Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1938, p. 7

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s- vntttmtax vam a io -thehtgton- fheetrbss a mmu j told grandmother as aha lay oa tut aoaeh br the opn wiimibw atuw elan of a summer ayr whan tha twilum iu malting slowly away to tits nltnu embrace and haw or ealmtlal beauty xw htt on th dear old oca i nave had inch a pleasant journey mia whispered again so low that w knew she u buy thmklni of the day that wan long afo tootuh worn were the aped angers and weary the pilgrim feet the way mtue haw had some gladness mnea uw memory was so aweet though nana of her loved companion the mend of tier early prime w max trtth their recollection and tokana ottoaan time though the grave of her hop a mndnd wi mnua a tu mi it hasbeen aueh a pleaaant journey mia whispered from flnt to lastl www a word of the briar 8y which jierft had been torn mayer a wont of the burden ana trial that ahe had borne and never through all the journey had any one eomlns nigh her detected the amen on her garment that told of the furnace fire i nr the lord had been ever with her and given her eo much graae toat the aorrow her heart had buffered had left on her brow no trace xxeept the ealm peaeeful ihlnlng hie favor alone ean impart and that rest nice a benedlztoii on those who pure in rwart and thoe who had heard the atory of her aod and eventful life of the trouble that early found her of the wearlaome toll and strife ware lost in a dream of wonder that ahe could eo sweetly lay i have had ouch a pleasant journeyl at the cloelng hour of the day it la not by years though threescore and ten oer nur heads have rolled it 1 not on earthly records the measure of life is told but they have lived best and noblest who gentle and loving and brave have made it a pleasant journey rlun the cradle unto the grave josephine pollsrd died in cleveland during the put year alfred end jacob hre in the old home n arthur street afid john and wei it have established homes walter home abutting the old home john living at the corner of church street and vic torla avenue airs john uoarthur the daughter resides on lake avenue and this ends my recollection of young street and ltt district ive known u for owr years with a good deal or familiarity i saw the farms east and north of it cleared of the virgin forest was at some of the logging lieea and helped to make maple syrup and sugar in the maple groves which were the last to be sacrificed in clearing the land do you wonder that i knew it all eo well perhaps ril start a trip down bower avenue next week and perhaps not cef roads past and present it u that time of the year again when restless nuuy yearn beyond the sky line where the strange rood so down but it la something more than that urge which comes with spring and motoring weather the weekend jaunts at hand and vacation near bow much more roads and men have meant than that i perhaps it could bo ald that down those strange roads with restless men the story of mankind is written in a fleeting second of history an in- twknty tears ago freea uw issaw 1 the free faavf y june uth 191s omrffstown motor club intends to motor through acton this afternoon en route to koekwood where they will picnic on the rocks two young man were fined 5 and eotti each at fergus last week for raed- duns with motor ears blowinff their home etc while the owners were at- tendlrsi church mr charles iambert who has so faithfully carried the malls of rural route kv 1 since the inception of the rural delivery system has disposed of his contract to mr robert h wons- brouffh mrs alex irving of sudbury visited acton friends this week it is over thirty years atnne she left acton and ahe has u hlffh egurd for her native- town the board of education reengaged the true hers for tin year commencing after the summer hollduys with salaries ranging rrom 1 310 rqr tm principal to 600 mr nclran qardi n recti wd word uf the death of his btothxr flight 14 ut c 8 garden bj un ueroplam accident in england mr jonathan w adamsnn of nusua- ffowcya dltd on saturdux in his uofh year hi leaves to mourn hi uwt u wife four nuns and thru daughtirs horn mcdouoau- at 4i0 murgurrctui si toroutu on frtdu juiu 7th 101b i to mr and mm d mixhiugull duughter the sunday school lesson for sunday june 12th pacino the supreme test op service r- oolden text not what i will but what thou wilt mark 14 3j lcison text mark 14 34fl time tuesday night and wednesday morning april 4th and 5th ad 30 place octhsemane exposition i jesus sorrowing even unto death 3234 jesus took all the disciples excepting judas with him to oethsemane but he left eight on the edge or the garden and went into the deeper depths with only three the three whom jesus took with him now were the same who went with hlmtohe mount- of transfiguration it he takes us up with him to the mount of transfiguration we may expect him to take us also the garden of oethse mane jesus as he came closer to the agony of the cross and of all involved tn the hearing of mans sin longed for human sympathy but he tild not get it he trod the winepress alone while he took with him into the deeper shadows of oetluemanc the innermost circle of his chosen ones peter and james and john even they slept while the saviour agonized and prayed there is some thing awful to contemplate in the abso lute loneliness of the saviour jesus w as in a state of great mental and spiritual sorrow greatly amazed they heeded it not and were soonjut aseep again v 40 to that nextday while jesus tiumphedtriroutk that ightofimyertheyffll beca th had slept when they ought to have prayed but jesus gained the victory there in the garden and when all ihe forces of hell swept up against him on the cross he put them off and trlmphed over them in it col 3 14 15 three times does jesus meet the pather with the same cry before the victory is fully won he prayed throuoh so ahould we luke 10 18 11 510 when jesus returns the last flme to the dls- ctplhnt no longer needs their sym pathy the battle is over and further more it is too late and so he says sleep on now etc will we too sleep so long that the hour will pass by when w can bppf a yi itch and u to our lord the sleep so dearly pur chased was short for in a moment the torches of judas and his horrid band were seen among the tries the dis ci plesinustmiwrlse7 scene of terror and dismay the vic torious man of prayer is calm but they flee we too need this tremendously sqlemn warning watch and pray that je enter not into temptation not- a poetlover your name jipector snapped the police ln- william smith replied the prisoner 1 come come your proper name well then if you insist i m colled percy bysshe shelley thats more llkly e couldn t be deceived with that william smith busi ness a burr indication a frequenter or one of the better- jmowns man who- went bathing every day with a straw hat on his head upon inquiring the use of this seemingly superfluous piece of head gear he received the reply you see im not a very good swim mer and when my hat begins to float i know i m out of my depth ff dian troll has become a paved highway to tout door and beyond to the farthest z vroii aciui sorrowful corner of ontario bo scant are two pvln mu u wm no utm hundred years in the story of roads and men it is a fascinating story plotted in mans economic needs and adventurous the starting point if you want to be happy begin where you are donf wait for some rapture thats future and far begin to be joyous being to be glad and soon youll forget that you ever were if you want tor-be- happy begin where you are your windows to sunlight and sweetness if dark seems the day light a candle of cheer till its steady flame brightens each heart that comes near if you want to be happy begin where you are tune up daily discords till out of their jar new harmony rises rejoicing and sweet and onward in music go ever your feet ii you want to be happ begin where you are ood sets in each sky heaven a joy-brlng- lng star uvc bravely benetfi n through cloud and toward light and under its radiance your path shall tit bright bj prtscilla leonard slats diary oliver n warren tuesday joke has been a going with out no shoes and han gut a stone brooa on 1 of his heals h writ ihr edltur wanted to no why he hassent got i on both heels as thc went utr same dis tant the editur reuilde and aed he guest tt are becos the other l took the paved hlaay u vthalr it wtrr going or some thing wednesday ma has seamed to be some x what out of youmer all day j i don t no why unless it were becos of a joak pa got off this am as he was putting on his ckwe he sed a wotnern can see a blond hart on a mans cote as soon as he coming down to arthur street again tlu cctmnt block nous on tht corntr was built over imnij jiiiri ugi by kiiir cooper hi mild it to henr colt who guve up farming on tlu colt homutttod on tht at ion crossroad at the ilf th line after his uifi dltd ht nr in turn sold it to alt donald and went to toronto attn living then for a yi iir or m mr donald sold tlu prop rt and bought a miill fiirm at fhrgus mr and mr akx ktnniittui havi rtmded iheit lot m i nil i mi mr coojm r movtd to outlph minn iar- agu ulvi built tlu prttt cnn w lit rt mr win mulli n and family n mdtd und whin on wm bt rt htlll re m diis but lliift b all modtrn hi tor on tin othir sldt of jlviu1iibuii surttt mr and mrs john lrnkir and famll rmtdi now mr ukjxi r ls tht m w night lolli i man m alton hm u drsi endoiit t hit niusiaguwi ui ukktrs and i uilnk luw llvrd in tlr dlitrttt nil his lift i uium it ls now owntd b mr cndn widow of tin uiu rt htnr caklwill txt to lliui pnpt rtj lb the brick houar now owiifd b mr v alger it was uu home for a number of years of mv and mrs william li laluiun and of th phsl al agony thal loy a llttlo way ahead that so oppressed him tut his sinless spirit wan beginning to feci most hcavll the burden of mans guilt bent the canadian chapter brief and ftnd iwm umt hftd cung u unfinished take the same pattern uiat tcdy unp iovc to god wafl be was woven in time immemorial it is rlnnlna to fm thp tearjng a qf surprising and colorful separation from the pather necessitated when history records the buldln of by manfi then was an oftfu btonn the flrst stonepaved highway five thou- of flnd seeping sand years ago by the ixyptian khig ov muoljril whoic hjj oheopa it is not quite so incredible to ncan bt the of bfcakln lukfi canadian ht louis the fourteenth cl b 44 to lt dld lnflmd break at ljlat prance provided to hi bdlcu and or- on tne hc oqde dlnanoes more than two hundred and whjie he promed at further no fifty years ago for the first system of bhadows of 0ardn in lower canada common roads road construction was under the sup ervision of a orand foyer and the system was followed generally after the cession and the feudal land owners were no longer responsible for the roads through their vast properties in upper canada one of the first nets or the parliament of 17d3 placed local roads under the control of a superinten dent elected by the resident ratepayers thus was founded the public adminis tration of ontarios vast modern net work of highways which today repre m nt an investment of almost half a billion dollars a policy instituted at that lime pro vldlnu for ronatruc turn und matnlmanct in statut libor htlll uppllis in m m rural ttiunu ipulltlth of tilt dominion upp r cunada outhtrippfd iw r ilsur ptonncr in tlu di vt lopmt nt of roadi from the beginning men in publi ll mid buhlntsh lntrtjt uirt quick to st 1 hi nut d5 und odantu of tnmport 1 tl n fu nulls thm iu now sptdltr uu tins ti t rmisii w rt nkurdthl us m ii ssun in tin sjinu niumtr tlmt nt w hlnh wuvs uda un n urhlut into nuruu rn mr coopu ontario proudlin us and rupld ncrcv- t bli k houm iis ti tin r uiiih iimrlctls tht re for bum nt v nu 11 in uu nth rn si ctlon uu tirst lurt s uli s st in of roods w us plunmtl uturu um hundrt d and firt jturs mt in i pt pr cunudii li ui uti n unt ooitrnor ilmi h t ivt tmpi tus ut tradi btiwtti aniu a tin protn tlmt wt rt othtrwlht rt nu tt und uiun 1 sslble he wanted company and yet he wanted to be alone with ood ii jesus praying the emsclple sleep ing 3546 what a sight 1 the holy one of ood on his face in prayer before him the prayer as uttered by jesus ls differently recorded by the three evangelists cf matt 20 3044 luke 22 42 doubt less our lord jesus said all that the dif ferent evangelists record and one evan gelist gives one part of the prajer and another another part he prayed the father to removi this cup irom him or more llurall to carry it along tills vwih nit a prujir for dillvcmnct from tlu i row prom that though jesus urea did i he mvtr dnw back john 1j 8i morenvtr wi nrc distinctly uiilkhl in tin blb nut ml that th fitth r alums lu ard jt sua john 11 11 4 but tlmt h vi us hmrd in thls sp 1 iu niatunct ihib it mid w hi n u prati ls hi ard th urj thing uskid 1 ki 1 1 j hn s 14 15 bo ji ns koi wliu hi uskid in thls com hi usktd 1 imt uu tup mifcht piihs un until thi up polnud htiui n tht cnins und tht tup did paw n ht was dvliik of ugimv thm and tht it- i j4 ck u in nmhi tiid h in i uki 4h mid new game prfserve established establish em nt or another large game preserve in the northwest territories of approximately 70 000 square miles in the district north of the liard river and extension w estward from mackenzie river ui the yukon boundary is an nounced by the department of mines and resources ottawa in nddltlon an amendment to the regulations far the protection of game in the northwest ter ritories limits the granting of liuntlng nno trapping licenses on and pfter july first to white persona who already hold licenses and to the children or residents who arc dependmt upon hunting and trapping for their livelihood this lat ter regulation provides for the issue of licenses to white persons now engaged in the business of hurting and trapping whose families are resident in the coun try but persons now entering tht ter ritories will be ineligible for hunting rtnd trapping licenses these additional measures conserve the wild life of the territories in the interests of the natives hove been made necessary by the inten sive hunting and trapping carried on in former years and the situation created by the failure of the fur catch and the big game during the 1037m season the fur industry of the northwest territories is of great importance and as the native population depends to a large extent on the game and furbear ing animals for a livelihood conserva tion measures are most necessary the ptablhhmcnt of the new game preserve brings the total area of preserves in which only natlvti may hunt and trap up to upproxlnuiwlj sb4 000 nuart miles were buying qiw km rout t easy at way im thrifty thola why i i bought an electrio range thouaanda of women are saying that today and utile wonder with pricea ao reason able current ooata so low and the hydro thrift plan to make buying eaayt so aay goodbye yourself to kitchen slavery hello to a lifetime of better meals and better living have the efcon cool economical failcooking electric range youve always wanted installed tomorrow buy on the hydro thrift plan every family can afford a clean cool fas electric range hydro thrift pun the hydro cammlssleti will make as allowance of 1s an every install uen tm be applied on inatauauen of the mnrlee or the cott of the range a small down payment will install range special conresalona only durfng range campaign lh unit i n to ihi td his rk w 1 und un itnpllsh slfll ineql auti a iuuplr dam t band funs tt t rt dlsi ussuig uu tr pit subject i ou luioa said om of liu ni thu ikinu cnkiiif rt arc paid i 5 000 u famll horu nju they cam to ai um i thm mr a mli hit and his sisters re i wh tnr lth r sided thtrr or stverul years coming to tn pnnt miiiiau r utt alton lo retire from the scotch blocx tll nrat idded section the tell me umt mr and mrs aiger an coming back to acton again short to rraldi in this home after a yew or so m toronto across ue strtet d uir brick liouse atucii luu oen tin utturr home for thut b hut geu tn the front yd but she csuit see 3 1 mtoout w8 cww from or a buttons often his shirt i dunno i waterloo cuur what he mem but i suppose ma is ms mr and mrs bauer ttcrx fine pvupu but hue passed on r butun ultlr n ru sous and a daugh ur now rcnidt ui umn om wn henry and hares and eti thursday i modi a oftlr mistake 1 a hen i awakened up thi am as i node it were thurttdu i started to get reddj for jrhool u cungratsiielate myself that they are onl 3 days more of school tills wk then 1 thot of school being out riuolved to be more care- ruler in futcher hereafter i friday ma got or ntorc sore at pa agen today she sed if men done after marrtdgt- oike they done befoiw aam they wood be lota leas devorses pa sed yea jt a hole lot more bank rupswye i dont understand what neether 1 menu but it seamed to atrane the farnbly tie but i haw sean worse they wul get well of lu saturday x hava done a ostle lot of work this wk it earns to me am not sure but what x drather go to achooi the work la pkraty toad but whan z haft lo wnrah my hand and neok and feat a doa ttmea dalay it are koang s tar and i bobs to grow up and get bit ao t wont haft to warah but oner 4ar to th i know u is he said and uie prime minister can t sing a note picobac pipe tobacco for a mild cool smoke mis nited tht clkclplu slipt ix j nim hud not falltn aslr p all it oiik um had heard miiiu thing of i ha at iij mm priivj but lliej had befii mnri t uihd with tht lr ou n sornm than witli hls and w re t overborne with tt hukt 4i wt run undtr ntiuid tlurn b mudylng oursilvea e too an ifti n njor icupltd ulth our un kiurt than ulth the griefs of jtsus tnr u ptrishltuf utrld und ue ux jtcp uhtn w might to uauh and pra the ahep of tht dtstlples hbj luitural but tt uaa not ixciisubm it uas a fulhlment if tlu phphec i lixiked for comiort- t rs but i found nunc p 09 20 jesiu naked th in u underl reproachful question that rtvtialed h1 op hrart bruiking mid longing for ojmpithy on tile om hand and tht lr lack of aeir socrirkusg lor- on air othor is he not putung the same question u u todu the rt buir as intendtd tpiciull ftir fvur uho tad boasted h would dlr ulth jesua and now could not i rt 11 watch one hour uf v 31 1 with him jrsus nt- arxiice to fhem u word irm ir um wauh and pray ll hi l iiipuithmi but i tl k hlv kc limii lirnr nitral t m m rn v eimhmd dur ng thr unnual rt m ni in hi l ih c lunlblu l tktiied pliru u ti wreath n lit n tlu k pl r li i mditl tt t jf i- r tif ctpt o irgt vuiiuiurr in lrtershum li in muggs and skeeter by wally bishop

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