Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1938, p. 6

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v r v m mr thb acton free frs8s thoqway tow fihjl i a ojuunof am a rucno thank cod for s garden a it ew o small jfttsaifc ctad far the rtiwimm mm mbw flooding n il thank ood for the flowers mr the run and the dew thank odd for the summer that brings me you thank cod for the sunrise mar the new morning bright thank ood for the sunset that is shepherds delight thank cod for the cornfield in the moonlight of blue thank ood for the summer thank ood for you menu hints aejpea far new ajuoffml dbhes nuehu iseas an bf f nrt line cotieal ddskerts by combining milk kith a cereal that is rich in starch a nourishing dessert it made many cereals are suitable for puddings but rice and tapioca are the moat commonly used the following recipes ore taken from the household bul letin milk desserts prepared by the milk utilisation service dominion de partment of agriculture ottawa indian puddinq cup cornmeal 4 cups milk teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon salt h teaspoon cinnamon tt cup molasses heat milk in double boiler whisk in oornmeal with a fork and cook for 30 mlnutea stirring until mixture thickens add molasses salt and spices four into buttered baking dish place in pan of hot voter and bake in moderate oven about one hour or until set farina cream ft cup farina h cup sugar or honey teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 3 eggs h teaspoon grated lemon rind heat milk in double boiler whlsx in farina and salt with a fork and cook 20 minutes attiring until mixture thickens add sugar or honey wellbeatfen eggs and lemon rtnd oook 3 minutes chill and mervt with crushed fruit or fruit sauce maple rice puddino cup rice 3 cups milk 3 egg yolks 3 egg whites 14 cup maple syrup 3tt tablespoons cornstarch and also another 4 cup madle syrup boll rice in salted water until tender scald milk in double boiler stir corn starch smooth in h oup maple syrup and add gradually to the hoc mint stir until mixture thjrtfcns and cook 13 minutes add rice and well beaten egg yolks place in huttered baking dish beat egg whites until stiff gradually chronicle of i ginger farm i written bpsejedy far the aetew me press gwkkwi4nk t clajuce the country la badly in need of rain although everything looks so green growth u practically at a standstill my little tomato plants are not liking the warm dry winds at all and our clover field seems to be getting thinner every day however a real good rain if it comeswill freshen things up quite a bit items af rarileaur telenet to wtvh la whisk wamea seeders the jkjyea pnh maybueass keen weak a horning olostt fob bach day op t1ir week tkwratlay jua mh the condition of the church indicates what kind of a congregation meets therein friday june 191k the man who minds his own business will have many friends saturday iane ulh the farm tells not a little about the owner snnday jane 13th kv uiy uinuue fim el a this is what might be called an in- between mason for farmers- afler seed ing end before haying with si accumu lation of odd jobs sandwiched in be tween it is well for every woman to remem ber this and some day after your good man has had a really appearing and satisfying meal you might suggest that if he is not too awfully busy u would be an opportune time for him to get the garden gate fnted or a new coop made for the chickens of course however badly you want something done don t make sny attempt co rush it and don t whatever you do suggest that your better half hasnt very much work to do just now if you do make such a rash sug gestion he will immediately retnembe more jobs on hand than you ever heard of so tread warily you know there are occasions when a husband can be really helpful if he u handled properly sometimes it isnt even necessary to tell him when s job reed doing there are times when ae actually sees it of his own accord of this i was recently reminded when i was f ci ltd to discard a certain rltchen gadgo wh ch was to me a symbol of what a fcplerdtd man i had married it wai itrta way when we were out west i had- in my possessron a fit bitot which unfortunately came to grief on the secondary side and current values th slice part having wo icd loose from of from 300 to 800 amperes the cost to the handle which naturally made it a the householder is just 1 7b wobbly sort of tool to use out west when such things got worn out one world s strangest either fixed them or did without i 1d bird sanctuary without one day i had to be away and left partner to get his own supper he the most unusual bird sanctuary in fried himself some eggs and tried to lift the world is described by eleanor early them with the flsh slice each tune they in her new book ports of the sun dropped back into the pan i don know miss early visited trinidad and tobago what partner said or in what condition recently and went to ace the birds of lips from speaking guue psalm 34 monday june 13th pride goes before a fall tuesday june 14ttt prosperity is to be measured not by one months galnhut by the yearly in come wednesday june 15th courage of aoul is necessary for the triumphs of genius nurse elkiiam home hints a good way to whiten bread or meat boards which have become discolored is to rub them with the inside of lemon rinds then wash with warm wjter vhey will be white and sweet smelling to freshen the color of window blinds bftish with linseed oll damp shoes will polish well if a little paraffin 1b added to the shoe polish did you know ontario has been using electricity to thaw out frosen water pipes one eecondary electric wire is attached to the service pipe inside the basement of the house and the other is attached to the fire hydrant outside the wires are from a special plpethawlng transformer l cent ash- which gives a current of li to 33 volts ft ft wqdfmhui mm hugh rarrrv to moyoftiim bay c r ft wain dupatohrft oniari hlfkweiinsfma4ramm anttower ay uautff ftalrway methods drtvtif fwtttt j toronto msy khhif all moloruts took as muoh care in their delving as railway enttneera do in piloting trains it would not be long before aertdanta on ontario highways were aa infrequent as they era on railroad line that is the opinion of oscar a brac ken chief opr dispatcher expressed during an interview on the highway safety campaign being oonduettod by the ontario department of highway under the direction or hon t b uoqueaten minuter of highways mr bracken should know something w woclden pr f a c dispatchers job is to see that all trains run on time and that they do so with out any mishaps mr bracken believes that motorists can learn a lot about safety and safe driving from railroad engineers and outlined several instances where the driving rules which control engineers can ho advantageously applied to motoruts for instance he pointed out the n m in thing dispatchers and engineers are concerned with la that trains avoid collisions and accidents and tu get to i heir destinations on time it would be impossible of course to have chief dis patchers for motorists but there is no leoson why every motorist can i be his on dispatcher and see that he gets to hu destination without having to make dangerous spurts or sprints and get there on schedule and in safety if a motorist wants to get somewhere the gg anally reached his plate but i know that when i came home 1 found my flsh shoe just as good as new used with a rivet which partner had put in to hold it it took about five minutes to paradise on little tobago island near trinidad british west indies off tobago there are two tiny islands she says ooat island where there are no goats but only a white woman living nx and it lasted for fifteen years and alone and little tobago where there are i didnt even have to ask partner to i birds of paraalse and nothing else mend it for me that was the lovely part the white woman is a new yorker who about it i hates tunes square and the subway and so with that theory in mind i and the birds of paradise were brought would suggest to you my dear farm to little tobago by sir william ingram women friends that if you have for in from the wilds of dutch new guinea stance a faulty chicken coop it might no bird of paradise ever left new guinea be a good idea if you stayed out to sup- add v cup maple syrup and spread over i per some day and asked john if he would pudding bake in a moderate oven 350 please shut the chickens in for you at degrees p until delicately browned nuht now if john has to chase about is minutes j chickens around and hunt bricks and of it own accord and uttle tobago is the only place where they have been ac climatised sir william spent his life catching half a hundred and set them free on ljemon cream fuce s cup rice 3 cups milk h cup ugmr v teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons fruit sugar s lemon rtnd 13 teaspoons lemon juice 3 egg whites 3 egg yolks wash rtee and cook with milk in top of double boiler until rice t tender mix together sugar salt oeaten egg yiljts bits of board to block up broken places uttle tobago which belonged to him in the coop before he con shut the chick i when sir william died his sons pre ens in that is if he ever does catch minted the island to the government on i litem the chances arc that you upd condition chat it be mode into a sanctu ourself alth a couple of new coops the ry and provision mode to feed lls i nest day the new coops may have been beautiful tenants i built out af consideration for jbu or it trinidad is reached by regular oall- may have been in cose you should leat ings of lady liners of the canadian john in charge of your chickens bui national steamships from halifax and h worry about the reason results are boston and a government boat service thin that uould help a tireat deal in hal counts la maintained between trinidad and the and speaking of going away partner island of tobago net very far away and i had an invitation to spend a fiw dam with friends at their summer oot longfcr life for fencfc posts 50 he knows he must leave at 0 o clock if he is going to get there on time at a reasonable speed and in safety another similarity in enginedriving and cardriving mr bracken explained is that slow trains always give way to fast trains i need hardly add he said with a smile that engineers always stay on their own side of the road the rails and flanged wheels take care of that but its still a safety must for all motor lata railroad engineers keep their ees on the toad and their mind on the job every minute they are at th throttu mr bracken remarked they watch every signal light and road sign and are constantly aware of the fact that they are sole trustees of life and property and they cant take any chances with either annual vision hearing and color tests are given to all train crews 7to member of a train crew he sold is allowed to go on his run unless he has had sufficient rest since his last run and he never has to work so long that there is any chance of his getting drowsy while on duty you may hear of a motorist dosing off to sleep at the wheel now and then but it never happens in an engine cab another way in which accidents on the railways are avoided he explained is by giving every engine a thorough overhauling after every run and if any defect is found it must bo repaired be fore the engine is allowed to leave the rouna house for further service similar thoroughness on the part of motorists uould prevent many an accident he ad ded when an engineer is at his post mr bracken said he is there to drive his engine aafel not to admire the scenerj op carry on a conversation he leaves ihoiu pleasures to the passengers in the coachts farther back an the train ont muknor of oook1wo uao numtttvs oftloin firm kaosud meat wh ft ass us at- nsv hss4ifttrttulaui the iviufery savage it seems can claim lite honor or being the first chefs because of an incident which occurred one dark and dangerous night thousands ol yean ago according to the story a group 67 them had camped near a forest at night fall and the heard the ominous snarl of wild animals nearby they soon had a fire going and huddled around th flames u eat uielr evening meal eon slstlng of raw meat and other uncooked dishes there was a sudden whoop ai on of hut party accidentally dropped his ration of meat on the fire in a fe mlnutea lmwever the cries of uurumta- tlnn ceased and nostrils hettan to aulver as a delightfully now and thrilling smell permeated the night air tito mrnt was being cooked t the cookery era had dawned i and tut fmm these primitive days this art has steadily progressed according to the stage of civilisation and the foods and appllcancra available competent authorities point out that cookery as it is known today cannot be said to have started before the renals- nance in italy and italy is declared to be its birthplace it la recorded that catherine d medici brought italian cooks to paris and intro duced there a new kind of cookery while abraham haywurd in his art of din ing states that italians were the first to introduce ices in prance 4 tragedy foetuses attention upon vatfel who was one of the most famous chefs this story was told by madam de bevlgnc so conscientious wss vatel miles away at 10 30 in themernmrjkuie preparation of foods that one day when flsh which he had ordered for part of a dinner he was arranging failed to arrive in time he committed suicide he welcomed death rather than dlsapr- rangement of his menu but times have changed today home economic authorities point out how modern electric ranges have removed all the guesswork from cooking so that even joung and inexperienced brides are earning reputations for being good cooks this fact focusses attention upon the remarkable developments in corporated in the well known mokes of electric ranges which are displayed in hydroelectric shon rooms throughout ontario a cursory inspection of these ranges reveals a number of interesting features including automatic oven tem perature controls which maintain a con slant even temperature automatic elec tric timer clocks which make it pos sible to cook meals without waiting or watching thick insulation which keeps the heat in the oven and keeps the kitch en cool extra fast element spacious ovens finished in porcelain sliding shelves and a hast of other features which contribute to better and more economical cookery and it all started because a savage dropped a piece of meat into a fire i bxpkftt om waftt vuotojuim loaned to pftlvatb ffftll t c main civil engineer and txpert on surface water probtons employed by the canadian manorial railways m recently loaned to ducks unlimited of winnipeg man aa general manager for whatever period his services are requir ed mr main former chairman of the engineering institute of canada was lent in 1010 by the late air henry thorn ton to the oovrmment of bermuda to give advice on reclamation problems in 1031 the railway again lent mr mains aervfeea this time to the saskatchewan government on thu occasion he made a study of the drouth areas in his new appointment mr main will engage pro vincial managers to carry out the wotk of restoring w levels aa part of the ootuctvatifiii plans to restore the deplet- cd waterfowl population of western can- htppy vri ceil ion travel bit motor coach and steamer ofoeotam bay labis huson and tupoioa s j suwsihwi lew business directory wdioal dr j av mcniven thyuun lal swrftwa offlm and ttmdu oorner bowwr avmiua and dtta street dr e j nelson pliyileun an4 swrgwvb rjactrd thorapy phone u dr wm g cullen l m c c a fliyalelan ui4 sortweei office hourt5 and 70 pm sunday by appointment wilbur 8trt juit north or mill street telephone 121 litfmt c p leatherland b a llarrutar solicitor notary pablle acton batatea apeedlly wound up court work attended tq promptly office is ptaenea realdcnee 18 fluoceuor u h n parmer kenneth m langdon barrlaler sellclur notary jfnbllo oftleofl acton georgetown over t fieynuck cafe main street s tor appointment phone acton 86 or oeoraetown u office hours acton tuesday and thursday lisp m to430p m lnae on rerfuest dental a j buchanan d d s dental stttweew office in lelanman blook hours 0am until 8 p m brrenrsts oaoaojam bat lakes himom amd fuetaioa 4430 4180 m cnttmtf ofoeojan bat and laki musom s s m swfti hm otwm tewtk istp dr by appointment oas for extractions dosed wednesday afternoon xray phone lit 1430 4180 irunkoka lasts vdwr pmm 3235 toaomto sovf 1935 his reason pathei jack- me father back jack becuuat it uould be his turn again why are you crying jack because tom brown punched why did jou not punch him reservations must be made in advance op o nrr d asic for your copy of vacation tours dmrtuftg 30 d0owfhltoiwwsiaw ph vacation service effective saturday june 25th tickets and information at uakohd whjcs rhone u gray coach lines p w pearen dd s l d s pentsj sargeea office in the symon block phone 20 mill sreet acton rockwood office open every thursday afternoon and evening vetesunabt b d young vs b v sc vetcrtesxy bargs office brookvlile ontario phone uuton lttr f g oakes vs b v sc vscssinary sar office and residence knox aveor acton phone 130 hints on fashions dy l1sbeth lrmon rind and juice and add to hot uiki near algonquin park i askea ii rioe oook 5 minutes place in butter it would lx oil right to bring thi cou preservative tnatment to prewjit ed tasking dish and cover with mertngut along- i cant think of an other aj- o drcu ind prolong the ule of nondur made from sufflybeaten egg while oiia mating partner enticed from here uolt fence poot is recommended by the j utl niton of the operator cutting down automobile accidents would be to have a separate compartment for the driver just as they have on locomo- tlvea and in some street cars buses and taxlcubs driving an engine or a mou r car h a full lime job and needs the indliidcd you can t iruit sugar bake hi mow degrees- p until meringue l about 15 mlnutea umation of gakagt en 132 whaten r happens thtwe cos must bt ttwrat product laboratories depart browned milked night and mornuig and partiur mrnt of mine and rjiources ottawa 1 11103 tmu ca inlut thln llltc nim thc lcn of llfc itnce it dipendi flir io rtu re ou ore- there a unouur niainly on the spectw and tin oondl kraiwj opportune k weal iomrunej uoiu tf service jor 1 xampl ei dar u i- think it must be nice to ml off occa naturallj durable and will last ir many ai nailj and leovt all our cares behind t m l common woods ou just the same as school teacher and are not durable and in contact with the bank tlerka and newspaper edtu rs do il stxjn decuj investigations ahow uial aheud iind that commtnted mr llrac but with farmers the way moat ol us are miul years of service can be added to k 1 i- mt aa important tn moo ing as nxrd our buslet1 ume comes when other ertuin spectra b simple and mejepen m lullrondlng iteople are holidaying of course town slc treatment j w know our peids and our distance- icople often a buj ou don t need creosou oil is the beat cfrettut pre and wi never take chances our ou are in the txautllul rvatlve and will increuse the service schedule art dcslifnod so that we dont wlwn autonuiblles first tome into vtunie thc garage m stuck h ih buck is the lot where the stable used o be and perhaps the fear of fire had some thing to do with placing it there too later as this tear decreased it was h kitted onto the house by a porch or as l bo a an extension tjouaily it was placed mitcuoua poalthn still reaembling the uid llkr lutie mun tune u eny n poor nlalkin but lately architecu haw w l muit tr d look after m irrnlard the fact that it u a part of nd broody hens up to the chit chat admire the scenery and drive a tar or locomotive all at the tame time hie r t two items should be taken cart of by thi puvfhttt n and the t til 1 lutn by the drlvtr exclusive train dlsptitchera never all w in mm to pass another unless the r ad is abtsoluu 1 cltar fc r an ample dlunce touutr all ume wlilcli is a 1 met n l true but sonirumcs we tel we life if li ndurablt post twttily ears need t expose ourtelves or our pati n or mt re 1au mu be treated either tft r to an nsk and we nevtr 1 t rull lengtli ur onl bulta with crewate sturd si iw out sure rnglnes tr o po ii b heating the air seasoned posts in scooting past an t our sleek speed hot till and then submerging ihtm hi streamlined flyers w know tlie can t the house and ore dealgning it u such urcap mj chickens are suu penned up txkl oil thta treatment u knowi as do it and we dl expect tmm u aid they place it door as near the street and am w jntlermg what will happen the hot and cold lank treatment a that s a prett sound policy in motor possible both u shorten the neces 1 l them loose with rusty run c la efficient treatment conssu ing ux and i firmly believe tha it al sary driveway and to keen tlw rear of nm mund a puppy u sure a prob- r dl l l ll where a motorists were as careful ani cautims lhe place cleavr for developmrnt km rusty has a special liking for u not uable two brushing with locomouve englneeni there wo im be a srae shouid be deep enough to k things he has nipped off the hot or ell brushed in will add smvnmodsu car ccsntottably without u n mto plonu eaten several tw or the ufe of the hat in to gaueje the distance b inches l ai beheaded tulips galort he ik and it should be wide enough to allow old bolts rag and ruboera and tele to lhlrtn ear of service ufe free pasaace on at least one side of the brtn ltu all round to the franc lawn m ooned non duiable qur 0n hen stul perslsu in laying her dally p treating the posts with ili where posalhle hts advisable to add ntak sminet he actar as irlie c9nl tu pre salt a few fret in one dtrecutir to oortim 1 cattle dog and already chloride sodium fluoride ard cop modate a work bench in cellarless h kno adjone approache ulphatejij the hot and cold lan housrev an additional foot or two pro- few highway deaths and aci 1 ijnts in ontario this jear or inv yta l 1 inintj and compensation tdes a space for rough storage the door should be of a type that ran be easily operated both from within and without it is not necessary to fireproof the inside of the garage unless the code esknanda it but it is advisable to do so if posafnst foe wherever inflammables are soorad there u always the possibility of or precautions should be taken during may there were 4 03 accident reported u the workmen compensation board as compared wth 4 02a during the h ue treatment this treatment is generally april and 5 069 during may a year ago pa this was written but not mailed more pbclhr th stuping the posts the benrnts awarded amounted to for several days in a salt solution fresh- 5j0 83 85 if whlth 4426 465 96 was for 1 cut posu may be treated by standing cumpenaati n and im 407 90 for medical the bulla of the greeri pasts in a salt old j solution for a week or more this brings the total accidents report- ed to date this year to 34 03d as com- pared with 34 874 during the same good shoes rok yolng and old camellt rtttset a o rachun acton and now l have to report that we have period laat ear and the benellta award- had a lovelj shower i am sure it wuj ed to 2 eb 07s 02 as against m 5t1 do a lot of nod already everythlnc 2m31 durtn the correapondlnc period looks so much fraaber of im7 general insurance we speeciauzb in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate gimb boiler fidelity bonds farm insurance annuities and ail general una of insurance also ocean steamship tickets leading- companies excellent facilities plain and printed fabrics are charmingly combined the combination of plain and printed fabric in ont torment was never more charmlngl uwd than in this season s dresses tills dinner dress worn by joan ben nett film star provi ur point it is an original b ek rnurd newman of hoi i wood and is of chin on cut low in tr mt lth u bodice f nii and white print cut high lit back uuh a slush d wn it renin to the wulsillm itu skirt moulds thc tlurt md has a w f tlnv vi red bituns r ni the daih except fiunda bast f tin deeiilleuui to the centre of fl 4und the dress a section of the print is in ertd in the skirl with a circular tr at mem which add fullmss ititd endi in i short graciful irahi f l wright office cooper block office 93 fhonea besld 1isj time tables naoian nationalflailways at acton going east 0 04 ajn 004 ajn iall except sunday 0 30 pjn sunday nl 8 19 pjn pler for easl riatf stop in georgetown at 9 49 pm golns weat dally cx pi sunday 8 48 am dally except sunduv 3 40 pjn prominent iiare urn n dally ex epl sunthi 7 07 pjn rulay onlj rta 11 s3 pjb standajtd tlme style whlmales oct up tll4f the c lorfuj bvarhwrar fiwhi ms is the utnir beach coal of whal txil treti terry cloth o i lured and cuffed tn plaid print pique a delightful innovation for nimmer is the panue jelllcoat of uk satin hlch l made with a removable buttoned crotch it u predicted that real petticoats with lows of narrow lace rufflai will orxe asain ttdorn the femlnhv form and he csmlm le with beadinc will affair be the vogue unt i slips srr ktcw1 in importance as the setn u afford the prelection ntceaaary for the llshlsr weight cotton fsbrlcs voiles dimities ts land or- a dally except 8un and hot candy drnsve ahich are io be worn so and hoi only c bl only d dally gray coach unes coaciieb leave acton standard tiwm eastbound it tersnto aft mam s 52 pin 8 41 a rm 5 57 pm 1 1 m am 8 53 pjn c 2 01 pm westbound ta kltcheswr x 9 53 s m l x 8 18 pjn 12 13 pm xhoos pjn x 2 13 pm dioss pjn a 4 13 pm ell 53 pm through to london cept fi- t sun and hoi and hoi koscur sunday aped 141 lenerall this summer prom pari comes word that the hair bjrroue is being revised they are wear ing barrette clips or pins at either side 1 ear the neck to hold up lhe very short halts now that the hair is being worn j pitas office for all stibserpootw taken at tw tim brushed up at back and periomvab axs tjtiiwrnksuti 5 tjw3

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