Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 19, 1938, p. 8

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turn mast tipm -wb-agton- p i wvt f r w i sink atsrriaaw tad baellit k jtmriaw hatleee ale ana lllllir seeelt asinton on uconey jwrmu aanhter lxyex7at the ooeteh amend boe- i and lira bart itwreyof wen lolla a daofnur bob nubhhai tamer valley assyntai esrmtftrtt year mubu hit residence is nottheube ijsewrd toronto en friday uv jj isra deartr blokl moaban of m ssjsston and bakwedjathar of tamest anrt ttrthwtmfaaj how to oohibol gabokn dwoh on of tha meat enjoyable and seus- tytaf hobbies wluiln the reach of rerr- ooe la tnrdanlnt no home can ba eon- aldercd eompleue without a cardan either a flow cardan atcatbcaraan or ooraolntunri of both and no cardan iinmt to te eomplet without ha intacta tn tha control of insects prestation often a rrr deflnlta place in tha battle aralnit them pretention may ba adoptr d in several war but cardan sanitation u of flrat lraportanea uanr of the in- aaeta nun the winter under rubbish in and around the cardan all dlutt refill auuum b bui wlthplanta aa with other forma at life the weak and sickly are more tut- evpttble to the attack of intacta than the strong end vtforaut accordingly thanks to puzzles in rhyme were all wiser try this the jbdltor last week told ui be bad to oonmlt hie dictionary to and out what ahallott really were after that we went to our dictionary to aee what we oould aae about it our book had juat about tha tame definition exeept for the car- lie whewl at one time we did not know what multiplier were how we know what both hallou and multiplier are at alto doee the editor herat aomathlnc that will aend the boya and glrlt to their hlatory boolu whit htpprnwl on may ibul lii the year oh away back the relief of my tint it on majuba my eecond in plain 2 harold wiles instals new ice cream equipment mr harold wuea hat thle week ln- alalled the latott type of equipment for making ice cream it it the counter type machine highspeed freewr and freest a ballon of ice cream at a time the new unit it being put in operation thu week and la made by the ailtontaylor co in ouelph friday the thirteenth not unlucky for opening mat friday uie thirteenth it not un lucky waa demontrated by the manage ment ot huttonvdle park they htd thtliuoncnlng- rltiwi lttt trlrlit ami ihf bunrst h hban friends in acton and district were indeed grieved to learn of the patting latt friday of ernest h cear pretldent ot the larnedoerter company of can- ada although not enjoying the beat of health mr near a condition waa not comldered terloui and hit death wet a great shock to hit family and frlendt born in erin township flftyalx yeara ago he wat a ton of mr and ura wllliammasr h ipt hi hm 3e miij midnight zfrolic j at- huttonville park monday may 23rd at 12 jhm midnight d a t music by lynn spence and his orchestra ten pieces of harmony f and youth here attending acton chools when a comparatively young man be went to detroit with hi aplendld exe cutive ability and expaiienee gained in detroit he weut 16 imflbto ul iviv hid there established the ann of which he was tha head at the time or ida death although active in many circle in the city andlmijwlth affairs be main tained a keen interest in the home com immlty and was a frequent visitor with relatives and mends here he was trea surer of st clair united church a mem ber of toronto board of trade and the oanadlan progress club and vlce-pre- sjdent of the union mad garment manufacturers of america ernest near was a man whose opinions were valued and respected and whose wo and example reflected on influence and a desire for the things that ore good he will be missed not only by his immediate family hut by all who hod the pleasure of his acquaintanceship surviving are his widow ida johnston two sons srnest and robert two broth ers william detroit and richard sfun- aln alberta and one sister mrs fred west acton to all who have been so aadly bereaved sympathy of many friends in the home community goes out the funeral was held on monday with acrvtce in toronto and interment in foirvlcw cemetery acton some evid ence of the genera esteem in which he was held was seen in the number who gathered to pay respect to his memory the service was conducted by rev j e todd and rv dr a balfour john s coleman an absence of his customary letters to tint fsu puns end letters to friends here that his general health was not im proving prepared friends for the tntlma tlon during the week that john s cok man passed away on thursday last may uth at turner valley alt where he has been living tui rev and mrs ral 2 ton brown a six weeks period of hot pltdl treatment had failed to mark an improvement in his condition and he has been gradually falling john 6 coleman was a son of the late joscvh coleman and mary jane pierce and was born in wcntworth county he was in his eighty rirat year as a young man he came to acton about forty years ago and here he uas an esteemed re sld en t for many years in may 1000 his beloved partner mary moore passed away leaving him with a family of three small children for several years he was caretaker of acton schools but the past twenty years he has lived with members of his family in stepnens point wis i with freeman at montreal with victor and lately with ethel mrs ralston brown during his residence here he as a member of the school board and keenly interested in community affairs he was active tn the methodist church and rarely indeed was he absent from its services john s coleman was a man whose everyday life measured up to the highest standards he was sincere in his pro fesslon of religion and his life was on example to all it was the writers prt hrge to be crequently tn hlihome in acton to have enjoyed many a conver satlon tth him and to have communl cated b lrttor mlh him these were indeed privileges and association which are trraured any contact emphasized the gtnuinr goodness and sincerity of llie man most nadcrs of tin pkex psevi knew him through hla rontrtbutljuis to thesi i columns which were en j ed by uung j and old alike no mailer herr ii ing he alas maintained an lnteest in this mmmunlt readers as ell as his family and friends will miss him his last letltr as vrlleit jiuit after he re j lumi d from the hospital one letter waa written while hi lay ui thehoapltat und rt wrtten b tits daughter and for warded to tut fftcc paras but now his mii u silent a famll of in ee children survive kmemiii l stephens point wis mrs v kalston brown turner valley altu mid j victor at montreal que ne or thcr james at ham tola man and s mter mrs t j edmlston at driver iuk aim rrnvaln to all of thetr wnputh gttra i in the bereave me i t the funeral w tu held n saturday with wn ire conducted b rev mr rnkook interment was made at okutoks alta n l ti gam this l an excturw and jolly kind of rare in which the players ae divided into two teams there are to pieces of string each having the same rumbcr of knots tied ui them and there are an equal number of players each team standing in a row at the word go the first one of the learn tries to undo one knot and when he has done- it porssra the string on to the nest tn the row and so on until all the players in that row have hod a turn and all the knots are unuad of course the winning team is the one which has untied their knots first hals noise makers and l4j ef fun dasubv frew is bjs ttt dandng every friday lets dance dwieil every friday white the park itottonvaitb fost a date jtob totjk picnic iaram moron belond wife of a oassb to bar at yr the funeral wffl he hm on flatarday wdsl sersoet the home at two vismlc uds oenetery in inmokiim uasoft in lovtoj memory of my dear set who passed away- uoy lwu m7 uottxsl ocais is your dog tied upf the first holiday of surnmer nen tuesday the 3ul and the hasfhall season opens on victoria day in acton potatoes are heglnnlng to peep through the ground in the card now the paint brushes are making de cided improvement on many buildings about town these cool days will at least be a pleasant recollection when the heat of july comes sions boy scouts from many centres will acton headquarters this weekend ub them welcome to our town churchill oentenial to toe held next month june 10th and 30th will see a gathering of friends from far and nesu- arry wright of umeh suffer ed a fractured collartoas while playing tn boil game at oeorgetown high ecfaooi those who contemplate installing on ejtsctnc rang would do well to make the purchase during use special ramn cf the hydro ojpvrs of the auditors report for vfrm ore now available to ratepayers u cstrk xacbarlands office or at the psd pan every effort sould w uuuu la ulssptllir to sttmulsts rspid growth with s view to producing rugged- plants this can be done to a number of ways the first and nut important way is to us care in selmunt the sd bybtiytae tn best from an estawlshsd desler before sow ing the seed thoroughly cultivate sad fertilise the soli the sssd will coduoe stronger plants if sown in vara aoll for the average fardener it is not im portant to be able to name the different species of insect mm it is rjeosssary to know whether they are of the sucking or biting type 8ome of the better known biting insects are cut worms colorado potato beetle esterpulars and rose chaf ers among the sucking groups are anhlds leafboppers tarnished plant bugs and thru biting insect are oommonly controlled by dusting or apraylns the infested plants with a stomach poison such as lead arsenate calcium arsenate or paris green lad arsenate is prob ably the most suitable since there is little fear of burning the plants with it the sucking insects are beat controlled with nicotine sulphate but pyretnum extracts hellebore and oil sprays ore gaining favor one advantage of pyre- thrum is that it is harmless to human beings success in direct control hinges to a large extent on the early and thorough application of the proper remedy in sects are much more easily killed when small than when they ore fully grown in dusting or spraying be generous with materials one liberal application is more effective than several that are scanty treat both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves since many of the worst pests seek aheljer under the leaves sprays and dusts should be applied on a warm day when there is little or no wind mowing if repeated applications are necessary they should be given at in tervals of about a week or slightly less fobest ptjuc a national responsibiutv ouelph is quite anxious to enlarge the winter pah buildings provtdlns the province and county pay the major por tion of the costs of 30 000 ociut motorists went to loll in tor onto and county court on mon convicted of driving their cars while drunk one repeater got so days dr x j nelson enjoyed a four day fithwg trip tn algonquin pars ana of course the party brought home the quota of speckled and lake trout the offtrlr opening of the tennis season will be tomorrow night friday when a round robin series ciisb tourna ment will be held the courts have been tn use by members during the past weex but this will be the drat organised ac uvltyof the mjr third in all the infantry u found my fourth starts an engagement my fifth la to a skein uy sixth is tn the king but not in crowned ley seventh is found in nothing that funny perhaps you think uy eighth the last in every verge but never on the brink ubb coupon 8alutloi kfcme lsrgeat crowd 1n several years turned out which goes to prove that the public are not the least bit superstitious and the crowd was not disappointed the big apple was dinonstrstbd to their satisfaction and the music aupolled by lynn spencer and his orchesta mere than pleated the large crowd of dancers en t cut the management of this popular dtnoe pavilion are plannns a midnrht frolic sabndsy night see announce hint escwhere in this issue fajtm rmodlctlon in 1w the gross value ul ootnodlucs produced on canadian farms i estimat ed at ii 0m 0m 000 as compared with s10771000 the revised estimate of the gross value of agricultural produc tion in 19m this represents a decrease of 137 tts 000 or leas than one per cent and is accounted for largely o the de creased value of the held crops in 80s katchewan due to drought decreases are also ahown in the value of fruits and wwstables poultry and eggs maple pro- oucta and honey lncrwases are record- d in form snmrly wool dairy products and tobacco ttlath awhl the two policemen sat in their radio car and listened to the announcers tense command calling oar ix collins car 13 go to is louis benoit boulevard a man is ngntlng with his lfe take away the oboe hes hitting her with ooshl muttered tc first cop that awful i what asked bis partner a man bluing bjs wife with a shoe now snorted the first bluccoat the sjuksuncer ended a sentence with a pre- positiosv in an appeal for forest ore prevention the deportment of mine and resources ottawa point out that forest ares in canada during the last ten years have caused a direct loss of more than forty- eight million dollar ttus statement does not tell the whole story as it is impossible to estimate tn dollars and cents the indirect losses tn soil fertility and scenic value and the damage caused by floods soil erosion and the lowering of water levels in stream all of which ore the inevitable result of extreme de nudation forest fires are by no means a modern evil as scars on ancient trees give mute evidence of forest ores long before the advent of civilised man most of these prehistoric fires were probably started from lightning but in recent years with the improvements in txansportouon fac ilities and the increasing use of the forest for recreational purpose eighty- five per cent of oil forest fires have been caused by man either wilfully or by care lessness the high percentage of man caused fire can be greotl reduced by the exercise of caution on the part of the public and all those who travel in or near the forest are strongly urged to be i careful with nre at all times the late fcjirlng is one of the greatest danger periods of the vear and various forest potecuon agencies throughout canada inrludlng dominion provincial and prt vale stand ready to face the danger ul rue which follows the dying winds of late april and early slay these winds re- i move the moisture from the previous ear dead vegetation leaving it dry and highly inflammable not until the june tains and the advent of new green vege latlon will this fire haaord subside rwu other danger periods when lire will spread rapidly and assume large proper lions are tn the summer months during protracted periods 0 dry hot weather and again tn the fall after the ground vegetation has been killed by early trusts and ubsequenlly dried out b high winds and hot sunny days in providing the raw material for can hda s third prtmary industry the forests re a great source of national wraith and employment and jthe problem of sofecuardlng this greatt heritage agaiml ihe constant threat of destruction by fire is therefore of utmost importance to all the forest reaources are so inter locked with the many phases of personal and industrial me of the country that to destroy them wantonly or to stand heed leasly by while they are devoured by flamca ta to impair the basis of the nations social arid economic existence south sea island wedding feature of goldwyns hurricanet a wedding procession moves ujowly to the stately strains or the lohengrin march the groom is in shirt sleeves wears denim trousers the bride is barefont but they both have that rapt expression which should go with weddings every where behind them stride two brown skin ned men escorting two dark hued women suddenly the sound of the organ is drowned by yells and laughter prom behind palm trees from around the corn ers of the whitewashed church swarm scores of sarongclad native erlde and groom are smothere 1 under an avalanche of flower lets scarlet gold and white a moments brief struggle and the men carry away the groom puck t lm as easily as though he were a hild liu ad of a stalwart x focter the laugh lr g girls surround the brldr tcu at hci pale blue organay wd luig on in a moment it is tone and sht stands lcvealed lovely and slender in her gree 1 and white sarong cii booms a powrul vc ce that uas citat kids weve just seen the end- of a south 3ea island wedding filmed for samuel otldwyns the hurrlcan for release through united artists which is the feature at the oregory theatre in acton on monday 3 on guaranteed truet certificate a tcga investment for trust funds unconditionslly guaranteed the sterling trusts corporation stotuno towei toxonto members of clubs are given special prices at geochapmanco a complete una ef coil pradneta spartlnc and athletic geeda 1 quebec st w guelph may 24th victoria day 24th may store will be closed all day lets celebrate weekend specials for berxhte the holiday mclarens jelly powders 7 for 25c r s25o milady s fur coat dressed and dyed or undyed skins of riarbearlng animals are fashioned into wearing apparel of various kinds by the fur goods industry of canada coats capes scarves collar cuffs and muffs ore some of the item manufactured but the principal of all is the fur coot ac cording to statistics now made available the fur coat made in canada for omen in 1036 totalled 00 003 this is the largest number ever recorded by the industry practically the whole demand for fur goods in canada 1 met by the home industry and likewise nearly all of the goods manufactured in the dominion are mode for home use the import and rxport trade in manufactured fur goods bring of relatively small importance tilt dikfliunce temcher what la lhr half of eight tommy whkh way teacher whatever do you mran tommy well octoa it make 0 and royal guelphs modern theatre now until friday bing crosby in doctor rhythm with beatrice mary andy lillie carlisle dev1ne shows at 215 7 15 9 13 pan davuoht aavino time starting saturday for s days clark myrna spencer gable loy tracy in test pilot saturday a tine may hth i fratu z pb down it makes 3 midnight show monday may 23 at 11 l pjn davljoht bavino ttmei kentucky moonshine with the ritz brothers tony martin martorle wftiw sinn sommanrflla brrten tharehlll bitter sent marmalade 16 oz jar 20c regular 3o fvakpman lemonbrry c 1 package 15c regular 30c a at battle vanilla extract 1 for 19c regular 23c weutnften lard 2 for 23c regular 2 30c unsweetened pic cherries 2 for 25c regular 2 30c you will be wantino greens home grown radish 29c small green onions 29c choice leaf lettuce 10c celery hearts 12c firm tomatoes 15c home grn spinach 2llc choice gr n cabbage 4c b lge bunch carrots 217c choice asparagus 215c crisp waxed beans lb 15e solid cooking onions 7c choice ripe bananas 25c clear skin grapefruit 5c finest pineapple 15e21c mammoth lemons 310c very best navel oranges 21c 25c 29c 33c 35c 3 chele blueberries 2 for 25c regular 2 30c with seeds raisins 2 for 19c regular 2 25c medians prunes 2 lbs 17c regular 220 extra special fancy biscuits 25c 15c silvbrwood 8 ice cream bricks otceefes ornoerale quart peck frenn ive to english biscuits 10c house of picardy 50c to choice chocolates 125 lines with a zip shop for quality marefal peas 2 lbs lie regular 3lsc chelae while beans 8 lbs 25c regular 02sc snratti dog ovals 2 packages 25c regular 230c very saeelal pocket matches 1c box while they last floor wax 1 tin 21 regular 23c maple leaf soap flakes 1 lnrge pkg 1 small pkg 20 clerk porkbeans 2 tins 17c regular 220c spaghetti 2 tins 17c regular 2ioc regular lac to 20c values ac pounds aafc faleen sweet corn 2 tins 17c regular 222c six kinds choose from shop the safe way phone 16 or call in at barrs grocery quality first courtesy and service with a smile canadian minister utrntu coiiimtrrrjuuier good shoes roa mono and old a rachun aetoa damaged fenders and painting jobs 1 hut rormcrl hud to hi done nut of town un novb pa tit the scrite thut t oltcr to alton and district motorists new iquimcnt und machines hud toiirsi to he inttulkd but the srrvice is now bung giin and we think vmi 11 uf i that our work is of the best some of the obs thui hc been our btrvicc for motorists is lomplitc in imi dituil ve hae the equipment the experience und the mutcnals that hut tiecn proven to be of the hncst a few good buts in used cars f hh t i j w wc invitour inspection in en inmplctcli id dies what room it to small out no one an stand tn itt muajirocen why it a or vary tallt w tt stands over stx art norton motors fowl and lincoln zephyr sale and service phone ta acton ont united slses aeerelarr of war harry wood log a shown latt with sir herttert uarler canadian mlrus cr to the unled acalea a the dtafstr ol tie us chamber of ocenmerrr in the wulard hcaal waastbtltan prrtausl secretary woodrlnc delivered a spirited l to illhtstiet meetlntt in which he warned dlataior nations that the qa wouas flam with other democracies u pushed too hard tupereuaalatsl were bears frost rome wnee uu woodrtng i perch wat denounced at p am ef many american actlora leading the world to war l 1 ifiw

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