Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1938, p. 6

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u l j rtn axx zcmjimistiiaamsi thbc aapmhiaaassaniaiwas 1 ii l r mwm i h i w3ata7a4jwauu4 now man news the n eomu from the ohllly north the e from the ut they uu me the eoww train he foldmi met and the from the south you tt bo new that spreads from mouth to mouth oomee from the north east weal and aouth by a v caldwell menu hints beeipee far new ml tint disks rauabau men a salweaumul birthday anticipations by betty barclay plve years old and coins strong he can run races all day lonff llunch for jlve la right on tap lint he the happy chap anticipation may often be better than laallzatlon so far as adults an eonoern ed but realisation is he thine with children christmas picnics or birth day parties reach their senith when they arrive not before but even with children anticipation should be considered mysterious pack ages a well set table dainty invitation cards or a preview of attractive decor ated desserts bring jo to a child a heart chronicles of ii ginger farm i i written sseeuoy far the aetan fn frui gwendoline f cuuuce uethlrila there is coins to be a sud den death around here unless things chance for the better danger lurks in the most unexpected p1wa t mm nrnt lmjlaman ever i step outside the door i run out to plclc few flowers or to bather chips for the are bo feed the hens or to nans clothes on the line it doeant matter what it la or where x so i am often forced to beat an icnomlnlous retreat to the house and the cause of ic all nothing but a pesky quarrelsome rooster with a mal evolent ellnt to his eye yes indeed wherever i so that rooster u stalking me partner or son can wan der where they like and he luces no notice apparently i am the mily one for whom he has an active dislike and to think i raised that bird from a chicken probably petted him and pro- ttcted him in his infancy against his natural enemies and now see the way he treats met but then that the male of the sunday school lesson fob sunday may ultt and a smile of rapture to his face prepare your chud s olrthday menu n pecles for you i might have known as carefully as you prepare your bridge t party luncheon use frills galore but however i have a good bodyguad keep the foods simple healthful and nd hs w you remember i light serve the meal at tho regniai i told jrou about rusty he is our new time for dessert use something like a puppy and whenever busty is with me that old rooster known enough to keep our column items eff parueatar lattmt t vfetnsu in whlet wettftsn surfem el the fpm p may ntsenss isaeli week light rennetcustard it require no eggs no boiling and no baking may be prepaj- hts distance and i go my way in peace isnt the country grand just now ed in advance and may be decorated so mc j that it wil vrtng shout of pleasure ftom don t you feel when you look around that the littto h and his guestwltlh no lu how beautiful spring 111 aftereffects vlun the guests reach i believe green is the most their homes i sulsatlsfylng color there la red blue here la a suggested child s blrthdaj have their virtues but thereat mime thing about green it suggests new life new hope it is everywhere f hiding old scars and the ugliness or neglected places it whispers encourage ment and inspires new dreams of things that yet may be i perhaps thai la uhy i have a predom menu also a recipe for the dessert fruit oop tiny chicken jan and peanut butter sandwiches your favorite birthday cake lemon rice rennetcustard fruit juice or mjlk lemon ittce rennet custard 1 package lemon rennet powder cup uncooked milk 1 pint milk 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons cream drop rice into about 1 malta mar of green in mj kitchen and ptm- tr it may be a subcons lous attempt to bring the outside inside at present che kitchen la a little bit of everything old jello walls and neu green ones as it is very for from being finished 4 am be ginning to think i shall be finished quarts or be lne kitchen if i don t took out rapidly boiling ottd water and cook u m dywil or very lonff at a tlme t until grains are tender about 30 minutes p ott to sleepa hitherto unheard of turn intb sieve rinse in cold water and iar me to do however it is sold steam ove- boiling water until grains are j work nevct j anyone yet dry and fluffy divide rice among 6 m t ppow j don t nood to worry my aherbet cupa which have been trimmed onl fear qj partner wlu run out of with frills made from outer edges of adjectve before i get through house- leepsper doillles drop rtce in very cleaning loosely worm milk to rakewann with q jy after put the flnlahlng augar and cream remove from stove louche to the diningroom i called stir in rennet powder until dissolved and partner to look at my handiwork- doe pour over rice le stand 10 minutes lt nai look better i asked him without nwving then act in refrtgerator y u admitted partner to chili garnish if desired with a uklng ta th unaccustomed orderuntas sprinkling of finely chopped preserved or or r00 but where ore we going crysteailiaed ginger or cook 2 tahleapoona nve ne added chopped prr rvrd ginger with the rice 11 no ypu know what lt la to feci like a rfastred add cup washed raisins to the mlulon oouars t d looking here rice just before steaming vleld 6 desserts und tlicrt lii my garden and lamenting the growth of grass and weeds i sud- utnlj guve a little cry of joy right at how to minimize lftc bottom of what i thought were just fiues on tilt vim une iicali bticfca or sweet briar slip i planted taht nr i found three small there la ortrn a parti ularl patht uc n mj sweet briar was living ff fetiturc uuoclatedhth a farm fire thr ftn q country person lo reiuliv a tlml discovery meant to me sett orlar i belli ve is practically un testino dlbottstaptlp y bbrvics oolden text come follow me marie 10 p lesson text mark 10 1731 time march ad30 place perea exposition t poiuftsilna many things yet not satisfied 1730 the young pian who came to jesus hod great poueaalotia v 33 position luke rtltfvr so a noteworthy aralahlllty v 31 in tense exmeitness v 17 undoubu sin cerity vs 1731 great moral courage v 17 reootrnl piety luke 16 18 noble mpltatlon v 17 benevolence yft all these things together did not save him they will not save any one his question implied that eternal life is ob tained by something we do no man ever obtained life by doing oal 3 16 it must be received as a gift romans 6 33 jmub by his reply wny callest thou me good did not mean to imply that he was not good john 8 30 40 14 30 out he saw that the young man hod no deep sense of the full force of his own words to say he was good was u say he was ood for no man is good but that he was ood the young man did not see he was superficial and jesus bought to bring him to a recognition of hla superficiality jesus sent the young man to the law because he sought life by doino the law la the thing to do if a man is to get life by doing but no man has ever none lt so the law serves to shut a marls mouth romans 3 10 30 what this young man needed was to have his mouth stopped and hla pride laid in the dust jesus always send the self the law those who know that they are sinners he fend to the gospel 1 tim 1 15 jesus added to his citations from the ten commandments moses n onderful summary of man a duty found in leviticus 10 afl matt 10 10 the young ruler replied all these things have i observed in this though en tlrely honest he was thoroughly mistak en it did not take jesus long to show him that he did not love his neighbor as himself one command brought out that vs 21 22 that the young man was not satisfied appears very clearly from hla question what lack i yet matt 10 30 il lacking one thing knd therefore lost 31 33 jesus looking upon him loved him but jesus was not pleased with him cf romans 8 6 there was however a wlnsomeneos in his sincerity eagerness earnestness and honest though futile at tempt to keep the law but jesus love for him did not keep him back from dealing very plainly with him though that plain dealing caused the young man to turn his back upon him is our love as true and brave as chat jesus said to him one thing thou lackesti it does not seem to the average mind a very serious thing to lack only one thing but this lesson teaches us that to lack one thino may re fatal the one thing he lacked was a supreme love for jesus christ he woa willing to do inuch at jesus bidding v 20 tout not any j j oellclous sauce for salmon hardboiled trung and everythtna there was one z i tr yolks forced through a sieve and dded to lemon butter makes a dellcloua a morn1no olony for sacit day or tor week thursday may ltui its easy to find fault with nature it is difficult to improve on her friday may nth the minister who does not love his people is almost as bad as the congre gation which dons not love its minister friendship to be in good repair needs to be looked after carefully sondoy may 18th if any man suffer as a christian let hlm jiolbhhsmed i peter 4 0 monday may icth the confidence of youth must needs be overweening in order to survive its num erous failures ttosdoy may 17th that repentance is cheap which leaves he wrongdoer with the profits of his crime wednesday may 18th the song which the morning stars sang has never been silences nottse blkram home nints try making your jelly powders up us ing half the amount of boiling water ihen when cool but not set add equal amount of sweet milk it makes a nice i change to sceep your lec box sweet and fresh keep a piece of charcoal oh the bottom fihelf and be sure to never use soap in washing the loe box always unc baking soda did you itnowt house amidst its barren sands it is for use of the air squadrona which traverse the sahara the structure is ninety feet high and the light which la operated by butane gas can be seen at a distance of from fifty to eighty miles in fine wenther all coach travel information al harold wiles phono 58 gives eye that another may see fish cookery among the many ways of cooking fish baking or broiling is by far the most satisfactory method an ovenproof plat ter from which the fish can be served at table la a great help as lt guaran tees food that is piping hot quick cooking in a hot oven gives the best re suits brush the baking dish with oil or melted butter sprinkle the fish with salt and pepper dot with butter and bake in a hot oven allowing about ten minutes to the pound sometimes fish is partially baked then spread with sauce and basted frequently during the rest of the cooking period there arc many simple sauces which add to the savor of plain broled or bak- rt fish the base of many of these is lemon butter which la mode by working ncqunrter cup of butter until soft and then beating in one tablespoon of lemon juice crumb sauce for halibut is mode by browning one half cup of dry bread crumbs in a little melted butter and ad ding them to the lemon butter anchovy paste added to lemon butter makes a for the first time in canada the delicate operation of removing the cornea of nn eye und grafting the healthy tissue on the eye or another patient was undtrtnkeu in a toronto hospital when mine florence hay ward right volunteered to permit removal of a blind eye in an effort to give nick poplak a ftllou patient his sight mlas haywards eyte though blind was not in need of rcmovul and ye specialists told her that the grafting operation had one chance in a hundred of sue ess poplak lost his sight through contact with acid acvi ral months ago the two patients hown after the operation hav mrr nut it will not be known for a month if tin op ration will succei probe oi quints affairs demanded thing that he loved more than jesus and that he was not willing to give up jesus bidding auce for trout hltensh and other dell cute unvoted hah blanched chopped jcsua purpose in bidding him sell what lljmon0 upli brountd ln butter with a isolation due to the fact thnt the form 1h frequently tf latum from u tire fighting iicrvloe und consequently ln many cusra known m canada but we ht come 1 om arrnta thi uater rtmember thosi wullui in tht old country when suddt nly the helplessness u prevt nt thr destruc tlon of the home ndds pathos u thr dl asur heroic work and gallantry in the thr uir w mid be filled with thr most de nbnenoi of organization mm bi of m avail it is wvll known thui in canada very year loose due u turin nrtj llghuul fragrance and om knew that honuuhrn ulong the bank of that wind mg wmur lam whrrr one walkod a amount to an morniout sum yrl in mum e orlar bunh was hiding then- t ilii s uu damage to a certain t xtrut n c uirr perfume qulu like it if i con night havt bet n minimized or prvented on make a eet briar buh grow b ilmplt precautionary meaiures one precaution tn not to put w rt it uncured luty in bants nor to put do u itu hu ln barua that imw u uky roofs it m in also risky u sniokt tn or around f und till u thest buildings with rcytru to rlrrt lr uiestnut trw my kurden that w 11 bt happiness indevxl th mnuorttft lt reculla will be as nwet ui thr lingering frugrunn it itnpuru south corner of ult gurdrrt 1 ithrr trrasurr a t1n err ywr i transplant equipment it is dangerous in uw funr baby chestnut ujki every var they di or too great ampernkr and nt article ihi ban br i tin tmi exception 11 should be used in pla e of it fuse care anxiously i shull watch it ktow h uld be uikrn to mr that llgluntlig a11 thr nhrubs i hud given me utxvul td remaul proerl grouudrd unci de io weeks ago appear u be ulne and am ye uc clevtruu wiring sh uld be re i gaa hotur day i hope u huvt u initnxt prompth tile use or ki rtasetw kindle fires or quicken slow fire lias rulhrr been reviponalblt not ml for many fire gidri burden mostly lrera und thrub but un gmtouiir u ifui oivr piys fur reul num r ntttrk ii u a w biuunejui m lltllt rook inter d well und at luir but also for many deaths on farms and the wrvd just because there has never been u ftn and now to be practical let air tell on the farm it la dangerous to neglect you of a ne dessert i discovered by si precautions under thr belief that the idem one night we had stewed rhu buildings will neer take tire insurance barb for supper and i had jjot made it gie an unwarranted sense of security nweet enough sugar added after fruit but insurance cannot give compeiuauon te cooked never seems very satisfactory tor all the financial losses and it cannot so i suggested to my menfolk that they replace loan of life extremr care should add a little earn syrup to the rhubarb always be taken tn handling and using what a mixture 1 said our son but gasoline the gasoline containers should he tried it and so did partner and now be tightlt closed painted a bright red it is quite s favorite dessert in our and labelled gasoline family so what do you know about chimneys are one of the most common thaft causes of farm house fires so that per we received and duly studied our kkdically the chimneys ahould be cumin- glorified edition of the olobe and mail ed tested for crooks and cismned regular- i describing their wonderful buldtng four a good chemical are exttngtitehw or extra sections which must have cost a pall kept tn readiness for the purpose pentj but then things like that are w here the water supply u handy u a possible with the increase in the price of ievdy precaution to nut out small area the paper but i doubt very much if our before they get beyond control where subscription will be renewed when the it ta possible however small the com- present one runs out munity a fire department should be- in my opinion the best description organised and the work not islt unoiwn- was bt judith robinsons column and taed to the over-willing- efforts of natch- i that was hardly complimentary to the bora olobe and mall i hi had and to give to the poor was to bring him to see this money woa his idol so jesus put his finger upon that but the spirit of jesus commund hold for all hla disciples luke 14 33 jesus usually calls upon those who would come after him to give up something love to him mokes lt easy to give up anything for him 2 cor 5 14 16 jesus told the oung man that if he obeyed he would have treasure in tuaven he was not mi rely to sell all but further come und follow me ttu selling all won simply preparatory to this tl cor 1j 3 he went away morrow ful by turning from jesus rather than ghe up hls earthly treasures h lost hlt a ml iii the dangtrs of wealth 23 21 jtsus look occasion from ihk incident to point out the perils of riches lef pro jo 6 9 matt 13 22 1 tim 9 101 most men are willing lo run the risk and man j men havf lnt their aouls by running it the world lt fullf 11 lustra u in- of thr truth of jesus statement wtalth und plt seldom gi hand in hand mum u man has lmt his sptrltu ullty aa ht ha increased in wealth tlt re urt tew rich men saved 1 cor 1 0 jua 6 jesuit dlmlples were on uui tubed til his words jeaus used a strong figure to uluftwte the impossibility of a youhg man a bring saved men hav sought u tone the figure down but for that there is no warrant jesus tells them i is possible for ood to save a rich man i 37 nothing bul thr special grace of lit 1- mill lemon juice added is delicious with as a sequm have you the book how to oet rich in a hurry yes and you hod better take a copy i the criminal code with it a request for an inquiry into the guardians management of the dionne quintuplets has been made to ontario s attorney generals depart ment by henri st jicqu a oltuwu bairiallr ucllnt for oil a duonnc father of the quints mr st jacques declared tlml the rt wu some doubt in thi mind of mr dlontu whether thi chlldxnh muniy was being spent judiciously the present guurdiuin of tht qulnlw are pircy d wunon lrt official guardian cf minor child n it ontarl judgt j a vulln of north bay top centre olha dionne iower cm in and dr dufoc tlv quints physician right weekly gardengraph nrlllra by dean halliday r central presi canadian hints on kahlllons by lisbbtii quaint black knir 1 arite with oun faodlng tthrmba in the spring most of us spray certain ood can save him jesus in meeting the shrubs prune those which require it cul- perplexlty of his disciple uttered a mate the ground about them and feel truth that has great comfort in it with our work well done feeding of shrubs ood all things are possible tcf oen lt 14 the disciples in there amasement aafced an important question who then can be saved ood has answered this question romans 10 13 but the dis ci usually neglected and yet we expect them to flower and bear fruit year after ear the proper method of feeding shrubs is shown in thin oardenorapr scat- ctplea thought in the question was if a ter the fertiliser ln a circle under the rich man cannot be saved there cannot shrub and then work it into the soil with be much hope tor anybody all a bcystemv has your husband paid his nelrhboi taxt woman what taxf neighbor on his income woman what tocexnef a strongtoothed rake in the fall second feeding can be given 4 exceptions lo- the above method are rhododendrons and asaleas do not cul tivate the ground under them keep a mulch around these two types of shrubs all the vear around both to protect their tender surface roots and to keep them from drying out black js a great fmorlte thin spring in plii f tht fact that color li ho popu tir it is v uslly becoming u tht sw erl young thingft as can bt nt n by thl plctun of b tty purness yuung sere n uctress who is u taring u quaint gown 1 black aint i u combined with velvet the ircxk luu a square cut netk und high walstlhie banded in black vilvt full skirt md si n putled sleeve- a note itntflh ell sprinkled wi h mxuirui ajd foattiud on up of her head with u hand miidr flower ci rlst in color and many suuiku cf axi colored beads round her utck ulr thi col r accents fresh iviwtrs on lop of her head would b even more charming with this dres style whmste bright hose are preferred fur present wear suiuans light coppers and rony beige are the popular colors nonrun type stockings are being fea tured in three new torn suotle rain bo and sunshine that the bloused silhouette will carry over into the fall b definitely admitted the blousedback version in the vlnter coat has a slertderlzlng effect in that lt narrow a the hips brief puffed aleevea replace shoulder i straps in the new evening gowns a a colorful atreet ensemble for afur- noon wear has a black pleated crepe j dress topped with a seafoam blue wool j jacket the boutonniere and glove are of dusty ntnk as well as the bandeau on the rather large black felt hat battty furk1 business directory mbdioal dr j a mcniven pbysielar and surffseu office and residence corner bow avenue and elgin street dr e j nelson physician and sttrcean electro therapy phone u dr wm g cullen l m c c physlsjan and sdrfsan on loe hours 14 and 70 pm fluujaja liy appolii ui un wilbur street just north of mill screes telephone 138 legal c f leatherland b a barrister solicitor notary pahue acton estates speedily wound up court work attended to promptly office if phones resmenee ib1 successor to h n parmer kenneth m langdon barrister solleltar noury publle offices acton oeorgetown over t seynuck s cafe main street b for appolntmente phone acton 85 r oeorgetown sfl office hours acton tuesday and thursday 1 15 p m to 4 30 p m even ings on request dental a j buchanan d d s dental surgeon office in lelahman block hours 9am until fl p m evenings by appointment oaa for extractions xray dosed wednesday afternoon phone 141 d s p w pearen d d s l dental surgeon office in the symon block phono 20 mil sreet acton hockwood office open every thursday afternoon and evening veterinary b d young vs b v sc veterinary sttrgaesj office brookvlllc ontario phone milton 148r4 f g oakes vs b v sc veterinary surgeon office and residence knox avem e acton phone 130 general insurance we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonds form insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance ocean steamship tickets leadinofcompanie8 txcuxfnt facilities f l wright office cooper block office d5 phobm besld itsj time tables nadian n at acton golnf kant dull rxrrpt sunday 6 04 am dnlly t xcept sunday 9m am uh rxropt sunday 0 21 pm ftundi i oiii e to pm flrr for voai lntf nuip in omrgptowii at 0 49 pm coins wt dulli i xr pt simdn 8 40 a m dalh rxrtpt sundn 3 40 pm dally rxrrpl sunda 7 07 p m sunrii av nlv flaif 11 3a btandakd time p m gray coach lines coaclteb leave acton standard tlaa eastbodnd to iwanlal afi51am 11 pm 8 41 am s 57 pjn 1141 im 1 j pjn c 2 01 pm westbound ta kllakaaar a 41 am x f lt pjn 12 13 pm xbaaf pjn 211pm u10s1 pjn a 4 13 pjn elljst pjn through to london a dally axsapt atfn mot hol b oun and hoi only o aat only d dally ts- oapt bat aw hoi a eat un and hol ttaatha aualay apifl t4tk aobterifoam taken at ik proa oslee for all iul

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