ty tr- vrtvwww mitttx4v mm loth mu i ri the acton free press ttfr in paom ttrt m anukutn khkw tbe arhwhma told the raindrops the raindrop told the trees and n the gram leavw ttthuperfj jum spread it oniha hwsas aad in the early morning the sunbeams told the dew am as the wkbm listened they quickly downward flew no one told the children jthey knew it ill toot aud eama with baskets laden a laughing joyous throne and oh i whit merry volcse oama floating tally put wi strawberries ere lovely ann remlly ripe atlastp i vr t the taaas at the prae press at monday jane 1mi jflomearlygejdenerjotjtfrealyejr- hmttof new homegrown potatoes the ordination of jtev r b jones of the baptist chorch takes place next toeaday when repnaentattvea of the sixteen ohurohea of the ouelph aasooii- tion will be present bannoekburn womens institute had wonderful success with their flratrpobuo effort their garden party on tuesday avenlnff was very subeessful absurd aaya manager john o kant of a rumor that no exhibition la bq be held this yeart fleventyflve or eight members onto shoe repairers association visited the beardmore tanners on wednesday several hours were spent in inspecting the mammoth works of messrs beard more ac go and tho acton tanning co under experienced guides they were later entertained at the uttle house property urs havlll was again elected secre tarytreasurer of haltan county wo- mena institute at the annual meet- ins at milton la to be i of tor- mtstbrookbradsraw at the northern congregational church in roaadale toronto on wednesday june 12th 1018 by rev dr day lieut john h mnrtbraok tult youngest son of john pirstbrook to wlnnatta a daughter of j d brad ahaw all of toronto slats diaby ouvbt w warrkn bondey wall fokses i am injoylng taeashen purty wall tho it has 1u draw neeks as a xample lea aed this am that she wnoddent have no son of hern coins to b b and a bsbtng the same day i aad okay doke ds that i would cut out s s than but i dlddent tho flupoae i must of reconsidered as i know i dlddent phange my mind monday a prltty fat aed she seen in the panor where xerclse means leas flesh pa sed theys a mistake summers look at that doutoel chin or youm i supose he ment aame gets lots of xerclse or some thing lty ant got mad but i dont see why she did tuesday the new kid acrost the sl oome over to ore house and sed his pa wanted to borry ore cork screw pa and unkel ben both wanted to take it over mit ma wooddent let neether of them go and give it to the kid 1 wander why pa and unkcl wanted to be so obliging 1 never seen them thutaway before theys a reesen some wheras but 1 cant rigger it out and ma wont tell mi wednesday bllslersoh mn sed to him that she are xpectlug co lor dinner and far blisters to warsh his luce good her son sed all right but what u choy dont come i and jake tlgger lliut arc plau mate are oposcd to lost mutlon and wast- d ennergy and etc or some thing thursday jake and me done sonic work for mister oulem and he give us 3 bits for same ttten we thot we would drop around to the drug store and get us a ice creenl sody jane and elsy beet us there tho and then we new they seen us working if we had a nothcr c we eould of took care of the sltcheashen by us taken pop but as we dlddent we was eustamers of the bakery friday jane envtted i and jake and blisters to oome to her house to a straw barrla fastavle we node what a straw bcrrte are but nevar heard of no feetevle thot mabby it meant to pay out man ner at orst we dlsslded not to to but whan pa sad it ment eating barrya and oake and mabby to oreem we want am tajbyid the ernlng and ate saturday are b b team ployed the north and bare cats this p m and got bast by a state of 27 to is the day tookt like a talaywr entll the empire made a cleat deatahen agenst us at noma bast than sevral very nloe ntes started and bualara socked the empire with the ball after witch we dlsslded the ooa- ahen ware a grand auocees time the approaches wen raised and a crossing maintained unfortunately for the town and the dtlosne who will occupy homes and fac- tory sites just over the track the rail way officials found acton council nap ping and one day the approaches were removed and the entrance wired up later the authorities awoke to the rights usurped and lnc4jnveneneeseatued and began to realise that this street should never have been allowed to be closed i believe some correspondence with the dominion railway board at one tune took plaee relative to reopenlng of the street this abould be enforced as acton is sure to have a considerable population in tile near future contiguous to bower avenue and north west of the tmeis to wnum the iguiu uf urn thoroughfare would be a great con lenee i cannot go back to the time when the adamses lived on this old farm which a section uf the town but i quite well remember mr johnson who was the father of mrs uttle who occupied the farm for some years until 1856 the adams house and boms were the only buildings on what is now avenue be willow street and xilb 18m mr thomas c mboreelsons father bought the four lots now occupied by james mc intosh dr nelson mrs n hurst mr john mcclure and miss ellzabettumoorc he built the house where james mcln- nyen the sunday school lesson von sunday junb the buffering 8brvaht golden text for the son of man also- came not to be ministered unto but to minister and to rive his life a ran som for- many mark 10 45 lesson text mark 15 2330 time wednesday d ftm3pjn april s aj 30 place jerusalem exposition i jesus crucified 2228 in this lesson we have the supreme manifestation of mans sinfulness and gods holiness the unfathomable depths or human depravity and the infinite heights of divine love are both disclosed at calvary the son of god he that was the- brightness or gods story and the express image of his person heb 1 3 he that was the incarnation of truth and love he in whom dwelt all the fulness of the godhead bodily col 2 0 came into this world to be a saviour of men and they crucified hun sin has made or man a moral monster the attitude of mankind as a whole toward jesus is not essentially different today t jesus were here to day and should live as he lived when he was herv and should condemn the itins of the world by his life and teach on to god and cries my god im is j conscious of personal innocence while suffering tor the sinner it was soon finished john 10 s0 and the cloud passes by and faith shines forth trlum- pfiiintjnd again he cries out with a loud voice no longer my god but father into thy hands icommrad my spirit and he gave up the ghost no man took his life away from him but he laid it down of himself john 10 18 willingly gladly for the sake of the sheep iv jesus rqcognlsed as the son of god 80 j the phenomena accompanying the crucifixion matt 27 54 and the bear ing or jesus upon the cross convinced the centurion who had in charge the ttumfljuuii mm ine cnicined oh w the son or god he saw the divinity of jesus in the hour of seeming defeat that others could not recognize in the hour of victory hisfalth was born when that of the apusuur was dying tosh live and n carpenter shop where djd when he where and mftkc nn men to including day by day i heard a voice at evening softly say bear not thy yesterday into tomorrow nor load this week with hut weeks load of sorrow uft all thy burdens as they come nor try to weight the present with the bye and bye one step and then mnother take the live day by day though the autumn leaves are withering round thy way walk in the sunshine it is all for thee push straight ahead as long as thou dread not the winter where thou mayest go but when it comes be thankful for the weak on economy the oaller bucked at the door of the suburban jrula is mr south lnr he svsfcsd yea h is replied the lady of the onward and upward look and smile and pray live day by day the path before thee doth not lead astray d the next d jt must sujybe utln the one thats close to thee onward still onward with a sunny smile till step by step shall and in mile by mile ill do my beat unto thy conscience say live day jay day why art thou bending toward the bacl ward way one summit and thou shnlt mount why stop at every round the space to count the past inlstakca if thou must still re member wutch not the ashen ol thr dying emixr kindle the hiw iut till thy feara iiuuy uvtdtty by day i riiil liiat week i would ciimmcnci my tour of bower avenue fur memories ot the puit in ihlii wetiko contribution i ear i will bf unable to k1 tar ln thl iirtirle so fur iii i cun recollect from iny owi early obaervutloiia or from purtlculu related by earlier suttlerj bower avenue wiui originally thr farm lane leading from uk- burns und farmyard of zenne adums which were the site of the pre sent storey glove co building and the realdence and grounds of mr john kcn- ney tlie adams farm house was ln the rear of the present residence of exwar den amos mason it was occupied by mr and mrs david lienderson and family before the present brick house was erect ed thlt farm lone led through where the c njl tracks now cross and 0 the held ui the rear of the farm where the cn r right of way crossed this lane ap proaches were built and the farm pro perty rights gave full access across the railway tracks the roadway over the tracks was kept up until about inlrty- flve years ago there were strongly umbered and weunoored approaches to the tracks from- both sides with gates which opened to permit crossing as the railway roadbed was raised trow time tb until well on to twenty years later that any further building was done on this street in the early days uhirr the johnsons had thr adams form there was a famous wild npberry patch in one of lh back fields it attracted numerous pickers but the johnson girb and boy a were there daily to secure a good share one day the girls went out for a days pick ing they wished to get back to prepare for a party in the evening and got per mission to take their fathers gold watch with tiiem sou to be sure of the time lo and behold during the berry pick ing the muchprised watch which mr johnson had brought from the old country with him when he came to canada was lost search where they would through the berry patch it could not be found crestfallen and alarmed the girls wended their way sorrowlully homeward kvedless to say there was no party that night tor the johnson girls next morning mr johnson headed a eearch party and after an hour or so the lost time piece was discovered and it was with a different spirit the girls hiked homeward up bower avenue from that of the evening before more anon if all is well cst attacks drunkenness chile is setting- an example to other countries in hie matter of temperance recently a law warf poised providing for compulsory temperance education in all chilean achools and a rigid jtaitation blbea for uiemvonly for the holy one the leader in church and state the demands he made then men today would kill him the one who rejects him takes essentially the some attitude towards him as those who killed him his crucifixion was a literal fulfilment of old testament prophecy tps 22 16r 3ech 1210 it was necessary for our fculvation that he not only die but die ln that precise way gal 3 10 13 john 3 m do ut 21 23 it is an act of wellnigh incredible ingratitude and base ness to deny a lord who has endured such shame and suffering ln our stead 2 peter 2 1 the heartlessness of his executioners comes out very vividly in their gambling for his garments at the foot of the cross upon which he hung ln agony but do wenot see even professed disciples of christ seeking their own petty interests st the very foot of the cross the casting of lots upon his vesture was also a very literal and exact fulfilment of prophecy ps 22 18 slav ing settled the ownership of the seam less garment they sat with apparent indifference watching the son of god suffer but this is not so strange as the indifference with which the average man gazes todaat the crucified son of god as he is presented ln song and sermon ix jesus mocked during his dying agonlesrettsa passersby soldiers luke 23 30 jew ish rulers snd even the felons crucified reside him united ln mocking at the saviour in his dying agonies and he loved them all and it was that that made their cruel mockeries so bitter an ingredient ln the cup he drank for you and me there were two felons hanging there beside the son of god but neither priest nor people nor soldiers have any train berths moving igloos to awed eskimos far from home on their way to the eucharlstll con gress at quebec three eskimos have arrived ln montreal after travelling mo than 1500 miles from chesterfield inlet the flrat part of their memorable journey wus ordinary enough just 450 miles on the ice along the shore of hud son bay hunting seals to feed the 10 doss which hnuled them when they reached churchill and boarded the canadian national train they were in a new world never having seen an engine bigger than an outboard motor they were overawed by the loco motives which grew bigger and bigger as they ncared montreal sleeping cars intrigued them too they slept in moving igloos which carried them in credibly faster than dog sleighs over tho hundreds of miles given his first taste of ice cream in the diner simon seven youngest mem ber of the party asked why is it cold you can have things hot here cant you when hot tea followed the ice ereamt the bsldmos laughed merrily at the weird loglo of the white man the eldest of the group is alphonse kellitslerk 38 who belles his name the pat one john ayaruor strong- pusher is 21 and- the father of simon rev mther l ducharme ojkxx ac companied them on the trip which began at the end of april he speaks eskimo alphonse john and simon speak neither english nor french how deep is the sea a stones throw im glad youre so impressed dear by all these explanations i have been giving you about hsnlllng and ourreaoy remarked the young husbandr yes darling it seems wonderful that anybody could know as much as you do about money without having any wu his wifes reply what can be felt but never seen swal lowed but never eaten 1 flattery sallys sal of the amount of wine and beer to be produced and said to the jjuibuc its im in the w oi ds of the pnmdcnt js the salvation of the racu atiri- the re- iikiviu tlie worker from the saloon tne new rulr i i lirlded cliunge in policy as from now on only a fixed per centage of alcohol will be reserved for rotiiunipuon the remainder being allot ted tor industrial export or nonbeverage purpotes thr production of beer lquor etc will b- similarly limited so that existing habits cannot be exceeded already grown s are destroying their vineyards and planting tablegrape varie ties in all primary secondary and special schools temperance education compulsory with a special place ln the school curriculum movie shows axe also being used for the same purpose no minor can be employed in the liquor business or served with drinks this example could well be followed by other countries for the good of the race us- towel banner why is a king like sn expensive book because he has a good title and i great many pages picobac pipc tobacco for a mill cool omokt of god the worlds bitterest hatred is visited not upon outlaws but upon christ and his disciples john 15 10 3 tim 3 12 i he saved others hlrpself he run not save it was said in mockery but they spake truer than they knew the one who would save others cannot have himself the good shepherd must lay down his life lo save the sheep john 10 11 their highest conception of the riuht use of power was suve thyself they would not have believed if he had come down from the cross iii jesus our substitute thirsaken of god 2238 jesus had been hanging on the cross three hours exposed to the goxe and ridicule of the priests soldiers and mob and now ood draws- a curtain over the scene when christ was born the glory of the lord shining upon the earth turned night into day when he died god veiled the sun and turned day into night the darkness was supernatural it could not have been occasioned by an eclipse for the passover moon was at its full it was one of the many illustra tion of the sympathy between nature and man romans 30 21 rv my ood my oodwdy hast thou forsaken me again is the prophetic picture pi 23 it realised jesus has taken the slnnerw place 3 cor 5 21 1 peter 2 a forsaken of ood micoh 3 4 there was never a man that clung to god as jesus did and never one who was so forsaken but not for his own sins is 53 6 but even in that moment- of seemingly utter desertion he j ill holds love in a cottage it out of date it hi bacon iie flat trail riders plan perfect mountain holiday the trail riders of the cana dian rockies have an unusual holiday titbit set aside for the end of july when they will make a fiveday exploratory trip through the picturesque section of the rocky mountains northeast of banff the society which was organ ised to open new trails through the mountains and give members sn unrivalled mountain bolidsr at the lowest possible cost has mode many interesting trips in the post but few with mora promise than this years from july 29 to august 2 they will ride over hhjh passes and down into deep valleys lo the shadow of 10000foot peaks they will find time for fishing or ca- studles- of he beautiful scenery or the big game which la found in such large numbers they will enjoy campflre sing songs and a bangup powwow at the end of the trip these outings have become so popular that many americana plan their holi days at banff springs hotel cha teau yjake ixulse or any of the several attractive bungalow camps every year to oinclde with the official trail 11 ke or trail hide it is a trip whih will atiracj tho novice rider as wall as the expertenecd nor cm in for the horses used are mild sure of foot and easy 1o handle kxperlenced guides cow boy aud cooks will be along to smooth the trip while arrangements are wall under way even now for the trail ridars to find a comfortable oamp and a warm meal waiting at the end of each daya ride two nights wfll be spent at one of the oampa the one nearest to the beet flahlag and most spectacular scensry interest in this years outing is keen according to j murray gib bod windsor station moat- real the secretary treasurer who said that he expects there will be msuy new members ln the party jeavlns the banff springs hotel for the start of the ride on july it photokraphs show scenes from tho rides of former years aad clearly indicate the joys of the mountain trails f muggs and skeeter thats flnr said the visitor 34at- ba i can couacc tba tqanev he owas w cra antiui amlm sbomfully yourr an optimist she said ii my husband had any money ac wouldnt bsln how sac fought sftv putton ayrea 1 fought a tough battle toget into sorlrty in boston but i finally managed it cn noter i imagine you had to keep yon chin up mrs putton ayrta no just my noser mow about snaprv jul same or plugffcao f j x xvfc sest x swell r soalt ubuj jtft li i kuow by wally bishop