um the acton pheb prh88 qujr acton 3ffro 100 fahlblm4 stmt tlirtr oeutw fffissa avlinr ittnun vurm utiiul jusmj vdi m m tw si iiwce ever u mh strisd yl r nollrtd lo cnel w tliuna hi taierttw wtokh kt mviw llmi advertising katesoa pllctlum nl slwa in varlou column kradlna iv te3sasls- w duly tnitkr dwllf wlu rvitloni stalely mtl la wrltiiia thra 4 ikm it rear mtai la mj skits in liability ah aot cd aoeh aroaa ii i aowl fbai ban to lha whota apac nw k ih afflca ar con b lit nolad not auch aiitrllmnt o aulop dills iviiiar telephonis- edllorlll and builnaaa olfla ttaaldanca not in the prize money too oftcnit would seem that the principle back of local fairs is lost sight of tc amount of thi prize money won should not be tlic first considern tion if everything in connection with the average fair were paid for on a cost basis it is doubtful if any of these event would exist it is generally conceded that oft times the prize money won does natcover the expense of getting the exhibit ready wire never were meant to be a moneymaking event they are run solely for the promotion and im provement of agricultural products that is the reason merchants and citizens municipal and pro vincial governments render financial assistance to promote these events pride in showing stock and products pride in improvements the incentive to do better next year these should be the chief factor with exhibitors the fairs can be and are education al institutions for those who desire to improve the profit does not come in the prize money but in the better prices always available for better quality further improvement reported substantial improvement in canadian employ ment conditions was noted in reports to the dominion bueuofstetistic9 onseptember lt reports from 10336 employers showed an aggre gate payroll of 1 174041 or 30 581 more than on august 1st this increase was larger than any re corded on september 1st for any year since the sys tern was started in 1921 on september 1st last year 0967 firms reported 1 014532- workers employed reflecting this gain the bureau s index based on 1926 equals 100 rose from 120 on august 1st tcl23 2 at september 1st when it was higher than at any date in any other year for which data was available except 1929 the greatest gains5m manufacturing were tn food and textile factories while moderate losses were re ported in iron and steel plants among the non manufacturing industries logging mining commun ications transportation construction nnd services showed improved actiwt while on the other hand employment in trade was quieter yvthlktr otaumruutloh a few weeks ago we congratulated the council on the good wort being done on the street this year this week we have further cause for congratulations throughfo cooperative ende of the provincial department of highways and the council the upper section of mill street is to have a cement curb in stalled and those muddy sides of the road are to be paved toall those whoare making these improve ments we again give commendation continued per manent improvements of this nature are doing a great deat to improve acton the department of highways and the council are to be highly com mended on this latest improvement a wider fem in cooperation with the merchants of acton thp frpi phpss has during the past eight weeks partici pated in hie acton goodwill campaign through the efforts of the contestants the field of tup pure press has been considerably widencdnnd we believe the service that acton merchants can give has been well demonstrated to a wider section of the country side we itretpprecintivc of the splendid work of oil the contestants who entered into the event and the sportsmanship that prevailed throughout it will be our consant lendcavor to better serve this larger field of readers and do our part in advancing acton and the district we offer congratulations to all and thanks oiir drntlui will ife inort tragic bt cniwi njore rrui 1 thnn nil thi nlhcni you enn imc the hriuillnri pivf cfiil absentminded drivers a survey of american automobile association garages rcvcnls that i 500 0h motorists rnn out of gas on the road in the united state last ynr despite the fact that there is h filling station nearly cycry mdc of pnyement anil a fiasolim gaiojii every modern car the report is an interesting exposition on the absent minded caiclessncss of the nvcrage moionst it draws a vivid mental picture a million and n half drivers stranded and inconvenienced hecnusc they wero preoccupied and forgot to check the con tents of their tanks a small army of can carriers walking to the nearest gasoline station as n result of abstraction and over optimism it is hardly a picture to weep over but it has ih serious side for it is entirely plausible that tins same absent mindedness may apply to other phases of driving and be responsible for a great many traffic accidents minneapolis tribune vote next week is election week and ever citizen of the province entitled to do so should exefcise their franchise as a citizen the editor intrrfas to exercise that privilege and those who know us are well ac quainted with our views we have no desire to hide them and certainly are not ashamed of them we intend to vote for tom blakelock and support the hepburn government we feel we have plenty of good reasons for our choice but as editor of the free press we do not intend to use the free press editorial column to pro mote the candidature of any one candidate we con cede to every voter the same prmlege that we our selves enjoy the columns of this newspaper have been open to all sides on exactly the same basis it seems to us that this is the proper course where one paper serves the community we frankly admit it has been a difficult task as we are quite enthusiastic in our choice we how ever have equal respect for the choice of those which is contrary to ours and so we urge everyone to exercise their franchise on october 6th vote a your best judgment dictates study the questions thoroughly and intelligently but by all means have an opinion and go to the poll and make your choice j fire prevention in the home the best place for fire prevention to start is in the home charity should start there according to the ancient saying and certainly safety should come first in order to safeguard the home inspection should be made not only fire prevention week but periodically throughout the year all hent ing and lighting equipment examined chimney and pipes kept clean of soot no smoke pipes permitted through combustible walls disposition of ashes safe guarded the fuse cabinet should be of metal or as bestos lined fuses irf all fuse blocks none of them bridged and not over 15 ampere fuses used in branch circuits all drop cords should be insulated and not supported on any conductive material electric iron always detached wnen not in use and kept on metal stands matches should be kept out of the reach of chil dren and the children should be regularly taught the danger of fire and not to play with matches closets should be kept clean and all rubbish re moved from the entire premises cleanliness is next to godliness perhaps that is the reason it always plays such an important part in fire prevention it is not the intention to give all the details of home inspection you have already admitted to yourselves that you can safeguard your own homes put rhte impulse into action start this fire preven tion campaign in your home where fire ever lurks to destroy ou and yours and then by vigilance and regular re inspection you will be adding greatly to our store of safety unfthappiness for all time to come during fire precntion week the fire chief will visit business places factories schools and dwell ings do your part to prevent fires make a thor ough clean up f totoftdav 8bptfllfbl jmb lfth ws who ami about to me- mlutk youi thftt wm the irmtlng the glsuliators of old fa to the ncen emperor before they perished tn the arena but we are not atmieton end we are not coiner into battle w have no hate far anyone we are not sick of life we do not wuh to die but we will by the h we are the people who are ffolns to die in fauv motor nod dent during the yearn 1037 and 1os0 moat of ua have not even a-premonl- tlon of the fato which awalta us we do not refill no that death lurke around the corner we have not aeen hi ehjutow nor heard hi footatepi but death awalta walu around the bend in the next eara faltcrlna brake in the trail of lomo ojtance driver who loves to jockey in a line of tmftio or nwlah peat another oar on a curve or hill in the street on the open highway what matter where death wnlta and does not an nounce his comlnirf i wo in marked down io- die the sreat god callrd statistics has written down our names in hi big book and by actual laws we are doomed we do not know it but death in com- ins some of us juehttle children our deaths will be more horrible more trnulc than others but die we will parents teachers and professional life an vera with all their efirncnt warnings will avntl u not wf arc marked down we tire cnrelau now we do not lake thought havo you never been u child do you not know what it u to be n htranulr vo rctipoiuublllty to drixjnd m othern for cam for nheltrr for prnlrc tion yen protection thai in one of tin thlngn the child in tnught to rxjx tfc from hie elders nomelhlnn tu a cruel nnd htttw kwmd xm aammr bom ram nuw ovan on way mou 0ohoou yon wilt read these headline many tune over in the next year but wxuj you hickd them wb who aiub about to ddeflaujtb you i twenty yrarfl aoo prom the issue ef the free tresa ef thursday october 4th 1917 v osouealnes township ilate has been truck at 10 mills the mcalnlsh farm on trjo stxthtllne was purchased by william cutting acton the wilson flour and oatmeal mills at fergus were destroyed by explosion and fire last friday night in 1003 artoi fofl fair opened with the ground covered with nnow and thr mercury was flirting with eero the fair that year wn held op the 4th and ftth of october the provincial rcvmiuo from motor licenses thin yoar is expected to exceed f 000 000 returns to date show that 78 000 licenses have ben- issued compar ed with b0 000 last year fall fair notes the electric d parfment of the corporation made a din ptay of electric inmpn and fixtures wired and connected the exhibit of fruit wnn never excellodauthln fair the parndi of boy scouts and public and high school pupils won a mint attractive finture maviiiews- at ornnifi villi on wed nifwtay stplimtxr jfllli 1d17 sarah ann fernlry widow of thi into artft matthewn of acton in htr bsth year mooric- in stratford on rumdny flr ti niln r 2sth ion mury nntlna ivrtin widow bf tin inti itiilm rt mnn stru fori i iinrl rtultr of 1 f ivi tin i iiiil ll nn in hi t 7flth vi in i jindliwiy rti vvlnlw b ritrdi r s m jilrtt ml- ati what nirl if ihr turlci y tt tin im at pkiiflf no iumaa worry you r h with hamoo youll be dllohted with this safer cleaner money w saving cole last bo lontt eaey to regulate and so light on the hovel its a pleasure lo handle leaves much use a a h than other hard fuels try a ion of hamoo the dustloss smokalobs wastelees cole order irom your tnml hamco dealar he deserves your fuel business hamco fill1 rrwu flftit kt ami miiuii iuon symoouct coct ovtnf hamilton camada hold mit j h mackenzie hon kitchie aoar inslht on hamco canadas fihfjst cokk m mmbar i saskai v y r te asitr a r f if a l- this ghastly tragedy editorial notes fair das arsehere arc not always graced with as good weather as blessed acton last week ncut wednesday should see every man and woman in ontario doing their duty as they see it wars and rumors of wars still occupy the head lines these days they seem to persist in spite of all other eventi and now fall and winter programs are bein planned judging from present indications season will not be a dull one in acton the it s a safe bet that none of the candidates next wednesday will poll half as big a vote as those in the goodwill campaign that closed this week it is not generslly understood that the law pro hibits anyone to give or sell tobacco in any form to a child under 18 years of age except with a written order from the parent or guardian and parents or guardians would do well to purchase their own gould have been avoided i if it hadnt been for a foolhardy reckless criminal driver this accident would have been avoided aa it is one victim was taken direct to an undertakers parlours and two to a hospital the driver who caused it is hopelessly crippled for the rest of his life youll be in trouble if you disregard the laws if you are a reckless driver travelling the ontario highways cutting in passing on curves and hills endangering the uvea of others you will find yourself in serious trouble the appalling death toll must stop and you who are responsible for it will be put off the road i a thousand eyes are watching you aa be forewarned i ontario motorists will cooperate c whan yoa m a motorist driving in a mannr dangatona to tho public tak ua number maka a carafol note of tha actual tima and plaea and when yon roach jgopr destination write to tho motor vahieloa branch department of highways toronto fmsf roll details we do not invite reporte of minor infringements of the trafie laws you are requested to ose sound judgment we will deaf aiuquattly with offtmjm ontario department of hkxhwatb ttotar vcude arsae