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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1938, p. 2

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ffiw- 1 jirjjbla- isikenfcji7 ws ma8 two nit artdtt jtmprrbb publlihw zvwr taijtay x attorn ontario subscription ratesho jwr ar la sarniea united stataa m itloaal slsala capias fa bath li1 sad nvw aildratasa aksald h gta whsa- cttsagt d sddrass u raqttaatsd cancbllaatton8w sad tint weal of ear mil- aeribsra prfr at to- kin thalr nbaermla tatarrttt in cwtw hu to twit tttfara axplnom will mb- erlptlsas win at tm eamatl in imin ever as tmimati pwriat yal tulaa ws ara atum u esses ws a tha taburtbsf wlahas ttia aarvtca esatlaaad advertising ratttsoii application and glvaa in various column haadlsga atthnufth awry praeatttloa will ba ultra to avoid rror tht frta praaa accepts aavartlalag in lu eolamaa n tha undsrstaadlaa that it will- not b llabta tor mr rror in any sdvrtlamsit publlha4 haraundar uslasa proof ol such aavcrtiasmmt u raqnastsd in writing by the advartlaar and retaraad to tha fraa pmi btulasaa offica duly algad by tha aajvcrtlssr anil with tfnek arror or correct ion a plainly noted in writ ins thereon sad ta that eaie if any error ao noted la not corrected by tha free prase ite liability ahall not exceed inch a proportion of the entire cost of each advert leenent aa tha apaea eeevpiad by the noted error bears to tha whole apace occupied by auch advertlaamant g aitlof dills editor teutphonbs- edltorlal and ilualnesa office residence 14 ill a the acton prbb ihonaoay iut uia iwf if in he grading we wouldnt think of buying ontario potatoes particularly at this time of the year a toronto friend remarked the other day we always buy potatoes from the maritimes when you buy your potatoes in small quantities as we do because of lack of space for stbragefa few bad ones or small mis shapen ones makes a big difference also the pota toes from the maritimes are so clean and nice and therein lies a tale of woe from the stand point of the ontario farmer vr tale the blame for which lies at the door of those selfsame fnrmers llowingup herma wo g m1drjal mora accommodation but fewer pupils the comparison of inspector denyes in his report on acton public school last week regarding attend ance is to say the least interesting the enrollment at present is thirteen less than it was twentyfive year ago the population of acton has increased by three or four hundred and yet the number of chil dren of school age is smaller it has apparently been all adult growth in population school accommodation has been increased during this period by an addition of three rooms to the public school section in 1014 and later the acquisi tion of a new building for the high school of course the field of subjects has been enlarged and today the school pupil receives a much improved course of study but just when additional rooms for more new courses are advocated the presentation of these figures give some food for thought families are certainly smaller than a quarter of a century ago but it does appear that the present accommo dation is ample in view of the facts presented in the inspectors report ample provision for enjoyment young folks of acton and district who are athlet ically inclined certainly have no cause for complaint on the facilities provided here winter actiivtics at the ymoa the arena and in a number of social ways are just concluding the park has been pre pared and made ready for the sports there the bowling greens and tennis rourts hove been having attention for some weeks and will be ready just as soon as those wtao enjoy these activities are ready to participate in every activity fees have been kept at a mini mum to encourage all to take part and moke it pos sible for numbers to enjoy the facilities rather than any favored few the tennis and bowling facilities at the fees asked have only been possible through the cooperation of the beardmore co evidence that acton folk do enjoy these privileges is not lack ing the tennis and bowling club report a success ful season and are very optimistic and interest is keen in sports carried on at the park and inavriably a good group arc enjoying the privileges its small wonder that many young folks prefer to live in acton and arc loathe to leave such facilities toronto potato prices the proof of the pudding so to speak pei potatoes were quoted at 00 to 05 cents per bag new brunswick 75 to 80 cents a bag and ontario no is from 40 to 45 cents a bag yet official lgures reveal that ontario actually has a greater acreage planted to potatoes than the mari time provinces and there is no doubt but that just as good if not better potatoes can be and are produc ed in ontario than in the east however there is one thing that the ontario potato tacks and that is grad ing while most of the eastern potatoes also have the advantage of being cleaned and polished if the ontario farmer is to secure this very worth while home market then ontario potatoes must be graded just as eggs are at the present time the uni formly supcrjor product is always going to capture the best markets grading and polishing stations could readily be established through cooperative effort with very worthwhile results for the benefit of the farmers co operative effort is the hope of the farmer but until the farmers are willing to enter such an organiza tion bent on following up its true meaning and con vinced that the better product should get the better price even if it be the product of a neighbor farmer and not his own cooperatives are doomed to fail in achieving success owen sound suntimes its the taxpayers own fault it cost 125 per mile to ride on the canadian national railways in 1037 and yet there arc still people who believe that canadas railway problem is not urgent kenneth r wilson staff writer of the financial post points out that whether or not you rode on a cnr train in 1937 or whether you ship ped a dollars worth of freight over the nationally owned railway the 125 per mile still comes out of your pocket as a matter of fact the revenue received by the government from sales tax taxes on tobacco sugar beer and cars was all swallowed up- in 15 years by cnr deficits the canada year book of 1037 re veals that the cumulative deficits from the cnr have risen from 211000000 in 1927 to approximate ly 1027000000 in 1937 the situation is respon sible for a very large proportion of canadian taxa tion in 1937 total earnings of canadas two railways were 340 millions from freight and passengers ser vices of this sum go- or 198 millions accrued to the canadian national and the remainder 145 mil lions to the cpr the latter met all its funded making canada ai better place in which to live and work a serin of letters from duunoufehed canadian on vital problems affect wr the future welfare of canada specially written for canadian waokly nffmpapara ammuumi lihinkit la important for the rirl newspaper of this country to be sure of fact before casting aspersions upon people in btulneu i think tliere u a tendency to follow any city newspaper opinion on matter affecting economic welfare and biulneai interests there la too a tendency to lake at face value the allegations of politician one luneatlon i have to make u that in the interest of good cltlsenshlp good administration and good business that the rural weekly newspapers before pass ing judgment upon people who may be publicly attacked or alleged to be guilty of improprieties should ascertain the facts more completely than seems to have been ojten done tn the past i believe there is too general disposi tion tb discredit people of affairs and to assume that business of site and people of taxpaying capacity and those responsible for the employment of con siderable staffs ahould be made the object of unreasonable lee and imposltlona v perhaps i may illustrate this by giving you borne figures of our own experience in taxation and imposts in 1031 when we sold more goods than in any year since our total taxation and impoiu were m2m000 in 1037 this total had risen to 3tt0000 the extra 1460000 was of course paid largely by the constunrr one way and another these xtya impoata can be traced in some mea- fure to the political agitator it is most unlikely that property own ers persona of large affairs in business j large taxpayers or large employers can hold any sort of creditable reputation in the face of this disposition msttcni are different in the old coun try tin- attitude there towards busl- is is to faster it to allow it to prose cute its legitimate alma and service and at the least expense and with a minimum of legislative restriction the conse- qurn- of this in that oreat britain to on y la probably showing the world unless it be a little country such as belgium wtutae institutions and tnwlo are even now frrer than oreat britain i think the rural weekly newspapers in canada have it in thelf hands more than any other ogenry to offset the agl- ntor and the radical movements result ing in toglslatlve restrictions and higher imposts of taxation these unreason able exactions arc of doubtful effective ness and destroy the confidence necca- fary to prosecuue further development and wider employment c u burton president the robert simpson company limited 7 he cancer crusade fighting uw great seearga mb knowledge a campaign to w out igbevenea fear and neglect by- j w s mccullough md dim cancett in men cancer of the up and mouth are com mon form of cancers in men cancer at the up la a duesse of elderly men u is rare tn women but the writer has seen a cancer of the upper up on ex tremely rare occurrence in a woman ol debt obligations and added something over one mil- j 7 ordinarily this form of cancer occurs lion to surplus the cnr was forced to seek 22 millions from the public purse to even meet its inter est charges on funded debt held by private investors if that state of affairs doesnt soon goad our politicians into action at the behest of the people who elect them then it seems to us that canadians deserve all the high taxes they have to pay unifica tion not amalgamation is the only solution to this ha more cancer of uw up in the next c 20 years surgery and particularly problem and over a perod of five years whch it vahmbie un q treat- would take to bring about unification it is estimated nwnt that deaths and ordinary retirements from service would preclude any possibility of employees being thrown out of employment bowmanville states man let ween the aces of 50 and 70 but it is tometlmcft een in young adults the lower up is the usual site it begins as a tiny ulcer up cancers spread very ritpidly therefore an early dlagnoaui is of the utmost importance many casts of up cancer are due to irritation of pipe cigar or cigarette women if they continue lbclr hahlts ol smoking will editorial notes a commnadible campaign the campaign being conducted in various centres throughout the province checking on the mechanical defect of motor cars is commendible in every way we understand it is sponsored largely by the garage operators assdication which has been organized to bring that branch of business activity on a better level and render an improved service to the public a motor car which is defective is indeed an unsafe thing on any highway accidents are difficult enough to avoid even when all the equipment is functioning properly motorists should be ready to cooperate fully with such a safety campaign if a driver operates a car knowing it to be in faulty condition he is a menace to everyone using the highway we believe most motorists want to prevent accidents no one wants to deliberately cause injury or damage when repairs are shown to be necessary it is the duty to hae them made j we will welcome a widening of the checking up those sponsoring the safety campaign are deserving of credit a motor car in good condition provides a great deal of usefulness and pleasure but machines not in proper condition are a menace to public safety there hould be no moruillly tram cancer ol uie up it doctor and the public would keep taielr eyes open and secure early diagnosis and treatment ot unhealing sores cancer ol the mouth and tongue are nve times more common in men than i women the age for this type of cancer fls between 40 and 80 it frequently bc- 1 gins as a small painless sore xjn the silver production in canada for the first two inside the eueek or on the nuor months of 1938 amounted to 3001900 ounces com- 1 tj v t zz j a jagged tooth or a dental plate has pro- pared with 2713309 ounces in the corresponding duced an irritation sometimes it begins period of 1937 l jn in area of white sot disease or other chronic inflaininatory condition mouth and tongue cancer 6preads very the waters are talcing an early toll of life this rapidly mo the dlagnoals and treatment year already a number of drownings have occur- urgent surgery and treatment by i radtum or xrays are the measurta upon voung historianh the nonlor boya of st petera bthool atbramlry in yorkshire england have entered the publishing trade they seem to be making a success of it about two years ago a collection of valuable old documents was handed over to the school some on parchment many with seals it la thejie documents which liavc rumbled the boys to compile a his tory of the locality from the 11th cen tury to uie prcnent tune and as much or the information was unknown even to students of local history their book the lsands of dram tn of exceptional in terest the issue of 1000 copies lit nearly sold out and the authors- lire consider ing the publication of u second edition of about mm copies encouraged by their succcsn these young historians ore planning a new book dealing with bromley industries overfatigued children never behave nicely when ihey are overtired or over excited they may appear to be perfectly normal to us as they dont yawn or look sleepy when they are worn out on the contrary their eyes are big and bright their senses eem u be alert and quick sometime they do their cutest tricks when they are at the end of their tethers it is always deceiving and seldom understood by a telephone call bacauaw thla itrrawr could harm oallad lor aaantlal spar pari to icasp ih m going bui thai rauu faurranad and now h facm a ubitantlal loaa a phon la a jannara moat loyal butinaaa partnar alworfa tharolo bring help mar ital nawa and neighbourly contact why b cut oil from tha raat oi tha world low rates for farm tiuphonb iirvicb dafocs stage reunion a reunion of cousins was held when two wellknown defoe met in toronto recently when dr a r da foe physician to the dlonne quints and john d dafoe right of the winnipeg vrr praia and member of the royal oommaalon for dominion provincial relations which is now sluing in toronto met at the ontario parliament buildings biosmhii time on thtr niagara peninsula red and the bathing and boating season hub no been started patch on the inside of the cheek the building and its modern equipment was one that not tiocn pumrd of at sii contained a great deal of interest 1 which we ahould rely one cannot urge too strongly the necessity for careful observance of the early signs in lip mouth and tongue j the globe and mail are to be congratulated on cncn ft one case coming under the their fine new home in the william h wright build- writers observation exsminaiion of the ing the special edition on saturday dcscnptve of hencd cheek it complalnrd deed uie patlriit was reluctant to have treattnen it was caused he thought j i by his habit of placing a tocenge in the an exchange produces this bit of wisdom if you mouui tor the rehei ol a throat iniu- thinlc your town is a punk town the first thing to do un on going to bed the patch was is to sit down for a while before you say too much xoun1 to c treatment by j radium eftected a prompt cure about it and ponder the question as to whether you frra smoket frequently develop ever tried to do anything to make it better sorea on trie lower up the cause la probably the tar in the tobacco smote it lakes a long time possibly 20 years i in this country according to a compilation made- or more for the sore u develop u may by dr d m marvin economist to the royal bank con onaer the habit has been aban- of canada there are 2252729 households the w newspaper circulation is 224661 or almost one for really every household the magazine circulation is cancer 1226839 which is a shade more than one for every two households there are 1059101 radio owners who represent lesa than onehair or the householders who take newspapers charlottetown guardian every case of the kind should j osed at a no ex use for monallty in llpj what part of use room never feels well tne wmdov because tt always haa pains the niagara peninsula presented lade to thousands or rtsltaa as tuinrd the ontario trull belt buo a a toeaulrul spec- of delicate colors this young lady was ptsotograpbed of blossoms i as she admired the blo near ortmaby ontario rtftual fairy land i tfr-t-

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