Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1938, p. 8

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j ajvji mfsstm the acton prjpib press afemagc o st ladem vruttitv one day wi lets were krur awatehsd sum dotha war bin dot a mitbrown uum the pleee wner hb ulin paiohed y bubbled with jbat th htamlad boy i with hi specs of nutbrown ha wv didnt xn rjahoh with a voter to uatehf ota dual be coy or hjnehrown geek mtl mid they lauched with tlee and ha blushed rosered whll be fcaahfally said that hurt no patch thats me t tkais ago ifce inn at the hrae fwi el manasy jen hth mis with the mercury below fifty outside the churches hsd rather a chilly atmos phere on sunday unusual for a urn- mar day to the last week of june there were thirtynine candidates at the entrance examinations at acton high school twentytaw of these were tram the entrance class or acton public school the event of the week was the regis tration of clttsens under the regulations of the canada registration board 1807 persons registered in acton with the children under ifl enumerated on the cards the total number of people repre sented by the cards is about 3 300 saturday was tag day in aoton when the duke of devonshire chapter took this method of raising funds for the purchase of soldiers comforts the lady collectors gathered in 1103 47 at the ripe age of eightyfive years sarah e priest widow of the late rev william byers paued away at her home in kapsnee on the lfith of june urs byers was twice a resident of acton with her husband and family thirty- five years ago rev mr byers was minis ter of the methodist church and then after he retired they selected acton as their home bairdinqswdidxjshursf in srln at the methodist parsonage on tues day june lath 1018 by the rev j uelvln smith frederic harding lime- house to miss millie swlndlehurst trb dbs op ixowers ood might have bade the earth bring form xtaough for great or small the oak tree and the cedar tree without a flower at all we might have had enough enough for every want of ours por luxury medicine and toll and yet have had no flowers wherefore are they then wherefore made all dyed with rainbow light all fashioned with supremest grace upsprlngtrig day and night springing in valleys green and low and on the mountains high and in the silent wilderness where no man passes by slats diary olivn n warren sunday i went to 8 s this a m and remaned for the sermtnt by the preech- er and honored him bj shakclng hands when evry boddie went out at the door when i aiived home my qaitciiu aed i were a good boy but unkel heil aed he u jj tj to comfort man to whisper hope diddent see how that could be supose wheneer his faith is dun he is ajrenst rellgen monday they are same liing ronjr with the oovts uay ol putting rnleefers to work pa got 1 of them to mow our ion and told me to assist him but befour long it seamed like he were asistlnjj me verry llttel tho but he were nloe ahow- tni me how to oppcrate the ion more tuesday it looks like this vacashen out of school usent a going to be much of a suooeu it rain so puch that the weeds in the garden grow offle fast and the water in the crick are so muddle the van dont pearo to be able to see a wlrm the b b dlmend la full or mud and they other draw backs that helpa take the joy out of being a free fltlw wednesday are fambly exchecker got short of funds today and ma told pa to go to mister reddykashs bank and borry 60 i i pa sed it issent no use to try that becoa he cuddent prove that he doaaent need it thursday jane and fiusy come long and i walked dow n toards town with same i got to telling how i am gcng to have lots or pepul under me when i grow up klsy sed big contractor 1 supose but jane mint it all by this crack no he is a going to mow the crass in a grave yd so now i am think ing up a skeam to get een with her prlday we was out drlvelng in the car and pa had a hold of the wheel with rnly 1 hand and ra sod that are mighty risk 1 no it ii pi repllde beoos many a felloe has ran into a preecher thataway i wandered why but ma seamed to no judgetng by the way he ackted and also lookt saturday bllsterses pa and ma has got a new babe at bustcraes house mis ter qlllnm ast blisters are it a boy oi what and blisters repllde he supose it are a what oecosr he aeenj his ma put powder on it i am glad us boys dont halt u be powdered and smell that funnj ny our outward lire requires them not then wherefore had they birth to minister delight to man to beautify the earth for who careth for the flowers will care much more for him mary howitt my how i ve been enjoying myself at churchill especially on sunday ive known most of the folks around there as well as ive known those in acton the dennys swackhamers zmmer mans smiths snjdrrs johnstons masales and other families i cant recall at the moment were all known and rve always respected them their descend ants have been doing a mighty fine work at the hill and i never saw the church and grounds look finer than they did on sunday the care of the ceme tery was a treat to see indeed and jack nsle and nelson moon were both delighted with results which hae been secured here i imagine most of jou got a copy of the llttile booklet and the hlstorj is most complete in it so complete in fact that tt leaves no room for comment from me the churchill folks are to be congratu lated and mar and i sure enjoyed the gathering immtnscly and now w 11 take u look back for sixty five or seint ears to recollec unna of bower aenue when mr john son left the proper it was purchased b dr robert moorow who was for many years a medical pract tloner here and conducted a drug store in partner ship with his brother john in the stor- built by dr mcootmn where harold wile confectioner store is now locjted ur morrow first disponed of the part of the farm east of the railway traits ell sndr secured this property he built ix smx house and a big barn on this farm between tlatyflm and seventy years a later ha built the line two- storey brick residence known as the wal lace lionet where ur and airs oeoffe 9oper haw resided for ten yean or to at least one of the thrtnbrs of hli family were born in this horn duhng mt waluoes pmaeulon of the pioperty dr w h uaodonald mrs wallaces brother ector he was fam iliarly called died there urs wallace also patted away in this home for some time dr morrow retained the balance of the property but some alfty or sixtyfive yean ago thomas o moore bought the strip from the head of fred erick street eastward to therailwayand back to the pond this made a gore which has since been subdivided into eight or nine properties or more mr moore who was himself a builder erect ed the twostorey house now owned by the orr family as a residence for his family it was also the place where mrs thomas moore gtr passed away the mother of the mbort family of this com munity bhe came from belfast ireland in the spring of 1833 and died in this home during a visit to her son and family in november 1881 this property has since been owned by joseph anderson his brother wil liam james mcintosh and now by alex orr and his sisters dr morrow thought a lot of the pro perty he retained when he purchased it there was no pond on the property the old dam which was used bythc rolf woollen mill away back seventy- five to eighty years ago had gone out long before the doctor came to acton he built a bridge over the creek behind the born and pastured his horse and cow in the field across the creek there was splendid trout fishing in the creek through the property from the culvert to the willows which grew where the hydroelectric power house and the stephenson home now stand and on through under the bridge on main street and on to fairy lake dr morrow sel dom did any fishing himself but he dldn t like any fisherman to get in and catch too many of the speckled beauties about the time the devotee of izaak walton had gotten two or throe good ones and was baiting for another big one in a hole he knew well the doctor would happen along to see how the horse and cow wee getting along or to see if the fences were up all right hed quietly ad- ise the fisherman that he was on pri vate property and it was time tq move on but many a good trout ten to four teen inches long was secured by local anglers from the stream through the doctors fields in 1874 lets see that pretty near sixtyfive years ago lsn t it the present cam was built by william stephenson for acton plow company that flooded a large section of the doctors pasture field and he didnt like it a bit but when he had a lawyer examine the deeds he rbqu1ests guns charging that the aea was covered with japanese boats and nets capt j e shields of the american ashing fleet in alaskan waters has radioed the alaska fishermen s union in seattle requesting arms and ammunition for two american jlshlng vessels union officials an nounced the arms would be sent at the same time uj5 coastguard boats were dispatched to the bering sea to avert what is threatening to become open warfare between the us and japanese fishermen canadian fishermen have long complained of the encroachment of the japanese an canadian fishing grounds flrstbrook boys built their trout ponds up near the source of the stream where tho trout usually went up to spawn and that affected the natural increase year by year today i am told the pond is pretty well filled up with catfish bass and suckers well in the course or time dr mor row sold this property and removed to quelph and there the dear old doctor passed away if the old pond could speak it could relate same geat anecdotes the de lightful swimming in the good old sum mer time the splendid skating and shlnney matches when jack frost was busy in the winter the neardrownlngs year after year the ice harvests and so forth the port ot the adams property owned by dr morrow was sold to hon david henderson mr henderson got the old adams house the barn the farm yard the chicken pen the pond the orchard and the land down to thomas moore s line fence mr henderson made a sub division of it which proved very popular he reserved a fine site for his own splen did residence all other sites were sold and every lot has been bujlt upon and this is now one of the finest sections of the own these properties all front on held it wu found that the easements of bower avenue and willow street m the old woollen mill dam were sull in the survey one new street was allison force and dr morrow could do nothing avenue so named for his only daughter but grin and bear it when the dam was completed and th retained water began to creep up to high water mark posts the matter put on quite a serious aspect for the doctor the little twelve foot bridge was now useless a new two- mrs dr mckeague of winnipeg which runs from bower avenue to the pond between the glove factory and the vacant lot the properties on this survey ore the united church parsonage on the corner span bridge and about 100 fcrt of ap- of bower avenue and willow streets proachea with crib work retainers were knox church manse the homes o j a now necessary if ttie pasture was to be price the oamble house and charlie of any aervlcc ttte bridge and ap mason s home on wjuow street the proachea were duly built in the mean residence of mrs w j gould exwarden time the pond became well stocked with amos mason and john kcrtney then trout and fishing was better than ever the property of the canada glove works the bridge and approaches made splen which took the site of the old barn and did antagc ground for the fisherman barnjurd and part of the orchard this and was used as such with impunity fine factor was erected by w h storey this natairall annoyed the owner and ocr fifty years ago there are two he chased off the trespassers nothing vacant lots east of the glove factory but daunted the most daring of the boys these belong to that property for years would then paddle down the pond from they we e the bowling green but since uic culvert on rafts and renew this pis- acton athletic association has opened rmrlal sport between the boys on the such aplt ndld greens these lots have not bridge and in his orchard in the fall betn ued bus and not vt y aah hi canadian attlt in i s arvurdmg to the statistics of the united states bureau of k treign and domestk commerce 2ab two head or canadian cattle wtrr impo led into 1 i nited stat during 193 to the alut of tljoisooo as against 199 000 head at 7 93 000 in 1936 an inert- of s3 1 per cent in quanut and b pri ctt in value for 1937 over the prrlous year included in the cattle imports wrrr 1 000 head of antmoi weighing less than 173 pounds alued at 1 344 000 as against m000 head at 753 000 tn 1930 a gain of 43 5 per cent in quantity and 53 per cent in value dairy cows numbered t t in a m i in but the value of the 1937 conslgnmenc was 1433 000 compared with 8357 000 in 1896 an increase of 17 j per cent shipments of cattle weighing 700 lbs or over from canada to the united states in 1837 amounted to 137 000 head at 811007 000 compared with 134000 head at tfrtono in ltjm a sain of 134 par eenc tn quantity and ms per cent in value picobac pipe tobacco for a mild cool smoke the doctor had ph osant task fifty five j ears ago yta up to fort five years ago there was splendid trout fishing in this old pond cnxxlslttd flah wrre caught from the bridge from the snores all around and from boats and rafts eer spring in the month of may all ho mshrd got rout soin were expert fishermen and the got mof among the must ardent sportsmen were principal t t moore charles w hill jim and oeorge wilds h p moore c c speight john vin exit charlie cook ed mcoar tn jock mclennan morris sayers and jim burns thrre were ottiers of ciurw but lhcv ungltra could all be count d on us ad fir n throw e peclsih if it was ruining a utile or looked uk ruin in thf o ii ne i lime the pond gol i prett well tithed ut and then the eastward from here there are ten beml del ached housta fifty five years ago acton grew so rapidly that we ran out of houses to remedy the fccarclty in some degree acton building associa uon was organised with mr storey as the prtvmenl william flrstbrook of toronto was glen the contract of building these ten houses the were erected for about 1 000 each many and many a family they have housed many a wedding has taken place under their roofs moil a babe has come to bless the homes in this terrace and f om tru homes there many a dear one has been carried out to be laid at rest tn our beautiful falriew thl houses are now nearl all owned by tlie occupants and acton building vnsocuition long ago disbanded the last housi tastward on this sec lu i if dr morrow 3 property is th sub tantlal twostorey tetafc now owned by former rv 3 h harrison but erected by ur v d laiulanon who for years owned the thoa o rtsroprty ad joining these are a few of my reooueetloni of bower avenue and lm residents but therell be more if i have an oprxittunlty to pen them ft men are less prone to nenous troubles than women but muoh more prove to imaginative troubles john oowper powya i almost hutsonal i understand said a young woman to another that at your ehumh you are having small eorjtiuons is that sof tea answered th aseond tlrl so small that every time the reetor says dearly beloved yon feel as tt yon haw received a proposal what sim leabned little dora returned from her first visit to sunday sehool father what did my little daugh ter learn this aftemoonf jr little dora that lm a ehlld of satan ckfttawur not i understand srldfet that jlte met nlcht you had a poheemsn to to atfpmr and that he finished the cold mutton well maam you oant expert ma ht- tart oooldtur hot meals for any pohea- man at that time of nlfhtr iib knkw it wasnt tub a very old resident of tho town waa reported to have died ussy peopl called only to find that the oldjaan was hale and hearty be auued whan they told him ot the report aaylni i knowed it wasnt true as toon as i heard it he advertisements will get you if you dont watch out if you dont watch out advertisements will save you money- by showing you where to buy the best things at the lowest prices if you dont watch out advertise ments will protect you against inferior products if you dont watch out advertise ments will bring you the latest straightest news from many manufacturers and the live local business houses if you dont watch out advertise ments will teach you the secrets of great beauty specialists give you health hints of real value tell you interesting true stories about foods furnishings whatnot if you dont watch out advertise ments will sell you ideas give you sugges tions on how to choose wisely and spend wisely but if you do watch out for the advertise ments theyll watch out for you read the ads with profit the acton free press phone 174 acton muggs and skeeter by wally bishop

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