rimiiwrnattvti h vw jtjjns mob wo tthe acton free press thursday arul lilh 1011 a ijr artmt jtrrr rruh rauiakej leafy tkaweaey at a oaaarla r sciscbortiom uibhui mr year 1 uekedsuue ne siaelt eaeua f ml eaw buraaaeaaaeu aa t wlaee c agereae la mww cakcxlatiohaw md iki ui j hfswtiniir m i kaea 4kelr iwaa to mm sertoli la read esara eaalraaea eriaueea ffl ub mw to mm wear mftm yet naleaa w arc notifim to caaccl ike eaaeerlbar wla tk eeralee eaatleae advertising batesoa aeellcatlea ad aa in varlaaa coluaiajieariiage acuxib every areeaatlaa will be ukaa to aval error the free praia aeeeota edaertlalag la ua eelaaaaa oa lie aaderataeua uat it wilt eat ba liable tar w mot in any adterfleeebeai eebllekee turneder aaleaa a prool of eaek eavertieeaaeat la reqaeetee to wrlttoa r the adaenleer wad nnnai to tea faee freee bwelaeee with a tha antlra coat al each adaertiaeeaeal aa tha apaca aoenlaa by the notad error beara ta tha ahola apaca accepted by auch edverliaraieat a kkuov duxs editor telefbonts- editorial and butlaeaa oftre beaideaca fdpm a worthwhlle effort once more the county music festival is over and once more acton schools under very able directing have won splendid standmg in this annual competi tion the weeks of strenuous training and extra long hours have been rewarded with a splendid rating ghoirs soloists and other groups all ranked well and acton school brought home a major share of the prizes in the classes entered this is of coarse an achievement and citizens generally are proud of the accomplishment but what is really of more importance is the musical training being provided as part of the educational system the opportunity to exhibit this work is of course essential to keep the work inspired and there fore the annual festival is necessary conditions this year were indeed most unfavorable for the hold ing of the festival and entailed some hardship ir their fulfilment but after all it was really worth while and teacher and pupils are to be heartily con gratulated atpetd cnawcy are threat to small shlt possibly no piece of curent legislation deserves more earefuly study than the new transport bill now under consideration by the- dominion parlia ment part five of the bill authorizing agreed charges introduces a feature so new to canadian transport practice that it is difficult if not impossible to realize the revolutionary changes that may btt made in railway freight structures if the bill becomes law agreed charges are in many ways similar to the rebates that large shippers were able to secure on their freight rates before the present railway act was passed the proposal in the transport bill is to allow railways to make agreements whereby under certain conditions special freight rates will apply to the goods shipped by certain shippers presumably ir agreed charges are permitted it is the large shippers who benefit there does not seem to be any logical reason for a railway to offer a special rate if that will divert to its lines only a few tons of freight the question naturally arises what would be the effect of agreed charges on the numerous small shippers scattered through out the industrial centres of ontario provision is now made for the prevention of discrimination in freight rates against any business but the safe guards against discrimination through agreed charges apply only to goods shipped under similar circumstances and conditions apparently a manu facturer in one town would have no case if he pro tested against a favorable freight rate granted to a competitor in another community since the large shippers are mainly located in cities like toronto and montreal the threatened chaos in freight rates is also a serious threat to the existence of small industrial centres it is obvious that if a manufacturer in a town or village is to be faced with this new element of competition from the larger city he will seriously consider moving his plant to get the advantage in freight rates enjoyed by his larger competitor editorial notes a moderate building program for acton would all a community necessity there is a real need for houses modernly equipped no more fancy colors and thin letters for ontario motor license plates yellow and black with heavy letters are to be used next year if winter still has any more definite kicks to bestow before leaving its to be hoped they are no heavier than the one of last friday are we losing our favorite topics like every other editor we have had subjects upon which editorials could be written upon repeat edly but it would appear the list is getting smaller of course the second line highway has been a favorite for years last year the government assumed this road as part of the provincial system some work was done on it but it appears the subject will still stand some discussion before the project is complete just what work will be done on it this year has not been intimated perhaps the building season will open that question again now it also appears that another favorite topic is in danger of elimination both provincial liberals and conservatives seem in argreement on the aboli tion of the county councils and why not with the province now assuming entire charge of all highways mothers allowance and old age pensions there is little left for the county councils other than the passing of resolutions giving opinion on subjects of moment and otherwise for some time it would appear the provincial r uk i a i r know that in ontario dunnc 1937 ap government has been working toward the point of h h ij u j i proximately 800 people were killed by street und abolition of the count bodies more and- morel duties have been taken away from this body until to day there seems nothing left that eould not be handled b the municipal councils for tnhiation the output of gold from british columbia last year reached a value of 17 614100 a new high and a gain of eleven per cent over 1936 making canada a better place in which to live and work a serial of letters from dteunffutehed canadians on vital problem affecting the future welfare of canada spmuuy written for canwlun weekly nvmpmpm aiaoouuon dear sit may x itvy that i like the wayyotorpreu aiaoclauon is tackling 1u job in striking out to set lome dominant and construe tlve note relatlnff to the activities of your fellows of the weekly press their influence 1 would think is the most powerful influence in this country and so could bo a great factor for eood or evil i think they are nearer tt their con stituents than anyone else except pos sibly the physician and the clergyman but they have the advantage over these two of speaking regularly and at some length to all their people i think that if on the spur of the moment i had to urge some program upon the weekly editors i would urge that they use all their influence to incite in the people of their communities a real sense of citizenship it seems to me that canadians probably like pcoplo of other countries have not developed this sense in the full by this sense of citizenship i mean a consciousness oi the privileges we enjoy as members of a democracy with a full appreciation of the responsibilities which those prlvlleecs entail i mein also a local patriotism of an intense and pure character but second in intensity to a national patriotism i think canada by reason of geographical circumstance with barriers such as the thin strip between quebec and the mari time the waste dividing ontario from the prairies and the towering mountains between the prairies and british colum bia might be more vulnerable than more compactly arranged and densely settled countries to the development of section alism and frankly i don t see now thit country is ever going to get anywhere unless cohesion is developed to a greater extent than has prevailed in the past except in times or national emergency i readily see that this prescription of mine is not an easy one even if in your view a good one to advocate through a press which must be acutely location- conscious but i really do not aee that w p prentj etta ast there should be any real conflict between the two patriotisms local and national i firmly believe that the proper interest in local problems can be expanded into n constructive interest in national prob lems with the improvement in communica tions ulth the linking up of the country by fast air services with radio and with better and more complete news services available to ytfur press i think many in fluences are at work to promote this better sense of national itlscnshjp i do appreciate the compliment implied by your writing me in this connection and i extend to you and your associa tion my heartiest best wishes for a suc cessful ytar yours trulj prank prienderoafit assistant to the president imperial oh limited voting by newspaper ballot seems the latest craze for securing publit opinion on timely topics of the day it at latest gives folks a chance for an outlet to their feelings building permits issued by 58 cities in canada during february had a value of 2 3bl957 an in crease of 27 9 per cent over january and 10 4 per cent over february 1937 a popular subject for debate these days is that of sweepstakes fortunately the bill will have to puss the dominion house before becoming law and here it wilt be most thoroughly debated the ymca opened up a new field of activity when their first play presented met with such whole hearted reception primarily arranged to secure funds for the y it has attained much more than its original purpose of this statement just analzc the proceeding of an meeting of the count council highwa accidents caused b motor chicles these accidents hnl injured between 12 ihm and 13 000 men onun and children- ontario economic loss occasioned ihcrths reached the astounding total t i 40 000 ooo barne examiner out of count councils the fergus ne record some weeks ao cumpil ed interesting figures regarding the amounts receicd b the count councillors m unous counties of the province according to these hgurts halton co4int costs are ery favorable in comparison in fact the are much the lowest in the dibtrict these hgure show that the average amount re ccivcd b members of wellington countv council a toronto pathologist rcdits that with n hft ears children tua eiis old will be going to shuol ucscntl another observer epiesn ih bej ct tin education should t niintie up to the student s thu tieth vear as thctc ire people who tnaintiin that men trom ts cirs ut should be pensioned we ma imagine a world m whih all the work is don age class ot hi lo ss montreal gizette in his book tickets 1 o rortune whnh what parents should know about diphtheria dangers every child between six months and 12 yrars of aire if not already protected atralnst diphtheria should be given toxoid treatment this warning is issued by the health league of canada which point out that the earlier a child is riven protection the better special attention is drawn to the subject al this time because in the past many parents delayed until late in the spring with the result that the summer holidays arrived before the third inocula tion up to the beginning of this century diphtheria epidemics took a terrible toll in this province with the discovery of antitoxtn in ibm the control of diph theria really began and in a few years tiie death rate was considerably reduced diphtheria is a moat dangerous dis ease when it occurs the child may complain that the throat hurts or there may b a croupy cough usually some fever 1a present with an increased pulse rate before the doctor had anil toxin from 23 to 40 per cent of diphtheria wctlms died today among those given treatment within two days not one in nlty dies delay means death in many cases when toxoid was discovered a further reduction in diphtheria deaths occurred for toxoid prevents the disease being contracted this newer product is diph theria taxin modified in such a way that its poisonous qualities are removed yet it retains its power of stimulating the tissues of the bod to manufacture their own supply of antitoxin this remains m a barrier against the disease or a long time prouabl for lite toxoid ts i i ot a scrum tt is adminbtuttvi without iuusuhj wiln r 111 new but ii lakes linn t act thrrr donqs are kiwii at thret wtflci intervals aa pointed ut it is important to hac all three before sum mer micatlon with tht tern tal adoption of toxoid tlg dlphlht rui ucldeiue it it off splen dldh mui titles in onlnru initio rttord of t hl14 in it- durlnu thi pajit th i mri the rum r ot i hlkln ii tmimu zt d wo not b i muintarned with tin k stilt ihu diphtluru lt n th urn am uhuin id hraltti uutli trlllt t at what again t a lancashire tackier suspected some one was stealing his eggs and keeping watch he caught a boy with his cap full tho u come wl me to th police- station the tackier said and marched the lad to the top of a hill on the other sde of which the station lay at tills point the lad suddenly began to cry what areta blubberln for asked the tackier aw vc left ml cap behlnt ad net thee run an fetch it an aw 11 wail ere uu that gets back naturally the boy foiled to return shortly afterwards he was caught steal ing again and was again escorted to the top of the hill though he began to cry at the some point the tackier was not so easily hoodwinked but aw ve left ml cap ageean said the lad on ml mother ii leather me when aw get hoam well tha deserves leatherln my lad but tha 11 nqt get me that way ageean tha 1 stop ere this tolme an aw u goo mysen an fotch thi cap div fum y woode syv7fs protect your buildings with icouuhumumi i 1 1 tlmn v metat roofing dry rotted shingle catch fire uka unfiling i but with counri standard titexap roofing you noodnt worry about flying ambon or sparks it is rood for a lbvtlms and is sold with a 25 year guarantee this guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture ask your banker titolap roofing comes in large sheets that arc easily bandied fireproof weather proof does not crack bulgo shrink or curl they may bo put on right over your old roof send ridgo and rafter measurements for free coat estimate easusnsipirodnrts isamipfcsmt jjpitcd rtmtjuorf statite lwhij hftfe taktnum mar fare to wiuidrawliian itindi r d barbed roof ins naila flat roofing nail on tha market mmufoetmrers f thm famous treat steal tntae tknn tttla inetal rf ink and jamaa- way pattltry g borrowing at the bank rebuked walter thin la your imth cup sir you certainly muat ukc colli- diner yea i do or i wouldn i be drinking all thl uater lo gel a little farmtrs needing money co finance the costs of plant ing money for wages of workers for seed equipmenr fertilizers etc will find at the bank of montreal a ready and willing response to applications for loans borrowing to make a harvest is a constructive use of credit approved by sound banking our branch managers in all agricultural parts of the dominion are familiar with farmers require ments and market conditions you are invited to talk with the manager of our nearest branch regarding your need for bormu rug to prepare for a profitable harvest bank of montreal established ifll 7 a bank uhrrt wall actoutih are ueiome modern experihmt rd banking s1rvice 120 i tan suiieiiut ojraiiom ibt outttmi tf acton branch w h clayton manager acton stores can fulfill your needs give them first chance antifascisl sta montreal demonstration as m a car in other counties in itm part of he holc question of loikrav lrit binder riaiheb ontario the amounts paid to rccm and deputae ho erc fur losbcr welland as bdond uh an air afte of u7 per memoir orv a- third ith ol per member other hguris cre waterloo 148 simcoe su7 dufferin 129 peel 92 halton 75 bruce 136 gre 158 huron 12 last eight all average under 200 per member per car by comparison the average allowance of 533 paid to the wellington reeve and deputies is disgrace ful h iht lalnrniihl in tie ittt ii mlt qimi nt it ntlm nu f- it i tint ii tulklit uti i i it i livt id mu in i i this t 11 11 rt t valtl tl 1cws i ft rls tn b uut r u jf u idt this ta- ly m c uri iv 11 mist lai1m ttlttlirmts follouinr lomlumoni am tati thai lialii lottines ill hai a m noune of imomc but mut alo be prepared for thi fl lonut d 7rzlz in ill gain a fi ihouand of dollars at a cost to iti cnud m it cn urn ut iii i p nt people of millions it m11 increase its own relief f phosphoric acid and potnih these problem it will encoura ne rackets and racke- 1 or 1 i ii i ior ettch ttsiraiibllhed fvrtluier emi tters it will not be able to frown upon other forms utuent matclala are uuidardlxed and of gamhing it will do incalculable harm to the morals of its children and its adult irrespajjubies it will increase public disrespect for government aubject to minimum percentage of plan i food aubatancea every fertlllicr muat be abaued to ahow the brand namra and guaranteed anaijrala i antopaa lit demonatcatora in montreal were routed b pouce when they atafced a rlol oulalde the ita ian consulate f1e ot the demohitratora were arrcated when unlet mil er frcert o eharre the miluni crowd the ahove picture ahowa demonaumtora haranguing- tha- etching crowd before police swung tnto action