Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1938, p. 4

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jbsijsst neighborhood news intferwtlng iteih concerning other centra and communities in which muiy of our readers are interest ballinafad mr and mrs oiawtatwat and frank ol kltehanar mr and mra j lane mr and mra r beaton and mr altr lin- ham of aeum vlaked law week at the jumaof mra clntyjfajt idm ruth lonstreettot jsiapss pent last week at her home here mb seaale cole returned home on wednesday lait from hamilton mr barnard millar spent a day laat week in hamilton mr wm bhortlll of oeorjeunm mr hubert ohortni of toronto were vumora on sandan at the home of was annla shortin mra mellle kentner of deorfetown was a vtaltor on sunday at the home of mra sonar mr and mrs wylle visited with friends in toronto the past week cedarvale mra james delaney is in ouelph hos pital where she underwent an operation for gallstones ulue joyce lekch ts hi kh an at lack of appendicitis mr alvln puher u building a new bam which will make a oil improvement on his propert we are clad to know that the harding children are able to be about again after being sick with scarlet fever mr oeonre ooldthorpe of hulsbunj spent the weekend with mr and mrs arthur oruttn mr and mrs r- l davidson and tvllmer actes uutan lawrence and mr bob marsh of acton spent 8unda nh mra angus moarthur the mothers of the sunday school had the service test sunday mra m mc- cutcheon acted aa superintendent mrs cox read the lesson mrs m mccdtch eon mrs a qrimn and mrs t mc- cuccheon led in prayvr mra cunning ham aang aweeuy lay motaer prayr- mrs a griffin and mrs t mccutcheon aang a duett my mothers bible a beautiful bouquet of tulips and daffodils was presented to mra m mocutcbeon the oldest mother prevent mr thomp son and daughter of hamilton were peaent and took part in the service mrs fisher acted as pianist at the ser- georgetown council authorised advertising for ten- den for a new grandstand and band- itand at the park a tart crowd attended tne dance held tut prtday night in heawnn under jthe auspices of the georgetown salom olub mr percr reed or keglna sasv u in town on mondaj for a ahort time he say the prospects are ery bright for a bumper crop in the west this year mra j ronej returned home lut week after spending the a inter at the home of her daughter in kentucky the engagement u announced of helen margaret marie brown daughter of mr a j brown and the late mra brown georgetown to alastair donald stuart cameron of renfrew son of mr and mrm don cameron sudbury tne mar riage to take place the latter part of may a native of georgetown in the person of violet louise mocutlough paaaed away at the general hospital los angeles california on wednesday april 37th idsfl deceased was a daughter of the i late robert mccullough of georgetown and left here id years ago is of which have been spent tn los angeles herald baiting the hook eden mills the may meeting of the women s mls- onary society of the presbyterian church was hejd in the home of mm w lowrte with the president mis oeorge thomas in charge the meeting opened ith a hymn and prayer by mrs mlno reading were g1vei b mrs hell mc- phall and mrs james qubertaorx and a solo by mrs mlno final arrangements were made for attending the spring rally of ihe ouelpn prcstbyterlal in rockwood also for the annual sewing meeting to be held al mrs mlnoa in june lunch wmi served b the hostess assisted by mrs james gtlbettson and mrs nell mcphau and a social half hour spent the sunbeam mission band or the presbyterian church held s vrry success tul social evening on frtda at the home of miss wilms moore to which the mem ben of the women ft mlsslonar society were invited a good program of read ings duetts and solo was ver much njoyed mm thomas president of the w m spoke a few words of apprecla lion of the aorfc the mission band is doing under the capable leadership tit mr mlno a paper based on mission vmrll was given b mra w umrlr after u hlch mra mlno and hrr hand served aln tvrretiluiteiita and u mx lul llim viu lit mr siiul lts i mt 1 uitiill and man it r oumel it ha apnl tu v intel n toronto hint retimed u th tr home it ldgrnixxl p irk mr and mrs nult it i unu h tui utrt laltora in the hmi nt m und irt s mle wilson re cully mr and mrs cumero itaiiuthitu t rt ubm visit r- u tht samt luuiu mr and mrs ilunm r and lomil i hamilton am v laltors tn tht horn t lr and mra jc lm ulm n sumluv mr and mr tht mi thomas and miss durleen spriti found in flin iph mr md mrs charles du tdsoii f a ton trr itui sta in ttu li miles if mr llkxrt wlb n ami mr and mr latne- otlbe umii i uiuli the mu frhnds of mra will miuan uill be puamu u lean alu hat n unnd from tlu luupltul althount not aell a could lm hoped for mr and mrs geowe ramsc and family of cumnock were visitors in the home of mr and mra john ramsey on sunday isltora in the home of mr and mrs v loarle on sunday evening were mr and mrs joseph abbott and family of toronto mr and mrs l baflagh and family mrs rennk mbwev peggy peer isabel and jean loatie all of ouelph meadames w mlno w otlbertson o thomas and w lowrte attended the sprtnc rally of the ouelph prestqrterlal held tn jtookwood on tuesday and re port a profitable aa well as enjoyable burlington i building activity in own is not quite as brisk this year as it was at this time last year pour houses are in the course i of erection at the present time and an other one has been staked on emerald crescent to be commenced shortly a petition is being circulated among the business men asking the town coun ell to pass a by law making wednesday afternoon a half holiday in burlington i it ts expected it will be presented to the council at its next meeting what was believed to be another at tempt to break into the high school here was apparently frustrated early tuesday morning by the appearance of mr john ford w ho was making delivery about 4am of his morning papers john emerson miss howell and miss joanna cune returned home from flor ida on thursday last alter spending the a inter there wm mortimer relief officer for tht town has been confined to his home for the past week with a bad attack of the flu he expects to resume work within the next couple of days on wednesday evening last about six o clock cars owned by gordon alton and h oudmore an employee in macklln s garage collided at the corner of hurd avenue and caroline streets the cud- more car was the most damaged the alton car being not damaged both drivers escaped unhurt when the town council met in ses sion on thursday evening last the chief item of business was the hearing of a deputation asking for protection for the local dairies by having the council pass a bylaw making it necessary to pasteur ise in burlington all milk sold tn bur llngton deputations pro and con ad dressed the meeting and it was passed on to the industrial committee to report ut on eaiy a date as possible oaxette after a busy fortnight which snw his boernment sign friendship pnets with italy and ireland prime minister neville chamber in in decided he deserved a rest so he hied himself to the north or scot land a here he forgot political issues for finny ones this interesting chnrneu r closeup of chnmberlnln wiui made on he gnve nil his attention to tht proptr bait inr of his hook limehouse mrs irev 1 d d davidson entt rtoln ed the ounn people of the olrb look out club at ihc manse las i mondny even tng the regular mothers day rvices wrt held at the churches last sunday and were noil attended the colder weather of the post week has caused quite an epidemic of colds tn the ne ghborhood mr and mrs ted morrou visited mrs r lane on sunday mr and mrs wm mills nnd family were at their cottage over the weekend 1 mr sam hurst who was staying with i his brother percy during the winter has i moved out to the farm for the summer mr and mrs a hall and family of i toronto nt the cotuige xttttrb dlturctt nf flottafts aoton rastar fear e it marraw ha mi d paraonago bower avenue sundav may 18th ids daylight having time 1 1 00 am lohurch service subject a world hem 13 1ft p m sunday school and blbla olaart 7 00 p m the minister subject your oonveraalton everybody welcome ilrtubylrrtati knox oilmen acton rpy ii u bknntb m a minister manse wulow street sunday may 18th 1 03d dnj light saving tlme 10 30 nm the sabbath school 1130 am the british empire youth 1 00 p m thp uncertainties of life always welcome special 6c we have a limited amount nf oak ploorl ing suitable for bedrooms halls etc special sale price lir square foot laid measure for example flooring to cnvrrornom 1012 feet would cost only 7 20 including sslw do it vow don t wait for airs and insects to remind you thnt screen time has come oct our eslmat on door and window sceens before mr and mrs housefly call are you going to screer the porch this year a you vowed you would last smnme now istfiellme rgetown4ittfla co phone 140 acton mills at georgetown acton bnpttbt mnirrt acton rev f o baxter raster sunday may 16th 1038 1 1 00 am morning service 12 00 noon classes commence monday s 00 p m b y p u wednesday boo pm prayer mrctlnk a welcome to all campbellville i misses janet anle jean and carrie i mcphau and master ross elliott attend ed the golden wedding anniversary of mr und mrs nell mcphall in muton on i wednesday mr d mclntyre of london was re newlng old acquaintances in th village i nn monday i a number of the ladles of the w ms byuy wu bytarsmn of th ouelph en tuesday in the ospringe the monthly meeting of the women s institute was held on wednesday after noon at the home of mrs d q robert son in the village when fort ladles wen prcmnl u enjo the ufurnooria pro- tirum mrs e barber presided and mrs t n sunter read the minutes or the pn inn meetlntf and uliu the financial itiutiimnt lor lhe ytar over twenty i llarn man spent for trull and flowers f r i tlu mtk and btreavtd and numerous tlonatl ins of monc rlvn t worth causes mrs wm rotx rtaon mrs wm muttuzle and mrs r d burrows win appointed delegates to the district an nunl nt hulsbiirj in june lnm uu of tht umial garden pu tj in old of thu turion ctnickr it as drcidrd to co penile atth ulr trustet and emtui insti ute in a memorial stflintt tin i nratlv prufftam a ha rulh ciuk umtl d u pmjrct voted on tin topic for the pnigrtun vnn u hd uutt i uibi th r mthh i j mr- u chr t c i li kb a i l cmiumi t r ttmtjeraiit fn centrr wcllinkum uiu pnrnt ut itavr u splendid uddreets a hlch uoa mi h mi jowa mrs morgan oruham alst f coningsbj tuiorud with an tnstrumenial lead kindh light a humorou cad ukk was gtn b mri ii held and othc- readlng on temperance acre given b mr geo oung and miss mary camp- bri a ver fine paper on mother w read by miss mary martin mrs r mooutcheon offered her home for the june meeting when the cedarvaje xnacitute are to be the guest lunch was served at the close and a social ame enjoyed rev mr of hespeler preached an appropriate sermon on mothers day tn the local preabytartan church on sunday misses lois campbell and edna cook are attending the olrls conference at the oac ouelph this wee mr and mra d o robertson douglas and kenneth spent yity with the fonners mother mrs o a robe to 1 nassagaweya mothers da was observed in the ebenezet united church lost sunday morning mr and mrs j as pre tne 11 of port colborne also mrs margaret dollar and sons of niagara palls spent sunday with mrs longford of knatchbull mrs cecil hardy of toronto and mra h m taylor of eden mills visited mrs haw last sunday mr and mrs norman webber and family of lalcevlew toronto with mr bert yflghtlngale of orangevllle and mrs earl catrglll and son bruce of campbellville and mr oeorge nlgrrtln gale of rockwood visited with mr and mra arthur nightingale or knatchbull last sunday while cultivating uut week mr a m mcphcrson of lot 32 concession 4 nas sogaweya met with on accident the line got under the tongue of the cuhl vator and he walked up the tongue to take it out when one of the horses jump ed and threw him oxt balance he fell in front of the cultivator and the horses ran away dragging him under the machine for some distance before one wheel of the cultivator ran over a large stone letting him pass out from under it he wos badly bruised and cut about the legs and has some libs fractured fortunatel it was not more serious chan it is we hope he may soon be a ell uguln mr and mrs wm near and famllj of ouelph visited relatives and friends in nassagaweya last sunday of st david s presbyterian church at tended the section meeting held in rockwood church on tuesday morning and afternoon mr and mrs prank quinlan of tor ortto were visitors at the home of her mother for the weekend miss mary roberts of toronto visited her home here on sunday everton mr and mrs welsman of winger are visiting for a few days with the mlssei reed and other friends sunday visitors a u home of mr and mis w h hortop were mr charles hortop and mr and mrs james hortop blair and mr and mrs clarence hor top rockwood mr and mrs andrew mcmillan and son woodstock mr and mra will shoe bo lam london spent sunday with trn latter s father mr john simons mr w r e blair mr and mrs omar pcrker acton were sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs d h parker mrs mills of hamilton spent a couple of days at the same home i sunday visitors at the home of mrs o g robertson were mi and mrs d o robertson douglas and kenneth of ospringe mr and mrs norman robert son phyllis and olenlce mr and mrn lloyd robertson acton mr and mr ii u2e young town line mmntr s day services were conducted at lhe church i cnrlst on sunday rev j p mcleod preached a sermon an our htrs the thme of the service cen tred around the life of susannah weslej lhe mother of joh wesle and the sermon wa based on 1 i life ttvre ana h mothers choir ond mnt j aitkin sang a solo i oakville tht dominion harduan su rr uus cnuird b thieves frtdaj night and i sum ol mom and some mtrchondl stolen tht marauders ruined tntrun to th store b bruikintv the gloss i lr run l dooi 1 u campaign u ralsc si soo 1 ih oik hit mid dlstru l b sc n ln aa itt tl i l ii u in its ll irtl ueck tl k in l n ut iu iru t t tht com n it tc iu i t ui f llli t i tkn pnu lhcl 03 ix rs mi lo j a s ralklu n ihiru n f i r- m i v is rn li oakvlllrii lux iu r i l k t tht towt oim 11 ui it rtgilur nu- tlim m ndai ettning when it i wj i1k i ute u tht ear ut 46 nulls ni 19 1 t r 49 mills tlie late charles h cnw tine- ma r t oukv llle for man yeanl a mertber nt the toan coun u and one of the lr iding ciuariia of the community alll be com meniorated ui the naming of th nea thoroughfare between the sixth and seventh lines to be bulk in connection atth the ne subwaj u ass decided at monday evenings meeting of the coun ell three sentences of six months definite plus an indeterminate term not to ex ceed twelve months ln the ontario re formatory at ouelph were imposed b magistrate woodlllte in magistrate s i court friday afternoon upon ernest mobbs hamilton who a week previously had pleaded guilty to three charges or making uttering and poaaesmlng counter feit 3fi and 50 cent pieces the sentences will run concurrently his younger broth er james was sentenced with him record star i milton w i- ilh rmone win tt now llvttg wiui hts daughu r mrs fc p ault wii- un ls in town f it a few das mr and mrs hunrd b coxe and fumllv have mo d u the mhldence on main falrttl wtst formi rl vrupted b t ri allan unci hb daughter miss h an allan r e oolllns hr la oi u trip to tin old countr w il lit th fen at empli hxhibltum in oiiushi which king ot im will c pt n in uu stvnkh mrtro- k lis i nifsduv ma 3rd mr and mrs f c brownrldge milt i annoui ci the engaglmrnt of uielr datigh r ma nurrt hatlilren to oeorge p c lym win of mr ond mrs t r lon oukuilc the marriage to take place rarlj it ma the sacred uund ottneert in ute priu- cess theatre here last sundaj night was aril attended knox church chol- ven abl assisted in the fine program as did also james bentw of buriinrton well known soloist and gjld medalist u ha i ton county for 1031 officers of the muton baseball club for 1038 were elected jaat night as fol low honorary preakjenta judg munro w i dick kc and dr c k steven son president fred mills vlcepresid enta c toletzka and oeorge oookmwi execuave oommlttee b london randall h coulson flecretaxy-treajur- er w j norrlngton auditor w t randall m stan fay transpor- lauan committee w j korrtogton j brush w h clement delegates to league meetings a k clement and w r osment alternau w j norrlngton here ls ottr opportunity to get expert adnce free jotice i to ruptured people please dovt be deceived vou can be free from truss wearing in six months come ut the dominion hotel cm widnesda ma lstli afternoon and evening consult tton free a noted rupture spoclnllst 30 years experience will demonstrate to you free if charge his method of treatment il mg with the most comfortnbl fitting appliances that can tn b allied tn anj rlca thompson a1xiancf co napanee ontario don t p rgft the date udnesda ma 18th flernoon and i- enln at his maj quest king ororre is plctu d with his daughter prtnopaa margarrt rom lft and princess tauabrth helrcms to thr thtmr on tne occasion of lh uiurs 13th birthday ircsnuj hcn thc enjoyod a horseback ride in the grounds of windsor castle the king requested chat this photo be made his majeat attt requested that princes margaret rose be included in the picture when published and not cut out to apoulaht he more important sister unolamipibd small advertisements ad vtrt taunts uadsr this asaiuagj ont cent eer wsh ulnimasi elurm tie pr in mr t ion pt inssrtlsas far lies if esw csah isc sd4itlssl is chsrgsd whtre lui lis te be booked noo mirma satvuoat 0 80 and grade hogs delivered by farmer q 00 fftairr holmes motfcf- we are paying 2ftc for kv 1 cream ltc for a eggs 17c for m eggs agton ctlgambtly to bent fv 0ror41eown 6 roomed house with all modern con veniences apply to mrs m suythk 443 telephone 280 oeorretoirn opening dance at iuttonville park friday may 1 3th music by lynn spence and his orchestra ten pieces of harmony added attoaction see porter and lund demonstrate tiie 4ttg apple single eccentric double tap and other popular dances dancing 030 to 1 30 d s t ladies 25c gentxemen 5c dancmg every friday ltb lailce dancm evry friday kataiidin potatoes oroan fr mi certltvd leed and field insperted wausage fiwackhamttl phon 38r41 lot 32 third line john v ravage practical grtglnec househol repa steam heating agent pllbr4errjonllesa plrebrtck company m products store unuig apeclsllty estimates glren main street acton 1 for hale 1 strawberry plants glen mac par son beaut burrlll 13 50 per i0m dunlap olen mary mixed 13 00 per 1 000 darwin cripp6 44 2 acton r r mo 2 seed corn x a supply of ontario grown seed corn u1 be on hand on may 13th phone your order o- etrure your choice of m rletlt as soon iui pomlble r n brown 44 2 phone 40m2 for rent th enwm apartment with bathroom br lck house on main street all con veniences seven room house on church street all available immediately kerr 8 real estate phone 36 acton for sale will now sell cheap or trade for cattle a span of heav mares one su to br in foal apply nelson uclauohun r r no 2 roctwood- phone acton 90rl4 auction sale mrs w j qlendennlng eden mills will hold a clearing sale of ber rvrntturc and household effects on saturday may 14 n o clock st terr is cosh ro hindley uctloneer phone 15r8 etln good prices paid for horses injured cattle ftc for foa meat with injured animals phone very promptly it will cost you nothing to ring us phone georgetown bsrsl n- i versing the chanres horses posiyyejy never resold undrr any condition 40 tf vannatter pox parm mortgage sall undet and bj virtue of the powers contained in a certain chattel mortgage it group of household ooods will be sold b public auction on saturday tht 14th day of may 1938 at two o clock et the rear of the post office in acton r j kerr auctioneer i pfkmanent waves riicn in n nubs unite for quality i enjo lhe bet in mnchlneless perman i int wuvm aiillvptlc oil shampoo hair cut iiiue and ingertluve included in nil prlns end curls 2 00 waves 3m 5 00 jnasie russelu acton ont i not a fortune but a pliosant profitable business for imi nt and active people any depend iblt pt rson run operate this itlmple busl tia in u rticrexl dlstrl t 200 ouaxan- el hum iifcenkltles used by millions of people faiiit unci advaiilnfteous cash man squaite deaj no risk for lm partlmlura wrlu f am ilex 670 st cunw nt mc i trtal if you wish to bt t mituc w hi n notk t lt dogs at la it of tli b lw ri iirtnn owners of doss ui k i tl t uiuiuila frr m running at uirn during ii n nil s from may 16th thntikh t im pic ii ixr 16th is effective i roin these date a ow iters of dors aro hi n b ti fjiud f the provbilonti of this by luw in n t lmrcd that prosecu tlotia will be made ii j mcpherson 44 j chief of police illage oi acton acton stores can fulfill- your needs give them first chance court ol ftevision the municipal council of the village of acton will meet as a court of re vision in tne council ohambe acton ontario on monday the thirtieth day of may im at sewn o clock dat all persons harlng appeals the assessment roll for the said vwag- for the year 10w will take notice andgorerrj themselves ajseordlnvly notiee of all appeals mutt be noatvwd by me on or befora the twentynrst day of may lttt v ngm w dsvte thto ninth day of may lm c f utathbrlakti ron balp i 1 child s pushcart oood condition 13 00 mb8 s burkholdbr mill street acton for nrn i pasture 1th sprlnit rm k cauta taken in apply james e ai4an n r no 3 acton afcuv a r

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