyl afirao a rviw mti- uxlrrt in tii oolry tmliutry act arul am mibjrct u tun retpjlittljfut unairr uir art n ahirtusni t ordr in oiaftvx may jmidi i37 afiy un enrnm lrt rfnitv ruktm ctutcjattte lr crtrntn tian iti rriiuti moulflj inti tptirtal laipm- ui htiy frtlur let fffuin i- lil i y ut novelty tii whtih crnun ia a mart cannot ic- maiiuftuaurifl or l in cui- tulii unlirfwi tlw ut- rrcum ua1 cum- pilfa rtl ittnnrlarda for lcr crum aa jltlugliiy ihnarj utrrimrs ut y ijl crunttn cnniaa 1a imbkct to in- rihcliin by oirivfrii of the dairy mjvl oj11 hujrnk jlranrh n thr ijmliiliin iparlntinl of attrlruhurr and nil ptwrk- alfi if tec enam munt rx- t- iras ly rtiarkjd with u true anil acurut attlatmrnt of god wanted ilium u know m and th namc hv manufacturer icn errant in thr wirlaol tlwr a t mcaiui the fnwn product mtilc from milk itroducuv uitlt or without any nl the following inpdlfiiita kkh water miiior liarmlrtui flavoring harmltaa coloring and- may contairxadded stabiliz er cumpoacd of rdlblc maurtnl to ttu- cxtent of not more than onehalf of orf per cent 05 by welnht of stablllit ice cretim mint contain not 1cm ihui lhai they were indeed his people ttiux he cared for them and would be fulth- fui to redeem- them how could they fall on that terrorrilled jilht of th unit pomovcrto think of themaelwr a bclonulnff apccfally to him and he to theml in a land filled with mourning and deflation vb 30 uiey wefe secure bicascd with this conaclouahcas confid ent conaccratcd pledged to obedience they were at fiut fit and ready to cut loose from egypt and embark on the carrying out of ooda groat purpoae for thlrtyflvc per crnt by weight ot food solids not icaa than one and ntnrtenlhs park and both ar in nvrrnanrf at many important ilmwa in britain ami tnuuuj ssg sallvs s rm- k whan a man alarta to alow doam ma iwt u rulii ut eauaiubiritlihlm motorists 100 pound of food solid per gaflortt anj not le than thirteen per cent by weight of milk fat provided that when them and through them for the wholi- world oem 12 3i ii an ordinance forever 24- 2a no urnellte who had lived through the c 1uu lakwi r confection are uj fateful hours of that nmt poflaover night g ingnklieiiu for the purpom- of flavor woujd ever forget the solemn lmiort of l h c fl may b the feast but t prevent the memory of protkiiiaa4-l-a4i- thin it frnm fading out of national coniclni- community band together in making rhem really maa ood ordained that it should rtenactel every year from hence for a cent but in n im li til it be trv th and see how others will follow viien next roa o nom rnolrlo try courier rrv wntll j 1 t ijall trip ui and lunr uuy other dri im rod lo y boah lut of ih iwmi to ilt ourtc7 i am roncdint lh1 thr olhrr half ugm fll aull nd lh ll h iblihl h rail iiu lclor for aafc molorlngrounroa driiin aaln i nnth t try coon- drilmrrtr i rrfrain from -porltrtina- vmr 111 moril hrn ha ms la a lrtr dilliroll tr ivr biro mln of hal 00 llilrod to do nr hrllrr l ii dn lop rffanr dlrmi l r i hi harr of thr road mi forever cf ch 13 10 tlllii rtcurrlni worthwhile as an objective we suggcm ihe rinsing f runds for an improved srandstand if its not too mmorlal tllc w ni mlmcu- 1 lata wc believe a civicholiday celebratioij would be 101m deliverance of their tauiern would apprbcatcd this year by many actenians iff la un1 tat hin mile mrd ilt nraaaattnt iuiply d m t- nmnu- fiullm any acten laa editorial notes summer is on the wane and as yel there is no indication of highway construction on line always keep alive in tile tnlnda of ihelr chlldren u nenae of ood love and npar- ing mercy it waa to be obaerved at the time of mo uprlnff harvest april when the new corn waa comuiu into ear and at the command of qod their calendar wan changed ao that the acclealaatlcal new year formerly in september would the secondjcoi with the foast thus the paa- over would alwaya speajc to them of new life new beginnings v 2 and of qods providence and care for them it would of new bt a testimonial vo he truth 01 lhrlr religion a pledge ot tm eontlnua- thc high- l or u nauon e tho dawn of each new year would emphasize afresh the redemptive nature of thelr 1 elation 10 jehovah origin and source of their life and prosperity and move ixpi ki 11 j l their hearta to grateful recqnaecratlon will now need to be placed on the tyk p p alw0 remained u the jewish people through the marketed value of the products brunswick fisheries was 439420 in hub est since ifuo tappears that the erection of the shelters at the k for bathers will n 1938 building program present speed limits are still insullicient for a number of motorists and the result rs a big sheaf of blue papers being served finally revised statistics fof 1930 show that auto mobile production in canada totalled 182159 units valued at 95955204 at factory price farmers of southern saskatchewan who have been ripping for a break in drought conditions arc already on relief for next year hon j g gar diner 1 out their subsequent history the great est most solemn of all commemorative instltutlona it haa been one of the strongest of the faotora in their con tinuance aa a distinct people through out thebldlaparaton m christ our paaaover- 8aoii- noed for ua 1 oar o 7 8 the pbaaoter waa an event of pro found prophetic atgnlnconee every de tail of its ritual holds for ua a precious sytobouomaaruna in the slain lazrb woawvatsanathlaf old testament type of chrtat tha launb of ood john 1 who waa slain on carraryforj theaalvmtlan of the world iaa john is ml rev 0 13 aa the paaaover waa to the laraellte the tluit of new tieftnnlnaa ao do we enter into new ufe through christ the failures and sins of the past are blotted out he re- attkit a hlnditkii vtmts roberl morrison died freimg surr tlia li there were 100 christians in chins after 100 yearn of mlilunary elkn would be a miracle after 100 year how many chrlstluha were there therr are the gravea of 1 800 chrlsltan mal tyra killed in 1900 for their faith the are 10000 christian communlues thir teen great christian universities train leaders for chinas future the bible li a beat seller sfeabbaaary herald ariy ltin to uminr hirn l a ve trjlrrjinnwliji or di ur ihiiianl lealli u anretdjim at nlli thai he lll i ditrhr1 or l v tr lo rerlr ihl hllu rore a jh- lo roor nghl mr of ibr road hen iu and ihrdoara of olhrr a hirh ill r io el rrcammrnd that oii try nr rlrr j xcuwow woikci o 0tyiuo ar ahandomd aftersulhiirv fhver shot seven time editor bruce pearce of the simcoc kefofnrerr hasnembera them no more iaa 44 u juatfeturned foma fishing trip to nova scotia andt 15 2 i tnc 1nnb newfoundland pictures anttthe story that is tojd 1 zjt i indicate that it was a real fishing onpa vauon through ahed blood nafter j thought of ood to meet an emergency i that haa unexpectedly arlaen chrlat announcement was made last week rtiat a slsoo- our redeemer was set apart for his 000 tuberculosismental hospital will be erected in red w before the foundatton alwayshave your mind firmly made up before peef county near brarrfpton the peel gazette i ljz tl peter 1 18 you go into any of your own home stores that yoij devotes the whole frontpage to the announcement tne ptrfecnd simply canr get anything to sui you there i the conservator is not quite so enthusiastic lamb- to be choaen ex u 5 cfj pater j 1 j the lamb did not save by 1u calvin coolmge reduced income taxes steadily by tslr stzix of blood there la no remission of sins lev it it het t jj u u the blood of chrlat that jasaaaa ua safe for us todnubt our aacurily if at in belunii the blood la to doubt ooda wont 1j la all aufllclantr it aavaa eampartalr noth- tna but cortafs blood can arar aara tna soul- but that praetoua blood a not and now after having religiously 3one all of thd above you ougtu to havethe satisfaction of very shortly seciag your town i reduced to a small burg with possibly a general store a service station or two ami a post office ah this may not have enhanced the value of your property any or improved your on living condi tion but you dont care bowmanvihe statesman a 5 and governmental reyenucs climbed steadily frank- jyn roosevelt has increased income raxes and yet has to complain about taxevasions making it impossible for him to balance his oudget- maybe mr roosevelt is administering the wrong medicine financial post accosting two man whom h found attamptlna to tar arhlrh which was uster i remora the ucanaa plataa from a parted tar in sud- an the capreoi road i bmr ontario aarit frad narahnn of th audbury pouc dasart abov11 waa mat with a ban of rerorrrr nra which sent htm to tha pavement wtth three bullet weunda as he lay prone on th iround tha unas fired four mar ahou into his body and aacapad ifl i a recked car found to ism haan atotan treaa fmd on tario la paaenrad bar wttk obtaf of louden of audbury aba la laaattraf a f th area staaaffist awdd m r pr