Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1938, p. 3

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t7 egggl thexefdyhbbwgg mas t m free ftljort tnrg vacation organist by arckts jo0celyn jpbmi rapt expression vdgar j i j bui110 the young doctor viewed vex th ahlntng new pipe arvn a he ttimj away shsjjow crossed that finely exproaalvs eoutatnane m a dream oome true for this little communlt he aald aoftly a won- tferful dream a chance to have the finest in mualo only with eueh a pipe onan w have no one who can basin to play if adequately and no immediate jwwapeepf flndln auch a one either why hv like a oolneidence lint it the mu thattklshuy arley warren turned on wfdivd cismenta u tinged with mockery out the ywnt doctor u11- d to detect if that you ahould bel hate now ulldrtd at auch a time of opportunity i mildred la one of the beat glp organ playen in the country neally young fiiatne waa eager aa he turned to mildred are you in our community for long and would you help ua our while you are here mildred ftuahed she waa fully oon- acloui of the irony and mockery in her friend word knew juet how arley waa laughing b heraeu thta mildred told haraelf aeroely waa no time for joking the young doctor who atated be waa lao tendaychool auperlntendent in thla church waa much too an to be made the butt of a jest tie waa dea- parately in earneai ohe wlahed now that they had not stopped in a the landlady where they had obtained their noonday meal in paaalng through had ted too aee the wonderful pipe mildred amlled a uttle it waa impoaetble not to anile in face of the young dootora eentaglenf we had not quit dadded where to apend our month vacation but unborn aeama like irmly apot tt la lovely assented doctor blaine and if you could play for ua for a month perhaps teach aome of our own aapwns talent wed try to make it worth your while mildred gavavo promise she did not wane to hurt thla una earnest young man her own father had been a doc tor and becauae of that ehauengtng mockery to arley eyea aha perversely decided that they would atoy in ikuburn over sunday thto waa flaburday after noon anyway wwiwnt it be a lovely opportunity for aome one whos looking for some thing to do aiked aiiey onoe the gtrb wen alone and the people would be ao apptwclattte im aure and they vmlgbt even pay you five dollara a week if you could play church hymnal fancy i that last thrust decided mildred im going to apend my month right here ahe declared and im going tu play church hymn on that fine new pipe organ and what do you think or that mlsa warren arley warrrn blue ryes rolled iwnvrn- vmrd i shall really have to no to church tomorrow just to hrmr you biw declared it will br wonderful im etu and wouldnt the audience or is it congrecituon be just lhrtllrd if thry knew mho was playing for thrm and could guess at your other aocompllsb- xnenu arley u you say a word to uiat young doctor or to anyone he la handsome lnt he it anight not be such a bad place to spend u month at that the people were appreciative oh the morrow there was no doubt of that a the strong sure note rolled from tik cogan under the deft touch of mildreds fingers mlsa clements could play any organ or piano in a way that few could equal aa a uttle child ahe had been a churchgoer and these hymn were a link with the past arley in the ensuing week ma popu lar though no one quite understood her demure one moment sparkling uw next always with veiled hints which yet told nothing u waa a new experience to her nothing more within a week she was tired of it then ahe demanded im patiently if mildred was not rcwdy to go on i cant stand this place another day she asserted and i really cant picture you here either now that the novelty ha vom off mildred emphatically replied that she bad decided to spend the ret of her month there arley after a half-amus- d halflncredulou sidelong glaave at her had calmly kissed her nngrr tips in token of farewell and presently de parted when youve had your alng she said your old sidewheeler will br waning for you with proverb open anna and well hit the gotten trail together r artay was ntoe there waa no any real sj of that at au ahe simply be longed to another world or did ahe twn daya aga auch a thought would naver have s mildreds head and aha knew ft the halfelangy argot which arley spohe aa a matter of course bad baooma fmtaniar that life which they had led together had eeemed wholly and there had bean tton hat thai wtth than onmhtoad tkj aka or etthar n akma for that mat- r lay ahead of tham oddty joraagn i her hjs oddly remote fine waa again transported hack to the daya or her young girlhood though this vacation which had been slated u a sightawing tour and for the purpose of rest was filled with crowd daya ahe waa happier than she had been in year she played the new pipe organ at all church function and played it with that true artistry which but few attain hour each day ahe apent in teaching some of the inyatarlea ott to eager itudents the other hour were all dual ly ailed ohe waa actually teaching a rlaaa in sundayschool while ahe remain ed in muburn the people were always hospitable in all community affair also she had gone wfih young doctor maine on hi round two or three tlmea and that waa oddly faaclnatlng lent ago ahe had gone with tier father on hi round the daya slipped by a latter came from arley who was goto on her gay inconsequent wy wondering plaintively low long mildred waa going to stay to muburn other occasional event set her thinking of that larger or so it seemed field which she had left behind one of these reminders came when doctor dlalne one of a committee of three came to aee her we understand that youre looking for an opening aa aoon a your vacation l pver aald the committee and we have been wondering if you would con- alder remaining right here wtth ua you fit into our church and co so perfectly mlsa clement if you wul stay you may have the regular tob of organist at tan dollara a week and aa a teacher of mualo you can do quite wall wa realise of course that there might be larger opporcunluea in earning else where mildred did not give any answer at that tune somehow it had been almost aa 11 arley face waa looking over her shoulder and ahe had almost felt in clined to laugh at the offer opportuni ties elsewhere to earn more these people had not even anspaoted the posalbluuea which lay before her in comparison with that which they offered mildred knew the offer which they made was sincere ten dollars a weak as organist waa a lot for them to raise other opportunities were here aside from the money the call of the world that she had known was pervermly stronger now that the time for decision had come a few week ago she would not cten have con sidered such an oiler a had been made her here she would not have felt the need for a decision with thla reel- j tng came one almost of impatience as he thought of young doctor blaine she believed it took no greatly dlaccrn- j ing eye to see that he potentially was great man he had the eduction the flttll to work in any or the greatest clinics i of hit b rater elites he could scpdauar i rather than follow a cvnersk poorly paid i rue tire he wu well loved hrc it was rut but that was about the extent of it mtutt o liia latleuu were pour his hours were innti he might upend a life time ui ull here put he would be a poor man always on the other hand in the i city wtth 11 grculrr opportunities be could easily snuus a fortune with his i skill another reminder of the uutslde world came a long legallooking envelope wtth a name in the comer which carried mildred back caused her to cstch hvr breath that name meant something this letter was sent now because arley had been saying a good word for her i the offer meant an opportunity to go i on with that for which ahe had prepared j or whtch aa the letter conceded she wa udmirwbly fitted with her playing her gay improvisations and her singing a short period of special programs in which she was to take a minor part and then if he made good special broadcasting the i4iary which waa offered made mildred j catch her breath a contract wa en closed for her to sign and return tte memory of the other offer to stay ui muburn and play a pipe organ rather j than a grand ntono returned to her ten dollars a week or hundreds i just then young doctor baline was calling up want to go out with me be asked i warn you it may be a long hard grind the jenkins boy u fast ap- j proarhlng the crisis no telling what may happen i tu be right down agreed mildred and slipped on her coat for a little while longer at least aha could crowd thla problem into the background the envelope with it offer and contract ahe lipped back into her pocket ahe might talk it orer with doctor blaine the drive was a silent on it waa a ooaen mllea out into the country over poor road both eeemed occupied with thebr own thought something ahnoat like panic assailed mildred at the thought that ahe might never make auch a drive ea this again when they came to the jenkins place a poof log bouse where abect pownty reigned the afternoon wa drawing to a close within r the house was more need for an even the doctor had auapacv acr jenkins w deftly after one gtanee at hv regular pauant utu tad jenkins eick nor for nearly a weak the young doctors face had grown white but the mother had required emergency ear mildred had assisted him as well as possible with mrs jenkins cared for the young doctor turned to her the crisis came sooner than i kprcu ed it in teds case he aald its here how and instead of be tug- a good a x hoped its fully aa bad a i leered ive got to operate and at onoe ita the only chance or saving his life doctor nialne glanced around atnuoua- ly outside 11 was dusky inside it was getting dark do you think that you can help me he asked i must have an aaalatant and theres no one else i can do it replied mlfdred steadi ly lly father waa a doctor j oet a lamp please and lint water no lamp could be found to the home the only one which the jenkins owned had beenbraluilwhen mr jenkins carrymg it into th cej fallen mildred unearthed one abort candle that it proved wa all that waa avail able the young doctor glanced at it and hi race set grimly well hve to make it do lie dertar ed youll have to hold it in order to give me light where i moab need it there not a minute to spare now in that barren room with only a can dle for light a alrange even an awe some tableau was enacted a the young doctor prepared to operate nerving- her self to the task mildred held the candle steadily watching the sure deft anger rhe realised aa never before tfrhat a great surgeon he might be to a big city some how though she knew ahe ahould not interrupt ahe voiced the thought you could do ao much win so much fame the young doctor amlled faintly hu aure finger did not falter seemed de tached from hi voice what to for tune he asked compared to aervlce ir i aave thla one life fn all my daya give this little boy a chance at life a we have had our chance what else mat ters and who knows he may be an other bdlson or uncotn or john wesley in savtost him i may aave for the world the gentue of the agea mildred eyea grew misty in sudden dismay aha noted that the candle was growing short wa almost at the end doctor bume saw it too it wont but he aald noaraely i need it only a little longerjust aacond will tell the tale but z muar have good light now to her atpprtoe mildred heard her steady reply tjont worry holding the candle with one hand ahe reached with the other into her coat pocket withdrew the big envelope the letter to two sheets ahe rolled deftly into two taper the envelope made a third and the contract a fourth a the candle came to ha end ahe ignited one of the sheet it burned briefly but it light waa good then ahe took the other and neat the envelope those precious second ifere paaalng but the doctor waa completing the grave part or hi work the contract itself made a brier but bruuant light ill find something else right away it doesnt matter now weve won the crisis 1 past yea agreed mildred ira past and i oh i juat wanted to tell you im ac cepting aa organist rm staying on to serve arttty kxkbtw advfu ihtdusiuani and duvku just like humans mlsa olowwarm i linte you i i never want to see your face again i mr qlowworm all right yon glow your wsy and ill glow mine haw death and injur may da greatly sudaeed filk prominent safety official out standing in their effort to bring about a reduction of traffic deaths and in juria were interviewed in toronto over the weekend in connection with the highway safety campaign being conduct ed by the ontario department of high ways j p vniekeu registrar of motor vehicles for the province commenting op the statements made by these officials waa warm in hu praise for the work these men and their organisation have dona in promotjpg safety on the high way and aald their atatemant and opinion on what motorist and pedes trians- can do as individuals in reducing accidents and fsujitte may be taken a authoritative and sound for their know ledge 1 based on many years of active and expert study of the problem of highway fety w a itoberuon general manager ontario motor iague lea haste on the part of drivers and leas heedlessness on the part of pedestrians would greatly reduce the prevailing traffic accident toll mntorlsui bicyclist and pedestrian alike must realise that the way to eacape from traffic accidents ilea in alertness and the proper spirit of give and take with considerable more give than take- between all classes of road uaara to gether with exercise by all of that aound common sense nccouary to safety on the streets and hlghwaya only by constant vigilance on the part of each individual whether driving or walking can traffic l accident be avoided inbpboton edwaju o dunn traffic division toronto police depart- j ment ontario and toronto accident records reveal that about so per cent of the cause of accident may be attribut ed to- careleaaneas and neglect on the part or motorists and the thoughtless actions of pedestrian motorist may extend the required cooperation to re ducing ocldent by obeying traffic signals by keeping in the proper bane of traffic and driving eiall time at a speed that 1 safe having due regard to trafflo and weather condition they should extend every possible courtesy to pedestrians especially elderly people and children and particularly those crossing at street intersections pedestrian can cooperate by crossing at street intersection and where there are traffic ilgna croaa with the green light only they ahould refrain from jaywalking and croaxlng tntersectloni diagonally and ahould never atop otu from behind a parked car without first making aure that the way la clear a s lewis provincial secretary oar- age operators association of ontario to reduce motor vehicle accident motorist should have their brakes steer ing mechanism llghta and tire impact ed periodically ir adjustment consis tent with safety are required they ahould be made at once motorist can defin itely aid in reducing accident by havtng such inspection work done periodically by a reliable garage tvneitrlan should realise that a motor car travelling at only 20 miles an injur 1 still covering 30 feet per second about six times as much dbttance a the person who u walking ability to judge distance and speed is something every pedestrian can develop and whn valklng near motor vehicle traffic make due allowance for speed and distance ii o keflter qcneral manager on tario safety league most traffic ao- cldnt are caused by momentary inat tention or impatience on the pan of motorist ind pedestrians in tho case of the former it may be due to day dreaming hackseat driving alcohol business or family worries the remedy forsuoh conditions can only be found in the field or systematic safety education beginning in the early school years and carried on to maturity this must be supplemented by vigorous and impartial enforcement or raffle laws ii n morley general manager in- dustrlal accident prevention asancln ions for street and highway safety there are three rulrs the first is look the aroniid 1 look and the thlrr is look and thot rule may bit applied with equal force to hutotrln cyclist motorist nnd the drivers of horso drawn vehicles the requisite for a good aocldent- prfl ven tldii campaign ao fnr a hlghwaya are concerned must include good auto mobile that are maintained in proper mechanical condition next u an ade quate policing t all hlghwaya coupled with an effort to check minor infractions ao that major infractions may be reduced ileyond this a constant campaign or education l desirable and that should include all or the twhoota oouplcd with education in the mechanism of a motor car and elm principle of safe driving in the higher grade of our school warrrn heatings editor canadian motorist over 30 year ago the fallters if the ontario motor league in their wisdom wrote into it charter that reasonable regard for ttte right or other wiiit id preclude dlscourteou un sporting antlanclul behavior at the wheel which include all but a fraction of tlie manifold forms of reckless and otherwise dangerous driving it would preclude too jaywalking and other prac tice of pedestrian that are menace to themselves and others therefore real- utlc attempt to curtail traffic casualties will include provision designed to dis courage urn dangerous lleafalre practice of iedetiian because we are all either sporadically or habitually unreasonable mr average oood oltlsen cause go per cent of the trafflo accident it 1 apparent then that all of ua must be more prudent in our behaviour on the street and hlgh waya if tlie lamentable toll of trafflo 1 to be coiuildrrably reduced as a as a summer rrcizc nonk overlookkd the children had been photographed and the teacher waa trying to persuade them to buy copies must think how nice it will be to look at the photograph when you ye all grown up ahe said and aay theres rosle shes married or that billy hes a sailor and thats teacher shes dead aald a small voice here are the thrift plan details the ilydre cements slen will makft an allew- anee af fit an every to- atalallan to be epelled en installs urn of the eervtea or the east ef the range a hmsll hewa raymanl will instal a bang with the balane arranged en kasy terms and payable an the ilydre aeeeant hpeelal ceneauletis only during bangs campaign enjoy an electric low ciiooflran electric range tak cteanlincu theres no flume no aont no fumee pou and pan tuy ililnv new wall ceiling and curtiilnn keep freah and immaculate clinnae an electric range hoaaam ita oool dooant rnlia kitchen tempeniturca even on the hottest day cooks the food not you cooom on elsctria range becauae women themselves luivo proved ft is fastroooking and thriftier be cause it ends drudgery because it makes every meal a success a triumph of taiu and chaim your ruu ettdrie ranpt now its so easy to buy on the iivdiio thrift plan read the details now hymon hardware tautots hardware reiivs electric enjoy hydro t 6 e i o n j s to you for bigger business- advertise tfa aaal home grown rota toes 5rl9c tomatoes 2 imported j a lbs for llfc bananas 3 gulden yellow lbs for uc lettuce 2lccb har iceberg d heads large size for 9c oranges 17c delicious flavor nice size sweet dozen bar lag tt i swiftly lemon nice sin full of juke special per dozen 23c cabbage hard head home grown large each 5c grapefruit 5 nice size delicious ja special if c carrolls fresh dandee yes libs our dane t yosll b id wild jey ovti out dandee cod perfect bund si perfect pict hmtst found sck pound pscltwdtn tpsclal molftwipfoof ti pitin swtsl constat tea biscuits lsufi ptpesnsui patties canotlt pw baking powder silw sim pastry flour wb b crlip kllotll wilt modl ot limf cornflakes 3 mb bag pounds 16 01 tl 25c 19c 17c 51c 2 3c plltad su dates a- i0e ntui st ckwln oflmtloii cwptd milk 16 oi tl 8c jmimi in cms mix mclsfeet plstleetestofaal olives corn itoi tin ceunttv kilt corn 2 itoi tim csrroir dfd tea 1 iv ptvt bii cur peas 3 17 oi tu 10c 19c 41c 25c lnchlns wax beans 3 n t ti 25c llbfcri pork beans 2 ii oi tin 15 sllxt kioto toawlo juice 2 tu 15 hi corned beef hn tl 12c aylm ckoic tomatoes 2 4hoi tl 11c bfirntwlcb c sardines 2 t 9c cllll coolaa spaghetti j4oi tl 15c stwtl1 otanf marmalade 2 3ftos jsn 37c jtml vtul shortening 2 1lb 25c for ssndwicftt mcltitnt 9 msclersni peanut butter 23c victory soml mio pickles s7oi j 23c oevet lesf secisv sal7mon hlk tl 17c de lesf fsecy pine w salmon 1lb tl 11c uootmii maluo xheese hn pms 14c fo ookk so ch ip so pio 9e 19 ufoo br sciooo sun lux soap aw 6c coradt oo cleanser 8 iw 9e h o psoo ammonia 5c oxydol potioo 9e jte moo doliflm soap 4 coio 16c soro lho matches 3 19e toilet paper 4 13c bull street stobb closed wednesday aintcbnoons free delivery pbonb ii

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