a 7ryytwiv ww acton fsbs kiel ji utf wslamai uaaaaauhl i j be 4 thai r awllu met ftasattitw fc jwtiaafom ssssntend th u mm sseasab- smkhtnlmdw 6bof mr and mm ufsbahi a the bam lot 1 hstbart uophau in hi tfd vamtattwat ousmh oaneral nul on sunday july 94th in husband of juinl lay woodall ib hi ttth yw oca otvto jfohday neat monday bnjoy it three mastoid gunmsn robbed a mono township fsmur of 300 on uon- dy night two or three power interruption occurred durtnc the almtrioal storm on tuesday morning a speed of to mil an hour on the highway brought fin of ao and eot la laoton bollo court jhenlos and reunlona are atlll popu lar ummertlme outings and the occa sional garden party i tin popular ih metre at isndeays mill wa monad out whan lightning struck the into the mill on friday bbehs taatutammlymh iw g w masales opens modern dairy plant here yesterday malted th opsnlaf of a msdsm dairy plant in aeton by mr o w ttsaals of um maty dairy the building wu tahh taw fit ifo and u of nsas ewuweuj jk with builtin eoolar room end stationary aoulomwt for washing and atarlluunt bottlm and rjontalner 1m week uw th completion of th msuluuon of th pturlmt plant an upright bousr ubpbs th attun and hot waur nenmary for th vmritv a lata pasteuriser of tt itatl wwry bart of whtah a ufly aomwawfv cleaning i now in operation it u eon- trolled by tare utarmomatan th ool- ins dvtos 1 immediately adjoining and from ha th milk ton direst to line bottling aiaehjn it i kept until de- urery urn in th largw eoolar whleh la maintained at th proper temperature by an autotnatlo machine a drills wll on the premftaa with automatlo pump provide an adequate supply of water for washing and keeping the prenusss in poti condition num ber of eulasn availed themaetvea of the opportunity to visit thl modem plant yesterday the opening day we undar- atand that those who eould not attend yesterday are welcome at any time to inspect the premises to sbu ancbsibalhomb for violation of th highway traffic aot wars- hoard m polle court hare yesterday roaming prlni iflnlater u king baa gram definite aawranee of no election in 10s1 unlaaa a national emergency arises the lawn mower came bank into ua again after the rama it just im- posstble to get a eondluon entirely satls- iactory the smithlviabey wedding in guelph this week a very pretty wedding took plsce in st oeorgee church ouelph when ethel fluaan klsanor matey third daughter of ur a x uabey and the late mm mabey of that city became the bride of wauaoo oordon smith eldeat ion of mr w j smith the oeremony wae performed by rev il d brown the brtde waa lovely in royal blue and white aooaaorlea and oarrylng a bouquet of aweet pea and baby breath aitler the oeremony a buffet luncheon wa held at the home of the groom mother tendon road ouelph oueata moludad only im mediate relative ur and mr oordon smith will in the near future make their home in acton to survey evcttlemknt at yeiaowknifs in order to aooommodate the growing population of miner settler and trad- another smash at oalamlty corn er occurred on monday morning the participants are reported to have paid off and drove away ry yard of sand was placed on the beach in the park on lalry lake i this weak and have greatly improved the condition there the oars and folks in town nut sat urday night made acton resemble fair say brery street tn the main section waa lammed with parked car during the ekbcbrloal atorm on tues day morning llgtunlng stunned urs btanley morrison and affected other who ware in the bam at the tune of the atorm the batetylane for teatlng the cf- notency of motor car will be in acton on monday august bin snd on other day that week in towns of halton oounty a ploughshare and an iron fork are exhibited in tin fats pans window um week they were aeo by mr n f moore in hi eearch for article of pioneer days iverstof choral music are going to have a rare treat thl year at the can adian national exhibition the welsh imperial singer will be present and win eevoral concerts at the oouseum r mr oeorge eakl who has been manager of the acton creamery for uie past few yean has purchased s cream- ery near atwood and will remove from acton thla week the tjnlttd kingdom pavilion at th canadian national exhibition will be opened by cable from london laigland on thursday august aftth the day pre ceding the opening of the kxhlbtuon which uus year will be held from friday august 38th to saturday septmnber 10th take that chip oft xoub shouldeft if you are one of the many to whom drrnh is no longer a pleasure here is a hint that may be helpful next tone you start out on a trip take that chip off your s i and take your sense of humor along promise yourself that you won1 let little thing disturb you and see what happens if someone at tempts to meal your right of way let htm hare it don yell at him but smile instead be indulgent a you would be with th small boy who reecho tor the largest plo of oaks on the plane a safe journey and a surprudnaly plea sant journey will be your reward era in the yeuowtmlie area northwest territories the department of mine and resource ottawa announces that a settlement will be laid out at yellow- knife bay as soon ss passible instruc tions are being issued by the minister through the surveyor oeneral for the survey of anarea or approximately forty- acres to be subdivided into 136 loot notwithstanding uie developments which have nude the laying out of an orderly settlement at yeuowknlfe de sirable the department again warns against men going to the area in march of employment the mining companies are making their own employment ar- rangeents outside and taking into the region only those for whom they can assume full responslblllly opportuni ties at yeuowknlfe or elsewhere in the northwest territories sre practically limited to those who are properly out fitted and financed as prospootora or under actual contract with some respon- stblo organisation engaged in mining or other development attracted by the prospects of new dis coveries and the- mining development and exploration work in uie area a thriving settlement has sprung up at yeuowknlfe bay the population in thi- settlement and adjoining area during tho winter months was about 360 but ull lias been greatly increased by tru number of prospecting parties that have been placed in the held alncc uie pitas breakup lucated at yeuowknlfe setue- ment are a drug tore post office three wireless stauoua royal canadian police detachment a branch of the con- adlan bank of commerce several small stores and restaurants snd s hotel twu uoenses to operate motion picture thea tres have been issued a lawyer has opened an office in uie settlement the yeuowknlfe area l served by water sod sir transportation uie bay in from of the settlement providing a good aeroplane harbor for both winter snd summer use the hudsons bay compsny and uie northern transporta- uon oompany both operate boats to yel- lowkntfe settlement and it has been re ported thst two smaller transportation companies wul operate uus summer- last year uie major oompsnle hsd to augment their transportation jscluues in order to tske care of increased freight resulting from mining scuvlues in uie veuowknue area air transportation is provided by the maokensle air service and uie osnadlan airways limited those companies keeping planes in uie yeuow knlfe area over uie fall treeaeup and uie spring breakup periods good shoes pob youwo amd ou ix kaghun acta flaton u1 tram swthampton after vlaltlns briaand for uveral week the sari of zffmont alberta rancher an nounced bu intention of ml line hi an- cmlrl home in hampshire avon outle the earl alio announced he weaild pro ofed wllh formaline to enable him to take hi seat in the houae of lord graff reunion held at park in cravenhurst oriatuly 34th thejqrttlt reunlon waa held at motor park oravanhurrat one or ontario beauty upou when about neventyxlve retatrvea and fiienda gath ered to upend an enjoyable time t3oethcr thoao from juiuthnrn point were mr and mra john orolt mlwea thelma anna and toot metttra howard and ward of echo lode faim mr and mra tom oordon jack freddie and arlene mr and mra frank preoman and teddy mr and mm fred anthony and eleanor from acton and vicinity mr and mra oeorsv oraff and shirley of oootuvllle mia oraee oralt ouelph mlaa beatrice oraft toronto mr and mr j j otmft brooklln ont mr bert robertann of ever ton mourn ernie woreley and jim turnbuu of tor onto mlaa ella murphy of prtnoeton new jeraey mr and mra wm buuer and wllma mr and mra w mfclntyre and mr doufflaa msaohem or acton thoao fltom northern point were mra david orait and family r mr and mra frank oralt and famuy mr wm otaft and buty mr and mra aunrd orajt and family mr and mra r millar mr and mb stan anderson and family mr and mra victor frederick and family and other frlenda from powaaaan mr and mrs harold roblnaon kuntavllle and mr and mra roy anderson of new llakeard concluded thr llat the day waa ideal which made the trip much enjoyed by cvnryone arriv ing at oravenhuiat before noon and ataylnff until after aupper enabled all to enjoy a good visit before limvinv for their various homea hafetv group warns against sunstroke sunatroke la very different from heat prostration the industrial accident pre vention associations point out in a con cise bulletin issued recently which states the symptoms and recommends flrst aid treatment symptoms may be recoffniaed by 1 hot dry skin and rod face 2 hlffh fever dizziness shooting pains and headache 3 hard loud breuthlng and convul sions 4 puur quick and pounding putlcnt may become insensible reconimcnded lreutmcnl is 1 remove to shady place and remove outer clothing to thr waist 2 laay on buck with heud and shoul ders raised 3 apply let or colg wulcr to heud cool body with wtiur or it cloth but avoid shock 4 when conscious and able to drink give coal not iced water olve no stlmulunta ix ontario oawtwu ow kulstaulx mhooui sssawasasasw tarsttt chjvottlelals wfll assist asmlaar t3fiis twrsagtisal oonunumg the effort made last yar to sssut in uw lnatrueuon and develop ment of young baseball player th on tario th toronto baseball dub has an nounced thai it will oonduot baseball school thl year at st oatharmes lon don kltahener owen souud barrl and peterboro taut year th olub held a school at map laf btadlum in toronto nun owing to th feet that a great many player vara unshl to malt th trip to the quean olty it wa deemed advisable to go out into the provlne thl summer and reach as many points u posslbls the places selected are regarded as cen tral point embracing th ontario base ball association it is planned to spend two days in each plsee the dates selected are st oaiharlnaa august itch 14 ismdon august 11th lath kitch ener august 10mth owen sound aug ust 339rd barrle august 34th 30th and peterboro august mlh 31th clyde cngla dan nowley and bert psrry of the toronto club wul assist the amateur club officials in the instruc tion of the players and the operation of the school the various amateur clubs in onuuio are oooperatmg in every way to make the tour a success and it is expected that a large number of ama teur player will take advantage of uie opportunity to improve their knowledge of the game there will be no tuition fee and play ers of su classes are eligible to attend preference wul be given of course to uwso players already registered with the od itrls plsnned to hold the school sessions from 11 am to 4 pm each day 8uu wjuiln striking instance of a playoff berth in uie international league campaign uie maple leafs are making great efforts to improve their posluon in uie standing and launch a winning streak that will carry them out of tho seoond division they have a urge mursber of important dates at home during the month of august starung with the doubleheader on civic holiday august 1st sgalnst syracuse the clubs m the southern end of the circuit all hsve to make another visit to staple loaf stadium and msny doubleheader will be played the leafs will msxe their final swing around the southern end starung august 4ui and will be away from home until monday august isih when they play hosts to the new ark bears they wul remain home unul the end of use month with uie exception nf a a wh is srt-epen-date- airrtifflox dear fan fatai us intentions to write letter laat week were alrera but when ua time came to do it oompany from unwlvoua k wrtola oar load landed in than of enurae with vlaltlng and fnlnc lb see trtlnga and plaeea there waa no time hut oh my we did enjoy aeelng mr and ura hill and lh children and hear all the newa ftiey are almost as fam iliar with acuw as folk in aoton so oould answer all our question and there surely weajota of question the young folk all grew up tfcfether an were no atransjem either and had suoh a ajood time saturday evening they umk the oar with harold aa chauf feur and the whole bunch six of them went off to joew llakeard and spent the evening giving the town the once over visiting the beach and then the theatre on sunday 37 all counted drove to a lovely sandy beach on mountain lake a few miles west of ua and enjoyed a picnic lunch then uie bathing all afternoon and all were agreed thay oouldnt have had a better time any where that day july 17th tsake alum mines of klrkland lake treated their employees to a free trip to new xjakeard neaoh and a monster picnic and it waa sug gested we go there too but after talking it over the majority decided we could enjoy our own oompany 1m t if alone which proved beat brcaoan it rained in new ijakeard but not where we were the auccnas of lake shore picnic however was matured something over 6000 people came by car truck and two apeclal trains it took 000 railway oimchea to make up the trains bach family were provided wlui return rail way ticket and each member with 10 coupons for free let crvtam pop choco late ban gum ur liot dogs so there was no end of refreshment and good times for everyone but we enjoyed our good time even though it wasnt free monday the older folks had the car to themselves and visited the construc tion camp above earl ton and saw the machtnrry in operation and such a busy spot it la tney have tivo largest atone crusher in america in operation with four big mack truck trying to keep it ruled it takes half a load to fill it at a time the two big fly wheels weigh over ib tons each and it ttalcea a 360 hp motor to drive it to start it they have to wind a cable on the flywheel and pull it with a truck macadam mrfactng ha commenced and an excellent job la being made in the schedule and sunday engage- menu in syracuse and montreal on august 31st and 38th respectively clark port a butl z tins for llc uhhf tratitto juaw sj tins far zzc new ore peas loc ukhys spaghetti 9c oakk o black and red cherries frebh corn cucumbers beans and lettuce tomatoes phone 18 we deliver wsu ply fume reaular 4o bottl 99c jut ring 23c blno per doaan jar rubbcn 2 13c oglltlss baal flour 1b its j2c white wheat surtlub according to the latest estimate by the australian government the ausjtnuan wheat crop totalled 18051 6000 bushels the largest crop since 1033 australian wheat brought comparatively lower prices in world markets thla year than tn the past due to heavy shipments and to the ajituidance of white wheat in the world in this connection a british ex pert writes whitc wheat is a real drag on the market australia la holding close to 00 million bushels of surplus white wheat compared with 76 millions at thla time in 1037 the united 8tatee pacific aur- plus of 36 to 0 million bushels is prac tically unsaleable at present prices and there is a new indian crop rapidly near- lng maturity which promises to yield substantially more than that of 1037 only in the united kingdom is there a substkntuil demand for australian or any other description of white wheat bis bplt the curate waa preaohlng his flrat sermon in his new church he waa not flattered to notice that one or two of the oougiugatlon became rather aleepy later in the week he harstsned to call upon one of thr offenders wen ah eekt the lakilahkiner i uppoae youll have made a few mends efemaomlnr heref oli yes thankar reptted the curat as a few wisiiibi aequaliilsmces cut klowlr salts sales of cut flowers and greens grown indoors in canada during uie year ended 31 at march 1b37 are reported as 61- 130 6 ib valued at 1 863 138 among the largvat individual items in 32 kinds listed in the report were 14 232630 roses sold at a value of f 768 001 carnations 4 331 638 value 1301 344 bunchflowerea chrysanthemums 4017518 value 70 306 tulips 2 41121s value 103100 daltodus 3 364871 value 83 514 and sweet peas 3100234 value 36 284 j mlsccllaiieoua kinds numbered 1 1 408 t 488 with a value of 222036 orchids i with an average value per hundred of 86 35 were the most costly followed by gardenias at 10 41 lines at 12 31 and calla at 11 04 per hundred under the j heading out flowen outdoor grown i the sales reported were 2641 243 valued l at 47 131 oladlou were the largest i single item numbering 716757 i the total of floriculture and orna- merstsvl nursery stock for the year ended march 31st 1037 reported as aold in canada was 3 136136 this stock ln- cludea rose bushes qcnamental ahnab for outdoor planting priiainenta trees and cllmben herbaceous perennials snd biennials bedding flowering foliage and decorative plants and flowering bulba and cut flowers indoor snd outdoor eyes examined brokcsi lenses beplaeed optical kepalrs to any make of e p head baftstered optssssuists u trr oeobobts mtcau ibm quutii both uppsr and i sma bsgan an m pouey of road leirs after tn war of ibis and orsr timosa was votsd in th nsxt thirty yaar royal the coolest place in guelph sat mon toes jul jsth u aagast tad shirley temple little miss broadway ft oea marshy rbjuts breaks edas msa oun wed thurs friday aagast tra 4th sad th having a wonderful time wldb ifeofflem vultallsaav jr gingvr togm about 6 miles just north of llakeard has been completed and they are moving to do earlton next the airport one of a chain ihrough the north for commercial planes la nearing completion and the radio station and towers are complete with apparatus for both sending and receiving electric ally equipped the towers are about 5 miles across country from us the dis tance between a big valley but the red lights on all four towers are plainly visible at night and look so nice in the distance in the afternoon we drove to llakeard and looked the town over in daylight then came back and had tea at ibvelyn s home tuesday off to tike blue berry rocks and got a picking for the folks to tatke horn jlsttln lnterfeiiod 4jefutewe fin ished but they seemed satisfied wltn even one basket alter spending five days away from home they decided they must start back south so we got up about 4 am wed nesday and they gut oil to a good start letters snd cards since tell of s real good trip home stopped and ssw thr quints and ujjier tilings of interest and arrived safely ull in one piece and re solved to muke a return visit jvocne time isoon again i ve attended itiarket twice in klrk land and such an abundanoc of won derful product i oumptutlmi is keen but prices are fair for both buyer and seller so few have miy complaint rasp berries were plentiful at 20c to 36c quart lied white and black currants brought good prices blue berries at lc quart 76c 8 quart basket ur 150 11 quart green peas 36c to 60c for 6 quarts green csbbagv 20c a head cauliflower 10c and 16c each new potatoes 30c for 6 quarts fresh eggs 36c to 46c per dosen new beans 16c lb young lamb was plentiful at 12c to 26c lb veal 12c to 20c and beef 8c to 30c all the stores sre abundantly stocked with all kinds of fresh fruits cherries peaches tomatoes etc so theses no scarcity of foods the w lather the past two week has teen ideal for growing crops of all kinds the rain cccoatonally has interferred somewhat slth hsylng but farmers are taking every advantage of the dry weath er and a great ckai has beet bsxvested a pest of army aorms has invaded a great many sections and are taking thelr i toll fwmera are taking- advantage of 1 the department of agrltujture s sojuuon 1 of brsn mnl and paris green and finding it beneficial were fortunate mt fax not to have them we have a few potato bugs for- the first time but i have a kind of potato with such rapid growth that almost beau them so we have only picked them so far and the tope have suffered very mtue i must mrntioq about seeing the reault of some real ashing last sunday two men came into shone where w having our picnic who had ashed from a small rc4orpnprusd boat for about ahr hours using cettlng rods with spin ner hooka and had over sjo pike and pfc- ksrel from 1 to m inchaa long nearly a big bag teeing is believing r w joumboff july clearance sale of super values aprons organdy trimmed 1 j regular 3ftc to clear 14c banikh bonnkth itiigiilsr 30o to cflrar me regular 3fa to clear lie infants dbkhnkh llesullrully fllylsd regular osc to clear 70o regular 70o to clear se regular 40c to clear soe beys cation oell lies bum a to 10 itegulsr 20o pair to clear pair 1jc lsidles ankle socks only a few sleg 30c to clesr childrens ankle aooks f regulsr 15c for per pair dc tstdles blouses neg cq aoc to clesr olfc qms frtnt drsssss u 14 yssra itegulsr 40o to rlesr le regulsr 10c to dear at se girts hlseas to it years only s few loft ccs regulsr 70c to clear pslr difc 9c cellusuedo and rayauede oq reg 40c this is real value tjsc mosquiu toettlng j yards 1 9c gree ur w fer cxartaln flcrtm to clesr per yard pactory ootum medium weight not light weight q 34 inches wide per yard rc white niesched ootton 34 inches wide oond quality i super value at per yard luc prin u quality ass- w ted tub faat 36c 1o clear j yards 27c its ibs whlu funnalstte 37 inch width per yard 345 inch width per yard bttrodclothisaaaortod colore special yard children a coverall over alls fieg 40c to clear wooden window screens 30x10 inches reg 40c many flowers floa super value v for maple leaf matches ai 15c 39c 37c 15c super value 19c cobn brooma d string com bmoms regulsr soe super value obeaixv reduced prices on waixtakbh candies alway fresh nsitrwi ikanirre per lb sfolashb kisseb per lb jkllv beanh per lb 13ir i3c i5c hin tons 5c to l store theres still unf ound treasure there plenty of untouched btatnea gflotiey to be gauu by ent4priilnjt sbarehanu riat here in acton of coune tiereing your bune aseu ta- the ejgir for your product jd that mean- astverttalfif cungo tribune newmpeper advertwiw service for 8ugjer to now in our otbce ready to f urnhh attractive artwork and helpful awr- chuwltoink tuineationa phone 174 for advertiaing service the acton frtse press i for bigger business- adveiiite j wjmnsh jfe