vi- i- i- 1 thb acton pftbb pmhs9 ljr artdtt jim prmu faklhlnf beery neinjty at salsa gurscsimoii rjattea bad m aimmto him jtis xllatiomsw toe teal mm el mr avatar set w taeetlaisr imi tournwtu mattam to jeaacm w utttaw w art i issk f llwrteo u eta hwiitliimahh nnciwh jutaeagh every iwnlla mttu ivee praia ae ea the aaeentaaatag last i km i j areef ef aaeli the aoartleei eatee delv alt es earraeuaaa br tl oate arrar i each advartiaaaaaat a ablof dills csuaf tsxtraowts- eeilerlal sea boslaesa oave retmeeee auaulfifawratt back la the early day the begluttlng of the yar seemed totta quite popular time to launch new newspapers consequently this week splendid- jour nals among our exchanges are noting anniversaries lustnow thesrhlthfa recordnews com its fiftysecond yesr of publication under the guidance of editor a e dabble it is one of on tarios outstanding weekly newspapers and a force not only in its community but well beyond in cidentally editor dobbie is a limehouse boy and served his apprenticeship yeans with the georgetown herald the history of the st marys journalargus dates back eightylive years and the anniversary is observ ed this week editor lome eedy follows in the foot steps of a very worthy father who edited the st marys newspaper for a number of years it is kept well abreast of the times in every respect the free press joins in congratulations to these newspapers and their progressive publishers tub sunday school lesson cob sunday jantmby istk mbrlal present levels anticipated according to the agricultural situation and outlook issued for the new year by the depart ment of agriculture farm prices for 1938 are ex pected to remsin at about their present levels until die new crops can be appraised in these times of changing prices this information will be steadyiing at least for this important psrt of canadas industry the report says further the rise in farm pro duce prices during 1037 wss greater thsn in sny other important commodity group as a result farm produce wholesale prices compared favorably with those of other groups for the first time in eight years it is probable that a aubstantial part of this recovery in prices will be maintained and that relationships between agricultural and nonagricultural prices will not be seriously disturbed during 1938 big gain in construction last year the current issue of construction trade- shows a gain of 302 per cent in construction work of 1937 over that of 1936 a total of 222 millions was the amount of last year which was a gain of 50 millions over the previous twelve months with four years ounbrease behind it the indus try is now aiming directly at the 1031 level of ac tivity and at the present rate of progress would attain this in 1039 on the evidence if possibility is excluded of major economic upset or a great war the earnings of construction in 1038 aided by projects reviving from depression paralysis should amount to not much under 275 millions should this hope materialize the industry will have returned this year not only a large part of the way toward 1931 volume but as well all of the way toward the ten year average volume for 1018 to 1927 a period characterized in the main by normal national development and business conditions largest percentage of increase took place in quebec where the total for 1037 was 69 millions representing a 23 millions gain or 50 per cent better than in l36 quebecs share is 31 per cent of 1937 dominion activity ontario however in keeping with its record for previous years contributed 436 per cent of the 1937 total for canada the ontario total for the past year was 06 millions a gain of 25 millions over the 1036 figure or 35 per cent editokial notes record gold production canadian gold production continued its forward march during 1037- when the output which includes the gold bullion from gold mines gold in blister copper produced in canadian smelters and gold in ores exported passed the four million mark for the first time preliminary estimates place the 1037 out put at 4054700 fine ounces which when valued at 3499 the average price ior the year of canadian funds amounted to 141877000 a gain of 10500- 000 over 19367 increased production was recorded in all provinces except alberta and yukon territory and near the close of the year canadian mines were producing gold at the rate or 400000 a day the long estab lished mines maintained their outputs and produc tion from the younger properties continued to in crease about fifteen new properties entered pro duction during the yean in addition to the usual expenditures of the producing mines large financial outlays were made in the development and prepara tion for production in 1038 from gold properties in the lake athabaska region in the larder lake dis trict of ontario in the cadillacmalartic area in quebec and in several other areas throughout the dominion tj experience barrie council has under consideration the mat icr of paying members of the council for their services in other centres we note that he same subject is a municipal topic of interest after a period of trial in acton the matter has never receiv ed consideration again since its discontinuance three or four years ago the question always arises that if councillors are paid why not every other branch of citizenship service and this question is usually answered by the fact that no municipality can afford to pay for all these servies on the other hand public spirited citizens can afford to give a share of their time to the interests of their community snd a division of the work is better from a community standpoint than the payment of a few officials the argument is sometimes advanced that payment for services bringsfprth a better type of oflciak in acton such has not been the esse reeves and councillors who havtrsetyed without re muneration havebeen of the highest type and com pare favorably with those who drew an allowance for community service the question has many debat able points both ways but sfter s trial of payment for services in acton the plan was discontinued snd the municipality has gsined not only the amounts but a better cooperative conduct of municipal affairs the cost of relief in ontario dropped from nearly 22 million to a shade over 13 during the past fiscal year saturday is the last day for the 1037 auto markers and judging- by the red and white plates still in use there will be the usual last days of rush stock taking balance sheets and such things have followed the yearend closing in quick succession none of them exactly of the holiday spirit either sometimes one wonders if that junction point for highways at mill and main streets gets all the ac cumulation of snow left there from all directions asbestos production in canada during the first ten months of 1937 totalled 342502 tons compared with 242556 tons in the corresponding period of 1936 new motor vehicle sales in canada during the first ten months of 1937 were valued at 130453875 an increase of 28 per cent over the corresponding period of 1936 the grimsby independent says after people have eaten church suppers worth twice what they paid for them they feel they have made a noble contribution to the cause of religion evidence that citizens appreciate home town bund is found in the recent voting in colling- wood and onllia bylaws were passed authorizing annual grams or 1200 apd 1500 respect vely in those towns in england the loss from milk bottles not return ed to dairies is said to total about 800000 a ytur yet dairies could easily overcome the loss if they fol lowed the practice which is becoming more general in ontario of charging a nickel for every bottle which goes out of the dairy people would cease being careless with milk bottles or would not use them for household purposes if every bottle cost them a nickel many people are still under the impression that smnnrtno a ijj up ubuvksi ooiden tmt the tuns la fulfilled and the kingdom of god la at hand repent ye andmlkva in the gospel mark i is lesson tmt mark 1 143s time ajx as place oaluee near capernaum exposition i the definite call of the first duclplea 1430 the imprisonment 6f7ohh lea jews to forsake juries for oaillee v 14 ef ifatt 4 132 it woe an set of prudence on bli part ha began wlutthe aama menace with which john had begun v is cf matt 4 17 s 3 part of ids cry repent re waa trie aa that of the old teatament porphet isa 6 7 jer 33 kara 1 s is so 33 0 but there waa an addition believe the lad tidings the klns dom of god waa at hand became the king himself waa ajiand if the jews had recevted jama be would have aet up the kingdom of ood then and then aa he waa rejected and crucified the outward establishment of the klnsdom waa postponed blmon and andre were atendlns tk their own buslneu when jesua ealled them into hla work v is ef ex s 14 1 kings is 10- 31 uktt oi 0 jeaua called them into a work of the aame character that their were already doing hitter to they had been ashing for nih now tiley were to flah ror men the ordinary niher catches nali to to kill and eat them the goepel fleberman catehes men to make them alive and feed them jeaua gave them the command oome ye after me and the promise i will make you fishers of men commandments ami uumkes always go hand in hand in the leaching of jesus the day came when jeaua prom ise to peter was so wonderfully fulfilled that peter caught more men at a single haul than he did ash on this day acts 3 1444 the one great condition of success in fishing for men is following jeaua and any one who is not a nsher of men is not a follower of jesus slmun and andrew showed that tfcey believed jesus and appreciated his call by leav ing all and following him cf luke 3- 11 the one who would follow him must forsake all matt is 34 luke 14 s3 forsaking all wul pay for those who forsake all gain ail for time and eternity cf matt 1 3730 there woe no hestttatlon isvthelr obedience btnughtvay james and john were also attending to their business when jesus called them v 10 they too unhealtatlngly obeyed they not only left telr boats and nets but their father as well cf matt 10 37 n jesus power as a teacher 31 32 astonished at his teaching the oreek word is a very strong one this was frequently the result of jesus teaching cf matt 7 28 13 54 john 7 46 that which astonished them was that he was not a mere commenta tor on what ancient men of ood hod said but he taught them as one who himself taught directly from ood they recognized that a oodsent man with a oodglven message waa apeaklng jesus tndeed claimed authority above that of moses and all the ancient men who apoke from ood matt 5 31 33 33 34 luke 11 33 john 3 3 heb 1 11 2 we ought to teach with authority but we can only do it when we speak as the oracles of ood il peter 4 11 m jesus power over demons 33- 28 there was one man in the synagoguf- who especially needed help a man who had come under the power of an unstvn but real person an unclean spirit demoniacal possession is quite common today in heathen lands and is not un known in our own in certain kinds of- lunacy and some forms of clairvoyance and spiritualism the presence of jesus nlled the demon with terror he re cognised jesus as the holy one of ood und he knew his own doom must boon come and he feared that it kd oomr now art thou come to desiy us he shrieks in terror the preance of jesus aimays stirs up the dcol and his minions it is not a bad sign to have the devil rage tn a community or u church the terror of this demon at the approach of christ may suggest to us how evu men wul feel when he cornea again ttle devil and every form i of evil alwaya asks lo be let alonr but christ wul not lei alone u john 3 s heo 1 14lfl the demon had ole most correct and extensive knowledge about jesus of any one in the synagogue it is evident tiiat orthodoxy is not sal vation ijss 2 ib romans 10 9 10 oal 5 e jreus answer lo the ortho dox confession of the demon was very brief be silent tuterully mussledand oome out of him jeaus never accept- ed the testimony of demons iv 34 3 11 13 au it 1sh the demon- did not wish to come out but he hod to he made a laat struggle and gave his victim a parting blow he made himself felt and heanf but tile cry was one of despair and this awful vivoost nnmib aull4 it waa s sattw of thrift for a o 8ehfjbsr and hla family of bkihluw aululand whan they triad to get through a flooded river in their ear on ths way to durban tiles decided to let the natives push them serosa the swelling g midway the beard a mighty rushing sound and asw s wall ofwaur sweeping toward them the natives fled eehrolber helped hit wife and chad from the back asat and they ran for the bank the wave hit the oar and threw if over the edge of a weir into the river nine feet below after finding shelter for the night echrelber returned to the scene of the disaster next day and fished out the ear with the aid of the natives he had another thrill when ha stepped on the starter and the ear responded in stantly he continued on his journey at once no joe didnti you cant ssy i made any noise com ing home last night thats true but the three friends who were carrying yoi did tmlotuh uoltiiecalmaum pumita a amauts tm usesultttmsh sv asum1smm44 suuua owwicto tab rasviibahcvt amd enmmrtu tvio fssittkr4ouion isa haerm ma fur onto on rfla sounvrp so m ermiem arrflla saovlffimt i calmoum wa vicc hesioerrt i isu n an mamy 4vc s olaucs arts sdowu eu jixmk or rasm touaroniau abrla qltpeftt buila dacads aaeodjs -rs- pikwr aifttftfuaaiout iasvwajeim bmnntuvt xul davfi4iif roortiun siyihej machinist s clergyman has nothing much to do except conduct struggle was the last it is the devils services on sundsy while it is impossible to list the way nuke bur fade before gi msny duties and demsnds thst sre made upon an active clerics time snd strength the following report for november submitted by the brampton conser vator may give some idea of what one was called upon to do psstoral cslls 74 sick communions 0 meetings attended 22 telephone calls 62 private interviews 30 funerals 7 weddings 2 sunday ser mons 9 mg up his hold upon a man irev 13 131 the people earlier in the day had been astonished that he taught with authority now they are amased that with authority he commands even the mighty demons and they obey htm but neither astonishment nor omsaament at conversion the report of his tjbghty power spread use wlldnre in the whole siiitoujaaina country the people were not aw to rami miracles borrowing at the bank abyl7kote sound slvtall business con cerns independent well- managed established on personal ability honesty and industry fortunately abound in canada many of them have all the ele ments of increasing success they may need only sound financial assistance to make them even tually large and important contributors to canadian prosperity conservative bemwing may be a amstrtictivt step the bank of montreal welcomes enquiries from such business con cerns regarding loans and the manager of our nearest branch will be glad to discuss with you in strict confidence any plans you may have for caking a comlructnt step forward bank of montreal established ihi7 a bajik u litre imall aaoii lit un uciume acton branch w h clayton manager modern experienced hanking service ibi ouuamt if 110 ytar suamful opirslia fifteen lost surveyors r stiittl from starvation fifteen mctntoere of a quebec- survey party mop plng the boundary between ontario and quebec tn oie froswn wastes east of jamea bay were left virtually food- leas for ss days when they foiled to locate a food cache placed for them their pllghr became known when a aearch party reported the oche untouched and search- tng aeroplane looaifed the fts party camp juat tn dil cune to save the emaciated men from death by starvation this picture of the camp was taken by a pilot of ope of the rescue aaropunee and shows octave lopotate cook for the group standing tn front of the cook tent bearded ad weakened by eold hunger lapomte and his companions was bundled aboard the aawopasneew few mlnuusj suer and sown to monaonee out on jaoae bay fu- sn