Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1938, p. 6

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ftwwifamk xiatw kwaddtoc turn fawtajr jra a ahop window oo hplay i sttaftjad to aa what frutu pride u butr gw hta dummy bridal i heard bird in their laafy perch as i wabud down the aua in ehuwh and 5suilr by the altar rail i taw my john ttulte mm and pale lvi then knaellngrdawn slow by hit elda fx x heard him aay my lovely bridal peruana the thraogavho hurried by thought me aome ilmple tool a i jltood there and wove my foollah dream around a bit of liioe and eream yet eared not i what people thought flush pleaiure had my dreaming broughtl ureula maomiuan menu hints saelpea for new and novel dkhee nauseheld ideaa and safffeallena bmhh j ginger farmj wrlitan speeuily for tit aden pree press gwendoline p clarke by betty barclay pies bmdbb can bake 4 good dinner turneth away wrath as every woman knows when the man of the house seems out of aorta unappetis ing meat is better than a soft answer in restoring domestic harmony and tempting dessert is the most effective strategy of all there no need of net ting your temper on ragged edge by slav ing overtime in the hot kitchen hero sire short out recipes for luscious fruit oream pies that will work like magic as oompllnvnt winners these fuungs made with sweetened condensed m41k need rift cooking at all even the bride who can scarcely boll water can make tbem to perfection if she uses this magic milk because these recipes are guaran teed failure proof tjse a crumb crust that needs no baking and your pie triumph will be ready to chill m the refrigerator in leas than ten minutes uaoxo peach meringue pie lft cups 1 can sweetened condensed milk 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 eggs separated 1 cup sliced peaches 3 tablespoons granulated sugar chocolate wafer pie crust blend together sweetened condensed milk lemon juice and egg yolks fold in siloed peaches pour into olnoh pie plate lined with chocolate wafer pie omit cover with meringue mode by beating egg whites until stiff and adding sugar bake in moderate oven 380 degrees p 10 minutes or until brown chill before serving ghoootlate wator pzb crust roll enough chocolate wafers to moke 14 cup of crumbs cut enough chocolate wafers into halves to stand around edge of pie plate cover bottom of plate with crumbs and fill in paces between wafers pour in filling a usual uaoxc raspborry cream pie xvs cups l can sweetened condensed milk k cup lemon juice 1 oupraspberrles h cup whipping cream 3 tablespoons confectioners 4x sugar baked pie shell or crumb crust blond sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice stir until mixture thickens foldjn raspberries pour into pie plate blnch lined with baked pie shell or crumb crust cover with whipped cream sweetened with confectioners sugar cb111 before serving black nurpberrles may be used if anyone should want a real whiff of sweet country air he or she should come to ofn ra just now the ah around here is more heavily laden with perfume than is usually the case and when the doors are open it permeates the house from attic to cellar right by the front entrance my sweet scented honeysuckle is shedding its fragrance while garden heliotrope is blooming in most of the borders immediately in from -of- the house alfalfa stands in full bloom while on the west side of the house there is a field of red clover some of it standing and some cut and colled and i dont need to tell you just how grand a field of new mown clover hay smell and to enjoy all this fragrance i am sitting on the front step there are supper dishes waiting to be done but here i am and here i stay fondly hop ing that by the time the mosquitoes drive me in the house will have cooled off a little here comes an aeroplane now i w6ndcr is that fellow cool up there among the clouds here he comes and now he is gone i this step is getting hard i think 1 shall have to go in and get a chair there that better do you know i had on awful shock a little while ago par want of something better to do i weighed myself at the barn and then i looked and i gasepd and i immediately went in search of partner what wrong with your scales i demanded wrong nothing is wrong answered partner but there must be i cant weigh all that i insisted all what asked partner one hundred and fortyfive i said excitedly and that after people tell ing me that im getting thinner partner just laughed but he did offer to go back to the barn with me and i weigh me himself so i stepped on the i scales once more and in a minute part- ner announced one hundred and thirty- five i looked down and saw everything was set just as it was when i weighed myself but as partner soon explained i hod been reading the wrong side of the marker i but that isnt as bad as what i saw in baton rest room a really fat woman stepped on to the weighing machine she wore a heavy coat it was in winter time she looked frownlngly at the indicator then she took off her coat bang it orer her am and stepped on the scales again this time she sighed audibly frowned even more and anally walked bummer salad combinations oranges add a refreshing juicy ele ment to summer salads they bring out the flavor of other fruits and give their own delicious flavor element summer orange fruit combination 4 or orange segments 3 or 4 peach slices 3 or 4 pear slices 4 or 6 berried grapes or cherries orange banana split on a bunaim cut lengthwise place 4 or 6 orange slices centre each slice with a large annulled strawberry a cherry or halved walnut meat ten great nayings orenvllle klelser wellknown author gives these as ten great sayings by am ericans 1 labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire con science george washington 3 as for me give me liberty or give me death patrick henry 3 eirly ui bed and early u rise make a man healthy wealthy and wise ben jamin franklin 4 sir x would rather be right than be president henry clay liberty and union now and lorrvur one and inseparable daniel webster 6 that government of the people by the people for the people shall not perish from the estfttl abraham lin coln t an inexhaustible good nature is one of the moat precious gifts of heaven washington irving i put not your trust in money but put your money in trust oliver wendell holme wherever souls are being tried and ripened in whatever eommonplam and homely ways there ood is hewtn out the pillars of hta temple phillips off in disgust you know i find it awfully hard to think straight and write intelligently it is so frightfully hot this afternoon i was out to on loj3 e meeting i almost wilted before i got there it seemed to me that any for mality might be excused in such swelter ing heav so i shed my hat and gloves in the car and ventured forth without them when i stepped inside the house i found i i was the only one who had taken such i nn unheard of liberty every lost woman i was correctly attired- i suppose i should have felt like a nickel but i was really 1 too hot to core there were about sixty at the meeting including visitors the guest speaker was a free lance writer and author elsie boll gardner everyone i think thought her address very interesting and amus- i lug and of course her journalistic ex periences were particularly interesting to i me mrs gardner lives in burlington and 1 although she does quite a lot of writing according to what she told us tiv does not keep any hired help she bus one married daugter and ut home there is a teen age boy mrs gardner writes or 1 types from two until six and from eight i until eleven- thirty but and what a world of difference that but can make to a woman who wants to write she has her mother living with her who help considerably in keffplnhe family fed ln problem and looked after i even so mrs gardner must be a busy woman but as site said if any person wuut to write it is no good putting it off and putting it off until there is more j time i know that to be true in- my j own small way if i waited until i had tune i ahuukl never write at all and hunk what the world would mlssl dominion govksunntn p attacks noubwa pfttobkbm of barllngtmi experiment dmegnlsed and pot tnte praauee demfftlonwme by new legtj- lauen the t dominion government has brought down a threeway housing scheme designed as a frontal attack on the housing tiuestlon in this country it is a well recognised fact thotjhc con struction trades are lagging far behind the general business recovery which is taking place across canada recognizing the fact that thepractloe of keeping the building trades on relief must be stopped and that government assistance to this industry la necessary a full range pro gram hasbeen brought down to stimulate private building of homes and to assist the building of low rental homes by municipalities in introducing this housing legislation recently the minister of finance gave credit to mr hughes cleaver mp our federal member for sponsoring the scheme which is based on the burling ton experiment the town of burling ton in 1030 made arrangements to try an experiment in regard to assistance to home building which has turned out to be extremely successful and it is as a result of this experiment that the provi sion of part three of the housing act are now to be put into effect throughout canada the town of burlington like many other municipalities became the owner of many vacant lots through tax vale proceedings these lots were not bringing in any revenue through taxation and while held by the corporation were depressing the general real estate values in the town it was finally decided that the quickest and best way to dean up the problem would be to offer to give away these lots at a nominal considera tion to anyone who would covenant to build a house within a year before put ting the scheme into effect care was taken in regard to building restrictions so as to ensure fthat the houses that would be built would reasonably conform in value to the surrounding houses al- ready built during the six years from 1030 to 1036 there were only four new houses built in burlington last year as a result of the new experiment of selling tax sale lota for 2s and iso burlington hadjthe largest building boom in its history nineteen new homes were built at a total cost of just over 00000 giving employment to the building trades and supplying the municipality with ad ditional revenue through the taxes which would be collected on the new homes under the new legislation the govern ment is to pay all the first years cox excepting the tax on the land and one- half of the second years tax and one- quarter of the tahlrd years tax as to all houses costing 4000 or less this ap plies to new houses built between june 1st lose and december 31st 1040 the house must be built for a person for his own occupation and the municipality must cooperate by making lota available at a price not exceeding s0 though the benefits of the act ore not confined to lota owned by the municipality the housing act is also amended by reducing the amount of the down pay ment to be paid by ithe owner to 10 in respect to houses costing under 2500 and is further amended by increasing the governmental guarantee to 25 and by the government paying part of the cost of arranging the loon in municipalities where loans have not been available in the past this should have the effect of making building loans available in prac tically every municipality in canada the low rental project will probably not be effective in other than the larger centres bujt this feature of the act which makes funds available to municipalities and to local housing societies at 2 and 1 rr should be of material assist ance in supplying low rental houses which will relieve the overcrowded living conditions which exist in many of our cities provision is made restricting the arnouht of private returns to 5 and restricting the rental to be charged to on amount which the tenant can pay this is the first attempt of its kind in canada and the results will be watched with in terest if the new housing act prove to be as successful in other municipalities as it has been in burlington it should bring about a decided improvement in employ ment mayor harris and the town council are to be commended for giving leadership in connection with the hous- burllngtbn gazette owcplumn items el partlettlar interest to wetueti in which women header el the fm press may disease each week a morning glory for each day of the week thursday june 30th poverty may test friendship but jt never destroys it friday july lit youth should not forget to be young but it should at least keep its eyes open saturday july 2nd who undertakes to deceive the devil will deoaiyfionly himself sunday july 3rd bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of christ gal fl a monday july 4th wealth may erirlchamarn but it con- not ennoble him tuesday july sth a irood name is commoner than greut riches and better wednesday july 6th meditation an divine things is good but it must be accompanied by holy liv ing nurse blkram home hints when bread is baking a small dish of water set in oven will keep crust from getting too hard when making jam rub the bottom of the pan with butter this prevents burning and keeps the jelly clear a teaspoon of corn starch added to each cup of salt will keep salt free run ning in damp weather also a few ker nels of rice in shaker is handy did you know one celebrated doctor says that most intestinal and alimentary aliments are the result of anxieties and fears he says also that the basis of most nervous troubles is fatigue this if true is worth knowing nicely rebuked say niggah cant you all play honestt ah knows what cards ah done dealt you write plenty what did the premier have to say asked the editor of the parliamentary reporter nothing very woll only write half a column abotint a- little holdout uncle 111 give you a penny if youll top crying small nephew yeahrbufc irve cried a nickels worth already sucii modesty you shouldnt be so vain emily you are alwayjrloaklng into the mirror im not vain mamma i dont think im half as goodlooking as i really am a poor testimonial xx cried the landlady in a flut ter tvc seen a large mouse in the pantry what shall i do boarder shut the door and let it starve to death not all loss i sells you dot coat at a grana sacri fice said the tailor but you say that of all your goods replied the prospective cusilve customer how do you make a living mine frlent i make a small profit on the paper and string a bold fellow lady of the house these trousers may be useful to you all they need is a little mending tramp ok mum ill call back in arfanhour destroy these noxious weeds sow thistles bind weed bladder campion canada thistle wild caitot dodder chicory tumbling mustard hemp oxeyo daisy blue weed hawk weeds common milkweed wild lettuces common burdock docks cinq lief oil bt johns wort wild mustards pepper orasses stinkweed white cockle common ragweed poison ivy russian thistle spurges arkansas bedstraw tde weed control act states clause 4 every occupant of land or if the land is unoccupied the owner shall destroy all weeds designated noxious by the regulations an often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds otausl 22 any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this act or refuses or neglects to obey any lawful order of an inspector given under authority of this act shall incur a penalty of not less than 1000 nor more than 5000 for every such offence weeds have no place in a progressive municipality do your share tt prevent their spread municipality of esquesing weed inspector cecil chlsholm r r no 3 milton sallys sallies weekly gardengraph written by dean hallway for central pref cinadian vmulrtt- m0 cofthicmt tin mc ler iymqicatt leu there are two kinds of fishermen those who fish for sport and those who catch something hints on fashions by lis beth he iiadnt iieako the 10 america u another name for op- pctunityafcb waldo taerson why is hens more clew than sunday and what change in the weather it wouldnt be any hardship to sit by a small are today we thought perhaps daughter might be notnc today but she didnt appear qon is f quite jubuant because school is over although he says he wouldnt mind going to school all the year round it it were not for the bomewortc however i dont think he suiters from studying too much i if he pasees his examinations it will be a big surprise to me what a problem chil dren are daughter worried for too much over achool work and son dosant worry enough if only we nod one child who could struts the happy medium what a blesmng it would be by the way do you nails the year it half tone i can hardly toailev n lent it aad that tune to so very sbort you dont mean to say this first youve heard it yes why its the talk of the nelghbor- liood maybe but my wifes been away for vilt to her mother attractive celanese cape wins popularity on bcch a hard jolt algy what did your mother say when you tbid her i was sorry for having made a fool of myself at your party lucy oh she said she noticed noth ing unusual tub dirrutence my wife is the proud owner of a new modernistic home a why youre the owner just as much as aha is arent yout yes but im not proud of it if it were the other way roundr we shall have to hurry we people who have pawaad forty because there art still so many trunea to do dont you thlnkr apple borer if you have a favorite apple tree watch it carefully for signs of the prawnce of apple bortrs shallow lrrcffuiar mines or burrows just under the bark of the trunk or main branches indicate the presence of this fiatheaded pest the burrows are usually on the sunny side of the tree but may encircle it grubs found in the burrows during the winter and early spring are about one and onefourth inches in length j this gardengraph shows what this grub looks like it is yellowish in color with j a broad flat enlargement f a body seg- ment just ui back of the head once a tree is infected the only remedy tr to remove the grubs by digging with a sharp pointed knife this should be done in late summer or early fall when cutting out the borers care should be token to cut with the grain of the wood tnd not against it to protect young apple trees a board can be placed so it will shade the south side of the trees for the first two or three years wounds caused by the cut ting out of the gruba should be covered with a good wound dressing as soon as the blooms or the lilacs have faded they should ba removed as they ore unsightly and if allowed to go to seed next years flowers will not be so one nor so plentiful orchard trees are definitely benefitted by keeping their root areas covered the year around with a thick mulch of old hay or other vegetable utter this con serves motature and provldea food as 1t rote away at the bottom more and more capes are becoming an essential part ol the bathing en semble besides adding to the smart nena of ihc beach outfit capes are the answer for the blrl who doesnt get along too well with the sun the cape pictured here is cennnese rayon moire in green and white an attractive color combination it ib worn by mr a jeanne nacevoy on the sands at allaire beach spring uute nj style whimsies theae irt the new hose shades that you act- other women wearing maybe und wish you knew what to ask for when you go to buy sad lance- a beige with a rose cost harmonizes with muted colors und evening ahades amberose bright amber good with blues white and bright prints cedar lively sun tan for white pastels sports j well as town navy and black bisquctte a pale neutral beige lor mustards blues neutrals and black joyful cottons is a gay ad of one new york store to denote the delightful character and popularity of cotton dresses for warm weather attractive black crystal bottles of fragrant bath oil to match the perfume she wears are suggested for shower pre sents for the bride they would be ap preciated too by the goingsways a drop of your favorite bath oil on a heated electric light bulb in the living room will scent the room faintly and delightfully the polka dot silk girdle wiok match ing bras to another- summer favorite wait to black grapewlne to going to be one of the most popular ahadta for woollen sportswear and campus olothsa dr wm g cullen i m c c physician and burgee office hours 14 and 70 pm sundays by appointment jjsflibur street just north of mill sereet tfetophone 128 businebb directory hk0ioai dr j a mcniveft phjileun and bwfam office and ksaldanm corner bowar avenue and b1in street dr e j nelson fhyaletan and bnraaoa electro therapy pbona h a f leatherland b a barrtoter solicitor notary pamie acton icatatej speedily wound up court work attended to promptly office 22 phone realdenea 1b1 successor to h n farmer kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor netary paella offices acton georgetown over t seynucks cnfe main street o for appointment phone actbn 65 or georgetown bfl office hours acton tuesday and thursday 116 p m to 490 p m even ings on request dental a j buchanan d d s dental surgeon office in irishman block hours 0 a m until 8 p m venlngl by appointment oas for extractions xray dosed wednesday afternoon phone 111 p w pearen dd s l d s dental surgeon off ice in the symon block phone 30 mill flreet acton rockwood office open every thursday afternoon and evening vktcunakt b d young vs bvsc veterinary snrgaea office brookvllle ontario phone ubton imrt f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary bar office and residence knox avenue actbn phone 130 general insurance we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glaae boiler fidelity bonds form insurance annuities and all general lines of insurance auso ocean steamship tickets leading companies excellent facilities f l wright offloe cooper block office 05 phones beald 11j time tables nadian nationalfiailways at acton going east daily except sunday fl04 ajn dally except sunday 054 ajn daily except sunday 636 pjn sunday only 810 pjn flyer for east flag stop in geor at 9 49 pm going west dally except sunday 848 ajn dally except sunday 340 pjn dally except sunday 707 pjn sunday only flatf 1133 pjn standard time gray coach lines coaches leavk acton standard tbwe eastbound la twrento a 8a1 ajn j53 pjn 841 am 567 pjn 1136 ajn tsa pjn 301 pjn a except sundays wutbound te stlteswner x oju ajn 618 pjn 1333 pan hot pjn x 206 pjn dlcaj pjn ab23 pjn ellm pjn x through to nvm a dally except sun and bntj- through to stratford d dally m bat sun and hot fct 01111 hot

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