kttn sttt fts sixtythird year no 28 acton ontario thursday january 13th 1938 ei ght homeprint pages five cent the officers of eramosa elected for year 1938 inaoffural semloa of cotmefl and by-laws- paaaed wagca set for the year the councilelect for the township of rmmoi mot in the town hall book- wood on monday january 10th ims at hum jn aoeotdln to atiatate tks clerk reported that at ths elec tion held on december mh 1097 mr h storey was elected reave and ueam d d any albert uush wm j ptnkney and thos h kelly ooun- efflora these gentlemen took the oath of office and their teats u the council far its council adjourned at noon and with the clerk were entertained at dinner at the home of reeve and mrs d h stony bylaw no 1 was passed on motion of lf tlllh t ppntumnir honored by king officials aa followa assessor t a forsyth clerk treasurer and collector frank day auditors arch mcnabb and j h fox weed inspeotkr wm hamilton relief officer and sanitary inspector john henderson uojh dr k b waller of board of health and truant officer t d mcoutcheon road superintendent jaa w oekee life stack valuers oeo q bayne and wm f ortere pound keepers root major oustlc john mitchell four corners henry flewelung epeedalde john weather- aton everton james bsrden eden mills james mcpherson roekwood fence viewers arch mcnabb thos w cox john orlere chas young h o cakes and alfred d oior bylaw no 3 pnrrldlna for road ex penditure not eaoeealns 13300 00 was iweann on motion or messrs gray and kelly bylaw no 3 authorising rhe reev and treasurer to barrow up to 30 000 00 from the royal bsnk was passed on motion of messrs kelly and gray moved by messrs ptnkney and kelly and carried that bylaw no 2 ot 1036 relative to private borrowing be enact ed moved by messrs lush and gray and carried that loans amounting to d 000 00 from the royal bank of canada rock wood ontario under bylaw no 3 1037 are hereby ratified and confirmed movedby messrs lush and ptnkney and carried that the rate of wages paid by the township be 35c per hour for a man and 45c per hour ton man with team for 1038 effective january luth ion on motion of messrs gray and pink ney the reeve and clerk were instruct ed to apply for the statutory grant on road expenditure for 1037 payment of accounts amounting to tl 107 33 was approved on motion of messrs oray and kelly council adjourned to february 14th at 130 pan youth of other years had more chance bloomsbury literary society held their regular meeting in the schoolhouse on tuesday evening with the president rots patterson occupying the chair the roll can was answered by a canadian author and one or his books mr patterson then called on the chair- lady for the evening mrs j dennis who presided while the tollowlng program was given mouthorgan selection jack vanooosen and arable msepherson debate the affirmative side being upheld by dirk vsnooosen and ruby msepher son the negative by messrs a hear and r patterson the subject or the debate was resolved that the youth or today hss more chance of advance ment than the youth or fifty years sgo the debate was judged by mrs jack dennis mansell kellbi and mac mc laughlin with mrs dennis giving the judges decision in favor of the negative among those listed in the new yesrs recttmum mr walloo honors list of king george vi wss vmaaetm th program ended oracle fields above famous british he of m an screen star who was awarded the order them progressive euchre was enjoyed of the british empire motion picture by prim mejatubjnen had just finished working on grade when the above photograph was taken miss fields who wssnt sure she rated the effect claimed they were sofume wass trying to make her as lurtsh ss oarbo mrs j dennis and mr a near lunch was served by the host and hostess mrs lasby and drew fulton milton short courses reopen well attended the three month schools in agrlcul- program and social time at dublin literary the regular meeting of the dublin literary society was held at the scho1 on friday evening after opening cere- ture and home economics reopened at t milton on januarj th with most of the wgular attendant in attendance and a lvnew enrolments i yert rolutlons by dot in the course in home economics aside from the regular course in poods and cookery miss grace hamilton is the special instructor on health edu cation which includes nursing and first aid in the young mens class special at tention has been given during the past two weeks to farm mechanics oas en gines and tractors under the direction of mr j h shaw of hespeler this future has created a great deal of in terest and the students are most en thusiastic on tuesday of the coming rt prat e c stulwell or ouelph will be the special speaker on the subject of j farm meats steele a selection by the mclsaac or chestra reading of literary paper by mrs somervllle a contest musical romance was then conducted afir which misses margaret and jean robertson gave a vocal duett the coticluding number was a selection by the mclsaac orchestra the meetlig beginning of the second period waterloo wins from acton by 72 score five minutes of third period turned tide for tigers when they plugged in five counters five minutes and twelve second of the gome last night in waterloo put the tigers of that dty to a fivegoal lead and another win in their unbroken string of victories and acton tanners were the victims for fiftytwo minutes the game was a dose checking dingdong battle but that five minute apurgle pelt disaster as a matter or fact acton had led in the sooting up until that time but the waterloo boys are a shifty lob of players its a brand and no mistake but maybe ltll be a different story when they meet neat and acton is able to present a complete regular lineup there was a good crowd at the game in the first minutes of play norm morton registered a tally to put acton in the lead it was an assist from mooney for the counter terry snd walters had t any hick when they were in norm morton placed a nice back hand shot and vrooman hit the goal post on a pass from crouch saved nicely a hen hause was right tn and walters came close on terrys pass krelger drew a penalty when he put norm morton to the boards tvcheixhart the waterloo goalie went down to save on bus morton b at tempt vrjooman let a hard drive go from the blue line that hit woods on the arm and bounced in 10 tie the score the tleup came at 14 40 e mara a as close on a high shot the period ended even stephen e marao was right in again at the woods hand lost in machine a iieardaiore plant i while at work at the beardmore fe co plant yesterday samuel hubmkfuttfig the misfortune to have his lefb hand caught in the setting machine it wo so badly broken and mangled that it was found necessary to amputate it at the wrist the machine is not considered a dan gerous one and mr hubble was an ex- perlenced man in its operation it h thought his hand passed through the rubber rolls and into the cylinder to be come so terribly mangled he was given temporary medical attention here and removed immediately to the hospital in ouelph ror further treatment the ac cident is regretted and especially in view of the fact that mr hubble is minus the thumb of his right hand which waa severed in a threshing machine accident several years ago district president guest at dublin institute the dublin women s institute held their december meeting at the home ol mrs j mcgregor with the president mrs a near in the chair the motto christmas is the day of remembrance that makes the whole world kin was given by miss m somervllle roll call was answered with a candy woods i r christmas cards lb the shut- ins u ere sent by the institute mrs webster spoke on project work mrs anderson introduced the guest speaker mrs gamble district president of acton and she had several members from acton accompanying her mrs gamblq spoke on the institute ode community singing or christmas carols j was enjoyed by all and an instrumental selection by mrs vanooosen the re- 1 port or the convention held in toronto i was given by mrs a near mrs aklna tendered a hearty vote or thanks to the visitors and also the hostess ror the use or her home lunch was served and a social time spent with the visitors fol lowing the closing exercises statesman dead prominent in canadian public lire fur qyerj0 years plr george ferley above died at ottawa of a heart attac during the night in his slat year atr george was referred to as being more often acting prime minister of canada than any other person for one year during the great war he as minister of overseas forces hod complete control over every canadian soldier ov rseas garage operators meet in social and busfneps way juniors lose in overtime to georgetown both teams fight hard for the garni acton overtakes 2- goal lead of visitors cookie by othackib bunks blue bombers lost their second overtime game tuesday night when lady luck cheated them out of a hardfought battle both tesma played the spirited hockey which all junior teams supply this neversdto type of hockey displayed by both teams should be used as an example by the older mates in the same game but of higher ranking both acton and georgetown teams are comprised of kids between the ages of 1ft to it they play hockey from beginning to end never quitting so we pass this advice along to the intermedi ates whom we hope will use the same spirit in future games when the going is a tiff georgetown started the scoring the first period when green broke away from a scramble in front of the george town net he pulled twit holmes out ot the net and banged the disc into the open net action was plentiful in this period acton carrying the majority of the play penulues were handed out to momurchy duby the closest acton came to messrs w r norton secretary and scoring was when jones scored from a alex mclaac e jennings and n a ramble in front of the georgetown mcenchern of acton attended the net but referee ritchie called it back i closed by singing the national anthem saved a nice one from kruger on a after which lunch was served and a social grau pass at 4 14 acton uent up again nhen norm morton took the puck from vrooman and bulged the twine waterloo had a nice break but hit the tcooperate goal post bus morton and terry were aj cwj event j in but the shot was wide smalts miss- ed the open net when woods was out xhe souf mothers social evening held in milton at the farmers building or the hal ton garage operators association the meeting was addressed by mr patrick mcphcr son or niagara palls who outlined mea sures ror the benefit of qualified garage- men and protection of the motoring public that will be brought before the next session of the provincial parlia ment mt arthur speight president of the halton association was chairman it the meeting i o d e holds nomination meeting on tuesday scout mothers fire brigade officers elected i for the year nomination or officers was held for the duke of devonshire chapter of the we understand that plans are also iotjj a hen they met on tuesday unaei way for the members of the two evening at the home of mrs d a mac u ses to pay a visit to various indus- auxiliary held at the annual meeting of acton plre i two al1 ue marzo was light in but tscherchart thilr monthly meeting at the home or brigade officers for the year were elect- to the comer the second period supplied the goal splurge or the night hardly had the period got under way when a fluke goal was scored against acton while prank holmes was attempting to clear the puck it trickled over the line and it really was a heart breaker to prank the spirit or the acton kids however was not defeated they came back fast and banged in two quick goals to even rhe count jooque passed to jones for the first acton counter and bayllss notched i acton s second goal soloski received a penally for boarding papillon bur acton were unable to score when georgetown were a man short the period ended a tru 1 plants in the rlty of toronto on wednesday next rae a committee was appointed who clo on f at c for waterloo took a solo and shot a hard aved nicely i the president mrs r p watson on orau and i marzo went for a rest monday evening during the business for mixing u up bus and terry acre discussions contest convtners were ap pointed the auxiliary a 111 cooperate holstein breeders annual meeting largely attended i will report on the nominations at the following meeting plans acre also made for an afternoon bridge party to be held soon a social time with lunch was also an interesting and enjoyable part of the meeting the regent mrs p s blow presided drive from the defence that went under woods leg to tie up the knot again there was no wideopen hockey yet and both teams aere checking close looked as if the third stanza was cd as follows chief r m mcdonald assistant chief j m m donald captcln hose truck and reels lth the cubmaster jock vangoozen in crewson arranging a cub pair to be held in may fnt lirute mnuj lambert king scout martin hassard sang two cowboy songs with guitar accotnpanl ment ahlch were enjoyed very much mrs robinson gave a humorous read- district officers are guests of rockalong institute mrs c plank of rockwood was the hosteu ror the january meeting of the the annual meeting of the halton holsteln breeders was held at palermo p 11 tm on saturday last with approximately 100 i jt cul 1 vl iii breeders in attendance a new innova- tion was attempted by the club in hold- j tng their business session in the morning i dinner was supplied bv the ladies under the convcnorshlp of mrs v j lawrence followed by the program in the afler- noon the attenaance and general ini- crest indicated the general approval of the breeders of the count the afternoon program included two ut the most outstanding uddreavs ever delivered to a farm audience in this i count according to many of the breeders listed in order of merit j present oeo m demons secretary of grale l going to be about the same from the ln nnd haard conducted an opening iisspwe even heard predictions nk conrest following the program of overtime to make a decision kropp lunch was served bringing the meeting to a close report of high school there was not as large tendance of members as usual but several house guests and a number of other visitors were present also mm williamson district president miss arias district secretary and miss clark a guest speaker from macdonald hall mrs d mcnabb presided over a verj the holsteln prleelan association holsteln cattle was close on a nice rush woods stop ped the rubber just on the line e marxo shot wide on his effort mooney nearly notched one on l marzo s re bound hause to hawson came close on a play but woods knocked if out the fun for waterloo started at 12 03 a hen vrooman took a pass from grau j perrtntilke of pupils in grades at ho ounced off woods j glove to put waterloo ln the lead for the j acton school n t cta d n vrorton went appointments made to various off for mixing u up vrooman and ti the following is the pall term report qnu m agam bt wooas bttved i offices iitowuu and for acion high school names ore wfta a pi up ln lhe wa other byiawb pashfid loo goal but no score at 13 10 haw son put one between woods and the the inaugural meeting of the esquesing coun second lieutenant w chlsholm secretary treasurer h l ritchie debate on whether canada should rearm the regular meeting of greenock lit erary society was held in the school on friday evening last with the president gordon leslie ln charge at the con elusion of opening ceremonies and busl ness discussion the following program was given under the group leadership of miss laura johnston with grant allan acting as chairman current events by alex thompson mandolin selection by bob allan reading by jean akltt debate resolved that canada should rearm the affirmative was upheld by laura johnston and wuma west ond the negative by evelyn pearen the council elect ror the township or 01 j mclntyre a recitation by jean smoltz and kropp got the esquesing for the yrar 1938 met at 11 mann piano duett mrs basil johnston bckajoiut totututfc owing tothe bad cwudt a mo8t resung m margaret mcphail 72 0 prances lamb nt om at 14 30 and waterloo was o clock a m on monday and having and miss uiura johnston tricks by j roads there was not as large an at- 1 travelogue or his recent trip to the 708 w mcolaughlin 70 8 mabel burt mg down nlce plavb the subscribed to the oath of office took mclntyre the judges decision on the british isles holland pranve and swltx- hbirtla lo4 john chapman 69 3 oor ntxt onc at 150 a credited to kropp the tollowm n a robinson deba in favor of the nega erland in his address mr demons don gj 67 3 ruby sn m 0 on a abound and that electric score rve w a wun deputyreeve dealt with agricultural conditions with bjibvl swackhamer 6fij ian particular reference to the breeding of 3 audrry mcarthur 04 9 mouy christmas tree onlj culls 64 7 gerald pargeter 60 8 mar njj the presents for waterloo pollj porty 76 9 dorothy steele 73 6 gooj post dr w r graham who was intra duoed b bron jenve holsteln pit id tlve community singing brought the oraui board was blinking like the lights on a howard may o w murray and edwin meeting to a close after whh lunch was santa claus had harrop councillor the minutes of rved and a s wiaj time spent last melting were read and confirmed guret hodglns 68 9 mary eaid 58 9 e marzo was right in but was knock kenneth blow 58 6 leonard lambert ou b a leg lnjurj acton atorm short business session after which mrs man for wwlurn o referred m q mck 58 3 marie cla waurloo goal and the an rojgh a mcnabb took over the meeting and gave the following program a solo b miss plank who played her own guitar accompaniment a talk on the motto to as an illustrious son of an luustrlous father dr graham gave a moat luum mating address on factors other limn breeding lnflurn lug tht dalrj cow s ton 58 2 hiirrj suage 58 2 muua 54 4 lome masalos a home s best ornaments are the friend en the election of officers for 1938 rc who frequent it b mrs dunbar clir rent events b mrs tone a solo bj mrs w block accompanied by mrs aylcs miss clark gavi a very interesting and humorous talk on advertising mr williamson a talk on home and ooun- tr miss arias spoke a few pleasant word and extended a cordial invitation to the rockalong branch to visit her home branch at such a time a could be and f r utted as folow president moru wataon tanalr 1st vicepresident a i marion cumpbellvtllc 2nd vice president j c bell freeman seen tan treasurer v j lawrence oakwllc directors naasugaweya n c lee rock wood esquesing w anderson and w robinson georgetown nelson fred trafalgar addl on woodley milton w h blggar oakvllle and sdgar lons streettvule arranged miss plank favored with an other solo and after a hearty vote of thanks to the speakers and to the host ess the meeting was closed with the singing of the kational anthem the hostess and assistant servad very tp9 te dainty refreshments v m c a is juvenile hockey the puzzle poem answer and winne the solution to last weeks poam was good reaohilton and the wwou r wk la cvwlvnopsn to all boys in acton under the age walter lamb 47 7 monica fltzpatrlik 48 jack coone 4b 5 howard mcqueen 46 2 lorm il marie bruntlie 73 9 belly bui kh 1 i r 70 8 tom wation 60 1 murgnre fcxrivm 66 4 gordon mccutrheou bti 0 b vcrly arnakl 64 9 bruct par get r 64 2 eallne mccaig 60 o billon 55 7 jean mcmillan 54 1 nun agnea 53 6 norman wright 52 2 owen maahs 50 0 ian vlcken 45 i gordon buton 43 7 farm iii helen watson 75 7 isobel brims i 9 alex prank 67 4 rlno braids 7 0 dorothy barber 56 0 max storey 54 7 nino braid 53 9 jack holms 52 0 1 helen mainprise 45 0 gilbert romphf j 41 4 douglas smith 37 7 will main prise not graded farm iv beatrice taylor 75 prances dills 73 0 jack holllnger 89 3 myrna raa- short speeches were made by all the rev dr moore members of council communications will serve tre then read after which they ad social service council juurned to met i at 1 30 p m moved by c ii la seconded bl at the reqm l of the extxulkr of iht o w murray that tlu treasurer pay social service council or canada the ih htluf accounts ua presented by the very reverend t albert moore dd veryood up and tscherchart was down htf officer of 1182 21 caxrwd ix d formerl secretary of the united to miv scores walters capu close but thxilon expermj wire also paired for chur h of canada and its moderator i a fight broke out in the third period i bayllss and soloski each receiving five i minute penalties hardly had che teams 1 regained full strength when presswood received a penalty lor georgetown gold- ham broke away with only holmes to beat but his shot missed tle open net both sides had some close calls in this period and we believe georgetown had the better or the play for this twenty minutes the first five minutes of the overtime j went scoreless bur in the second half georgeown notched the million douar goal to win the game green banged away at lhe puck all the way down the boards and passed to kempahead who beat prank holmes from close in the acton kids pressed harder than ever now throwing every man into the attack but burroughs turned back their every attempt the game ended j to 3 far georgetown und a welldeserved win it was if acton had won it would have been just as well deserved but we believe the a ton kids become too careless in scrambles around their own net kempshead ana burroughs were best for georgetown- while saunders and ilolmes starred for acton saunders broke up many scoring threats at the acton defence and he deserves special mention either acton becomes excited when in n a rival goalie or else they lack lhi ability but somehow they seem to mesa ip many scoring chances that la three over times games in u t continued on page plre lome enrd up a bit woods tuved a coul 49 4 if nice ones but krugt r nuull banged in another counter at 17 13 ci ire went for dumping i marzo acton put the goal was called back aa an a ton pajnient as follows inun was tn the crease darling d r o that s the stor ot the 7 j waterloo th h robo d r lviru uctir but it may be different oi j uirne cleave d r o vrr prldav night the tiger- aren t on clifford robinson d r o 52 2 beatable but that statement lacks proof n r thompson p thus far this season tile lineup was acton wds goal walters and e- mararf- defence n morton centre i marao right wing mooney left wing arblc marshall r morton terry and greer alternates coining events will i la i mccttdtfa i on f lvrntl untie lua joiin j stewart d r o m campbell d r o m a mlno d r o wesley brennan d r o carried moved by o w murray seconded by c h ma that the trcuilrer pay the 1932 34 haa agret d to serve the council 14 40 which ho was instrumental in founding 15 40 thlrt vcars ago until easter 1938 14 00 his activities are to be centred in the 14 40 larger centres of population in ontario i 8 00 and quebec his addresses will include d a 16 15 such topics as concung be j 14 30 citirerumip the signlffcarice of the i j ot 13 50 1 oxford and edinburgh conferences for 1 1 00 the canadian churches the world s unrest and other timely subjects chal- verdun rebekaha lunch waterloo tscherchart goal couch treasurer county of halton county snd ctare defence grau centre krug k for 1w7 nvounung w77 4s i concluded on page klfht organlsat lonof juwnue hockey in acton is being sponsored by the y m c a under secretary oeorge g emery pour teams are at present lined up snd w m wu pussle play their first games in the arena this thereae campbell 55 7 afternoon after school the group is laveme smith 52 1 john drake 514 wtnnsr of the award paaran tlrno acton thsrs an- othar pussier to aohrt this waak on page fli b sure your answer r twt oolos bef monday avan- of 14 years and all boys desirous of join ing should leave their riames with mr bnery at the y jtcjl the high school team is also being ccffwnlssd and will practloe at the arena after school hours feres v patricia harrop 1 dorothy phil lips 76 1 shell breen 7j6 alsetna gmaon 7 7 heael wuaon ml martin hasaard ft j donaku mcphjul m0 kealsly no need the talkative barber completed a lengthy explanation to his customer as to why haircuts are now costing more pauslger for a moment he ran his hand professionally across the chin of the man in the chair shall i go over tt again t he asked vo grunted the bored and irate customer i heard every b word carried other accounts passed for payment included treasurer county of haltbn hospital accounts for 1937 board of hydro commissioner georgetown street lighu at glen williams i h k p c brampton ughts at mr russell t kelley will be the guest lengtng thellfeof chjrthvwiu fff y meni taentleth century curlers to have at least two nights each week i 7190 i gbunctl chamber ball iwlephona ornnpany ltd oounty ooloa supply oo sup- puas co on page firs a splendid sheet of ice made tils open 3j 13 uk games ln the curllay club ln acton last night enjoyable for the links par ticipating it is planned to have no denntt nights of curling aach weak on tuesday and thursday of coursi the los is svallabla for groups who dsslra so arrange games on othsr nights during tna wss with ihs good los now aval- abfcs ths roartn gams will bt a eanus of attraction for ths curlers these nights 7j4 4 03 40m meeting on tuesday january 36th get uckxu early to hear this praealnent ouslness man a address coukul china a aim in natural colon tajtan in china six months ago by mr fred ooforth it will be shown ln nassagaweya church on thursday evening january 77th at o clock air ooforth son of dr jona than ooforth was born in china hs travelled 000 miles to take ths moving passant of human life ass tl j 000 lest of nun and hear the lecture tt will give an underatandlna of the praasnt chlpavjaps conflict which no amount of reading could possibly five j