isfw k huh wtmt stjitfaj jnrs bosh uwadohw at jlrtou en waaawby miim watatar sha itut at urtioaasjjxt uw ha oraw b omfurton baturtajr mmtmlwr mtta 1m7 dauchtar oobiu olalra btt sajutoe wadnasday pub- 1mt flwta uutum intent dsuthtar of ur and im flatter barr jr husband of badtt sinolalr uoorx at tar homa inn okst aetnn on trjundsjr sspeambar mrdi imttklia jala twtft 2 lata jamas moors in bar im y w affkokmm oooob ib imrtn mammy of it bslowd tasaad anafathar 81 a oo who dlsd saptambsr htli rh arentoa star ahlnsa car tha traw of onawe lovad but uuld not aare tha endwaasudaan tha shook anwrn to part with on a vmd ao daar sadly biiimii by wifl and paioly hbahin lovlnc memory of william thoa waar who passed away 8ep- tamhar 37th mm quiaur auffand patiantly bora tut ood eallad him home to ausar no mora wo and tkulut cals yhb acton jbgge press tx mtnuday gmmuaato wh wt promts whloh u not fmmdal on fact tat ii merely an emwy bout with ur toowt tmaxfattoi u aleeul to vw i win mm- iih ttritftly to mif lb soeem- im d11m am tor th elumi wummi uwuitlw te untlm tuto btinj- cwimttw ottimato ice bahw to vote ndvoto rlyiwxt wednes day thankatrlvlnff day a week from monday vouns next wetfneaday la from 600 m lutll 10 pm the port office u betnff repaiaoed and groauy improved in appearance workmen are repairing the bridge on brock street and putting on a new cement top milton fair was not granted a very good day the heavy rain marred this usually splendid event j checkley of rockwood was rob bed of 1b0 to 180 by pickpockets on ouelph market on saturday fire completely destroyed the house and contents of w o dennis in trafal gar township on saturday quite a number from acton attend ed brampton fair on wednesday xt was favored with beautiful weather mr j henuff 1b building a dwelling apartment on the premises on parity avenue adjoining hts blacksmith shop ir not often that halton has four candidates in the provlnplal field but its within one of quintuplets this year polling booths in acton will be at the town hall fur subdivision number one and at the vmca and woodhalls store for polling subdivision number two little marjorle norton daughter of 1 8lncc hc p n his use mr w tvorton had the misfortune to nguncs j atat but fall on a tenet- at th park on field day and fructure her right arm above uio elbow burllnfton ontario dftptemtow rah 10s7 to tbb rsorut op halton county u this letter i wish tb discuss the qtieatlcn of ouooesjion duties and also the question of patronage but first i would like to reply briefly to a letter to ma from mr a o m bruyns which appeared hut wee in aeveral of the newspapers of the county i am very ffud that mr bruyns ha written to me because- 1 realise that i am not an authority on the problems of the farmer- and i am always ready to learn if i am elected to represent halton county in the legislature x as sure you that i will do my best to become better acquainted with the fanners needs so that i can intelligently present hb claims in the first place may i point out that the question of tariffs comes under the exclusive jurisdiction of the dominion parliament and nothing can be gained by arguing this point in a provincial election campaign- mr bruyns seems to be basing his argument on the assumption that the cost or living la lower if this were true it would mean that prices were lower including prices for farm produce and mr bruyns would be the first ano only farmer i have ever known who ukod low prices for his products the fact is that it is incorrect to say that the cost of living is lower the cost of jiving has been steadily rising for the farmer as well as for everyone else every good housewife knows this to be true ii the condition of the farmer has improv ed it is therefore not due to anything done by the hepburn oovernment but to the general rise in prices from the low mark they reached during the depres sion relief for the farmer will not come from n government refund in taxes this is like a girt of the crumbs from a rich mans uiblc and does not render any permanent assistance i believe that the farmer needs some constructive jhtttst- ance which will give him a better market for his products and thus give him per manent mid continuous help y premier hupburn has endeavored to nuike tile collection of succession duties an issue in tills ejection campaign ever tftto by the itonnatl uewsunef the question of enilectlnej sunmsslun duties is not an issue in this election xt is thajjkity tf every government to collect twe w7ty1nq on bibst the children were having a nature lesson prese t teacher placed a bowl of cowfistton the- table cbw children aha said can any onetell me wjjat a goldfish ii yea teaehe cried teddy sardine that has got rich h a a sale of horses at the flupatrlck iarm la drawing a good deal of attention thv animals seem uf a type needed by the farmers and include a number of perc herons 99th churchill anniversary on sunday september 36th and on monday september 37th churchill unit ed church celebrated its ninetyninth annlversa rev c w brearlcy of pilgrim church hamilton a firmer pas tor preached at both morning and even ing services he brought to the congre gation not only happy memories but msaiages of inspiration for the future the choir under the leadership of mr john smith and with miss afcltt as pianist provided a helpful worship in music they were assisted in the morn ing by mia kutching of ouelph and mrs gardiner of acton to these were added in the evening rev ocorge i- stephenson mrs stephenson and daugh- ers xrf snunassv on monday evening under the aus pices of the womans association the annual fowl aupper was held the shed decorated with autumn leaves made a real banquet hall the supper was an u hire la good management and excellent bill of tare a credit to the sadtea it was rouowed by a program t to this acton concert orchestra made a moat gsneroua oontrtbuttoo mrs klrk- neea miss k mlsa akitt miss dutlea to the best of its the attempt of ur hepburn to make it appear that a conservative govern ment would be tha friend of tax evader win be rejected by all thinking peipje they will recognise that it la nothing but a deliberate attempt to confuse tnu tttfub which can you trust mr hepburns empty boast or mr ifowea definite pledge the xhitronagestem of the present administration has not been its ted by ur hepburn to be an issue in hli elec tion but it la most certainly one of the great issues just the same almost the first act of the hepburn oovernment was tb introduce the vicious tammany hall spoils system under the conservative government dvfl ser vants enjoyed security of office regard less of what administration had appoint ed them they were treated fairly on their merits xh the 134 election campaign mr hep- bum had boasted that he would start an exodus of civil servants from queens park that would eclipse the orange parade on the 13th of july his deluded supporters took this to be a promise of economy on attaining office 1047 civil servants were dismissed by the hepburn oovernment and of these 552 were re turned soldiers this is one election promise that mr hepburn carried out but instead of dismissing some and try ing to get along with the rest in order to effect a saving he hired more than he fired 1047 were dionlsbed and more than 2e of neebnrns favorites re placed them there was not even a show of fairness about the present governments treat ment of the civil servants ruthlessly without even a moments notice em ployees of many years standing were dismissed there was no reason given no accusations made no fair hearing where a man might be told of what he was suspected and have a chance to defend himself there was not even the fair notice that any employee rightly expects from his employer in 1934 mr hepburn talked glibly of abolishing highly paid tory commissions what he really meant was that hc would replace the then incumbents of these offices with inexperienced followers of his own at similar salaries the result of all this is the people of the province of ontario have a generally inexperienced highly political civil ser vice in exchange for an experienced nonpolitical one more of the- money of the people of this province is spent to support friends of mr hepburn thnn lormeriy went to support a competent j civil service bat by far the most disgraceful fea- tore of the patronage system of the hep- born government la the fact that party politics have entered into the giving of jobs on the provincial it 1th way slavery wns supposed to be abolished years ugo bu when a man must be or profesa to be of a certain political stripe before being able tb get a duys work when he must puy his membership fee and obtain a ticket from a liberal association be- fore getting a days work from the gov- boon bisapfsabbd f how did your wife iike the diamond brooch you gave her for her wrthdayf delighted i she was awfully nice to me foroounle of days but shes herself again now l decorative within the past few weeks he hus been bteudlly pyramiding the sum which he claims he will collect in suc cession duties if he is elected his last ilgures wen 175000000 in which 11 may ernment of thl provuire i say thai be assumed that he has reaciwl high i to rnply trafficking in and playing or will he call it 100000000 by election j wtln the wurklng mans dally day bread and i have no words strong enough tills promise of mr hepburns is pre posterous no person can tell who is going to die within the next five yearn nor wtiat wealthy estates will conse quently become liable to puy succession dutlea i75oo0o00 is a lot of money even to the premier of this province to use in condemning it this practice has been carried on by the present oovernment to such an ex- lenl that i am told many people in the town of oakvllle are afraid to attrnd large conservative political meetings but are holding secret meetings injhelr own i when he goes upon a publlc platform nomcs and even in barns arid garages 111 and promise to qollect thla amount in i r one of the persecution uf the succession duties he is making a promise c christian martyrs when they were which he has no idea whether or not he can fulfil why isnt mr hepburn frank enough to admit that the collection of suceea- forced to hold religious meetings under ground in the catacombs of rome are the people of this county and of this pruwnce going to permit practices such i kweman mrs black and inembers of j ssmeeaasesi delias as b gave much appreciated j the present gowrnment her class all numbers the vocal and instrumental i slon duties formerly evaded has been j m tn to continue ii is time for an made possible only by legislation passed outraged democracy to shake off the in 1b3j when premier bennetts oovern- bondb of v party politics and strike ment at ottawa secured paasage-of- legu- blaw tor clr decent government uuon requiring registration of securities contrast with this mr howes state- whlch frequently make up the bulk of mrnt policy large estates thus far the arms ubb it become passible to trace succession duty evasions on holdings which it had pre- 1 vlousiy been sometimes possible to con- 1 ceal the ontario conservative government i immediately took steps u use thla legts- aapucasda are latlon to force urge estatas to make a wtn a afinscat true and accurate disclosure of assets i w and speaking at cmkvule on septem- ber llth mr rows said in no uncer- t tain terms that he would finish the high- j wsy work started by the hepburn gov ernment he said further thai he be- i ueved a grit could dig just as much j clay as a tory and that u he is return- ed to power no working man wllj be required to obtain ticket of member- inder a newfy at gailasd civil service cesnaataetew 4b tmalifwa- uons far am aw u in use pablic arviee of ontario will be saeht and ability rather than psuucal ausgt- ance hsav use aau and in the session of 104 paased a new act called the ontario succession duty act itm thla act 1 by the oa- asrvauve oaiainiini bnfsre use pte- 1bm baa baers naed by la collecting duties under conservative legislation and music provided by misses marlon uaue t u uhip in a political organisation in ord- ifcrothy church muriel etewart ksmnori ta laso when market vere erashirwi ob alton and ann jackson all uu of ta the greatj depreawon artu t iu to whjch mm buk owed that this community wr kn cruvtoove i u nd for good do- not have to depend entlraly on the cn ta aima duupb j l t iminwrcft with uw und ukro by mr i 1im when bond and wk j r lhu i xmdio for ttk cnicnalnnwol 1 339 4jg bar a o w rotbnan brousht mat- vihm wm churehlu concratauon u now looking mo tfjz i hnurn- pronxw u aar on ywax ran how 7j collect 74000000 ta sucaioa dutta your altbtuuj liovd d dtnout llberalaawnraun candldau clearing sale wallpapers all aamplai an sacrificed to char wo need the room it oc cupies you need tha patkr lete eel ujtether on values that are away below our cost price make that room look new for winter use brine in tour measurement length width and heuht of room and the number of operants and let us quote you at prices that are remarkable for hlsh srade sun- worthy papers house pslnts floor paints fqi varnish stains per auart t enamel per pint se stickful wallpaper paste pkc ie kalsomlne b lb pkg acj rag otc value to clear at ttjh brushes terpentine boiled or raw ou and sundry decoratlns supplies bas4 oar sale bill this week for seasonable geads at money saving prices be wlea eash in on ear october sale early while goedi sre available hintons 5c to 1 store shower of gifts for bride iit friday ennuis about forty friends and neighbor gathered at tha homa of ur and mrs frank freeman to hold a miscellaneous shower in honor of ujas lata freeman a short program was given with mr js russell in tha ehsir a duett was sung by misses helen meesehern and rhea buivees entitled the wedding of jack and jill after which mr frank burgess gave a poem the father or the bride a solo entitled paddle your own oanoe was given by mr fred spear miss helen mdcachemgave a poem back to the farm and mr frank burgess tang playing his aocom- panlment on the guitar miss rhea bur gess gave a short reading tha follow ing address was then read by mrs wm butler dear elsie rt it with great pleasure that we your friends and nelghbora are gathered hen tonight to extend to you congratulations upon your mar riage ajid to wish you much happi ness in the new sphen of life which you an about to enter we have always known your char acter to be one of sterling worth and we feel that you have shown the young people a very good example by the ion and devotion you han given your parent the feelings which we entertain for you demands utter- anee in a mon tangible mode of expression than that of men empty ax slight remembrances of our af fection and good will we wish you to accept these gifts not merely for their material value but for their genuine good reeling which they carry with them signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors mabel j butler mary mceachern lydia c kerr vera mceachern tlic bosket laden with girts was car rled in by mrs h mceachem and miss dorothy burgess and misses vera mc- eochcrn and beatrice graff who pre sented them to the bridetobe miss freeman responded in a very gracious manner stun which all heartily joined in tinging- for shes a jolly oood fellow an interesting contest was conducted after which the guests enjoyed a dainty luncheon hi then youdldnt you tell me you never got uredf oafs right bossah allutatopa an rests befo ah gets tlahd amateur talent wanted for ken soble oood humor awileur tijent qumt apply capitol theatre guelph r- r j cadesky optomctuit svstsw wnji bsj m acrrost on vcl monday october 4th gv y7 anyone suffering from rmriln v rh defective vision or ffetlit 1 t v should not miss the opportunity of 1 sm- y oonsalttng this tyassghs ifin jr m 1 appointments aiay be made with r mr a t brown dragglat oonsultattoh fmal omaa saami a as ax as tolxc klngauigvaoatj safe direct economical leave acton to toronto to klljchener eastern standard time a 6s1 am 3s7 pm x 0s3 am c 313 pm xbo08 pm 011 am 633 pm 1 138 am a 6 13 pm dll48 pm iall pjn 057 pm x 313 pm x 708 pm el346 am to owen sound 0d3 am a fi13 pm b 708 pm x through to london a dally except sun and hoi b sun and hal only c ssi only d dally except sat sun and hoi e sal sun and ho only coach connections at toronto for north bay ottawa montreal and intermediate points tickets and information at harold wiles a man honored in his own country fellow citizens of gwillinihury township who know earl rowe hrst are enlhiihiuhtie iilmirra of iiih sterling cluirurur am gift for leuderhhip a puhlic servant for 22 years ifiyou hsi a large scale map of ontario you would tint iwil- limbury township marked in the county of simcoe itul you would have to pisstss a very late scale map indeed to locate the town of newton robinson this little dot of a town i beginning to find itself in print frequently these days the citi zens feel that this is only to be expected because one of their own boys karl rowe is going to be they are confident pre mierelect of ontario the night of october 6th some of the oldtime proverbs are wearing a little tjiin these modem days and that well- known one a prophet is not without honor save in his own country means nothing simply nothing to these sturdy citizens of gwillimbury they honor earl rowe because they know and admire him the oldsters have been watching him for twentytwo years ever since he was elected a township coun cillor on his 21st birthday reaches cabinet rank they start them young in pub lic service in these ontario towns but only one in ten thousand forgeff ahead to the provincial legislature only one in a hun dred thousand keeis going until he reaches cabinet rank at ot tawa such a man is earl rowe and gwillimbury township has followed with pride every step of his progress the most important events in this young mans twentytwo years of public service can be briefly summarized 1915elected to council of gwillimbury town ship 1916 elected reeve re elected each year for five years 1923 elected to ontario legislature 1925 elected to federal par lia ment 1950 reelected 1935pronotrd to the cab inet by honourable r b bennett then prime minister reelectetlto federal parliafnem lyio unanimously selected as leader of the on tario liberal conser vative party a llnp fumily fail rowe uhepever his pub lic duiie1 will pviiuit hurries back to newton robinson for i here he finds awaiting him his sturdy red brick house his wiie and three fine lhildren his 225 acres of farm land his pure bred vorkhire wine durham cattle regimered clydemales his old township friends one cannot hoie to under stand ii public man solely by ob serving him in the midst ol pub lic affairs in toronto oi ottawa follow karl rowe back to new ton robinson havi a meal with him in his big kitchen walk with him over his fertile acres see him feeding his swine and his cattle talk with his aged par ents who live acmss the road then you would realize even more fully than ever belore how completely this man possesses that something withoutwhich all else is so much c ha ft and that sonthing is character heredity must get sonieoi ll it- credit the consecutive leader comes from old british stock which settled in simcoe county many many years ago his father still active at m and his mother eight years younger were farm talk andearijtuwc when little more than a young sler u night his farm from his father up credit and paid every jient of his debt from his profits as a dirt farmer virtue of the soil on his typical optario tann in his typical rural ontario resi dence karl rowe leads ihe regular routine of a farmer when his parliamentary work does not call him to the cities his is a friendly hoittc made happy by the presence of his wife and his children jean aged 17 hill aged 13 and lennox aged s here arc enshrined the homely virtues of the soil t those virtues which since earliest days have given strength ol character to so many of canadas greatest public ser- vants hon earl rowe a warm personality this his hirn written of karl rowe by a lonjjlime associate the warmth of his person ality is contagious one cannot omc imo his pres ence without frelink his forte awl sincerity tem pered by a natural kindli- jiess and interest in his fel lowmen and their prob lems with his splendid ideahj hacked hy lonn and honourable parliamentary experience he is uniquely equipped to make a k contribution to the public life of ontario newlon robinson isnt seeing much of karl kowe these days it is a blessing that he is still in the prime of lifcjind health for he has mapped out a eak- in program which will keep hirn movilik back and orlh through out ontario until the eve of october mh ijis friend are glad of this because they know that every man or woman who sees and hears karl kowe who shakes his hand who crimes under the inlluence of his warm personality ill say this is the type of tcaderontario nerds rnr thats thn kind of man karl rowe is- likeable sincere carn- tst a statesman whose good character and kood judgment are written indelibly in ihe recurd of his twentytwo years of public service you can trust howe vote conservative iuki by thm utmrmtcorumrvmtivm titv o onrau v