aix tythlrd yc 44 acton ontahio thursday may 5lh 1038 bight homoprint pages five cent increase in provincial grants last report of insp denyes britain offered plants n of national defence executive of twelve canadian aircraft ormslrurtlnn com panics offered thetr entire facilities for the construction of british rallltary aero planes a british mission will shortly in vestigate the possibilities of having mill tary aeroplanes built either in canada or the united states music festival officers elected annual meeting medals will continue to be awarded mrs somervtlle acton viccprehdent few of us half appreciate work done t teachers in rural schools w l smith president of the hal ton music festival association declared at the an nual meeting of the association held in thr public school milton on wednes- cay evening last i would like to speak to the trustees w ho are loo scotch to pay teachers the proper salaries mr smith asserted some teachers salaries are disgraceful how can we expect them to instruct our children properly under thr circumstances mr smith was the chairman of the met ting many ounffw noted in the twentyfive ya since ttjcintf office suit of school coamettded special meetliiff to deal with temhe enffsffettenu music ramvax snows iuulnob of over sm at the monthly meeting- of acton school board on tuesday evening trustees dr a 3 buchanan v b rumley dr p w ftoann and f s blow were present trustee a j buchanan was made chair man for the evening in the absence of mr j m mcdonald the secretary reported that he had up to the present been unable to ar range with the beerdmore oo for the rolling of the grounds at the school tout would endeavor again to contact the proper officials the official report of inspector denyes was received and rood by the secret- in a conference with lieut ool l as follow leflechc above deputy minister milton april 23rd ims chairman and- members the school board acton ontario gentlemen in my last official report to you on the supervision of your publlo school x desire to express apprecia tion on my own behalf ami on that of the department ofuducataon of the cooperation you have given in the administration of the educational affairs of your municipality the past twntyave years have seen changes tn your educational setup the most important change tn the organisation has been in the separa tion of the elementary and second ary stages of the school the estab lishing of the continuation school in a separate building effected a mark ed tmprovemeait and you are to be congratulated in having at present a school of this type which i think is among the beat or its slse in the province in the public school you have been fortunate tn mai a permanency tn the personnel of your staff beyond the average in no small degree the success of the school is attributable to this fact in the person of miss bennett you hae had for years the leadership of a principal or the highest moral and intellectual ideals whose influence has been beyond all computation thoroughly capable as an instructor miss bennett has added to her school room efficiency the judgment and sense of fair play which have served to make the organisation run smooth ly and to preserve that confidence between staff and pupils which nakeu for sustained effort and final success so for as i have been able u observe there has been the utmost harmony in the whole organisation miss bennett is the only teacher now on the staff who was in the school when i assumed office on the 1st march 1013 of the assistants mus polster has given the kmgest service fallowed in order by miss anderson miss ore miss macmlllan miss hunt and mus bruce these are all very competent teachers and each is doing her share to keep our school well to the front among the schools of the county permit me to payt final tribute to the late mrs mary r moore for years an ornament tb your teaching staff mrs moore s beauty of character was reflected in her love of music to this subject she gave of her very best and so succeeded in communicating her eh thuslasm to both teachers and pupils that your school forged its way to leadership in the county truly her works do follow her under miss hunts sole leadership the school made another fine record in thr competition at the annual music festival this month i have repeatedly pointed out to you the lack in your school program that you hae allowed tb continue in the absence from the curriculum of two subjects household science and manual training i do not pro pose in this final report to traverse the argument i have presented be fore the value of these two subjects is amply shown in the fact that the minuter of bducatlon has made them compulsory in the secondary schools surely ir pupils there are to receive the fullest benefit from them the beginning should be made in the elementary school i simply suggest again that you give serious consider ation to the introduction of these two practical subjects into your public school program the most profitable way in whl h this may be done as x have pointed out before is tn co operation with the milton and georgetown boards another matter which i have stressed upon you to that of medical hupscuon and nursing service for the school this is of very prime continued on page five halton plowmen are to hold junior match at a recent meeting of the directorate of the halton plowmen plans were made to hold their annual junior farmir match this event which a year ago brought out is young men under 90 years of age wilt be held on may 37th i on the farm of wm dales nelson town- ship we understand from president peter peddle that separate classes will be provided for each township and furthermore that the competitors from each township will be divided into two divisions according u previous experi ence a new feature of the days pro- gram will be a judging or scoring class open only to competitors n o mnleod veteran plowing authority of qalt will be the judge for the event one act play features closing meeting at greenock the closing meeting or the orrenock literary society was held in liu school on friday april joth when the mem bent and thrlr invited friends enjoyed a social evening during hie business dls elusion the president oordon leslie o cupled the chair mr charles mc kcowu neutral judgt of the group con test gave the judges dealnlon dcflarttih miss laura joluuuin it giuup wlnmr the contest program during tho year the special feature of the evening was n one net piny entitled kidnapped buddy by members of tin bloumsbury literary society thr piny was coached by mr charles jicntli rson of rjooms bury and was very nimbly presented and greatly enjoyed by lhc oreenock society following the progrnm arthur mr keown called on minn clvn peann to come forward to compliment her on hrr success as conch of the arccnock play eyes of love presented during thj i past few weeks on bclialf of the play i cast in appreciation of their coach s co operation miss jean mann mode the presentation of a silver rose bowl kl though taken by surprise mus pearen i mode a fitting reply in a few wellchosen words lunch wm served with pie and ice cream as a special treat by the oreenock members the remainder of the rvrnlng was spent in cards and dancing bringing to a close a very successful year by the greenock literary society many prize winners at the institute euchre a motion from a representative or the womrn s institute suggested abolition of medals to winning music students and substitution of books on music oa awards we hove taxed our brains befure over this matter and always returned to medals j a lockhart principal of burlington public school and treasurer i of the postl vol association stated 1 have found that children prize their medals hlghl we had 78 medals this ytar i wouldn t care to have to select 78 books he said 1 members agreed to continue medals thr question arose as to the advlsabu ity of charging admission u the festival for the day instead of for each session i but it a as deckled to carry on in the some maimer as previous the woman s institute held u very i successful euchre in the v m c a on wednesday night last prise winners were first and second games mrs ache- son third and fourth gomes mr j mc donald fifth and sixth games mrs e p collier seventh and eighth gomes mrs c lelshman ninth and tenth karnes mr if oolcs ladles prises mrs o h lantz mrs r wallace dents prizes mr a w lowrle mrs j j stewart lone hands prize mr lowrii lucky number prize mr w evans door prize mrs mnplesden low prize mrs j mowat travelling prizes mrs dobble and mr coles the luck j draw for the quilt ns an b miss cannon needing completed all throtlfih halton trustees of the various schools have been very generous this year and the response has been particularly good from rural i districts officers elected are honorary presid 1 ent j m denyes milton j president w l smith burlington vicepresidents mrs o a sotnervluc acton secretary mrs d hartley milton treasurer j a lockhart burlington an sdded executive to the committee wss william oowdy ltmehousc dele gates appointed are fur home and school olubs mrs m hume milton miss m brown freeman for women s institutes mrs h cart right mulon for lode mrs cooke milton interesting retorts and topics given at i ode meeting the regular month 1 meeting t f the duke of devonshire chapter i o d e was held at the home of miss m z benne t on tuesds evening the regent mrs barr presided after the muiutes of last meeting mere read the business of the evening was discussed i a donation was made to the inland sailors fund mrs sthrocdrr convener of oroup two gave a very gratifying i report on the month s activities mrs o a dills gave the paper on current events mrs elliott gave a paper on australia which was very interesting miss nelson as repres to the halton music festival association out lined the work a solo by mrs beatty was enjoyed by all an enjoyable half hour was ipent over the tea cups presid ed over by mrs near and miss nelson seeding of cereal grains is pretty well completed over the county of halton i this is much earlier than usual and growth conditions including meadows nnd orchards ore nearly two weeks u advance of normal seeding has gone in in excellent condition and with favor able weather oondlttoiu during the next few weeks prospects for 19m are most favorable young cattle have already been turned out on many farms in most herds there la the odd animal that is showing a number of warbles and the appreciation stt the warble powder wash u the order or the day the campaign of the post three years has achieved excel lent results and pretty well wiped out the menace on most farms united w m s executive halton presbyteriat meets in acton tin executive of halton presbyterlal u lilted chur h woman s missionary societv met in the school room of the baptist church on tuesday arrange ments acre mode for the sectional rallies to be held in ashgrove and kll- irlde in june 22nd and 23rd the secretaries of the various de partment brought in their reports which showed improvement for the first quarter of 1938 a meeting was announced at the mem orial hsh oac quelph on june 9th at two oclock dat when reports from the dominion board meeting will be pesented a vote of thanks to the board of the baptist church for the use of their school room was moved and passed fifty children on program of mission band interenilttir easter pageant is presented by group and other features then spoke jesus unto them saying i am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in dark ness but shall have the light of life let your light so shlno iberore irien that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven oo ye therefore and tench all i iu lions at the close or thin quotation by lois dnwklns fifty members of the united hurch mission band filed into the oarkeufd lecture room of the church on i hi occasion of theh easter rimnk of firing program on thursday evening april jfllh tlic children were dressed fn cohtumrs of mnny lands and each one bore a lighted candle an they marched mound the room singing sweetly jesus bid us shim with n clear pun light words of welcomo win given by the ftmldcnl mub i llurrln who then con du tod u vi ry worshipful li votlunul 1 rlod tills included a si rlpttirt read ing trim mi mot y by imui w llde rsplti nn lexuiter nlory b priuici i lamb a prujer poem by miujorli n inoti and a tcmpcruncc t xt rclse led by tit orge el llott whllt the offering was being petlyjlil etne1 prunitlln pianist for tho land n ndi n d an instrumental solo country garden two choruses by i hi unnrt m mbern completed thlt purl the progrnm a reading by lots dawkins introduced i world ptii nds alphabe t in whit h twenty six of the younger members of the band represented twvnlyalx dif ferent countries of the world each recited a htue verse and wore a con uime or exhibited something fyplcul of tll tmnlry he represented the officers and older members of the bund presented a short comedy with a moral mlltkd the houne of do what ejucnn the moral was that the uecea8 of any organization depends upon each member and officer doing ilh interest and enjoyment that port u tilth l bat nulled to his own talente a vocal number unnatural abor culture by wlnnlfred duwkhut irene fryer prance lamb and mabel harris and u lovely easter solo by betty olb sem wire much enjoyed an eiuttor pniicnnt the children of tho way was perhaps the climax of lhc program ten members of the dund dressed in costumes such as might have been worn in the time of our lord represented children carrying gifts of flowers and ointment to the tomb of jesus on the first easter morning as they walk along they talk of him and his loving kindness to them and of how they wig miss him now that hr is gone the little ones grow weary so they stop awhile to rest suddenly fnrni the dlr erllan of the tomb they hear a cry they have taken away my lord and i know not where they have laid him i puzzled and afraid the children start forward slowly then comes the glad cxy he la risen lie llvethl hurry ing now the children reach the tomb rnd find it is all true christ has risen indeed in closing the audience all joined in singing christ the lord is risen to day and the benediction was pronounc ed by mr emery in the unavoidable absence of dr morrow the large audience of purents and in terested friends were warmly apprecla uve of the whole program which was conducted throughout by the members of the mission bond empire cruise i an iode feature at y last night a unique nnd senium nl program was held last night in tho spacious rooms of the y mc a when oroup 3 or the duke of devonshbo chapter lode sponsored tin empire cruise visitors were nbly conducted by mem bers of the committee to visit tlw various parts of the empire a splendid musical program was ren dered by local talent which was grcntly appreciated by the audience and commit tee in charge all numbers on the program were stilt- able to the theme of the evening moving pictures presented by norman wright on the st lawrence sea- wny and the pulse f the empire london were beautiful and instructive a contest entitled what do you know about the british empire closed the evenings entertainment prises being won by john mcllugh and margaret somervlile worthy reelplents tilt i vt nuut was suitably closed by tlu mllirlng of tin nntlomil anthem entrance to fairview is being levelled and improved lakeside i ue discuss plans iok siikltkits in iakk aiuotik tin 111 ms of bimltii ss dim usseel by niktnldi loub on iusdn night won fliimiiliu asnlntilhce in providing hi iu m for bnthirs nt fairy lake pluns luid cewtft wire nfudlrd viikn kmlly young kv the chapter of hbitnry on hit pnniti canadians und miss mury jut kson uavi thi currrml imiilh both proved vi ry interesting und were enjoyed one in w member was n i ivixl in die chapt r following the conclusion ed tin mi i ling which was presided ovi r by thi it gent minn mar guerite ilydi r lunch wus nerved and a social lime t njoyed halton presbytery held the spring meetingjn acton prchbytery goen on record a opposed to any form of gambling halton presbytery oj the united church of canada met tor the regular spring conference in the united church at acton on tuesday of this wreck morn i uk and afternoon session were held with the rev fin lay mathenon of bur lington in the chair thirty five dele- htttts were present representing every charge within this smallest presbytery of the hum 11 ton conference the answer to iast weeks puzzle poem the answer to the puzxle poem of last week was dominion and the winner f th award is miss edna aitken r r nti 3 acton the rules are simple just use the coupon from the fie picas mrth week and have your answer at the office not uurr than monday evemlng oull find this weeks puzxle poem on page five i i i routine business und reports from the various churches showed the worc to be in un encouragingly healthy condition with increases in membership and fin unces of tvery department election of officers for the presbytery resulted in rev j r clugstone b a j bd of pre email being elected to the j chairmanship for the coming year and rev a o w foreman b a of balllna- i fud reelected as secretory rev j t heslop of aldershot re elected as trea surer rhc rev charles julllffc of olen williams gave u very illuminating ad dress explaining conditions in china and expressed the conviction that the christian tttiufch m the orient wut prove its great worth in the life of thaw fur off part of the world a more vital interest in christian missions on the part j i f the home churqh will not only save the situation abroad but also our church here in this fair land concluded the speaker the church that is not mis- slemary in spirit and deed is doomed to failure much time was spent in discussion of social service work and ways and means of coping with the needs of this depart meiit the question of sweepstakes came up for some discussion and the presbytery w urn un record as definitely opposed to this or any form of gambling hamilton conference will be held in weale united church oalt oommenc ing may 31st until june 7lh besides dr morrow pastor of the local church messrs o o emery and j h denny were mode members of the ing conference t old hnnd pit and main street frontage iwlnjr converted into hip terrace vlaiw for impoa- injr kronlnjre otiifr parth op cemetery in fxlfixrnt condition workmen under the direction of the acton cemetery board commenced this week levelling the land recently acquired lie xt to fulrvli w cemetery on main street a rodent tractor and machinery for moving the earth have been at work since monday and the weeks work in completing the apprnnt h from main street to fairview ce mi te ry will have been greatly improved the old sund pit that hod bwen along tin front of the property has gone and tin hill fnelng along main street is to have n gradual mot hark to the feme u ry proper llu two lots facing on main str it wi re rei nll nftpilrrd by the cnulirv il ni el mid teldeel to the pro perty in ojivi rsullirji with he r tary h m mi donald w it urn hint thi plan is to miikt epilte nn altiuillvi entrance to fnlrvliw as llio funds nn available a circular drlwiyiiy and piithwny will be modi on thi umm trading to the crme u ry w ulno learn that on plans include u place in the front of tin nnw u ry for a c battel in which commitment services can b hi id during thi winti r monttut a moriirt vault spun will nlso lm pmvlded so dial lh neeinslly r tuuifing graven in thf winter monttut will be done away with und burluls cun be muele ilfter the front is out of the ground these plans runnot of course all be ronsummaleil at tin pn n nt time or until sufficient funds lire nvallaole the work this yenr will uihudr the grading arid levrlllng of the front und possibly file e reei t ion of u stone wul along the main street fntntagc of thi cemetery the stnel commonly known as pulrvlew avinui will remain as ut pnttrnt the older mr lion of tile ci nicti ry is in exci dent condition the graves lii which hurlals have bee n made during thi winter are leveiird and si rded tlu- gross has tecn cut and trimnii d und the j trees on the ten tire u the wi it side are i just coming out in leaf the cemetery board have certainly been giving ode junte attention to thr work necessary in fairview and seen tary r m mcdonald has been untiring in uil oversight unel pluuuliig he has given visitor from ml of town will we arc sure note a decided improv merit arid compliment the board on the changes that have been made in the few yearn the supervision has been under their care the work will bespeak the whole hearted support of plot owners ioiitraitist dead outstanding canadian artist of in ternational reptile john w i forster 97 died in tor into oeni rnl hospital following injurlen received when he wiis in a collision with nn atitomnhlle let- i nw in d us u portrait 1st mr toi st r polnti d three oovernor oenernln of can- iidn five prime ministers nnef numeroiu lending u s i itlzi ns mr fo s r was ik niiuvt of lluluin county huvlnu la rn born at nor vol vacancies filled by nassagaweya appointments tender for crwihed stone accepted irant made to halton plowmen amociauon tree set on fire hy lkhtnint in nassataweya on diursday evening of lost week during s light shower u boll of light ning struck a tall rim tree an the form of john j henderson the tree was set afire by the lightning but the bloxe was not noticed until about 0 pm one hour after it was struck the fire in creased in btze till midnight when it began to die down ihe burning limbs and trunk appeared like a weird cross fnm a distance the recent rain help- nuaiakawryn township council met m may 2nd member all present the reeve pre siding the minutes of lasl mertlng were nod und adopted ihe orrrspeindenre wui nud and di ult willi mr le fruni tin di partment of hlgn- wuys toronto llun sat in with the coun cil to consldi r the tendeis for crushed sume whit li thr council had previously ailed for after due consideration it v us dei ided u ueorpt the tender of iirner and frank t mc per cubic yura thr following ateuunls were then pass ed for payment relief officers account 181 30 road superintendent n vouchers 780 36 mince lluncemis accounts u 30 mr david irving tendered his reslgns- ttn as live block valuator which was accepted by council die council then nppolned mr j hn early as live stock valuator council grunted the sum of ten dol lars to the haiti u plowmen s associa tion mr ollbcrt kingsbury was appointed weed inspector cuusrd by the resigna tion of frank rinehart council adjoearned u meet wednes day june 1st us a court of revision und tn geneiwl business at one pm ed to keep the fire from spreading the exl ellentcrowd tree was unc yl the largest ui the town ship of nssagowteya it was over ninety feet high and could be seen for several rrlles the trunk and some of the limbs lemaln rockalont institute annual meeting election of officers at scout mothers u xii1aky euchre on monday evening the scout mothers auxiliary held an enoyable euchre in the parish hall which was well attend ed prizes for ladies were won by mrs john morton and mrs holloway sent prizes went to mrs john kennedy and miss jessie atkinson the travelling the msy meeting of the stocksiong prizes went to mrs wm johnstone and mii prank mcintosh following e ue hr dainty tc freshmen u were served by the ttcout mothers and a cellghlful half hour spent coining events ann crrta hesdiai urtllifi f oci i unue this i icait p ihtrgr 1 r n lintrjrrh iau uiuau fflarj sth 1938 a da on which to tell the world thai you honok her or her memofty institute which wss held at the home of mrs posmore was the annual meeting and eteetlun of officers the meeting was opened with the institute ode ev era commlttte reports were read and various items of business were discussed mrs harris and mrs shultls were ap pointed representatives to the district annual an invitation from the utoia branch to take part in a competition piogram was accepted mr posmore occupied the choir for lhe election of officers which resulted follows president mrs d mcnabo iyt vice president mrs plank 2nd vlce- esldent mrs dunbar secretary trea urrr mis helen qayue district direc tor mrs j dennis pianist mrs w block assistant mrs dunbar flower committee mrs a mcnobb and mrs posmore auditors mrs nelson and mrs h maude a short program as put on by mrs dunbar as follows current events by all roads led to bloomsbury school mrs w patterson a paper on how to on july 1st 73th anniversary oood help your institute by mrs dunbar proatam afternoon and evening also a contest which wss won by mrs w mckabb mothers day tea and hotntmsde the meetlnc was closed with the baking and candy sale under auspices nations anthem and mrs posmore and i st albans sunday ocfaoot oaturday dsughten ssslsted by mrs nelson ssrv- may 7th from 3 to 6 o clock tn parish ed tea i hall i lakeside chapter i o d je will hold a bingo in the legion hall acton on wednesday may 1 1 lh 4j2 the coronation address and pic tures at knox church wednesday msy llth a is p m admission iftc k