tuv umtamt utft hm thb acton frbb prb8s pmwaftww if jw ex ihbalii ytatsrchl ttiiiltatir there wafr fit w bright road which you tread may uu away from aanev it yau had haarlaeria in the put teat to look ahead am tad ton tuffwmt to tlit pith ww mmmmmn am u4hf bdtta of frlaf an round i wul m fern 1 hard to and i tnttttl i that aoen th war will elear abd louda be toft behind w rarely find two lays alike ufee mad of sun and ahowere and in dark days the bravest aoula keep faith in brighter houre jtfsrx eversley twenty ram aoo af th ire prase el jaasawy 11th lilt jnraaan steam and water pipes ere no novelty thee day tim turnip knyer are turn paying ma par enahel deurerad in aoten witter la selling in berlin germany at 1j par pound auger at us and baaen at mill ttte hortlcultnral society wai organ- d at a meeting laat friday evening th eeenmtttee which canvassed for members reported that ifte parsons had paid mem- berahlp faat officer elected ware pr- auane taluam white let vlee-preeld- ent o h brawn 2nd vlmpresldent lira h p uoore at a later meeting mir murray mcdonald waa eleetad basra tarytreesurer helton orangemen met in their annual aseslan tn trie acton lodge roam and alaetad oflleere for 10u acton member of the asewutlve an dajf ale don ald and chaplain b j haaaard ft o o polklnghome of umehouae haa beenawarded jtha txatlnnuhed con trast medal for hla bavary while in ac tion ootmell for lolt met for organisation monday morning and the nrat regular meeting waa held tn the evening the matter of curtailing the consumption of power waa dealt with and manufacturing ooneema were asked to dlaeontlnue work at t pjn for a month or ao to help the attuatlon meaara oeorge havlu and b j if mebonaid were appointed auditors dud i mclean suddenly at ouelph on itmraday january loth ml william alaamder mclean barrlater tn hla egtliyear xbtkxdy in frln townahlp on tues- day january ath ltn suaan hugh- aon beloved wife of michael kennedy in her 74th year books that matter oonthjued from pag six the democratic leaden fumble again the dlfferenos between germany and the democratic oountrlee la like that between a profeartonal and an amateur football aide the amateura can pleaee themaelvea but the profeaalonala have the aaoafactlon of playing better foot ball again to uae the worda of mua- eounl ftudam haa abollahed the game of paruamennery cheaa it haa almpli- nedthe t ayatem and reduced the deftlelt tb meaeurable proportlona while mr ward price la glad that demo cratic britain allowa the rothermere preaa to apeak ita mind freely tn pralae of dlctatora he appeara to favor uie subservience of the preaa lo governmen tal policy inatead or the practice of democratic countrlea where a large part i of the preaa haa moved in the oppoalte direction instead of putting national movements first lta outlook on public affalra la dominated by a aet of vague and vialonary principle mr aberhart might approve mr ward price gives much more space to hitler than to mussolini and lhla u probably due to the larger amount of material available tn hltlera autobio graphy and alao because his primary o la with anglooerman frlend- ahlp which he says la the key lo the buropean altuatlon no one objects to anglooerman friendship li it la not baaed merely on the authore fund mental abhorrence of communism hla contempt for democracy and the ideals or oouecove security his addition to nationalism imperlallam and- beal- pa hla incurably xuropean mind which icwa the leaser breeds with con tempt and bis opposition to the set of idealistic principles which he dcslgnatea aa vague and vialonary perhapa hla policy nay mln the day su one won- dera if it la worth the possible price of the disintegration of the british- empire and the collapse of all poaafbuity of angloamerican understanding britain may have tt choose and rothermere et alii will do well to widen their vision beyond europe to the new world and the par eaat it 18 stranog flow enterprising atatlatlclan with a flair for oddments of tntercetlne but use less information has reported that no fewer than lsoo000 motorlata last year managed to gat thamaalvaa stalled on the hlghwaya of this continent wfth empty gasoline tanks if that record can be due to anything but ordinary varrday absentmindedness many paraona would oka to know what it la vary car nowadays haa a gasoline gauga perfectly visible to the driver at all unas thar are times whan tt santa as if every corner had a hutng tatlocc with that combtnatlon it la hard tb aa how any one la aver stalled with an empty lank tat- s w all do it a million and a half of ua in on years una victoria times i have lo live with myself and ao t want to be fit for myself to know i want to be able aa daya go by always to look myself straight in thr i dont want to stand with the aettlng aun and hate myself for things ive done i dont want to keep on a closet shelf a lot of secreta about myself and fool myself aa 1 oome and go into thinking that nobody else will knov the kind of a person i really am i dont want to dree up myself in sham i want 10 go out with my head erect i want to deserve all mens respect but here in the struggle for fame and pelf i want lo be able to like myself i dont want to look at myself and know that im bluster and bluff and empty show i csn never hide myself from me i see what others can never see i know what others may never know i can never fool myself and so whatever vtappena i want to be srlrrespecting and conscience- free mary stuart payton and now to continue with acme more recollections of old residents of the second line where we left off laat week the farm opposite the james bell place brlonged to john bums one of the nrat settlers or this community in fact mr duma was one of the founders or the presbyterian church here tor in 143 ne encouraged those of the presby terian faith in the locality to get out umber for the building ot the first knox church here mr burns alao owned the rarms on which the works of beardmore co are located and the residential section where beardmore crescent and the beardmore railway aiding la it waa on this farm that david ryder lived for about thirty years and after him robert kannawln but mr bums home was on the farm below this where joseph arthurs and hla family lived so long on the third line and which la now owned by joseph kynn well the farm op poalte bella had for lta nrat tenant john voddrn he had several daughters one or them rebecca waa married here to richard hemstreel or trafalgar about ninety years ego mra hematreet lived until about eighteen yewnvago when she died in her home in milton st the ripe age of ninetysix another daughter married john kennedy ol georgetown both mi and mrs kennedy died many years ago after mt vodden left the place it t leased by isaac atauuer he was respected hardworking farmer and waa known j th father of nineteen eon and dauairters moat of whom vert born on this farm mm manlier- waa a strong motherly woman and waa proud of her bait family ine ld natsnmr used to say ah waaalwaya eonyth famu waa not ibmimh by on more ao that aha and isaac could eejr they had bean biass ed with an even asore moat of the membera of this large family left acton many year ago abram only made this hi permanent residence when hla died he took the farm but later he moved to acton and lived on church street wliere jamas maelcle now resides im funerala of both mr and mra fltauf- f er were held from this residence mr stauffer alao owned the lot upon which the bungalow now owned by mr thoa watson but built by mr r l gregory now of oakvllle it la occupied by mr and mrs o p leatherland who recent ly tank over the law practice of ii n parmer and fust last weak was ap pointed clerfcyfcand treasurer of the municipality mrs william m cooper la the laat member of the slauffer family resident in acton after mr staufrer left this farm mr archibald mcpherson became the next tenant to him and mm mcpherson there alio came a large family here all of whom have done well mr mcpherson and hla family remained here until meaara beardmore as co bought the property to meet the requirements of their rapidly extending business lie then purchased the joseph laaby farm on the third line where he lived until hla death the farm waa purchased a few yeara ago by mr oeorte fiomervllle who with mra fsomarvlue and their family have a happy home here mra mcpherson survives and realdea at preaent in toronto but in the warm aummer months greatly enjoya her cosy bower avenue home in acton mrs jamra symon la a daugh ter the right of aay to actons watvr- works spring and pumping station runs through this rarm knew what to vcxpct a dolvful lllur boy went into a chem- uta shop and ironed confidingly vrr the counter do you keep anything to rrlleve pain he aaked where u the pain the chemlnt in quired the boy shuddered it hasnt oome yet he replied but fathers just reading my schoil report slats dlmw 01iv m wajulxn slats diary amdajr iblni wmnttohn ny m later unyuna dent want bddr u wally tb cum to an far land jk bleete x fat it flfiered out tt in btooa they iw cart they will get a job a work ft not ulc oreen tfc loot for permlihen monday p aprtwc l on ma uiatt uiinlt from the way aha lookt at him she dlddent like ao rood pa svfc that christmas he aed to a rend in a atoro he was trying to gel sum thing for his better j and the man repllrie 81 avd well liave you jiad any offers tuesday jane ac elsy both of them otto have a gardecn to goaround with them today they waa in the hotel offlo tc lurt a ac nickel a put it in a tele phone booth lot fc tliot they wood irt sum gum they had nothing to jmy when they round out what they had but wednesday the teecher told the ouai to all or us aet down the names of the gratvat 1 doa men in the world today i writ down aberham lin ken wapaleum o washington a a lot of others t thot or jalur writ n y yankees 0 dink tracy popeye at dim clump ft i wander if he wassent right but ttio he dldent grade up with the leedera a out teecher issent m odder n i aupose thursday in school this pm are clu was ast by a ladles state lnspeckter to deflile the word axldent blisters spoko up ft sed whrn a rattlesnake bl tea you but jake iwd no that alnt no sxtdvnl becos the unnke done it n per pose i wander which wajrlght becos the ladle never did dlsslde to much lalying ft glageltng i recken friday aa i was dancing with jani at the partln last night i ast her lasent than no way i can make her more ten derer she sed yen thry are just go ahed stepping n my nom tm jnot for that dirty crock at other t may not marrlr that dome after all i will lis ft lo think it over a hole lot i bet you salurdiiy hluu kept a having a heel ake ttr num thing ft hu mother took him to thr dr ft tied to the dr 1u his hed ft lie has4fena hnvlng it qft ft ni for mim time dr lafc out loud bui i happen to know his lied in eneyhow about oil very frequent constantly kill nil scene top deck of a crowdrd tram- car irbvh conductor taking fares pnnsengrr youre working hard mike mike ol am its a klllln job but hunk gikxlncju ua ranatanll the cancer cruaade rigkung ike crau leearte shili kaewudfe a caafaalbte wim oil igaataaea rear aad neglent- by j w b mecullough md dp ii joan bennett daughter on ueln1- holiday picobac pipe tobacco for a rvilpcool smoke cancrr from xrays xray cancer of the skin naver ap peara aa auch in the beginning there is alwaya a long period of radloder- mautlar lliat la a chronic inflammation or the skin preceding the development or thla type or cancer tills period may last for 3 to 4 yeara and may not develop until months rter the last exposure to the rays sometimes this type or cancer appears following the use or the rays in the j removal of hairs on the faces of women dr slmone uiborda the radiologist at the celebrated caneer institute in villa hue julf hospital in the ban lieu of paris tells ot a case of this kind in a woman who waa treated for hy pertrtchosu f en- cemlvo growth or hair by xrays in 101o the result she aayi waa per fect at the time and it waa not until 3 or 4 years after thai the cnarscterutlc arophy pigmentation and a tangte of small blood venncls appeared on the chin and borders of the lips in 1030 ten years urter the use of the xrayr a small ulrrr appeared nt the edge of thu upper up tills ulcer proved to be u cancrr founcrr is extremrly unusual on the upimir up or a woman it hrl- rd under the use of radium but recur rences i lad to be lreuled as late as i03u and 1034 in hie iuc of xray for siich a pur- pone the nrt thing nrccmiiry is a com jhuiit operator if accldeitts of the kind of lint referred u ure to be avoided thr xfny operator must have a reason uble knowledge of hu dangerous agent he b employing lie ilviuld know 1 thu i the initial dcmit hi which ulway precede xray cimcer i caused by u mnall lightly filtered dose repeated at varying interval ovrr n nerlfd of moultui j thnt thtels always a latent perlotl before n cancer begin tills jerld may be or 10 yearn- during whlh there i nlway more or less dermatitis the riermatltln ruused by xrays resembles that unwed by the nun of australia where cancer hupervontng on chronic solar dermatitis is a cuitinwnpir- these cxuusji are nucceisfully treated by use of the gamma rays of radium which un like the small unflltered dose of xrny which bi sort and lightly penetrating bi hard and penetrating uklmst mad and wsut it1xabu ctlaatactuu included in the varied oargo taken north aboard the rka naseople by thla yaara eastern arctic patrol wen 4000 sets of the eyltaharlum lo be dis tributed to the eskimos s every port it eall thaae were the gift of ii p isklater of hamilton ontario and ware welcomed by the natlvea who are being taught to read nnd wrlle in the ayllablr charaetera the ayllnbarlum waa nrat brought lo uie esklmoa some twenty years ago by rev dr k j pertrangllcan mission ary and developed tallnmam3atliolc and aiiallrannilblonarlrs since notably niahon araene tiirqtlrlll nt the roman cathoufl aioeaw of hudaob bay7 orlgh imuly daalgned far the ore taaaliwt the ayllabarlum makes us af eeitt tut phniatw eharaetera an it haa baaa found simpler tb form tseklmo word by the use of these enaraaur than by th bnillih alphabet whloh eflan uajtaa i heir wards cumbereomety leaf th nalvlee of the aswum aretle are rapidly learning to read and write the ayllabarlum and are now able to sand wns to relatlvee of whloh they ure gillie proud it is also used by the royal canadian mounted poll elation rd in thajforth and at almost every poet in the eeatkrn arctic hotloea in ryttabla rharartera about conserving gam and other advice lo the baklmoa oeenny prominent pnaltlons the fjree press says knjojlng a vacation from the hollywood scene after a personal appear ance booking in toronto beautiful joan bennett of the alms is pictured with her daughter diana on ski jaunt st lake beauport not far from quebec city the bennetta spent christmas at the canadian winter resort and it is not hard to believe that they are entaused over their visit hotlhmiolj control of cockroach pkht healed housen particularly poorly coii- atrurted bulldlngi in which utonehtllng woodwork and crack and crcvlcc abound are liable to infestation by cock roaches and other houseltold insects all the year round cockroaches are fre quently abundsut in apartment house hotel tstoirs duelling houses and ui jhort in any building where the are warm moist conditions and especially where thorough house cleaning method are not adopted in every section of thu establishment the insects remain hid den during the day in cracks in the wiills and floors and emerge at night to prowl about in search of food cock- roochca will eat anything eatable but are particularly fond of foodstuff favored by man on this account they ac most numerous around kitchens and pantries where food is readily access ible the most prcvaient species in canada is the oerman cockroach cocrkoochcit may be readily controlled by means of aodlum fluoride which may be obtained from any drugstore the fluoride should be diuled in places fre quented y the rooihm such as rtnks bascboard1 cupboard and hot water pipes the material adherea to the legn and antennae or thc insects and in cleaning lhemselves they are poisoned by it sodium fluoride retains its ef- fectltneiis and may be left undisturb ed as long as convenient or until the roaches have disappeared but precau tions must be token co prevent children nd domestic pets gaining access to the material because it is somewhat pouon- ous two other material which form the tuuls of many proprietory powders which are often recommended are pyre- thrum and borax a special article on how to oombal cockroaches may be obtained on request to the publicity and extension branch dominion department of agriculture ottawa muggs and havmoess pwtwjke jus stkmsb ants ac juvktsu trick tuierl epp1r aaa tm6re1s mo daaassvibt for it3 its t rt3l pocoit y ske tuatis wwat vm vuakitit caetcts showitto ateooiac i that mlaw s a saving n m o m f y fom yoli i think what this won- gsa darf ul effar will mesn in enjoyment through out the whole year for yourself and your fam ily mag aiinas of your own choice ami this nawspspar packed with stories time- lyartiels halpfulj dopartmants and color ful illustrations now is your chance group midiaft4bsm lyr m lyr h ajsalaaas liabeua a s ifataaasvnealmellatj i jt quimvavosm lyr rtssaioai lyr baawkhlff chirtattns htehltetlah lyr let if rrtsav lijfatm ga sinrscnw- lyr 0pltmitorbne1lw abeilasfraloninr lyr croupl nthtamlm dtna ttay lir tat itanitai lyr d 0aitoa4wlm 2jtl qraiatm in- in- dfcnatai in this offer fully guar- anteed ah renewals will be extended take your opwi no t choice mapzwfriiniri 0mimpzin8frini7iif2 and this newspaper offer no t three magazines fnoi uplmd this newspaper j irtvsa caoajbem bv 16 tsmouuters vjke twts tmbalr rvala back puujrv em i loufikaeaasssssijsl by wally bishop tsosu x wfcfcltaer if hell kavmembtir wmoj me vuakes upthat he asicsh a tb smow miaa y m cj v f ji- a i 1 hm w ji gjtfffifca f aauvijul- xjit nii kistftw ia virtil1n 1 ilvit a y aix jateatixtjuiz uhuujii asatakum lsasssssbsbs