mob tax -awnrtkjeipftb99r- auriuxtatruaa hoimiltal one not imrned sai in gracious houm- hot ptjtelnmr but nil of tior wiu kb anial but a daaiwr oilnf all dipt m annl itjuimu breathing ptnaua interpntar batwan tha gods and msn wholookad naure to bar ptaea and on tlptn seemed to touch upon a iphara too cross to tread and all male minds swayed to hr rrom their orbits as they rnovcdi and girdled her with muile happy be with such a mother i rlth in woman- baatsvlth ms blood and trust in an things high v cornel easy to him and though he trip he shall not bind his soul with clay alfred tennyson menu hints salsaa far new anal nml makes daasahau mass awl saggeatlsas chronicles oft gingerfkrm wruua spfteuuy fr tim aeub rm lwi gwendoline p olahu by betty barclay orjunoe salad bowl l cup oranae btjmmu slice cup peach alices cup pear slices v cup aeeded srapea a tablespoon lemon mayonnaise l tablespoon orange juice combine fruit blend mayonnaise with orange juice and put over fruit arrange in lettuceuned salad botvl vaiial ona for peach or pear slices substitute apricot apple avocado or banana siloes for grapes substitute cherries or melon balls the orange seg ment or slices however ahould always be included as the basts of the salad scalloped tomatoes drain one can tomatoes from some of their liquor season with salt pepper a few drops of onion juice and 2 tea spoons sugar cover the bottom of a buttered baking dish with buttered bread crumbs cover a 1th tomatoes and sprin kle top thickly with buttered crumbs bake in hot oven until crumbs are brown liver canapes simmer calves liver until very tender chop fine and rub to a paste to one cup of liver add one tablespoon melted butter nohalf teaspoon sugar salt and pepper to taste and enough thick tomato luiure to make the mixture the rtffht con siatency to spread lightly toast strips of graham bread about four inches long and an inch and a quarter wide spread with paste oamlih with a border of chopped whites of hardboiled egg and the rlced yolk serve cold appetite teasers two dishes with unusual appetite ap peal are tarte nux olgnons and spinach a la touralnc both show the french knack of achieving particularly delicious results with cerd foods in both one of the secrets of success la the use of a small amount of sugar to restore the natural garden flavor of thi ege tables and to blend the flavors of the other seasoners tarte aux oionons fcdlcc thin four large onion put in u quart of cold salted water add a tin nptxin of augur mid brine u bull on quick fire cook a feu mlmitts k mm i from th tin mid drum add tin iinwuis to n quarts r of a i mid o bu 1 ml has bet u melted in a mulct pun and cook until tru an lfghtl bmwmtl add three sllcrs tif inwon that hue been rut into small pltxr and rooked in but t t let ihr mwinrr until t i just warm add thru tgg uiuji light h with tour ubleftpon o i rt mn fill tart fthelli with the inixtun pour mel ed tmunr ow uwm and bult until spiwch a la tvhhaim- iml i lfle wiuklird tipuliu h in umixput uti nr and i linlf iupn i wattr in id out truspoii 1 augur cook it r iwinti mltiut48 drain and pre ihroikl a coaidrr mix in three qnux tti unuinoon suit oncquarur uaspoon nuprllu and tin o tablrhxna butter ural again and ttten prtwa 11 ml into u iwl to mold tun tin aplmu h out up mi diu oi u pit itr kinilsh wiu li t- f it in i ind h ml tx dt d si 1 rw in until luu i win li a i fit lunate it tvt hit u i l ulka in liruhh wliit pluti tnia u k i n mi ai rhyme timet wh rt enn b burden wild her cuttlr abroad uroaua- she keepci h r stockholm uxk hornet whj should a fuhennaii be wraith hetause hb business is all net profit uhen do e find tlie wind most bit ing when t are in the teeth of the gale the sunday school y lesson rosl sunday max ith another mk gone by variable weather buny jj incwo- liuj loveliness ttwre u many a true word tpokmi in poetry lat monday my tmall pato of loleu waa thick with purple bloom and the air was w with their perfuraa last thursday i looted for them again but alas there was not one of tham left while they had been bloomln and spreading their fragrance i had iwon too busy houseeleanlng to give tham much attention and so on thursday when x looked regretfully at the withered htue flowers i thought st once of that oft repeated but seldom appreciated line of poetry dust will keep but violets wont however we haw one consolation mother nature has a happy sequence all her own violets and other flowers may fade but there u always something just as beautiful and fragrant to take the place of vanished loveliness and house- cleaning days never last all summer glory be lost week i was telling you daughtor was home for a few days one reason for her holiday was because or it being a gap between jobs aitr two months at her first position she decided she was not quite satisfied and would like a change naturally i was a little worried i when she aked my advice i did not think she had much reason tor complaint and i might have said stick to your jab but i dkln t what i did say was if you are not satisfied look around and get a position you think you will like partner agreed w ith mc and tha reason we gave daughter that advice was m that she might feel her own feet one can gle adlce and perhaps insist on it being taken but does it do any good if it goes too much ugulnst the grain llure la m bttur uachir for young tmk than expert net orudfflng service never gets anyone anywhere and we knew if daughter kept her first position against her will she would not give of lur bm b making a changt she will pribab learn that wherever one goes or whatever one does there will be work thnl is not congenial and people one does not care for with whom one has to as sociate however in this cose i have a hunch that daughter has made a change for thi better this time she has gone to look afur two little children a girl of lour and a boy of two eara old i was down to see the place twice and each time i came away i thought if i were a young girl i wouldn t care if i had to c ub floors if it means living in a place uch as that to which daughter has gone tilt otau compute with bouthouse and picnic comenltnces ts right on the lake front the grounds are spacious and beouufullj kept and tlu h uit the last word in commlrnce daughters bed room to- in tance the window on ont sldt of tin room looks out on the lake i dixir on the olhir sldt kuds t a bath i om for dtiughurs own us a com t immlon tf txauty and utllltv in in liu four wulls of one room mi tin room win cliunnuifc bright nd ulr but what upuulcd to nu most i thi kitchen abmiluul llu lost wi rd u mugilm puturt in r ulltj u btudy i while tnomil and monel metal huge li it id um giia fcior in c iblni t sth m mug ix iird in its wn uplxurd kit ln t 1 j hom tt t and c id waur on il i itriuibh linimwlfts iuiudls oh tl i if utirklng in mi h kltchi n tu uttiti 1 don t utuilt it guid for u ruiti r guriun funm r w if to go iwu ti d sit such things w hit l i in ikis nti- to d i w wer n iik i a rudlt prthinun wlun s inu in murid rttlung llie psalm of uft s hi riiilsliil i said u 1irtmr nith i uiufch nml might stri ius n good di tlpthm for lurm hfi u placi when u u w urn u hbbur and t wait hm no tix ublt in lea tilng i ibor nit it tnki i muih 1 ngt r to it urn t v lit tint la with u giid krace to wult for lu things e li peful th ugtit it woiil 1 tx xwalb r to haw afti r u f g hki i if outurlu iniahiii v li is much 1 44 lu vi rax i mlr a1 llu euuu tlln ht it lint dum sumuln thnl lihi i thni i l ul hi in flihlui kil t whut we urtiw all ell oh wdl it s not mich u bud life un ttll pr kllsf mil itvih hlllt uk piuuik foi msmiel meuil kltchtna klght now r are tix biu to pine er long for anything iartner ian t through cedlnx t t but 1 own t think an 1011 1 lae around her is either ao that a noth- uig to worr about and i am certatnl not through housecleanuis next week i hall be at the kitchen scouring and painting or as partner would ssj mak lng the place altogether unlivable my biggest- problem this week has been finding curtains for the diningroom i dont like what i have and couldnt buy hat i wanted so i rummaged through my possession until by scheming and ooopstratlna ik sbrviob oolden rsxtriftor he that is not against us u for usuark 0 4b xjuaet tertlarc 0 w41 time summer ad places capernaum snd the borders of ijudea biposltlon l tbiy disputed one with another who was tha graatast so- yt the wide gulf bstwean the lord and his rtltfflpr ta saen in the fact that while ha was oeeupled with his oomlng death they were oonoarned with vulons oftflary and greatness for themselves vs s3 m xscn jongad to be greater than hie other cf uatt so 30 31 34 iaike 23 m it seems hardly credible that uch strifes should haw arisen among those so near the lord tout what hap pens today yea the ambitions and jeal ousies of our own hearts will help us to understand it the desire to be first has wrought more harm in the church and in the world than almost any other cause our lord saw the seriousness of ute situation he did not dismiss it hastily tie sat down called the twelve to him and very sternly pointed out to them whither their ambition would lead them the man who wills tto be first is the man who shall actually be last many a man falls from preeminence because of his very desire to be preeminent through desiring the top place he gets the bot tom one more men have been set aside tn the isord s work through the desire to be acknowledged leader than through al most any other cause and many a man who imagines that he has attained the first place will and in the final reckoning that he has the last our laord answered their questions in a way that would impress their imagina tlon and so be long remembered v 31 when this low mean amlbltlon came up again they would recall that sweet humble child standing in the midst and jesus taking him in his ams and saying in substance be like that the fact that there was a little child at hand shows how attractive jesus was to the httlt onis and jesus inking him in his arms shows how he loved them the man who docs not lmt childrtn is not christ like though the disciples seemed to have ihin ufnild of our loid v 32 the chu drcn evidently wer not to receive one mich litue child 1 e a child who per fectly trusted jesus was to receive jesus himself if the child was received in his name le because of its nlation to him and to receive jesus was to receive the father for he came as the reprrsenta tivi of the father and was the full revelation of the father col 2 0 it is folly to talk of believing in the fa tlu r if one does not bellte in the son who is the perfect manifestation of the father to enter thi kingdom of heaven at all one must beeorru as a little child teachable matt 18 3 and to be great in the kingdom one must taicc a lowly place just as a child matt 18 4 to choose a low place for one s self the place where one can do ood a will and strvt othtrt instead of the plait whin one wlu be grenuj admired is the wuv to uchliit rt a greatness hit lower we put oursilus thi higher ci d will put us 1 phil 2 6 lli wft should not seek 1 hi under a pjuce to rult and nidi but tin puct of he child to lm taught and ruled ii he lliat ls n t ukillilm us ls for 1 38 41 it wit not til uth t r tin dleiplts li it tlili man followed jtsus lit must ilso fullt u thi ui nnd if he would not follow hum thin hi must slop working j siii mum for tli hud a mom xk u that name at least they thought thi y hid su 1 lj thtsi disciples at this tlim hi 1 klu more of sdf than thej did of jisus c ntnist thls with tht spirit of pail eir whj win tht r in pretense r in truth christ la proclaimed and i ire in i ujolet yru tuid i will rtjujci phil 1 18 thin urt nuiii atlll wh km k wlui ausplel n umui nil work n h dun b tluir own llijut if wt khi jsua lu pron r pla 1 4t imll iio usk whiunr tht y follow us all tliat wt ill ix 1 met mod ubt ut it do tht foli w hiw jt mia siild foibld lilm not linv w rds un w rth i uuujiluiul luiidt 1 itkni b tluvm attuirluils ln ultl ruhir um 11 1 1 lu uld ix ui hun umt soi m hi 1 n immii n thai 1 it tr ui l lid mi into t llkki hi id flrt mid i 1 tnipt tin r nid tl d lti 1 ui imu wli 11 cosuiik ut 1i1 11 i jt si 1 m tiurt will 1m 11 ik 1 j mls i fi to tktup all ur unit and tniigtli hi hut i n 1 iuiiu1 is us f u ua jl un suld m an tarlkr t t mutt 1j 301 jiiua ud sal 1 hi thai ii not w ith me la ugnuial im and to h nu it stems dlf rvult to n mile lir two utterances but tin lw 1 utttrtuicii an m perfect harm nj if we onl be r in mind that there is no mutril sunt tlu rf ut neces sartl uie- one who is not for is against and the one who is not against is for further than tha we must remember that these word were sp0411 at a time when the opposition to jesus had become so pronounced snd the danger of adhe ion to him so great that onl one who our column lums sf 1-artlaala- lalsraat la wsraao in vniuh waaasa raadara al tha frss ptsss mar dlasass kaak wash a mobnino olobv rob bach dav or tin win thun4arma7 m few men are wise enough to reoognlso that they are foolish frldar may ut lii mendlns one evil we had better be sure that we do not introduce a worse saturday may 1th sow good works and you will reap gladness sunday may tth i am the door by me ir any man enter in lie ahall be saved john 10 monday may tth tto do no evil is good to intend none is better tuesday may letlt lite is not so short but there is always time lor oourtasy wednesday may 11th guard the lips with jealous care let no denllne word pass their portals to smirch another day make your words carry life not death nursz elkram home hints a iilmple way to clean a clock that la encloaed la u dip a piece of cotton the aixc of an ore in kerosene and ptsoe on floor of clock in corner shut door and wait about three days the fumes of the kerosene toosons the dust thus cleaning the clock which wlu run like new to keep blaatet purls soft while working with it add a little ordinary flour and molatcn ill with vinegar not water a little flour sprinkled on lop of cake bcrore icing will prevent the icing from running off scotesscrapjook ftxku 9 mim fa sfhlke amah wrfla mahu4almi dhitousfef pajua cautlt slat- maxims fiu iy lcvfiom uquike 6 mem outrffb wold fh marrim a twami cotukmsds haadackl lh clovtnbais ut rtatrcountii blsla palirfks m lhcillm u pimltt uf amfwsbp btmluu y vau mataaoh im isss 2000000000 gm asia r kcsnua f3mp havt 2 vairnacu- lll j pekhv t4ca1al04ad at 380 and did you know out of 3 000 mounted police in can ada only about 200 ore mounud the outlying posts are moat popular and i there are 20 applications for every ncnjicy about 200 apllcatlons arc re- i celved ooch year from young lads in the i united states who thirst for adventure dear retidtrs are you all busj hoiihlrk lining and joking in the gurden i am but just whin i gut right rttidy to work hard a mbln will sing outside an open window or a soft bretzc will blow in bringing a messagt of tiny flowtra peeking up through leaves in the woods and i m i ashamod to say i drop my work and go hunting flowers flowers that whim i bring them bock to hutins carry a message of spring and the new hopes the coming of spring as a rule flits i each one of us with mw hopes and alms plans arc rrudt and trips planned i wonder how many who jlvc in rurul places or on farms are planning this summer to take in their home for a week t or two some poor unfortunate child who has to depend on someone perhaps you for a chance to leave a hot tiring city depending on you for a chance to build i up his or her poor little under- nourished i bod hi a short week or two so that it will bi able to withstand tlu poverty ii nd cold thal follows summer tli ii little ones art examined b a lo tor be fori they art sent out and uu t mi get an information ou wunt by nihil writing lo nu or thi neighbor iuk d wirkirs toronto ii isn t siu h u hard thlnj t do u juh pill ui dlxm uld mly wlu milt lut sour n ward will be gnat i hujx i ti will ihuik iboul it ul ind llu i ncl kindt st regards u all nurht elsktlam ihttii li- it iokmi i s urn is f niiiitillal ftitlllit hi tniidi in iprestd b f imulius im h i 4 tl 10 ind i hi t in i uch uust th i imi di in li in llu urdt r given llu kiiaiuniikl i tiuhhti f nllrtg n phiwph hi hi ui and kjijisii thus in a 4 h lo iiiktun hun w mid b f ur tmiunctt f nuunm ui hi n tinds i i ill oji ptiosphortc iicld and tin k units f w i ir ssiiublt xtasli in ir 100 1 nuts f tin ml mure in a umi nutur il tin it would in t unit s thesi in nils loiuihh inmhktions it m vi mud i nnr b i paint lilt hils ft nra ii hi w 11 i mid i iniil paint 11144 bud looimq tram port at ion foi your family you lira thought u lor tliovirlwty thora it auuiunca ol aaioly in tha no latal inurin rvcord ol gray cooch linm all coach travsl information at harold wiles phone 58 tiel1p k metal roofing aaaamrta b icduholstandardi s tauing apurka driving rain awirhng anon theyll all roll off a council stanjhrs titolap roof uko watpr off a ducka lck- it la good for a lifetime and is aold by ua with a 26 year guarantee and thia company ia well able to live up to every clauae in thot guarantee aak your banker f a r t e- you will find titolap the beat roofing value you 9 i a i i h gl you can put it on right ovor your old roof it combines atrength durability and weather nnd nroprotection cornea in largo eaally handled aheou the joints fit uo closely theyre practically invisible it la mnde in both council standard and acorn quality send ridge and rnfter mtsburoaunuforfreoctbtostimnte all council otumlurd trimmings ndge caps and hlpcapaare now hotdipped galvanized after forming thia gives extra durability business directory mxoioaii or j a mcniven phyalelan as4 sarfaaa office and rasldanee oomer boamr avonue and elfin straet dr e j nelson phratelan nni aartaaa bactro tharapy phona m dr wm g cullen l m c c phyalahw mm ga oftloa lloura 14 and 70 djn undara by anpolntmant wilbur btreet jiut north of uiu 8trt ttlphona lit or a j mclntosh b a md fi alaa aa4 sanaaai oaatrbkixvilu ontjuoo offlea and realdenea in ttia lata thne uaoraa horn rkana tllrtl ubum osiarto uoal c f leatherland b a barrbtar ftolldur necary pavba acton eatatca apeeduy wound up court work attended to promptly ontlea tl rheoea aamailf 111 suoceaftor to h n pannrr kenneth m langdon lurriatar hollcher netarr pakua office acton oeorawtown over t seynuck i caf- ihcaln straat fl pot appolnuntnu phone acton 85 wr oeorgeuwn u office hours acton tueaday and thursday 113p m u4xp m kran- inga on request dental jr your roofs frbtraps a j buchanan d d s dmtaj sorgn or lea in lcldhman block hours dam until 6pm cenlna b appointment chui for extractions x rr clobed wednrada aiternoon phone 148 p vv pfakbn d d s l d s dental sarjron oltloe in tht fimn block phone 20 mill sreet acton rock wood oitici open e cry thursday afternoon and evening veterinaat b d young vs bvsc vatcrltuury sorfttoa qctloe brooklle ontario phone muton lmrt f g oakes v s b v sc veterinary su oftloe and residence knox avea a acton phone 130 no offense will at th kio 0 maw that monkey looks jut oka unklo cmorvel wdumt baatadly why wuue anmt 3ou aaliajmd of yvhitmlf t wulmaw tjm whit im cant undvr- uud nt m good shoes fob young and old carraelly nim a d- rachlin acton joining i managed to get curtains out ot a length of poplin m lnlas sent me some time- ago the are not quite to my liking but they go with the room very nicely and are a change trom the onea we had and they didnt coat any thing which la worm considering when the house suddenly seems au wlndowa and all need curtains at once n ix buvst cun xu kl an dlttunce llh out r wllo fliirt wh 1 utluhbors for three bliieka around u r r implulntng uan out and out for kim would venture to do an thing in his name nothing realty done for the son of ood u1 be unrewarded the doer may be and maj remain outside the church he ma do man lnconalatenl thing he nm do but the moat inalgntncant thing for chrut but that thing ahall be moat surely nwaded the idea of sdfdolual ol the conquering of the fleah la brought out here with tremendoua force and poner one thing t certainly taught we cannot enter into life carrying a pat aln for which we atrjye to nnd excuse all must oo tnere mult be a com plete emptying of air carnal longing a oomnlele acceptance oi the rullneaa found only in christ jeaua in him u all the rullnesa of the oodhsad bodily hints lt f ah i ions in lismnr smart ltnvh and leer trim liw llnt if openwork feature spring shhh n idl i t put ulir bwt fool for mrd nuunh mn thln ll i s- dan rtin li vi h i lit win ftcirnly im ul id lu pollti ikhl nnd tin in i r ipi irtd uni ltli d mi n tl uithuw tx ach i adit w ri h knik i vi n ihi n thty unit nwliiinilnu hlkl ll k1 lafft till 4 11 t alkma that lurid r outumed will up tlu it it ind llpi rs aire on ml fur ivming urar ir in tlif boudoir pitt havp cnnu a 1 nt ajaliif ttvrn dancer- danci in ban rrt bathing b lutli purudr anmnd in biin muh i ul the soft nand vnd even lhr twit dreafi ed fprt poke out at torn and hrels and are- rll alid at the nldtw lor tlmei have changed bedroom window have iwn utrou n open k that may lrrathr frtah air while r sleep and sun and air hae been found to be lenelvial for evrr part of the human bodj and that include the fert opentoed he virre juat raxy fad of thae inopjti who n in for ex- i trerncj in een kind of wear but now the most coneratlve nomrn are adopt- lng thr ttr and toea are out in the world for certain vor starstudded summer ev enlngs flanrlng in the open these open latttcw- korfc patterned evenlnb ndsl are oharmlns the name is victoria by um daajfiw er delman they are whtt tlntahw htln with silver or fold kid ptptd general insurance wt spix iaij7r in life fire health ahd accident automobile windstorm plate josh boiler fidelity ilondn form iiwurnnce annuities nd all general lines of insurance ocean suarrwhip tickets ifadimt companies ixttlxtnt iaiiitis f l wright oftlcr ooper block off ire 93 phune rmld 102 j timk tables ntionlr t acton ttilnr kl dulu ix pt s n dnv 1 04 a ni iulh rx r s i 1 9 a a m iiaih i f p s i d n 0 20 p di s ind iv t h 8 10 p m vtr f r si nu ip in ut ru town ut j 411 p m jolnj- went jill i xii pi smidnv ml am itl rxifpi sundiiv 3 40 p m dally t x epi sunday 7 07 p m jjunda otih flatci 1 1 33 p m htandajld time gray coach lines coaches leave acton standard tune iasthoind i to toranla a3alm 33pm 8 41 a ru s67 pm 1 1 41 a m 8 s3 pm 3 01 pm westbound it kltckaoar x 8 48 ajn z 6 11 pm 1113 pm xmm pm x 1 13 pm illosj pm a 4 13 pjn tllm pjn x through to izwlrifi a dally axoapt 8un and hoi b bun and bol only o oat only odaily ax- oapt sat bun and hoi fair sun and hol atawtlrw sanday aarll talk