wffwr ha tmicwmmamttk fthmfituy mm mh mm rrti the acton preb press mftrmmrwmmmmummu 8fy jter 100 lnrt torj i xh tho hot cmoum- scented air or the hmniar a knot of veil- lsfftsd soldlsrs jeered in french ja w w glisters p fo atht jams usrttn american corres pondent stopped out of the suntaff tropical sunshine of the beach into the wetting crowd but somehow managed- to look oool in his pinstriped flannels whats the scrap he inquired af fair of honor 1 its about their hydroplanes ex plained an onlooker hi rapid french they fight for the reputation of heir planes the young american drew out hi watch they havent time to fight he advised they make a flight in five minutes would you stop an affair of honor for a flight stsleu cried one of the short french soldiers in a shocked voice the safety of france ant declaim ed martin holding up his hand and re pressing his american inclination to blue sweep of the serf the many ter races of algiers were transformed into giants stairway a thin line o railroad iihwim ofl i detached through flat greens and brown that rj7 martin sat in the bobbing ship luring orlet caught ralgtoa pontoon wring aboard and clambered ejuleuy to the motor where meagher already work ed the big irishman and the trim frenchman without saying a word be gan to apart the engine in furious but orderly haste they ching to the wire bracings like spiders and laid out nuts bolts plates on the aviators seat martin watched them his eyes stray ing every moment or two toward the rpahns at the lower end or the take- he kept a keen outlook for aorre signs of the pursuers suddenly lie camht a glimpse of running horses and eaniftls and the gutter of atel hera they cornel he yelled will she ego whr tniror rtrlwft wummilp lwil all ah the jptocnob- aoldlera thought it over it is true both fighters hesitated patrick frf ant of the first aviation instruc- totb imported by the french government glanced up at martin and growled in bngush than let hhn meet me on the gun deck of matetrecasteauxv tonight ill teach him to call talgle an anti quated relic he suddenly ahlfted from third to second person you craay no- good frlnchman 3ean orlet who understood fcngluh as well as martin nodded a curt ac ceptance of the challenge aahe picked up his tightfitting coat with the gold wings embroidered on the cuffs hold ing his ahouldera with angry squareness hs marched out of the improvised hangar and proceeded toward his own monplanc farther down the beach martin fallowed the trim frenchman into the beating sunlight the aoldlera divided impartially into two squads to hove the hydroplanes acrosa the strip of sand to the bay meagher and orlet were due to make a reconnaissance flight over the dangerous area south of agtera hotheaded pair i fighting just before going on patrol martin grinned tb hlra- seir he was flying with orlet befessad moors helped move the bales of esparto graaa that impeded the pro- gmss of the hydroplanes the coollook ing reporter followed orlel when the monoplane reached the edge of the water the aviator climbed to the cockpit without a word his race atlll flushed from his quarrel he made room for martin who clambered aboard in sym pathetic alienee the airman pushed the compressed air starter a moment later le paucon i was roaring like a machine gun orlet cut down the motor and looked at mar tin donl see why i ever spoke to that hedgrhog he growled in good knguah the irish bogtrouerl i was almply arguing my monoplane was raster than his biplane when he gets red in his flat face and yells out martin stretched hla nmu above hi head its uie heat he soothed meaghers a decent chap he bragged because he could get talgle up first pursued orlet with french irreaprrastblllty he caused me to be sore at hint jlr gets up first certalnemcntf his ship has greater lift at low velocity viola look hes up already the aviator pointed at the rival biplane that wus sailing over tin- prow ol dkntracaslleaux thul lay like ajh tron rortrcaaon algiers bay i ll xaucoav jruttrrd miu molkui and i soon was dodging about the harbor in 1 and out among tlw tiamp steamers pm i a big hamburg- american liner around i coal barges oriel cut hjs motor again meagher will think lie was right about his argument because i rise vo slowly r he alioutcd wrathfully meaghers all right protested the reporter after all yuu dont get off so well orlet growled impatiently and gave hu motor full gun with clear sea before ir the anu gulned speed rapidly martin felt the bump or the pumoons grow leas they jpwr the water a tlnal pat then j riiucon sailed upward like u liuge hying nah close bealdr the tmnugrant- packed decks or s hamburg- american liner martin caught a gust of hlnir i ohsera from the americanbound immi grant the big steamer seemed to slide backwards and downwards the harbor the bay algiers the mediterranean and the southward stretch of country sptead out under them as though some invtitbv hand were gradually unfolding relief map as orlet sent le faucon aloft ui great cirvles the map grew broader and leas detailed the harbor diminished to a jetued ring marked out of the aide grei good shoes fob yoof g and old a d rachun acton presented lush junglecovered hills and sandy stretches nestling in the arid southern tablelands martin could see one of those small salt lakes looking very like a blue eye surrounded by a white cornea of salt set in a brown face this region was the object of the air patrol for here were camped the arab and berber forces then hostile to france a great exhfbllaratlon filled martin he waa delightfully cool now and as the motor climbed the sir he had a physical llghtneaaof feeling thai aome- how made roubles seem unlrnpohabcj the quarrel between orlet and meagher his own difficulty in getting cables to his newspaper his lack of recent stirring news a sarcastic letter from the editor all his troubles dropped away he glanc ed at orlet just why did you and meagher quarrel anyhow he shouted to the pilot orlet likewise had responded to the thrill of flying he laughed about our machines thats all i what aroused his temper orlet throttled down to make talking easier x must have made him mad by quoting a mathematical formula for lift you know meagher was brought over as a mare instructor in the mechanical end ofavlatlon he knows nothing whatever about mathematics martin laughed and looked toward the serrated horizon of the auaa range wheres meagher now orlet peered over the side of the cock pit for a moment down yonder he nodded at some thing white moving far below lefauoon as it sped along the reporter started is that meaghers talgle away down there orlet nodded cant the arab snipers reach him they do not shoot often he is higher than he looks anyway presently orlet shut off power entirely and the monoplane sliced through the high air with a whistling sound below them the hostile country lav like a great concave saucer suddenly both men caught a spite ful poppopping of lines far below that for us inquired martin smiling the uselessness of the distant volley meager explained the frenchman laconically he is coasting now you will hear his engine start presently the reporter stared below at talgle another volley burst out not much louder than the snapping of fingers but still no sound issued from the biplanes motor oriel glanced down anxiously won der what they arc doing to meagher why theyre chasing him cried martin cuvalrys after him and those big thuigs with red spots camels supplemented orlel you see their blankets from the air clinging him llkr ants after a butter fly cried the reporter and meaghers headed or the lake he la cried the frenchman in atmrp surprise kmirthlng happened to htm hes going three tunes us fast as utc comets and horses consoled martin uuvc them in a walk orlet answered by tipping tile ynono- plane downward the air rushed up ward in u gale the untllke cavalry below grew larger the scuddmg bt- plutte becomr more defined martin felt hts ureuih torn from his up going alter him he shouud clinging uj his seat oriet stared fixedly uheud and said in thing a volley from the long arab rtflrs aounded louder hutu ever a bullet truck itur ihln steel motor stueld with u almrp sunging note uiutthcr tore u hole through the fabric marlui peered over the side of the cockpit taking ui the detail below hlui in his mind he was writing his story- i the camel riders with their ixig ndey uicu- nrigiis carpou their upturned brown faves the berbers on tough little algerian punka their tuituuu looking like spots of white he shivered the biplane was fully a half mile ahead ot the motley cavalry but it had nearly reached the ground as it op- preached the white salt rim of the lake it appeared to graae the tips of some tall cocoanut palms it then glided slow- i making the utmost use of its altitude about nve hundred yards farther and settled as gently as a duck j orlet pushed forward his stick- m faucon took a steeper bank and darted i at the crippled biplane like a striking kuigflsher to martin the surface ofj the lake seemed to darken broaden and leap bodily toward him prom the rrar the reporter heard the sharp spat- ting of rifles thirty seconds later tli- hydroplane touched water rebounded j like a skipping stone then settled in the j- choppy wave not ten yards from ltt sister craft orlet jerked off khaki bkus kicked off shoes and the next instant to mar- una utter amasemant dived headlong into theslake he came up sputtering and blowing and headed for the -t- bolts wheels and nuts into the jake he grabbed a wrsneh and meagher caught up a hatchet together they climbed to the top wing and began lashing and banging the silk into threads they broke and bent the delicate truss- lng snapped wires mined the control the bracing wires sang queer tunes under their furious strokes the frame work snapped they attacked the bi plane with a bastinado or ringing blows just then the picturesque cavalcade dashed through the pains that instant the two pilots smashed the light pon toons of the demolished paigto as sntsank they dived into the water and atruck out hand over hand toward the moioplane as the men hploshad desperately to- ward their craft the cavalry wnooled up tne horsemen dismounted knelt on the sand and made ready to fire martin watched the levelled rifles with queer fascination jie recalled that the arabs were expert shots with their long awk- i ward weapons the rifles flamed the sound came to the reporter like whipcracks over his head bullets snipped through the fabric of the wing cut a wire or two splashed viciously around the swimmers the reporter felt himself over mentally and was a little surprised to find himself whole and alive a desultory firing began as the two swimmers climbed dripping aboard le faucon tney squeesed hurriedly into the little cockpit the pontoons sagged deep in the water orlet prwuied the starting lever the big propeller began i to whirl and the motor began a sudden loud barking like a badly scared terrier thank heaven gasped orlet they of whitish green didnt touch che motor i the loaded hydroplane began moving down the lake the arabs gave a parting volley and hastily mounted they divided into two squads and gave chase around the lake to both sides le faucon gathered speed ond the voice of her motor arose to a scream the heavy red pontoons gradually pulled out of the water and rushed along de capitating the waves into feathery spume tiie swift motion again brought relief from the stupefying tropical heat lay low there bawled meagher to martin yere catching tne wnd like a zeppelin dirigible down the lake rushed le faucon with the men packed down like three conned shrimps orlet gave the hydro plane full speed and tipped up her elevator the pontoomrtlfled until they formed buvahh1nlnfsnllrig spray the ship seemed within a hair of rising then dropped back like wauerlogged 4 din orlet cut the mojtar jiggle her man jiggle her i thun dered meagher ye cant rise square like thatr weve got to go back snapped orlet looking whitefaced at the end of the lake not a hundred yards distant start overl they were doing the hundred yards at thirty miles an hour meagher worked his body forward lemme have ltt he bellowed orlet glancei quickly at the irishman if you will he shouted anxiously m g t in tre he was lighter that way now exhaled evnrdedlyturhe leanedrbrwart ttf the cable station pat he yelled in the irishmans ear orlet too bent over thrust an impul sive arm about the celts great shoul ders mon ami he began with an emotional catch in his voice you have saved my honor end le fsuoon i must apologl meagher grinned in the best of spirit ah sure now dont bather about me bad temper twas the heat rmnot- forgettln you came down to get me and say i meant no harm whin i called ye a frlnchman rifti relief gave le faucon a quick turn that sent the end of the hydroplane under the water with the noise of a cataract and almost flung the two passen gers into the lake next instant the monoplane righted straightened and went dashing dowfrlhe lake straight at the enemy to recoup her distance for another trlex if youll let me out shouted martin clinging to the rail maybe they would let me get to a cable im not a com batant whist man shouted the celt what do jo think i am its all or none with ua the squads on both sides of the lake 7 u ridelverb have been refused licenses he- were taking careful aim at the craailyp spinning sdroplane they fired just meagher whirled for the return somehow there was a spirit about the irishmans handling or le faucon that waa nttrely lacking in orlet under meaghers tuning up before the hydro plane was a third or the way back to the lakes end her pontoons wore just snapping the top or the rollers le faucon swooped down the lake with the noise and the speed or a dee llrlou loon the exhaust of her motor had risen to a high vibrant roar they were within the last hundred yards of shore and gofno seventy miles an hour even then somehow meaghor forced out another few miles of speed the ealt- rlmmed sand bank at the end of the lake came leaping straight into martins face if we dont get over it shouted the irishman we wont have to chop this un to pieces eh the water beneath tlicm was a blur they were running over ten lnotlus of water weed next instant menghcr tipped up tin clevntots of the hydroplane the rushiig htu of the water faded away they flashed over the white rim mak ing straight for the sand bank a inlck- ly sensation knotted the muscles of mar tins chest and stomach ev ry sinew in his crouching form strain id as though to help lift the hydroplane suddenly le fatttfon veered taking urn coo tour of the sand slope like a up lilted swal low a thorny cactus scratched the bottom of one pontoon from end to end from down the lake came a faint pop ping of rifles le fauoon climbed up athwart hill and crowning palms like a i fish hawk overburdened with a salmon martin who hacf been holding his breath under a vogue impression that beware tub law it has frequently been suggested uist every drunk driving conviction should result in suspension of license how many does it surprise to learn that every dnink driving conviction does result in suspension not only of drivers licenses but also or motor vehicle permit and markers these statements were made by hon t b mcquesten kc ontarios minister or highways of thirtytwo thousand suspension orders issued in tlw last seven years twentysix thousand hove required the surrender or confiscation of markers as well on drivers licenses some 20000 byrrjscorr ikbhixll wkodtaonu tlmluhth 9flxa ft tea urfaio nl fom wkueme wssk omiv uxalis 1 am baftm 7 rr a- l 4a50l1me oh5ulxlu ulal uhrffep fad4 iu omk ytajl vould fill a ttoumd lakt five mllts im diamaffcft 4b a pejfft af cu4jou4 yfhglcua tamp tosrtliays kjhci 4toutvwrtuaftiui3 im hit hoc aunsw roup feef tvbmamasistoltmlpwjtrlsli cause of their failure to satisfy exam iners of their ability at least on first examination licenses and permits and markers also are suspended in every case of drunk driving and also in cases of reckless driving and speeding resulting in accid ents licenses are frequently suspended in reckless driving cases whether or not accident result hundrndsor licenses have been oanoal- led because of information that a dri has become unfit because of mental ill ness injury or various physical defects such as poor vision nervous breakdown epilepsy heart condition or paralysis hundreds of licenses have been sus pended because of operating records which show that driven have frequently been convicted of minor offences or been involved in mliwr accidents or have been the subject of repeated complaints ot dangerous driving thusf facta have been published be fore lucintly however they have been forgotten if one can judge by the avalanclic of misleading information which wa released from what should have been authoritative sources cliargcd the minister of highways the realization of these facts will be fur more conducive to safr driving than an impression that the department of highways is adopting ah apathetic at titude towards those whose driving is dangerous pic ton times preliistoric bones found in ontario olgantlc ancient bones recovered from swampland near norwich ontario are believed to prove conclusively that huge prehistoric monsters roamed ontario millions of years ago a huge leg bone two pel via bones and a pair of petrified tusks believed to belong to a dtnoceraa a carnivor ous mammal which weighed nearly 20 tons were found terry a six weeks old puppy is shown examining what la that to be one of the pelvic bonea cabbage 10c nice size heads firm and green per head lemons nice size full of juice per dozen 19c bananas 20c lbs firm hipe golden yellow fot happy are here days againi potatoes 5 new nice size 1q bs for 1c clua willi sjio ilk shu milk bmi i5c ii ik oliuan burnt um sos n t4c 23c jun it ki monfli of lunmaf tvntklas weddiaaa ssd fomi erybolyt kappy i evn th jun bid i sh kai canolli to klp kf plan km li her rettmitd i powd of kt bvcaui th 9 him itkh food food bt hfm wllfcla their bvdf- isngs blossom golden msilow mscuits id you send for your chsrlit mccarthy spooa s coffee sndwiches hsdlunds eat pastes victory swt chopped cucumber lish cloved las sockcyc red salm ora nges nice size valencia full of juice sweet dozen 17 tomatoes home grown delicious flavor ruby red hothouse per lb 18c spinach fresh homo grown lettui lbs for 9c ice home grown nice size beads each 5c new cucumbers asparagus etc carrous cimitcb aylmsr solid pack pie pumpkin w sii only tha brt spajhrttl nd macaroni brunswick csnadurt sardines no 24 tin 3 lb 9 16 9 j i f soap flakes l 15c cuy sorfp 3 f- 16c good pie apples no 4 fta iqc cfl pi blueberries no s tin he old dutch clxjtfmcn 2 tm 18 cham mrt omm icrmck 2 tin red rose tea 31 r 36 ft pad tu bj mtc milk ts01 ti ltt tm prunes 3 pom1i 18 1 ketchup 2 libu 35c hoe polish 10 carrous t mill street limitcb 1 stoke closed wkdesday afternoons fr 9 delivery phons -jsju-