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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1938, p. 4

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vv patm the- acton free press mtnisay jtnw in mm lr fi i neighborhood news inuratlne licua comcming other centres and communities in whtdi many of our reader are interest edenmills mr atom iuno of tvironlo was a visitor in the honw of hla parrots ui and mrs w mno on sunday mlai m moor of oualph was a weak- end visitor in the home of mrs lot moor mr flush wharton of montreal vlalt- ed over uie wc t ule imm uf h parents mln christina floott of preston was a burst in the home of her brother mr cameron scott and mrs scott on sun day mr and mrs robert oroft and family of toronto spent the weexend in the home of mr and mrs w croft t mr harold walton of klrkland take called on friends in the village on sun day miss innes lowrle has recovered from a severe altoc of aeptlc throat the many friends of mr and mrs oeorse wrbjht will be sorry to leam thai master jack has developed scarlet fever the members of the presbyterian church met on tuesday for the annual spring cleaning the men of the- con gregation were also present and made a fine display of carpenter work balliriafad mr joseph sorter who spent his eightieth birthday and two weeks holt- days at the home of his son j dewey soper and other friends in winnipeg man returned home on friday hut everything looks the best in the west so far he reports nrt mm wm kcntnrr of bouise- rockwood a number from bockwood and vicinity attended the confirmation aei vines at oustlc last week bishop ryan was pre sent for the ceremony a number from roekwood attended the annual district convention of the womens institute at bverton last week mrs robert williamson was reelected president the annual county convention of the women christian temperance union was held in the dnlted church last thursday with morning afternoon and evening sessions reports were given by che different unions in the county dur ing the afternoon session vocal numbers were contributed by mrs t jackson mrs p mcarthur and miss d simmons and mrs wlntemute of ouelph gave the address at the evening session mr oeorge oordon conducted devotional cxerolsee a solo by miss margaret thomas and a quartette selection by messrs prank day a j buott j a little and c o plank were much appreciated under the direction of mrs wlntemute an oratorical contest was given by a class of boys and girls which was well re ceived and in the opinion of the judges each of the contestants should nave been suitably rewarded the address of the evening was given by rev oeorge little vain man arc visiting friends jn the district mr and mrs mcleod of wmdstock were visitors on friday at the home of mrs soper mr and mrs oordon mccorrmifc of toronto were visitors on sunday at the home of mrs soper rev mr foreman ottended confer ence in oalt last week ospringe friends of mrs albert mccutcheon will be pleased to know she la progresa- lnff favorably following a recent serious operation rnxjche ouelph oenerwl hos pital ailwish for her a ipeedy recov ery mrs george orundy received the sad news on sunday of the sudden death of her brother albert cooper through drowning he nd one companions had gone ashing in a boat on lake kimo- gaml north of klrkland lake when the boat upset and he was unable to m the funeral la being held from his parents home near storm the third meeting of the sew and oew sisters was held on friday afternoon in the baajpent of the local church the roll ctm aws answered by why i chose the pattern i am using alterations to collars and cuffs were studied and the girls started to cut out their dresses mr roy hlndley conducted a success ful sale or plfls on wednesday afternoon at his home a good crowd gathered and bidding was brisk heads canadian week1es at the annual convention of the can adian weekly newspapers association in toronto mr a e dobbu manager and editor of the record news smiths tails ontario wns elected the organization a president for the ensuing year mr dabble well known in canadian weekly newspaper circles succeeds mr h e rice of the huntsvlllc forester the new president la shown above he lb a native of llmehousc and spent his boy hood days in this district he scred apprenticeship days on the oeorretown herald limehouee f un wm wlltere relurnedwilrmr artsttifri aorg uuuere of toledo ohio to spend a week or two mln bessie smethurtt and mrs pat terson of toronto are pending a few holidays with mr and mrs a 3 smethurtt visitors were not very plentiful over the weekend but during last sunday night the stork visited the store and left boy at the home of mr and mrs art tfienton mlu w ivens was again home for the weekend and we hope she will take up residence during her summer holidays which will commence toward the end of the school year everton georgetown mrs jfls roney had the misfortune to fall on the steps at her sons home one day this week and fracture her collar bone mr and mrs w j mckenile of toledo ohio and miss kellle fiwack- hamer of detroit mich visited over the weekend with umehouse and dis trict friends mt and mrs col martin mrs e rlddall mrs mclean and mr kenneth rlddall of detroit mich spent the weekend at the home of mr and mrs f d mcnally at the monthly meeting of the royal circle of knox presbyurtan church held at the home of mm wm campbell on several ladies or the local branch of j thursday may 26th a pleasant surprise was ghen mn mcnlvcn in the form of a handkerchief shower before her parfuro for scotland herald the women s institute attended the district annual at hlllsburg on wed nesday congratulations are extended to the local secretary mrs e k suntex who received second prise for her reports for the year and also to mrs k barber president who received second prise for her threeminute speech also to mrs oeorge cook who won a prise for a kitchen apron mr earl macoowan of marsvllle was n visitor on sunday with mr arnold sunter mrs f brydon an4 mls annie klrk- wood attended the funeral of the late mr mclntyre at acton on saturday oordon altken son of mr and mrs thos altken who is attending erin continuation school met with a painful accident on tuesday while playing ball mr and mrs elmer awrey and baby spent sunday wth mr and mrs w usherwood mrs t d mccutcheon is spending a few days in ouelph alth her ulster mrs stanley mckay rev j p mcleod miss kate reed and mr r c thompson attended the june convention in owen sound mr and mrs wul roth of toronto spent sunday with mm james hepburn and family mls margnret reed and mr wilfred stlruton of toronto spent sunday with the formers aunt mlu mary reed mi may mcdougall of erin is holt jnytnr atth her cousin mts lais mc cuuheon mrs o o robertson mr and mrs oeorge young spent sunday with the former s brother mr norman jackson and mrs jackson and mrs d jackson mimosa gedarvale orr sunday jut uve sunday school celebrated it fifth anniversary mr thompson and daughter margaret of hamilton were present they are scotch gospel singers and brought spec ial music and messages i mr arthur art ft in lost a valuable horse last week news was received here of the death of mrs fred porter of gorton sym pathy is extended to the father and little family on thursday evening a shower was held in attic school for russell smith and katherlne ferguson the young couple were married on saturday and left for niagara on their wedding trip weekly gardengraph written by dpan iiallidav for centrml press canadian abc nct vitas wsak fast ate llaa br las rbsllk mausd lassie snllftar atttas tlmbus d let as iwm yoa no oblicatioh to buy r d rachlin the seel lml utm acton wards and cracked his collar bone campbellville of toronto who spoke on the dangers of while running for the boll he fen back intoxicating liquors and the resulting evils also during the afternoon and evening sessions mrs p powers con trtbuted splendid temperance tradings under the auspices of roekwood and oustlc churfches a well attended garden part was held in exhibition park last thursday evening when russell crelgh ton and his artists along with jacklt perkins fiveyear old bo singer shir lt smith juvenile tap dancer ted rust ventruoqusl and put the dummj jithnnj anderson comedian pui on a rood varied program a booth in charge the ladles of both churches did u dig business which lljed lo ntuf thi inner man durum the cool i vrnlng the many friends t iuw irnia htuglian of tin public school ytuilt were worn to lenrn of lw i removal u ouctjnt lit in nil hoaptud for un oh ml on lust wit k wa eh u huniu is lmprmlmt ful hmini u rraiu oxntion ttr ipih n f licit l mr and mrs rbert ialursn tn h u motor trip u columbiia oht u malt hu or tht r rhe utso stopptt1 in del mil en route for a brief visit lr lalteraon statea that buatnrew l dull li mime acctlous hlli irops along th wa travelled art good ala loat- sun lav mr and mrs wilbur putt raon apeul tiu duj ut wisurn vbltlng tht former n brother russell at weston swiuturlupi mr iuki mrs miucxlm faniltti biu 1 tnrnds ax markham on suntli mr ovorge oordon ui compun itli he v h lamason attended tin annual ouiifcrrncr of the unhid church ut quit but week recent and week end uliurs mrs c hooper of brampton mr and mrs robert croft and duugh ter of toronto mr fred day of hamilton members of the mllnr families or kden mills and roekwood and the a crj prett wedding was solemnized on the spacious lawn of mr and mrs john how ard on thursday lost when ttutr daughter alteon lorraine becamx tht bride of mtlvllle a adams ot out iph to tht strains of the wedding march rendered b miss ivy adams alalcr or the groom the bridal part took arc hatlng their alfalfa crop cut lth a thtlr places btntuth un t vergteen arch sped premoualj unknown the machine bunked with spring flowers where the which des the work ls owned b lieut c rrmonv wiu performed o r alltn oil w o mockcndrlck lakeshore oakville before a crowd of pupils parents and friends numbering more than ave hun dred the appleby school annual games wcregjield at th scrcol grounds on sat urday afternoon school house woo a signal victory ovcri in well house cap turlng the lrtterrouse championship by m points to 13 members of the oakvule riding club held their first ride of the season yes terday on the property of a w macka middle road the day was ideal for rid ing and a fine time was enjoyed after the iide the members were entertained at luncheon by mr j m cond mrs rytand new lakeshore highway a3t is in vancouver attending the in nun meeting of the national chapter i oj as official delegate for the white oak chapter oakville and as convener of the endowment fund lor the national chapter mrs new made the trip to vancouver partly by acoplane still another example of the mechnn izatlnn of farm work is being wttnevvd in trafalgar township where farmers nassagaweya during the thunder storm an monday forenoon a boll or lightning struck the barn on the farm of mt robert j an derson lot 32 concession 3 nossaga- weya on the ouelph road splintering a post in the barn and passing into the stable killing three plga two tn one pen and one in another pen fortunately the barn wan not fired mr arthur nightingale of k natch bull has had a new roof put an his house which makes quite an improve ment to his home mr cameron ramshaw of krtatch bull lost a horse last week mr bert nightingale of orangey tile visited with his parents mr and mrs arthur nightingale on sunday last the ebenezer united churah sunday schopl was reorganlfeed last week mr w f darby was reappolnted superin tendent for another year rev mr clark and mr t j diamond attended the meetings of the hamilton conference last week neolder itlrd bath a bird bath in a garden should be decora lve as well us practical on the rther hand the bird bath in a small garden does not want to be so orns- mental as to stick out like a sore thumb as the saying goes a bird bath ehould fit into and become an appro priate part of the surroundings as a general rule birds are more at home when the bird bah is near the ground in such cases however be sure the planting about the container does not provide a lurking place for bird enemies many annuals stop blooming if seeds form and for that reason keep watch from now on to prevent this especially in the case of sweet peas nasturtiums nnapdragons and others which form large seed pods royal guelphs modern theatre now until friday lauihs by the ream onltaws qalere jonn blondcll melvyn douglas theres always a woman with mary astor prances drake starting saturday for 3 daya robert taylor margaret sullavan franchot tone robert young in three comrades satardar oenuff i ftvaa s pjm erin mill tin bride tut swet t in u dresh of whiu mttln with uk customarv bridal vt ii and wrtatli of orunge blossoms and carrvlnt un urmful of red rnstj and ft rn faiit w as attended bv her cousin mis murj irle howurd who wort a drrs if blui ml ov r iilln unci current vt 1 i w mmpdrukoua alm miss margaret currle in u drras if y tuw im t ovt r mitin and carrying red snapdntkoiu tin khhim wu nupportt d h james cluppt r ton of ouelph a rettptlon was lit id afterwurdi for tht lurgr number of guests uimr of whom wtre from hamilton milton out lph aldtrsiuu and toronto later in tin tvenng the bridul purt left bv ni t r f n un extended trip u lh unit ed fauitt and upon lhclr return ui v will rtiidi in ouelph the w m s of st duvlds preibj urtaii chunh held their monthlj mee mi ut the manse on thursdav with a record attendance the prraldent mrs j k muhon wan in charge miss jane rrtd guit- a talk on china mrs k d malion read the scripture lesson and mrs alexander moore gave a paper at the conclusion or the meeting a vase nued with tulips waa presented to rev frank law ion arter which a social half hour was spent road east under the brilliant lllumln utloti of flood 11k h u the work ln carried on bi niht an well us b da when cut thi ouni alfalfa ls tuicen to the mill ut uit col mitcktndrlck farm and b a tr uplodau method is cut dried and reduoed u nieul in the stu rt spnci f riftetn minutes rcctirtl slur milton dr und mrs mccltan or mimlco wtn sundu gueln of mr jus and mlv annlt bluin mutn und court strreu mr har w if i und fumllv movrd l kuhmoud hill lust krida mr ilirve has r urld u p rnianent position llure fit a b irwin who lias txrn pallor f st iu ils uniud cliurch milton f r the past six years has occcpuki an m ltutkin to b tome puslor of tin v n ild v tilled church owm sound i lukt he t on rtrst uik1u in julv itiui uu list fjllv t ktlud j lad j a geruis 1 3 ind lulu 1 1 plunged into the w hlrlpool at tht head of martin s p nd und picued their threetar old brother ronald from drowning plav lug near the- bank he lutd tumbled into the water over his head and was going down for the second time when saved park oalt attendance at st john s church is being well maintained holj commun- iqnwa observed sunday morning with the rector in attendance mr jack memorv of toronto has mcmbb laml flint sunday iraocr iw two hu uster a three are children of weeks mr and mrs basel gcrrvals milton mr and mrs ron carbert entertain- tne hi ficbooi board ere accepted ed a number or their friends on satur- tnc resignauons of three milton high da evening school teachers on thursday night of mr david mcpnall of hamilton was lmat cck at thetr regular monthly meet horn for the weekend thr are j fred little history on wednesday evening a shower was teacher miss isabel anderson pren h held at the home of mr and mrs smith t and miss helen wickrtt latin for their daughter dorothy mho was histructrtwa mr utue will go to ot- marrted on 8aiurday tawa high school miss evangeline e messrs j c mahon and murray carson milton high school a instruc- mahon spent a few daya last week tn lr guested the school board that buffalo she be granted leave of absence in order miss ruth bell u visiting friends for peclal course tn gography at toronto i the unlversh of chicago good shoes roa touno and old osrreeur rntasr r a rachlin acton mr w o magllt is making prepara lion to install a service station and re freshment booth on his property at tne south end of the village we are pleased to report that mrs oeorge cooke li recovering nicely from the effects of a paralytic stroke flhe suf re rod some months ago mrs aeorge nunn and mrs frank henning of brighton mich spent the wetk end with the tatters brother mr bum nurst und mrs nurse i r bdw ard mcdougall quit n cele traik her b8th blrthda m maj 31st dt s te her tars this grand old ladj la constantly occupied and takes a keen inuiest in the affairs of the da mr a d mcbrlde rctve of caledon township is buffering from an attack of doubt quln and is undergoing inui ment m pe 1 mt morlal hospital bramp l m mr r whttflt id rotsslonarj on fur 1 iukii f rim canton china pre nted u v o in tt resting m ssagi ut frin church it christ last tliurmla night t xplulnlng thi lr oiristlun t ndt uvors und sh wtng m reen picturts mrs willi fit id sung with him ui th chuitse lutiguugt ad burlington on wtdiitsduv ufu moon lust a dog wned b u township resldtnt bit mt j w tunin cunluie ltreet llt ti uiistui ioli e ire holding hie dog whlli pluvlng m rtbull at the twiu purk m monda tiling ut a league burnt chesu r walters had the mlsfor unr u badlv sprain his wrist miss ethel maj fisher who has betrn spendini the past few months in call fornia spent the past two weeks hrr with her sisu r mrs flnlay malhesun en route to her home at mlubrook edward brow n for the last twenty jears rmploved on tle canal bridge and for several tears registered as s first class operator has been appointed bridge master to succeed morlev car whose resignation went into effect may 22nd mrs colin dynes and daughters mrs j cucfcshutt arid mrs a c plater en tertained un saturday afternoon ar a miscellanetus shower in honor of miss crna peer a brideelect of june de- oorauons were in pink white and green chief smith and constable dunham arrested oacar spoffard and oordon stonehouse for being drunk and dis orderly on jamea street last night about six o clock spoftord did considerable damage to tne cell breaking up a bed before he was taken to milton by the i chief ensembles are correct a tweed coal and flannel trousers flannel coat with contrasting trousers and flannel or cord trousers are correct with any jacket for summer wear styled and tailored by tip top tailors pallants clothing store mill street acton ontario churchill centenary 1838 1938 tht minister and members of c hurehill church lordiall invite all to meet with them to celebrate the hundredth anni erar of the founding of churchill church on sunday june 19th 1938 service at 1 1 ajn wry be t a moore uettt speaker 00 pjn memorial service at churchill cemetery hen ice in charge ot the minister rev c jolliffe h00 pm service of reunion and remembrance note l4la of lar dtotricl ate askrd w coprrat in tbe serving- of hutch by proirlauut himi baskets tnsl all mar partak of lunrli at noon and la the evenlns- snd spend the entire day st chntctuu the task is large yomr hafp will be appreclsted a hoob sketdunk the hdur of the church will be available monday june 20th 1938 a real oldfashioned garden party supper served from 6 to 8 pjn maybe strawberries and cream a splendid literary and musical program booth on the grounds adults 25c children r5e xttttrh qiturrr of bututlui acton ruler kw m at hum kc mta parsonsta dower atmw sunday june 13th 1im dayllcht savlni tlma 1 1 00 am the minister subjaet nrlllsh pair play 12 15 p m sunday school and blbu classes too pjn the minister subjaet the set of the sail evbuydody wbtcomh prrbfajttrrirjtt r knox ciiurcn acton i nrmmtp m a mlnlrtar manse wulow street sunday june lath 10s daylight saving ttme 10 30 ajn the sabbath sohool 1 1 30 am freedom magna carta 7 6o p m the liberty of the ooapel nol4 remember june 18th always majcovur satjtlfll cjiiurrli acton rev e a baxtib pasisr sunday june 12th 1031 1 1 00 am worship service for ages i a 00 neon classes commence tuesday boo p m d y p u wednesday 100 pun midweek i vice a welcome to all unclamiiid small advertisements advcrttscsatni uader thtf on cent per word 1j at cluirm jc per intertion five lnorumlf far to ii paid ch ioc ddltibtui u clutrted whrr itetai have to b bookrd wanted a olrl for ucntml housework apply box 1110 brampton ont iioo snippino saturdat 10 10 and grmde hoga delivered by farmer 10 20 prank hotjues fob aemt three comfortmble roorrui newly da- cor ted water and llhhu apply ohejwson mclauoirun fob rent comfortable house on john street coiivtnlrnccs apply knox avenue removal notice look for the bird shoppe next to wlti reataurmnt aiurr june isth roller cmnarlea and supplies mrs ij90najld atktnbon for sale iwuvw sod lot at crewsons oornera to wind up the estate of the late charjea w liunbert for further paulloulara apply ui kenneth m laanoduk for sale olltvrt and barker fuel oil tank and pump do eallcm capacity pracucaly new apply u c mcmtuan knox avenue john v ravage practical ennlnprr stove and furnace repalra pi i br ion jolntless flrellne lin ing savra furl and prevents smokey chimney ah john carry three years miarnnter ellmuun klvrn p o box 441 acton 7c baby chicks 7o bab chicks from blood tested bred- uluy stork for delivery june 17th s c white lir horns 7e order ot once to avoid dlflnppolitmeiit rockwood chick hatchery phone 80 roekwood ont for half clilmn e3trtrlc wash r metal tub cum n rmwlrl ftrtory rec mdltloned and sold v ith tpiarunur t20 bo termj h on a rtk no interest taisbots iiarowahe phone 70 acton cjood pricfs paid for htirsrs injured cattle etc for fox meut with injured animals phone very promptly it will coat you nothing to ring us phonr fhrrcffw 95r31 r- vftjtinir the rhaitfrti horses poaltlvah n vrr r v id under any condition 0 tf vannatter fox farm lost no 3a lir luntr camera placed in chtvt ut rur b mistake on saturday nlhl nu 8th cur was parked on willow islrrt camera valued as keep- jikr mh8 w l barber phone j3rl4 r r 1 acton salemett if ou are not carnuis 3 a day you cannot afford to miss this opportunity over 800 men make from 918 00 to 30 00 rekly arcordlrnr to ability with dis tribution of 200 guaranteed products cash sales free olfu liberal com mission rioht now best time to start this business free particulars without obligation familex co 570 st clement montreal for sale 1928 deluxe pontiac sedan purchased as a new car and continuously owned by j h denny acton druen only is ms milea and in particularly good condition a very low priced ear will be accepted as part payment terms arranged tl required 14 write phone ar caia at daymond motoks oijaxrn rnonx ius or

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