bapwy 4rm thb acton prhe prbs3 ttttbbstuv ahttti wl um reformatory teacher dies in guelph hospital a number or uis leeching staff at 0t ontario rsfonnatory john k peansr m died in wi oeneral hospital oualfih on tuesday bam i stratford ur hn- der tu on the ofllal itab of utsaunufc drintmouam osjjbls to lortnt memory of our be loved mother un besets oamble who passed away april mb 10s3 wrer wmmamd by ray klvm and a uwawtv in tm undatnid kninf remembrance ot ultf istweon smith dsarrr moral wtte of john lamrty and motner ot uuyan oolnsck tor onto who passed peacefully away at bar hem uonck ontario liareh loth daaratt mother on heart dswuon always una on loss waa ever aueb another can w m earth or haaren and im that will equal h il liothar ses a by lilly an and job mvtjvtyln eeer toetag re of our dear grandma mm john lay- arty of ubnek ontario who baawl away xtarehssh layj mo no death dearest mndma mine just that parting tor awhile ror day by day you are erar wltn u and oh what a help our grandmas intendent of the stratford division ot the canadian national railway before going to uuelph he taurht at harden and men mill prior 10 hi appointment to the reformatory put ten montha ago suivlytnt are hie vklow and hla parent mt and mra john pender stratford ortngtr ran md oounteea ilaurwltarerentlow the farmer barbara button heiress o the major portion of the woolworth lire- snddttne minions ptetdred wtlh her new eolfrtre met before the departed from st uorlte switatrland for a trip to india the curl brained high up in front and the roll ar the back are laid to be wary becoming to the oounteea bland beauty the rsngwlta-rsvent- lowa plana to make bar permanent home m ewidon the eounteet harms renounc ed her o a emuanahlp tars to and atin our aide yenu mt be ouldrnc our daye t our baarta ami our grandma youll wear be fondly remembered by lorna uttrna csivs lsvutlt axvuusbkb and baby larux ocals oootf frttaj ink fipom to-mor- let go at now traffic deaths are reported to be up 31 par eta- this tar tn im plothlnc and mmsam bo sow uuvjdbout th lusolck th colder weather bu been quit a betp la tnxeasng use flow of up the coosrr vcautcr is a irniaxuaer ikn tafp opriauoni need not b juacs a rac former oualpb chief of poik ami in oueiph reseterdaj drastic reforms aimed to otop election corruption bsxfbral rtf orra msmsures dealgned to i adve tha body politlo in the dominion of canada a tiunnilusfefleaiilnsi tp wipe out oomipt ptaeuobs and to crack down on tht political racketeer were bcotttb ibetora parliarnent on ixieaday by hon c o rnrer xllntatrr of feniloni and national health backdoor lubattipcloni secret fund undervround oontributtons and all the other abuara itxherent in the electoral arstem are to be eliminated under penalty of once rangta from taoo to 3 000 and prison entenom from three montha to two years i by tth drastic reform meaawrea the oorernment hopes to teatore the con- ivianctvof the ajllft electorate in the pivrltamentait and damocrauc ayatem of tovanunenl tn the jdomlnion and to ducata the votlnt public to render an tntejufedt and informed rerdlct on etec- uon day tha maaaurea two tn number will be sent to a mpeclal uiiiymatnbar com- mllee of the house of commons and ur power said he would recommend the oon- sideratlon of oompulsory rouna tn the pomlnlon this was studied a year asjo by another committee but rejected since then said the minister e strong support for compulsory rotine had arisen tn the house and in the country the reform blu won support from all parties tn the vbatotxuervntlve cc r and social credit ft j kkftft8 ubt of sauts ftlday april ith xfra uathason near auelph on hlchway tuesday april lath r k drown acton hots and qtookers wtttmsday april lsth oharlas aid- well trafalcar smawsuaspawstwsiawmbwsawjsw thouafl tlovott ceatst earns suddanly to thomas joyce on rtlday last whatiljl puwd away lifter a heart attack at the home of hla a littux utt xvery day la a uttle ufe waa ah old thinkers wise epleram if each day gate the better of us how are we oolng to conquer in life as a whole only aa we make each day a victorious batuesjund where aelflshneas and ahtriclns and dis obedience and discontent are overcome can we make life a victory in the end laavater the old philosopher laid down the rule that each day should be dls- thteilshed by at least one particular aet or lore it is a rule which makes life happier for the doer and for everybody else anon dtyast sarins uart in arum two iautpt from esauirdaj plan no u aoid coniusmp the ctxar of oeurarujwn baput church led the amice ol prmlae mi acton church on aundaj np om vtuch dared to come oui tan brm rlhrr btuuj irtro in uw aekvf cubct 12m ev in case ii escaped jxxir oouoe last a snaj amin airct juur ua ucd u uar udel on you pass pans buroactod couacu ha been askad to affifrn a or- to ue raurpjr uahoraxans uic nii oi i1z0c0 deocn narws to paj tot n wlrimvan u thr my xm1 p a tvre dealkicaxd in tmix iiirroedlexe b onajs dora won the ttrst game and pcrvaasan the ntubnl the uitrd same t chedukd for wsaorrow ojchi in kutchencr mad ucsuaaon at rquabura wnisv on fftall tawpsctsod uip so ottawa rtcanfty saade an eaturston to orrnriue p the three year- sfuir- thls bone waa rasas m quaoec and is out of uai aasae dam aa the junior cbampson tliliah at the canadian mstloaei mm hmtuon tn lt jrankt twtnkietoes wm the brll of the dance he usee cress corn aost bouon aatrea to keep her toss wink- line sou by brown vnd sll drue counters- not that the second tsanvnered on the i warned hit tin tut 1ml be ramly entreated hla principal but the heary wrttbt as pirant hopi turn ly outcbtssed tailed to coaaply he rooojd dasedir from a nclow attack and ch dtxpairtnsty at the rtnc poat not with that you fool shouted his youll be election bull died from acute gastritis the us 000 shortham bull muuiill ransom purchased by senator duncan marshall during hla term aa ontario mlnlrter of agriculture throush dona tion madv by a group of ontario cltlsena died yesterdajr from acute gastritis at the ontario acrtcuituraj college the bull or o i christie president of the college ad was veil and in excrllenl health monda night hu ihneas was imticed by a heramsn tuea- dajr morning and said dr christie rierything pnaalme was done to ae him he died yeateday morning the animal was insured to the tune of s 000 and that insurance will be paid otrr to the ontario agricultural oollcwe 111 spile of the fact that the 15 000 pur 1 chase price of the ntmt vaa put up by a group of philanthropic citiaens in no way connected with the oowrnment j premier hepburn formally announced he cc bulls death to the legls iature yaaterday afternoon and aocom- panssd hla ocular -obtt- remarks with the piwsrrttalluu to a houls acres oona cmriston of a small bottle of beef extract aj adequate souvenir of the high regard of the beavtf for the man 1 ur acres for two years now has been a tnoat pmu- wnl ctuc of tiie bulla purchase and ca different occasion tn the house past almost came to blow with hon fxincan marshall then minister of agri- julture aad lb man who bought tnt- animal tn scotland tx hepburn said that the bull a death had brrn attributed to acue gastritis but he im piled that when deceased saw the legislators who inspected him at the oac a week ago he had decided there was simply no further need for htm on this inhere and had suhsequenuy klck- 1 tn mr acre ahoae lrgislaui wk as draped with ctrue and a pet of petunias confeased thit as one of the attsprcting vislators he had casually passed his hand oir mlllhills ransoms broad back but ahefther that had anything to do ith th prue batn s demise he was not tn a position to say good shoes voat torjjro amd ow b racbun adorn hots ttlflht auralpig bay at cbbham achool redcar ttif- land are recelttnt kaetau tn booamaklnc n racwa roottmll tame and other porta oamonatranone are tern with oardi and die and in hvytnt of odd the ichool autborttlae atat that puptu are ahown by marjmnaucal proof the oil ol ram nunc 1 royal guelphs modern theatre now untu f cuodetielcolbert guy cooper in bluebeards 8th wife added bjtvrval ti1uesday at 10 45 pm spencer trsey in fury starting saturday constance bennett brian aheme in merrily we live the hit that tape tepper for taaghs saturday oamtlatsswa item 1 30 pm lie u fl pm fresh and appetizing greens iv fbesii fob tilt week evd green peppers 5c each 2 10c fresh radishes 5c bnch i 10c green onions 8c bnch 2 15c leaf lettuce 10c bunch 2 19c choice tomatoes 10c lb 2 19c celer hearts 13c bnch 2 25c large lettuce 15c head 2 29c green spinach re lb 2 15c fresh carrots 8c bunch 2 15c sweet potatoes 8c th 2 15e green beans lic it 2 29c fresh cabbage 5c lb 2 9c choice c hower 20c 23c 25c waxed turnips 5c each 29e cooking onions 5 tt bag 25c fresh pineapple each 23c choice oranges 2 doz 35c large oranges 1 dozen 39c other lines at 22c 25c 29c 35c dozen texas grapefruit for 25c choice bananas 1 dozen 25c mammoth lemons 1 doz 35c applea for cooking or eating eastter eggs and nov elties fee law cblatrea peekfrean biscuit uouae of pieardy chocolate okeefea ft can dry g ale canned fruits and jans english toffee and allsort quality first and always phone 16 barrs vwr teawneat clisajaij otdsa daufhtw mrs d uvtagstona oeorfa town dseaaied was a son of the late alary stark and ttiomas joyce and vtut born in the scotch block he was in his 80th year and had made hu home with his daughter in oeorteuiwn for ihe past eighteen ytara ills wife who was formerly either luce otohlngiiacousy predoetud him 43 years ago two sons and two daughters survive william and john of toronto mrs nell molauahlln or waltafleld vt and lira d living stone georgetown four brothers also survive william and richard ol tor onto and robert and claiiteon of the scotch block deceased was a food cltlaen respected by all who knew him the funeral took place from the home of hla daughter mrs d llvlngstono on monday aftarnoon when the service waj conducted by rev d d davidson of knox presbyterian church the pall bearers were oeorgw pearson h barnes will cunningham harold cleave robert krwln walter whltmee the remains were interred tn greenwood oomolfcry georgetown there were numerous weautlful floral tributes from relalivus and friends friends and relatives from toronto milton acton and surrounding community attended the funeial georgetown herald mrs thomas kemp the funeral of the late mra thomas kemp took place on saturday afternoon from the united church at eden mills to the bden mills cemetery the service waa conducted by rev mr clark whose words of comfort and sympathy to the sorrowing relatives and frienda were much appreciated tiuvahobled the sinfftng of two fav orite hymns abide with me and rock of ages a duett looking be yond was sweetly mng by mrs thomas and mrs bridle accompanied by mrs harden the pallbearers were five nephews and a grandson of the deceased bdward and george thomas norman spence john l wood qdward hatnpaon and douglas wicks beautiful floral offerings ahowed the esteem in which the late mrs kemp a as held mrs kemp was the daughter of the late edward and mn thomas early pioneers of nasaagaweya township being one of a family of sewn who are now deceased she married thomas kemp in 1870 snd had resided on the kemp homestead near bden mills until 1008 when mr and mrs kemp moved to guelph where they were member of norfolk street u nltedfchurch in 1021 they moved to fxithlll where the had since resided a funeral aervlce a held at the home of her daughter mrs h s wlcka near ptonthlu on friday eentng from which place the funeral cortege left on saturday at 13 15 o clock for guelph left to mourn her loss are hrr husband and daughter mra h e wlcka and to grandsons douglas snd kenneth wlcka a longeft bbymb to get this weeks solution saturday april mh la ihe arinlyereary o another battle in which canadian were vletorloua my first ilea in the river la th south nit welleit itonjim apd my aecowt in the drive at the atari ot the affray my third remain in champagne where the french were to attack while nyf fourth wa with artillery which drove the dermarli baek my fifth waa in the fronlsse in eftant about four mllee and my uth waa in orolalllea full of ammunition pile now myaevenlh waa burled deeply in lllndenbunra defence out my elshlh auuted all our guna their anuuhlna waa immense my lait of oourie waa tn the rear yet part or each brigade my whole a glorious victory when hlacbry waa made to get some information make a call at this weekend to the local leglona quarter and atten tive hearing land hear them tell to one another itorlea of the xaatertlde when they atormed the boahe defence and then tanned old jerrys hide note the reverence aa the bugler elgnale them to bow tha head in remembrance of their oomradea lying till tn ptandera dead you have heard no doubt the saying that old soldier never die here another please believe me that old soldiers never he r usb ooupon cookery hints to remove floating fat from the sur face of hot eoup stock use clean white blotting paper add half a chopped applr co season tegetable soups asking powder biscuits may be muted cut m advance placed on oiled pan and kept for hours tn the refrigerator before baking sandwiches may be quickly made by creaming the butter together with chop ped meat fish nuta or whatever is to be used spreading on the end of the loaf and then slicing to oook spaghetti without breaking stick the ends into a large pan of boiling water and gradually curl the spaghetti into the pan whites of eggs will beat more quickly if trie are chilled awmavumtmaamm what wart hta last wordat h didnt ham any ms was man of culture and died tiring- to think how hed put it good advloa salkstt4f un itlshway- i janeaflyspphest sll along warning patters lure what do the signs aayf mike beware of soft shoulders a eumdy roue bxtwoitttattb some of the want fires on farms arose from tha ckrelsu as of gasollas and oil a useful and sfnetlve hoosmsas are eatmgulahsr is a large metal nsu full of sand with a handy shovel m it a heavy blanksl of aand will usually smother name quickly and in th event oua lots we have seen aand or thist from ihe side of the roadway mothae incipient fire in a car nineteen pound byy f- mrs mary lawler smiles proudly as nhe holds her 10pound new born son one of the largest ever bom the child measured 24 inches long much to the arnaaernent of petrott doctun the babe s father is john o lawler unemployed automobile worker what he left dm ynu know that mcgregor died and left everything he had to an orphan horne no what did tw leave tm children why is a chairman whether a chairman should emulate mr speaker or whether he should really guide and direct hla organization 1a a question that comes up naturally at a season when the board of man public bodies of many wml public and priatr inatitutlona are i letting thetr heads the notion that a chairman should be a presiding ofllcer and nothing more that he should merely settle polnu of order and procedure put motion to the meeting vote only in case of a tie derive from the parliamentary practice but it ahould be clear that the system tthkrh works admirably m parliament ith a recognized leader who la not the chairman ahould not be applied coo cloacly to the ordinary board or execu uve oommlttee a here leaderahlp ought to come from the chair the practice in selecting a chairman is to chooee a person of experience of i knowledge of the affairs under adminis tration in fact the person beat qualified to thoae eligible to meet the rarulrernents of the post this having been done it is sbsuird to amy to the chairman that henceforth he shall be arm and not heard hta eelaclkm ahould be taken a a recognition of his qualities of leader ship a leadership henceforth to be given increased effectiveness bj the authorlt of his post a good chairman can do much more than assure the srnooth op rat t n of human machine he can and txjuld take an active part in dellberall i and in lhe innrr counsels liuil xe thr power oehlnd moat committees otlavu j kit nal cood mr nothing johnnie oord n will e gle me a 1st nny mither mother what for johnnie pvr being good a da mother nonsense laddie can ye no be good f ir nothing like yer falther proclamation re daylight saving time whereas a number of mor industries in the municipality will adopt daylight savuial time during the present summer and whereas in order to avoid confusion which would neccssan ly result through there being two systems of time in force in the municipality notice is hereby given that the council of the corporation of acton has decided by by law to adopt daylight saving time for acton commencing at midnight on saturday april 23 1938 -to- mon september s 1938 at midnight citizens arc rtqutsttil to com pi v ith this bv la and adopt this time from tht dates specified f j mccutcheon ifeerw dated at acton april 7th 1938 tilt c we of tkin th- is ne and e ltlii rri n f musical chair all the placers lt m chairs dotted about the rut m ne ia choarn to be the rnglne whilr music is playvd fur m im l chairs the engine moves about the in touching an players he choose as he touches each one this plater becomes a carruvge and fouoai in a line behind thr engine all the other plarrs remain seated as soon aa the music stops thr engine and carriage dash for a vacant choir on which to sit and the last one to sit down la out ef the game and one chair i removed 1 the drat to sit toeoomea the new engine and the game begins again 1 it pays to advertise once there was busincns man and he was wondrous wic said he well save thctnonc it lakes lo advertise c vi ui the business going well sit und take the kale h scjuundtr ash or printing- our income tanno tail thing prospered tot a stason then sales began to dwindle the h nubodv ktua the boss was fretful worried h s cave grew pale and drawn the business kept on going voing now it gjnc stewwk