Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1938, p. 3

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y tjf 7r7ftfffghi rfttttttrixy mat nth mm thssesr johe agton-prbbprb68- raiim it h that jmrt of the dwcrt whloh allah protest till nmttomd htlaylf oa cmhjqs twvt liu elfcjr and thft toeaun the people of the 0tmtiy hated his councillor of stats with a deadly and abiding inten sity hie fate always were wen ewde4 against lbs enemy in that city from hli birth had dwelt the youthful udl yuef ostiums eon wnoae faee was feritit lflce the abinlnf em and whole eyes always mdm with frlendllneas and trost because of the lads trtutfiilness old shelb omans councillor shrugged his shoulders and poke to hi master who lay weakly on a rtjueh who is he sldl that he should so to oalro without you or me to watoh over him bahr shelb again shrugged his shoulders and twisted hi unpleasant features bah the first travellers he meet win take from htm an that he has for you win pardon your servant flldl he has not the wit to know honest from false sldl osman breathed rapidly for a abort time before pesklng for he was suffering an attack of severe pain in his heart these pains had been increasing in frequency of late much to his con cern after a rest he replied to the councillors words let be shelb let bel yusef is but a lad i know yet he win learn in tine to judge men even as you and x oomow and bring from the treasure room the money the lad win need ten the keeper of the cameli to make ready the finest animals i have so that my son may make his first long journey as befits his station the sheik panted for breath and brtnff from the cheats the garments i have had made for the coming of his manhood and let him don them for the journey but say nothing tb him mind it shelb say nothing to him that 1 am as i am lest it spou the pleasure of hts journey i shan recover shortly and when be returns with wonderful tales of his travels i shall be as before and au win be happy in my household shelb bowed and went to do m the sheik ordered after the heavy silken curtain had fallen behind hhn at the doorway he shrugged again and raised his eyes toward heaven when sldl yusef returns he muttered he will find that his father is in his long sleep then ah then he smued craftily then ahau shelb come bun hli ownl then shall ray hands be covered with gold and my pocket bulging with it two days laser au was ready for the journey with the blessings of his fathers people yusef set forth in the bag at his side was gold there was much of it but he knew that it was not the full amount which his father had ordered for him the balance he knew u stored safely in the chest in shelba room of the palace shelb was that kind of man that was one reason why sldl osman had so many enemies he permitted she- lb to act for him and shelb oppressed thr people in many ways yusef sang liapplly aa he travelled 4 week two weeks paaaed without event and then halaytg the leader of the cara van shook his head uneasily behold sldl hr said pointing the sky has a veil over it and above the veil it la red this was true dawn was at hand bringing with it all the evidences which preceded thr dreadful glbll or sand- ivden wind from thr south lt us jtup halaylg commanded yusrf look ing thoughtfully toward tin coil even if tlw wind had not threatened we should not liuve gone muvh farther be fore makiiig camp and this spot is doubtless as good as any in thr vicinity the men worked rapidly first unpack ing sldl yusrfs lent and erecting it then plliii baggage high around it for protection while thry were still so oc cupied thr wind swept down on thrm with howls like wicked mirth all dur ing lhe day and into thr night the storm auuth with care men to see if yon can the wind seems less violent and yon may the wind ivovcdsnuany abated for a short tune and the men went in differ ent directions while they were gone yusef wakened and discovered an that had happened to be sun he knew better bian to leave tbe camp but an xious to be of service be ventured forth to seek his beloved dawn star the fleet est eamsl m the desert blinded by the flying sand be wandered to the edge of a gutty where be fen down down down to land finally in an unconscious heap when halaylg and his companions re turned tb camp they supposed that sldl yusef slept they did not discover his absence until the storm had abated and it was time to resume the journey on the three camels which had been found consternation reigned hi the camp when halaytg burst from the young sldls tent bis face pale ss parchment and stam mered the dreadful news frantic search was made for the missing lad but the sand had obliterated all footprint and at length halaylg led his men sadly homeward with the news when the stbrm had abated and the terrific beat of the sun threatened to roast hhn as he lay exposed to its rays sldl yusef stirred and opened his eyes he moved painfully and sat up yea he discovered he could walk he was not seriously injured walk he laughed mirthlessly know ing tlu desert where shall i go truly my life must have been wicked that allah would let this befall met but since he grants me breath it is not for me to ue down and give up the lire en trusted to me at least t can find a place where there is shade beneath the rocks he found a shallow cave in which he rested until the sun sank in che west after which he ventured forth and made his way down the gully until to his delight he spied a caravan breaking camp to resume its journey in the cool ness of the night stumbling through the rockstrewn sand yusef hurried toward the caravan shouting as loudly as his parched throat would permit to his joy men saw him and waited to give him drink i am yusef son of sldl osman he explain ed after he had taken water he told all thai had happened to him and asked the leader to take him to the nearest city or oasis the man grinned unpleasantly hal the son of sldl osman eh speak you the truth boy yusef declared that be spoke truly jt is well boy growled the other otve to me then that chain of gold from your neck and the ring from your finger i and that bag of gold at your side ah that la right ahha allah sent you to me this day that r might have from sldl osman and shelb o do as he does unjust taxes unjust duty on commerce bribes ahares in dl- loot well- exclaimed yusef interrupting the other who are yu that you should do this to mr li it my fault who am f i am musa squalreen and i take what la mine where x find it yusef turned an hla beel and mounted hr camel assigned him as uury travel led through the darkness he communed with the stars concerning affairs aa they wre in lhe world it la well for me hr smiled touching his hidden belt that musa squalreen xnrw not or the gold in my hezoam else i should have had noth ing wlih which to travel after i leave him and he muttered fervently may thut be soon several days later the men paused at a larue oasis where caravans for all points passed there they found a imsl group of men and illfed camels returning to culm after making a journey ui the previous eoossfon i had defrauded sldl oaman your father and because of that ha called many men and took an that x had leaving me only what you see why did you not go to my father demanded yusef indignantly he would never have permitted this to happen to you how could 1 go to your father in quired the sheik impatiently when none but his physlcun is permitted to see hlmr whwhat icy father is be 111 yusef stepped forward qulokly his face depleting c of a truth nodded the sheik did you not know it no i oh x must return at once here sheik here i have gold l yusef hetaara from which ha poured golden coins take what you will but for the love of allah give me a camel and a guide to take me to my fathers house the sheflc flushed and waved his hand tut up the gold he said it u not far to your fathers palace and would allah bless me if i should refuse to aid you oome let us make ready yusef was so filled with concern that he scarce heeded the incidents of the journey nor did he notice that the cara van of unas squalreen followed close behind that of sheik saad and entered the gates of the desert city at the palace door the servants bow ed low before their young master whis pering blessings on his head at his command be was led immediately to the room where his father panted for breath on a sukoovered couch yusef my son ah allah is good that he brought you to me for i need you lad i need youl what is it father that i can do why did you not tell me before i started on my journey your journey i ah i fear you wasted your time son for halaytg returned and said you were lost before you reached cairo i thought i never would see you again oh no father the journey was not wasted exclaimed yusef glancing to ward shelf who stood watching him with shifty eyes i was lost it is true but i did not see the basmars of the olty but in the desert i found a thing of value at another time you shall tell me yusef beloved whispered sldl osman weakly go now and let me rest but after i sleep oome to me for i have a thing of importance to ten you and you shelb see to it that all my chiefs who are in the city be with us the coolness of evening had settled over the valmhldden city or sldl osman when the servants moved quietly through the endless corridors of the palace to summon the household stewards and the chiefs to the vast hall where their mas ter waited for them one by one the chiefs entered each dressed m his best servants placed gorgeous cushions for lhe guests until the room was filled with sitting dignitaries shelb stood st the corridor leading to sidl osmana private apartment and with curious eyes watch ed all that was done what is it that the master intends to do he wondered sldl osman looked over the faces be fore him at his tide was yusef his be- lovwson at bis feet were the leading sheiks from the various districts over which be ruled farther back were the wisdom for its guidance yusef gave the man a fleeting glance before bowmftorlu father to the lat ter besaid if you mean what you say lesser chiefs and behind them chiefs my father may i rule as you have al from other districts who happened to be in the oily at the tune these were pre sent out of curiosity since it had been whispered abroad that sldl osman had a matter of great import to tell to his people yusef looked over the faces and aawj far in the background musa squalreen and sheik saad all became silent wailing with sup- pressed impatience fox that which the old fildl would amy at last he spoke slowly but plainly friends the time has oome for me to rest beneath the pal t i am old an my health falls it is to tell you this that i have aent lor you and to say that from this day you will gtve tr my son yusef the fealty which you heretofore have given topine shelb was the first to move or speak when the sldl finished wdi yusef ho exclaimed smiling at the youthful sldl let me be first to offer my obedi ence i prom this hour x than gladly serve you as x have served your father knowing that your youth requires older anthracite coal more than a trademark when wc display the seal of the old company it means jhat our coal is the best that you can buy harder more compact more economical but more it means that behind that coal there is a mining experience of over a century it means confidence and dependability c7t axtt lamyx intjuin now about modon anthkaott suhmtmo coutment j b mackenzie son coaluid coke lnhr boimms snppua cantnta the solid fuel for solid comfort ways done according to my own judg- mentf and may i choose my own ad visers and overseers s truly my son you may do these things smiled eidl osman kindly hal esclalmedshelb officiously it is well that you have one of the bravest chiefs of the desert here at this hour fildl i he will be glad to swear allegiance to you i know beliold at the rear of the others musa bqualreenl yusef snook his head at which sheb raised his hands in simulated alarm you wil not take musa to fight your bsafles7 m ywnawiefr around your city who win protect you from your enemies sldl yusef sat on the edge of his fathers couch and smiled at the old fildl as ha replied my father if i intended to continue to rule our city and desert districts as they have been ruled then truly x should need powerful chiefs to protect me from enemies in the desert i learned that we have many such- be cause it has been the practice here to rob travellers and fraders of their gold why then should we not have enemies men uke not to have their merchandise stolen under the plea that they are being taxed i m shelb hurriedly interrupted not lik ing the tone of the conversation ha fildl osman said i not that the lad lacked wisdom what docs he know of such things sldl yusef rose to his feet quickly and raised hln hand be silent she- lb he commanded with authority shelb fell back a step in surprise for never had he ftunpected yusef of such dignity be silent shelb and give ear to what i have to uny continued the young man although i knew it not until this day my father has long bwn ailing and has permitted you to do as you wished in hi land with he result that gold has accumulated and frlrnds have been turn- i rd away but now i shall rule i shelb cringed at the indignation in ills new masters voice oo continued yusef stvrnly take your possessions and get you sn from the city and with you you may take musa squalreen he lutr you will tnkr gold which belongs not to lilm by right beside me as i rule in my fathers place i want one who is i honest to deal with the people who come to my gates shelb turned curiously to see who it might be that sldl yusef sought as he looked toward the rear of tbe room sldl osman raised himself on his elbow tn watch the surprised young man who came forward at a sign from yusef the young sldl spoke with a smile as he led ihe stranger forward this my father la sheik saad al though he has reason to despise me be cause your councillor had treated him unjustly he acted toward me as a friend in my time of need it it such as he who will help make friends around our city and friends are worth many rich enemies as fildl in your place i take sheik saad as my councillor fihelb opened hts mouth to speak but fildl osman laughed softly and sank back on the couch flay what you will bhelbhesald weakl the lad has more wisdom thanekther of us i it must be wisdom tnat he found in the desert eh my son aye aye yusef i can see that one friend at my side now would be of more worth than bh my bags of gold there is no foundation for the common belief that the indians of canada are a vsnlshlng race while their numbers have varied considerably during the last thirty years declining from 110000 in 1007 to 104 in 1034 latest returns issued by the department or mines and re sources show that there are now ap proximately 114000 indians resident in the dominion like those of other races indian prob lems are determined largely by the climatic and physical features of the areas in which they live in southern ontario southern quebec and parts of the maritime provinces the indians tie engaged largely tn agriculture and some of them find employment in nearby in dustrial centres another group occupies the great hinterland comprising the north shores of the st lawrence rittr to the mackenale valley and yukon ter ritory these people are dependent mainly on hunting and trapping for then livelihood and the department has set sslde large tracts of land in certain pro vlnces where only the indians are per mitted to hunt and trap efforts are being msde to have this policy extended wherever feasible having regard to the interests both of the indians and of wfld life conservation indians in canada a third group of indians is found tn hills country of amerta where their lands azw suitable for agriculture and stock- raising in 1878 when the buffalo herds were virtually wiped oufc these indians had to turn to farming and ranching and within two generations a targe num ber of them have developed into prosperv ous selfreliant farmers still another group of indians inhabit the nor tern coast of british columbia these people had developed a highly organised culture oefore the appearance of the white man thry are fisherfolk trained to the flea and for many years have been prominent in the fishing industry protecting baby from civilization rubber attired gasmasked nurses are shown testing the invention of a paris inventor a gasproof glass case in which babies may be carried in safety through zones impregnated with poison gas it la just another of those things made necessary by the march of civilization pineapples 2 2 1 c oranges medium large- qj delicious navels dozen edlljc ruged sometimes close around thr chok- litg travellers and sometimes high above where lui voice could carrcly be heard alter many hours yuser slept burled benrntn silken covers whhh failed to protect hln from the smothering dust ha invltf however refused lo close ills eyes knmlii that ut any moment some catastroptu- might occur hr moa no mistaken tnlhc midst of the darkiwaa he heard restless movement the j camel herd followed by the sound j padded leet moving away from the camp suddenly therv came the hairrrtghtrntl 4jual of uie hamla instantly halaylg threw his garment from around hi face and leaped iq tils feet wtlh a shout waken muss ridl uawarl the bag gage camels are stirring pulci when the startled men reached the place wher the camels had croucned they cried aloud in alarm for the nimu were gone ropes hastily tied in the contusion of making camp had be come loosened psmiittuig the camel to wander into the bunding storm ajealejer cried halaytg truly this la a pleasant thing listen i can you hear the animals oo some one sew if the atdis najln is safer a y traw fc varment over h head and wm to saw only to return a momen later with the dreadful news that the trotqng camels also ware gone may leaving musa squatreeus tents lhe lad wrut to the other camp and bowed before the old man who sat at the door of the largest tent air satd yusef respectfully i am yusef the son of j sldl osman and x would like to travel with you to cairo where my father has friends the old man bowed his head coldly that li for my master sheik fiaad to decider he replied biter his tent and tell tb him the thing which you have aid to me he drew aside the curtain of the tent and yusef entered expecting to find an- other elderly man to his surprise abelfc saad was scarcely older than himself yusef bowed to the ground again and repeated his request you ask much rspued us sheik bitterly it is because of your father that you und me here with my few half- starved camels had i been permitted to go on with my merchandise by this time i should have been rich yusef inquired what the other meant and learned that at osman s city the keeper of the gate had detained the cara van until the oouncluor had green thought to the matter then the ooun- culor oatne with many deceitful smiles and easaed taxes without oooscisno continued the sheik angrily finally he oonco a story to the effect that on potatoes uood mealy cookers j a per peck 1uc celery nice size stalks 9c potatoes 3 new nice size o lbs for ifc cabbage 2 new firm green y heads fur i c tomatoes 2 firm ripe q tbs for ic bananas 3 golden yellow oz lbs firm ripe for uc lemons 5 fuu of juice o itfitf fffee prompl delivery macaroni wt bmf fuvof 3 f 16c matches 12 st 12c fly ded fly say i6o ti 25c nugget shoe polish 10c princess soap flakes mr 3 30c marmalade wagstaffes orange 32o u 20c tomatoes aylmer choice 3 no 2 tin 20c lipton tea rib o lbi 33c red lbl 31c aylm wh corn 10 t 6c aylmci tontalo o vjubl soup looi tim 7c cresmy custsnj biscuits 2 p 27c a ylnti golden btnum corn 3 no t 25 clo li rd sockeye salmon v5lb tin 17c libb pork and beans 3 51 o tn 25c pltmn sod biscuits ivoi pl 1 s1 ribbon tomato juice 15c 2 15c special sals on other fruit and vegetables carrolls limited extra spcil pie apples no 4 tin 10c dessert cherries halattl corned beef 2 ti- 25c no s i- 15 haddie 2 i ib t 25c old colon mpl syrup i co bil 24c short na crisco n- 31c d 61c cortoll bkim powder l6o i 17c fry cocoa h- 1- 21c coxs gelatine 16c sos u 23 corn flakes p 8c good prunes 3 pa 20c carrolls floor wax i 1- 43c infants delight loan soap c 5c limited mill street store closed wednesday afternoons free delivery phone 158

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