spttttuv tsaxt mo imat j the acton pree press jremcnah sum baah aak ii wbub at htr houa at own mound it and ji h x jahastortlsttad la toronto nw uw anakand r iff j iv oormll of miummlk tiattm with ittm triandi thu waak mam dorotli udhuwn ant uuy ohalman scent a vaakxnd in toronto lfn dr a b 14ott of tflstar pa u tulunf hla wwak with her mother lfn alio alkeptunon icca o a dulst who has baan tuiudc in uuter returned home with har mauds will ba lad to learn that lln a o oarrldsw who has been onftnad to the hoapital at oualph tor a few weeka u improwlna slowly all wish bar a return to good health mr and lfn thomai treanor oeorotown annotmee the eocacement of their dauihter kathleen baatrlm to nail winiam ion of ifr and icra thoa aibbena of aoton the marrlfw to take place cdiietly the latter part of april george wallace cxothes shop 123 yonge st toronto oppmru ryttobiria easter thank offering meeting of knox ywa tha bastar thank ottering meeting of knox chureh young womana auxiliary was held last evening in the sunday school room mrs rrancu wilds the prealdentt occupied the chair ura 0hara read the acrtpture leaaon and lots marguerite rouell lead in prayjer a recitation entitled an xastar prayer was given by donna an derson a group of minion band girls presented an exercise gods garden musical btunbsva were a solo by miss fitltt and a duett- by mrs near and miss lois audneon which ware much enjoy ed a pageant which portrayed the easter story and entitled o toll the olad story waa p by members of the auxiliary the meeting closed by repeating the ulxpab benediction brittania man succumbs to injuries in holdup victim of m masked bandit who allot him down in cold blood late wednesday night qerrlt uunrnerse 01yearold icr- vloe station owner died in peel mem orial hoapital brampton shortly aftejr 0 p m sunday he was shot in the atfdo- men a blanket warrant for the arrest of the intrude on a murder charge was issued immediately by orown attomry a o davis who waa kept constantly informed of the elderly man s condition the crisis in the batue to saw his life came saturday afternoon following a ahjht improvement friday uunmerse suffered a relapse saturday afternoon and when it became apparent that death was close mrs ummt3ne was hastily notified by hoapital officials although no definite announcement has been made authorities stated that both an autopsy and an inquest would probably be held j presbyterian ontario provincial wjtfs planned for galt a large representation of the women of the province who are concerned about the mi work at the present moment at home and in the waning countries in the least will gather at the annual meeting or the presbyterian pro vincial wilfl in os it april 26th 27 ul 2flth in historic knox church or that city on tueada the young peoples work of the church win be to the fore with miss pelton mrs holman and miss mc- murchy taking addresses and in the evening the coit will present their pageant on wednesday the rev dr sttowart parker of toronto 111 be the guest speaker and the very momentous and interesting reports of the secretaries will be presented on thursda the routine business will be carried through and the qalt ladles at the conclusion of the tsctuoiuk will mtc afternoon tea j hloomsiu m swum are hosts to dl bun utkkain oil tueaulov i utiifc apr 1 5th bloomabur utcrur fchk u iud as hosl u ihr uu bit n utcrar shkicu the bkx mbu j prrldriit hotvs pat terson opmd the meeting nd extended a few words f hfkomf u the uittng society mr paltrron then called upon the president ot he dublin society walter linham who too charge hue the dublin 8olret presented the fol lowing wellrendered program reading mrs bracken duett misses wlwa mc- olaughlin and rachel mullen accom- bray chicks ths bray chicle doss the trlri ut me show you the prool place your order her nowriunf no bother cab or phone geo c brown norval aetan oolea aw t 8aynaeka blare open salarday aflamaaaa and tftrenlnn or orders nay be left with mr seynoek daring the week million dollar beauty wearing almost a million dollars worth of jewelry and clothing virginia jodd is pictured as she was chosen the moat beautiful model in america at the annual exhibition of advertising art directors at new york hot cross buns place with or without spice your orders early bun available thursday even- log friday and saturday orders left will be delivered friday and saturday special cookies for the holiday look our selec tion over acton home bakery fbanci8 wilds prep childrens aid society the third annual meeting of the children a aid society of the counties or peef and halton will be held on the evening ot thursday april 21st 1038 at 7 30 p m in the sunday school room of st pauls united church milton annual reports will be present ed and ottlctrs uected for the ensuing ear miss nora lea supervisor of the child protection department of the toronto children s aid society will address the meeting miss lea is gt rurally recognised as an authorit on chlldrms aid work a trj cordial invitation is ex tended to all who are interested in the uork of the society a quotation from the book easter puzzle poem my first la always in the heavens as also la my next my third is in the firmament my fourth in verse not text my fifth is in this troubled earth my sixth helps to provide us mirth my seventh in rise and in ascend my eighth not in twist but always in bend my last in mind but not in thought my whole has many a comfort brought use coupon solution name acton successful again at county music festival continued from page one appointment last year a tcbr of music in toronto normal school the president mr w i smith burlington presented the wagon mrs o o audna bronte and mr j a lookhart burling ton alao apoka briefly of their happy association with mrs russell mr denyea later introduced lira rus sells successor in several haltflp county schools mlaa ruth bell toronto the work of the festival la only made possible by cups shields and donations given by the following orgmnliauons and pubuosptrtted persona high school boards oeorgetown mil ton burlington and oakvlhe public school boardaacton deorge- town burlington milton beu strath oona fishers corners pine drove pal ermo umehouse tanaley zimmerman s s no 6 naasaffaweym bronte pal ermo boyne 8 b no 0 nelson lime stone s fl no 3 blaqueslng b s noa 4 6 0 18 and 23 trafalgar organizations milton home and school club strathoona home and school club acton women s institute halton womens institute mountain union womens institute hornby women s institute john mutbn chapter ioj3js mrs a fletcher campbellvlue rev f motheson burlington muton council acton loj5j results for the three days were as fol lows wednesday afternoon adjudicator mr b3don brethour class 5 rural solos girls 1 1 years and parted oafcvfjla 15 bortlngton oen- tralm olau 1 londartarten anttoff oamea 16 volaaaatratbona 17 weatwood 76 class 34 aovctee choir twopart hpere song j u oakrttla oan tral 61 glaat 45 60- voice choir bow merri ly we uve burlington central 63 acton 60 rtldat kvkn1no adjudicatorsmr o roy fenwlclc coaaa 81 high school duetts junior glrla under 17 il lately mary galloway and margaret craig burling ton 66 jacqueline and doris flaetham burlington 64 frances allan and marlon daatle milton 60 class 36 jhigh school boys choir twopart rhyme of the open road milton 70 burlington 76 class 36 high school solas girls under 31 my mother bids ma bind my hair evelyn vanslcue mllthn 67 betty white muton 66 muriel smith oakvule 85 class 30 high school solos boys under 3l baritone without a song- roy chapman burlington 60 stewart maclaren oeorgetown 78 jack shep- pard burlington 77 rf class 10 piano solos under 16 years troika helen mcoowon oeorgetownv 85 ellen fisher burlington 78 m angus burlington 78 class 33 high school double trio easter song burlington b 82 bur lington a 78 class 13 cornet solo under 31 jupl- tor polka petite joseph wilcox oeorgetown 80 clark crawford bur lington 70 bruce matheeon burling ton 74 class 11 piano duett the old gasoline termed liquid dyna mite by safety group over early one morning jean robert- i bachelor jean ooldthorpe and oer- trude morley muton 78 ellen fisher and ellen cllne burlington go class 20 high school solos boys under 21 tenor passing by dennis kurtfc burlington 77 grant fraser muton 76 class 35 high school girls choir 15 lolces pall on me like silent dew muton 6o burlington 70 clasit 34 high school choir maximum 60 voices threeport ma little banjo burlington 62 milton 78 class 37 high school orchestra tambourtn burlington 83 george town 79 liquid dynamite would be a more suitable label for gasoline when used as a cleansing agent according to a warn ing issued today by the industrial acci dent prevention associations because gasoline is hlghlj inflamable the warn- vxjlcea ng points out the great importance of not allowing even a little gasoline to be exposed in a room or other confined space cannot be too strongly empha sused oasollnc vapor is three to tour times heavier than air and consequently cannot disappear into ihi upper air as many other gasses do the vapor will flou along for consldcrnbli distances burnt nxar the ground spreading the held of potential danger science has prtnlded a reuable method of detecting tht dangerous presence of gasoline fumis in a combustible gas indicator and- the association recom mends use of this instrument where- ewr gasoline is used particularly in ihdustrj tests have shown the nose cannot be trusted to detect the danger son lowvlue 81 lois rogers merton 78 lois merry s s no 7 trafalgar 77 class 21 25volcc mixed choir 34 rooms twopart my love s an arbu tus cup burlington east 83 shield strathcona 83 class 23 lsvolce boys choir 34 rooms unison now is the month of maying cup strathcona 84 shield burlington east 75 class 7 rural duetts pretty little spring flowers helen conder and nor man wood palermo 03 bert barber and james fish fishers corners 83 eileen lee and shirley watson tanaley thursday morning adjudicator mr o roy fenwlck clou 8 rural solos boys 11 and over rose among the heathtr celt peer fishers corners 70 norman wood pal- irmo 78 jack ford omagh 77 i class 3 rural choir maximum 1 s baby seed song dublin 82 s no 14 nelson 81 thursday aktkrnoon adjudicator my o roy ftnwlck class 3 combination of motion and sorur lynbrook 82 umt house 80 cioas 4 massed rural choirs olid uik through the mtadoua miss oa choir mr hulmts holr class 1 rural choir maximum 20 olccs dame swallow palermo low- mile thursday lvtning adjudicator mr eldon brethour i class 15 urban duetts girls echo song betty otbson and joyce dosser uult acton 8t betty- paul and jane early georgetown 80 shirley brown and this fact is emphasised by numerous margaret peace strathoona 73 be gregory theatre good friday april 15th matlne as in p m nothing sacred with carole lombard frederic march and cha irs wlnnlger comedy miss thej missed song hit rhythm saved the day cartoon tip- and i bone thr lait chapter of tim tylers luck satl rday april t6th lift night oltre a sra-tthe- a ing niiudii llh alue pavr tvts cartoon news aitrprlit monda1 april 1su weus frtto- ttie cavalcade of america s breathutu rars lih jvr4 mc civ bib burns and frances jjre cartoon pipe dream gloves for sutciucn wosul class 13 clarinet solo under 31 years lightning fingers douglas craig burlington high school 82 frank cart er georgetown high school 70 class 32 high school duetto senior girls under 21 barcarolle muriel smith and wllma johnstone oukvlue 83 noma marceuus and evelyn van- sickle milton 82 oertrude morley and ruth sergeant milton 80 class 16 urban duetts boys see our pted tor theenforce- 0n witti peather sp sam brun rile and charlie allan acton si alex ander metcalfe and jim brut ley bur ungtou central 76 bui oautley and charlie hi nderson strathcona cioas 0- piano solos undrr 15 minuet and trio m a martian t ixmcrvule anon 79 margaret bruily milton 78 itasbert clai k fa s no 3 trafalgar 77 chum high school silo girls under lb t inden lea jacqut line fleetham hurlnitftmi 84 marlon goalie muton bo lur oalumay burlington to tluvi m uolln faolo under 31 slcll i niu uri rgt bolus bu llngtun 01 v ulliim niaaii uurllngu n 7 1 fauuties bundness and eye injuries can i reduced 00 per cent by wearing of i suitable goggles at certain types of i work where s hazard is present accord- ing to the report of an eye specialist who has recently completed a survey of eye i injuries to industrial workers just as it is industry s responslbulty to pro vide safe working conditions for its employees he maintains so must res- ponslbluty be ment of resonable rules for the use of goggles no eyes will be saved from injury r b morley general manager of the uaoclatvm adds if the goggles having been provided are worn up on the fore hrad rarrird in the ktcket or hung tip on n nail don t 1 i a hnnrhmun nvsuim th rolr of it simx iilll and uuld a match mick t rmunr a tinder from your i in unw infettlon or uim i nr imkht can rosily folat rrm such in urnntur prkrfdlug if the i r has b- ti mnintlrd orr it hh u strrll rvsm if ihr mt tia nvn burmti ulth a rhrmlcal flqsh it nil tth plrnu f cli an vitrr th pjhitntmrnt tf c h ken hi r tistxint ts dim lor f tin jirt ex change ai win ninofd b thr indua trial arcldint prrrntkn uoc la tions t b fraturcd at thr aajwvlatlon a annual ttttvda cttntenti n in windsor m april 21 and 22 promlnen mrmbers in tht e tcliarur will be j 11 vernor lclertxjrough speaking on the use of tlanger tags e o butttus toronto dlscusatng the ad vantages of premium plans a mcmen- cmy hamilton ho mill make ugges- lons on rye protection in industry r a clarke windsor who wlu stress the importance of safeguarding machinery sad e o morgon toronto who will the public health itiins ar requlstei vo ompl1 uitii till- public hi- l11i att n tu is henln nlven that all reld e tius eif art in an required forthvith to kun thlr cclhir drains yards uuttr i lw b outbuildings and othir premises und nmnt tlwrefihim all dirt manure and other substances which nuy en danger thi public health und to liavi tin mimi completed by the- tlghtetntli dny of may next on which day the sanitary iiupt rlur ttlll lommmce a general insprctlon all cltuxns are tancstly requested to keep their pre niba constantly clear and thoroughly dlslnfected f j mccutcheon reeve of the municipality acton april 14th 1938 415 i notice to creditors krii1 morning dudlruttir mr o r frnmi cihas ij i rban soloa uni 11 iwi w r t uii l nto him jim kirliikt i ctntril re char lit rurs lit nt hen allan in thr matter of the ltab of wulum s prowl deceased tlie creditors erf wlulam sprov1 late of tru vlllage of acton in the ckmnty of halton gentleman who died on or about the fourth day of march 1038 are required to send to thr undersigned solicitor their full names addresses and drscrtptions full particulars of their claims and thr nature of the srcuruita if any lit id by them and this notice bring gitn in pursu anw or set tl n 51 of ihr trustee art rso 1937 chapter 165 notlrr is hrreby glrn that on and ufle r the tlilrtleth day of april 1938 the executors of thr ald estati will proceed ui dlstributr tin issils of the said william faprou 1 am ing the part irs legally rntlllrd the pe to and thiy will net be resimmsh it for un e luims if which they ha r n t then re ived n liiei diet el it art n llils fifth la f aprl m dm tj umhuim l i i t w it f r j- t- u r- i 4 j v 11 iin ispr j est it noti v to irtditors i l jllvllla30 lajjr for easter this is the time of year to dress up and be hippy you buy at pallants you are sure to save money a i i vhe mens new spring suits neatly tailored good material and the latest styies suit and trousers for vloajju mens spring coats absolutely the newest spring styles in neat fancy tweeds 1095 1650 mens rats mens felt hats are the last word in style this spring no outfit is complete without a new hat 149 295 ladies coats and hats no smarter spring coats and hats have ever been shown than wo arc showing this year a large range to choose from you will be well dressed in one of our new spring outfits shoes complete your easter outfit with a pair of our new spring shoes ladies gaberdeen suede or ktd shoes in black blue or brown low mcdiurn and high heels from 275 495 mens welt oxfords in brown or black narrow or nildium lasts a stylish shoe to complete your niw easter outfit priced from 298 o 695 misses and boys shoes good bolid shoes for from 198 149 to a4p to 1 0 boys oxfords- thc young mun a large range ijf misses bhoes in straps and oxfords rrom special price on hildrenh shoem for easter pallants clothing stores shoe mux street acton join europes exruler ut i i ttniitu i a i tiarll itm ciam 1 d ublo trh publk school 1m ntntt himn act n 80 patricia t t no 17 esqikmntr 9 cijuvi 38 l rban stjkm i la 1 1 years mid irr the uthw und iht wind orttrklna bndlr burlincum ornual 8 iturbara nlxnn mlllon si iy tva hr ntf 80 cla 8 piano soloa under 13 ara tv11 me daphne barbara mckay ol th intau of iiar1js wilijam ivmkuit uti- of ihr township of rtn in thr county of rlllnfton mcrrhjnl rraafd it it not every woman who find rub- pankd on the piano by mus xxchy ber glojcea unmixed aa kitchen bleailiiagm ifrmnk readinc uoiilc cutu the or- and moat women think more than once cneatra favored with aeveral aelecuons before putun them on for any half- i outline a new plan pr competitive good while the acton were gettlnf ready for minute tewfc or rather thr reme bouaelterptnff in plants and factortew the play the play cheerup chad the time and trouble involved in the 1 more than l 500 detowatea repreaent- prored very lntereatanc and entertalnlnx uklnc or them off agmhx and accordlnf ly inc induatrlal flrnu hi every city and the dtottam ended with the dnttnc of do not bother to put them on uve when korea of towns tn ontario will attend the national anthem their hand need protection of aome the bkxknebury membere eerred lunch duration qut they are unwise beoause after which the iwamder of the even- kitchen tewlcs take their toll of soft and in it lovely p central 79 rkldat afternoon adjudicator ur q hoy fvnwtck class 30 junior choir 25 volon what does uttle birdie i5ar acton 80 muton to the exhibition in wlndaor and will dls- data 10klradea 3 and fl zramaqatnc ous the practical and tntelugent ap- of sonewburungton central so muton proach to safety through accident pre- 7 w ciaea mvoice boys choir water ail phihons hiiiintr chum- ooalrial tht emau of l ir ahii miniid ch vrle2 wilxjwi amflekt alio ihhi un ot but h flth da u march 1028 nt tlw clt if out iph in in ountv t wei untrtun urr rrulrrd si nd u thr undrrsltrnrd siillc tor n r b furr thr fifteenth da of ma 1938 full partjeu onknu rvnmi ru of lhrlr c nd aecuiity they oajcvllle central m barbara culham m how uftrefore pine orove 2 palrlcu tuley oakrtue and take notice that af r the fifteenth drt of ma 1938 hla executor ill proceed to distribute thi betate havtru rejmrd only to thr claim of ahlch he ahall then hae received notice and ha he will not oe liable to any perxin or ahose claim he mill not then have received notice for the assets so distributed i pictured alji ills consort here u prtnoe ptans i of llechtcneteln sh rajild ruler of vhe principal t that oc uptea 65 square miles between uitxrrland vnd auauiu 1u has announced hi surrender of ruuns powers in fstor of hu unmarried grand iwphew prince grans joaeuh uiact alio is 3 llrciilrnsteln has a population of 10 213 and has cloee blood urn a lth recently nazlfled austria ventloo work dated at oeorgetown this 13th day a o- g- is r jkf j of a ins acton stores can rulrul your neds give them first chance kennvth f laanodon aoudtbr for charles wlulam laambert 433 his cxecutor