sagssbgiwrfbto mob norm tb acton frbb prbss twhsstmv juw hht imf neighborhood news lautmttag ium oamimkif oumt cswims umi coauwinluw wklamwy of of bmlw w lauwrt erin la young psopl ot btnkluun com- munltr eaasmblsd at btnltharo aononl last jmday- wtnta koiwr ol th newlvwtds sir and in ft sttmt mr lasll uelan who hu bsn on the ulf of uit local branch l ita royal star rwalesn mov t branch t rvwtc and oranmenosd w da m t ooroon altken student of loa aul- rtrad a pamrnl accident at noon hour on imiwiff ot lut when playing mb on th- school ground m running to eeteh a r ball he stumbled and fall ud fractured hl right collsbon ukajr ehuiiml are taking plae tn the village the eltlaens or glad tt wel come to thetr midst mr and mia jes robertson and rsmlly who hat taoutht the property on slain street from mr c e msmluan and hare moved tram toronto mra robertson u a daughter of mr and mr vi j wheeler nin luun mfmcm1llan hu purchased a smaller home on main street recently occupied by mr and mra aegaworrh and family who hare moved into the home of the late george rsjnesboltom on church street advocate rockwood anniversary servlcs were held at the united church on sunday with tane asnsraflatlona mornms and evvnmg at the tnornjng amiee rev o k kenny ava of krjrfolk street church ooalph aaurered an earnaat d on pealm its 1 m ootmeetion with the morning awrrle a brief ceremony to arid in ratard to the unveiling ot a memorial window tn memory of rev john utile a former pastor ot th church at owerenlm aervlce rev d h oauafher of oekvwe alao daurered an earnest dbsrurse on the fatherhood of ood durtng both services special num ber by the choir were much enjoyed especially ladles quartette men quar tette solo numbers and trio selections rev p h xsvsson occupied the pulpits or the visiting monsters the edifice was very nicely decorated with mass pennies and other aprtnf flowers on monday erentnc the annltersary sooner was held with a lane number dome fan justice to the good things pro- tlded by the ladles of the uajgi fouowtnt supper a prarram of a varied nature was enjoyed by the but number ta with to pastor rev p h law- the program indud- tor the lambert twins readme audrey wright address rer s johnston solo mrs t jackson read me audrey wright selection lambert twtns ses by male quartette mean prank day j a lime c o plank and a j ihtou reading audrey wright l la felt in the vulags and com munity and aspedauy at the local school tn the rasarnstsvaa of three teachers mtsssa xrma hetsfhan anna poremsn of the public school and w smagerald of the oorronuauon school coothraation school examinations are havtng their share of attention at the present time much improvement is noticed around the telephone office and 8 s royce reaklenoe tn a fresh coat of paint alao at the sacred heart church the tnterlor of the edifice to being improved with paint the grounds surrounding the church have undergone much improve ment this spring the portions of the pic ket fence adjoining the sidewalk have been removed and digging up the ground to get rid of twitch grass which ha be come deeply imbedded rev p h and mrs lawson and fsmlly attended the funeral last week of mr a jones at niagara palls among those present at the unveiling ceremony st the united church on sun day morning were rev andrew little of toronto mrs j bradshaa of conn and mrs o mccanncl or walpole sask brother and sisters of the late rev john- ulile mr and mr o r martin of ajlmer an formerly of rockwood vere guests of mr snd mrs a s rovce following the graduation eserclses at toronto last wedmadav when their eldest daughter betty gradusted as s dental nurse recent and wee visitors mu wilms uune and mends pres ton girls trmlnln school mr alex dark of pennsylvania- mr fred da of hasmlion mr ormlle oorrell of port credit mr snd mra ross allen snd daugh ter of toronto ballinafad mra smsabalh wyll of los angelas cal visited on sunday at the noma of her cousin mr wm wyll sh la th guest of mrs howard stuu ninth una amamlng mr and mra metvln soptr muter oeorg misses benore and audrey soper o ouelnh were visitors on sun- da a jh hom o th fnrm i mr j soper thar wen no services in the church her on sunday as anniversary services were held si uelvm church caledon mr harry shortlu has been iwmodel- ing his house miss mat5roa of ouelnh u visiting at her horn her blue mountain snd peacock schools played a game of baseball on friday last reacock school won the game mr m crlpps of toronto is a visitor at the home of mr wm harding milton mr and mrs p w cook are oele- bratlnc their 3th weddlug anniversary on saturday june uth afternoon nd evening and will be at home to their friends the congregation of first presbyterian church st marys said farewell to their beloved pastor rev john rlddell on sunday may 30th on the eve of his de parture rod mutan where he became pastor of knox presbyterian church an event of unusual rattiest to the mountain folk residing on either side of the base line between the townships or nelson and nasaegeweya took plaoe on saturday afternoon when the new road way constructed by continuing the base une straight up over the mountain was formally opened for traffic by mr w u gaikitt who cut the proverbial white linbon with a pair of sliver scissors pre sented to him for this very important occasion c limehouse the delegates to the convention of the womens institute held in nasasgaweya last thursday were mrs wm oowdy mr jos mcoowan and mrs a j trmthrri from the b at lhne- tbe womens missionary society ot the presbyterian church held their regu lar meeting last thursday evening at the home of mis james ross check une mr raymond h3u of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs arthur hul master wm mills of toronto spent uut week at home studying for his junior metric mr robert storey and friend of tor onto spent saturday looking sround the old home mr and mrs wm mills and miss helen motored rroro toronto saturday night to spend the weekend with master wullsm mr and mrs oarnham and ramily with mr and mrs fred shelboume foe the weekend mrs david carnahan of acton spent the weekend with her sister mrs j r scott on the sixth line mr and mrs a hall and family of toronto for the weekend at the cot tage mr and mrs c mummery of toronto st the cabin county offers reward for the escaped prisoner cosruyimd from pag one moved by mr irving seconded by mr byera that th reeve of th several municipalities be a committee on equal isation and that council adjourn to await their report carried th committee brought in a recom mendation that th assessment be th same as last year moved by mr trying seconded by mr byera that the report of the committee be adopted carried dounell went into committee ot the whole to consider the reports ot the mf uom6h look au oanunitieer the ehalr moved bymr irving seconded by mr byera that the following accounts he paid county buildings 1 m it agriculture a 3ss 09 printing ia is ftnsnce 3 03s st hospital aorounla hmd 60 4 603 48 moved by mr wilson seconded by mr mccutcneon that a grant of aim be given to the fall fair boards or acton milton and georgetown and that a grant or t3 be given to the mould board as sociation mr hall asked why the grant recom mended had been raised mr wilson explslned the society was put to consid erable expense in connection with the fall fair mr hall thought it would be better if the society tried tor increased member ship rather than an increased grant al though said mr hall i am not op posed to a grant but i thought we did well to double it last year mr robinson i think the money is well spent it we spend thousands of dollars on county roads why cant we give 1t to our local fairs the motion carried it was moved by mr kerns seconded by mr allen that a reward of tloo be paid by the county or halton for the arrest and conviction or for information resulting in the arrest snd conviction of w m moore who broke out and escaped from halton county jail on june 6th 1038 tn the event of more than one person claiming a share in the said award it shall be apportioned in such manner as the warden of the county deems just snd in all matters of dispute his decision shall be final nn salaried official of the county shall re elegtnle for the award carried georgetown onr of our cttlseas parked his car against a telephone pole on factory street one day last week and the pole broke in the centre and hung suspended from the cable the pole has been re placed i the amount received by the town of oeorgetowm from the ltquor oontxol board as its share of the profit from the i sate of liquor sold in this municipality in 1937 was 9330 m or 94 cents more than the prevtcua yrar the coat of relief in qeorcetown has been gradually growing leas for some time and today we were informed by mayor aitrfwris mho has charge of that i drparunrnt that there is not on cm- ploable person in town now at relief the cost of relief in slay 19m was 117005 or s3g3 less than may 1937 ror the first five rlonths of 193s ending may 10th the cost of relief in george- i town has been xm 70 leas than the fire corresponding months of 1937 dr c v wullama vtoh addreased i council in regard to installation of a j j sewage system tn oe4xtown he in troduced or a t berry of tha pro- decause of the difficulty in dealing with chicken thieves it was moved by mr gordon seconded by mr oubert that the law be so amended that anyone caught with the tools tn his possession that are commonly used in stealing fowl that he be dealt with the aame u it caught with burglar tools in his posses sion carried moved by mr kerns seconded by mr davis that this council do strongly re commend the reappointment of mr prank mcnlven as jailor of halton county jail at milton and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the attorney oeneral carried moved by mr kerns seconded by mr wilson that this council make a dona tion of 15 00 to the agricultural coun cil of ontario carried moved by mr hall seconded by mr mcnlven that this be instruction to the warden and clerk to sign a bylaw for the appointment of solicitors to defend the action pending against the county of halton carried the action referred to is that in which john edward marshall is plaintiff and the municipal corporation of the county of halton is defendant bylaw kb 710 to equalise the assess ment and no 717 to engage solicitors were given three readings and passed in regard to an increase in the salary of the county engineer it was left to the road committee to bring in a re commendation at the next meeting arrangements were made for the an nual fishing trip for members of the council to take place on july 20th fol lowing a meeting of the council on the 19th council adjourned achievement 4ay-oi-the- halton juniors winner of awmrta in vrlou cotnitelliiatu pour will get trltf to penmylvsutla one hundred and twentyon halton rural young people attended th annual county livestock jqltln compeutlim and achievement day at milton on a4t- urday last the young uullea under the direction of miss betty wallace auutad by the misses floreno batu and utlu p f twontr vhlhllwl varloui w tleles including bedroom accessories dresses eto and also gar learn demon strations in the town jtall a largo and lnwtmttng udlmcewasln altondanre for the afternoon session at the same time the young men under the leadership of agricultural re presentative j whlteloes visited and judged ten classes of stock at the follow ing trafalgar township farms a stark son undsay bros perry merry val- leycrest farm and p o wlllmott jt bon the official judges for the competition were as follows oscar larrch and ttobt miller of aoorgctown j h wlllmott and claire wilson of milton mas leath- erstone pr freemen d if dunton and fred mcbrlde of nrarmton alel of i f it p atewart of orangevllle and w p watson toronto reeve kelson robinson of ikrjueslng and deputyreeve norman oubert of trafalgar accompanleu the young men throughout the day as did also mr frank fkulda or the dominion seed branch bdmonton alberta who paying a visit to his native province the winners of the trips which this year will be to the state of pennsylvania were verna kingston palermo alma marsh milton jack tawson acton and oeorge breckon bronte while space does not permit a complete enouncement of all prise winners the following are a few of the more prominent home uoonomlce ojjjt demonstra tion tesm b rivsa wilms henderson reta fisher c n b bedroom accessories team helen moaibbon alma marsh and marjory mokerr c n e clothing team charlotte wilson lsuira johnston and vema joe prise winners from acton included lillian lawrence donalda mcphall trma wuderspin florence salt mabel harris and margaret mcphall winners ot coaches spcclsls peggy marsh milton and emily young another lee cream special ourpmoufrbi8odiiuilnourmooihomtumd8ifl cream wkcial tor saturday only big sodas 215c or 10c iricks 20e ij fluuc ick crram 20e pint h wiles vacations require a special summer wardrobe ittllglf blr trf tfirtllsr attton raster guvr b m tsanwar mjl up parso hower avsnu biindav jiati lth imf fjeytlgnt auvvuig tim hot 4m tim mlnlelar nublswt tl past awl present tense of ohru- tlaiiliy 19 16 p mundsr fmhnol and mm classes ion pm rtm minister smas the palm tre bveiivbodv wstfooua now is the time to secure your summer sm tlii summer enkcmtilca featured by tip top tailors pallants clothing store vrfabitttrtmi khiijl iiiusuvsi air suv ii i bcmhos m a manas wlldw street muhuaxjuzx imiilml daylight having tims 1010 am ills nahbslh bchool 1 1 jo am tli itav j i iliirsaae ma of duffs ciiufii pusllwh 7 00 m rvrvle withdrawn nt i tile rlummrr communion july 3rd slid preperetjry menace june j sotli i lite community hrrarm in th park on ftunda june iwth al 00 pm in conerilon with magna carta waak i the hpeakrr mr w j hcrwsrt s mayor of fororit alwayb wstkoomst- mill street acton ontario see if anyone can solve this puzzle poem the mr james lynch of toronto mr joa oakea ofjrvoau w j ha sold rrutotheamc wno 4ent tslzt tz more fully mto the mauer he empha- aret t h stsed trt need of icrt tem to jreat present in ktenove their formwr o to xldmixmn i co in certain parts ot the town mr and mxa j a laird of hamilton j jamfitk the ensurement of their yoursgeat daugh- tr annie to richard oaorsa rtddall eldest son of mr and mrs osorga rid- oall th wadding to take place july 1st mr and mrs a c patterson of sti ver creak accomrsaxuad mr and lata robert pauerson of motor trip last wee io visit ratauvas at sstnsa jsflah and wsatarvtua and col- were also among the recant visitors in town i good shoes mm tfostmo amd out mx rachun aetna my vrst is in bowsllng but not grren my second in ground where the gunr s often scrn my next is in winning uilul the isst shot puu the kittle snd bowls tn s different spot my fourth in the lineup of lsdler snd others my fifth tn the children st home with their mothers my next in the cent who sets as s skip my seventh in the gime snd they ssy its pip my whole you will find to be food rc- ctvstlon bar folk whovr antved st sn elderly station vem coupon solution kmaw tvton bank of ihronto trophy for inter- townshlp competition was won toy the eaquestiiff tam of aims marsh peony marsh and helen mcotttbon junior fiibmebs judging horsea seniors addison woodiey juniors bruce held beef cattle sen tort lloyd chlsholm and arthur mokeown atunlora oconpi breckon xnlry cattle senlora john ruddell juniors howard armstrong sheep seniors res neelands jun iors wllmer davidson swine seniors lloyd chlsholm jun iors bruce held winners of trophies were as follows the donald robertson trophy hlffh scare in hetury horsc addison wood- ley milton the duncan campbell trophy high score in beef cattle lloyd chlsholm muton the baronston trophy high score in dairy cattle howard ainnstrong sill- ton the mason knitting co trophy high score in sheep ftetf vneelands hornby the the bukelock trophy high score in swine bruoo reid aeorge- town the halton seed orowcrs association trophy high boy in orsln and seeds art makcottn acton awarded at seed fair the scrthoon orchards trophy high score in pjulu and vegetables craig rdd oedigetgown t awarded at seed pair the halton cream and butter co trophy high score in cream oradlng ooorge fisher oeorge town awarded st seed pair trip to pennsylvania grand cham pionship highest aggregate score jsck lstwsou bank of ktovm scotia trophy for in tertownship competition qkiuestng township jack lawson acton wlhner ds idsod aclton bruce reld oeorge- town palermo chahenge trophy high coach oro breckon bronte the dr anderson trophy for inter- club oompetluoniarval club jack lawson acton craig reld bruce held angus mcnabb john mcnabt oeorge- loan richard mclaughlin norvat i team competition trip to pnnsyl- i vanta winntng coach oeo breckon bront members of team alton bracken jim fair brother john falrbrother cn1 shield for high novice- deave i wuson oeorgstown norval junior farmer chslleng trophy champion judge jack lswson the event was brought tt a wruyccesstul conclusion in the evening at the muton town hall where the announcement of the awards and pwsentati of troptoiest took place among those present for this ftatur wsrs rarrs victor sail of trafalgar f h ouroy of muton mr and mrs j oambla aton mr and mra oeotagnsw sfllton and jaa h wolson what is so rare as a day in june then enjoyit inv- ford v8 nature has spent months preparing the picture and now calls you to the great outofdoors wondrous beauty restful scenery and healthy atmoshere await when you drive through the country in your new ford v8 and what could be more enjoyable you sit at ease in the luxurious interiors and ride in comfort in the new ford flashy acceleration responds to the slightest desire of the driver eight cylinders give you smoothness and lack of vibration thus longer life to every part great strength is built into the chassis arid weight is no longer carried by the rear axles a large tubular housing does this shattcrless glass silent all steel bodies and the largest brakes on any low or medium priced car add to the sofety and dependability of the new ford v 8 j bo come with us learn the true story of this fastest selling car you like millions of other ford v 8 owners will be amazed at the value far above the price we will be pleswed to demonstrate norton motors your phone 69 dealer acton ont latum c asttom uv k a haxtest raster fjunday juki iwth lm ii 00 am wrashlp oervlcs tor age 1 1 00 norjn classes cuaimmea tuesdsf g00 p oi b t f tj wedriasdev s00 pmludw i vies a welcome to an unclassified small advertisements avrtlit s4t teis ass st pr wars iflslaeas sjsrss jsc per lessnloa five is ter as u tmu l w sasiilessl u csssse slmfi llssa hsvs is se boo htti0 gattjbdat 100 snd grade togs dellvrred bf farmer iiojso praick hrhahit wajftrb to but in acton s gnod house with lences must dc cheao for cash box m aotar iiunt nt arii 7 hooms ouod location beemur derorsted 113 00 a month to s tvxd tenant i kows rjcax jbtatx rob aaxc cement tile of speclsltr slsea well rue a 503 odottoe llalhlfton bin out john v bavaog prsctlcal engineer stove and furnace repairs pubrlco joint firelln lin ing saves furl and prevents asnoker chimneys all jobs carry thres iwars gusrantee bumstcb given p o boa 41 acton oood rsuccs paid par horses injured cattle etc- for tax eac with injured animals phone very iptlv it sill cost rou nojhrng as ring us f qss tsrfl rs- verslng the chsrges horses rssltrrsly never resold undrrsnr condition 40u vannattiai fox park aoentb1 if rou are ambitious active sad ultsv- rstcd in establishing rour own profitable business with sale of over 300 guaranteed household products as7t now bate snj solid plan for aert person culcfc sales steady rash i no obllfalinu ilk sending for full drsjls of of7r pamilex co s70 st clement montreal will attend seed grower aiivention smt whxhxb x w towis5sst ur seager wheejer of bosthem aasf noted seed jtrer winner of v worki wheat eluunnkahlpa is expected to attend the o of uw canadian seed orowers aasoclatloo wtuch will to jbldat th ontario iujrlcultursj collage ouelph jura 15th to nth- t w lwnlet- brnluv lasburn saaa the organisation- prssaisnt wul bead the conven- mortgage sale under and by virtue or ibt puwpr of svje conulncd tn s osrtaln mortse which will be produced at tlu tint of kale there will be offered for aaje try roy hindiejr auctioneer at public auction on monday tim 4th dat of jult 9w at the hour of one thirty oclock in the afternoon at the farm of majlhiia1x mecajo iar rockwood ontario the following property namely am and smoular chat certain parcel or truct of land and premlstta iltuate lytruj and betnc in the townahlp of din in the county of wellington and betnc compuafid of th watt hall ot lot seven in the pint ooncvwlpn of the 4d ivwnahip oontalnlnc ona bun- dml mem more or lea on the ad farm there la aald t b erected a dwrlllnff houe with sujtablw farm bulldlnci the land will 3k aold aubjact to a reaerre bid terms op sale twentyfive pr cent of the purchase motocy to be paid down at the time of th the tl to bt aecured by a mortfem- with inter- rat at four per cent per nwi pot further partlcujan and ooodutflns of mle apply to w eric sfltew art ko solicitor to tha mortcaara parliament tmrf toronto ontario dated at toronto thla tenth dar of june 19cm as