Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1938, p. 3

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toftfglft- itauiaiiwi riimwt t utitmtsmmitmiren htomolmr mfxhm uoi 1011 the acton frbk press piaa uummmmumhuiuiiiwuuhw elfp jirrr jjrrhh fctyort torg the case of jerry tompkins by sbiotbbt u tbuiuston o o you plead guilty or not gullfy to t3ut chartfe mpdnst your asked young judtre wllkliu jerry tvimpttni at th bwr ralsm wi heavy black eyebrow whimsically and annuoed hi shoulders the comers or hli mouth quirked oddly florry to dta- ppolnt vour honor he spoke with chuckle in hi voloe i plood not guilty too bod my canaolonee wont permit me to save the county the expense of mj trial in owe hard times juttffo wllklns flushed at tlie slightly insolont tnne as well on ui the words he wok n vnry new judge und the dlffntty of his uftire rested strcnitfly upon him hib gray ym hardiuud and chilled yit as word of rebuke nutf impulsively to his lips he chocked uuim niough young in yean jerry was on old oflnnder who usually plunded ffullly and took uu that was coming to him hiu judge won wondering a little lit thin change of atti tude remember where you are he remind ed the prlaoner curtly vour plea 1 take it is not guilty have yon coun sel am jerry taxed up at the bunch his witt dark eyes lit with an imp or muohlof but hla up did not smile und his facial muaolea did not alter slowly he shoved his hand into liln pocket presently the hands reappeared drawing the unliios inside out the pocket wore empty no your honor he sold renpctrully enough yet ulth thai ixprtnlvc hhrug of hts shoulders ttioy liuvun t raided my salury recently p a utter rim uniund the rourlrikim at any unit tuid ui an iiliuv j rry wiui likely to luniuh untertaliinuut don t mulct mr commit you for con tempt of cnurl snapped judgi wllkliu his mitli lira cxhiiusud h glanced urouud tin nmim his giuu coming tt nt at luigth on iwti or tlirw lawyt rn mutod ut u uibli tuid rvldtinu uniting fir pleading to be ovt r mr litlirop lie auld tlio prlsoiur 1 wlllinui counsel i will assign you to defend him howard uithrop was u tail nllm self possessed ytning niuii but ut uiln usn lgn niont ills jau drtpmht it ml hi guid uit u fish out of wuur jibut j judtfi y ynur honor i i judge wilkin ju rlummtd like u steel trup this wholi farce liad gone long enough his voice held an edge surilj mr uvthrgp you an not burdt nd with too tnun active rants lie auiuki ruthcr as a fact than as a quesuon a noticeable ripple of uiughtt r follow ed uils remark howard wun u vfr iu w lawyer and as everyone knrv no dt op path luul yet been worn u hts newly furnished office howard himself while flushing houj grliuird in appreciation of the remark ttmt might bo one reason he conceded ulth a smile for not eutrusung me wlui tills assignment but sir if i might speak to your honor i a cluuire to gain experienrt smiled tlit j an will iu to rander service the assignment standn- if judge wll kins- hesitated and hts brow wrinkled he turtifd bark to the prisoner if tin assignment bt lutlsfut ton u ytm jrr tompkins started ulmost nn aharpli tu howard iiuirop hud done tlio judge thought hr caught a hot bit ter ixprosni in th tcn nd around tlw rormrtt of uir numui but it un fui qitlikh lu uim not nn it m nil uit namr u nu nur honor lruhnrr rtimuulixl fnr trlnl aimpixxl tlm jlldgt nt t t4l1t as jim tunitxl from tlu uir in uu cuuki of u court ofltrtt miuurd movcil rihnuuub tt tnuritpt htm h trtrd u slktik courtroush but hls voice un dr tuid ltfclci 111 tr u ml in und vou i nior nm jerry taml put vutihu nt houiird dear reaikutded jerrv nux kingly call at iv time thnt tutu vour convi tilt im oull uiwjojh ruul uu in howard lnuirup luul to reniulii or an lnunedlutel folkmuig case but lit did hlnimlf little vredlt in hundllin tt hl nund appiured nille nwu ior hum once he had u be priuuptetl t a con aldemte iouri whtn final tlu liuvi niu ii hovvtwd pulled free tr tin di lainln hands igiuir ed grettlhb and dt pirutl hurrltdlv leaving a lruil r surprised pvoit teh nd him lliwmm v4 nuturulh r undlv and octal oucr in lilk 01 e ifttit tu ilunuiud the drtor aiwl uk kel u i rjuiifc hinmt u lntcynia comfn liolc dejk hair t ltm it jar buck aiul larei ul u pitturt of blaokmone on the ipjuilu- vu i a if hr were holding that inyiui man permall to biiune for this unexpected trvuble jern ttunpklns of all peoplt ui i le world hr gn led i thr two had known each other rrom rl3 uv hood but the had never i aimd jerry had been muih f a tease and a little or a bully in his early days howard quiet und retiring had been natural target for him later jerry had sparkled bamantly in athletics winning places on teams that howard had longed for howard had gone to college and uicn to la school and hart shone brilliantly jerry had enuirod on engineering ichool and had made a wonderful record in the machine shops but had cnuihed heavily in his classen and finally had loft in disgrace ijiter hi had entered uio harrison aulo- truck company working on special muchlnu appliances he had made good for a time in hut he was lu high favor at thi time howard luul come from uiu school and hud applied u mr harri son tor a ponltlon a law man of the firm to handle tlu many slmplt oojitructs jerry hud betn in the office the day howard had dbtcussed the matter with mr harrison and hi had uyed uic other young man oddly an lit left the next day howards applk uttnn had been turn ed down tco doubt uixhii li jerry had mil somt spoke hi uiat wheel and howard liud ni ver forgiven it ha dim rem es in character wi ro obvious the day jerry was old enough ui securu a di ivor t llceiut lie hud ub tallied it tliereafter he had brofcon truffle regiriatloiis with abandon in nu h case lie hud merrily acknowledged guilt and uucnn his penalties paying flues if he had the money und going to jull for a ttw days if funds wcrt lucking llmuully some friend hud stuirtlj bulled him out ji rr lucking homt influeii t luul tukt n up wtui u nitht r viuj ml iliutlly moncj had dumpjximl from thi huntsoii oirtu young jot will gx u ft llow wirrki r w th whom ji rry ww not tin gimkl uirms hud lununl ut hl hiilll nn luid inn hed itlivnli till and lot had tomi tut or tlm nfluli wiimwhnl in uti n up although h rry hud mwi i ltcn couiitul of thi ll ft hi hud lot hbt mis1l1ou tuid lu hud ubut mui u aliorl u rm for luuuiuit monllut or drifting luul follow d until fuuvlli ht luul workid with a m v lotuu utropluu conijuuiy im u muhunlcul t x pt rt nitvv hi wim undi r urnsl for die thi ft of vuluuhle pluiui iuki dniwliira tli s all liud muttered howurd a lui hiinunikt up this unpleasant n ord and hert i vi got to defend him why tuiyont can uind up for him i don l net thai ttua uit hlraiiue thllui about jt rry he neumed to luive uiu kptxted frit ndn who n talnrd fultli in him jo k mouter fur t xumplt ajvui sixike w 11 of hlni uiiiugh she feared another lush beturin him and jot ftutrt lu r son wun now nlihi in tht aoroiiuuie oomjiuny ai- though in uiutuier depurtment billy decker a young ftllow who hud gotten in with jt rry a gumbllng set and then had gotten out of it wus another frlmid he ulwayn bkk1 up for jerry even mr harrison did not nrvm rtully himtlu pvir htmrh howurd uiruslied uie cont- tivir in hu mind wltli t ver mcreutvlnii blttertittia he wus feeling lut better ibout it when lie culled oil nornui wh hums tluit night mt and norma wrrt tlnnt frit ndn and lu often uvlked out problem w ith hi r for a tuiit this tviultig however no tklni usiloii wiu started howard did all uu talking he railed at the jud lor ultliu uu ciuh in his tuuicbi th flayed it rr unnu rcltuil und hu piti d tum- u for having ut deft nd a man in whom hi luid im tiuui nhautocvtr norma iwtt nitl u hbt ruvlim with a hurt pusaled i prt vlon ui tier t t ihl w nut al ill tlu iluurd u whim hi had bet mm iut unt lined aful u hum iu lu uliuued alx ktw rtths and tn wd a unit uu room sudden klu till tin untpeud stu puled up a small mirror und ht id it befon turn iu ff t 1ij cxi naslon could i hangi tt ohow uu mirpilm lit luliil iwaii jiuht u twnblhtamll almost on th vw of testa and one thing mora nave you arranged for ball for jerry until the ease comas up who would go on his bond x- clalnrved howard i will lauhad norma id like to see this case carried out right howard for your sake s well as hu ive a utue legacy put away i can arrange the nunoy for a cash ball will you see to if howard started to burst forth again in protest but thought better ot it he forced a amlle a rather wry one it la true oh all right he agreed gelung to his feet 111 arrange for it somehow i guess i can fix it without taking your money and young lady im going now before you get me in deeper yet he held out his hand and ho flushed again at the warm grasp lie received in return having executed a uirnabout howard niwd buck down town in a confused and nuirt tir less unhappy frame of mind a promise was u promise especially ui norma he could not disappoint her but the tint loomed large still it had to be done leln see hbt first grudge ugalimt jerry was wholly pt ntona that iuu ill the wtltlon hi hud- sought undrr mr harrison ht would go and sec uiu i gi ntlitmiui mr hurrlson he said ton minutes luur do you rtcull my upph ing ui you for tht xmluun tit law t it rk in your llim i luivt a very sierlul reuson for asking just why you tit mod me down mr harrison htnltuted will you an hunt me that my it 11 ing will not be allow ed u uflect unyorit ms udvcnwly he asked at lout i promise wt 11 mr hunbum nmuod it may mirprlsc you i wus rt ady to t ugugr you bill jerry rnmnklns who uu in the i rfloo argued me out of ii howard stiffened why ht asktd jorry said went on mr harrbiod tluit he thtiught jou luul uie thurough iiuth und st use or tnlr play and justlct ui niukt u tine luwyer bi gmu rul practlct ir i mihuged you hi lit id oud im burird a i ki ft it it trucked jwltir lu tliotiubt u li t you iri t out und ntrugttle and kruduully built up lit touvhurd mi und i tmnei vou tlnwn afur all ijilhruf lu v a iluht wusn t he llowaid kt pt hlli nl for a lnw m ut ut i hi ii n tdixl lit dlj uimii 1 1 u hid lit vci 1 tvi thmuhl i i u h lak uik uial ututiidt siliu tllu ui1iih uli ut it i nild mr haiili n ihiiiinl ht kii p uu in 1 iddm i in vt i it ill it lit vnd in hi i that nuhii y ihtward ili mini in sttnuuhut of it tumult look his ituvt aiul wt ut on i ru un h toi hilly i rkt r ht hnallv liaiiul itkir and uguln put lit qui fat i ntpiun 1 u uir jkiuil itlllv he suld i luivr u tli h nd jnrr ltuukliih lu uir cum now ivgaliu1 him i know you wt rt ui wlui hlni aiul hl frit ndn for u time und uicn y hi ptilltd i ul3 vi l you hljujidltve in jmy it might lielp nn ui know just why hilly decker umk two in- uirei minuit s u uiuit thi n ht grinned ruuier shame fuwdlj ii ll won t get luiy furtlit r 1 11 uli yim jtrr found out i wus lotting uuuty uuit wow netded ut home mouit r had bcen kind u hun after hbt tw u mouicr died he tried to persuudc me und reumm me inui gt tttng out when i ntlll sort or hung fire he uireutened ui lick me tvery ume i iuiyod with uial ruig i wus afraid he would i rtuipped and and afterwards i wus glad he did threuun i stayed out scon two suld howard u hlnuu 11 iu he went down the street and both ugulnitl me itfl lry joe jtk wlloox wur not hard ui find but or wus txteediiifcli liurd ui pin cunvn hla pule blur it- would ml nutt howards fraijkl he sldtatupped uhtu xeowam began to question cloaaly oon- eemlrig the episode involving the loss of money a to the mora recent charge concerning uie drawings thay liad proof tliat jerry had been alone one evening where tlie drawings were kept he said just a little too much howard had a hunch lie played it joe he said wouldnt it be better for all concerned it you went to mr harrison and arranged to return tlie money and then saw to it that uie drawings went back to the aeroplane company if you haven t already disposed of uirnn i i haven t gasped joe taken by surprise he spoke before he thought hank terror spread over his fate he gasped and collapsed i i don t want mother to suff t r he cried jerry guessed about uie mom y and trhd to make me return it 11 bluffed and fought him he lies held it over me trjlng u make me go slrutghl 1 t was just trying to gt l ivm with him by trying ui throw suspicion on him i i dldn t intend to sell the drawing t and he kept quiet under the mom y i churkt to save jour mothers fttlliigit di tuundrd howurd jot nodded unable to sptmk i lliiuk suld howard ui it you and i miuit vbilt two in- thine imiiiiii and ftllitmhld wmie uiliifja oul yta vou uiu i tin i wt ii nee if you tan kei p lilians jtiulkhl fot th it nm in i n si l if nut yitur own oonu on bis go i mu i hat ev i nt uti ho ward set tired limn n leue jt rry came to uio tifflci with that mock li in grin and the imp of biiirnvpit in his iym well he drmunded has our rtnlng nuiik latt yt r dec idtvl it will lie iiiikwi hlltli u gi l nte out of my lust crnpw i ve ittn n looking into yuur past rcitird jtiry said howard and found im hoieleas of course i napped jerry i ftnuid i d hei n more or less or un idiot jt rry mild howard reallv unked jorry lrrltultngly howurd looked up meeting uie ouwit i t yea fnuikly hla nwn were worm nnd fi it ndly jerry i vc gone back over ur n curtt iui i wild 1 know why yi u blitefctxl niv ptuiltloi with mr uarrlnon i know b w yim vr tried ui save jot and in h moth i i kn w utmiut hilly derki r 1 know nllii r uuiiki i u ii be clt ar of ihuruih ut morrow it rr hut riuhi i i rt and now i dun vm ut l miii iiiiik i tlart i u tiiitu i low ii l rli w ik uu in hi thai a it u ii iu ulioiil ii jill i m aikltlit u fl li ml ji rrj hlantl imik ul itlm s v 1 hit i in ihisi u f dt l and rtointthliitf in w ntu wetl tli p in tht dark iyt i inlaid kim ii u li lit mtiu und kuld himunls ikiikt r- li a rrup thut mad i liu uil it i w inn wt 11lil uliikwtll nn in tht niiiru lug it nv ilil m nd wild lit am n a h a mlniiufi lalt r i luive a cull 1 mill niukt in nihhi ht hurrltd imt and 1reru nuy lib ir wan tolling hwuuy up tlu hint u n in ikiiiu nol 1 ikfjl1 o iki mnriiliik wlllli uld uu ni igh imr u uu mliall itttv swtt pliir ip uit iit ad hjlvt ih tuir mother lu i well 1 wouldn t be doing uila tm a kuturduy rooming if slie warni t lkam sionko i u fitrr wt close uu contract do you puiy i lie pluno the landlord unked uie pronjx ctlvi u uutit i no i do tiu pla uu vltilui or any other instrumt nt nn i t ou have uny atngmg inuwiia no and when 1 gargle i get into a i ujibourd and shut uie dtkir bt lund me absval poutfit rumvkvh canada has taken a long step forward in the uuumtlon of air photographs for the future development or uie dominions natural resources as a result ot methods marked out by uie dominion forest fler- loe of uie department of mine and resources not only estimates of forestlnd sreas but votumes of merchantable um- ter in the forests can now be- arrived at toy a study of air photograplui tills new technique has been carefully tested and now makes possible the mapping and tatlmauns of extensive forests ul remote regions wlui a degree or ease arm accur acy not dreamed of twenty years ago during the oreat war aerial photo graphy was developed to a comparauvely high degree for purimaea of military nj- ormnaunance after uie war uie new lechiitque was adapud un civil needs and uas found to provide a rapid accurate und relatively inexpenslio method for the prep rut inn of inapt hurvty orgau- izaunus of uir itiiartment of mines and iteauurces wtrre among the flrsl u realise i ho immt use kwlhllll1em of niiimiluff frn air photographs roni uu orlklnul iim of plcturen fr un making of uiptikraphlr nmpn 1l wan 1ml a m p to thr pn panitltm of forest tvw mut from uu sunie prints up ui tlie prtttil forest map nivtiltiii hun dreds of uuiusunds of square miles of tlie limhtred areas nf otnoda have liet n uiuritl tiy uils nu aim hnnr idea of the vuliit of thli new nu thud run is uulued b colimfteratlon of the fnct tlint a field mint y party run ovt r 1 inertly more uiun two or thrti hundred sqlture mllen in a field fteumui whepeaa uie name art a iui tie phouigraphed from an sem plane in oiw or two days llellevtlik uiat it wait mtftsmie ui tuull more tnfoi iiuttlini frtiin aerial phtiui- miptui ihiui u nw re map j fortytt typt taiundui it s tlu ihiniliibiii kurnnt mervlct tugun i pntprum of rt lean h mu tided ui lead ui uie hull furthi i u of uie delalbi sjiown ui tlu phouigrnptui home what flmihtr wtirk wu luitlt riajtt n by cnruun provlni lal kvt t nmt nti and try cnmmrr clal tirtranliiioiut as a nmilt methods huvt im u divided fr acurnttl nun surltig tu belli of trrn t luirr fruiii thr hiudowri vlhu in the p u u ttrruphn or hi din l hu iiaiiii ipeitl f lmi plclurts of uu ikc i ilitiroirlui wilhln the last tan viitir uu i vim in u u itrent htlmn ban l l pill a tut llujtl ir dlrttt n liuiillhh i ol nlv i rtd aitu- and ttlhld- i ni- but tk thi ilunufi r nu rt haiiuiliu tlndwn uludi uu f ical- out in ll- aur iw t urn l kiiiwkile tit tstr i it t rimurin lt i v ilual ui uu aouiltl t v ill pint ni f uu wimmi thllui indus iiiiti lhb minpii ami juu method of liiakltai inrisl limtihirui la u definite illllbliui lo uie rulun eouiiutnir di vi itipnii ot in canada uctort in kinn a man from california was visiting an old friend living in florida in ute garden stood a young orange tree said thp california man now out in my btaus we grow a tree uiat tlan in about a year hold urn morula man well i cant say ror sure but i don t uilnk uiat uit tree was her yesterday or war itt a man had a slight dtfferanca of ojil n ion with hli wife hut lie aoknow- led nod his error genermisly by aaylnfi you are right and i am wrong as you generally sre ooodlrye dear and h hurried off to aatolv httf irrnln tio nice of him to put tt ilka uuu his wife ssid to herself and uimi h ltaan to think about it cnnkorn promoter arrives on honeymoon luti nilv wdl ul uie jlriush onuviilati in iarui llrlgadlt r lenerul airred jrluliley a form r native of calgary alia and his bruit uia firnitr llnn oluuu hlahwuk nn nbown iu tiny urrlvttl in nt w york for u luuu iiumiii in uit united t iietv ilu biitral fontimvit urlush nporu proirioti r und hui brldt havi im i n u lf mrtnt m f i nuuiy yeurs having w i ninny amauui hihm11li iu mm oluhlty nut la ui uu wmiiltis haiupujilhhlp uf on at hrluiln rum chocolate purr biscuits 2 pound 27 ilver itar paitrv flour 24lb bag 45 otrtttl amhld osssi sandwich biscuits 19e corn syrup 37e ckeics aytt tomatoes n t ii 7c ayuitcouin funteat corn 3 i7 n 25c peas 3 it t 25 aylam to o vegetable soup o x 7 tmnl ssortanug of domestic 2 inri1 25e onlli baking powder 17e plltod sair dates 2 p 19c pears 2 u i t- t9c singapore slkad pineapple n i ti 9c canpll t peanut butter 2 p 25c new clovcm honey 4lb tin 45 lht nil tloti i uu alrt udv qood shoes wfm vocno and old r n rachun aeton jirm i ulhurttl tlu ix lit kuu hbt tvttt hot aiul aiur tlu blut k hi ow i on hls hu e th lutlv upa uit bill rnua 1a hts tht man who is giuun u di it nd uiu uu r man u tfnuvil mitviiblr m jiuuti aked uu girl guh u lltwuiti dropped uiu a t luur colot flilthed hli fiw unn dnilnml awav kuvlng u hiu and utrauied iu lmd down ashamed it minimi not in he txmcedrtt fliialh hul what would vou th oh 1 iup ii luivi u uti ju judge uiat i un t bitlet ugulnst jt r v uiat i am n t fit u act i u htm 1 vv uin i dt thttu luward aald noma kiniv r vou kiiw howard tlw wmt imi im u f mid youre reau ao unxt us ui ee the r 1 in jerry uiat mu re utier v blind to uit good wlait jpxki u tiiere he urow led tlieres almtvtt alwuvs some good if we search for it said norma ptar ont thing ho ard i bt ue r jerry has a verv big honest streak he haa not trlt d ui cover up his mlatakea hi takes pride in his wtorntdotn lntlrupted howard i wondrr howard before yi have you txinferrncr with hun g to the root of mine of these thins vou hold against him and see whst xhi can lnd oadns into hrr fine ryws hrmard jickled all right he growled almost roughly you win 111 st what i can do thanks howard fine smiled at him onions 10 h 15c banana s ciomcn ciiow nice but per dozen 23c sweet potatoes 4th dtucious flaor iwe itzc jlvc celery hearts extra large and 1 1 white for 1vc oranges crl and juk 1 orf nin size ptr doztn i7- tk o- d oalv hp sauce 9c 27c sardines 2 i 29c cmhi cmiiw jpaghetti tu i clow ll fatmr plak salmon fc t iu coffee i 21c iclm sugar 7c waottaffr strawberry r raipbcrrv jam z 32oz ter 25 j 89c u03 fruit jars do- it ci nj jar rubbers 3 14c wvi mi4 pickling spice f- 15c k ef i mustard tu 23c fa fukln wtom salt 9c o xxx vinegar cuiu 35c tok1 grapes 2tbs lurgt sweet berries quick quaker oats l pks 20 19c gilletts flaked lye tir hi cant tea hfc nt 31c 36c onio 25c ns 3its sihcr skin 1 7 extra special i i c bitter first gnulr ftwh made cmmm- is deuciois carrchis cocoa lh 25c beans 4 p 11c mm cm starch pf 9c ml mtod whip 32c brooms ud wak c o duln oxydol t 9e 21c fuu fw wax t- 49c 29c c- 7e 3 12c soap sts- lfan soap iimitid limited n street stobb cxosed wednesday aftbbnoonb free delivery phonb 158

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