Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1938, p. 8

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moataati h acton pree pkes ntmtmxr awul tun uu boim rvwbtb acton j 582 ssd mm to it uul lpa om blmt lot t obmlob 3 jf township on flatartay sslsjris annie cook widow of thrlirsrjknwe henry bird in her ttnd sr a1xaw at thajhoom v hr daughter isti a uann lot 4 tmssmi rln townshlp on llmotdy aj 7ar brown at th noma m oonejj ton 1 utt townahlp on wed nesday arwilisth ibm hannl hoar bejcrwd wife or joint brown in bar 7th year the funeral will be held from the home on saturday april lto 2 30 p m inttrment at roekwood ceme tery pleauw omit flowerm cals tomoitow oood friday special easter aervicea in the ohurchea on sunday ju three wreka until tho opening of the trout ashing season the buter school holidays have all the scholars in splendid mood today daylight saving commences in acton a week rrom saturday lets all stay to ur ther the snow was a splendid blanket far crops nnd improved the run of sap in the sugar bush fergus council has dropped the to rate of that municipality four milts to make it 43 mills this year half a down cars were reported lb ditches along the highways in this sec- lion on saturday afternoon rabbits and eggs and all sorts or easter novelties have been temptingly displayed and can now be consumed an zlastej sunrise service is being held sunday 5 30 am at knox church in charge of senior members of mission bond i hot cross buns have been on menus for a couple of weeks now used to be we never got them until oood friday morning fishermen get an extra day this jear the trout fishing season opens on april 30th since the first of may comes on sunday put it down in our diary or what ever book you keep that lost friday s snow storm april 8th was the heaviest of the winter hugh templln editor of the news record fergus has been appointed by council to the ornd river constrvw tlon commission pat downing who u killed in a motor car accident on tuesday w as wesll known here having on several oc caslous brought ball trams to play in acton a section o the flooring of the bridge on the highway in rockmood fell through yesterday just after a big truck had passed over repairs mere made imrnedlatrl and traffic w not sen cail interrupted shipping facilities are remarkable these days a shipment o small bushes and shrub revelled this week from england by liinton a u e were in just as good condition as if shipped from one of the nurseri within the province while proceeding along the ermmoa road about one mile east of osprlnge a truck owned b the uurnham trans port compan himuum jirurk a son a hinilder at the stde of the road and vrrd into fle r ot dit h through fence and flliall brcjuiic mired ul a held seeks imml clarity nand kavt devout follower or mfthatma oondhl pictured at philadel phia in perfect balance on his head dur ing his 21 day selfimposed fast through which he hoped to gain a new balance of mind kavl sought mental clarity hoping it would give him an insight into the problems of war he arrived in philadelphia from washington where he attended a peace conrercnoc as an indian delegate report approved committee re mill st i continued from page one rockalong instituts hear speaker fboh institute for the bund the asakalanc institute held their april raeeunf el the home ot ut h maude with the pntldent ifn s uanebb in chart roll ean ww an- avaratl by hotueoleanlng hint the motto tonjst the soaultaa ot the put and press on to treat aehiewmenta to morrow waa taken by mrs d uenebb some amualne current ewnu were titan by mm bhultls a aolo by mrs oraham aa much enjoyed mr robinson from the matltute for the blind waa present u tueat epealter and gave an interesting talk on what la being done in canada toward making the blind selrsupportlng miss bayne cave a report of the second day of tho meat project which had been held uvouelph recently she passed on to the institute members a number of practical recipes the mectlne was closed with the national anthem and mrs maude and her assistants served lunch wt pattbrsonro bmtbhst i by fwmlambai otutue twetwnin im wyvabam fit hert to wwiwi outlph phon sim quality aeewaey berrlee no overtime the messiah was being sung to the accompaniment of a famous organist halfway through the organ gave a whecsy whistle and became silent some one went to tho bock to find that the organblower was not in his chamber but was halfway down the churchyurd wnlk on his way home hey come back jack us not over yet i nay said the blower ah m cumin back ah vc done my job it uiks fower hunncr an ninety secn he shouted not eet bltiws for messiah an ah m done i an alvvc dom cm gudpha modern thetw now until friday edward g robinson rw a slight case of murder with jnno bryan allen jenkins i ruth donnelly oood friday cenunaeu from i p-ra- aoded ilkvlvai thursday at 10 46 pm the semaomul roadshow attrso- tlon prsl time in gwlph a istdsummer nights dream starting saturday and abo flaying sunday midnight at 12 05 vnadas own deanna durijin in- mad about music wnv herbert manihall ail patrick arthur treacher iqbitudrql upb whillau k allan following an lunata of wrertl weeki ura william x allan puied pcfully i away at the home or hr dughter uri e a uann on tnursday apru 7th in hertandymr the late mra allan wlw before her marriage waa usry mclach- 1 em uma born in brta townahlp of fioot- tlah parentage a daughter of the late archibald atebachern and darbara mao- lean bonn sixty years ago she waa joined in holy wedlock to william e allan of erin townahlp who predeceased her seven j ears ago until alx montlu ago whan in falling health she took up realdenoe with her daughter the late mrs alloa i nmde her home at the family homestead wriero her son john resides i two sons and one daughter remain lb mourn the lass of a loving mother john l on the homeatead in erin tow t whip mrs e a mann of erin township and archie f ot detroit michigan one sister mrs d ii mckuolicm of terra coluttalso survives tlic dcccancd had been a life- long member of onprlngt presbyterian i church i the funeral was held on saturday from thi home of irt daughter with a prlvutt ki rvlct rondut ted by the llcv h u bnnlc of knox prtabyurlan church acujii i iiilernienl wilm mudi in tlu fiunlly plot in fturvllw cimeury acton hit pall txurltrt win mtrii john wlilln john mchhilmru himr mi uicht rn john allan ehcttr minn und a m mi imu r the w hlch liud bet n dlsi on t inucd middle of the month accounts and letters regarding relief wire guen ot r to the relief board for attention an account for on indigent patient was passed for payment a letter from beardmore co acknow udged receipt of notification of the datts for daylight saving in acton request was mode by mr bowman nunn to place gasoline tanks at his property on main street council felt this was a matter for the department of highways instructions were issued to have the municipal grader painted the streets were to be graded and dragged immed lately the reec and councillors mason fnd jones were appointed a committee to interview mr blakclock regarding the t omnletlon of the pavement on mill street the repairing of the ft nee to the spring property was delegated to u nrrunged b reeve met uicheon and councillor chulmirs tlie u tt r regarding th k r lets of fired b th canadian kd crtvw ioclet was len to tht ijiketsld clxnttr of the i o d e it ling thut posmbly this nnatilz4itlon would be utiilly interested complete stocks il doisu t matter whether it is u complete imildini or nlti atioiib or materials foi alter ations ou ii lind our stock and service com plctl ihe new quarters on main street enable us to render n better service and cany larue stocks special no 2 xxx shinkles at 35 per square including sales tax if jt is building see georgetown lumber co phone 149 acton mills at georgetown acton ii tilt rk a 1 tir rrv m gray 1 t hill t m dt tails of tht r tmoua und how tht could be applied ot out lined in tin audiu it port this was in accord anti with tin plan outlined at tht last nut tin and gn a list of books that win rvqulred the clerk felt lie could not pen ihes nt w btmks without aonit as lstanct moved b j b chalmt r seconded b e jone that the auditors report tor 1937 us submitted b oray teutey t hill be accepted and 10 copies of the auditors reptjit be printed carried council i03 mason and chapman wt re aptuitkl a commit us ui lntermt w tht bumneaa men rrmirding lb night con stable- arnlcts details in connection with the shtr tut tor building tkt upaney oi cupted rt naidt tublt iimr uiid allentlon of tht nirtlln ii vi ton jlmors ppoit iai lk mcl vi ill in s ikesidkvt top performance wnh the tall of the open road and lh- bright spring days sou want top pur form kill in your motor car now is tht unit for spring check up and tht place to get it is where the berxice is complete perhaps the body paint needs retouching us well as the mechanical part serviced for summer we re equipped to bring sour car to top appearance us well as top performance haixn service first at norton motors fxri 8 sales and service phone 69 acton iioniwmoon hriime sinks to bottom of niafaka river homymoon ilrluki w hit h ml from its c inudlun and aim rlean mipporu in a mldulnur let jam wmk u thi u ttmn of tlw nliikura river i n iui sdny with a ttnnl fill w of rnujistj a bin part nt thi fallt n stet1 structure cavtd in tlu eurpt i of lei on which it hud rcsud klnci january 21th h suiu nlowly fnmi slkht while only a lew watched but tlil mwb goi uround uial the fujls view spun whose crumbled bulk has been the greuut wintertime tourist attrac tion niagara raits has ever had would probably be gone before nightfall at 3 35 tut sday afternoon tlie last visible 200 foot pkcet of bridge started to move with tht ic thouaunda lined the short on both mdi s of the rlur and watch 1 iht nuuvtut steelwork mill a half mill downstrrum on itit ice carrier suddinly thi i holding it up tell away and tin strut t in mink in j75 fit l of wattr si ik i lll smi tilt lllltr lolllipst ot thi ij rid hi intt i hi t r nlakaru lallh hiu bt 1 n lsll tl b l 111 lslh fnim i ry jmrt of cuniitht and tin i niutl fatuu i a iiwd tin tin rt uuirii wtnt down nn uu lit uul lk pttunv t lii lullin k hi 11 1 indira i ns tin illrt 11 t it xhlch in jun i tr t r uuuy tin bridge a sup- lxrts il on ni ci tl i out n i wt r cim pun i unit itmmdj u 1 u 1 llu fa lb and i ipp 1 t lumrn s 11 hi i in dald n us s 1 ii 1 i r do n u ild ik up li this ui k s mild uiuthi r vmm set n twi t ihn i dus uk 1 elph itvii n harkl with rhiurin jerry fki ha bn krn his n tpmirmetit uh iv 0n he u m unr uh at thi ton ul nu him f the llaluai creu ctm and bunl n talta si ui murtl ik l pi a asmk lull n held b browns and sll dufc counter i mut i t i luy rviliu tt last 1 ta id m li iki u n r ul u iv u t tl nmu ikmis oi kkiit wtuht 1 1 i 1 1 i u u r- n i 1 i i ul i ii s i s 11 il l i 11 n 1- i hupi rt f nur pi ii cumlian pik r 11 at i t k jut uk s dn l t in im a r ng 1 n rltt t t t i if thi i tdu tittu f minu it n h v i i tad r 1 1 l l elw i i niik mm t r n l m ru ia rvi m ntrtli i 1 i a i 1 s m i nl uu lurh h v tf i hi ilnntl r in imt t i li r 1 t tl i a thu oi tbx fr r 141 it ii uo0 it a i 1 it l- l lij chjiu t i tut i i i 1 1 v i tw n t 1 i un i i 1u i 1 10 olx hhi ihi ni i rut t v i 1 vrtj ihh 1 h s ii 193 ht rxm 1 r 1 i j tt uit u it iiili and park u t r t x n r itu- i trd as ti i tm kinhtuvm tut m jml 0 too ibi i t li 19ji 1 i i coo ibx nd ui litj llisjji c l or m 1 kuim n 1 imiwj rtoo lb t it i i 1 i ml k- 1 i u rn iiml k1tout 1 l ml 1 i wauuvtvt mapped the tmnntjrnt cilv uwner will tht pathttt i nlerrd o long i din t kmw air replied the mr brightl e neer measure it sir 11 tun n rm n irt n 1 is r r j h i 1 hk good shobs rob lolvo and old canwetly riusw- r d rachlin acton s1ins slkinc uim umlir mr n p l bnuht nt tin rttt ntcut ortlir a choull luch he haa plu krl an a irrr it was in tms fsss ptsaa tndow rir a few days and tran laid on trie silt near the win dow ajid forgotten ttiu morruner a urie tuttrrfrjr was found on the floor and the cocoon was empty it deretoprd into a pretty fair slsed specunan easter week hinton t have in and m let t join c mplt it 1 i t busur nowltus und gifts m i h s lrc lb i dy to lit lltixed rlthi ul i u er m ulrt- 1 kk upr ler xirt hitlt a i t httccutr for iaut t m tr 3 v leituts t s it itt ik lb rorsr jid ill1iiu t tsllll i viei- s- ii1 stm uill l 1 i ttwre arv and see them lkvltit vi 69c 89c kvsrtlt iits m n s pttitl al eu 98c hintons 5c to 1 store holiday needs suggestions afttrmath of m appeal hi urd bt fo i judtft fe w cu in nt t kiw inner in non jiir mttliiifa l th c unt court in om lph lusl wet k 11k ni u itaao ttuelph itullun was iirreud on tuesday afttrihmin on u rtuirge f p r jur lit wan litter r kavsd on l 0o0 bull ioikl illlettl itu- ttstlluti fulilj tl tiie in iruik in liiat he n id tht court ht and his iur utre out f tht it tin du bt 1 rt tin tipptal uus hmrd 0emihiij a d clsj n i uqulttui nivtn by iulsirul w tit in in iu e nmrt judkr 1 nn nt upht id in roi n aj- m tl and hind icusv tnd nlik a tl oi uiu hruith 1m nd tts n h n urft n tl r tin excise act mi i mol nt llhl 41- 1hm b i ah k in oi 1 hr iii h in t si h i m ii in i si s x t t n i f i n i mairsl i 1 i i 1 ml r f i i r i si s r i o i i c i t ii i it tcion i m ion ii uh in nm one i 11 iv pust prt s ii f thr majt r d slrpt- in ur imi i the cina lt ii irkl ui waa a k in ed zone ct musat dt r f the nealj f rrred bone 26 corrposed of pasts bramp ton milton streets lite oeorgetow n and acton tlie new aone was formed as a mare compact unit of the legion than the original zone 1 3 for over the holiday try house of picardy chocolates 50c 0ej 75c 1100 125 box they are different a dellffhtf ul line peekfrean english biscuits at vety specujj nesta reg 8c pkr lrc lemon nnd bnrley creams rcr 20c picr llc day by day assorted rcr 2sc pkr 21c twiglfts rcr l pkr 2 savory snacks rcr isc pkr 29c nuv ninty at tiirsp rait is okeefes and canada dry fresh greens oauuflowen xte oreen deans pound lse new asparagus bnch toe oreen spinach lb tc bunch carrotk bunch le oreen cabbage lb se waxed turnip each 8c ilead lettuce head ho celt ry hearts bunch 12c stilltl tomabors lb 12e iseaf lettuce bunch lt oreen onions bunch re ijirgr- cucumbers ea re cholre iladlsh bunch v mi d cucumbers each e hi let hununuft do 2le nirke pineapple 1 11 zlc prish rhirtmrb bneh 10c ljiri clrupt fruit ea 5c mam nth immsl for 10 i- ineitt navel orange ile 22r 25r 20r itlr do loh baitv liiiiiys hain iood barrs n tll im0 siiiatts ih histults proclamation re daylight saving time minnas a iiuinhir ul iniii indtitr is n llu muniiip ilit will idii i dlwikhl sainr imu durini llu 1 1 st n 1 siiiiiiiui and win it is in nidir 1 iwud tun i usiini h ih uld hicmii iv rtsult ihinurh lluiu htinu ivki muns i i im m it in iht munil palm militt islurtln rhhi tint tli ntintil i llu iipr itinn i i att n h is ditidtd h b invt l i l ii1iriu samiii imu fur aiimr tiimintntiiir at mijn thl n saturday april 23 1938 to mon september 5 1938 vt midmmit iti7tns art rtqutsttd to tompk nh thi- ht j and adopt ih s nun fr mi tht datts sptsihtd c f j mcl iit1 heon reeve dattd at acton april 7th ihh i oiii- lit it- riiomi- champ on jy iaiuu vjteatl defended hu u le scauut h trry thomas in hr r rrcent chi aeo nht louis knocked thomas out in the ni h n u d tie aoote picture ass taken during the flrk round of the fiirhi and khowi ttv n us preparing lo uncork a atut one at the champ

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