jlimtmtvmte vmct jfs of tftbhtol om an thlny 1 m na attvfa uofnood dajra agin whw the ealull trow fculnubm war whtte ioti float thrown tktu of mo h whh mr a nm of ttockln or abba- jtonot thin in tubrtot3h6f r jtf fiun a pup that think me rnr hleabd an tratehm each twitch of my njhln an my ahlner vatebm red to we if fmieetchin boov rd rather have thle than a banker jea flanlnv ifcan oin back hone lt like ejjear with nmr a aorrow an never a cars all that j armntu a akjr that fair an that apot with the lulet bloomln rle fieely jaa flahin iwnnfit tubs aoo chronicles of ginger farm wrfcitea aeel free hba lava jf tha wm frees tisraeay jeff ftth 117 tju jinarcury hat raache ni otff aeveraj umea durtrig the week mr thomas mcijvoy dd one hilr of potatoes on july ajrd which yielded fittyone well matured potaldca lieut mervyn bffinnedy who was re- eently woundedvanlvrd at his home in oeorvstown on tuesday evening and was g a great reception knox ladles aid held a very suooess- ftil tardeti party in the park last weak the tatale boys and their sister and mr o lettoy kenney provided the rt nf program the receipt totalled 30000 the first link in the highway to mon- tread was cast when the ontario oov- ernment took over the section of the kingston road lying between toronto and dehawa canada will have no daylight saving jelslatlon sir george foster submit ted the bill to parliament but with two exceptions the members of the house lined up against the bill born oolbbok at the maples cojbcck on tuesday july 10th 1017 to mr and mrs joseph colbeck a daughter wat8rrousb in acton on monday july 16th 1017 william waterhouse ictavish at osprlnge on friday 30th july 191 annie mctavlsh sis ter of duncan mctavlsh acton ovtajuo signal system thought best for v s a recent national safety survey made in the united states to determine the bestmethod for motorus to give hand and arm signals reveals that the method recommended by the ontario depart- ment ofjflghways is considered the most satisfactory v do you know the increased bustlof nearly everything we buy ha sjartedme t hi wiring about storekeepers and custom- erf in general about what we buy and what they tell and what we pay for over and above the price of the product that we buy read your joeal advertisements and you- will probably and at the bottom of the sale bill we deliver or free delivery that of course is added a ejrsvs inducement for you to shop at particular store free delivery undoubtedly a great convenience at times but doot forget it lent really free it is one of the things we pay for not so mucnr a trip of course i dont mean that but i do mean that delivery expenses should be considered as part of the storekeepers overhead to deliver goods he must keep a delivery boy pos sibly a horse and rig a car or a truck the boy must be paid and the conveyr- janoe kept in working order then again every wide awake merchant must ad- vertlserthat la another convenience to the public but the money for these things is taken from the profit on what the merchant sells that is as it should be but remember the more service we expect from our butcher and baker the more we increase his overhead and the more his over head is increased the more profit he needsto moke on what hi sells to pay for it and do you know its my opinion that some people require an awful lot of service j our standrd of living has increased to such an extent that we really cant be expected to carry our own parcels any more if we want a pound of tea we step inside a grocers store end ask to have- it sent and as soon as possible because we wmntjt for supper in most families there arc children who can run errands especially in the holidays and during the winter when father or big brother is quite possibly out of work a little exercise wouldnt hurt him at all but yet the storekeeper is still asked to deliver orders and have you noticed the difference in street dress the but few years june was when the housewife would take off her apron put on her coat pics up a basket and slip over to the store to do her shopping but that tsnt done any mora mrs housewife if she goes down town at all must change her dress put on silk stockings other than that found in the ordinary kitchen sharp knifes t preferably of stainless steel a colander bowls mea suring cups enamel pie plates wooden spoons a widemouthed funnel for filling jars and a jar lifter to save burned fin gers when taking jars from thcsterlllzer the sterilizer ttsolf may be the common arrange the curl in wasn boiler the steam pressure cooker her permanent wore and find her gloves j oven strawberries raspberries ih an attempt to establish uniform of course she never takes a basket but ftnd rnuba may be canned successrullj dickey editor carries a white purse instead she goes by wnat knuwn tne rott cannli to the store and orders what she wants i method pack in jars cover with boil ing syrup plute on newspaper in attlub sl4t8imastt bt ocjvkfl w warttstm sunday well idd i am eouff over my forth of july lnjery mlssbaps mlia- forehena and etc- to set on soft puloe a rite it are now tune- with mc to begin worriting about akool how tbnef monday jake sed to me hjsua sad to him not to play ketch in the styftstwy as it are sunday so go to the back yd he sed okey uom butajntjt sunday all in- the back yd huesday blisters sed the new girl rit the st front his house seams like aint varysmart to him right sed jake shedont notls me much neether jake all so lives clottby wednesday so fur this vacaahenlt have got by with not verry mutch bother from damesi but theys xaepshrlner this m i met jane in front of the konfesk- ahenary itcbake a fbunten ae etc a she warmt up right wy quick i fell a bot 3 aodys litter howd sheno i recent earnt 30c thursday i thot jake told jane about the 30c ft blisters konfermed the re- splshen6o x at once foiiad klsdythat jake has got 2 bits he made puahen mlsten aillems ion more bet he gets met at konfeckshenary just as bad as i did dames no there stuff you bet friday i loft as blisters qntel it hurt in the dime store this p m be had 0 pennya a went in 3 get sum salted p nuts 8t sed to a girl who sella the nuts hear why be wateon you aonnle she repude busurseudderit see thefunney part when i loft the dum nutl saturdayt ant emmy has got a tootbe that is aklng tjnke hen rimmarked tna he wood have it pull t if it was hlsn so wood i if it was yorn ant emmy rcpllde when i sniggered unkcl hen cum cjost to slappen mo oc ackted that awoy enncyhow a the cancer cruaiide flghuag tips great seaeuve wllli knawtmmra campaign to wipe oulf ignarawea rear snajfaguet ifly jw s mcoulioubhmjj djh cancer home canned berries on the pantry siieij aa the berry season advances the housewife b all antlcipatlun for there is nothing mare satisfying to her than the- -r- normal cell are almost alike the growth knowledge that th this good berry year i 1 a manifested by division of jiie normal cell there will be a fine array of different v what is cancer is a disease due to disorders of the cells of ones body everyone knows that the human ls composed of cells hundreds or milll6ris of themtthe individual cell ex small ifa body cell d magnified 600 times it would appear tobriabov the- shw of small pins head each of these soinflnltely small is a living thing jjku composed of a semisol material has a sort of wall and a nucleus in its midst the nucleus n the most important iort of the cell bach individual cell is aleto move it is able to gain nourishment from t surroundings it la able to breathe what la still mow remarkable each and evejy one of the hundreds of millions of eel is in bur bodies la able to reproduce itself re production- of cells takes place by division in the division xf a cell the operation begins in the nucleus the nucleus divides in t6 and in the course of from three to 13 hours the entire cell divides in their subsequent life the divisions of the cell mature when matured they too rftiirtr lit- as the parent cell divided what is the purpose of this division of cells the purpose is growth it is by division of cells that the various organs of the body develop and grow it is in this way that we have development of bones and teeth of rtie skin and brain of the heart and nerves and ofiajl parts of ones body a cancer begins os a single cell at first it looks exactly like one of the normal cells just described it takes on expert with the microscope u detect any difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell the cancer cell like the normal cell divided for the purpose of gpowth so far the cancef cel and the llnds of berries on her well stocked pantry shelf of homecanned fruit and vegetables the berry family la an ef- flctcnt source of- vitamins blackberries contain vltaln a vhlch is essential to the growth of youth and currants gooseberries and raspberries are excel lent sources of vitamin c which pre vents scurvy is a regular controlled process there is certainly some force in ones body which controls ordinary cell division starts it when necessary stops it when division la unnecessary this control in healthy persons is maintained throughout life the growth of a cancer cell is uncon trolled its growth is riotous a cancer cell is a sort of bolshevlst instead of dividing like the normal cell in the no equipment for canning u necessary course of from three to twelve hours there may be many divisions of the cancer cell in that period it is this rapid uncontrolled division of the cell that constitutes the main difference be tween normal growth and cancer growth if jrtir ver of control in cell growth were discovered we might therein have a solution of the cancer problem some investigators have come pretty close to he solution one day it will be found not mtich change in canadas food tastes for the past four years there has been no great jtfiange in the consumption of the principal items- of food in canada compared with 1036 about six pounds less of meat and atx pounds mere of pork with slightly less mutton and lamb were consumed per head of poptilahon in 1030 but compared with 1033 the con sumption of meat increased by five pounds and the consumption of pork decreas approximately seven pound lamband mutton gradually increased in popularity in 1033 34 andj 3 but in- 1030 dropped slightly with regard to poultry the consump tion of hens per head of population shows arsleady if small annuo advance registering a slight increase in 1q38 over id35 while the consumption of turkeys ducks and geese has hown a slight yearly decrease since 1033 the consumption of butter per head of population has advanced slowly but surely everyyeav since 1033 cheese has remained more or less stationary for the past four years but with a downward tendency and eggs also have shown a downward tendency culminating in 103d inbeoonsumptlon of a doaen less per person than in 1033 the estimated consumption of meats poultry and certain dairy products per head of population in canada in 1030 is as follows pork 0783 lb beef and veal 0034 lb muttorftond lamb 03 lb hens 1605 lb bjjkeys 14s lb ducks jo of a pound geese- 03 of a peundv butter 3142 lb cheese 337 lb eggs 3108 dozens screen stars mystery friend arrested jvst going pat7l woke up lost nfght with the jwrtible sensation that my new gold watch was gone m the impression was so strong that i got up to look john well was it gone pat no but it was going per two years i newspaper photographer tried without success to get pictures of john montague mystery man of the screen colony and- clone friend and confidante of dozens of screen socialites they never succeeded montague retaining his aura of mystery smashed heir cameras r evaded their attentions finally the ptdture men won in the municipal courthouse at loa angeles this picture was taken after john montague had been placed under arrest on a warrant sworn out by new vnrlc police chargtngnint with participation in a tokanouse holdup seven years ago under the name of lnverne moorc montague reportedly admitted the offence two of hls closest friends were crooner bjm crosby and funsrter oliver hardy both at whom hud entertinecl the man whose golfinjrfeals and exhibitions of strength were amazing crosby and hardy rallied to his cause following the am buth stilt proclaiming their faith in him legislation w laurence of the kansas city journalpout recent ly instituted a nationwide safety cam paign in which officials in 48 states were urged to adopt as standard the code or arm and hand signals now used in onnine times out of ten the order is tarlo this method showed was the simplest and most logical and the cooperation offered by many state oovernors and traffic experts indicates that ontarios system will soon be adopt ed as standard throughout the united states the highway traffic act of ontario specifies obligatory only the left turn signal signals to indicate stop alow and right turn come under tho heading of courtesy and as such arc being strongly recommended by ron t b mcquesten minister of highways in connection with his department s exten aive try courtesy campaign a recent publication of the highways department in discussing recommend ed methods of giving hand and arm signals exclaims the man behind cant read your mtod sionam whenever the signal is given toy means of the hand and arm the bulletin states the driver should indicate his in tention to stop of change direction by extending olaliiandendtlarm from and beyond the left aide of the vehicle in making a left turn th driver should signal hi intention to turn by extending bis left arm sumlfht out then draw as close to the centre una m the street er highway as possible and turn on a plant in the centre of the road which be lsenterlnt the right turn in properly made by abrn ailing inastatlon to turn and keep ing close to the right bono curb una while dotnf ao two methods may be used to give the signalneither toy ex tending the left arm upwards or by way tog the left hand in a clockwise mouoo which imultarteomly indicau m turn to and asks the butcher or grocer to send the things round as quick as he am because she deeds them for dlnnci de- the llvered in good time however busy storekeeper may be this is service the demand for mod ern life the result of a higher standard than our mothers and grandmothers had in the non essentials of life but we pay for llrdont ever think e dont there is no such thing as fr- delivery nor as a result can there be any blame attached to the storekeeper if he needs more profit now than he did in our mothers day a good storekeeper tries to give the public what it wants it is up to the public to be reasonable in its demands there is another thing our demand for deuyery service is doine it is creat ing a ridiculous sense of false pride in our young people particularly high school boys and girls there is hardly one of them these days who can be bribed coaxed or driven to carry a parcel down the street i dont suppose our two youngsters are any dsctter than the rest but i do give them shopping to do quite frequently for the express purpose of providing them with parcels to carry of course this delivery conveniences doesnt affect the farmers very much most of us are far enough from tows that we have to de our own carrying anyway no wit dpnt ahejv the con- vetuence of free delivery but we do help pay foe it by paying the same price for our things as townsfolk do if storekeep would like to even things up for us a bit there is one thing i believe ocuntrjrwomen -erwiid-eppreci- tt in every store and that is chairs i where they might rest while other cus tomers are being served x ietnemoer in all the shops uj england there used u j ibttul f drtw toiwiur facing each other at each a h is safe to pass on the left ok op or slow u indicated by ex tending the left rm downwards nd care should be taken when siiproachlng totetwuonrto slow down several yards ivther than a few feet from ihr crossing mr and pour boiling water into the tub to cover the jars three inches over the top place a blanket or rug over the tub and and leave until cold in pouring uie boil ing water into the tub care should be ptoken not to pour directly on- the jars iu the process of sterilizing the berries there is a choice of one of four mathodsl namely hot water bath at 213 degrees fahrenheit steam pressure of five pounds oven or steam cooker for blackberries and bluuberrlet the time is 30 minutes in the hot bathf or ten min utes oflb steam presure or 35 mlnutei in the oven at 275 degrees fahrenheit or 30 minutes in the sfcam cooker gooseberries requlrehbjlnutes in the hot bath or ten minutes steam pressure or so minutes in the oven or minutes in the steam cooker the some time apply to raspberries and strawberries require 35 minutes in the oven pull information as to the canning of fruits and vegetables will be found in the household bulletin canning fruits and iiomflt story trite when homer sang that greek war rior achilles raided the isle of lesbos at the start of the trojan war he was repeating history uot legend so miss winifred lamb archeologist of the fltxwuliam museum cambridge university is inclined to think after ex cavating the ancient town of therm i on the islani otxesboa hfflinvqtly advancing this romantic theory in a sober and technical report of her excavations mlss lamb tells the evidence she found a great fire blackened and reddened the soil around the mound where the town stood in bronse age days pottery- the towns folk used is identified as archeologlcal evidence that the fire occurred no later than 1200 b c that would be just before the trojan siege according to the most usual dating if we turn to book nine of die niad says miss lamb we find an allusion to achillea raid on lesboa which may as vegetables which may be obtained free j professor myres points out have been a on application from the publicity and necessary strategic prelude to the capture extension branch dominion department at agriculture ottawa counter wouldni the idea work just as well in canada in summer time a fanners wife can be a very tired woman and to stand waiting in a busy store often adds con siderably to her fatigue and if she has spent several days in the berry patch as i have done this week a seat tn a store is more than welcome even if it be oofrdng better than a soap box troy this event also is believed to have occurred about 1300 bc whether the latest discoveries uphold homer or not they have revealed a town not far across the water from troy that came under the jnfluence of power ful troy and acquired its styles and ideas of culture five layers of ruins have been excavat ed the oldest dating to perhaps 3300 bo when the prehistoric community worked badly at stooe weapons artistic ally with clay and had a primitive knowledge of working metal they built stone houses with no de- perhaps after that free delivery i 7 notice in the paper merchants mltht ot like to add the advert leementseatlng p r vmu p accommodatlon for country customers y ojwn i department of highway for giving proper hand and arm signals hon t b mcquesten minister of highways in the course of his try courtesy cam- palgn to- reduce street and highway pictured above are the standard accidents urges all ontario motorists to the fejlow behind that be b ffotnf to method recommended by the ontario demonstrate safe and sane driving slow down or stop and the e for giving i methods by courtcaly giving one an- young couple on the motor eyes are other a hand the pretty young mlas j making a right turn off the main fflgh- in her snappy roadster is getting ready to make s left turn the sturdy truck- drterprom his lofty perch is warning way to seek cool and quiet trails serosa- the countryside muggs and skeeter evk foe kve saves sight anrr 10 mb martarrt vernall of xpndoii hw been told uut uu sltu of her ye has bmttaaved by he lin- uatul operation which waa performed at the royal krehoapiui ahnoat blind from birth he ra threatened with the fmihir or- her oca aceinc optic the auriwaa tbouf bt it mlfht be made aad cft sraftlraj on to it the ooroeaof an other eye ttm y ith lt coroee had fan nr intact by modern aden- us methode tram another patient whoa ewnptatot mad m a 1 by wailv bishop uke a beli twet tha ome souwdd wudal fuatm howwr blttseeimez how rr busteb am katjr riavrruy reu udgrtwersrorr sy f-rr- v-