i w tj3 vib the actonjpreb press jnwaabjotrjawjadriuu publish tvtrr thurwur acton onlatto mr jfr in jt sjsbsses moil ol our iu- icrlbri advetttising batbson ftppllmllon f in rloui column hmihni av hv- by the it uil uch nlvertlicnitnt tet er-iionfs- eulnrll nl p i reiltlrncs arlof llll is eilhoc voloei the whole library not only tends to give the workers onthe cpr in opportunity to understand the problem with which the company is faced but gives also an insight into the business in which they a ent many ca intcrcat- od it wits originally expected that about 1000 copies would bo wanted by employees but the de mand was so great that it ran to 15000 copies a set of the books forwarded the editor is greatly appreciated we consider them about one of the most useful small gioups that it has bccti our pnvil- ege to peruse the subjects covered rfre so common place in every day life that their uses arc multitude every schoolboy is familiar wfth the title magna carta and with the circumstances under which on june imh 1215 it was signed by king john nt run- nymede it is a long document covering the whole held of society and its administration to sum it up in n sentence i was a guarantee ot security against ar bitrary rule to nil men within the reolm whatever their station in life might be because ns calvin goolidgc wrote magna cat ta is the background of all that we have some yeais ago there was founded in the united states the in ternationnl magna carta day association its ohiect is spiritual unity of the english speaking nations the movement has travelled fur this year many thousands of people in the united states creat britain canada newfoundland australia new zealand and south africa will meet to commemor ate at meetings and ehureh seiviees what has been called interoependenee day during the week of june 12th united states and i canadian war veterans of military establishments in one third goes for interest niagara districts of both countries will unite to interest on funded and unfunded debts took 30 l l thl anniversary of the signing of the cent of canadas revcnircs in the hsciil i ml cnrtn and angloamerican amity 193637 the finance department said in a return is good hat amidst the din of nazism fascism tabled in the house of commons to questions b j n communism there should he heard a cheer for robert fair the whole debt of canada at march ihj prncplls of fr lln wh hc english 31st 137 was gien as 3 572 884 jo and the in spl p i macleans magaine tcrest on it took 137 410345 ifcpbrj a cheer for dcmocmlcy in lincoln cathedral there isjw723yenrold docu ment written in latin it is the charter of demo cracy the genesis of the british system of govern ment ana oi tne constitution uf t un s i making canada bteipiacbiirwhich to livetnd vitork a scries of letters from dutnjruuticd cfirnrinnfl on vunl problem aftccflnp the future welfare of cnnndn specially written farcmmdun vmi4iy newapftpm annarlntlim denr mr jnmei i may any dint i am greatly interested lii pcojmt for ono roiuum beoniuo i believe that your ajuoclatton enn do micl to improvo llio vvejfiro of the gan- ndlan people by the influrnro it hiut in ilouldlnu public opinion tho hard llmf of remit wnr hnvn iihi to a qirftt per mr fair asked figures concernn debt totals smce w2 in the 191213 fiscal ear canadas tptal debt was 3w 888 794 and the interest on u of 12 605 882 took onl 7 47 of national rcenucs editorial notes deal of mljiuiuloriitandlna and in turn have spread aomo rinnbermu phlloaophlea which have interfered with the natural procem of oconumlo recovery in my opinion wo need for the completion df thu recovery not only a return to anod crap condition in the prairie province but alui ninmg ronutanco atrnlimt the radical idciia which have bttoomo all too prevalent in the prut jieven or cbjht tn bo long an n nplrlt of indcptnd- i ncc and n toilet in democratic pullcuifl and method niiltiln ihrotinhuut rural climulii wt an in rjpncrluui dmiker of taktna irtirh cemrat nieiumreft tut have bun intrntlutml in icrnln oilier cnm trim partly to nllrve ttononilo cuntrthn iintl pnruy to nlbtf liu dlttulorial ulnni ti ml am tltlon n tut u who rmtttlih ounuw utn htipt ilmnmn at pruwnl i n think of nolhlnu inoio important limn unit liu lnulltloiml in mnd net ii nd tuniikruur ik hi in of mir tun i hipuluium in mnlntiilnid unci 1 uin nut lliut your aaoalntlon him dont mid niuld do ii urini dtnl nion to knp mill ix rhnph blniihllun uifu ixllt fn i fthould wilcomi th npportmttty nr dlst uwniiih i ills inului rurllur ulh nll in rhni- y hi ttiild nnrl a t umhum a lhll lulilll i 111 hi in it i filllln itjkl lull on ni ik i it f t til v s h myian pith piildml ilu cuik tlliin hunk i tn am luuolt irmulitit tinudluit hunk i i illllllh i it ana1han i imi-htoni- 11as iv s ijinlon uhli h m in l llll u h ulxiui of hit cumuluin atom pro june the month of briikj rosts berries nnd gretn pens oh y cs sti iiw automobile production in canada during m totalled 207 100 units tompartd with 102 is in 1 ui other northern attractions b the time our readers hac this issue of tin free prfcss m their hamjs the editor will hac at tended the first part of a three da newspaper con xcntion this tthursdas oening 1 r of 100 tom tti0n of ml strclt slirhlung ls sll m cdtors and their ies ill he aboard a speual tram nuon n hl nilimtimc hump hlld for northern ontario for the scond purt of the conention i it ecms ue are due to hnd out that northern on no h rsoions other than hhng hon p 100 h shrc of bank i nd sc h lcduc mnmcr of mnes to be member of the p purchased b the govunmen tlinmini nni urit and the bank wi be completely nationalized group and a visit to the mine at timmins and imtk t j land lake is the objc of the second part of the convention e don t for a moment believe that saturday night saw one of the bigrest crowds m three das ill rie much of a conception of ihib town on any evening for some time all streets m great north country and its uealth but we do hope the business section were jammed with parked cars to get a peek that will perhaps gie us a better understanding the stor won t be hshing next canadian cattle exports to the united kingdom ueek but we ma hae something to sa ntkt canadian cattle exports to th about f the lirt three months of lms totalled 824 head mining wc anticipate the trip with a good deal of compart with 400 in the in the corresponding period interest of i m7 ltogethcr too practical some dan during the summer wc suppose a half hearted effort will be made to observe bathers dav and quite likel someone will suggest that he be much for min of these callous driver gien a neilttic or a pair of socks or a few smokes thats just whats wrong with the obseryancc of not h1 famlll havt betn b7 p r ductlon ulplt anv olhor nnk in uu numbtr und dlvritlt of ilh iwt and m llu qiuiniuy t omuim d tor tnduftlrlnl purptwti u u murlud in u vm it ly ot fonnn nuikink from lurn hquan d blim let o dltm luilou hloih tor uui in coiutti m tltni lo txtrcnuly niu dul ua d lilully iim 11 mini rul lilt r i lie bulk of u out put ls cruhlifd and crit nid or um ic ruiul mi tul tonrnu iiktrrt gnu rullioud balhcst und us mux in nu uilluiutcul plunu i uirl tiuunul i ur- ulm murli tt it in i in tiuili or broki n sluli foi um in rtumllnl und nul illuruluil liuheslrus in llu ikk woo inhlsu flu iltwtst tht llmuiiit induserlt 1u ils ui niklllm ou cltliinliu linn m uu or m t turn unit slont i nv rt 1 tnu u lll i ilbnius inmiluit ik nmu rliil know n uick mhll w lilt i ii bhiik w kit l um 1 iu a tin iiu md sound inuluiu n ti i u mi luuiusllml male rial ni iusi s tor mini stone tin coiuliiuiill t tut dt v lojkd nicdolomlllc vurit t j utun tnislud nr u lit n cnlciru d has long btui uscd ua a ufractorj matertnl ot ttllllilk uie bolloiili f liicsic optti lit u th furuact i but ua upplluilloni an u rt tru tor hut betn limited tx cuujk ot tin rtudlneas wltle whlh its ulrsliik uul ilso be imsp of lu chiinlcil urtlvllj rt rntlj a m thod hici bot n found of com fining dolomlt land auo calcium unit atono ullh silica in hit presi nci of u tabuluig iitinl u li a refractor pro- duel umt conliilna no m live unit or mltca and u uj not dlalnubau and is om parable in rifrortorimaa with muter drain on the raise of the penalt for hit and run dners is one increase that will be supported by the public luls ehut an setrul times us txptnatve general sk or six months m tail is not a bit foo a pawnt iwe o limtmonp thai la cap- 1 nble of tnormoiw development la in agri culture thoush the necessity of upply- intf limestone or llmt lo agricultural and in orde to maintain or lncrcu soil fcr fathers dy 1 lkc the father far ofl prcc parints potke thedonnes na tm lt tzt z utuw add a little sentiment tell how he walked the floor kck sm und m large fomleb have all so ud in cunada is still iry smau night after night in order thai the rest of the house- gvin tu pari 0 nc financial boost p luunuty erp ap hold wouldn t be disturbed it mght also be told how he went to work to earn b aw prohb dog running al urge a number d unujllunt qua the bread for the faml when he was reall too ill b n0 permission to allow the animals loose after rr opened in canada durmir 1937 and to work let the sentimentalist pens get to work dark u gl cans would indicate that many eal quarries that had btn idle for th f t fnrhfrs nf the land j l l i r i i some tme were reopened llmesuine l on estollmg the mrtues of the lathers ot jo navt lh p of nl prow flijarrled m o prov xc t and the florists suggest an appropriate mower to wear atwurrt bland w saka chean and injionuring the dad and father s da will tome into tht krinl a 0 commodities produced on the canadian prndu hon m 1031 tr i 1 1 c 1 uenernl ue exeliuttve of thai ued lor irsown canadian lurms in lh7 was estimated at 1051 u si 1 bullolns su ne lime and lenient ls esllni dlh ikk a deerease of 27 87 uxx or less than one i piled it would constlluu 1 lal outlets of the rln ui7 was estimated ut of per ten eemipared with the preeeding ear bui whal sentimenl is there in a necktie hut hanging or soiks hut mud o f a ehange or tobiueo but 11 burn ng up rillnti s la to he opular r ill hc to nine more sentiment let s see what month strongest obectiors regarding disposal f is it held n ama- uiorle park eman he liom toronto a few of tho elt icllks emdentu illlss this piaee of e lltertllinme n i a kund of knowltdfrt and ohjcetion is lvlii raised to its g fi as 1 hospital an unique gesture toward emploees was made or an thing else b the canadian paeihc kailwav reeentl when it issued a librar of ten books covering phases of the final statistics for iljti show that the total value company s activities and providing a general and of manufactures of primary non ferrous metals and helpful course of education in affairs of the day the non ferrous metal products in canada was 351 164 librarv arranged b the company s own publicity 8b0 compared with 288 523 2s0 in the preceding year nttd ul 5 10oooo ions ahied at 3 0011 0o0 compared with 3 704 4m ions valued al s2 804 b60 in 1031 tile podurtlo tor all purposes ui 1937 is emlmalisl ut 00 000 i iiw m n uu id prklu tun wo urgtl rrom qua ru in uiuwu and qui ore w hkh uppl ihe mi aur part of the output and uu due in u lanre measult i an increased dtmand for tin estone for road ainstnictl m ral a ballair and for use in llu chem cal und nieullurn ca industries department was issued in individual volumes deal ing with a variety of subjects only two of the book actually deal with the railway and its problems other jbooks deal with topics such as public speaking correspondence and salesmanship a dictionary of correct english self taught french economic his tory of cknada an introduction to economics bio graphical history of canada and the book canada sing with 188 familiar songs arranged for four this was a gain of 21 per cent the greatest for any year on record the tweed news issued last week a splendid thirtytwo page edition it commemorates the fifty- first anniversary of the news and combines old tteajaount home week with the occasion it is well illustrated or umm shipment turn tea destined india tarks a iiavtj although india ls one of the greatest vheaa productuf ccmntrler of the world its mhemt export have been negligible until recently rrom 9 000 ton tn 1s3s- 90 mduui wheat export expanded to 331soo too in 1ssss7 and for the an month ended february nth 103b ismoo ten the mlk and arranged and the edition is a credit indeed to the publisher s r curry tor united xtntaom port and during the put twelre month oermany h taken an inerwaad snare it iiio s m usrtit it i iii mikjm nulll ol in i t ol ioltlaihl in pebsonaltoa 3 ii iis bank ii regularly mikmrj persntial iciins to mi li nctl tncti utiel women to wirie cirncrs to inisincss iihi profcsston- il rmmli mil cvrmtiyt s there is no service tliirgc i lie minicr h inyoltuc of life dank of monlicil will be glad to have ynu the terms are simple the call and discuss your fiiiin- intercst rate moderate and ctal iciiiirciirciils with him bank of montreal mtaui19hrd 1117 a bank uhtrt tmmtt mwunli mrt utltomt modern ixpcrretuci hanking scrvrte tht outturn of 120 tan smftuful optra hon theyll praise your ijllllmh iii hint it i n h n lu it ni i ik f ilii nut imnli ijl tul nw mm tljl sitl u many h u i tlliik lai is m it f klhl hnmklit- u t ll till ii uf lit 111 till i i uid m ut is it i that i nl rp l tiik m oik l lhi prim ipal in is thui null in uk m t it t ami lot h iiii it t iininiinii ulth tin kind il in us i nu h lully uuiiia nvihmri iti v rliiiiitl uii nmn appi i t lutio n u than ihn hut hi n in tin piu1 i1iu m irs uul ti v uld ihink afli iii till k l itnnii ml in pub 1 1 rdilhtl 111 it i i 111 llllh ihiii mi l hi n m l i in lust r hail h ipp ii il it yu is lhiuuhl ni i illlt i i i iiim hi it i idl u tils ti is 1 it sp hi iii umkliik u t nu is inn ih nit p 1 1 tnh a 1 1 a htnrt ii ll iii lilt iii i t ml si its t iiilm d i hik lh ilunitl n l ik strlki n tul tru suminil vt it nu nd us ii in bilslnt v and tin lit it in i haul nh m id mi tul rlls wn tht ia hardisl hll it is nppatnt hiii tht itttw ilsliik of iiu larnt in ruiihiu t st ihllshm nts brhims t i uu t it i nit n h tt i hls i isiotth rs iiiki ihul in litih fi tl va sin uld sluirt hls jisl rt i tiftlhilllv in itvspiti iuliit llslllk in lh f it in i ponmphlcu iijurnal i 7n r- ui th- hydro cooking school of the air wednesday morning 1115 am crkccklw nkveit another rooking fuilur when run ituy your iiw rr rir ranitc jui iiinp a nwilrli um fjiftl rookinit top und ovfii rlrtiiniu do tho rcil no worry no bttraiwork prrf l rrub vrry meal and hi mm mm whul wondrr ful lliiviiiirl mi uib und wr in til c with iiuiurnn luviiur juiirs arulfd in rake jiirti mill liixniu no irntlnrly liftlit ami itoldrii hrown llm vrhult funilly will voir ihrm i he hrt lliry rvrr laktrdt buy your nrw irrlrlr ruiia on ihe livditll i hnf l ilun on the hydro thrift plan the hydro omnilwlofi will makr au ulloweinrr of 11 in rrr lntil ttlon to he jppllrd on instalulurti of the mrvlrr or thr rol of ll miitr small lwn rvmtiit will inull itmifc reid s electric talbots hardware symon hardware hydro the servant every home can afford tripltt calvt 1 n r unuul and trlplat arc almost i urn licurr calva and therr all haaltlij aa tmbsrd at la tb borln tporld but a cow on tn the ahluat calf iu born a bafor t l ui i n v oxlanl ohk ivt bllh to j iwo bbctek m asffiwmwii -v- a tva kth fz