Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 24, 1938, p. 6

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awasatrabftm ivmfz r none mat the acton free press nnmaoav march mth lhf oocvmht sine trulm mak the turn of human and half our mlmry from our fouilw- smoe ufrt bait jejm eixukt in psus and mm and tew can aare or mtrrt but an may o let t3 ungentle spirit loam from henoe a small unklridnsss it a great offanw isife bountlea to restore we with in win but an may ahun the guut of giving pain hannah more menu hints aetata far new and narsl pihm nimwlnll gsm ammo dishes by betty barclay watch out for the bogle man hit name u spring pwer aich year he u1u thousands of people who continue to eat heavy winner meals while the trailing arbutus it budding and hlrdt are getting ready for homekeeping cut down on heavy foodt thlt time ot the year and avoid that languid feeling that denotes aprlng fever serve light following rennetcuttardi which require no eas no baking and no boiling copot5e rikkbtctj8tard i rennet tablet 1 tablespoons cold roter 1 cup light cream 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons tugar 4 tableapoont ttrong coffee dusolre rennet tablet in 1 tablespoon eod water warm milk cream tugar and coffee to lukewarm not hot 130 degrees t a few drops on the toatde of the wrist should feel comfortably warm remove from stove and dis solved tablet stir a few seconds and pour at once into individual dessert glasses lt set until firm about 10 minutes chill to refrigerator before rervlng gincer wav 1 rennet tablet 1 tablespoon cold water 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon vanilla 3 tablespoons sugar ginger cookies or ginger snaps preserved ginger brook a small ginger cookie or ginger inap into each dessert dish dissolve rennet tablet to 1 tablespoon cold water chronicles of i ginger farm i wrhua g far at astoa ma pratt awknbbum r aub we have men adventuring soft winds wen blowing and a robin tinging the house wot warm and stuffy the freat outdoors wot calling and we each in our own way responded to the can partner went oft to look at the wheat and alfalfa which he found had winter ed surprisingly well but being a farmer he would not allow himself to be unduly optimistic if we should get a cold warn after thus of wa we i dont know what will happen to the wheat told partner ho- i remarked but you will know if we get a cold apell and if it comet we cant ttip it thafs true agreed partner then we went on to apeak of other things of how well the water was drain ing off the fields and how important it wot to have ditches run in lust the right places uiat uw r w deaserti instead of heavy tuch at they hytius time i wot pulling on my long womxm bavttats vkavkujoui than mkm says kail han wotjven are bettor traveller than men a a gardiner assistant general pas enter traffic vsnager of the canadian national naljweys told a womens club in montreal they know their own minds whuc men wonder where lo go women know and itart markeuns they like barcaln exeuraleru when it comei to family taxation they mike the decl- lon in 75 to to per cent of the cases they are not ao hard to please mi gardiner said gratefully they are more interested in what goes on around them therefore they ret more out of travel they know exactly what they want and knowing the dutlffculty of ser vice they more fully appreciate what u done for them with a greater appreciation of beauty nd the fact that they are happiest only when surrounded by beauty and place a hlffh value on cleanliness women much more than men he said help the rail- ways make their service attractive generally the ladles show their bet ter travel sense in nothing lnore strik ingly than in their baggage even a complete wardrobe is light compact and sally carried small overnight bags as against the huge and cumbersome im pedimenta men carry evidence the good judgment of the ladles as a class women school teachers arc the railways best patrons mr gardiner pointed out with nurse a good second women leave things on trains just as men do he said but not so many al though women travellers are in the majority they seldom forget their com pacts though improved quality in marketed hog producers throughout canada are demonstrating their interest in the bacon iubber boots where are you going asked partner outside i want to see things too im going down to the bam for one thing so then we both went out as i wanted to look at our live stock when i have no reason for going i hardly visit the barn at all in the winter and so i have o make a special trip once tn a while i dont ufce to lose touch with the animals altogether i found all the cows looking well fed business by the improved quality of hogs and contented the milking cows tn the being marketed a comparison of- janu- new stable and jane and maggie in the ry grading figures for 1037 and 1938 old stable maggie a young heifer in a i shows every important area sharing in stall by herself because it is almost time this improvement but some provinces for her to freshen jane was in an- are having remarkable results manl- other stable because partner is intend- tpba heads the list with an increase of lng to sell her on monday she being in over is per cent in the combined bacon good shape for the market and having and select bacon grades alberta and outlived her usefulness as a milch cow i quebec follow each with increases of up- poor jane ihere she stood lazily chew- proximately 10 per cent the proportion inff her cud blissfully unconscious of the i of light and feeder hogs being marketed i fau- awaiting her in such a little while was in each case reduced by around 50 next to be visited were this winters per rent this means that the average calves one veal calf and three heifers weight of hogs slaughtered must be high- nice looking little things three jerseys er than a year ago thus compensating and one ayrshire i in part for reduced numbers and then the pigs four in number i the value of the increase in quality two are being shipped out on monday an the basis of actual settlements would ourjc6lumn luttu mi paruealar talents te wswmi in which wessun seeders at the rrse press may disease kaeh weak a morning gloat fott eacfl dat op toe wkkk thswaiay marek llth a book maybe full of words- with utter emptiness of thought frusy marek istk natures most important truths are written in the hearts of men satsnaje marek mth a kind word often does more good than urge gift senear marek s7tk the lord la merciful and gracious long suffering and full of love monday marek utk the fear of btunovrlng kills many a noble- ambition tuesday marek s9tk the greatest luxury is that of doing good wednesday march stth nothing impure or wrong can be of use in the service of ood nome hints a varnished floor should never be washed with hot water a cloth wrung out of luke warm water 1s best and each place must be dried as it is washed fish fries much nicer if clarified drip ping or salad oil u used lard smells and butter flies a bad color jvarnlshed wallpaper which has beep splashed with grease can be washmvritli a pall of warm soapywater to which a tablespoonful of ammonia has been ad ded did you knowt the total output of automobiles in canada and the united states during the twelve months which ended with september 1037 reached a total of 5- 110000 passenger cars and trucks worth at wholesale 387000000 this is the greatest production in the history of automobile manufacture with the excep tion of 1020 when production reached 5821715 units 7ae men bejund gray coach unas no fatal injuries record reflects creditably on the mechanical stalls who veep the coaches in sale operating oondltlon they are the men behind who assure you sale and dependable service by canadas largest qset of motor coaches all coach travel information al harold wiles phone 58 jr your roofs fretraps v ji 7 titelap metal roofing irjmjnolstwhaw i more important horace what shall toe call the baby oh dont botbxr me now said the professor im trying to thlnlc up a name for a new microbe a rainy day falling parka driving rain mrirling now theyll all roll off a council standard tit lap roof ulw water off docks back it la good for utatima and la aou by na with a 2s year guarantee and this company la well able to live up to every clanoe in that guaiontoe aak your banker you will find titolap tho beat roofing value you can get yon can put it oil right over your old loolltcombineaatrengthduradllltyandweathflr and fire protection cornea in large easily handled sheet the joints fit so closely theyre practically invisible it la made m both council standard and acorn quality send ridge and rafter measurements for froe cost estimate all council standard trimmings ridge caps and hipcsps are now hotdipped irslvonized alter forming this gives extra durability stati ledhed thm modern drit acraw mill with- atsjid to uxnaa mora drawing force than ordinary barb- ad roofing nail aak for tbam by name maavfmtorwira of uie famttua presto st4 tntas bam tttelep metal raaflag and j ante away paul try cajntamiant ptaihiib fectoftea oho ol business directory sssmikul dr j a mcnlven ritrelaua isi bsjasmjbsj office tnd iteeldsnee oatttet me attnueand uttb wnel dr e j nelson nrefelts ssvi ergeisi deetro tbsrerjy dr wm g cullen lmcc vbrssslaa ttsai sesxaa office hoare 14 end t9 p flundejre bf appotatmebft wittwr street just north of w i tilethone lit dr a j mcintosh ba md phrslsun end sarsen camptieixvitxe ontabio office and residence in the iste thos moore home pfaena tlsril mlltets ontarie j leoal c p leatherland b a barrister solicitor notary pntkue actow estates speedily wound up court work attended to promptly ohiee 21 phanea resldenee 181 suooessor to h n parmer kenneth m lancdon haxrtatar sauettar necsvy psaev offices aeton over t fiernuoks oaf e par appointments phane aeten oeorcetown w office hours aeton tuesday thursday us p m to 4t p as in on request dental along with jane they were tar too con tented and well fed to bother about get- warm milk sugar and vanilla to luke- ung up wqen we wcnl tato tbe pen aann not hot 130 dcbtces f a tew j oomo twnk o t l plgs drops on the inside of the wrist should waa qn monruy because it wul be nearly 300000 extra revenue to conadl- amount to over 20000 for this single low delivery month estimating roughly an the basis of last years receipts the improvement would have distributed feel comfortably warm remove from store add dissolved tablet stir a few seconds end pour at once over ginger cookies chlu in refrigerator serve with whipped cream and a bit of grated preserved ginger oranqb rolu3 yeast makes s dozrn medium sized rolls 1 yeast cake si cup lukewarm mater b egg well beaten 6 tablespoons melted shortening 1 teaspoon salt u cup sugar cup navel orange juice 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 3 cups flour combine ingredients in order given and beat until smooth adding more flour if m i iassry knead until smooth and elastic iet rise until doubled in bulk knead again and shape like parker house rolls placing half segments of orangv pulp hi centre let rur tyjaiti until doubled in bulk bake in a hot tven 460 degrees f is to 20 minutes serve warm liberally covered with rang butter icing oranoe butter icing 3 tabtrapoons butter 3 cups powdered sugar 2 lableapuoiu lemon juloe 2 lsuslespoum orange julre 1 teaspoon grated orange rind cream butter and sugar together add iiuit juices and rind happys walodorp iiaxad ifur a crod pouikda cabbug- 2 pounds applea l quart flnrly cui fresh green apiiuwh s heads lettuce pvealen uie ciblxgr in ixild 4ltd aater 1 lium clwp qnely wari siit wipe apples but do not pare cut applrs into inch cubes and mix at once wlui mix crtni dreoaltlg cumbuie 1th at- hage and ptiiach and err on crisp lrltuct- krai tktalloped swazt potatoes and apples 2 cups cold boiled sweet potatoes cut ui uich slices i cup sugar is cups thinly sliced sour applet 4 labkapoona butter bait put unrtiau ihe potauxa m outter- ed baking dish coier with onehalf the sugar dot over ith onehalf the butter and sprihue with ojiehslf uk salt re- peat bake in a moderate oven one hour too muddy for the truck to come in the- cow of course can be taken to the waiting truck at the road how easy it it to ship stock these days i to what it used to be even in our time i can remember when partner had to j take his cattle and plgs down to the local stock yards to be shipped by train j a stockrack at that time was consid ered part of the farmers necessary equlp- i ment now there are very few in the mother why johnny what have you done with all your money your money box is empty johnny well mother yesterday was a ralnv day so i spent it an hog producers to it also should be added the improvement in canadas posi tion for export trading with its accruing dividends it appears likely that better feeding prctlccs and a general effort to cater to bacon trade demands has accounted for t hese encouraging results they point the way to great possibilities for the canadian industry if this upward trend can be continued until the poor class of country shipping in the old way only hog is eliminated scientific feeding and had one advantage as far as i can see attention to desired market weights is a farmer dldnt have to wait for the mud the essence of the current problem and to dry up or for frost to harden the hold the key to still more profitable re- ground j turns from the market hog having looked over the barnyard round the 1 amity i next took a walk garden and i felt my winter resolutions 1 beginning lo weaken you wee back in the months when the days uere ihort and dull tnc ground covered with snow and fiobt and everything apparently hfe- ica i made up my mind that thu vear i uold nut devote ao much time o my flnvn r burden not that it ever amounted tu much but even au 1 spent a lot ol tin on h mitttlug fluih nsoluhoils u ji tviav enough at the umr 1 made them but when one get outside and seea a peren nial bed jum a man of little ecedunga and shrutx uiih branches just waiting fur warm weather to open up their ten der tluxjla sueet scented violet roots apreadtitg ruilf way over the lawn and my small ruck garden already to come to life- then indeed it is not ao easy u my one w til spind tea time ui ihe gurden ti malufy umt lunging to te ith the grou ing uililgs i picked a few brandies r ursythla placed m uatrr in a sunny tisdow they will noon ixmie iut in bloom ui the house on the way i met iyoti ho luid jusi nmw dnim from the bush and had brought me some pussy uiotj thr acrnr c imnges before i ixuld get tin chronicle tlnlahed parlner u in and telling nw to plume for the veter inary aurgeun as maggie the heifer due to frrahen ru lialng trouble the vet arrtvod and then a calf almas ua big ua the heifer taerself hot aster bran mashea trips back and forth to ttw barn with flashlight and lantern uy the time we were through for the night partner was ready fur bed and i was too sleepy to settle to writing again all these things happen from time to time on a farm veterinary bills extra work perhaps thr loss of a cow or calf while welldressed women parade the railroad men speak ijpjgo op their own free book on hockey how to become a hockey star bythat ftreat authority t p tommy gorman a great boole profusely illus trated and containing many valuable tips on how co play tftvttame alaa autoohaftato pictusrcb af gmat playdis moanat for framing croup ifontraal uaroona gi roup ijtm canadin imjirituaj putur o raltroadtng has a language all its own a language that is used every day tn the yards around the shops on the road wherever railroad men meet hum orous for the most part this picturesque jargon is as colorful and homely a man ner of speech as can be found anywhere in the lexicon of north american slang says the canadian national magazine which gives a list of some of the terms under the title railroad slanguage the names are not always complimen tary pur instance tne engineer is known as a hogger as well as an eagle eye a car repairman la a car toad a bollermaker is an iron skull the master mechanic is master maniac mid tile train despatcher is a detainer the fireman has to put up with dla- mond- pusher tallow pot and bake- head the conductor is usually referred to as the brains on some trains he is tjroaa buttons officials are called brass collars and brass hats a car catcher is a brakeman and scissor bill is wtiul they call a student brake- man tylegraph operatiors are hams the despatcher is the master mind the yardmaster is a dinger a checker l a number gratjber gandy dancer means a section hand a machinist is a nut splitter ttur hogger locomotive has many names it is a battleship so is the landlady sometime a calliope a pig or hog a goat a jack a mill and a stack c rust the caboose is known as a hearse buggy an ark and a cloan wagon a box car is a sidedoor pullman a rail- road motor car is a doodlebug to beat r on the back la to make last time to bend the rail u to turn the switch to jerk soup means to take water on the fly and to wipe the clock in to stop suddenly tronic johnny cacnon ifrtur pin luldy nortlott wilf ciida 1ni ii hum llliitm babe ulctwt jvto hilly ij1 itobiiuoa aurd joliat marty luriv llob grario waltor iluawrll jurtro i carl voaa otnrta llaotha am itmlv gua uarktv tit kvana frank hhm lr dava karr toa dlaka kini cliir or anu a 1 maet promutnl piairi tkilr lmcamadik dub e your choice oj the above e for a label from a tin of crown brand or lily white corn syrup write on the back your name and address and the words hoc key book or the name of the picture you want one book or picture for each label mall label to address below lowaqoiiurg crown brand corn syrup the famous energy food tkcaniuataitpilcouanylimltl toronto ri want to sell then advertise a j buchanan d d s dsotol smsai offloa in tj bloefe hoyfljff 0 a m until 0 p m bvaitttiav by appointment oos for extractions xray closed wedneadaf afternoon pnons is p w pearen d d s u d dontol sartsosi moved to our new quarters in tna synuiii block hone 20 uul strsst aataa hints on fashions by l1sdkti1 veterinary cohtume jewelry roex wild in uoth color and dehinn period pieces are in favor pooa rvssti mt ctottoos first ptias or mm sbbsts ttsrtr good shoes rok tottng and old ostteeuy thked a a rachun acton i streeu of uie city erideaorlns to boy cott butter until the price is reduced u they were to work in an ordinary farm home for a while they might change thatr point of rlew but still when a soft wind blows and a robin sings the farm la a good aiaee lolfve start them right on a tried and proven starter pioneer chick mash pioneer weanling pig ration pioneer turkey starter sec your losl ocaftr b d young vs bvsc veterinary bargees office brookvllle ontario phone mil too 146h f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary sorgeee office and residence knox avenue acton phone 130 general i we sreciauzk in life fire health and accident automoblla windstorm plate glaaa boiler fidelity bonds farm insurance annuities and all general unea of insurance ocean steamship ticfcata lkaoino comtaniks kxceujtnt ncuxmi iut ftsissuia aasaala- un r caaaaa fw sbmsss oss fredl wright oities csvsot blask oak j rhsnss mmtm laai va time tables nadjan nationslflailways at acton i hlarfc crepe frock worit with suver albrrtaa n m if you feel the need of cherrlng up better hasten to the costume jewelry de- 1 parunrnt of your favorite store oealgnerb of jewelry of this type luiir i simply gone alld you can be an old- fashioned girl in curalthe round bead- or the branh type or m replicas of mothers and grandmothers chains anj lockets vou can have birds beasts and fishes insecta on the lapel of uve 1 coat at our throat or clipped to drrs or hat you can tar live lovelies flow- j era in nwmrli mid metals in exquisite i colors and uu can wear pearls many or them a large clip for irutance uxe lunch of grapeat und necklace galore i necklaces trt never more original some of them accompanied by matching bracelets are remtnlsoetit o the festive hottentot and the wearer would feel perfectly at home beating a tntntom i hope hottentots do beat tomtoms by ue way bridaaat osesrs piihwil bruuani colors are cwnblned jn this v loi i tar twolayer straw list and mfistone jewelry jewelry ooki and bright red jjuld aiml vlliir with miry ohrr ctlor if the rain bow smie seta are in liir patt1 shades s ileal rtlows blurs uiul pmks- the ultrr very popular and aorn with every rkr- machtstana jawairy iii the picture some uf uie lie moon- stone jewelry u worn with a black crepe tifejks uiil tia a a liver fox fur the brooch 1ul4 iu centre mnoiuitme en circled by a row f the iaiiw a time a a nuatchiittf bra r let u ltm dutrtv and llexlble tlie milky tramluetice if the atones which nrnir n pink or blue arc reminlsomt of the gibson girl era thli nole being carried uut m the twottered straw hat fuilshettwith a face veil which ties in s perky bow at the back the smartest women this aprlng are hot necessarily the ones who put ths most money into their clothe they are the ones who avail themselves of the titue s r ory touches which give their costumes distinction dally except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday unly dally except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday only standard 700 am m sa is pm 704 pjd it am 31 p 707 pjb 11 ojm 1111 pa gray coach ijnes coaches ijlavx aoton eastbound am 157 pn am a 41 pm p ni a7 pm wkstbotlno ta khskssoat c 1 11 pm sb tot pa a t01 pm d llol pa s ui pm ijjs jb a through to ftmm oowpt kin and hoi b sua saat i aat sun and bat sil 011 llll x 31 om 11 m m s 111 pjn f jawv-

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