Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1938, p. 1

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y ht flltfe sixtyfourth year no ii acton ontario thursday srpttmbfrlsth m cirht home print porcs five cents council to tlrge finish mill street pavement reeve mccutcheon and members to visit department of high ways acton willing to assume share of coflt may stock fairj lake with pike and pfaekerd speeds bylaw brought into conformity with statutes arena rental as town raix councillor a mason e jones and j a chapman were present on monday evening when acton council mot in regular fortnightly session reeve f j jtfooutcheon presided the council sanctioned whatever action wu deemed advisable by the relief com missioner regarding persons who were re oelvlng old age pensions allowanoes and relief fundii the matter was to be gov erned by the provincial ruling the seventeenth report of the finance committee recommended payment of the following accounts o clifford work at factory building 150 king calcium product tllr 44 00 acton public utiutlcr commis sion pontage 10 00 acton public utilities commib- slon scrvieea street lights arena flrr pump 105 b0 6 f lawranon co calcium chloride 10 12 j b mackenzie st son supplier 13 jo hayward construction co on i gravel account 300 00 i r j wallace teaming 41 75 sutton a cartage hauling chloride 4 00 r r mcdonald secreuiry rt lief accpuntn 30 oo jos loutltt park supervision 25 oo two weddings of acton young couples yesterday halton juniors make excellent showing at c n e hal ton juniors not only maintained the high record established in previous yearn at the c nje but surpniuird it on wednesday of lost week farmers day fit the exhibition 1a alwnya n mcccn for halton junior farmers and rural home- makcrn and 1038 wan no exception with approximately sixty young men and women from the county participating in the intercounty calf club competitions the olrls home economics competitions and demonstrations and the ukestock judging competitions for the second year in succession a group or halton boys representing the county shorthorn calf club placed first the winning group was mnde up of orant hesjop freeman oeorge breckon bronte and bruce lind say and john lerch of georgetown oervais ch3bholmr a quiet but pretty wedding was solem- nlned in knox manse on wednesday morning when mae eldest daughter of mr and mrs wm chlsholm was united in marriage to aubrey randolph owals son of mrs mary oervals and the uub mr oervals of acton rev h l bonnie officiated the bride wore navy crepe with navy and white accessories and a corsage of whit gardenias they were attended wln was mort standing an thcyh by miss margaret maddonald of acton i p rint xcon thi n fourth in and mr alex puxcy of ouelph for lho individual class as well as winning quarterly report kood progress oi i i made on lho snows increase in tax receipts mil stmt road indications point to a bigger fair this year contractor com 11 lias made splendid pntrnwi in laying uie mill strett pint ennnowi council raise limitation mcnt and 1l ta fr ta making si j to have outftuml n splendid job of the construction just for road expenditure wk ago today work was common id by 1000 th days until mdnday were qccuplrd in injr a tl ruction and lnruer ex hibit arena performance to be in charre of tommy mcclurc kndio announcer hon r acton rnlr in it silver jubilee year stems no crowded with interesting fea- n v h ir the group honors from peel and lincoln travelling the bride wore a sand knitted ing v fh k i counties in the holstoln division the suit with brown accessories the happy couple left for a junagpqa motor trip f ond exhibited by donald peer to montreal on their return they will of mium wab nr8t in ft i rlasn which brought out over thirty reside on main street acton i i n tries the same young man wan the mnodonald i champion showman in this division in jtl arlng away the filling in front of tin- tllr council for the township of era- eurbs and pr paring the surface of the mom mil at the dominion hotel rocx r idvay wood on monday september lth at 7 jo artual inying of the paving material p m with all members present and rtevc did not get under way until late monday d h storey in the chair r i morning and wcntlicr conditions mere not moved by messrs wm j plnkney and bd on monday and yesterday how- d d cray and carried that the balltfl v r two blocks have been completed a curluno manyenulrtes be instructed to report immediately on and it would up ear that the three blocks lhftt wp iumt kow uhm several seizures already made and to take 1 tht schedule would bo completed thin u ft br f y of juill wlmt action in regard to one or more parties k i mfty lxpwtw secrttary fredf wright owing amars of taxis keeve mccutcheon and the council ore t jh lw lma judging fmm his mall and moved by messrs d d gray and a making a rial effort to have tin re r quests r information cvtry depart laish and carrii d that a e wllwm a iuoind r of the aire t paved with tht mmlt u well up and jxumlblyehtab- co be paid sm500 mad liability iruiur im nmurlol ornui 11 is willing to ar once with th cheque prtixrl stipulat- rangi the municipality s share an k w cultun will nffllcally oirn he fair as sisting him will hcdr a 1 christie prtsldint of the ontario agricultural college nnd mr r j kerr president of the ontario fairs association tin afternoon program ln hides every- t thing that a fair could have horso races ill- wav to opn taircriitntj fiddlers dinnn baby show novtlty contsts high jumping horse parade of live stock music midway oh wt re iwiund to itavt out somcthliir but if its on anj rnlr ground you 11 likely find it at at ton bitter mill read the adiertim nuns and announce nn nts puz0sy another quiet wedding was nolemnluhl in ouelph on wednesday when margaret peg macdonnld only daughter of mr mac mocdonald and the late mrs mac- donald of acton became the bride of alexander puwy son of mr and mrs john pujsrj of ouelph thi eertmany was p rtormed by re samui 1 johnson or ouelph the bridi was becoming attired in a brown dress with a sand topper coat and brown acceshories shi carried bronm mums they were at itihurarwi whlth is paid for ionsidtred thi work can best be donl pending thi receipt of the olicy which hlu the equipment ls right hen miould double the llmlus of previous in a fe ature apiriclated with tliln lpe hu ranee of tlng in thill ha mniii as it in rollid on motion of mimrs wm j pink iraltic tan immediately go over the nmd ni y and a lush the auditors report 1 in re art no leiose suituat flying f mm the wiw uei h nquestiel to glv u itflt of the pnnleltntn who havt held that jk1- mou in the luinlj llvi yearn the fair was ikallmml in 1011 willi mr oeorgr huvlll im the flrnt iresldent and mr haull is atlll one of tin horn rary uft mi mix m and usually enjoy attending ax ton fair it will be recnllrd that the war iurn fojloweel lh tirganlejituin of f tin best pnigrunu ae uui fair and mr havtll wan pr vallid indliailiuis ikilnl u a u14lll to contlnui in eitlre until ion and luih a in w recoitl in view of the f ae t of the sulmittlltlall increased u list ihls tf tolirsi could be iketel i lir the anna mrformunte on luesela evening thi uimmltle feel that liu y have neeurtd t i mt pnni ntiti the houite in groups which brought en trie from ten counties peel was first and halton second the halton group wiu compokcd of donald pe cr milton jack hamilton freeman he rbe rt reld georgetown and jack varulrcle of paj i imo tin ji rey se i lion was abo a ktrong clius with york first and halum wtond tin halton knnij was romioaiei of eddie robinson ind cordon hume ol ml ton fred ruddi 11 oeorgitown and harold barb r of acton eddie robinson 724 62 the report wan adopted an account of an indigent patient from toronto oeneral hospital was returned to be dealt with at the next meeting of county council a bylaw regulating the speed of vehicles on highways within the munlct polity and in prospect park was read as required and passed by the council thin was a revision of spered bylawn previously in forci uid brought up todau to con form with present provincial statu tew the bylaw was ordered to be sent to the department of hlghwan for ap proval the re i v n norte d that the alarm at the force factory building was not work lng he had also arranged for repairing the brick work ut this bulldbur as had been decided uxjii he requested that a committee be apkituted to nupmlsc tlin work junt us soon im the work wan done it was tiu intention of the force company to niulni uie exterior of the building councillor a mason and mr r m mcdonald were apfmiinted to ur range and supervise the wtrk the reeve asked opinion of council regarding thr completion of the pavement on mill street fur the rcmauilng three blocks council were unanimous in their approval of completing uie work on uie enure street if the province would pay their share of uie cost the reeve point ad out umt comment on tin work had been very complimentary but every olttsen he had talked lb fe it that the j street should be completed and not ltd in an unfinished state thr financing of uie municipality s mharc was discussed and it wu felt uie was uie rt se rve champion showman in mnded by mr and mrs aubrey r ger hlh dvlhion vii is of acton after a honeymoon trip u new york uie happy couple will remdi in outlph 0nhi and dtnliration of payment stumkl be npread over a urrni of i 1 mhoi ll cllcllll five years and the cost not all cnarged i mrs h p moore injured in faix at moorecroft friend will indeed regret u learn ulat mr h p mihire sustained a fractuit eif thi li ft arm and lore ration on he r fart when she fell in the ground at s mitorecrofl em tutsdny the fracture l of one of tiu mailer bonen in the arm jitat ubou tin wrlht all w 111 howe ur be- plrnsed to hear that mrs moorr ts niakim good progreth and the injuries while painful an tmprownt two former rectors to preach at antllcan harnest services twti fornur rectors of acton and rock wood will prtach at the 1 turves t festival next week on thursday at st albans the sermon will bt glvtn by the nv e f muurumll ma of beanisvlue who uiui m charge of uils parlsli from u11 u 10j1 on friday i vt ulng at st johns uie preacher will be the si c h e smlui ma rector of old t marks church ntaguratai uie lakt who wan here from 1015 to 1017 dean wutemiun of hamilton in alsti expected as uie chief speaker at tb harvest sumtr on tin following monday in the puruh hall thi young ladii s w e re i qually out mandlng wlnninp flrsl ta a team in the htime furnishing section thi halton le am wan composed of alma marsh helen mcolbbon and marjoric mckerr all of milton in the individual section the placed flnt second and eleventh repectlve ly in the clouiin section ljiurn johnston of acton and charlotte wilson oetorge town were tied for tenth while in the senior du lslon re ui fisher fourth and be tty luvaz of pale rnio sixth the uine lutte r ytmng ludlejt plared rexxind as a le am in the open clashes marlon humphrey normal was sixth and ruth wilsttn tuhth halton was again will to the fore in tin team d monstrutloiu placing setond th te am be lng eiuiplsd of the mlsw flsht lie tide rson and ria7 tlie uusttkk jttdkliik diminution lo had their epiotit of prize w nine rs trim halum in imm horses with 4b com i ritllh luting bob allan or acton is see uid martin hehlop of freeman fourth and grant allan of acton fu it eutue 31 cemte unit a walter reld mil tem fourth swine 4f omllt4rs i 1 id chlsholm mllum thi d dair catti 97 for the tlhl four montlut w as actx pled by coun 11 and the council wan pleased to learn fhul an men use ot twtnty m vm hundnd illars m taxis rollecleel in comixirlson with mm i la eilod ui 1037 moved by messrs 1 ihb f kelly and wm j plnkney and tain d hint tht lie partnn ni ol hikiiwhjs ukt d t ralse lhe limitation in tin township roael exjmmidltim 1 r lhh fioni 0h 10 to taooooo m ed by mi ssrs gray and kelly and ear led hint the eraiuix n 1 ownslin council reconinie nd that tin hydro con tnut of j p belisk be caunlletl on motion tl mi ssrs pidkiu y luid 1 ilsii 11 h council rte idi tl u purt ha 4 000 fit t of miou linte and mm sw i jmists from tilt rtkiii rs iiujiply co ol 1 unmui mned b mevsrh pinkm y and k ll that the fergu hall iaii 1m grauled ijooo i moieel b mi sss ora end kt 11 a il ajrled that get trite ilotte itson be re funded 1 jq dlstount not allowed by outhldi bank mi pujm m if taxes a nesmimi uded b thi audllitrs on im l on et mis is ke ll ind gra tie iinls amoiintiui ui si ttij 11 wire pnwsel r r tinie ni luul c un 11 d turn id t mii t mi ndjcy t t ixr 10 li at jo p m of ve hie les and the material does n t cling or mar cars using tht rood after lay inn of course a di tour has to i niade while tin weirkmm iui i ukiigitl during the day but trnlfle procieeis as bmu n ixitat kii as tht day h work n completed e hairs an attain to i kk1 i ulry in tin t ing hormti hit greahy lg contest is going let im a bniu for tin plus tin re a koltik to im miiri thiui om pig and other lit thai will make ii a i ore even i and musical lure hn inaleilitl ts bi mtht iii by truck i he audi lilt ftuiuns last year we r fiom dundas and 1a known us mm skid dtsapim iniiim and tin hoard eh e itimi to piviniuit a lliushliiij eoiil whleh a u kui i xlni altetll n to ihls and pioidi merely ilh a lllli r is upj41ed on the but- some uiiiik unusual nd iniuimin unci rate that llas lie w be ii laid tin next i 01wn laim art a k roup of thrit i hi niov in mill ist ut improve mint will be y nng ladles un audrey may iu reibal to brum the sidewalkfl to a uniform grade nd honmir colli n tumble r ted john to conform with tin nwidway au kinds ok prizes awarded at band h1nio oriki rics hardwaie huilse hotd artlrlts and otatofti and miur win amimg uie artlclis uiki n fmm the an na in acton lut night it was tht band h bingo ni d in split f a w rtuhed nlglu ibout tu hiuidred wtn present in un anna u tarry away the gottds under tin ii and unde r liu n was the nhu all tvtnlng and folk set meet to t njoy nsslstlnt the band u ral mtf itiianns tn uits way on txhalf if lhe acton bjtiid mr w mn tin i xi re ssi d lhaiiks er up support ui iiiulttl son has bet u pit aslntt audli in i i vi ry wtu it with hi uulllum balain ing mini in is ball rained onl t rash at i but no nc injun a handful i f ui sulurday afu mm games nt hedult d i lailliful w i in hano 1 rr thi twi bid park m acton n the juvt nili 1 htre was 0 tally in it aj- u five iiminh ctiliust and the m vents county charged ognlnst one year reeve mccutcheon w u rrquesled u arrultge un interv lew w 1th un mlulster of highwa- uinuigh uie llalum mem ber mr t a blakelork when the ooumtl would endt uvur u secun usncni for completion of the three buttles an estimate on un munlclpahu s slian o un work was bruu in pansl and would be rcad u thi time the deputation hli ed un r inirtiut nt it huhwu cthiiulllor t luipmati tm uht uj tin main i ot slukui vvlr uii wltl pim and pu jti 1 1 w hi h it uo ttiuie i u woultt in 11 1 grow ui it the strut ttxt ti i eompetltttr jack tu lor fret man wu j n nrm ttllft t4 eighth poultry ernest duvlts pale rm acum ad oeergeuiwn nlnln jlltnly of soorlng a the u mu we extend our congrutulutk n to aci s fuvor woula tnditale the yxtung people on un honor- w rurh tiny wre succewful in bringing back dllilk much ul drw ul muu both communities the second gusnt be tw i e n arton and i preston seuvjr was rained out in uie 1 fifth inning the h e re w u 3 j in lu t of preston acum sc in d in thi first and uilrd innings while itest n put ut ross two uillks lei the- setond und went into the itmd ln tht fourth morrv wulket form r taitlirr for irsuiii wlnt tutw resides in acton w as on uie local line up und dim ryder portsidt r of ac tun did un- pitching jlst floating two cars win badly smashed up ln an ii c idi nt on the non ul hill on monday at nmin no oni wo hurt an ami rlcan cur driven by angm mccuiile y of buffalo was proceeding wit in tht no 7 highway whn it went into a skid and crashed into the rear of an automobile driven by k c lindsay of r r no 1 georhetown the lulndsay cur was turned over etn its aide ln the ct nln of the highway the american car t nded up on uie othtr side of the for high jump kuu the ni wly formed orkanlzition through its first yiant tin late george ilyttds was the first st n lary trtiuturcr lunl to his ability and work tin founding yi art we n also a gn at e rctlt mr i i pi arm wiui e li rle d pnmtlint iu hub anil was followeet 1 h ii 1 hid say in huh w j 1 lliiinpshln in 1uj0 u m mi donald 1021 a b m le nil 11ij- w a 1asbv lll c w mtdhull 11ij4 t il swu khiuni r t9- wm johnstoni 1021 diim un me doiigall 10j7 k j kirr hljfl j ii hmlth 1020 j r kennedy 10jo d i wuldli 1031 c w mi keow n 1 0j2 it j itmnsliaw 10 j j 1 rolmrtmtn hij4 v li rum- ly ll g w murray ifljti g a dills lm7 anil j a maim lojfl lull wtathir ha usually be i li irianutt 1 acton hilr iuui now thai st i mn un nfy thlim necessary to sun us of the 1 jtl i ve nt the earuv have it ih1s week a ilirvt at 1j art mccoll is canada i stronrcsl mun ui compttlllon there s quite u story about art mccoll cunadas atrongtst man in competition he s just a llttlt mun and ut uie age of uncle- well tommv i hear you ut leumlng to sw tm tommy ew so are you aln t you uncle unclf no m btty wliv usk tommy oh i heard futher su tin ouier day that you had a hard job ti keep your head above watr roud a small baby said to be to uie 13 he just w lghrd 100 pounds and wa georgetown car was unhurt owner of buch tt kld that he was just easy tht cur is hugh lindsay of georgetown miv rs i aixl i v i mt atl it t li i rk wu in nmtit i 1 i hi ul in lie hi in i a t it k l- luriu i nt 1 iiuuu ttn mull i l i l line ums1 in ju itvtlr inn i ed t lhe t nun ll it w i dc uted re uuil tt the lijiiul bltuo jn uhl lm chargid tor the town hu li i mi i function tin matler of tax orrrnp was brieflv dealt will bv the couin 1 but cumplt dtsponal iu left until uie in xt mev sund ue xt ut 30 p m fauuidard lime un uilinstlng eenmonv will be pt rtornifd at crew son corners when the ctuls w uuube rt memorial chape 1 will be oixned tins old i hurth building lias a ion and t rv wortliy history tin striutun is over 1 00 vturs old with tin extetttlou ol uu wings im h wire uddctl sonn ho ius ati it trved tin com niuuitv t it lli tn utt r purt f it um i a li th kiist t h nt li at lhe tuin t i uioii m rv ui s vi n dionuiuied i un buildiiu ti mo loi sub it wuo u lhs uiui lhut tiu luu chu uuium m i tj nitti m prop rtv whn li lu k l i iu i inn uiia met tin t nii r uuu v viivts 1 uimlm rt unietl i n nduv i h uu p n kui i i i p r i illtn i h d i pt uki i makc r land sjmmd rrrord i uu aim t siiii lhj tin impiot c sri i 1 litl u muiul i lun acton troop has another king scout ait i rn dmrn hi mul luid mhi eien iiutuiuv tjii tin d iu i mr luuiibt rt eurlnr hi vta t n proie rtv wu lutue n over b mr hv wuiubrvtiush of 1 m nt mr v an bitu declded l do t le 1w ve n win und n novation suid tirn dedvalc he rhath to the mem r tf mr uimbe rt the number of tin small communlt at crewsons ooniera feel sure many erst while worshippers at this old chuth will be anxious to join with them in making first acton troop has another king this special gathering m rruman acout bev arnold sucmsfully passed fellowmhlp and at the same time honor all the teat required for this cwrttcd the memory of mr chas w ljunbert badve and at a recent scout meeting was and the magnanimous spirit of mr roy presented with tbr award this now bum five memberm of acton troop who nv won th lttor scout bdr wanabrouth tn provldtnc this tnemortal as a community church far the people of ckrwaofu coroexi and vkrlnlty 1 i lalton rural mail larrirrs mrt in jrrorrtnn itii monthly met ling of the hallon ilnuuh f uu rural mull cturltrs a i all ut was held ui otetrgelown on uu 1 th mt to hear u n port f the gin v n ion nxieiitlv held nt wliltby t npttlil lute nt t thr assoelatun t tin suptxtrt kivmi b lurite rtunlia i- u r r w f lahiiby in hls ul i w it ti k ivi lie lit 1 gut s un it ui ui isit i i se h t l and ins i i n und ib mir uimd tin tn ul a 1 il i tarty i t d 1iu s were t it s a f th tilubt ii i m it at i biuiqu ut d the n f trmeel i i ul ude li tinit u s tht even x tl m i i thr gl tb u 1 mall ytll ud und sui trd n us wii i thr t ty hum a tr ip f v iluuole pr r d nu rd v hit littler hjiipm ii o t luiu i o ui lop tire ct kutto 1 pickings for uit town bully while he hadn t uie physlqut he had the spirit und he went in for physical training in u home made gymnuslum that wus back tn 11 3 aid ucrumpunytng thlr article we reproduce his pi turt ul that time next tueaday night yob ii see this wraklftig of twrlve yars ago bend iron bars inn curlltuftt with his teeth and arms hi drives u inch spikes inut i wood grips uu heud of the nplkt wiui hi ut th and atiakew it forward and buckwarel until the j4kts snaps uft und lhe nitlai is h t he bend plkes willi ills but hand u tl yoivr ol uuy purtii ulur twlstj4 you wunl tluiu thtier havt htm d it a hilt in a ut h run pint 4 i u ir n k li r bin at r if lu mi il i i l u i ni ii i i n iu h ld i d h um t il ninv it nly a mill nlenii 1ul uu w linn i i list wiik usu ie ill li btrl masai s a um and tin miswi r to un ne til wu hjirl vlnte ut whet ln the fiuitniui ut im piier ihish oirne an hwirn w n iiulte punllfiil ninth more so linn tin will tiki ly im ui liu conundrum i ftiuntl in rhytiu u pagi klvt this wti k wi unnk mr ooli will havt you true sslntt but that won t solve uio ii just gi l down and figure it out two word all in uu one poem a set uj spe uk nil tliiublt dtxke pltt an tin r tunl 1 t n d iii m nu n ui i mile trj u mil hliii tpul v ti x tht r h 1 t if mr t h n i 1 luiel bi klvr 1 111 u g hit ust tu x ruiftdav x il it d1 t llf ls i 11 r btt t tl tm j11 tnd wu i tug feutl irr hi vrir t i u t t x ut h itui alt w 1 ml a 1 l ill ire f in fei 0 il w 1 n 1 wuli trll un m ti f khkaunt institute akkantks for exhibit at acton fair a very pltasanl afternoon was spent ut uie home of mrs h maude at the britmter nice ting of the rockojong in fill lute about twenty members were prem nt ttie roll call wan answered by namuig an emergency and lolling how to mee t it mrs c harris mrs d monabb and miss h bayne were appointed to arrange the institute exhibit at the acton pair mrs a mckabb mrs d mcnabb mrs dennis mrs shultls and mrs tone were usked u make all necessary arrangements for thr serving of hot dinners at the cin and erarrumia plowtog match which u being luld at tlie farm of my a shultls ii october 8ul mrs b n nelson uocupled the cholr for the program mrs w posmore gwvr current evcjits mrs w mcnabb a talk on un mettlo ufe s ilest tilings take i tun a duett b mrs h wardlaw mitl mis m maude ucoe mpuuicd by mlm wutsnii wtui mueh enjttyed mrs t i u thr ititrkluitd un guevii x u r ml h lltnntl luer nf htrgrttwn w t i i m si uit tmiitinif uud priu ttr i tilk t hrttbli iw ui it in utltis to w nun at rtj t i uui bl l lni i arm rk an cln wi 1 v oj o diaii o im o un 1 ji hn o bb british sportsman and hls perd m isttr wrni today est ltdnsd a iuw land speed recod of 30 2 mile j er hour on the sal beds of bonneville utah the driver sets m the toiy enclosed runout ahead of thr front wheels in the streamlinesl alum inum body there is no radiator the two 2 700h p motonf being cooled with ice water cobb ecord betters cspt jeyston recent speed mark by flvr miles num a ru oth rs arming the sprajcrrs were b j farrell fr m the department at ottawa col drrw eif ouelph mr oordttr graydon tommy mec it wu m n 1 intrres td when ht vlltrd atum ui txxilt uustx f i atu r unit he ugnrd to be personally prernt und wl w master of eremonlcs and some i f y ni f ilk who ure radio fans kjkiw h quail ira at keeping uie show f tliiink u miss tlw he tts he iinvtiirr nnmluee um lure t lug us i i win tlir nat tiu i anthem launch wu rwd tiul u moeiiil i lidt ejeitl til net iht august rtust ung u picnic was i t id ut um- local neluail grounds at which tin rimltw 11 juid rivrrsidr brsnchrs mt r guests if uie itthkalotig branch atx ut eikhty were present tin guestd pr ided u very tintertsinlng and varied program after which uie hostess served lunch mp mr kimbrr and mr mark of uie going pbssibly brtier than we do globe and mall posunosur wht geld of acton citizens band w ji be a featurr whltbj rev father oblen uie war- t both the evening show and on the den of ontario county and others second day of course hall exhibits will the chamber of commerce of oahsw be open and judged and historical sec- extended an inrltadon to mret them for uons and other feature promise to be their 183 convention but because of eii filled with tnteresunc atlcles iu nearness to whitby the invitation actan fair is indeed to te honored from ouelph was accepted the next i meeting of the local group will be in the southern end of the county with ifr bridle of freeman on october 17th with the repreacnraute of agricultural affairs in the province who are to be pr is on wednesday afternoon hon p u dewan ontario mtnsuar of atti- coirii ng events a it r rismii e utif cam riria r other ecii us ikw hsdis rr rhsrcetl m csis pm luit ih a nwuriia chsrg tor spy mii cat ol mc presbyterian october 1 7th fowl aupptr uondor

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