mohitttnl the acton free press a i i m i i itwtrbday amui 14th tt neighborhood news inurattas itehu coaeewlitg other ctulmand cownimiltlet in which many of our rcadm at inlowtt eden mills tha april meeting of the womens uudodary society of tha presbyterian church wu held at the home of mn gordon ucfhau with the president mrs oeorje thomaa in charge the meeting opened with a hymn and prayer by uie president report were read and adopted and the roll call answered with a versa of scripture with the word jew in it arrangements ware made for at- tending the preebyterlal rally to be held in roekwood in may a reading by mr kell mcpholl on easter mtorn and a solo let the lower lights be burning by mrs w mlno was very much enjoyed the meeunff closed with a hymn and the lords prayer in unison lunch was served by the hostess assisted by mrs w lowrie and a social half hour spent mrs will ailbertson has returned home after spending some time in oampbeh- vllle mrs john milneis in toronto at the bedside of her father mr james hamil ton who is seriously 111 mr and mrs charles lee have return ed to their home here after spending the winter in toronto mr and mrs harold wilson are get ting settled in their home at haltonvtlle several from this district attended the muilc ffcfctivul held in bronte mr john tuck held a ver successful sale recently the sympathy of this community ls extended to mrs j n pender in her sad bereavement the late mr pender was for four years teacher at a s no 1 eramosa and during that time made a host of friends v limehouse mr and mrs arthur lane and chil dren mrs k morrow and mr root lane all visited mr robert lane on sunday hie regular meeting of the womans institute was held at the home of mr a w bentonon thursday april b with thirteen ladle present and the presi dent mrs a j smethurst in charge mr gamble of acton was present and addressed the ladle on canadlanlia- tlon miss russell and miss brown also rlslted the limehouse branch bringing greetings from bannoclcburn mr wright convener for the day read her paper on canadian agriculture in the malton music festival last week fl 8 mo 0 pupils obtained the cup for their motion song in which fifteen voice choirs competed miss helen mcoowan received the gold medal for piano solo in her class milt erin ur and im orton ooitatt haw tauad ttw jamas tahmlar nsldsne and haw taken potmuiw mr ml mr john ncub of toronto hove moted to their sumnur home t buntlow perk here t w of the builneu tf buiholme inn bu wen ootifirmed end ur and mrs b o bell and their eon mr t j dell of oototnv are the new proprietors and took poueulon on monday a urae crowd assembled at the home of mr and mn ceoll aitason last frl- day evening to honor ukm with a mu- eellaneou ahower on the occasion of their recent nurrlag mr and mrs it r wllaon of acton have moved unto mr duncan mclarens farm on the 6th line where they will be employed by mr melaren rev t w goodwill interim moder ator of burns church oocupled the pulpit on sunday last rev j a grant aupplled the pupil of 8t andrewyt ohuroh hluaburg worden john morve and road super intendent joseph benham attended a road improvement conference at the oumbly room city hall kitchener on march 30 ojid 31 when over two hundred representatives were present from huron perth waterloo and wellington counties advocate receives promotion ospringe the closing literary was held on friday mght in the school a good crowd being present an excellent program was ivan by the townllne the four pro grams this winter have been put on en tirely by home talent and have proved both interesting and entertaining end uitt is a fine way to develop these varied on a beautiful silver fox was killed by lee stewarts collie dog on the stewart farm maple valley last week mis beatrice storey r n of cobalt tailed her mother mrs george siorcy qit the weekend jack hannant has od his grocer business to wtlltam ferguson of platts- vllle who moved his family to mlltton last neck mr pergusson took over the business on april 1st at a largely attended meeetlng lost i night the muton olympic lacrosse club as organized officers are honorary president j t hanant president pred i d dewar vicepresident j p little secretarytreasurer b logan wlllard committee bert sinclair oordon lamb i d brush bob cox jim sproat all present acre quite enthusiastic about organizing both ju enllea and junior teams champion of interest to many in this locality is the approaching marriage of mr res garter of wiritrtr to miss muriel oung of stratford the wedding ls rake place on oood friday at the city muaton stratford the groom is a frequent visitor at the home of his sister and brotherinlaw mr and mrs d o robertson mr j stewart of ouelph is vlslung mxth mr and mrs d stewart and family mrs v mcklnnon and lila of hills tmx tt recttit visitors with mr and mrs p brtddn mr ujd mccuufaeun has been on ihe sick list this past week all wish lor him a speedy recoery mrs r vannorman was hostess on wednesday for the monthly meeting of the women s institute thirty three ladles being present the president mrs e barber was in charge and mrs n euntnr read the minutes of the previous meeting and also seieral business items a donation of five dollars was voted to tv school trustees for use ol the school for the literary meetings misses lots campbell and edna oook were chosen as delegates to attend the olrls conference st the ojlc in may the motto april showers bring may flowers was the subject of a twominute talk by mrs w anderson mrs h smith of eerton a as a welcome visitor and ge s splen did paper on canadlanlxauon a read in lifters or lmners was given by miss lots campbell and the current events by mrs p brydon were rnoyed a contest conducted by mrs d 0 robertson on members names was won by mrs r d burrows and mus mary campbell a short outline of the plaj being written by miss ada curric or the historical research contention was given oreat credit u due mus currte as when this is complrud and presented it will be real good trie ctec thm of officers followed the results bring prealdent mrs e usrbcr 1st i president mrs b x 2nd vice lrjildmt mrs h n burro6 srrretar 1 r amirrr ma n buntrr aulmant actrx r trcojmn r mus lls campbell pianist miss dimtlhv mikenrir av 1st hill inmutt ml uirtnu uck r divert t din tir mrs e barb- dtrei tor m w mixrnale mr a tanmrv ir w l jiurluuu mrs box pnmrum t tm iiilltr mm d o lib rlx n ml f tvk mim m mrcuuheuft mrs li van norman mrs f br don mlsa mar camfibru fjownr dwnmlttre mr e n suntcr mrs i o rtbrrtaonj mrs p brydon auditors mlsaee dorothy mc- kt tuue and sdna cook lmvh commit ter mrs w k robertson mrs wm vckrnzte the remaining officers to be elected at the maj meeting lunch was served and a socjal time enjoyed georgetown with about twenty bridge enthusiasts in attendance a gettogether meeting was held monday evening in the legion assembly hall and the georgetown men s bridge club was formed the relief report for march showed a total expenditure of 263 40 for the month this is 705 14 less than for march 1937 the first quarter of 1038 has coat 2 038 76 lees than the some period lose year the engagement la announced of oeorgtna neeb of kitchener daughter of mrs neeb of near stratford and th late mr ocorge h neeb to mr v m appel son of mr andrew appcl of mlherton and the lau mrs appel the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of april da light saving n 111 commence in the town of oeorgetoan at 12 os a m on the first da of may and continue until the 17th da of september 1038 at mid night about 8 30 on monday evening as wm s king accompanied b robert mcel- aaln were returning from toronto mr kings car was sldeawlped on the centre road near britannia by another car going south and swung across the road another car following the one going touth ran into mr kings car causing considerable damage and bruising and shaking up the occupants they both returned home to oeorgetown apparent- 1 not much the morse of the mishap but on tuesday evening mr king as re moved to ouelph general hospital sufterlng from internal bruises but no w loua results are anticipated herald burlington john moody left on tuesday evening for new york to sail on the queen mary for a trip to england he expects to re turn on tho maiden vone of the new dutch liner work has been commenced on the building of a new store on brant street next to the fruit market the old brick building has been wrecked jack qlbblns lias been awarded the contract for the building which when finished will house n 5c to 1 00 store ralph johnston has made application to enter the british navy and has re celved word that provided he passes the usual medical tests his application will be accepted ihe la enlisting in the navy for a sevenyear period and plans to leave for england early next fall the burlington badminton club held their annual at home at roberts cabaret on thursday march 31st about one hundred members and friends were present and enjoyed a moat delightful time during the evening a presentation of a silver rose bowl was made to phyllis macfarlano former secretory of the club the department of highways are planning further changes at the head of maple avenue and for this purpose oer an acre of land will be appropriated from mr percy thorpe he having rt celved notice to this effect at the premnt time a motorist going up maple avenue wishing to go to hamilton must turn down the hlghuuj at tlu head of vlaple avenue be for going ncroos to reach the ilght sldt of the road to turn to hamilton to do uuhj ulth this th dcpurtment w 111 build a road through mr thorpt 5 farm to connect with th new hlghwa coming up on to the bridge oazctte an announcement has been made from ottawa that sir francis ploud british high conuntsstaner to canada since 1035 will retire tn september to become the chairman of a commission to be estab lished by the bengal india govern ment gravrl contract awarded by the esqiirsiii counc continued from page one nov io paktlgtrusa we have soma nlot oatmeal soap on sate today m suggested th young lady in th department stort the customer answered polluljr no thank we never waah our oatmeal vouv got to reward a man for th tiling he does or he begin to cos what for want of a better word must be oauad character philip la toilette eye examined mtesi inaats stlnuqa41al sutajrt to any halts af plum e p head rsftstand oplomstiul it st uomh squamc hums lit ailtun a breach of promise suit haimmhhmsanhavmhhhnimhhhhshmhimi two acts four scenes wat bs presented by che younr pmbis of limalumiss prcabytortsn ororelt under the auspices at the olrls leekaal clob limehouse presbyterian church friday april 22nd at b 30 p m come and lauffh your blues away adults 2ic children 10c orchestra in attendance as once we put- art end to slaery so no we must stop war or war wul des- troj us sherwood bddy good shoes pom young and old camelry ntmt bl n rachlhi acton roekwood i word rws been rrornwt of the death or a former rocktaood boy dr harrj hamuton of retrlstokr dc u grandson of the late mr and mrs john black to n line of lnmou and erin thr tate dr hamilton received his earl educa tl in at s s no 8 eramoiu and inter at ouelph oulrgiale institute ihrn at unl vrrslt of toronto during the world war he was cnttagrd in oonraj mtxlunl s r icra t ur lust nnui his m t tu i llu w it mr 1 rur tli nl n k the ri i i f thr onutrl i ivnist rmirc onncn i ui tu id in tun n lam m mth hr n u iiutlf a tut mn 1t rt 1 r nl impt r til t unli iui to bitim bn rt thr uiiii moplr to aold thr danffrrs of the drink habit the t hi trcii m iie at st john chunh last week as wrll attended senl es on sunday morning ere wrll attended ahrn ho4 oommunlon a as obsered also on sunday morning at the united church vhen a number of oung people joined the church recent and erknd visitors miss c auld or ouelph mrs r m fahcy and mrs chaa pearson 8r of toronto i mr fred day of hamuton miss lllm iatrerty of ouelph miss wllma milne has returned home from acton where she has been at dr pred oakes mrs oerrle valley road was out of town over the weekend mr charles hamuton was in toronto on eaturday visiting his brother jamea who ts not very u this spring oakville tlu toul number or peoplt on relief tn ook ule for pebruarj the latest month for which figures are available a as 68 thls is approximate the sami as las year mrs t a blakelock was among the ulvea of members of the ontario ligls lature who attended a luncheon at the university tomen o club in toronto last thursday fire said to have been started bj a small boy threatened pursier s bush and houses in the neighborhood and gave the firemen a tough battle before it oiu extinguished yesterday afternoon i an inquiry about oakville s dock facll lltra from w e thomston of brant ford was read to the loan council at its regular meeting monday evening mr thornton proposed to ship coal to oak mill for distribution to oilier parts of llalum count each shipload would bt ubout j 800 tons after jcn of dtla tho cnr subwa undt r tin tracks nt the sewnlh tnr li dtriniul u bt pn ccedpd with tlu contract was uuurded on tuetdaj l th kin paving company of oak villi vt jl ln uu onlrutuiik flrni v rk iht lu latt un in r p r 1 b h o i ki and c mpun unittd w x i i i 111 in bn ii u i i l it ml tlil tn nth tn 1 il t i ii t u 1 i m i 1 flnttt k 1 xl 1 h i iui un m m r ti n jl ixiinin i ihu wu- t iut1 tiiulatluli b i i i u pi i t tutnifitr tlu nip t n ui nttnifu with u lv maspiptr ltr rtai mr 1 i lr had n hinllatlm in mil ink i int tlu oiki 1 i plan mould h rt pentd ua stitii ia csindltlona uurranted dur to lack t oompe tit ion m the part of the 1 cul lntereju oaki llle ualng a hat guca excellent promise of deitloplng into a thriving industry on monde of next rrk the infant manu facturing concrrn kxmwn as power brak ng sjs terns umtted ts moving 1u entire plant from the old royal bank building at the north end of the town to the town of klmira ahere the company has acquired a large buualng suitable fo ils requirement at a very loa hgure record star f a great nation ls built to the pat- tern of no one political faith be it con- servattsm liberalism radicalism reac tion or progreaslvlam it is built to the pattern of moderation raymond moley l hampshire sheriff of ha ton county rt esqueslng n dobbtr 18 00 carried moved by w a wilson seconded by e harrop that the treasurer pay graham mcnalr tlu sum of fifteen dollars is 00 for trees out by mistake by norman luwwn carried moved by e harrop seconded by w a wilson that the clerk be instructed to write i he hydro- elec trie power com mission toronto aklng that they cancel contract for lights at store in building owned by the township carried moved by a w murray seconded by c h may that the resolution as of april 1st by harrop and wilson re power grader be rescinded carried moved by e harrop seconded by w a wllaon that this council purchase an adams motor grader equipped with plre stone tires for m 766 00 leas 200 00 for old maintainor after inspecting the dominion and adams road machines the two lowest priced tenders we are satis fied that the adams second lowest ten der is the most suitable for the road work in this township of otqueslng carried moved by w a wuson seconded by e harrop that this count 11 do now ad journ to mutt on monday may oth at 1 30 p m or at the call of the reeve carried the championship i ouancevilleteam i to he banqhetted dutt of thi civic banquet which la to bt tndi red orungcvllle junior c hoc- kiv team which captured tbt ontario championship a week ago was set or april jtith at a sptclal meeting of rotarjt and town council commltuxs st an drt h united church was decided ti tho place the juniors who brought the first hocke championship to orangevllle will o honored in fitting style the rotary club wul prestnt t ach plaver ulth a alndbreaker and photo of thi uam council has set aside 100 which will probably be used to purchase rings for each player the ontario hockey asso ciation will present to them engraved gold medals and crests and a trophy a blow fob truth i to thom who lament the shortcomings o the jounger generation and foresee i he collapse under its rule untutored handling of the noble structure of civil 1 jstton its elders have reared the on com ra might offer as an umbassador of amit miss anne relll of phlladtl i lila now or recentll a ilsltor to new ork at honu miss iu ulv is a trlephont ptrat r a volet undoubtedly ulth i snitlt lurt aiu uus a guest tn a large h l 1 tht corridor and room if uhlrh mrr smudgtd b u trivial blaar her f how habitants t rr ularrntd b die alnokt that mt pttl into tut ir r tm miss rn ill a ml il iimed bv it bu i i ilmtl t ik tu 11 sht t in lsikt tl i plight if tl holt 1 l li ph ne ipt rt t beet t b c ills ftom i v r rot in hhe niadt lit r wa to trn i t nuhnit i t f in tlivur i mint a t l t tit r i unl riior as ithr a uert d tine but t the swtl nxim hlth in the l mer tlkt atructun whirr sht tea ted iwrttir ajid addrd lit r t itlcit nr to tht dlsctpltned uctliltlti of the otht r oper a tors tn a horn had fallen tlie task of ansa trttib the flashing lights set ulnkmg b nervoiu occupants of the house frlght- t ned bi the smoke anxious for their rnt t und sure to be mide incriaslng nt rvtnis by eien slight delav in respons to their calls for a long time it has ben the sun s prlvuege to listen to the croakers who in everj generation deplore the conduct of the juniorsand predict a sad ending for a world intrusted to their rnangement and always tn the hour of their most de vastating predleiloiu in an emergency an anne rellly pops up to confound their foreboding and by one sensible deed in spired by qulrkwlttedneas and courage ously eeoompuabed blows a way all the vapor they have generated new york sale of new and used cars commencing saturday april 16th hilbornhudson motor company all cars must be sold to wind up estate cars may be inspected at showrooms 86 norfolk street corner cambridge street the guelph trust company administrator of william hilborn estate dum arts smoked meats for easter rolls per lb acsc smoked hostess style qa pork rolls pur tb oljc pickled rottuke rolls 04 per tb boc hamburg steak o hambui u lbs for 25c smoked picnic hams oil per lb stc side bacon in piece qa per lb suc smoked hams shank qc- off pjrtly boned lb jjc 2 fresh sausage fcf lbs for swajc other choice cuts of beef veal pork lamb at lowest prices lovell bros quality and cleanliness our motto phone i7h prompt delivery v rn ing in nea york after e flight from sexlco prancli w rlcketc left and bernard e smith right were reticent about the results or their negotiations with president cardenas for the purchase of oil ex propriated by the mexican government smith la an almost legendary figure m wall street when mtlllomalrea were beeoming paupera tn the stock crash of ip393d he is reported to have made 910 000000 in a single month stttttsft ttipirrrf at huttato actton pssier bar c m marrew ujl htd parsonsge bower avenue sa8tbi flukcay april 17th tlom 1100 a m the ulnlstar pinal in the juries on the quest of jjfe out inheritance of hope ia so p m sunday school and m1 classes 7 oo p m the minister subject oentleman jesus everybody welcome jjrrbbhtfhati knox ciiuhcii acton rev ii l benntjc m a mlnlstar manse willow street easter sunday april 17fh 1089 5 30 am an easter sunrise service conducted by the mission band 1100 am reurrecuon 3 30 p m the sabbath school this jesus hath clod raised up whereof we all are witnesses 7 oop m the easter evening the choir present their cantata the vic torious christ note next tuesday the y p guild visit the st paul s ouelph y p society can leave the church at 7 19 pm that evening remember that on thursday april lat the milton choir are present ing their cantata paul in the church at 8 00 pm always welcome negotiators return from ieieo baulliit elnirrl aoton rev p g daxtfr paster eastbtl sunday april 17th 1038 11 no a m sunday schoo 1100 a m morning worship sub ject early in the momlng monday 800 pm b y p u wednesday 8 00 pm mid week ser vice a welcome to all angltran saint alba n 8 church rector revd e arnold breaks ma willow street tel 44 oood jtuday 10 00 a m the oood friday offices and addreai the choir will ting the story of the cross boo pm evensong of oood friday and addrca s john a roekwood the story of the croaa easter day 8 00 a m holy communion 0 30 a m s john s roekwood 1 1 00 a m choral communion and sermon anthem ye watchers and ye holy ones 2 30 p m children a easter service vftislc by the junior choir 700 p m choral evensong and ser mon anthem pralv to the lord the almlfihty the kinw of crtatlon p luclur at all service- tht rector unclassified small advertisements iter t it n ter thl head to a r word minimum charf r tl n fivr iiiatrrtiooa lot i l i or adltlional noticfc arton ctramrry will b rinsed all day oood friday april 15th 403 ion sal english pram navy reasonable ap free piiess office hog shipping saturday 9 60 and crude hoga delivered by fiirmer 9 70 i frank holmes ior sale 8 piece solid walnut dining room o e nellbb lakevlew farm acton for rent brick house on mill street 6 rooms ttarukc coinen lrncii and good garden rad for occupancy may 1st apply mrs wm joitnstone p o box 603 i akitaktr wanttd appllration1 rr caetaker for united church arton all be received up to april 18th 1038 for information apply to nn tn mbi r of trustee board f m morrow chairman d n mitavish sscretary ph 40r- i- ok salr ii ii si owls tx buahtl jm r uiiaiici boui r it mted ttl cu mini ilant john hfltowi h r no 4 acuki oood ikk t pah for h rsiii injured cattle rlc for fox rneut with injured animals phone err protnpily it ulll rost you nothing to ring us phone georgrtinrir 93r31 re- vernlng the rhargrs ijortea positively never resold undrr any condition 40 tf vannatter fox farm auction hale of furniture in rockwood ellea aeaell roekwood is holding a clearing auction sale of his household jcffecu on saturday april tetb at 1j0 o clock roy htnduffy auctioneer phone 1m0 erin r r no s aeton 403 ip you akb ambriorjs this ts for yotf i auoosas soarantsdl no risk selling una off mo popular pro duct n exclusive cttstiict jobs onr salss force for pnjsltama vsfmt average tneoow of smsri f ree partikilarj todat