man kskmcdy in mthnaron saturday dl mxmoftmli kirxmaab in kntai raemcrr ot urn jenlf ju ilh mom emcere ind tru in heart ad ja wit a beautiful memory aha left be- hind badly missed by una j u gibbons cals umbara dij the wild flowers in th woods axe now in proline bloom penus wui hare dejuiht attof time dtirut july and august heavy ctoetrliml etorme seam 0uh frequent or thla time of year baseball praetlee l pretty regular ontiubtll dlsmond these nlfhu the rains neve certainly been bene- elal to garden end crone tht re eown mr charlee hansen u adding a new eunroom to his house on young street oakvllle tax rate u reduced by three mllli ihlj year and u down to 48 nulla jl the towns in halton county are now operating on daylight saving time the gram at the park had ttte nrl cutting yesterday and the ground took splendid special mothers day eenrlcee will be a feature in the churclree on sunday rooming the creea are coming out in leal the aeaaon eeems at least two weeks ahead of usual n appears thst the garden will fur nish a lot of flowers in tune for mothers day this year oeorgetown tax rate has been set at 40 null jor this year it is a reduction of one mill from last year sir bert hlnton is modernising use frame house he recently purchased on willow street just off soll streec imssfs clubs elect offtckrs for ykar oram oub ww mr lut under way recently whsnjwo strong eluhe watt organhwl in ihe northern half ef lha oounty the osorgetown olub anon- sored by the aquatint atrteultanm society has a membership of it while a new club tn the acton district wlttt a membership of 11 was organised under the auspice of the aefcwt agricultural society the newly elected officers of these clubs are as follows acton president sswood johnston vicepresident gordon levsue secretary- treasurer ctuuc mcnabb otub lead- era j b pearen and chaa utokaown oeorgetown president john meuan vicepresident oordon oartwrlght secretarytreasurer lloyd fisher olub leader john laweon mbxtino pot a new storage house is betas added to the semce station of ritchie si agar as the comer of mu1 and young 8treeta the aoll street roadway requires some immediate attention to keep the present base from completely going to orangertlle has decided to adopt dayught baring for july and august tbe mayor cast the deciding vote on the ex oathertnes plans to observe vic toria day on monday may 23rd instead of tuesday on which the holiday hap pens to fau youll e the beet merchandising offers of the week descttbrd in the ad- wrtsaementa they make shopping easier and tell of the serines to be made churchill united church are plan- nlng now for a fltnng obeerranoe of the one hundredth anniversary of the church ii will be held an sunday and monday june kth and 10th mr and mrs john alger remored to ouelph thai week where mr alger has been appointed s guard at ine ontario reformatory mr alger will ooounue his connectson wtth lome scots local nultla mr douglas w oowdy was recent ly elected pint vicepresident of the club in toronto frtende in the home town district offer congratu lations to both douglas and the can adian club tn securing the errvleee oi this energetic young man our sister dominion australia it in a turmoil about the threat of italian ira- mlgatlon to her sugar industry we an property agitated about the msnace of jspanese a people technically and rac ially unatslmllable to che atajndards of urine of our workmen but that it only one of the problems that several decades of unrestricted im migration bequeathed to us we an faced with the task of attempting to make good canadians of hundreds of thousands of immigrants drawn from a score of nauonalltleaand almost au races and the facte are that large numbers of these appear to be as hard to as similate today as when they left their oetpotlcally ruled little central european kingdoms moat assimilable are scandinavians dutch and oermans respectively ac- i cording to the canadian bureau of statistics because they readily learn english and are accustomed to living under conditions of democracy settlers from southern and eastern europe however constitute a problem to the prairie provinces snd eastern cities the sobering fact is that the number of canadians of original british stock is declining while that of middle european i stock is increasing in the decade ending with 1p31 the population among those claiming british origin increased only 33 per cent as compared with an increase of 81 per cent in the previous decade in the same period those of qenhan origin increased 01 per cent and of ukrainian origin increased 111 per cent this is not to say that the majority of these people do not make desirable and lawabiding citlaens but it is ob- itous that hundreds of thousands lack the ingrained and teutonic respect for orderly government and democratic in stitutions in times of great prosperity they are certainly of economic value to the coun try but it would be fatuous selfdecep tion not to see that the melting pot theory has been largely disproved by cold facts and that canada is suu a racial crasy quilt it is something to think about when orators sre spouting their catchwords sbout canadian unity as though it were s fact accomplished vancouver pro vince nssgmfe tub acton tfai ml aj iwaum tuta frbb rtln varii press and pk11tmuck ykstrj on halton fakmh drain variety and remitter damon- alratlnna have bean etiwn un uut farms nt malaolm t mtinabb georgetown and j o bell of rteeman slates j whltelork agricultural twureaenlatlvs j for lblln numerous inquiries an re ceived hy the local agricultural office i willi respect to the best variety of natal for this district lit order therefun to i get more definite litf urination from a local standpoint leala which include j eight of the leading varieties or oats and two of barley namely o ao no st and i mibarb a smooth awned variety have been eown on the farms mentioned above it u generally reeugnleed that tile fertility requlnmenta differ widely on different soil types and also within the same type acordlng to previous cropping history at each point soil was analysed in order to ascertain as accurately as possible the soil requirements on the montbb farm 3ldb was applied at 300 lbs per acre while 21310 was used on the bell farm these fields will be watched with interest jy the farmers tn the respective sections w t pattbrs0n10 specialist in eye exanlnallen orthebtle treatments aveeeripuens lag wyndham st neil ts loalaws ouklph phone 3106 quality accuracy service debts collected for many jeara wr hnvo apocuouwd in the handling of collection and are toda handling a larger volume of businfs ihcn ever before put our expcilenoe to work in clear ing up your outstanding debts kelly aiken the colleeuon spoclajuu oranoev1xle ontario eat us rhona 90 royal guclphs modern theatre now until friday a thrilling new comedy in technicolor merle oberon dj divorce of lady x wtth laurence ouvler binnle barnes shews si t is 7 end b pjn dayuoht savtno time surtinp saturday for 4 days jeanette macdonald nelson eddy dj girl of the golden west saturday oeaunaoaa from 1 ps 3ee la 6 pjn dayuoht saving time ikollb ttbsbnt imsay and raouram the buya nf hi auwnt young peoplss entartaliiwl uia rrtembers or tile congre- gttlufi un tiiatday evening in uie parish half with a comedy entitled cold morale the play holds n moral for all husbands whn are fututer of wins bottle than wife the heroor rather tile vllllan of oold storage it a farmer hiram x blasted lth sclallca a niualo minded wife and a daughter who loathes work to relieve his sciatica he drinks medicine from a wine bottle and becomes so intoxicated that he u luied by a itinerant vendor of pills whn guarantees that his plus tak en properly will change any victim into a block of ice hiram who thinks ha sees a temporary sotuuon to his diffi culties gratefully purchases the pills hoping that by this means he will be delivered from hearing his wifes voice for three months at least he it at the same time aided and frustrated in his scheme by an unwitting ice man a saucy child and an unusually dholerlo swedish cook the chilly c41maxcomea with the simultaneous shattering of hirams in toxication and a block of loel the characters were hiram a man with great troubles oeorge poottlt hit daughter olive rogers her fiancee bill blanche hirams wife extraordinary douglas maplcadan the pill vendor bob footllt the ice man bert patrick the bwedlih cook percy elliott the saucy child dot fbottlt director harry rogers other numbers on the program were a pantomime christopher robin says ills praters with kathleen plndlcy as christopher robin and alice taylor as narrator recitation spring by george hollowuy a planologue clementine by oeorge holloway with mrs snow as ac companist a story oscar wildes the selfish olont told by esther tayw the meeting closed wlthjhe singing of the national anthem cracks rmou tin bat and from tub ottandbtand spring meeting of dublin institute at mrs websters home aotona local nine thla yaar wilt fea ture a lot or new faces manager tyler matt to you and i promuee plenty of new faoee along with the old atandbys the pitching autff ha not aa yet been milled uurtyutra hurlrs bui morton rom oordon i rector uunbert norm mor ton and henry crippj will probably be afforded aome support by the kainffte crutt turning out thl year the pitching of oordon ahould be much improved his pluchlng last year showed a decided marie of improvement toward the end of last season with heapeler in the local group we will at least see some new faces as well as ffolnff on a new trip 9 local boy makes oood or lumptn we see ernie coles formerly of acton was elected president of the oeorge town baseball olub if moral support helps to make a ball team oeorgetown ahould win lota of somes with ernie to back them up with the weather warming up the boya are hhouinr up better at uio acton diamond matt promises a good stronff team by the time the ncoson opens so come on everybody if you can play ball turn out to pructlct if not turn out anyway und give the local boys your support lets we acton fftt on to a good start this ytar ulth plenty oj local support tirowwrjav may em iwt a real variety to choose prom all papers carried in stock hintons 5c to 1 store upssmumu vfcrri complete stocks it doesnt matter whether it is a complete building or alterations or materials for alter ations youll and our stock and service com plete the new quarters on maui street enable us to render a better service and carry largct stocks special no 2 xxx shinblen at 325 per square inelnsung sales tas if it is building see georgetown lumber co phone 149 acton mills at georgetown acton the dublin womens institute held their april meeting at the home of mrs s h webster mrs near the preatdent as in charge after the opening exer cises the roll coll was answered by an exchange of flower bulbs or plants the motto in the heart of the bulb is che promise of spring was taken by mrs tuck a solo by doreen steel and piano duett by mrs robertson and verna webster were given mrs robertson tendered a vote of thanks to those who took port and tb the hostess lunch was served and a social time spent axx over just what size customer i want an inexpensive dress one to wear around the house you know new assistant certainly madam now what sire ls your house ohttino along and her husband has u prosperous business i suppotse oh yes he is taking tn a lot of money only last night he told me a receiver u as to be appointed to assist him western canada special bargain excursions fkom aix stations in eastern canada going daily may 1728 1938 inclusive return limit 43 dare tickstts oood in poaches at fare approximately 1 sc per mile tourist 8u cars at lares spproxlmstr 1 sc per mile standard sleeplvo cars at tares approximately 1 v per mile cost of aocoatmodation in sleeting cars additional baaxase cheeaea stepevers at pees arthar aresalrong chjraga and weal tvaeta sleeping car resenatleesi and au inlereaauen from any agent as ro itanobhx tiis canadian national lotta oallusea did tot lei merry kxh attend the dance last night cress qxi- xxt bunion salvvs avoid thla sold by brown s and au drug coun ters 11 bun literary society vlsitc the bannockburn society idast rrtdaj the dublin utcrary society spent an enjoyable social evening with the baxuicaoktkirn ulerary society altrr tha mlnutas wvr read and adopted the roll call answered and the other business attended to mrs roy mckeown called upon walter unham the president of the dublin literary society to take charge of the program bcaidea piano insownentals t m flomerrllie and vocal duetts by wuda mcqlaughun and rachrl muutn dublin prasinted a very teteaung play entitled checrr up chad lunch was then served after which dancing was enjoyed by all good shoes roa touxo ajco old b oacrlin acton our is complete thcrr isn i anv upc of r scrwunj that cannot be hanjlcj b norton motors now equipped with the latest for mechanic si scrnc we now hac equipment for body and fender repair in and paintinr no od m loo large or too small to receive our prompt and best attention only the best oils and greases arc usid in order thst your car may alway ric you the best performance and the longest service investment in an automobile should always be pro tected b proper servicing c are equipped and trained to give that service c a few used cars mr have a few ncd cars on hand that arc exceptional values they are all catcfullv checked before being offered to vou and represent splendid values at the prices asked i norton motors ford and lincoln zephyr salt phone 69 and service acton ont since i bought a car i donl have tb w alk to the bank and make any de posits ail you ride there no i dont make any a roundabout pop modem wooer i say old thing may 1 attend uur wedding she why i am not even engaged modern wooei- oh as bridegroom i mean weekly gardengraph written by dean hallidav for centra preat csnarfiss ir15 cwflwa rc1ws 5 to b inches hlgh- taken down a pkc famous swimmer boastfully ive just signed a 50 000 con i tact to tour the globe giving swimming exhibitions listener humph i we have goldfish that do that for nothing mars is eating up the bread of europeans his insatiable appetite draws reaources which ought to go to schools and roads and to the building of homes and the destruction of poverty josephus daniels dumarts pure lard 2 lbs for 25c shoulder or blade 1 koast beef per tb llc kih or bribkct boil ing beef per tb fresh ground ham burg steak per tb boneless stewing beef per tb 12c 15c 15c shoulder koast pork per tb 22c 24c fresh trimmed butts pork per tb mealy spare kihs 1 c per tb ioc smoked picnic hams per lb 24c fresh sausage 2 lbs for 25c other choice hits of beef veau pork and iamb at reasonable prices lovell bros quality and cleanlinraa our motto phone 178 promit delivery former ii s submarine iiivadrs canadian watr dwarf irtees tor different laacatsacm if you have a rock garden by all means introduce aomr of the d axf irises into it these rn srf iris are ampns thr nrsi to bloom tn fact hime of the earliest spectra dear thrlr bud au earl as leases shown tn ihu qardrnoraph are to ey popular irises for thr rock garden plgurr 1 hoi the dwarf bearded iris i pumlla thla u one of the earliest to bloom its urge purple flowet blooming along anhthe dstodus it u onli four tnchra lufch plant a here it a til recelc pirn i or sun klgu r 2 h line of the created iriae i crutala thj is a rreping tpecir hve inchea tall bvootning in may it has dark green leaea and almost stemleas lloaers of larnder lhe lower petals marked aith orange they prefer a semlahadedslte on cool tnout soil having plenty of drainage other irtsea ahich are beautiful and should or included are i reticulata often found blooming after a late anowjln april and tn partial shade i graclllpte i this last has atender foliage and fragile blossoms of sky blue in may ebuii mi ai i motlng atowly tntb 1u docks in toronto harbor a3ofpoot then the london naval treaty lmtunsj naval anije a nowd of spectators cheered thla mibasartne the and- lubtnartne tonnage came into effect and tha craft s- siatfrd a peaceful lnaabon of canadian waters in had to be sc to meet terms of the iraaty oapc far dtflerant style than that for which a was planned p j chrlstenson inset bought the b4t for exhibition thr submersible was a modern underwater flghong craft purpcara v u 30 feet long and one of the i0 largeai ui m1 ahd cost the united state government over sufimarlnea ever bullu