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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1938, p. 2

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fmwmww tine acton free press fv tntmuuv jtrmf 14th 1us sip acton wttt irpfih fnblulwd bwty tbrur at astea oeurla bubsouption oajud sum jm new aimraaim i nt la majussua a8 cakcel1ati0nsw bad that jhfijistjss ssssfraytk sujrsrvasss staobaerilmr wishm la ssrvle coptlaoed advertising batesoa ppllcatioa and tt glvea la various coiifnb beadlaca- i iushr not exceed och poos tht entlr cst ol luch dvrtiimem the jsp b tn noted error bee to the whole pc occupied by neb advertisement o arlof dills editor telephones- editorial end dmlneti office rtldnc edporjal to w soltllft wehmr greet deal thoep day about the neces sity of lifting the tax burden but net so often a workable solution the following advanced by the midland free press has a great deal to commend it for ourselves we believe that rtie government would make much better progress towards putting the dormant building industry to work if it would lift a portion of the real estate tax burden if the dominion would assume responsibility for relief and the provinces would pay the complete cost of high school education social and health services from ten to fifteen mils could be removed from the tax rate of most municipalities and it would again be profitable to build and own houses then private enterprise would put its own money into construction and we should see a boom such as we have not ex perienced for many years the abolition of the sales tax on building materials will be a great help to industry would that it was possible to drop it all along the line bat tt mast be garnered crop reports from western canada are indeed more encouraging this year and all hope that expec tations are realized a trip in any part of this sec tion also gives promise of s splendid yield hay was good and was gathered in most cases under ideal conditions grain crops are looking splendid and re in some coses ready to bt harvested we do complain a good deal about the weather and things beyond our control but a trip through the country these days should bring a smile to any face and we do note the one on the faces of neigh boring farmers is contagious with bountiful crops conditions are bound to improve but the crops need to be harvested surely there are places for workers on the farms who have failed to find em ployment elsewhere those who would eat must work and the time to work is now leaders last week saw quite n furore in ottawa when n new head was chosen fpr the conservative pnrty we say furore in ottawa because we wonder just how far out of ottawa the affair did create a furore or for trmt matter anything else that may transpire in ottawa it would appenr to many that in the choice of a leader be it either conservative or liberal or any of the other newer brands that chief interest lies in the ability to lead the party to victory it matters not so much whether leadership is given in affairs of importance to the dominion not half so much as getting or retaining the party in power perhaps this task is so heavy that it encroaches or overrides the duties of state at any rate the needs of the country are often sacrificed for the welfare of the party and the electorate is as much to blame for this condition as those who are elected a man with a good business will very often refuse to give any part of his time or talent to the matters qf concern of the country very often the same principles that have been successful in his business would be applicable to the business of the country but again how would his candidature be received by rhe public the sunday school lesson fob sunday julv 11tli deborah untobvcy lacabbv- editorial notes be it a picnic or a reunion there are indeed few who have not more than one on the list of sum mer engagements planting trees is regarded as a recognized way of attracting rainfall another good plan is to wash the car kitchener record lets have more improvements lite 11 the rest of folks hereabouts weve been pleased with the park improvements in conversa- 1 bon vith councillor chapman the otr evening j ve- learn that the plan is to continue to make im- provements j ue learned of some of the difficulties experienced also for instance a man with an extra coat of prune on was observed one evening making a public ballroom of the place cleanliness is splendid but a rchpoci to others the top coat should have been removed at home like all facilities for public use trre are ttiobe who by their actions make such a rctrce that there is a tendency to curtail the rrriees the thought with all should be conduct tszlk to ta which you would expect from others e til bope the incentive will be for further 3r rcri its a bathing beach not a commun- burlington is to have a new brewers warehouse is the lake water so bad that both burlington and oakville need these extra storage places the georgetown herald tells of a family re union being held in eastwood park acton the nearest we have to that in this locality is edgewood park at eden mills have you heard of the absentminded professor who suddenly realized that for three months he had been changing his shirt every 1000 miles and the oil in his car twice a week we often wonder just how many police court officials would be required if all the lows and sections were rigidly enforced and then again how many would be innocent of offence do we chore wrongly a sub heading in the account last week o the conservative convention was a bit arresting one peech did it it seems that one of the candidates for leadership by his flow of oratory changed the whole complexion of the gathering it knocked out of the running three candidates who had been con tenders for the leadership this type of choice is not confined to any one party but are we getting the best men when we chose them by their flow of oratory it is an old saying that great talkers are not great doers or something to that effect and we wonder if the electors have not been marking their ballots on the wrong basis wc recall a few years ago a very able business man was a candidate for the house of commons he had been successful in his own business and served well in various municipal offices his judgment was admir ed by all and his conduct toward all was such that drew admiration of everyone he was the type of man who gave leadership in the community and al ways good leadership hjs one handicap was his inability to speak in public of course all his other fine points were for gotten by the electors he wasnt the type to tell about them himself and the electors werent in terested enough to find out for themselves he was judged like a lot more are today on his platform ability is it any wonder that sessions of parliament arc ao lengthy and unproductive of things when we send nothing but the best talkers to do the business of the conn try kver section of the highway is getting more than a share of the fatalities the fifteen mile stretch between acton and guclph has had three fatalities marked against it the first six months of the year for fortyseven years william mcdonald has been guiding the destinies of the chesley enterprise hi health for the past few years has not dimmed the constructive thought he puts each week into his paper and all hope for him many more years with his hand on the helm hon eric w cross ontario minister of public welfare says there arc 00000 persons in the province receiving old age pensions 3000 women who receive mothers allowances 10000 children who are wards of the childrens aid society and the number on relief ranges from 160000 to 300000 and we arc further informed that out of every dollar collected by ontario 24c goes toward servicing of public debt leaving 76c for public service speaking to a group of weekly publishcrsat dun- dalk miss agnes macphail mp said 1 think the weekly papers are the important papers they are follcsey unhurried and not sentimental she stated that she reads all the local papers and enjoys them as they seem so close to the people continuing miss macphail stated the weekly newspapers do give leadership in projects movements and the things that need doing and thats another speech from a politician with which we are forced to agree oof defftext who knoweth wheowr thou art not come to the ungdatn for such a time aa tbia 4qrther 4 14 lesson tvxtjudffea 4 10 1214 time 1mb bo place prom aft tabor to haroahetfc exposition i deborah summon barak to plflht against blsera 10 aa the people of israel forsook god he forsook them and thus they became an easy prey to the enemy israel was eub- jecteev to a particularly grwlcais oppres sion v 3 but when israel- repented ot their sins and cried aloud to jehovah their god he was as ready as in other days to listen to their urgent cry and effect their deliverance cf romans 10 13 ood spoke through a woman de borah cf bx 15 30 3 kings 23 14 3 28 20 and we see this promise lulnmlcd in new testament times acta 21 0 l cor 11 6 the meaning ol the word deborah is bee and the one who bore it here answered to her name by her industry her sagacity and her great usefulnofl to the public life of her time in gods method of deallne with man kind judgment of nln must always pre cede his manifestation of grace and de liverance detit 17 812 1 cor 11 31 32 deborah was a judge and a pro phetess in israel by divine appointment and not by mans appointment 2 peter l 21 she lived in great simplicity either dwelling in a tent under a tree or sitting in judgment in open places her appointment by ood was gcncrully recognized by the people deborah dispatches a summons to barak the son of ablnoam of kcdesh- kaphtali and reminds him that the uird had conunanded him to draw near to mount tabor with ten thousand of the men of naphtalland zebulon baraks name means lightning and he certain ly came upon the oppressors of israel like the lightning of ood tn swift and utter destruction so will the lord our ood come upon his enemies and those of his people when he returns again in jud- ment matt 24 27 though baraks commission came through deborah it emanated from ood and deborahs word had point and force because she could say hath not the lord ood of israel commanded v 6 cf josh 1 0 the word of a christian of a follower of the lord jesus has authority only when it has oods word bock of it deborah gave barak specific directions as to the number of men to take v 6 naphtau and 2fcbulon were the tribes selected of jehovah which were to win the victory over israels enemies because haxor the city of their oppressor was in their territory ie in naphtau oods taislnes required haste and there j was not time sufficient to effect general mobilisation and draw a great army from tne other tribes deborah be it noted bpokt for ood and not for herself v 7 it was ood who was to draw slsera to bat ak at the river klshon to meet his cistruction it was ood who was to de- i liver slsera into baraks hand cf ex 14 4 josh 11 20 e 38 16 jehovahs f promise to barak i will deliver him into thine hand is the promise that he makes to all who fight for him and under his direction proceed against his enemies fcf josh 8 7 10 8 11 6 at first barak appears to have had more confidence in deborah than he had in jehovah tv 8 he should have ro- ceeded at once under jehovahs com- mond whether deborah proceeded with the expedition or not deborah yielded to baraks plea that she accompany him and assured him with the word i will surely go with thee that was all that buirak asked but we have a fur superior promise namely that the lord jesus himself will most surely go with uson kingdom concerns and errands if only we go the way he desires us to go mult 2 19 20 ii baraks obedience and israels de liverance 1014 the outcome of the etleuvoiiess of deborahs leadership ilea outside tin- prescribed limits of the lesson but should be studied if the proper values of the incident arc to be appropriated baruk did exactly what ood commanded him to do and deborah did exactly as shr promised v lo cf v 6 8 though the tribes of naphtau and zebulon were j the tribes that were summoned and de- i pended on it appears rraen deborahs song of triumph that some from manas- seh and issochar also came with iter ch 5 15 17 1 some were expected from reuben and don and ajhcr who did not come ich b 15 17t hut zeb ulon and nsphtall jeopardised their lives unto the death 5 18 slsera gathered a great and rrutgnin- cenuy apolnteo acmy and went ouk- against barak and his handful af tribes men confident af- achieving an over whelming victory l vs 12 1 3 bui slsera left one important factor out of his calculations the lord ood jehovah deborahbecause she hod the word of the living ood to depend upon was ab solutely without fear of slsera and ha splendid wellejulpped and disciplined army numbers counted for absolutely notnlng in her survey of the outcome she knew victory for israel was certain because ood had said so v 7 there is something not only stirring but sub lime in her word to barak up for una la the day in which the lord hath delivered slsera in thy hand g canma abetter place in which to live and work a seriea of ltttore from dbunfftihbed ciiudlana on vila problem affoctinff the future welfare of canada specially written far canadian wfjdy newspapers asmeuueti dear editor v with regard to the question of a plat form for the canadian weeklies any juggeatloiu i have to oftecf would be based on the conviction that our troubles nnd uie worlds troubles have primarily a moral rather than an economic basis or perhaps it would be more accurate to my a moral basis underlying the econ omic for this reason i would have our papers inculcate high standards of political busuiem and personal morality nnd denounce lapse from them as prac tical measures in uils direction i would suggest 1 that moral and ethical instruction with the object of developing character should be given greater prominence in our educational syntem which at present emphasises the intelligence with a view to material advantage 2 that more attention should bt- paid nnd more encouragement given to the icholarn endowed with more than or dinary ability so an to develop their brains to i he hlglwst degree mmslbl with a vtt w to producing leaders of flrct rnle capacity our great need at pro- cnl our educational symem is based on he average pupil with special atten tion paid to the underprtvlleged while the super- privileged arc given little op portunity to develop their talents which may be of the highest use to the state 3 the develoment of our library sya- tcm with a view to encouraging adults to continue their education after leaving school school should be the beginning of education not the end training to read will have to begin tn the schools and should be part of the curriculum thus we shall go far to solve the prob lem of adult education the new curri culum recently introduced by the depart ment of education is a move in this direction 4 the organization of a highly trained nonpartisan civil service in both the federal and provincial fields of admin istration and the elimination from the civil service of the patronage system this would do much to improve public administration and discourage corrupt politico 0 an effort to raise the standard or ftport which has n distinct effect on the cjiaracter or the people this applies both to the players and to the fans commercialisation has made winning the chief objective 0 a movement to restore homo life in parttrulac by removing the burden some taxation which makes ownership of property unpopular and often a liabil ity and is driving people into apartment instead of homes 7 to preach the doc tine of content- metit and self rientul to a generation bent on ptcasure and covetous of all that their neighbors have 8 to inculcate respect for law be cause it is law that will do for my share if you care to inmrjmtratc any of these ideas j in your program i claim no copyright yours faithfully c 1 hale editor ortllia packet and tlm bytsinesb directory mkbical r j a mcniven phytlelam and 8urfea oftloa and jlwrioeoornr bow avenue and klgin street dr e j nelson physician and bttrrasa electro therapy phong m dr wim g cullen l m c a physician and flargaaa office hours 14 and 70 pm sundays by appointment wilbur streeujut north of mill bttms telephone 12fl leo al c f leatherland b a barrister hnllclter notary pamlc acton estates speedily wound up cjourt work attended to promptly offlea 21 pfaenes resident ifl successor to ii n ptmfr dont take a nap wearing glasses as the holiday season is upon us it may be timely to emphasize an impor tant dont for those who feel the urge to sunbathe never take a nap in the bun with glasses on one young man failed to observe this safety rule and woke up blinded before the pain even tually aroused him his eyes were so badly burned that he later lost the sight of both eyes kenneth m langdon furruter flelleller notary puhlle offices acum gorfretowb over t seyhucki cnfe main street s fvir appointments phone acton is or oeorgetown 88 office hour acton tuesday and thursday 1 16 p m to 4 30 p m even ings on request dental a j buchanan d d s dental surgeon office in leuhman block hours 0 a m until 6 p m evenings by appointment oas for extractions xray dosed wednesday afternoon phone lit scot wins again a scottish peer was told that dr johnson in his dictionary had defined i oats aa food for horses in england and food for men in scotland aye said the peer and where else 1 can you find such horses and such men i p w pearen dd s l d s dental sorgeea office in the symon block phone 20 mill sreet acton rockwood office open every thursday afternoon and evening veterinary scons scrap book by r j scott eafxm merrtortlt fbhe4 imiam fhe ky mml neamy tftnta bill oh yftafls oum paobabtn a4b im b d young vs bvsc veterinary barge office brookvllle ontario phone muton i4e f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary sorgeea office and residence knox aveaie acton phone 130- flle howowt h trrrinly b1acj wmtm hafcmcd bui ijrrr wltrfe as rf trows fb mafuwry ptwrtt aurrnaxiai tut is a larafl fi4urc of sf eottat tltlvrfta cswmcajamd wtim ctues a pierune5 am aipime r ri r defehs6 if us fime fte hour still pursuing tin spy kin general insurance we specialize in life fire health and accident automobile windstorm plate glass boiler fidelity bonds form insurance annuities and ah general lines of insurance alfio ocean steamship tickets leading companies excellent facilities f l wright off loa cooper black office 95 phones resld lttcj tn w if- time tables nadian natjonalflailways at acton going east dally except sunday 604 ajn dally except sunday m sun dally except sunday 026 pjn sunday only 8 10 pjn plyer for cast flag atop in oeqraetown as 0 40 pm oelng west dally except sunday 8 4 ajsu dally except sunday 349 pjn dally except sunday j 707 pjn sunday only fflag 11 33 pjn standard time how many doc i nl 1 nukt bemn 11 united stat atuirnry lunar hardy and hti daucbtor auliiune arr ptruied on the ss so mandlf a thry mltal from new york for europe the youns lav u golnf to europe ror a vacation butthe attcrrry la going to run own arvrral definite leadvlbliavlnquiry into uie widespread ramification of the nail apy ring sensational new dis closures were promised he will not visit oermany where 13 person who arc under spy indictment are said co be living gray coach lines coaches leave actqn standard tlaa eastbound it tarnl a sm ajn 352 pm b41 am ibtpjn 1126 ara 853 pm 201 pm u except sundays westbound i to kitchener x 053 am s18 pm 1223 pm x ios pm x 203 pm dl053 pm ab42j pjn elljifl pjn x through to a dally except aim through to stratford sat aun and hoi s bt hoi t j

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